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POLISTHO-OR-CharlesAllen + John ChanGraduate Thesis 2022

Image by K.Perelli i

ThesisContentsStatement p.04 Provocation p.08 Housing Disparity and Autonomous Architecture 10 Procedurally Generated Cities 14 The Post-COVID, Driver, and Emissions Street 20 Position p.26 The Line Between Building and Street 28 Implict Notions of Nodality 30 Data Driven Urbanism 38 Project p.42 A Warm up: Procedural Cities & Building Blinders 44 Space Parsing and Data Types 52 A Speculative Instantiation 58 Works Cited & Credits p.64 i Steven Wei, “Photo by Steven Wei on Unsplash,” Beautiful Free Images & Pictures, August 16, 2016, https://unsplash.com/photos/g-AklIvI1aI.

Graduate Thesis 2022“Roads?4 Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” -Dr. Emmett Brown in the film: Back to the Future1

Charles Allen + John Chan 5

Freeways won, before they lost; and before that, trains carved huge railyards into an occupied urban fabric.2 And perhaps, had there not been a marriage of convenience between flight and field, we’d have leveled our cities to taxi planes through Time Square in our frenzied obsession with the future and its flying cars.3 Streets are canonical, untouchable, and invaluable, until they aren’t. Our project speculates into a future where the street is no longer beholden to either human driven or privately owned and parked cars.4

Call it an architecture cliché, or an architectonic nightmare, or even a Zombie flick where CIAM modernists have risen to eat the grey matter of today’s Jane Jacobites.

5 Further, transferable air rights, indeed, air in general is viewed with a higher regard as the city breathes and the world seeks to sequester substantial swaths of CO2.6 With the anticipation of new vehicles and new spatial politics, comes an obfuscation of the line between building, dwelling, car, and street as they begin to coalesce into a single, coagulation.7 Independently intelligent, and collective in their aggregation, they hinge neither on single author nor design firm, but on the citizens’, themselves sensors, real-time needs and travel patterns.8

As architects, we often find ourselves eating cake to Patricia Moor(e) ourselves to the reality of a rapidly growing mass of underhoused and unhoused people.9 Our aim is to conceive an intervention that will free us from the arrested development inherent in contemporary design projects today, where a decade often separates completed project from the data on which its based.10 Instead, we propose a leveraging of modularity and mass production to decentralize design and aggregate an ever-evolving urban organism. Our project plunders the sordid canon of urbanism, channeling a 3D Camillo Sitte-esque laboratory that experiments in 3D void spaces until the urban activity is maximized.11 Koolhaus, Jane Jacobs, and MOS are summoned to insinuate buildings and streets, asserting that they are in fact synonymous.12 13 14 Even “Kowloon Walled City” and “Desire Paths” are fleshed out in an attempt to register the tenuous distinction between inhabitant and designer in autonomous instances of architecture.15 But we were confounded by the implicit notion of nodality in Guy Debord’s The Naked City-his map of Paris privileging certain portions of the City of Lights over others- leading us to question whether the act of ‘drifting’ can really happen amid prescribed start and end points.16

Thesis Statement

5 Marshall, Aarian. “As Waymo v. Uber Ends, Robocars Enter the Era of Reality.” Wired. Conde Nast, Febru ary 9, 2018. https://www.wired.com/story/uber-waymo-trial-settlement-self-driving-cars/. This is not at all inconceivable. Combine the electrification of cars, with the increasingly cost-feasible adoption of autono mous vehicles.

6 “Transferable Development Rights.” Transferable Development Rights - DCP, 2015. gov/site/planning/plans/transferable-development-rights/transferable-development-rights.page.https://www1.nyc.Airis

Graduate Thesis 20226


interesting inflation of space, or should I say void. Regurgitating a Modernist polemic, does it have design consequences beyond the containment and distribution of the fluid, air, itself? Our project asks whether dissolving the interior/exterior modernist binary can enhance the qualities of each with diluting them with the other.


4 Iea. “Electric Vehicles – Analysis.” IEA, November 1, 2021. https://www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles.

