Science Curriculum
Key Knowledge and Skills
We recognise that children learn in different ways. Children s learning styles often evolve as children discover new ways to problem solve through play based activities. We ensure that the following characteristics of effective learning are apparent in our enabling environment by carefully planning learning opportunities across a play based learning environment. These continue to be reflected upon across the school year. Our three areas of focus are:
Preparing for Science
Three to four year olds
● Pay attention to more than one thing at a time, which can be difficult.
● Use a wider range of vocabulary.
● Understand a question or instruction that has two parts
● Understand ‘why’ questions
● Use longer sentences of four to six words.
● Be able to express a point of view and to debate when they disagree with an adult or a friend, using words as well as actions.
● Use talk to organise themselves and their play
Preparing for Science
Three to four year olds
● Pay attention to more than one thing at a time, which can be difficult
● Use a wider range of vocabulary
● Understand a question or instruction that has two parts
● Understand ‘why’ questions
● Use longer sentences of four to six words
● Be able to express a point of view and to debate when they disagree with an adult or a friend, using words as well as actions.
● Use talk to organise themselves and their play
Understanding the World
● Use all their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials.
● Explore collections of materials with similar and/or different properties.
● Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary
● Plant seeds and care for growing plants
● Understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant and an animal.
● Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.
● Explore and talk about different forces they can feel.
● Talk about the differences between materials and changes they notice
Preparing for Science
Three to four year olds
● Pay attention to more than one thing at a time, which can be difficult
● Use a wider range of vocabulary
● Understand a question or instruction that has two parts
● Understand ‘why’ questions
● Use longer sentences of four to six words.
● Be able to express a point of view and to debate when they disagree with an adult or a friend, using words as well as actions
● Use talk to organise themselves and their play
Understanding the World
● Use all their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials
● Explore collections of materials with similar and/or different properties.
● Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary.
● Plant seeds and care for growing plants.
● Understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant and an animal
● Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.
● Explore and talk about different forces they can feel.
● Talk about the differences between materials and changes they notice
We recognise that children learn in different ways Children s learning styles often evolve as children discover new ways to problem solve through play based activities We ensure that the following characteristics of effective learning are apparent in our enabling environment by carefully planning learning opportunities across a play based learning environment These continue to be reflected upon across the school year Our three areas of focus are:
Playing and Exploring- Having a go
Preparing for Science
Communication and Language
● Pay attention to more than one thing at a time, which can be difficult.
● Use a wider range of vocabulary.
● Understand a question or instruction that has two parts
● Understand ‘why’ questions
● Use longer sentences of four to six words
● Be able to express a point of view and to debate when they disagree with an adult or a friend, using words as well as actions.
● Use talk to organise themselves and their play
Understanding the World
● Explore the natural world around them
● Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.
● Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.
● Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them
Active Learning- Keep on trying
Preparing for Science
Communication and Language
● Understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important
● Learn new vocabulary
● Use new vocabulary through the day.
● Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.
● Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences
● Use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities, and to explain how things work and why they might happen.
Understanding the World
● Explore the natural world around them
● Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside
● Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.
● Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.
Creating and thinking critically- Having own ideas
Preparing for Science
Communication and Language
● Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole class discussions and small group interactions.
● Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding.
● Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher and peers
● Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary.
● Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate
● Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher.
Understanding the World
● Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants
● Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing
Year One National Curriculum:
An mals Including Humans
-Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
-Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores Science – key stages 1 and 2 8 Statutory requ rements
-Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common anima s (f sh amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)
-Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say wh ch part of the body is assoc ated w th each sense.
-Distinguish between an object and the material from wh ch t s made
-Identify and name a variety of everyday materials
Iincluding wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock
-Describe the s mp e physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
-Compare and group together a variety of everyday mater als on the bas s of the r simple phys cal propert es.
Scientifical y: -Asking simple questions and recogn sing that they can be answered in different ways
-Observing close y, using simple equipment performing simple tests
-Ident fying and class fying using their observat ons and deas to suggest answers to quest ons
-Gathering and recording data to help in answer ng questions
Year One
-Identify and name a variety of common wi d and garden plants
-Inc ud ng deciduous and evergreen trees
-Identify and descr be the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
on their experiences and what has been read in class
● Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.
-Observe changes across the four seasons
-Observe and describe weather assoc ated w th the seasons and how day length varies
Animals Including Humans/Seasonal Changes
Fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal, common names of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, head, face, ears, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, chin, neck, body, arms, hands, fingers, paws, fins, wings, legs, feet, toes, tail, skin, scales, fur, feathers, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, see, look, hear, listen, touch, feel, taste and smell
Conclusion. Data, deciduous tree, evergreen tree, pictogram, predict, record, season. Sunrise, sunset, symbol, temperature, thermometer, weather
Absorbent, data, fabric, glass, group, material, metal, object, opaque, plast property, rock, tough, transparent, waterproof, wood Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, day, night, light, dark, sunrise, sunset, sun, rain, snow, hai precipitation, wind, cloud, cloud cover, deciduous and evergreen tree.
Data, deciduous, diagram, edible, evergreen, feature, fruit, flower, garden plants, grouping, growth, investigation, leaf, measure, observe, plant, prediction, roots, research, seed, shoot, stem, trunk, wild plantsSpring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, day, night, light, dark, sunrise, sunset, sun, rain, snow, hail, precipitation, wind, cloud, cloud cover, deciduous and evergreen tree.
Key skills and knowledge
Organism An ndividual living thing
F sh A limbless animal living in water
Amphibian An organism that lives on and and water
Reptiles An animal that has cold blood, lays eggs and its body s covered in scales
Bird A warm blooded an mal that has wings, feathers and a beak
Mammal A warm blooded an mals that has fur and feeds w th ts own m lk
Carnivore A meat eating animal or p ant
Herbivore An animal that feeds on plants
Omnivore An animal or person that eats a var ety of food includ ng meat and plants.
Structure The arrangement between parts
Common Someth ng that is found often
Animals including Humans
1. Skill- To identify and group animals. To identify the features of animals To group animals based on the similarities and differences.
Knowledge- To name animals.
2. Skill- To describe a variety of animals. To recall animal groups and what they have in common. To recognise differences in animals
Knowledge: To name animal body parts
3 Skill- To compare the features of animals To recognise similarities To sort animals and choose appropriate group labels. To identify differences between animals in the same group
4. Skill- To research using non fiction texts. To sort animals into groups according to what they eat To use a non fiction text to find out what animals eat
Knowledge: To identify animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. To recall what herbivores, carnivores and omnivores eat
5. Skill- To gather and record data to help in answering questions To respond to questions about how to collect data To record data in a block chart.
Knowledge: To recognise animals that make suitable pets. To know how to care for a pet.
6. Skill- To sort body parts into groups. To use sorting rings to group same and different body parts
Knowledge- To name the parts of the human body To draw and label human body parts. To identify some differences in animal body parts.
Uses of everyday materials:
1. Skill: To identify everyday materials. To sort objects into groups based on the materials they are made from. Knowledge: To name everyday materials.
1 Skill: To recognise the difference between objects and materials Knowledge: To name objects To identify the materials an object is made from To explain the difference between objects and materials.
2. Skill: To recognise that objects are made from materials that suit their purpose Knowledge: To describe the properties of materials To recall that property refers to how a material can be described
3. Skill: To group materials based on their properties (how absorbent something is). To make observations and record data. Knowledge: To name the properties of materials To describe what is noticed
4 Skill: To group materials based on their properties (how waterproof something is) To plan a test and suggest what might happen. Knowledge: To suggest ways to test the properties of materials. To make a prediction. To recognise when my prediction does not match the results
Introduction to Plants:
1 Skill:To plan an investigation To ask questions about plants To help decide how to set up an investigation.
Knowledge: To identify plants in the school grounds (daffodils, snow drops, dandelions, daisy, blue bells, tulips, oak, chestnut, holly) To identify plants and their features
2 Skill: To draw and label a flowering plant To use a magnifying glass to observe closely
Knowledge:To identify and recall parts of a flowering plant
3 Skill:To sort flowers into groups To use a magnifying glass to observe closely. To choose a way to sort flowering plants into groups.
