LSA technology and performing arts college
LSA Technology & Performing Arts College
T e c h n o l o g y
P e r f o r m i n g
A r t s
C o l l e g e
L S A Te c h n o l o g y & P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C o l l e g e
Welcome to LSA Technology and Performing Arts College. pursuing excellence I hope you will find this prospectus interesting and informative and that it will provide you with an insight into the life of students at our school. A prospectus can only offer you a glimpse of the breath of opportunity available to our students but I hope it does capture something of the learning which goes on here and also something of the excitement of school life.
Our prospectus starts by describing our educational aims and aspirations. These apply to each and every individual who attends. I am proud to be Headteacher of a comprehensive school which values all students equally, whatever their background or ability. I am proud to lead a school which prepares our young people for adulthood and enables them to make a positive contribution to the community of Lytham St.Annes and the wider world.
Thank you for reading our school prospectus and for your interest in our school. If you require further information please contact me.
P.S. Wood Headteacher
Headteacher Mr P.S. Wood and Students
A thriving
and dynamic place of learning
LSA Technology and Performing Arts College is a thriving and dynamic place of learning. We have all the advantages of a large school – particularly unrivalled curricular breadth and extra curricular opportunities - but, uniquely, the levels of care and support normally associated with a far smaller school. We have achieved this by dividing our school into seven colleges, six for the 11 – 16 part of the school and one for our post 16 students. The college is the focal point of the community to which our students and staff belong, providing pastoral care, welfare and guidance as well as opportunity to be involved in a whole range of inter - college activities. Each main school college has around 220 students only, so students are known as individuals and valued for their unique contribution to college and school life.
“Governors have set as an aspirational aim that the performance of students in the school will be in the top 10% of schools nationally. Our ambition is that all our students will leave school with at least 5 A* - C passes at GCSE or its equivalent”
L S A Te c h n o l o g y & P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C o l l e g e
child does matter
Creating a learning community that is Our college system ensures that students belong to small communities within the school. Students and staff are members of their college for the duration of their time in school.
Colleges play an essential role in giving students a sense of belonging and community. Competition between colleges creates opportunities for involvement in college and school life.
We offer outstanding support and advice to young people throughout their time at school for example through the School Nurse; school counsellor; Pyramid Club and Brolly Club. We have an effective anti – bullying policy, for which we were awarded the Diana Award.
disciplined, caring and supportive Provision for Gifted and Talented and for those with Special Educational Needs is a strength of the school – and resulted in the award of the Basic Skills Quality Mark.
L S A Te c h n o l o g y & P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C o l l e g e
Providing opportunities
pathways to success Only a school of our size can offer such an amazing as part of small colleges
Year 9 SATs for everyone and for some early GCSE exams in PE and Technology. This is the time to choose from a range of 24 different optional subjects as well as learning Maths, English and Science. Students nominated as ‘Gifted and Talented’ are encouraged to participate in many extra courses and activities.
Year 8 As well as a comprehensive list of subjects to be studied, students start two BTEC Level 2 courses in year 8 - one in Performing Arts and one in ICT, gaining the equivalent of 4 GCSEs in Year 9. Students finding some subjects difficult may be in small special groups for some or most of their lessons to ensure they reach their full potential.
Year 7 At the start of seven years of continuous education, each student is placed on a pathway appropriate to his or her ability in each subject studied - this could mean different pathways in different subjects.
which maximise potential
Year 10 A time to enjoy all the options chosen, be it three separate Sciences, Textiles and two foreign Languages, Engineering, Travel and Tourism, Horticulture….the list goes on. A time too perhaps to be thinking of future careers? Choice, supported by a thorough programme of advice from staff, means that all our students follow courses appropriate to their aspirations and abilities, learning in ways suitable to their aptitudes.
choice of subjects to study, whilst studying in small groups
Year 11 GCSE examinations to study for then looking forward to results day and sixth form interviews. Quite a task to choose from over 30 different A level subjects plus several different BTEC and vocational courses.
Year 12 Into Sixth Form life, studying the subjects of choice. Such an easy transition being with friends, knowing the teachers and the campus and no further to travel! A guaranteed good social life, treated like grown-ups and knowing that support and guidance is on hand, as ever. AS and BTEC results spur everyone on to further success!
Year 13 It is A level year and choices for further education. Time to apply to university, college or employment. (For some, a gap year). Excellent careers advice throughout school life should ensure the right path is chosen. Our results are commendable and we are very proud of the ‘end product’ of the 7 years of education given to our students.
L S A Te c h n o l o g y & P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C o l l e g e
specialist school status
Developing a creative and technologically
LSA has joint Specialist School status Technology We aim to enhance teaching and learning in Technology, Science, Mathematics and Information Communication Technology through the provision of industry standard equipment, extra curricular opportunities and increased curriculum breadth. Our challenge is to equip young people for their future life in a rapidly changing, technologically advanced world: this means to create flexible, independent, life – long learners who use modern technology in every aspect of their lives.
romeo & juliet production
advanced environment
in Technology and Performing Arts Performing Arts Specialist status in Performing Arts reflects our commitment to developing the creative aspects of learning, through music, art, drama and dance. Always great strengths of our school, the Performing Arts develop self awareness, self esteem and teamwork in our students as well as providing them with opportunities to perform.
L S A Te c h n o l o g y & P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C o l l e g e
there is more
Opportunities to be involved in competitive team sports are endless. Our students compete successfully at local, regional and national levels in all major sports. The standard of performance in Dance, Drama and Music is outstanding and range from productions and performances in school, to being invited to perform the opening ceremony at the North of England Education conference to singing in St Mark’s Venice. Our students have an international reputation!
Opportunities abound for everyone: our F1 team raced at the National Exhibition Centre; the public speaking team have competed nationally; our student run School and College Councils meet to debate important issues; our students go skiing, climb mountains and visit Europe and America.
Each College adopts a charity to raise money for each year. Students have worked voluntarily to raise money in support of research into Genetic disorders, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Easterleigh Animal Sanctuary and the Children of Watamu. We aim to ensure that our students understand their responsibilities to others and to be aware of the world outside Lytham St Annes.
who are you? Artistic, stage struck? Drama, music, dance, art & media are waiting for you.
Sporty type? So many teams and sporting opportunities in and out of school. Trampolining looks good!
Into good causes? Fundraising for charities, community involvement and needy people across the world are waiting.
A born traveller? -Take a look at the trips in UK & abroad then off you go! Technologically gifted? Seize your opportunities and develop your skills.
Want to sample Tuesday Activities? You will be amazed by the variety ranging from Sugar icing confectionery to D.J. mixing!
Not sure what you want? Simple – try everything on offer
Equipping each individual to become an active and effective citizen
to achieve, prepared to work hard but like to have fun too? This is the place for you.
Lytham St.Annes Technology & Performing Arts College Worsley Road, Lytham St.Annes Lancashire FY8 4DG 01253 733192
LSA technology and performing arts college
Headteacher: P.S. Wood B.A., M.A.
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