7 Hopefully, we have visually conveyed an interest in if not melting these four primary elements of the city into something new, we have at least woven them into a new urban fabric. This action is in response to straight and narrow conception of the street, and that it visually queues the subject to find the object in a


This led us to attempt a subtle, seemingly oxymoronic, inversion of the twentieth century urban planning that hinged on the creation of contiguous focal points, places, into one of a continuous urban ether, space.17 In this way the architect might focus less on physically controlling the people themselves through signs, symbols, and hierarchy, and instead focus on layers of data that might contribute to design by interdisciplinary interplay. Before the inhabitants, is an infinite series of journeys-a blank canvas-ready to be designed with their feet. But ultimately, we plucked one word from our furiously crumbled copies of Situationist literature that highlight architecture’s, and certainly our intervention’s, raison d’etre: possibility.18 Where historically engineers have taken charge and obsessed over precision, order, and timeliness, at the expense of nearly everything else people need to live, we have taken it upon ourselves to promulgate an architecture that is itself, to quote Peter Wollen’s Situationists and Architecture, “a dream journey…an invitation to break taboos.”19 Whether it is outrunning sealevel rise, drought, fire, storms, technological shifts, geo-politics, viruses, violence, perhaps even the planet itself, we must cling to and hold to the grander idea that our cities can and must move, drift, and drift with us.

Back to the Future (Universal Pictures Amblin Entertainment, 1985).

3 This statement is purely speculative, perhaps even frivolous, but think of the Jetsons and the tacit expectation that lingers in the public’s conception for urbanism sixty years later. To list one example see: University of Michigan. "A Jetsons future? Assessing the role of flying cars in sustainable mobility." Science Daily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190409135923.htm (accessed August 3, 2022).

2 Samuel I. Schwartz, “Motordom,” in Street Smart: The Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2015), pp. 1-23. Here Sam Schwartz concisely describes the radical transformation of cities and their roads in response to the mass adoption of the automobile.


the question of how much control do you relinquish as an artist emerges. In the spirit of drifting, one must ask whether there is residual momentum of a previous course and whether that bore any intentionality. If no intention existed prior, can a proposed set of start and endpoints influence the course of a drift?

17 Bernard Tschumi, Architecture and Disjunction (Cambridge, Mass: M.I.T. Press, 1996). While this inversion sounds far fetched, it seems to be something Bernard Tschumi is conversing with.

A. Moore and Charles Paul Conn, Disguised (Milton Keynes, Bucks: Word (UK), 1986). Mixing the colloquial quote of Marie Anttoinette “Let them eat cake” with Patricia Moore’s habit of method acting as here stakeholders to design better architecture. 10 Arrested Development (Fox, 2003). This play on words is a reference to the title of an early 00s comedy titled Arrested Development which seems to have foreshadowed the 08 Housing Crisis. However, this satire also demonstrates the quandary of a development suspended in mid-construction and completely discon nected with its would be producer and consumer.

15 “Downtown Is for People (Fortune Classic, 1958),” ed. Nin-Hai Tseng, Fortune (Fortune, September 18, 2011), https://fortune.com/2011/09/18/downtown-is-for-people-fortune-classic-1958/.Here the notion of desire paths, and even Kowloon Walled City loops back to Jane Jacobs, when she says in an article titled: Downtown is for the People,” There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city; people make it, and it is to them, not buildings, that we must fit our plans.” 16 Debord, Guy. 1957. The Naked City. https://library-artstor-org.sciarc.idm.oclc.org/asset/

11 Camillo Sitte, The Art of Building Cities City Building According to Its Artistic Fundamentals, trans. Charles T. Stewart (New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 2013).

Charles Allen + John Chan 7 single, distant, vanishing point. How does repositioning the terminus of an interweaving of urban spaces change the way the space is experienced? Are new modes of representation necessary?

18 Wollen, Peter. “Peter Wollen, Situationists and Architecture, NLR 8, March–April 2001.” New Left Review, 2001. https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii8/articles/peter-wollen-situationists-and-architecture.

19 Wollen, Peter. “Peter Wollen, Situationists and Architecture, NLR 8, March–April 2001.” New Left Review,

12 Koolhaas, Rem D.. 1992. Two Libraries for Jussieu University. https://library-artstor-org.sciarc.idm.oclc.


Jennifer Gabrys, “Publications,” Jennifer Gabrys, May 27, 2022, https://www.jennifergabrys.net/publica tions/. Predicated on the work of Jennifer Gabrys into the use of citizens as sensors, we propose a far more invasive set of data gathering that would allow citizens to vote on the spatial evolution of the city simply by 9moving.Patricia

Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York, NY: Modern Libray, 2011. 14 Meredith, Michael, Hilary Sample, Katy Barkan, and Et. al. “Housing, No. 1, Thoughts on a Walking City.” MOS, 2011. https://www.mos.nyc/project/thoughts-walking-city.