Knowledge:To identify and name wild and garden plants. To use pictures to help me to identify plants
4. Skill: To measure and compare leaves To observe leaves and identify similarities and differences. To measure leaves using cubes.
Knowledge: To identify and name deciduous and evergreen trees To name some trees (oak, horse, chestnut, holly, pine) and their parts (blossom, leaf, trunk, fruit, branch, roots).
5 Skill: To group materials based on their properties (how tough something is). To recognise if a test is fair. Knowledge: To answer questions based on results. To describe how materials respond to pulling and tearing.
6 Seasonal Changes
4. Skill- To ask simple questions about my observations. Knowledge- To know how trees change across the four seasons. To name the four seasons in order. To describe the appearance of a trees leaves in each season
5. Skill- To recognise that daylight hours change across the four seasons. To record data in a pictogram. To gather and record data To complete a pictogram To use a pictogram to answer questions.
Knowledge- To Recall which seasons have the most and fewest daylight hours
6 *** Skill- To gather and record data about how seasons change overtime. To record data about the temperature in different seasons. To compare data collected over time. Knowledge- To understand that a thermometer gathers temperature.***
5 Skill: To recognise that observations do not always match predictions. To use similarities and differences to group seeds and bulbs To recognise when my observations do not match my predictions.
Knowledge: To recognise that new plants come from seeds and bulbs.
6. Skill:To use observations to find answers to questions. To closely observe different plant parts
Knowledge:To recognise the importance of Scientists role To name the important discoveries made by scientists To identify plant parts that are eaten (roots, seeds, stem, leaves, fruit, flower)
Seasonal Changes
7. Skill- To plan and carry out a weather report.
Knowledge- To label the capital cities of each country in the UK To describe seasonal weather in the UK To suggest ways to prepare for different weather conditions.
8. *** Skill- To gather and record data about how seasons change overtime. To record data about the temperature in different seasons To compare data collected over time
Knowledge- To understand that a thermometer gathers temperature ***
7 Skill- To spot patterns in data To measure using cubes To use patterns in data to answer a question.
Knowledge- To name the body parts used for each sense. To draw and label the body parts used for each sense,
Seasonal Changes
1 Skill- To identify how the weather changes across the four seasons.
Knowledge- To name the four seasons To name the twelve months of the year To describe the expected weather patterns for each season.
2 Skill- To identify events and activities that take place in different seasons. To sort activities and events into correct seasons.
Knowledge- To name the four seasons To suggest appropriate clothing to wear in different weather conditions.
3. *** Skill- To gather and record data about how seasons change overtime. To record data about the temperature in different seasons To compare data collected over time
Knowledge- To understand that a thermometer gathers temperature ***
Year Two National Curriculum:
mals Including
-Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
-Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores Science – key stages 1 and 2 8 Statutory requ rements
-Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common anima s (f sh amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)
-Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say wh ch part of the body is assoc ated w th each sense
-Distinguish between an object and the material from wh ch t s made
-Identify and name a variety of everyday materials
Iincluding wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock
-Describe the s mp e physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
-Compare and group together a variety of everyday mater als on the bas s of the r simple phys cal propert es
Working Scientifical y: -Asking simple questions and recogn sing that they can be answered in different ways
-Observing close y, using simple equipment performing simple tests
-Ident fying and class fying using their observat ons and deas to suggest answers to quest ons
-Gathering and recording data to help in answer ng questions
Living things and their habitats/Living things and their microhabitats
Science Strand Biology
Alive, analyse, camouflage,carnivore, classify, coastal, dead, depend, diet, energy, excretion, food chain, growth, habitat, herbivore, life process, mammal, movement, nutrition, ocean, omnivore, predator, prey, producer, rainforest, reproduction, sensitivity, shelter, woodland#botanist, camouflag characteristics, classification key, classify, comparative/fair test, conclusion, criteria, data, food chain, identify, invertebrate, method, microhabitat, minibeast, research, results, species, survey, tally, test
-Identify and name a variety of common wi d and garden plants
-Inc ud ng deciduous and evergreen trees
-Identify and descr be the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
-Observe changes across the four seasons
-Observe and describe weather assoc ated w th the seasons and how day length varies
Materials/Animals including humans
TERM Plants
Biology/Chemistry Biology
Bend, block graph, elastic, fabric, flexible, glass, material, metal, object, plastic, property, pull, push, record, rock, squash, stretch, suitable, twist, wood, adult, air, baby, basic needs, butterfly, child, carbohydrates, caterpill dairy, egg, exercise, fitness, food, frog, froglet, fruit, germs, growth, health, height, hygiene, lamb, life cycle, live young, measure, offspring, oils, protein pupa, sheep, spawn, spreads, stage, survive, tadpole, teenager, toddler, vegetables, water.
Bulb, comparative test, conclusion, condition, diagram, energy, flower, germinate, growth, leaf, life cycle, measure, nutrient, observe, plant, shoot seed, seedling, seed coat, stem, wilt
Uses of everyday materials:
1. Skill:To recognise that objects can be grouped. To sort objects based on properties
Knowledge:To recognise that objects are made from materials that suit their uses. To name objects with the same use that are made from different materials. To name a material that is used to make objects with different uses
2 Knowledge:To recognise that objects are made from materials that suit their uses. To describe the properties of materials. To explain why a material is suitable for its objects use. To explain why some materials would not be suitable for a particular use
3 Skill:To record data in a table To observe how actions change the shape of solid objects
Knowledge:To recognise that the shape of some solid objects can be changed. To describe what happens to objects after an action has been performed X
4 Skill: To gather data and use it to answer a question ‘Which material is the stretchiest?’. To work in a group to
Key vocabulary from book:
Seasons One of the four periods of the year: spring, summer, autumn, or winter
Bulb An underground bud that sends down roots and consists of a very short stem covered with leafy scales or layers, as in a lily, onion or hyacinth
Seed A small, round or oval object produced by a plant. When it is planted, a new plant can grow
Vocabulary from book:
Living things and their habitats:
1. Skill- To ask questions about what living things have in common
Knowledge- To identify some of the characteristics of living things. To name some of the life processes. To give examples of how life processes (movement, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition) apply to plants and animals
2 Skill- To classify objects into groups giving reasons for choices Knowledge: To recognise the difference between things that are alive, were once alive or have never been alive To recall some of the life processes.
3. Skill- To match animals and plants to their habitats. Knowledge: To identify plants and animals in different habitats. To name four different habitats (coastal, woodland, rainforest, ocean) To describe what a habitat is like
4 Skill: To carry out research to find answers to questions To use a website to retrieve information.
Knowledge: To identify how a habitat provides animals and plants with what they need to survive. To name woodland plants and animals To give examples of how animals use the woodland habitat for food and shelter.
carry out a test. To use non standard units to measure. To compare results to answer the question ‘Which material is the stretchiest?’
Knowledge:To compare the suitability of materials for particular purposes.
5 Skill: To record data in a block graph To measure strength using non standard units of measure To label the categories on a block graph To use a block graph to answer a question ‘Which paper fold makes the strongest bridge?’.
Knowledge:To recognise that the strength of some materials can be changed
6 Skill:To select environmentally friendly materials Knowledge:To compare the suitability of materials for particular uses. To recognise that some materials are harmful to the environment To name properties of materials that make them suitable for their uses To give examples of how plastic is harmful to the environment
Animals including humans: Life cycles and health:
1 Skill: To order the human life cycle
Knowledge:To identify different stages of the human life cycle. To identify animal offspring. To describe how humans change.
2 Skill: To match the stages of animal life cycles with the correct animal To order the stages of an animal life cycle Knowledge:To know which offspring come from which parent animal. To identify stages of animal life cycle.
