Trust Strategy and Business Plan

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OurMATvisionforeducationalexcellenceis: CollaborateEmpowerAchieve


ThisBusinessPlansetsouthowweintendtodeliveragainstthefirstyearofthenew three-yearstrategy.


HelenWhite MichelleMurray CollaborateEmpower Achieve Curious Compassionate Connected Enriched Enabled Exceptional Academic Articulate Ambitious



TheEducationLearningTrusthasdevelopedaneight-pointplantodeliverasa‘strong trust’(DFE,2021)overthenexttenyears.

Highqualityeducationalprovisionwhichisthe entitlementofeachlearner.

Highstandardsofacademicachievementand personaldevelopment.

Aninnovativeandprogressivecurriculumwhich providesacross-phaselearningmodel.

Aschoolimprovementmodelwhichisgroundedin researchandunderstoodbyall.

Sustainablefinanceandbusinessstructureswhich supporttheschoolsintheMATanditsfuturegrowth.

Strongcultureofprofessionaldevelopmentand supportforthewellbeingofourworkforce

Stronggovernancewhichprovidesparticipatory contributionatalllevels.

Civicleadershipwithinthelocalcommunityto supportlearnersandtheirfamilies.

Three Year Strategy

In 2022-23 we will launch the new three-year strategy. In developing this new strategy we have undertaken extensive research, which involved examining the context in which we are operating and better understanding the influences on Education Learning Trust. We have looked closely at what is working elsewhere in the sector; received valuable input from a wide variety of people who use our service and invested significant time in talking to staff to understand how they think we can improve and what our priorities should be.

When developing the strategy, we have been conscious that we must strike a balance between being ambitious and being realistic, drawing on strengths and opportunities, but identifying the challenges we face.

In the strategy we have three, new strategic objectives:

Objective 1

Developing a model of learning across all phases through an evidence-based approach which will achieve the highest educational outcomes

Objective 2

Strengthening partnerships to create communities of improvement which extend learning opportunities beyond our organisation

Objective 3

Growing the conditions and central functions to support our organisation to advance education and deliver at scale

For objective 1, the main focus in the first year of this strategy is to complete the work we have already started to improve the quality of teaching, resources, space and capacity to provide seamless transition and continued pace of achievement between our primary schools and secondary schools.

The Business Plan outlines the critical work we will continue on quality improvements in education and to develop staff training, leading to internal accreditation.

For objective 2 in 2022-23, we will begin to look how we can further develop our partnerships to create learning, life and future work opportunities for our learners

In 2022-23, in order to deliver objective 3, we have set out a number of activities to develop our systems and processes in order to create a sustainable and vibrant organisation with high quality resources to support learning

There is much to do to deliver this business plan, but we are confident that with the commitment of our staff, we are well placed to achieve what we have set out.

Part 3: Our Strategy Overview - Key outcome and activities

Objective 1

Developing a model of learning across all phases

Key outcomes

we will have…

High aspirations for all learners and a clear vision for excellent education

All learners achieving their full potential

ELT schools are first choice in their locality and viewed as a natural step for children

Objective 2

Strengthening partnerships

A trust which attracts and develops the best staff

A learning journey for adults and pupils which is underpinned by career and a common approach to labour market information

Objective 3

Growing the conditions and central functions to support our organisation

Financial sustainability to fund future resource needs for MAT and its schools

Assurances to Trust Board on compliance with THB

Risk and performance management embedded across MAT

Resources and People

we will need…

A vision for school improvement that is understood by all

Phase and subject expertise that develops excellent subject pedagogy (2yrs to 16yrs)

Distinctive roles for school improvement defined

Families who are able to make informed decisions regarding curriculum pathways and next steps

Strong partnerships with business/industry/FE/HE

To use system leaders and hubs of expertise to promote knowledge transfer

A Talent Management Strategy providing transparent

Central team roles in place for Finance, HR, IT and Facilities

Support mechanisms to create high performing staff and teams across the MAT

Schools buildings that are high quality, environmentally sustainable and support learning

Objective 1

Developing a model of learning across all phases

Objective 2

Strengthening partnerships

Objective 3

Growing the conditions and central functions to support our organisation opportunities for effective staff to progress

To put in place integrated systems to support our schools

Create sustainable Financial strategy Systems and processes we will need…

The curriculum and assessment Charter agreed across schools outlining a through model for learning Strong systems of behaviour support leading to high engagement

An SSE process that meets the needs of schools at different stages of the improvement journey

Formative and summative assessment aligned to curriculum vision and informs a common picture of progress

A curriculum that links learning to careers

Use of research and reflection to inform evidence-based innovation and continuous improvement

Community voice for learners and adults to inform school improvement

Effective Governance process to support Trust Board and AGBs

HR and Facilities management systems in place

To develop a performance management framework and scorecards for all schools

Process in place to ensure compliance with behavior policies in all schools

Effective Governance process to support TB and AGBs

Due Diligence to evaluate alignment and provide diagnostic analysis of new joiners

Part 4: Strategy to Business Plan

What we need to deliver in 2022-25

The following pages set out the specific activities we need to undertake in 2022-25 in order to achieve the deliverables in the strategy. The activities are grouped against each strategic objective and have a relevant owner.

The focus of the plan is on transformation activity to facilitate the delivery of the strategy.