8 Graduate Thesis 2022 Image by K.Perelli 20

9Charles Allen + John ProvocationsChan

Graduate Thesis 2022Housing10 Disparity and oneappealbecannotdoeslackIsarchitects,tomatureaggregateand21prehensibleament'KowloonmoldstivecantheirnecessitatedaccomodatelivelihoodscommonAsArchitectureAutuonomouscitiesgrowandevolve,ithasbecomeplaceforcitiestoproducemorethanthereexistshousingtoallofthem.Thishasoftenpeopletotakemattersintoownhandsandbuild,wherevertheyfindspace.Andthisisdoneirrespecofwherethecitywishes,andonlytotheprofileofenforcement.WalledCity'marksararemowhenenforcementwasnotwithinjurisdictionthatwasimmediatelycom-toanygovernmentofficial.Thisalloweddecadesofmodificationsautonomousdesigndecisionstoovertime.22ButbeyondthisexampleofModernslumtakenthenthdegree,whatisitithatattractstothisparticularaesthetic?ittheform?isitthearticulation?Isittheofthefingerprintofthearchitect?Orithavesomenoveltyvalueinthatitandshouldn'teverbepermittedtorecreated,andwouldthatbebothitsanditsmistique?Or,tospeculatelasttime,isitthebriefsubstitutionofanaliensetofdesign,manufacture, and construction parameters for a conven tional set that would generally produce a global and predictable result? Here also there lies a dilema of aesthetic judgement. In Walead Beshty's visual studies course on noise, the notion of stochastic-randomness plays in aesthetics. Is the noise itself what is appealing or the seemingly chaotic rationale behind it. To clarify, is the appearance of randomness what is appealing? Aesthetics of cha os. Or is it the appearance of randomness with the subconscious understanding that a logic is in control? An aesthetics of complexity. Or is it the layering and interaction between a series of random or complex logics that gives the initial appearance of chaos coupled with the layering of systems beyond immediate digestability that produces something above or beyond chaos? An aesthetics of a higher order of complexity only partially revealed.

Charles Allen + John Chan 11 1 The large cluster of buildings that makes up Kowloon Wall City 23 2 Units looks similar yet stangely not. 24 3 Stacks of units belong to different individual buildings. 25 21 3

Graduate Thesis 202212 1

So as we break down Kowloon Walled City, and additional oddities like desire paths and the historical cannon of slums and tenements, it becomes clear that there are mid-century humanist urban designers like Jane Jacobs might believe that this drive for orthogonality is simple visible lev els of order might be attributed to residual megalomanaical Modernist influence. Al ternatively, it could also be the desire by a totalitarian power to collect and direct the otherwise scatterplot looking construction of things like clothes hanging out to dry and desire paths.

Charles Allen + John Chan 13 2 1 This section daring shows the dense but organized spatial arrangement 26 2 Interior view shows the squalid conditions of a pedestrian inside 27

Graduate Thesis 202214 Procedurally Generated City by Marian Kleinberg 28

Charles Allen + John Chan 15 withouthowlanguageterventions,Sosingleconstituentinteriordoesn'thaveofthezenstrasseRossithereandspectrumasObviouslyaresetasanmentedfollowalgorithmblockssmallandmerousTheGeneratedProcedurallyCitiesprocedurallygeneratedcityraisednuquestionsaboutwhatacityneedswhetheritcanbediscretizedintoenoughchunkstobecomebuildingthemselves.Further,isthereanorformulathatweashumansthatcanbemappedoutandimpledigitallytogivetheappearanceofoutcomethatiscloseenoughtoappearthoughitwasspawnedbythesameofexternalforcesthatactualcitiessculptedby?thisisindialogwithresolutionwell.Atthefacadelevelthereisthebetweenexposedstructuredecoration,butatthebuildingscaleisthequestionakintowhatAldoisdealingwithintheQuartierSchutbetweenbuildingabuildingsizeofablock,tolooklikeaseriesbuildingsalongablockthewaytheyhistoricallybeenimplemented.29Whytheformofthebuildingrevealitsexpression?Andatwhatpointdounitsleadtoareadingasaform?aswebegantothinkabouturbanin-weknewwewerespeakingaofdensity,butwewereunsurethisdensitywouldexistasathingerasingordesacratingtheurbanismbeneathoradjacent.Hereitisfascinatingtosee the different approaches to the procedurally generated city and see the tacit assumptions that follow the architecturally canonical arche type. The procedure to the left demon strates a Camillo Sitte-esque street as architectural generator.30 But this is also an excellent reminder that we do not have all that much control over the city itself. Often the mere value of land in terms of its distance from particular landmarks and points of interest determine the level of demand and thus the vertical degree of extrusion from the plot.