3. Skill: To observe and measure growth in humans. To use simple measuring equipment To read a scale in centimetres To find the start of the measuring equipment. To read measurements.
Knowledge:To observe and measure growth in humans. To apply understanding of the human life cycle. To explain how humans change
4 Skill: To use secondary sources to research To find the information I need from a source. To present research on a poster.
5. Knowledge: To recognise how animals and plants depend on each other. To name animals in a rainforest and ocean habitat. To recall that a plant produces its own food To give example of how animals and plants depend on each other.
6 Skill: To use arrows to show the order of a food chain
Knowledge: To recall how animals get their food from plants (nettle-caterpillar-blue tit/Seaweed-sea turtle-shark/Leaves-sloth-jaguar) and other animals. To name a producer (nettle/seaweed/leaves) and place it in the beginning
Insect A type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings
Plant growth:
1 Skill:To plan comparative tests ‘Which three conditions would be best for helping a seed to grow?’. To suggest what could change when planning a comparative test To plan what to observe and measure.
Knowledge: To recognise that seeds need certain conditions for growth To suggest conditions that help seeds grow.
2 Skill:To measure with a ruler To measure the height of a shoot in centimetres.
Knowledge: To recognise that seeds and bulbs contain what they need to grow into a plant. To recall that seeds have an energy store inside. To recall that a seed needs suitable conditions to grow
3. Skill:To record data in a table. To record plant growth data in a table To compare plant growth in different test conditions.
Knowledge:To describe what seeds need to germinate. To recall that seeds need water and warmth to germinate
4. Skill: To observe using a magnifying glass and compare plant growth To record plant growth data over time Knowledge: To describe the effect of light on plant growth. To recall that plants need light for healthy growth
5. Skill: To draw and label diagrams to represent the stages of a plants life cycle.. To sequence the stages of a plants life cycle
Knowledge: To identify stages of a plants life cycle. To describe the stages of a plants life cycle
6. Knowledge:To recognise what plants need for healthy growth To recognise that humans have a responsibility to care for plants To describe why healthy plant growth is important. To describe the impact of humans on plant growth in the environment
Knowledge: To identify and list the basic needs for survival for humans and animals To explain the three things (air, water, food) animals need to survive To explain how a particular species survives.
5. Skill: To make observations over time. To use a results table To record results each day
Knowledge: To recognise the importance of exercise and personal hygiene I can describe how germs spread I can explain why hand washing or changing clothes is important.
6 Skill:To interpret collected results To recognise a pattern in data To decide whether my data answers the question Knowledge:To identify how to have a balanced diet. To name foods in each group. To create a balanced shopping bag.
of the food chain To name predators that prey on other animals (blue tit, shark, jaguar)
Living things and their microhabitats:
1 Skill: To classify a variety of minibeasts To sort minibeasts into groups based on their observations. To organise questions to create a simple classification key.
Knowledge: To name a variety of minibeasts (woodlice, spier, ant, worm) To recognise the different characteristics of minibeasts.
2 Skill: To recognise how scientists answer questions choosing the most suitable way to answer questions. To ask questions about worms To use an information text to find answers to questions.
3 Skill: To gather and record data to answer a question To make close observations and use equipment safely
Knowledge: To recognise that living things live in habitats to which they are suited. To give examples of how microhabitats suit the needs of minibeasts
4. Skill:To ask questions and plan how to carry out an experiment ’Do woodlice prefer damp or dry conditions’ To ask questions about the conditions minibeasts prefer. To suggest what observations to make To order the steps of a method
5. Skill: To carry out an experiment and record data in a table ‘Do woodlice prefer damp or dry conditions’. To use a stopwatch. To use tally marks to record results To use my results to answer a question.
6. Skill: To understand the role of a botanist To use an identification chart to name flowering plants
Knowledge: To identify a variety of flowering plants (foxglove, deadly nightshade, dog rose, lily of the valley, honeysuckle, cow parsley, cowslip) To recognise similarities and differences
Year Three National Curriculum:
-Identify that an mals, nclud ng humans, need the right types and amount of nutrit on, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutr tion from what they eat
-Identify that humans and some other an mals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement
-Compare how things move on d fferent surfaces
-Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnet c forces can act at a distance
-Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others
-Compare and group together a variety of everyday mater als on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and ident fy some magnetic materials
-Describe magnets as having two po es
-Pred ct whether two magnets will attract or repe each other, depending on wh ch po es are facing
Working Scientifical y: -Asking re evant questions and using d fferent types of scient fic enqu ries to answer them
-Sett ng up s mp e practical enquir es, comparative and fair tests
-Recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light
-Not ce that l ght is ref ected from surfaces recognise that ight from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes
-Recognise that shadows are formed when the l ght from a light source is b ocked by an opaque object
-F nd patterns in the way that the size of shadows change
-Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the bas s of their appearance and simple physical propert es
-Describe in simp e terms how foss ls are formed when th ngs that have lived are trapped w thin rock
-Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
-Making systematic and careful observations and where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
-Gathering, record ng, class fying and presenting data n a variety of ways to help in answering questions
-Recording find ngs using simple scientific language, drawings, abelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables
-Reporting on findings from enquiries, including ora and written explanations, d splays or presentations of resu ts and conclusions
-Us ng results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest mprovements and ra se further questions identify ng differences similarities or changes related to simp e scient f c ideas and processes
-Us ng stra ghtforward scientif c ev dence to answer questions or to support the r findings
Animals including humans movement and nutrition/Forces and space: forces and magnets
Science Strand
balanced diet, bone, carbohydrate, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, fat, fibre, invertebrate, joint, mineral, movement, muscle, nutrient, protection, protei skeleton, support, vertebrate, vitamin, water
Force, contact force, non-contact force, friction, magnetism, magnet, north pole, south pole, magnetic material, non-magnetic material, attract, repel, electromagnet
Materials: Rocks and soil/Plant reproduction
Absorbency, acid rain, bone, clay, clay soil, crystal, earthworm, era, fossil, fossil record, grain, hard, hardness, impermeable, igneous rock, imprint, lav loam soil, magma, metamorphic rock, mineral, molten rock, organic matter paelantologist, peaty soil, permeable, rate, rock, sandy, sandy soil, sedimen sedimentary, sedimentation, silt, soft, soil
Absorb, air, animal dispersal, carrying, conclude, disperse, dropping, eating evaluate, female, flower, fruit, germination, improve, leaves, male, nutrient petal Pollen, pollination, roots, soil, seed, seed formation, shaking, space, stem/trunk, sunlight, support, testable, transport, water, water dispersal, w dispersal
-Ident fy and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers
-Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth
(air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to p ant
-Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants explore the part that flowers play in the ife cyc e of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal
SUMMER TERM Energy: Light and Shadows
cast a shadow, dangerous, light source, luminous, non-luminous, opaque, Protect, reflect, reflection, reflective (shiny), shadow, shadow puppet,, translucent, transparent
Key skills and knowledge
Working scientifically.
Animals including humans: movement and nutrition:
1. Skill: To group animals based on their physical properties (vertebrates and invertebrates wasp, spider, slug, jellyfish, octopus, horse, snake, snail, penguin, beetle, tortoise)
Knowledge: To explain the role of a skeleton To name the three key functions of the skeleton. To recall key features of vertebrate, invertebrate, endoskeleton and exoskeleton. To describe the role of joints in the skeleton.
2 Skill: To measure and sort data (measure and record length of bones) To sort data into size order.
Knowledge: To recognise the main bones in the body (skull, spine, ribs, pelvis) To identify the location of key bones in the human skeleton
3. Skill: To explore scientific advances (prosthetics)
Knowledge: To explain how muscles are used for movement. To recall that there are different muscles in the body. To describe how a muscle causes movement.
4 Skill: To gather and compare data to answer questions (nutritional information on packaging) To compare the nutritional information on packaging.
