Meet the Teacher Year 5

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Valley Primary School Year 5 Meet the Teacher Care

Learn together Aim high Be honest
Look after what we have

Meet the team…

Mr Connor5MC

Mrs Ishojer5CI

Mrs Agarwal – Year 5 teaching assistant who spends time in both classes most mornings.

A Typical Day in Year 5


Maths Curriculum

Curriculum Science Units

Curriculum Knowledge Organiser

(Curriculum info will be updated on the website in due course )



If we do not receive sufficient parental contribution to cover the cost of the trips they will be cancelled

Photo Permission

Please check that you have completed the Photo Permission form. If this form isn’t completed, you child will not have any photos around the school or in Newsletters etc.



Homewor k –TTR S parent guide will be sentemavia


Behaviour Policy

A link to the updated Pupil information leaflet will be sent home soon, for you to read through with your child.

An updated Parent information leaflet will be added to website shortly.

Personal Development and Wellbeing


Look on the school website for links to the Bromley Y parent webinars and support offer.

Personal Development

Pupil Roles in School

Staying safe online

Everyone in the class has signed up to our Acceptable Use Agreement principles which cover how we act

online at school and at home/outside of school.

PE and Playtime snacks

The focus is for pupils to learn and develop the skills which they can apply across a range of different sporting opportunities.

Pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit on our PE day. This consists of navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a white round-necked t-shirt and plimsolls.

Long hair should be tied back and stud earrings removed or covered. If they forget or do not have the correct kit, they will be given another role in the PE lesson.

As a school we are promoting Healthy Eating and encouraging pupils to eat the fruit provided at playtime. KS1 and KS2 are free to go to the fruit area during morning play. Any additional snacks should be healthy and Nut Free.

We celebrate birthdays by singing Happy Birthday in class. Please do not bring in any treats or gifts to be given out.

Health Information

• If your child requires an asthma inhaler, you need to get an Asthma Card completed and signed by the GP or Nurse so that we can hold and administer the inhaler in school. This is in accordance with current guidelines from the Schools Nursing Team for Bromley and recommendations by Asthma UK. Asthma cards can be picked up from Mrs Crawford-Jones or the office.

• We are an allergy aware school and do not allow any nut products in school – for snacks or packed lunches.

• If your child requires medication to be given during the school day, please go the the admin office and fill out the medication form. The office staff will then keep the medication in the office administer it as needed.

Thank you

Raising Concerns

We are looking forward to working with you over this year.

Any questions?

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