applied science Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
How do you collect & analyse scientific data? How are scientific ideas tested? How do we make decisions about scientific issues – e.g. stem cell research? How do scientific ideas change over time?
Is Applied Science for you? You have achieved a combination of C and D grades at GCSE level. You have a keen interest in science. You are interested in developing the skills and learning the background knowledge useful for employment in a science based industry. You want to study a practical course which focuses upon coursework and examinations.
You are well organised and able to keep up to date with coursework demands.
What will I learn? Practical Scientific Project
Principles of Science You will be able to use and apply fundamental core concepts in science to different industries. From looking at how cell structure and function relates to the health industry to how knowledge of atomic structure is vital to manufacturing and environmental sciences. This unit is assessed through examination and is designed to prepare you for any future in a science related industry.
Chemistry and Our Earth You will learn the basics of Chemistry - developing skills needed in the science industry. You will look at chemical classification and the safe use of chemicals within a work setting. You will also investigate how chemical reactions have shaped the Earth since its origin and the effect chemical reactions and natural factors have on the Earth today.
Biology and Our Environment You will learn how Biology covers areas of the natural world in which millions of living organisms of different shapes, sizes and functions exist. You will look at organisms including plants, animals, bacteria, viruses and fungi. You will examine how humans rely on all forms of living organisms for our existence and investigate the role of DNA and how inheritance is responsible for certain conditions. You have the opportunity to study biological factors that affect human health and how the body systems respond.
Energy and Our Universe You will explore the physical world we live in with emphasis on experimental investigations and computer simulations. You will look at our nearest star, the Sun, and investigate how the Sun supplies us with energy and how this energy is transformed into useful effects. You will also consider the economic and environmental implications of alternative sources of energy for the future
Health Applications of Life Science You will be given the opportunity to develop essential skills for biomedical science. You will consider positive and negative aspects of diet and exercise. You will study the immune system, vaccinations, blood transfusions and stem cell research.
Expect more from your sixth form
You will develop essential skills which you can take with you into the world of work. You will manage a project and through observation, problem solving and resilience you will carry out a research project from start to finish. You will be able to investigate an area that excites and extends your learning. You will become a self-reflecting scientist who is able to work safely on a practical project of your choice. You will have the opportunity to communicate your ideas and your research to other scientists by writing a scientific paper. We have an extensive range of books available in the library which provide as a great source of information for the course. ICT resources are available in all teaching rooms. The course is supported by the Learning Support team and learning mentors and teaching staff operate an ‘open door’ policy.
How will I be assessed? This course is assessed mainly by coursework-based assignments which may include written reports, presentations, posters or case studies based upon real life scenarios. There are also two examinations which contribute towards your achievement for this course.
What activities can I get involved in? There are opportunities for visits to interesting and relevant places and exhibitions which bring classroom learning to life. This has included a trip to the ‘Bodies’ exhibition to learn about the structure and physiology of the human body. The College has lots of exciting enrichment and C.V. building opportunities including the chance to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, learn a new skill, learn a language, join a club, take up or develop a sport or take on a new challenge. See the College Prospectus for further information about what is on offer.
Where does it lead? Many BTEC Level 2 Applied Science students progress onto Level 3 BTEC Applied Science study programmes at the College or other advanced level programmes. If you choose to go on to further study in Science, Applied Science can provide a route into careers in the science industry e.g. as a technician in a laboratory, environmental testing or in the police force. A variety of apprenticeship programmes are also available.
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