Knowledge: To explain how food is an essential energy source for animals To recall that animals, including humans, need to eat food to survive To describe ways the body uses energy. To identify how energy needs are different between people.
5 Skill: To record information using secondary sources (nutrient group information)
Knowledge: To identify the main nutrient groups and their simple functions. To recall some of the seven nutrient groups (carbohydrates, protein, fats and oils, fibre, vitamins, minerals, water) To give examples of food that contain a particular nutrition group To explain why a particular nutrient group is essential for the body.
6 Skill: To explain how knowledge has progressed over time and different jobs use this information (catering supervisors, sports nutritionists)
Knowledge: To explain what makes a balanced diet. To give examples of foods that make up a balanced diet To compare different meals explaining which is more balanced To describe some changes to scientific knowledge about nutrition.
Forces and Space: Forces and Magnets
1 Skill: To label a diagram using arrows and scientific vocabulary (drawing forces)
Knowledge: To describe the effects of contact forces. To define the term force and contact force. To classify a force as a push, pull or twist.
2 Skill: To write a scientific conclusion identifying cause and effect. To use evidence to support my conclusion. (bottle cap experiment).
Knowledge: To recognise the effects and uses of forces To list the effects of forces To define the term friction To list some uses of friction (lighting a match, skiing, worn tyres,
Materials: Rocks and soil
1 Skill: To group rocks using their appearance, to observe the appearance of rocks closely, using a magnifying glass
Knowledge: To define the term rock, to describe the appearance of different rocks, to identify rocks and crystals
2 Skill: To make predictions, suggest improvements and explain observations over time. Use my results to choose an appropriate rock type for a specific use, suggest a better choice for a rocks specific use. Use my results to predict how a rock will be affected by the weather
Knowledge: To group rocks using their physical appearance. To group rocks by their absorbancy, by their reaction to acid rain (vinegar) and by their hardness.
3. Skill: To present research on fossil formation. To use a model to suggest fossil formation To use/present a short film to sequence the steps of fossil formation
Knowledge: To describe the process of fossil formation. To list the different factors that break down rocks.
4 Skill: To use a fossil record to answer questions about the past To use a model to determine the relative age of a fossil To use a fossil record to suggest how a living thing has changed over time and what living things were around at that time.
Knowledge: To identify fossils and group rocks accordingly To describe the work of a palaeontologist
5 Skill: To record the drainage rate for different soils in a bar chart. To draw the bars on a bar chart. To label the bars on a bar chart.
Knowledge: To compare soils and how they were formed To name and describe some different types of soil To compare and group soils according to their appearance
6. Skill: To draw and label a diagram. To accurately draw and label the layers of sediment in a sedimentation jar.
Knowledge: To describe a soil sample using sedimentation To list some benefits of earthworms to the soil. To identify the layers in a sedimentation jar.
Energy: Light and Shadows
1 Skill: To plan and draw a results table To recall what information needs recording to decide the number of columns. To suggest suitable headings for the results table To record information in the correct columns Knowledge: To explain the role of light spaces To recall examples of light sources and those that do not give out light. To describe ways to protect my eyes from harm. To recall that darkness is the absence of light.
2 Knowledge: To compare light reflecting on different surfaces To describe what happens when light reflects To give examples of reflective surfaces or materials To explain factors that may affect the quality of a reflected image.
3. Skill: To ask testable questions and plan how to answer them To identify and explain if a question is testable or not To plan ways to answer a testable question
Knowledge: To recognise which materials cast a shadow. To describe how shadow forms. To identify patterns between groups of materials and the shadows produced. To recall factors that affect the way a shadow appears
4 Skill: To evaluate a method To identify and explain why something is an advantage or disadvantage of a method. To suggest an improvement to the experiment. Knowledge: To summarise how shadows change through the day To recall what causes shadows to change throughout the day To describe the pattern of changing shadows throughout the day.
5. Skill: To find patterns in data and form conclusions. To describe patterns in data To quote values as evidence of patterns in data To identify odd results that do not fit the pattern To use patterns to make predictions for missing data.
Knowledge: To investigate how the distance of a light source affects the size of the shadow To name factors that change the size of a shadow To describe how the light sources distance affects the shadows size
6. Knowledge: To tell a story using shadow puppets. To recall how different people work with light and shadowsnaming people who work with light and shadows To explain why a particular material is appropriate to make a shadow puppet To use my knowledge of shadows to animate a puppet show.
Plants: Plant reproduction
1. Skill: To pose relevant questions. To identify reasons a question may not be testable in the classroom. To
opening a jar). To describe how surface roughness affects friction.
3 Skill: To plan an investigation using variables (investigating friction over ramps). To identify the variables to change, measure and control.
Knowledge: To interpret how and why things move differently on different surfaces
4. Skill: To write a method (which materials are magnetic and which are non magnetic)
Knowledge: To describe the effects of magnets. To define the terms magnetism, magnetic material, and non magnetic material. To describe the poles of a magnet and how they attract and repel To name some magnetic metals
5. Skill: To display data using a bar chart (how many paper clips attach to the magnet) To label the axis of a bar chart. To draw the bars accurately
Knowledge: To compare the properties of different types of magnets. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel. To name some examples of magnets. To compare the strength of different magnets
6. Skill: To research the uses of magnets (fridge freezer doors, speakers in stereos, earphones, television, storing data in computers). To identify key information from a source. To use more than one source to research. Knowledge: To explain the uses of magnets (fridge freezer doors, speakers in stereos, earphones, television, storing data in computers). To describe some of the uses of magnets.
describe how to gather evidence to answer a testable question To pose a testable question
Knowledge: To identify the growth and survival needs of plants. To identify that plants need air, water, light, nutrients and room to grow. To describe how these needs vary in some plants.
2. Skill: To design simple results table To describe the purpose of a table To give a table a heading To design a table for gathering results.
Knowledge: To describe the relationship between structure and function in plants. To identify parts of flowering plants To describe the function of each part
3. Skill: To plan simple enquiry To suggest what observations to make and how long to make them for. To decide on equipment that might be useful.
Knowledge: To investigate how water is transported in plants To label parts of the plant involved in water transport To identify the functions of the STEM To describe how water travels through a plant.
4. Skill: To complete, read and interpret data in a bar chart. To identify the value of a bar in a bar chart To complete a bar chart
Knowledge: To explore the role of flowers in the life cycle of a plant. To describe the plant life cycle. The identify the features of flowers. To describe the role of flowers in pollination and fertilisation
5. Skill: To identify and suggest changes to an enquiry To say whether a step in a method was good practise To identify steps that were difficult to control. To comment on the quality of the results.
Knowledge: To apply knowledge of plant life and growth To identify the effects of different variables on plant growth To apply my knowledge of plant growth and to draw a conclusion.
6. Skill: To use results to draw conclusions. To identify patterns in results To identify results that don’t fit the pattern To use the results as evidence
Knowledge: To explore and name seed dispersal methods. To group seeds based on their method of dispersal.
An mals, nclud ng humans
-Describe the s mp e functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans
-Identify the d fferent types of teeth n humans and their simple functions
-Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.
