Lytham High Prospectus insert 2012

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LSA Technology & Performing Arts College is a Foundation with Trust School Headteacher: Mr. P. S. Wood, B.A., M.A. Chair of Governors: Mrs. Lynne Davies. Worsley Rd., Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire. FY8 4DG Telephone: 01253 733192 Area Education Office (North): P O Box 606 White Cross Education Centre Quarry Road, Lancaster LA1 3SQ. Telephone: 01524 63243

Admission The school admits up to 270 students annually. For details on the process for expressing preferences and the criteria to be used if the school receives more preferences than available places please see the booklet entitled “Secondary School Admissions in Lancashire” distributed via your child’s primary school.

Summary of the Governors’ Policy on charging and Remissions (see separate sheet)

Complaints Procedure (Education Return Act 1988) Should a complaint or query arise in respect of the school curriculum or related matters this should initially be referred to the Headteacher. The vast majority of complaints and concerns are resolved at this stage. However if attempts to settle the concern informally prove unsuccessful, the Headteacher will supply the complainant with full details about the arrangements forgiving the complaint further consideration. Financial Assistance Children of parents in receipt of Income Support are entitled to free meals and uniform grants in Year 7 only. Information can be obtained from the Area Education Office, or school. Any student or parent in need of assistance at any time should speak to the Head in confidence, so that no child shall be deprived of educational opportunities.

Our School Mission Statement is:

“A learning community in pursuit of excellence” Governors adopted this simple statement of the mission of our school because it reflects the values which are central to our work. These values are as follows: Learning is the main purpose of our school. Our students will be educated to be independent learners who take responsibility for their own learning. They will be able to research and critically evaluate information, they will seek and take advice and know how to learn effectively. Students will show that they are eager to learn and that they enjoy their life in school. They will be able to demonstrate that they are literate, numerate and creative and have the technological and life skills necessary for the future. People in our school community are to be treated equally and with fairness and respect. Students will have respect for themselves, for others and for their environment. Students will display leadership and the ability to work in teams. We welcome and value every young person, whatever their academic ability, race, colour, religion or background. Our school represents and reflects the community it serves though we teach students to be positive role models and active citizens of the United Kingdom and of the wider world. Excellence is something all students and adults working in the school should aim for in every aspect of school life. Everyone is capable of excellence and can show it through how they communicate with and care for each other, through their extra –curricular achievements and through standards of teaching and of learning. One indicator of excellence is the academic achievement of our students. Our ambition is that all our students will leave school with at least 5 A* - C GCSEs or equivalent and post 16 results which will prepare students for their future and allow entry to their university or employment of choice.

THE CURRICULUM Governors have adopted the following curriculum statement 2012

The school curriculum at LSAT&PAC will support the academic and personal development of each student so that all are able to develop as healthy, balanced and self confident individuals and fulfil their potential. Specifically, our curriculum will: 1. Satisfy future economic needs for individuals and for the workforce as a whole through the development of knowledge, skills in communication, literacy and mathematics and confidence in learning and in using new technology. 2. Provide opportunities for participation in a broad range of educational opportunities which allow the acquisition of knowledge and skills leading to high quality academic and vocational qualifications and wider experiences which meet the abilities, aspirations, interests and needs of all students. 3. Promote creativity, teamwork, innovation and a love of learning. 4. Allow learners to experience at first hand and through the taught curriculum, the richness and cultural and ethnic diversity of the global community and of the UK community beyond Lytham St Annes. 5. Promote an understanding of sustainability in the stewardship of resources locally, nationally and globally.

THE COLLEGE SYSTEM: LSA is divided into seven colleges, six for the 11 – 16 part of the school and one for our post 16 students. Our main school colleges are named after individuals who have shaped our learning or inspired us – and were chosen by our students: King, Whittle, Holmes, Lennon, Curie and Newton. The college is the focal point of the community to which our students and staff belong, providing pastoral care, welfare and guidance as well as opportunity to be involved in a whole range of inter - college activities. Each main school college has around 220 students only, divided into 10 forms; two form groups from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. The form tutor moves up through the college with their form, ensuring five years of continuity. Leadership of each college is in the hands of a Head of College and a non – teaching Pastoral Manager. College staff monitor the academic progress made by each member of the college. Tutors mentor individuals within their form, meeting each student 5 or 6 times per year to evaluate progress. These arrangements ensure that LSA has the feel of a small school in which students are known as individuals and valued for their unique contribution to college and school.

Most frequently asked questions WHAT


Good discipline is essential and insisted upon. We have a broad range of rewards and incentives alongside behavioural support strategies and sanctions. Parents are always given a day’s notice if students are to be detained after school (20/40/60/80 minutes, depending on the seriousness of the incident). Refer to the School’s Behaviour Management Policy, available on request. Our Code of Conduct is Respect

yourself, respect others and respect the environment.