But I would be remiss if I did not at this point redirect to Delirious New York where sheer vertical extrusion in the face of steel led to unanticipated codes that then schulpted skyscrapers along new criteria.31 If we are going to attempt to densitfy in an urbanism beyond the limits posed by pre-steel European and post-steel New York City, then we have to consider the "how" we might build vertically to accomodate density without falling victim to either the trope or the trap of the tower, or alternatively returning to sprawl. That is the challenge.

16 Graduate Thesis 2022 1

17Charles Allen + John Chan 1 Image of desire paths aggregating in the real world 32 2 Underlying logic of Probable Train's City Map Generator's street logic 33 urate Design 2

MODEL OPTION 1 - PRIMATIVESCOMBINATORY MODEL OPTION 1 - PRIMATIVES 18 Graduate Thesis 2022 Combinatory Study by Charlie Allen in the Design of Cities Studio II in 2022

The procedurally generated city is a tighter system with more codification and pred icatable results, but it also seems the emphasis for it's use and application is far less about design and far more about background infill. Finally, A.I. generated urbanism would involve the inverse, allowing the infinite possibilities of a diverse world of urban ism to aggregate into a middle ground of Ifcommonalities.weapplytheapplication of data to these three in real time, the challenge then be comes does this data lead to rigid deductive imperatives or a general guide for how change is instantiated?

19Charles Allen + John Chan

It is probably also worth exploring the dif ference between the Combinatory Form generating approach of Morphosis and consequently SCI-Arc's M.S. Design of Cities and other procedurally generated cities, data driven urban adaptation, or AI generation. Our team has certainly had experience in the Design of Cities Studio. This is a key precedent and provocation, in that it is urbanism derived from an in telligence, but it differs in it's architectural Combinatoryscale. takes a series of elements and determines a general pattern for instantiation and interaction based on sensibility. Random variations in scale, shape, orientation, and location then al low an inifinite number of iterations to be produced, after an adequate sample size showing the range of possibilities has been determine, a selection process is the design process.


Graduate Thesis 202220 NYC Street with outdoor dining in response to COVID restrictions and procedures34 LA Street dining response employing concrete barriers to protect diners35

Looking at the impacts of COVID on the street collide with two larger overarching transformation in street use that are wait ing in the near future.

Finally, the electrification of vehicles ne gates the need for separation between traffic that emits carbon monoxideand places people can inhabit and breath. In a consumation of the Modernist dream of light and air for all, we will soon no longer have to worry about traffic depleting the streets of air. These unprecedented changes will totally reposition how we think about many kinds of streets. Just think of the strange street hybrids in shopping malls, void of cars for the two reasons that you have to park them somewhere (often the several acres directly outside of the shopping mall) and two people don't like breathing fumes indoors shopping, eating, doing yoga, or in really any situation.

The Post COVID, Driver, Emissionsand Street

Charles Allen + John Chan 21

During the response to COVID streets were rapidly retooled in cities from being used to assuage traffic to being a place themselves to exist. Semi-permanent and permanent structures cropped up and blocked streets and surprisingly the cit ies didn't burn to the ground. Pedestrian friendly side streets don't actually need car access all the time.36

Further, the street's function as a place to park vehicles may not be necessary in the near future as autonomous vehicles can move from one customer to the next adapting to a moving and evolving set of demand.