-Identify common appliances that run on electr c ty construct a s mp e ser es electrica circuit,
-Identifying and naming its basic parts, nc ud ng cel s, w res, bu bs, sw tches and buzzers
-Identify whether or not a lamp wi l l ght in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the amp is part of a comp ete loop with a battery
-Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple ser es circuit
-Recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors
Working Scientifical y: -Asking re evant questions and using d fferent types of scient fic enqu ries to answer them
-Sett ng up s mp e practical enquir es, comparative and fair tests
-Compare and group materia s together according to whether they are sol ds, liquids or gases
-Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or coo ed, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
-Identify the part played by evaporat on and condensation in the water cyc e and associate the rate of evaporation w th temperature
-Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them w th something vibrat ng -Recogn se that vibrat ons from sounds travel through a med um to the ear
-Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it
-Find patterns between the vo ume of a sound and the strength of the v brations that produced it
-Recognise that sounds get fa nter as the distance from the sound source increases
-Making systematic and careful observations and where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
-Gathering, record ng, class fying and presenting data n a variety of ways to help in answering questions
-Recording find ngs using simple scientific language, drawings, abelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables
-Reporting on findings from enquiries, including ora and written explanations, d splays or presentations of resu ts and conclusions
-Us ng results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest mprovements and ra se further questions identify ng differences similarities or changes related to simp e scient f c ideas and processes
-Us ng stra ghtforward scientif c ev dence to answer questions or to support the r findings
-Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways
-Explore and use classif cat on keys to help group
-Ident fy and name a variety of l ving th ngs in their local and wider environment
-Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things
Animals including humans: Digestion and Food/Energy:Electricity and Circuits
Energy: Sound and Vibrations/Materials: States of Matter Living things and their habitats Science Strand Biology/Physics Physics Biology
Absorb, canine, carnivore, digest, faeces, food chain, herbivore, incisor, large intestine, molar, mouth, oesophagus, omnivore, predator, premolar, prey, producer, saliva, small intestine, stomach, ammeter, appliance, battery, bulb buzzer. Cell, circuit, component, electrical conductor, electrical insulator, electricity, hazard, mains, material, motor, power source, precaution, prope safety, series circuit, switch, wire
Air, decibels (dB), decibel meter, ear, eardrum, ear protectors, gas, hertz (Hz high pitch, insulator of sound, liquid, loud, low pitch, matter, medium, music instrument, pitch, quiet, solid, sound, sound proofing, vibration, volume, boiling point, climate change, compress, condensation, condensing, condensing point, drought, evaporating, evaporation rate, flood, force, freezing, freezing point, gas, gaseous, liquid, matter, melting, melting point, precipitation, rate, solid, state, steam, temperature, thermometer, the wate cycle, volume, water vapour
Carroll diagram, classification key, classify, conservation, conservationist, deforestation, earthquake, endangered, flood, flowering plant, human impact, invertebrate, observe, nature reserve, non-flowering plants, pollution, seasonal changes, taxonomist, uprooted, vertebrate, Venn diagram, waterlogged, wildfire
Animals Including Humans: Digestion and Food
1. 3Skills: To evaluate a model. To identify a weakness in the model used to represent the digestive model.
Knowledge: To describe the function of the human digestive system To list the main organs of the human digestive system To describe the function of the main organs of the digestive system. To explain how a model has been used to show a part of the digestive system.
2 Knowledge: To recognise the different types of human teeth and their roles in eating To recall the four types of human teeth. To explain what the different teeth are used for. To identify how scientists find out about teeth.
3. Skills: To plan an enquiry by considering which variables should be changed, measured and controlled To plan a fair test by selecting which variables need to be changed, measured and controlled in an experiment I can describe some tests involved in real scientific testing.
Knowledge: To explain how to care for our teeth To determine why scientists need to work collaboratively and evaluate experiments To recall factors that damage teeth To identify the best toothbrush to use when brushing teeth.
4 Skills: To classify animals based on their diet To use evidence when classifying animals
Knowledge: To recognise that differences in teeth relate to an animal's diet. To describe what different types of teeth are used for To recall different types of animal diets To construct a food chain
5. Skills: To analyse trends in line graphs and form conclusions using scientific knowledge. To begin to analyse predator-prey graphs. To predict missing values from data.
Knowledge: To recognise producers, predators and prey in food chains. To explain population changes using scientific ideas.
6 Skills: To construct a results table for recording observations To draw a results table and record observations.
Energy: Sound and Vibrations
1. Skills: To observe closely how different instruments create a sound. To see, hear and feel different sounds. To record my observations in a data table
Knowledge: To describe how sounds are made. To define the term vibration. To identify the part of the instrument making the sound. To identify how different instruments make a sound
2. Skills: To research how whales and dolphins communicate underwater. To use an article to research how whales and dolphin communicate. To identify the important information To answer questions using my research
Knowledge: To describe how sounds are heard through different mediums. To describe how a sound wave travels through the air to the ear. To compare how sounds travel through different mediums. To explain why sound travels faster and further in water than air
3. Skills: To present results using a bar chart. To read the bars on a bar chart. To use data to answer questions. Knowledge: To describe the relationship between vibration strength and volume To define the term volume To identify the unit of volume. To describe how to change the volume of different musical instruments.
4 Skills: To suggest which variables to measure and for how long To identify which variables should be measured To identify how to measure these variables. To identify how long to measure these variables for.
Knowledge: To describe the relationship between volume and distance To describe what happens to the volume of sound as the distance form the source increases and decreases. To estimate the comparative loudness of a sound based on its volume and distance.
5 Skills: To design simple results tables To draw a table with two columns. To put the headings in the correct place. To fill data into a table.
Knowledge: To describe pitch and how to change it To
Animals: Classification and changing habitat
1 Skills: To record data in different ways To record data in a carroll diagram To record data in a venn diagram
Knowledge: To group animals in various ways. I can sort animals into groups based on shared characteristics. To identify broad groups of animals (vertebrates and invertebrates)
2. Skills: To apply and create classification keys. To choose appropriate questions for a classification key. To use a classification key
Knowledge: To group plants in various ways. To sort plants into groups based on shared characteristics. To identify broad groups of plants (flowering and non flowering).
3 Skills: To make careful observations To make and use classification keys. To observe and describe the characteristics of different organisms. To use a classification key to group, identify and name local living things To draw a classification key
4 Skills: To gather, record, classify and present data To
Knowledge: To recognise that animal poo can give us clues about digestion, teeth and diet To describe what a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore are To explain why poo
Energy: Electricity and circuits
1. Skills: To record and classify qualitative data. To record results under the correct headings in a table.
Knowledge: To recognise how electrical appliances are powered To identify if something is an electrical appliance or not To classify an electrical appliance as mains or battery powered.
2 Skills: To draw a scientific diagram To draw symbols for electrical components
Knowledge: To construct an electrical circuit. To identify components in a circuit. To build a circuit using a battery and a bulb To explain how to test if a circuit works or not
3. Knowledge: To explain the use of switches in a circuit. To identity the symbol for a switch. To predict whether a circuit will work by observing whether a switch is open or closed To explain why switches are useful
4 Skills: To write a method To write a safe method in chronological order, using clear instructions and appropriate equipment.
Knowledge: To explain the use of materials as electrical conductors or insulators To describe how to test whether a material is a good electrical conductor or insulator To recall which materials are good electrical conductors or insulators.
5 Skills: To pose questions and plan ways to test them To pose a question about bulbs in an electrical circuit To suggest ways of answering a question. To explain why a question is testable.
Knowledge: To investigate what effects bulb brightness To describe how the number of bulbs in a series circuit affects bulb brightness To explain why bub brightness is affected by the number of bulbs.
6 Skills: To explore how scientific advances inform safety advice To recall that inventing new materials or appliances may change safety advice
Knowledge: To explain how to be safe around electricity. To describe precautions for working safely with electricity To use scientific knowledge to explain why safety rules are put
define the term pitch. To identify the unit of pitch. To describe how to change the pitch of different musical instruments
6. Skills: To identify when results or observations do not match predictions. To identify a result that does not match a prediction. To suggest reasons it does not match.
Knowledge: To explain how insulating materials can be used to muffle sound. To explain why some jobs require ear protection. To describe how insulating materials can be used to protect the ears. To list some examples of materials that are good insulators of sounds
Materials: States of Matter
1. Skills: To ask relevant questions about the properties of solids. To identify which questions are relevant. To identify which properties to test
Knowledge: To identify solids using their properties. To list the properties of solids. To identify examples of solids.
2 Skills: To use results to draw simple conclusions about the properties of liquids To make careful observations To use these observations to draw simple conclusions.
