Reception Aut 2 Homework Menu

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Half-Term: Autumn 2

Theme: Me and My World!

In EYFS, we believe that this is the start of our journey, where we build relationships with yourselves as a family. As part of this relationship, we have provided a new ‘menu’ of suggested learning activities for your child to complete with you during this half term. These activities can be brought back into school and shared as part of our ‘show and tell’ sessions, where we encourage children to communicate in front of their peers as part of our drive to improve children’s speaking and listening at an early age. These activities are aimed at supporting your child’s learning and development in school.

In addition to the homework bingo, Children in Reception will also bring a library book each week to share at home with an adult. As you will appreciate, reading is fundamental to a child’s progress in all areas of the curriculum! Therefore, we expect all children to read with an adult a minimum three times per week. Later in the half-term, Reception children will bring a reading book home once they have learnt the first set of sounds. This will be a sound blending book and will match the sounds they have already been taught in school. Children should read this book daily to an adult at home. Once they can read this book confidently, they will move onto the next book. We can’t wait to see your work!

Shape Hunt:

What shapes can you find in and around your house?

Can you find a circle, triangle, square or rectangle? Can you make a picture using these 4 shapes?

Christmas Craft:

As we approach Christmas, can you complete a Christmas craft and bring it in for show and tell!

Answer the Question:

What different ways can you think of to stay safe on Bonfire Night? You could make a poster or record a video to teach other children!

Fabulous Phonics:

We have now learnt most of our Set 1 Phonics Sounds! Use the phonics mat below to practise your sounds. Can you draw a picture to go with some of the sounds?

Can you find objects in your house which have these sounds in them?

Story Sequence:

Read a story with someone who lives in your house. What important things happen in your story? Can you draw 5 pictures to show different things that happen?

Write a List: (and check it twice!)

Write or draw a Christmas List to Father Christmas! Make sure you finish it with your name. You can either bring it into school to show me or post it in a post box –make sure Mums and Dads see them before you post them!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

Make a collection of objects to represent the numbers 1,2,3,4,5. How many different ways can you show each number? What objects could you use?

Shoes & Socks:

Practise taking your socks and shoes on and off. Can you do it on your own?

Away in a Manger:

Retell the Christmas Story! You could draw characters and make them into puppets, use dolls or figures around your house or even use lego people. Can you build a stable for baby Jesus to lie in? What other characters do you need?

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