"A new design genre was born last month..." -Pete Wells in an article titled, Outdoor Dining Offers Fresh Air and Fantasy to a City that Needs Both.37

Graduate Thesis 202222 1 2 THE MASS ADOPTION OF DRIVERLESS VEHICLESTHE PROLIFERATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES 1 Electric vehicles will soon not just be prolific, but the rule rather than the exception.38 2 Autonomous vehicles will soon be the dominant form of transportation in cities removing the need and hassle for private car ownership.39 + +

Charles Allen + John Chan 23 OUR THESIS? 3 TRANSFERABLE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS 3 The way that cities have adapted to new kinds of development pressures has us wondering what other changes might take place in the realm of air rights in the wake of COVID.40“ + =

Graduate Thesis 202224

Electric vehicles will soon not just be prolific, but the rule rather than the exception.41

Roominating on the above image, it is fas cinating to see this diagram in the New York City Manual of Planning. To begin concieving of the sidewalk as a room itself opens many doors, but also puts up many walls. Here the parsing and discretization of space is called into question. To put it simply, how and where do we divide space in the city? If we call into question the movement and parking of cars, would this document draw the boundaries of the room in the same place? So as we develop new types of ur banism in the city, what new set of spatial politics are we designing with that?

Finally, what is the end game? Do we val ue a diversity of spaces? Is there merit in the equity produced in the homogeneity of form? Is a visual hierarchy good if it is stripped of its classist undertones? These are all key provocations that will inevita bly inform how we go about developing our thesis into an urban speculation or proposal.

City Building According to Its Artistic Fundamentals, trans. Charles T. Stewart (New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 2013). 31 Koolhaas, Rem. Delirious New York : a Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan. New York :Monacelli Press, 321994.Britton Shepard, “Desire Paths: Part 1,” Britton Shepard (Britton Shepard, March 2, 2016), https://www. 33seattlelandscaping.com/landscapearchitectureblog/2016/3/1/desire-paths.Keir,“CityMapGenerator,”CityMapGenerator,accessedAugust20,2022, https://maps.probabletrain. 34com/#/algorithmoverview.KarstenMoranforThe New York Times,Wells, Pete, and Karsten Moran. “Outdoor Dining Offers Fresh Air and Fantasy to a City That Needs Both.” The New York Times. The New York Times, July 9, 2020. https:// 35www.nytimes.com/2020/07/09/dining/outdoor-dining-design-nyc-coronavirus.html.KarstenMoranforTheNewYorkTimes,Wells,Pete,andKarstenMoran.“Outdoor Dining Offers Fresh Air and Fantasy to a City That Needs Both.” The New York Times. The New York Times, July 9, 2020. https:// 36www.nytimes.com/2020/07/09/dining/outdoor-dining-design-nyc-coronavirus.html.SamuelI.Schwartz,StreetSmart:TheRiseofCitiesandtheFallofCars(NewYork, NY: PublicAffairs, 372015).Wells, Pete, and Karsten Moran. “Outdoor Dining Offers Fresh Air and Fantasy to a City That Needs Both.” The New York Times. The New York Times, July 9, 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/09/dining/ 38outdoor-dining-design-nyc-coronavirus.html.Iea.“ElectricVehicles–Analysis.”IEA,November 1, 2021. https://www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles. 39 Marshall, Aarian. “As Waymo v. Uber Ends, Robocars Enter the Era of Reality.” Wired. Conde Nast, February 9, 2018. https://www.wired.com/story/uber-waymo-trial-settlement-self-driving-cars/. 40 Transferable Development Rights.” Transferable Development Rights - DCP, 2015. 41gov/site/planning/plans/transferable-development-rights/transferable-development-rights.page.https://www1.nyc. Active Design: Shaping the Sidewalk Experience. New York: City of New York, 2013.

