Newsletter June 2013 Dear Parents/Carers Welcome back to what will hope will be a warm and sunny half term. We are hoping that the children will be able to work outside for a lot of the time and take advantage of the forecast sunshine for next week. Please could you to put sun cream on your children before they come to school in the morning if the weather is going to be sunny. Children may bring sun cream to school to apply to themselves at lunchtimes. This should have a sun protection factor of 15 or more. Please make sure that all bottles are clearly labelled with the child’s name. Because everychild is different they will not be allowed to share each others. Children may also bring sensible hats or caps to wear outside if the weather is sunny. We also suggest that they bring water bottles too. These should be clearly labelled and will need to go home each night to be washed. Ecokidz bags Thank you for all the support for the recycled clothing.Altogether we raised £260.00 which will pay for a “creative” experience for the children during our Arts Week in July. Sports Day Sports Day will take place during the afternoon of Friday 14th June. This will start at 1.15pm on the school field. Parents and friends are welcome to come and watch/support their children. Children will take part in a variety of activities and races. All children in school have been allocated “House” places. They work in these house groups to gain points for sports activities. Each house has a colour and children usually wear a tshirt in their house colour for sports day. A reminder of which colour t-shirt your child will need is written at the top of this letter. If the weather is too wet the afternoon will be postponed for health and safety reasons. We would then try again for the afternoon ofFriday 28th June. PLEASE CAN WE STRESS THAT NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE SCHOOL PREMISES School photographs A few parents have asked about the photographs that weretaken before half-term. Two thirds of these were returned to school by the end of last week. The final third have arrived today and will be distributed this afternoon.
Diary dates
As there are so many activities happening in the last few weeks of term I have listed them in the table below. Letters about school visits will be sent home by the teachers for their individual classes. Date 12.06.2013 13 – 19.06.2013 14.06.2013 17 – 21.06.2013 18.06.2013 19 – 21.06.2013 24 – 28.06.2013 24.06.2013 27.06.2013 01 – 05.07.2013 01/02.07.2013 02.07.2013 04.07.2013 06.07.2013 08.07.2013 09.07.2013 10 – 12.07.2013 10.07.2013 12.07.2013 19.07.2013
Which children
Young citizens course Book Fair in school hall Sports Afternoon Phonics screening week New starters visits Lessons at Furness College New starters visits Fell walking groups Cycle Training groups Community Organiser workshops New starters visits Williamson House - butterflies Reception vision checks Arts week Induction days New starters visits Visit to Leighton Hall African dance workshops* Kenya Orphanage Project Visit to Water Park – Outdoor Ed. Visit to Ducky’s Park Farm Kepplewray – residential Teddy Bears Picnic School Production School production Reports out to parents Leavers Assembly
y6 All All y1 / 2 R Y6 R y2 y6 y1-6 R y3 R All y6 R y2 All All y5 R / y1 y4 R / y1 y6 y6 All y6
Times 9.00 – 11.45am 3.15 – 4.00pm 1.15 – 3.00pm Mornings 1.15 – 3.00pm 12.30 – 3.00pm 1.05 – 3.00pm All day All day 1.15 – 3.15pm 9.15 – 11.45am All day Morning All day All day 9.15 – 11.45am All day All day 1.15 – 3.00pm All day All day All day 9.30 – 11.30am 5.00pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 9.30am
* The money raised from the Ecokidz scheme has been put towards this. Scholastic Book Fair
We are excited to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair to school this week. It will be in school from Thursday 13th June until Wednesday 19th June. This is a great opportunity for you to see,look at and hopefully buy a range of great books for children. The great thing about the book fair is that school receives 100% commission – this means for every book you buy, school can choose a book of the same value from the shelves. This will mean that they’ll be lots of exciting new books for the children in classrooms too! The book fair will take place in the school hall after school, from 3.15pm until 4pm.
Change of holiday date for the end of the Autumn Term The school term in December will end on Thursday 19th December at 2.00pm. Spring term 2014 will start on Tuesday 7th January. Summer holiday We break up for the summer holiday on Friday 19th July at 2.00pm. Yours sincerely
Wendy R Jacobs Headteacher