Autumn 2nd Half Term
Curriculum Overview for Foundation Stage/Ducklings Topics: People Who Help Us, Space and Celebrations Communication & Language
Physical Development Moving and Handling
Listening to a range of stories Talking about our news from Being able to respond to stories and non-fiction texts about home they have read or heard, able to people who help us, space and Listening to their predict outcomes, retell or recall Christmas. friends during role play main events and answer Listening to visitors and talking and conversations questions about people who help them Understanding how and why Using new vocabulary about our questions about people who help topics them, special celebrations Following simple instructions and around the classroom
Talking to our friends and also listening to what they have to say too and letting friends make decisions too Turn taking and playing games together fairly Recognising how to solve problems with a friend
Working towards achieving credits on our Carleton Code passports for examples of positive behaviour Understanding how important it is to make the right choices with our behaviour
Enjoying reading books of different types, for e.g. stories about space and non-fiction book about people who help us Using the vocabulary from familiar stories to help retell them Beginning to read words and simple sentences during phonics activities and in their reading books To begin to recognise some tricky words by sight – I, no, go , to, into and the To use their knowledge of sounds to ‘sound out’ and read words.
Template created by Michael Tidd 2013
Trying to complete challenges
around the classroom Trying out new places to learn and being able to have the confidence to ‘have a go.’
Literacy/Writing Writing our own names Mark making with lots of different materials Writing letter and sounds that we have been learning, using cursive formation Writing through role play – in the police station, space station Writing simple labels and captions - lists of what a fireman might need, asking an alien visitor a question To begin to use recognisable letters to communicate their writing
Developing our throwing, catching and kicking skills Holding our pencils correctly Forming recognisable letters and numbers Holding and using scissors correctly
Understanding the World The World
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Physical Development Health & Self care
Understanding the World People & Communities
Exploring the changes to the seasons and the Exploring celebrations such as Diwali, Bonfire world around them night, Remembrance Day and Christmas, who celebrates them and why. Exploring properties of some materials, for e.g magnetic materials, fabric that is best seen at To describe how their families celebrate special night occasions and recognising that not all families are the same Finding out what animals do at this time of year and what changes are happening to the plants in Technology the garden To choose how and when to use technology
Expressive Arts and Design Exploring using media and materials Using different materials/media to make
Changing actions and sound effects to songs
Learning the songs for our Christmas Play and accompanying with instruments
Counting forwards and backwards from 0-20 and recognising the numerals Estimating then counting groups of objects Using language such as more and fewer to compare groups of objects and numbers Putting numbers in order Finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number
such as the iPads or a digital camera Completing simple programmes
Expressive Arts and Design Being Imaginative
firework pictures, rockets and Christmas decorations
Trying new and different foods Taking our coats on and off, getting dressed and undressed for PE Putting our wellies and puddle suits on Using different tools safely
Role playing in the baby clinic, doctors surgery, fire or police station Singing, dancing and moving to new songs that they are learning Using the small world scenes to tell stories about emergency workers, bonfire night or the Christmas story
Mathematics/Shape,Space & Measures
To identify the names and some of the properties of common 2D and 3D shapes Using 2D and 3D shapes to build and make pictures and patterns with To describe the position of shapes in a model or picture Talking about time each day – day of week, month, season, time of day
Template created by Michael Tidd 2013