Y3 Curriculum Overview Spring 1 24/25

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Year 3 Half-term:

English: During this half term we will be using Quentin Blake's 'The Green Ship' as our quality text. The Green Ship is a thematically rich picture book which captures both adult and child perspectives in the same narrative, making it a thought-provoking text to read and revisit with children (and adults) of different ages. We will be writing our own diary entries based on the characters' adventures. Grammar, spelling and punctuation work will also support the children's writing.

Science: Forces and Magnets: This series of lessons focus on giving Y3 children an understanding of forces and magnets, including how and what makes objects move. Children will undertake a range of activities for effective and engaging learning using different materials linked to the character Traction Man.

Spring 1

Whole class reading: In lessons we will read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts linked to geography and science topics. We will continue to develop our retrieval and inference skills as well as building our knowledge of vocabulary. Children will also focus on making accurate predictions.


In Maths this half term, we will be looking at multiplication and division focussing more on the 4 & 8 times table. We will then be looking at mental and written strategies such as multiplying and dividing with no exchange and with exchange, with a focus on remainders.

Following this, we will be focussing on length and perimeter, looking at measuring in m, cm & ml and then using this to compare, add, subtract lengths.

We will be finishing off with looking at measuring and calculating perimeter.

PE: Working each week with WLSP, the children will take part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities on the school field. Teachers will be leading lessons in Health and Fitness.

Music: This half term we will be studying world music. The focus element is dynamics. Children will learn about music from around the world including Indian music and Samba, listening to key pieces from the genre. Children will participate in drum workshops and begin to compose their own music.

Spanish: Los instrumentos musicales

/Musical instruments: Children will:

• Name and recognise up to 10 instruments in Spanish.

• Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct definite article/determiner in Spanish.

• Learn how to say" I play an instrument" in Spanish.

Year 3 Half-term: Spring 1

Geography: Who Lives In Antarctica?

During Geography lessons children will learn about how latitude and longitude link to climate and the physical and human features of polar regions with links to the explorer, Shackleton.

RE: In RE, we will be investigating the key question, How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate key festivals?

Computing: This half term, we are going to be working on our word processing skills.

PSHE: In PSHE we are focussing on the unit 'Being Responsible' looking at the themes: 'Helping someone in need' and 'Stealing'.

DT: The children will draw accurate diagrams with correct labels, arrows and explanations. They will correctly identify definitions for key terms. They will Identify five appropriate design criteria and create a finished pneumatic toy that fulfils the design brief.

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