Welcome to Reception 2024

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Welcome to Reception

Teachers: Miss King & Miss Cope

Support Assistants:

Miss Rudzite and Ms Heeney

The School Day

8.45-8.55am Doors open

9.00am Registration/ Morning learning task

Morning session – carpet time, activities (inside/outside)

Playtime, snack & review

Morning session – carpet time, activities (inside/outside)

11.50 Lunch time

1.00pm Afternoon session – carpet time, activities (inside/outside)

3.15pm Home time

If you are late or absent please telephone the school office beforehand and follow up an absence with a written letter or email.

Trinity St Stephen School Uniform

WINTER – from October half term

 White shirt or school polo shirt

 Tie (optional) for Years 3 and 4 (Only to be worn with a white shirt and collar)

 Grey trousers, pinafore or skirt

 Grey, black or white socks

 Red, grey or white plain tights

 Red school sweatshirt or cardigan

 Red school woolly hat

 Black shoes (no boots or trainers)

 Hair accessories to be plain and either black or red

 Navy blue shorts

 Plain white t-shirt or school polo shirt

 Non-marking trainers or plimsolls

 Optional navy or black tracksuit

SUMMER – from Easter

 White shirt or school polo shirt

 Tie (optional) for Years 3 and 4 (Only to be worn with a white shirt and collar)

 Grey trousers or shorts

 Red and white checked dress

 Grey, black or white socks

 Red school sweatshirt or cardigan

 Red school baseball cap

 Black shoes (no boots or trainers)

 Hair accessories to be plain and either black or red

 Navy blue shorts

 Plain white t-shirt or school polo shirt

 Non-marking trainers or plimsolls

There is a stock of good quality nearly new uniform which is available at TSSSA events or on request.

Uniform policy

At Trinity St Stephen First School:

 We are always smart.

 We know that we tuck our shirts in.

 Our hair is tied up or clipped back using brown, black or school colours hair accessories.

 Please label ALL clothing, including shoes to avoid distress, wasted time and expense.

 No jewellery is to be worn in school. Although we make an exception for pierced ears – small studs only – these must either be removed for PE days or they will be covered with medical tape during the lesson.

 No toys in school.


PE will be on Wednesday afternoon this halfterm.

Children will need a white T-shirt, navy shorts, navy or black tracksuit and velcro trainers/plimsolls. Please ensure all clothes are clearly named and P.E kits are left in school for the half term.

Children will access the outside area in a variety of weathers please make sure they have suitable coat or/and hat. Please name coats and make sure they have a loop/hook so they can hang on the peg. Please practise putting on coats and doing them up independently.

Please provide spare clothes and underwear if you are concerned your child may have regular accidents.

Snack time

Children in Reception have the opportunity to eat a piece of fruit and milk mid morning.

We understand that some children do not like certain fruits but we normally have a selection and encourage healthy eating.

You can provide a healthy snack for your child, if you do it needs to be fruit, vegetable or a dairy product.

Please can you provide your child with a named water bottle to bring into school every morning.

Learning in Reception

 Objectives and assessment will follow on from nurseryworking towards the early learning goal.

 Learning in Reception is very active and often based upon play and practical activities.

 There are activities set up inside and outside that cover the different areas of the EYFS curriculum.

 As the year goes on the activities become more structured and children are expected to complete more adult led activities.

 We encourage all children to become independent learners who are able to talk about their learning.

Early years assessment

 The early years areas of learning:

-Communication and language

-Physical development

-Personal, social and emotional development

-Literacy development

-Mathematics development

-Understanding of the world

-Expressive arts and design

 We assess the children in the first few weeks and then objectives will be highlighted off throughout the year. At the end of the year they will either be assessed against the early learning goals and either be emerging or expected

Our Learning- Maths

 There will be a focus on mastery of numbers to 10.

 Recall of number bonds to 10.

 Working with numbers to 20 (and beyond) - ordering, recognising and understanding number value.

 Begin to solve problems using numbers- involving sharing, doubling and halving.

 Talk about time and money- recognising o’clock and half past and some coins.

 Recognise 2D and some 3D shapes.

 Look at weight, capacity and other measurements.

 Add and subtract one/two digit numbers.

 Numerical patterns.

Our learning- phonics

 We follow the Monster Phonics scheme.

 To help the children remember the sounds we use actions. Each child will have a sound book which will be sent home every Thursday, please return the book the following Thursday so we can stick in the new sounds.

 A 20/ 25 minute phonic session will take place everyday.

 We will be running a workshop to give you more information on phonics – 3rd October 2024 @ 2.40.

Our Learning - Reading

 Reception use a combination of books. We use Monster Phonics which are fully decodable and a selection of other books.

 Just before October half-term we will start to give children reading books to bring home (wordless books.) They will be changed once a week.

 Please ensure that you sign and comment in the reading record; it is good for us to know how you feel their reading is progressing.

 Reception will also have the opportunity to choose a library book to bring home. They will have the opportunity to change this weekly. (Tuesday)

Our Learning – topics

 There are three main topics throughout the school year- Harvest, Christmas and Easter.

 This term the topics in Reception class will be looking at are All about me, Harvest, light & colour and people who help us.

 Some of the other topics we look at are minibeasts, under the sea, animals, the seaside and Traditional tales.

Helping at home

 Read with your child regularly, we recommend five times a week. Enjoy sharing a variety of books with them.

 As we learn our phonic sounds we will be sending home a sound book telling you the sound we are learning and the Monster Phonics action. High frequency/Tricky words will also be sent home.

 Handwriting – name cards.

 Practical activities to support class learning.

 The class news will tell you of any work you can do at home with your child.

 Show and Tell will be on Friday - one group per week.

 Independence – getting dressed by themselves, putting on and doing up coats, using a knife and fork.

Parent helpers in School

At Trinity St Stephen we welcome your support in school.

We would like to set up a ‘Parent Army’ for any parents that feel they can offer some time to do some practical jobs in school. Please sign the sheet at the end and Miss Cope will be in touch. We don’t have parent helpers in class yet as this can be unsettling for the children.

Communication with school

There may be occasions when you need to talk to the class teacher. Please understand that this is not always possible before school, unless by prior arrangement. Teachers can be more flexible at the end of the school day.

Class Rep – pass on messages – WhatsApp group

TSSSA (Trinity St Stephen School Association)

The school has a thriving association and each year group has two class reps. Volunteers are needed to take on this role for Reception.

The purpose of the TSSSA is to fundraise for the school to provide additional activities and resources to enhance the children’s experience. We do this through events and activities for everyone to participate in – helping build our school community

In the last 12 months we have been able to contribute £30,000 to the school to fund:

- laptops

- 32 new iPads that will arrive this term

- a variety of resources, learning activities and playground equipment.

This year our focus is on improving the cabins and school playground, trips & experiences.

Come along to the AGM on Wed 9th October, 7-8pm at school to find out more – new ideas and volunteers are ALWAYS welcome!

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