Social & Emotional Development: To develop their sense of responsibility and membership of the Early Years school community. Children will learn the names of staff in our building and the main school, like the head, deputy head and assistant head teachers. To understand the importance of healthy food and drink choices, activity and toothbrushing.
Physical Development: To spend time outdoors using the balance bikes and scooters, ball skills and time in our Early Years Garden. PE lessons with WLSP twice a week to help develop gross motor control.
Literacy: To enjoy sharing multiple books daily, focusing on traditional fairy tales such as The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. To develop the children’s phonological awareness, so that they can spot and suggest rhymes, count or clap syllables in words and begin to recognise words with the same initial sound. Children will continue to practise recognising and writing their own names.
Maths: To learn how we can count and represents numbers up to 5 as well as subitising. We will sing simple number songs to practise counting 1-5 both forwards and backwards as well as encourage children to attempt to write the numeral.
the world:
To explore and talk about the different forces they feel and explore winter. Children will learn about their home address and local landmarks in Churchtown.
Nursery Spring 1:
Once upon a time
Communication & Language:
Children to talk with adults and friends, one to one and in small groups and developing a wider range of vocabulary. Encouraging them to listen to longer stories and begin to show an understanding of what has happened and talk about the story.
Expressive Arts: Small world and role play areas are available at all times. Children will have access to a variety of junk and craft resources to create models using their own ideas.
RE: To learn about the festivals of Chinese New Year.