HOW WILL I KNOW HOW WELL MY CHILD IS MAKING PROGRESS? Each individual student in the school is set targets for the minimum level of achievement expected by the end of the Key Stage. Teachers report four times a year on progress made towards these targets. Homework and class-work are marked regularly, informing students and parents about the strengths of a piece of work and how it can be improved. There are annual Consultation Evenings between parents, students and teachers, with two evenings in Year 7. All parents can monitor their children’s progress, attendance, achievement and behaviour at any time through a secure on-line system called the “Learning Gateway”.











We have a thriving initiative of using PEER MENTORS, who have been trained to help members of their own age group to talk about their concerns. We have an Anti-bullying Policy, which clearly sets out the strategies to be used in managing any such situation. Parents or students with concerns about bullying can inform us by email in confidence on our special email address: All members of staff are on the look-out for signs of distress or unusual behaviour. If it is suspected that a student may have been abused, the school is required as part of the local CHILD PROTECTION procedures to report these concerns to the Social Services Department immediately. In line with all other local schools, anyone found in possession of, or having consumed, ILLEGAL DRUGS will face exclusion from school. Any person or student responsible for the sale of, or dealing in, drugs is likely to face permanent exclusion from school. The curriculum covers the education of students regarding the issues of drugs etc. as part of the Life Course . (The School’s Drug Education Policy is available on request.)

Most frequently asked questions WHAT





We strive to cater for the needs of all our students and aim to facilitate a good learning environment for all. The school has an ongoing programme dedicated to improving accessibility through the provision of ramps and lifts, though this does not yet apply to all our buildings. The School’s Accessibility Plan is available to Parents on request from the school. Parents of students with a disability, who wish to apply for a place at the school are advised to read our published admission criteria.









The school uses photographs of students in publicity material to promote the school (e.g. in the prospectus and on the web-site). On these occasions no student is named. Photographs of students are used to promote school and individual events and successes in local newspapers. On these occasions names are normally used. Should parents (or students over the age of 16) not wishing to have photographs used in these ways should write to the Headteacher at the school. (See Data Protection Act)

We have a computerised system of recording attendance at registration and in lessons. If your child is ill we ask for an absence note. Also we request that holidays are not taken during term-time. Regular attendance leads to student progress. We provide an ‘Absence Hot-line’ for parents to inform us of their child’s absence from school.

WHAT ABOUT HOMEWORK? Homework is set regularly, entered in STUDY PLANNERS, monitored weekly by Form Tutors and easily checked by parents. Parents and students in Key Stage 3 are provided with information about all homework to be set each term. Use the planners as a means of communication with school and to voice any concerns. Members of our LEARNING SUPPORT DEPARTMENT are on hand every lunchtime to help students who have difficulties with homework and there is also the after school HOMEWORK CLUB offering further support.



Yes. All students from Year 7 onwards are involved in a programme which covers human reproduction and the physical & emotional changes which take place during adolescence. It also includes information about contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS. All lessons are conducted in a manner appropriate to the age and development of the student with due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. (Parents have a right to withdraw their child from these lessons by contacting Mr. Mudie (Head of Careers and Personal Development) . A copy of the School’s Sex Education Policy is available for parents upon request.


PE Kit (from September 2012)

Daywear Boys Black trousers, black blazer & badge, white shirt with standard collar (capable of being worn with a tie), school tie, plain black v-neck sweater, grey, brown, or white socks, sensible black, brown or grey shoes.

Boys Kit

Girls Black knee-length skirt or tailored trousers, black blazer & badge, white blouse with standard collar (capable of being worn with a tie), school tie, plain black cardigan/v-neck sweater, white or black socks or tights, sensible black, brown or grey shoes; heels not more than 4 cm.

Girls Kit

Protective Clothing All students are expected to have a waterproof standard apron or overall for practical subjects. This can be purchased through the school. Wearing a pullover or cardigan is optional. Wearing a blazer is compulsory.

Extremes of hairstyle are discouraged. Students are not allowed to have patterns cut into hair or dye hair vivid or in multiple colours. Jewellery, other than wrist-watches, should NOT be worn in School. Students with pierced ears may wear one small sleeper or one small plain stud in each ear. Finger rings can be dangerous and should not be worn. We do not allow students to wear facial studs or any other form of body pierced jewellery as these can be a health and safety risk. Footwear with sports logos, writing or patterns is not acceptable. Students are not allowed to wear pumps/plimsolls made of canvas even if they are black. Boots should not be worn. Hooded tops, tracksuit tops, baseball caps and motorcycle jackets should not be worn at School. Outdoor garments displaying obscene or offensive words or images are not appropriate for school. In cold weather hats (but not baseball caps) can be worn

outside the building. In the summer term tailored trousers of at least knee length may be worn.