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 27https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 25https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

Charles Allen + John Chan 25 2001. https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii8/articles/peter-wollen-situationists-and-architecture. 20 Ewan Morrison et al., “The Stunning Art Inspired by the Real-Life Dystopian Cityscape of Kowloon Walled City: The Ungoverned 'Fortress', Built by Refugees & Squatters in Hong Kong. Run by Triad Gangs, It Was Demolished in 1994. Artists: K.Perelli, S.Morrell, Leganerd. Final Image - the Real Location Pic. twitter.com/s3dofx7n7K,” Twitter (Twitter, January 18, 2019), https://twitter.com/mrewanmorrison/sta 21tus/1086235486446931969?lang=ar-x-fm.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSaga of Kowloon Walled City,” Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 22https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 23https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 28https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.MarianKleineberg,“Marian42/WAVEFUNCTIONCOLLAPSE: Walk through an Infinite, Procedurally Gener ated City,” GitHub, March 27, 2021, https://github.com/marian42/wavefunctioncollapse. 29 Kiser, Kirsten. “Quartier Schützenstrasse.” DAC, August 16, 2022. https://dac.dk/en/knowledgebase/ar 30chitecture/quartier-schuetzenstrasse/.CamilloSitte,TheArtofBuildingCities

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 26https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

Atlas Obscura (Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2021), 24https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”

26 Graduate Thesis Position2022

27Charles Allen + John Chan Image of San Francisco Bay Area Tweet Density by Erica Fisher 42 ISTECTUREARCHI-THINK-INGWAYTOOSMALL

The28Line Between Building and Street

Our research also revealed a relatively recent trend in urban design that begins to integrate our conception of streets as another programmatic element often subsumed by buildings. This notion that flex community space better describes the street than as train tracks for cars leads us to some interesting explorations. Is it any accident that all these street building dialectical shifts took place in and around ButManhattan?thelonger term success of these ideas is predicated on an eventual transportational shift. Looking back to quintessential New York Typologies the buildings are shaped by and adapt to transportational constraints. Over a century ago, buildings had elevated living space so the windows could see above the piles of accumulated horse manure. If buildings could be shaped by the piles of horse manure, and streets galvanized by driving and parked cars, they could surely reclaim some of this territory and offer an approach to new transportation and habitation possibilities when these old parameters disappear.


This book repositions the street as a measure of the quality of the city, and suggests that beyond its role as a connector and unifier, it is ultimately a place to be in itself. This measure of urban success by the quality of street activity was an attack on architectural work that involved urban scale inter ventions where streets and corridor became harder to define.

Graduate Thesis 2022

Streets => Building

Charles Allen + John Chan 29 Basis for Stacked Utopia44 Jusseiu Library Model45 Image of Housing No. 1 Proposal46 1978 - DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A RET ROACTIVE MANIFESTO FOR MANHATTAN - REM KOOLHAUS Koolhaus' manifesto and subsequent work at OMA explore the internalization of street into the building itself. Here the transplanting and rescaling of streets into buildings suppose that by replicating the formal typologies of streets in large buildings, that urban activity will be reproduced inside. 2011- HOUSING NO. 1 - THOUGHTS ON A WALKING CITY - MOS This project speculates that streets may not even be necessary in dense nodes that are purely navigated by walking, and in fact one might be able to place the building in the street.

Street in Building Building in Street

whether it’s seemingly organic form can be replicated, through programming and scripting, to achieve a legible city. Is there a way that residents themselves could contribute to the design or evolution of such a procedurally driven construction? This led us to explore ways in which data could be collected and create a framework for how this data could then be interpolated into an existing urban fabric, potentially even in real time. Further, we were intrigued by the artificially imposed limitation of horizontality permeated our research into the 1960s movement of Situationists and their label of the Derive. This led us to hypothesize that the addition of a third dimension might radically expand the range of psy cho-geographic travel. Could this lead us two a three-dimensional recapitulation of urban Beyonddesign?thelaboratory of formal voids that can be constructed when building is no longer synonymous with wall, there is the anthropological reconstitution of what a building might even mean to inhabitants. When a type of building starts to transform, for example, as an addition to an existing structure, its own function and form could conceivably morph into a new typology.

Graduate Thesis 2022Implicit30 Notions of loonReturningcity.physicalpledelineationetherthetheinhabitinremoveexploredDisjunction,BernardThisyou'veofofNakedfoot.swathsgeneralizationsthatamovingartifiacts.thinkthroughnotionCanNodalityweinvertArchitecture'scanonizedofplaceandfocusonthejourney,acontinuousurbanspace?JustaboutAldoRossi'sfocusonurbanOrconsiderReynerBanhamaboutbycarandrealizingthatinplacelikeLosAngeles,withnoplaces,ecologies,orvast,almostbombasticmustbemadeabouthugeoflandonwhichhe'dneversetFinally,returntoGuyDebord'sTheCitywherethenodesareportionsthecitythatarecollaged,thewholeact'derive'isrelegatedtoaplaceatwhicharrived.trainofthoughtinevitablyleadstoTschumi’sbook,Architectureandwhereweseeafieldconditionratherthanaseriesofnodestotheimplicithierarchyembeddedthelattertoliberatethosethatmighttheformer.Humanactivitiesandurbanexperienceitselfwouldthenbeinhabitation-thejourney-oftheurbanbetweendisjunctiveelements.Thisisaspectrumthatallowspeo-adifferentinterpretationofthesamespaceastheydriftthroughthetoourearlierprecedent:KowWalledCity,webecamecuriousasto