Knowledge: To identify liquids and gases using their properties To list the properties of liquids and gases To identify examples of liquids and gases
3. Skills: To use thermometers to make accurate measurements before and after melting
Knowledge: To describe melting and freezing. To describe the conditions needed for melting and freezing. To describe the property changes as a material melts or freezes. To name the start and end states when melting and freezing materials
4. Skills: To make predictions for new values about evaporation rates. To predict how temperature will affect evaporation rates. To predict how wind will affect evaporation rates
Knowledge: To describe condensing and evaporating. To describe the conditions needed for condensing and evaporating. To describe the property changes as a material condenses or evaporates To name the start and end states when condensing and evaporating
5. Skills: To record the stages of the water cycle using a labelled diagram. To draw a diagram using key information. To label a diagram with keywords
Knowledge: To describe the different stages of the water cycle. To name the stages of the water cycle. To order the stages of the water cycle. To describe the stages of state that occur during the water cycle
6. Skills: To research climate change and the water cycle. To identify key information from a source. To use more than one source to research.
Knowledge: To describe how temperature affects evaporation rates and the water cycle. To describe the effects of climate change on temperature. To link temperature change to evaporation rates. To describe how
record observations of how a habitat change over seasons.To effectively present my observations of how a woodland habitat changes over the seasons
Knowledge: To recognise and describe different habitats and their inhabitants. To recognise that different living things live in different types of habitats. To describe how habitats change over time
5. Skills: To research using an information sheet. To identify the key information from my research. To use my research to answer questions.
Knowledge: To recognise the impact humans can have on habitats. To describe how human activities can change the environment. To identify the positive and negative impacts humans can have on the environment.
6 Knowledge: To recognise the impact of natural disasters on habitats. To describe how wildfires, earthquakes, and floods affect habitats. To identify some of the impacts natural disasters on wildlife.
in place.
climate change affects the water cycle.
-Exp ain that unsupported ob ects fa l towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the fal ing ob ect
-Identify the effects of air res stance, water res stance and friction, that act between moving surfaces
-Recognise that some mechanisms, includ ng levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
-Describe the movement of the Earth, and other p anets, relative to the Sun in the solar system
-Describe the movement of the Moon re at ve to the Earth describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spher cal bodies
-Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky
-Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubil ty, transparency, conduct vity (e ectrica and thermal), and response to magnets
-Know that some materials will dissolve in iquid to form a solut on, and describe how to recover a substance from a solut on
-Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, inc uding through f ltering, sieving and evaporat ng give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the part cular uses of everyday materials, includ ng metals, wood and plastic demonstrate that d ssolv ng, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
-Exp ain that some changes resu t in the formation of new materials, and that th s k nd of change s not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of ac d on bicarbonate of soda
Scientifical y: -Plann ng different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognis ng and control ing variables where necessary taking measurements -Using a range of sc entific equ pment, with increas ng accuracy and precision, taking repeat read ngs when appropriate
-Describe the d fferences in the ife cycles of a mammal an amphibian, an insect and a bird
-Describe the ife process of reproduct on in some p ants and animals
-Describe the changes as humans develop to old age
-Report ng and presenting findings from enquiries, nc ud ng conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in ora and written forms such as disp ays and other presentat ons
-Identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments
YEAR 5 Forces and Space: Unbalanced forces/Forces and Space: Earth and Space
Materials: Properties and Changes/Materials: Mixtures and Separation Living things and their habitats: Life Cycles and Reproduction Science Strand Physics Physics Biology
Aerodynamics, air resistance, amplify, balanced, contact force, distance, effort, force, friction, gear, gravity, lever, load, machine, mass, matter, non-contact force, pivot, pulley, streamlining, surface area, unbalanced, wa resistance, artificial satellite, axis, calibrate, celestial bodies, climate change day, daytime (daylight), data, Earth, elliptical, face, first quarter moon, force full moon, gnomon, gravity, horizon, Jupiter, last quarter moon, Mars, Mercury, midday, moon, natural satellite, Neptune, new moon, night (nighttime), phase, planet, Pluto, orbit, our Solar System, reflect, rotate, Saturn, season, shadow, Solar System, space, space junk, spherical, star, summer, sundial, sunrise, sunset, table, the Sun, the Moon, tilt, Uranus, Venus, winter, year.
Burning, change of state, circumference, condensing, conductor, dissolve, electrical conductivity, evaporating, freezing, hard, hardness, insulation, irreversible change, light intensity, light meter, melting, mixture, opaque, property, reversible change, rust, rusting, soft, states of matter, trustworthy thermal conductivity, translucent, transparency, transparent, control variab crystallising, dissolve, evaporation, evaporation method, filtering, insoluble mixture, particle, sieve, sieving, soluble, solution, variable
Forces and Space: Unbalanced Forces
1 Knowledge: To describe gravity and its effects To define the term gravity To explain why unsupported objects fall towards the Earth To describe the relationship between mass and gravity.
Skill: To analyse data to write a conclusion To identify anomalies To compare data to a prediction To describe the relationship between two variables
2. Knowledge: To describe air resistance and its effects. To define the term air resistance To describe the relationship between surface area and air resistance
Skill: To plan a fair test to investigate air resistance. To identify variables. To write a method.
3 Knowledge: To describe water resistance and it’s effects To define the term water resistance To describe the effects of water resistance. To describe the relationships between surface area and water resistance.
Skill: To design a results table To measure time accurately To design a results table for repeat data To calculate an average.
4 Knowledge: To describe friction and its effects To define the term friction To describe the effects of forces To predict the outcomes of balanced and balanced forces
Skill: To evaluate a method. To evaluate the degree of trust To identify steps that need improving To suggest improvements
5. Knowledge: To describe the effects of levers, pulleys and simple machines on movement. To explain the purpose of levers and pulleys To explain the purpose of gears
Skill: To draw and label a diagram. To draw a diagram of a wind powered pulley. To label a diagram.
6 Knowledge: To describe the relationship between lever length and effort To name the three things needed for a
Adolescence, adult, amphibian, asexual reproduction, bird, birth, bulb, carnivore, characteristic, chrysalis, cocoon, cuttings, egg, estimating, extrapolating, fertilisation, fledgling, flowering stage, four-legged tadpole, four-stage life cycle, frog, froglet, germination stage, gestation, gills, hatch, hatchling, herbivore, incubation, infancy, insect, juvenile, larva, leaf growin stage, life cycle, line of best fit, lungs, mammal, mating, metamorphosis, ne nestling, newborn, nymph, offspring, ovule, pollen, pollination, pupa, reproduction, seed dispersal, seed stage, seedling stage, seed, sexual reproduction, species, tadpole, three-stage life cycle, tuber, two-legged tadpole
Materials: Properties and Changes
1. Knowledge: To determine the hardness of materials and link this to their uses To define the term hardness To test, compare and group hard and soft materials To select materials for a specific purpose based on their hardness.
Skills: To evaluate the hardness test to determine the degree of trust in the results To identify difficult variables to control To judge how variables affect the degree of trust in results
2. Knowledge: To determine the transparency of different materials and link this to their uses. To define the term transparency To test, compare and group translucent and opaque materials To select materials for a purpose based on their transparency
Skills: To plan and draw a table of results. To identify which information should be recorded. To draw the correct layout for the information I want to record.
3 Knowledge: To determine the conductivity of different materials and link this to their uses To define the terms ‘thermal conductivity’ and ‘electrical conductivity’. To test and compare the conductivity of different materials. To choose an appropriate material for a specific purpose.
Skills: To write a method in a logical sequence that others can follow To include necessary detail in my method including variables, measurements, equipment and safety.