Black shorts., Black rugby top with blue hoop* Black athletics top with blue hoop* White polo shirt, black Football Socks Sports Trainers (not fashion pumps) Football boots Plain Black track suit bottoms (optional between November and April. Black shorts. White polo shirt. Black football socks Black athletics vest with blue hoop* netball skirt (optional for lessons, compulsory for team representative) Plain black tracksuit bottoms (optional between November and April) Plain black sweatshirt窶馬ot hooded. (Available to purchase from the Girls PE office with the school badge for ツ」11) *For Year 7 in 2012 and to be phased in for all years over successive years.

Optional for all students Base layers for an extra warm layer are available and can be worn for all lessons. To purchase a school logo base layer please visit Available in black or white.

The following items are prohibited by law or banned by School and must not be brought to school:- chewing gum, tobacco & cigarette paper, matches & lighters, alcoholic drinks, solvents, illegal drugs, pornographic material, dangerous items such as knives, laser pens and fireworks. The School reserves the right to send home any student breaking these rules or to confiscate offending items. The school does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any personal possessions or equipment. Please support our attempts to maintain high standards or appearance. The school reserves the right to send home any student who does not meet these expectations.

Where additional items of clothing are worn for religious reasons, these should be in black (the school uniform colour).

LEARNING SUPPORT Students with learning difficulties or disabilities are assisted according to specific need through small group tuition, paired reading, in-class support, homework clubs and outreach support. Some of our students with greatest need are taught in the Supported Study Group to ensure increased contact with a small number of trained staff. Mrs Read, Head of Learning Support can provide further information about this provision. Through the provision of differentiated pathways we enable students to fulfil their potential at a pace appropriate to their abilities and aptitudes in individual subjects. To ensure that the most able students are challenged we provide extension activities in all areas through guided personal study, research and a broad range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities. The Learning Support staff work closely with outside Agencies and liaise with Primary colleagues to ensure that there is continuing support. The staff also provide advice and support for parents and subject teachers. Our ‘Gifted & Talented’ and ‘Learning Support’ Policies are available to all parents.



All students are helped with their choice of future career. Form Tutors, Heads of College, Subject teachers and the School’s Head of Careers and Personal Development, work in partnership with the Careers Young People’s Service to guide our students in the right direction. We try to help them to make carefully considered and realistic decisions about their future, whilst, at the same time, encouraging them to broaden their ambitions and their expectations. A planned programme of careers advice is in place from Year 7 to Year 11 and this includes careers events, pre-option talks in Year 9, timetabled lessons in Years 10 & 11, using the careers library. Every member of Year 10 will be expected to undertake one week’s work experience in local industry/ commerce. Provision is also made for Sixth Form students to undertake work placements or work based studies.

Good news! Parents and students have individual appointments with the tutor and a senior member of staff to help agree the most appropriate courses for study in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.

PTFA We have a thriving PTFA who meet regularly, full of ideas for enjoyable fundraising like quiz nights, dinner dances, golf days, car boots and even a Casino Night. Parents of Year 7 are cordially invited to get involved, as committee members or simply attending the many social and educational events on the calendar. News of events are regularly communicated to you by letter and on our website. A recent contribution has been the negotiation of a grant to equip a fitness studio. Numerous donations have been made to individual students in support of excellence and extraordinary challenges.

THE SCHOOL DAY Excluding Tuesday


Warning Bell


Years 8,10 & 11 Post 16

8:45 -12:30

Years 7 & 9

8:45 -13:20







Warning Bell


13:20 - 15:10

Years 8,10 & 11. Post 16

8:45 -12:15

13:05 - 14:10

14:10 - 15:10

Years 7 & 9

8:45 - 13:05

13:55 - 14:10

Formally taught lessons finish earlier on Tuesday to allow for 2 hours of training and development for staff. We guarantee to supervise all students between 14:10 pm and 15:10 pm on request. Over 450 students opt to remain at school to engage in extra curricular activities. LUNCHTIME ARRANGEMENTS Hot and cold meals are available on a cafeteria system in the dining areas. Packed lunches are eaten in the Assembly Hall. Students may go home for lunch with the written permission of parents, otherwise only Post 16 students may leave the premises.



LSA makes provision for young people from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. See Mrs. Lawson, Extended Services Manager and our website for details.

HOME – SCHOOL COMMUNICATION If you have any concerns about your child’s education or require any further information, please contact: Phone 01253 733192 Website

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