Objective 1 – Developing a model of learning across all phases

High aspirations for learners and a clear vision for excellent education

All learners achieve their full potential

ELT schools are first choice in their locality and viewed as a natural step for children

A vision for school improvement that is understood by all

 Inspection Data Summary Report analysis across trust

 Introduce and implement scorecards

 Align school priorities to ELT school improvement themes and specific needs of communities

 Review data actuals against targets, variations, trends within and between groups and schools

 Appoint transition lead for KS2-3

 Analyse outcomes from pupil and parent and learner surveys

 Transition Lead to establish partnership working with families and ensure seamless transfer

 Further appoint to School Improvement Team

 Set vision for school improvement with team

 Develop vision into an SI framework

 Source external school improvement partners to implement external audits and add validation framework

Phase and subject expertise that develops excellent subject pedagogy (2yrs to 16yrs)

Distinctive roles for school improvement defined

 Use Talent Management Strategy to identify expertise

 Utilise subject specialists create a MAT curriculum framework (milestone knowledge) and target subject specific links and support

 Appraisal targets aligned to Director of Learning and Innovation objectives

 Outsourcing of expertise/research other MATs to develop roles and modify JDs

Objective 1 – Developing a model of learning across all phases

The curriculum and assessment Charter agreed across schools outlining a through model for learning

Strong systems of behaviour support leading to high engagement

 Capture curriculum vision, mission and principles for the MAT and individual schools

 Evaluate effectiveness of curriculum intent, implementation and impact

 Standardisation of record lessons observations to demonstrate school commitment to the Charter as a SI metric

 Implement and review codified system of SI

 Senior Leader and Governor training on DFE Guidelines

 NLE/Behaviour Hub support

 Review ELT Behaviour Policies reflecting the emphasis on strengthening relationships and expectations

 Process in place to ensure compliance with behaviour policies in all schools

An SSE process that meets the needs of schools at different stages of the improvement journey

Formative and summative assessment aligned to curriculum vision and informs a common picture of progress

 Embed and review blueprint for SSE

 Organise teaching and learning support between schools based on evidence informed theory

 Schedule for SSE in each school reflects ELT key school improvement themes

 Sequence curriculum 2-16 with corresponding performance indicators aligned to age related expectations

 Benchmark expectations of pupil progress with other MATs

 Establish assessment cycle to compare schools across MAT and inform networks of support

Objective 2 – Strengthening partnerships

A trust which attracts and develops the best staff

A curriculum underpinned by career and a common approach to labour market information

 Workforce survey

 Promote Leadership Pathway, NPQs and Research development partnerships

 Partnership with experienced SCITT

 Establish ECT Programme for trust

 Gather evidence about barriers and enablers to career opportunities across the trust

 Appoint dedicated careers lead

 Secure links with FE College re developing thinking around UCAS and Apprenticeship routes and relate to EBac (Baker Clause)

 Establish partnership with the Career and Enterprise Company to advise on links

 Conduct Compass Self Audit Toolkit across trust

Families who are able to make informed decisions regarding curriculum pathways and next steps

Strong partnerships with business/industry/FE/HE

 Parent workshops on next steps with Transition Lead

 Establish SEND Curriculum pathways

 Appoint ITT Lead

 Source HEI partnerships to add rigour to professional development

To use system leaders and hubs of expertise to promote knowledge transfer

 Contact local system leaders responsible for trusts, identify strengths and review models of deployment

 Consult all SLEs and RAs to create a community of improvement that will drive the Empower Institute

Objective 2 – Strengthening partnerships

A Talent Management Strategy providing transparent opportunities for effective staff to progress

A curriculum that links learning to careers

 Appoint People Development Lead

 Establish clear and tracked CPD programmes for all staff

 Review Talent Management Strategy and conduct senior leader analysis of school-based staff

 Charter to incorporate relevant approach beyond school and Gatsby Benchmarks

 Create MAT careers framework to embed in planning

 Gain formal accreditation of careers programme (Quality in Careers Standard)

Use of research and reflection to inform evidence-based innovation and continuous improvement

Community voice for learners and adults to inform school improvement

 Headteacher development through research (Aspirant Executive Programme)

 Define a theorised blueprint for research and school improvement

 Analyse outcomes from pupil and parent and learner surveys

 Appoint Transition Lead

 Launch Marketing/Transition Strategy

Objective 3 – Growing the conditions and central functions to support our organisation

Deliverable from strategy Activity required to succeed Accountable 22/23 23/24 24/25

School buildings that are high quality and support learning

Support mechanisms to create high performing staff and teams across the Trust

 Survey of existing buildings

 Estates strategy

 Asset management plan

 Health and Safety/Facilities systems

 Create HR strategy for the Trust

 High quality induction process for all staff

 Create workforce plan (covering roles for central team and schools)

 Create training matrix for all staff

 Create leadership and management pathway and training support for leaders and managers

Centralise key back office functions

Put in place systems to support our schools

 Create new roles in central team including IT, HR, Facilities Management

 Implement HR and Facilities Management systems

 Business and operational planning methods standardised across trust

 Risk management systems embedded across all schools

 IT strategy to streamline and standardise IT systems across the Trust

 Staff training on new systems and processes

Create sustainable Financial strategy

 Updated five-year financial plans for each school

 Provide financial and resource management training to key senior staff

 Run Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning for each school

 Agreed financial targets for each school to achieve, including surplus % and teacher contact ratio

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