4 Knowledge: To demonstrate reversible changes To define the term reversible change To describe how to reverse mixing and dissolving using separation techniques Skills: To write a prediction using prior knowledge of the states of matter. To use previous scientific knowledge and
things and their habitats: Life Cycles and Reproduction
1. Knowledge: To describe the life cycle of a plant including the productive stage. To describe the plant life cycle. To describe sexual reproduction in plants
Skills: To observe and compare equivalent parts in different flowers. To dissect a flower. To observe the parts of a flower in detail using a magnifying glass. To compare equivalent parts in different flowers.
2 Knowledge: To describe the life cycle of a mammal To compare the life cycles of different mammals To describe sexual reproduction in mammals
Skills: To research the life cycles of different mammals. To research using a fact sheet. To identify relevant information
3 Knowledge: To describe the life cycle of a bird and compare it with that of a mammal. To describe the life cycle of a bird. To compare the life cycles of different birds. To compare the life cycles of birds and mammals. Skills: To pose questions to compare the life cycles of different birds To use technology to answer those
lever. To list the uses of levers. To explain how changing the length of a lever will effect the effort needed to lift the load
Skill: To draw an accurate line graph. To label the axes on a line graph. To plot data on a line graph. To draw a line of best fit.
evidence to inform predictions.
5 Knowledge: To demonstrate irreversible change To define the term irreversible change To identify and describe burning and rusting as irreversible changes. Skills: To analyse observations about rusting and use them to support a conclusion. To use observations to determine necessary conditions for rusting
questions. To assess the value of a question.
4 Knowledge: To describe the life cycle of an amphibian To compare the life cycles of different amphibians
Skills: To suggest how temperature may affect eggs hatching. To analyse data. To use data to draw conclusions. To identify what further data is needed.
F nd Space
1 Knowledge: To compare the contributions of Ptolemy, Alhazen and Copernicus to models of the solar system. To describe the geocentric and Alhazen model. To describe the shape of celestial bodies.
Skill: To pose testable questions about the solar system To pose questions about the movement of the celestial bodies in our Solar system. To identify testable questions and which enquiry type is best used to answer them. To ask further questions about the solar system.
2 Knowledge: To describe the movement and shapes of the celestial bodies in our solar system. To name the celestial bodies in our solar system. To name the force that keeps planets in their orbits. To describe the orbits of celestial bodies in the solar system
Skill: To develop a model to represent the solar system. To use a model to represent the solar system. To identify problems with the model. To make improvements to the model
3. Knowledge: To describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth. To define the term moon. To name some of the phases of the moon. To describe the orbit of the moon around the Earth
Skill: To design and draw a table. To design and draw a table to record data on moons. To choose appropriate headings for a table.
4 Knowledge: To explain the causes of day and night and the seasons To explain how the Earth rotates on it’s axis To describe the tilt of the Earth. To describe the orbit of the Earth around the sun.
Skill: To draw a diagram to explain day and night To accurately shade day and night on the Earth To label the day and night and seasons diagrams.
5 Knowledge: To devise a sundial to tell the time To name the parts of the sundial To explain how a sundial works
Skill: To calibrate and use a sundial to measure time. To analyse patterns in temperature data for the Earth. To
6 Knowledge: To demonstrate irreversible changes To identify and describe cooking and mixing vinegar and bicarbonate soda as irreversible changes.
Skills: To measure the circumference of a balloon accurately using a piece of string and a ruler
Materials: Mixtures and Separation
1. Knowledge: To describe mixture. To define the term mixture To name some common examples of mixtures
Skill: To research using a range of secondary resources. To research a mixture to find out what substances it is made from.
2 Knowledge: To explain the process of sieving To define the term sieving To describe how sieving separates mixtures. To determine when it is more effective to use sieving or magnetism to separate a mixture.
Skill: To draw and annotate a diagram to explain a concept To draw and annotate a diagram to explain how sieving separates a solid-solid mixture.
3 Knowledge: To explain the process of filtering To define the term filtering To define how filtering separates mixtures To identify when filtering should be used
Skill: To identify testable questions and how to answer them To identify and justify which type of enquiry to use to answer a testable question
4. Knowledge: To describe solutions and how they can be identified. To define the terms solution and dissolve. To name some common examples of solutions
Skill: To make observations about solutions. To observe solutions by observing and describing their appearance.
5 Knowledge: To identify which factors affect the time taken to dissolve To recall some factors that affect the time taken to dissolve.
Skill: To plan a fair test with consideration of variables and measurements To suggest which variables to change, measure and control To decide which measurements to take and how long to take them for.
6. Knowledge: To describe the process of evaporation. To define the term evaporation To describe how evaporation separates solutions To identify when evaporation should be used
5 Knowledge: To describe the life cycle of an insect and compare it with that of an amphibian To describe the three stage and four stage life cycle of an insect. To compare the life cycles of insects and amphibians.
Skills: To use data to describe a relationship and make predictions To identify patterns in data To use data to make predictions
6. Knowledge: To describe asexual reproduction in plants. To describe the changes to a cutting as it grows. To explain the difference between a clone and an offspring Skills: To represent root growth over time on a line graph To plot data accurately on a line graph. To estimate missing data from a line graph. To extrapolate a line graph.
Human timeline
predict temperature values for the Earth in the future.
6 Knowledge: To describe some uses of satellites and the problems posed by space junk To list some of the uses of satellites. To explain why space junk poses a problem to satellites.
Skill: To use temperature data to make predictions about climate change To analyse patterns in temperature data for Earth. To predict temperature values for the Earth in future.
-Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and descr be the funct ons of the heart, b ood vessels and b ood
-Recognise the impact of diet exerc se, drugs and ifestyle on the way their bodies function
-Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals including humans
-Recognise that light appears to trave in straight lines use the idea that l ght travels in straight l nes to explain that objects are seen because they g ve out or reflect light nto the eye
-Exp ain that we see things because l ght travels from ight sources to our eyes or from ight sources to objects and then to our eyes
-Use the idea that l ght travels in straight l nes to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them
-Associate the br ghtness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
-Compare and give reasons for variations n how components function, nc ud ng the brightness of bu bs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of sw tches
-Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.
-Describe how iv ng things are classified into broad groups according to common observab e characteristics and based on similarities and differences, nclud ng microorgan sms, plants and animals
-Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific character stics.
-Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossi s provide nformation about iv ng things that inhab ted the Earth mill ons of years ago
-Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
-Ident fy how animals and plants are adapted to su t their environment in d fferent ways and that adaptation may lead to evo ution.
Working Scientifical
-Plann ng different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognis ng and control ing variables where necessary taking measurements
-Using a range of sc entific equ pment, with increas ng accuracy and precision, taking repeat read ngs when appropriate
- Recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classificat on keys, tab es, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs
-Using test results to make predict ons to set up further comparat ve and fa r tests
-Report ng and presenting findings from enquiries, nc ud ng conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in ora and written forms such as disp ays and other presentat ons
-Identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments.
Animals: Circulation and Healths/Energy: Light and Reflection
Energy: Circuits, batteries and switches/Living things: Classifying big and small
Evolution and inheritance Science Strand Biology/Physics Biology/Physics
Vocabulary balanced diet, blood, bloodstream, blood vessels, carbon dioxide, circulator system, diet, drug, exercise, fitness, health, heart, heart rate, lifestyle, lungs mass, nutrient, oxygen, pulse, pump (verb), rate, resting heart rate, transpo water, cast, incoming ray, light ray, light source, luminous, mirror, non-luminous, opaque, periscope, pupil, ray diagram, reflected ray, reflectiv shadow, straight
Ammeter, appliance, battery, bulb, buzzer, cell, circuit, circuit diagram, component, current, electricity, motor, power source, resistance, switch, voltage, voltmeter, wire, amphibian, binomial system, bird, characteristic, classify, classification key, cold-blooded, conifer, exoskeleton, fern, fish, flowering plant, insect, invertebrate, life process, Linnaean system, mamma microorganism, microscopic, moss, organism, reptile, snail, spider, vertebrat warm-blooded, worm
Animals: Circulation and Health
1. Knowledge: To identify factors that affect our health and how to reduce their negative impact.To recall factors that improve someones health. To recall factors that have a negative effect on someones health. To suggest improvements to someones health
Skill: To evaluate sources of information. To consider the degree of trust in a secondary source. To explain whether a secondary source may be trustworthy or not.
