English: During this half term, we will be reading ‘The Great Explorer’ by Chris Judge. We will be focusing on instructions and letter writing. We will be learning how to use apostrophes, using past tense and continuing to develop our spelling and punctuation skills. We will also be looking at poetry. We will have the opportunity to perform and write our own acrostic poems.

Science: We will be focusing on ‘Living things and their habitats’. We will recap our Year 1 learning of how to classify animals and look at the vocabulary of carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. Through this we will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.

Year 2 Half-term:
Spring 1
Whole class reading: In our reading lessons, we will be continuing to read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. We will be focusing on developing our retrieval and inference skills and building our knowledge of vocabulary. We will also create opportunities for developing skills in our writing.

In Maths this half term, we will looking at money including; identifying coins, making different amounts and giving and receiving amounts in pounds and pence. Following on from this we will be moving on to multiplication and division focussing more on the 2,5 and 10 times tables. We will then be looking at mental and written strategies such as multiplying and dividing with no exchange and with exchange.

PE: The children will participate in OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) with WLSP and ‘Health and Fitness’ with the class teacher. The children will focus around the importance of fitness and what they can do to improve their own.

Music: Round and Round: Our focus element of music is dynamics. Children will continue to listen to music from different traditions, find the pulse and move to the music. They will begin to recognise key musical symbols, learn how to play simple melodic phrases on the glockenspiels and improvise and compose music using them.
PSHE: In PSHE we are focussing on the unit; Being Responsible, covering topics such as practice makes perfect, helping someone in need and stealing.

RE: Learning Questions: Who is Jewish and what do they believe? In RE, we will be learning about Judaism, with a specific focus on and how the Jewish community celebrate Shabbat and Sukkot.

DT: Mechanisms The children will draw accurate diagrams with correct labels, arrows and explanations. They will correctly identify definitions for key terms. They will Identify five appropriate design criteria and create a finished ‘Moving Monster’ that fulfils the design brief.

Year 2 Half-term: Spring 1
Spanish: En la selva / In the jungle:
The children will:
• recognise, recall and remember up to 7 different jungle animals in Spanish.
• recognise, recall and remember a short phrase for each jungle animal in Spanish.
• learn to listen attentively to, understand and participate actively in a Spanish song about animals that may live in the jungle

Computing: Developing an understanding of what algorithms are, how to program them and how they can be developed to be more efficient through a range of unplugged and plugged-in activities.

History: This half term, we will be learning about the life and times of Christopher Columbus. We will be studying the journeys he took and following the routes across the continents and oceans we have learnt about in our Geography lessons.