Curriculum Bookshelves

Page 1

What makes our family? Year 1

Autumn 1 Book Shelves Autumn 1 Book Shelves

What can wriggle, slither, pounce and bounce? Year 2

What is left of our world to discover?

Year 3

Where did human history


Autumn 1 Book Shelves Autumn 1 Book Shelves

Year 4

Ancient Greece was 2,500 years ago, so why do we still talk about it today?

Year 5

North America vs Britain: What comparisons can we make across the ocean?

Year 6

Are “ WE ” the problem?

The growing climate crisis and global warming.

How do you make a rhyme?

Where does colour come from?

Autumn 2 Book Shelves Autumn 2 Book Shelves

Year 1

How can we get from one place to the next?

Year 2

Keeping in touch - how have inventions changed our lives?

Year 3

What makes a desert, a desert?

Year 4

How is Europe connected?

Autumn 2 Book Shelves Autumn 2 Book Shelves

Year 5

How did life evolve during Anglo Saxon Britain?

Warriors of the past

Year 6

Beheading, transporting, hanging –why are these no longer acceptable?

What makes you a superhero?

What is in a story?

Spring 1 Book Shelves Spring 1 Book Shelves

What makes our body so brilliant?

How do animals thrive and survive?

Year 3 -

How have ancient civilizations shaped our world?

Year 4

What causes natural disasters?

Year 5

What can be found where the land meets the sea? Coast to coast

Year 6

Where in the world?

South America’s vast and diverse landscapes

What above our heads?

How do my actions have an impact on the world?

Spring 2 Book Shelves Spring 2 Book Shelves

Year 1

What’s so great about Great Britain?

Year 2

Fetch The Engines – what happened on Pudding Lane?

Year 3 -

What can we find along the journey of a river?

Year 4

What did the Roman’s ever do to us?

Spring 2 Book Shelves Spring 2 Book Shelves

Year 5

How should history really remember the Vikings?

Year 6

How did the “darkest hours” of WW11 change Britain’s fate?

Summer 1 Book Shelves Summer 1 Book Shelves

Year 3 -

What makes Greater Manchester great?

Summer 1 Book Shelves Summer 1 Book Shelves

Year 4

How is our landscape shaped?

From the mountain peaks to the river s deep

Year 5

Why does population change?

Year 6

How did the “darkest hours” of WW11 change Britain’s fate?

Summer 2 Book Shelves Summer 2 Book Shelves

Year 3 -

How can historical sources help us to unlock mysteries about Ancient Egypt?

Year 4

What was life like in the Tudor times?

Summer 2 Book Shelves Summer 2 Book Shelves

Year 5

Do the Maya deserve their blood-thirsty reputation? Savages of South America

Year 6

How did the rise of industry revolutionise Manchester? The industrial revolution of Great Britain.

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