2 Knowledge: To summarise the key structures and purpose of the circulatory system. To describe the circulatory system as a group of organs that transports blood around the body. To recall that the heart is a muscular pump that pushes the blood To describe the pathway of blood around the human circulatory system
3 Knowledge: To identify the key roles of blood To describe some of the functions of blood. To list some of the substances transported by blood. To describe links between the digestive system and circulatory system.
Skill: To evaluate a model To identify similarities between the model used and real blood. To identify limitations of the model of representing blood. To suggest improvements and alternatives with justification.
4 Knowledge: To explore the relationship between animal size and heart rate. To recall what is meant by heart rate and the unit used to measure it. To research using multiple sources to find reliable animal mass values. To identify the pattern between mass and heart rate.
Skill: To interpret patterns in data To independently say how the mass of an animal affect its heart rate. To quote values as evidence of patterns observed. To compare class values and recognise when they do not match. To use the pattern to predict new data
5. Knowledge: To investigate the relationship between exercise and heart rate. To describe how exercise effects heart rate,. To describe how different types of exercise
1. 6. Knowledge: To use recognised symbols for electrical components. To use standard electrical symbols for electrical components. To describe the function of key electrical components. To explain how a model represents electrical components
2 Knowledge: To predict and present results for electrical circuits To predict if an electrical circuit will work or not
To explain why an electrical circuit will or will not work.
Skills: To use standardised symbols when drawing diagrams To draw circuit diagrams that have straight lines
3. Knowledge: To recognise a link between the number of components and resistance. To describe the relationship between the number of bulbs in a circuit and the bulb brightness. To describe the link between the number of components and the amount of resistance in the circuit
To explain why the number of bulbs in a circuit effect their brightness
Skill: To explain results using scientific knowledge. To use scientific vocabulary when writing a conclusion. To use scientific vocabulary to explain an observation
4. Knowledge: To identify ways to change voltage within an electrical circuit. To identify that batteries are a voltage source. To recall that batteries have different voltages. To
Adaptation, ancestor, characteristic, competition, environmental, evidence, evolution, extinct, fossil, gene, habitat, inherit, natural selection, offspring, peer review, population, reproduce, scientific theory, selective breeding, species, specimen, survival, survival of the fittest, variation
Living Things: Evolution and inheritance
1 Knowledge: To explain why their are differences within a species To define variation To identify examples of variation To recall the causes of variation
Skills: To group factors. To group the causes of variation.
2 Knowledge: To recognise the inheritance of characteristics in plants and animals To compare characteristics between individuals from the same species. To identify variation that is inherited. To recall that living things produce offspring of the same kind. To describe patterns of inheritance.
3 Knowledge: To explain why adaptation is necessary To recall what an adaptation is To recognise that adaptations cannot be chosen To describe key characteristics that would help an organism survive. To explain how an adaptation helps the organism survive.
4. Knowledge: To model how natural selection affects population size To describe variation in a given population To explain how variation may affect survival within that population To recall what is meant by natural selection Skills: To evaluate the degree of trust and pose new questions for further enquiry To recall variables that were effectively kept the same and those harder to control To
affect heart rate. To explain why the heart rate changes during exercise.
Skill: To write a method To identify the changed, measured and controlled variables. To list the equipment provided. To suggest how many different changed variables to use and how to complete the measured variable.
6 Knowledge: To describe the relationship between heart rate and fitness. To describe what happens to heart rate during and after exercise. To compare more than one set of heart rate data. To identify a link between heart rate and fitness
Skill: To draw a line graph. To choose a subtitle for the line graph. To choose suitable axes labels with units. To plot points on a line graph.
1. Knowledge: To describe the pathway of light. To compare sources of light To describe how light travels
Skill: To use evidence to form conclusions. To make observations about the properties of light. To use my observations as evidence to support conclusions about light.
2. Knowledge: To describe how we see. To describe how we see luminous and non luminous objects. To explain how the eye is protected from light.
Skill: To draw scientific diagrams To draw ray diagrams
3. Knowledge: To explain how shadows change. To recall factors that affect the shape of shadows. To describe how the distance between an object and the surface its shadow is cast on affects the size of the shadow To use ray diagrams to show why shadows change size To use ray diagrams to explain why the shape of a shadow matches the object that cast it.
Skill: To pose questions To pose testable questions in response to observations
4. Knowledge: To investigate what affects the angle of the reflected ray To recall what happens to light when it reaches a smooth mirror surface To identify the incoming and reflected rays To describe the relationship between the angles of the incoming and reflected rays.
Skill: To record results as a line graph To use a line group to extrapolate data and make predictions about missing values
5. Knowledge: To explain how a periscope works. To use mirrors to make a working periscope. To describe the journey light makes through a periscope To use ray diagrams to explain how a periscope works
6. Knowledge: To explain how mirrors are helpful To recall a range of mirrors and reflection. To describe how a mirror is used to reflect light in different situations. To explain how light is reflected using knowledge of light and reflection.
Skill: To explore different jobs or inventions that depend on reflection. To recall various jobs or interventions that use
describe how voltage affects bulb brightness.
Skill: To design a results table To choose an appropriate number of columns when designing a results table To choose appropriate headings for the columns results table. To put any units in the heading of a results table.
5. Knowledge: To investigate how voltage effects bulb brightness To describe how changing the number of cells affects the voltage To describe the relationship between voltage and bulb brightness. To use this relationship to make predictions about other components.
Skill: To plan an enquiry. To identify the changed and measured variables To suggest control variables to ensure a fair test To plan ways to control variables to make a fair test.
6. Knowledge: To apply knowledge of circuits and components to a practical solution. To build an electrical circuit with a switch control its function To draw a circuit diagram to show the circuit used To explain how the switch and the electrical circuit work to solve the problem.
Skill: To recognise that scientific knowledge can solve a problem. To recall different problems solved by a switch in an electrical circuit To explain how switches can be used to keep people safe
Living things: Classifying big and small
1 Knowledge: To explain how organisms are classified using the Linnaean system To define the term organism To describe the work of Carl Linnaeus. To organise a diagram to show the Linnaean system.
2 Knowledge: To classify the cold blooded vertebrate groups using their common characteristics To define the term vertebrate To name the vertebrate groups To describe the characteristics of fish, amphibians and reptiles. To use a branching key to identify the cold blooded vertebrates.
3. Knowledge: To classify the warm blooded vertebrate groups using their common characteristics To describe the characteristics of birds and mammals To compare the characteristics of vertebrate groups To use a classification key to identify and classify vertebrates.
4. Knowledge: To classify invertebrates. To define the term invertebrate. To describe the characteristics of worms, snails, spiders and insects To compare the characteristics
comment on the reliability of the results. To comment on the degree of trust.
5 Knowledge: To describe the theory of evolution To recall what evolution is. To identify differences between a living thing and its ancestor. To describe key steps in the evolution of a species.
Skills: To describe evidence used to inform theories
6. Knowledge: To recognise evidence that can be used for evolution To recall different evidence that can be used To describe methods used to make results or conclusions more trustworthy
Skills: To consider the degree of trust in the evidence used. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of evidence used to explain evolution To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the evidence used and consider a degree of trust.
mirrors and reflection.
of the invertebrate groups. To use a classification key to identify and classify invertebrates
5. Knowledge: To describe how the plant kingdom is organised To name the plant groups and describe their characteristics.
Skill: To produce a working classification key. To organise the layout of a classification key To design appropriate questions for classification keys
6. Knowledge: To describe and classify microorganisms. To define the term microorganism. To name some microorganisms. To classify microorganisms using a classification key