Charles Allen + John Chan 31 1 Drifting' through a city as a means of identifying oneself 47 2 Transformative Anthropology Manifesto: For an Accelerationist Political transformation can be carried out through architecture. 48 3 Homogeneity in being disjointed. 49 21 3

Graduate Thesis 202232 31 2 1 This Situationsists diagram of 'drift' can be read vertically. 50 2 Psychogeography of Paris mapping movement between streets and field, similar to KWC 51 3 Derive/Disjoined between architecture element to create a field. 52

Charles Allen + John Chan 33 1 Psychogeography within KWC 53 2 KWC itself being derived and disjoined from the rest of the city. 54 1 Kowloon Walled City Plan 2 Kowloon Walled City Aerial View

Graduate Thesis 202234

In Peter Trummer's elective called "Plan" we examined many different types of spatial organizations as they pertained to plan. The Toledo Glass museum posed a unique opportunity to look at the way space has been organized without the typical boundaries that divide program

Butvisually.itwas this difference that I hoped to play with. Visually we can see ev ery space through a series of layers of glass. But the route and effort we must make to connect ourselves to any one of these individual programmatic nodes by journeying there is in stark contrast to the linear connection one has being able to see the destination placed in space before them.

Redrawn Plan of the Toledo Glass Museum by SANAA done for HT Plan course at SCI-Arc by Charles Allen

Further it means the data roadmap to a smart urbanism doesn't have to be per fectly unraveled to be useful. Data can layer into clouds that provide their own formal parameters to an ever aggre gating system. Similar to the way that lightning connects cloud to cloud in its own branching patterns, so too can the services and utilities least constrained by distance can relinquish their hold on building structures, and the most constrained can be optimized.

Programmatic diagram of the Glass Museum by SANAA done for HT Plan course at SCI-Arc by Charles Allen

It is this incongruity that I hope to in vert, where an orthogonal journey along a past gridded urbanism, wires or di rects you through a diversity of nodes and locations. As we get a better grasp of how to map space, space can begin to take on different qualities.



FoyerFoyer1 1 Foyer 1 Multipurpose Area RestroomsHallCoats Lamproom Hotshop 1 Courtyard Hotshop Courtyard2CafeExhibitionPrimary 2 Food Holding Art Holding Rest ExhibitionPrimary 1 ExhibitionPrimary 3 Foyer Courtyard2 ExhibitionCollection1 ExhibitionCollection2 Charles Allen + John Chan 35

Following up on the conversation around nodality, and how this might integrate it self into the way we move around cities led to brief experiement where we measured the distance between stops on the New York Subway Map against the actual distance between the stops. This possibility of crinkling the map to fit the city or vice versa, we though might help inform how we think about nodes. Instead it ultimately led us to dive into a data-oriented urban response. Where subway stops are fixed, rigid, and a heavy infrastructural toll, people, the commuters themselves are adept at calculating, recalculating, adapting, and finding the most creative way to their destinations whether the infrastructure is aligned with their path or not.

Graduate Thesis 202236

This would involving a collaging of data that would ultimately insinuate itself into form as intersections work themselves out in the leeway provided by a third dimen sion. Ultimately, our intervention will feed off of the three dimensionality of 21st cen tury urban polemics by being porous and able to instantiate and insinuate itself with the evolving methods of transportation.

Charles Allen + John Chan 37 Image showing the difference between subway stops and their representation on the NYC Subway Map 55

38 Graduate Thesis 2022 itself.morphologiesliveislationfortledscaleButrendersunlikebeindataingprojectsigntheExaminingUrbanismData-Drivendata,werealizedakeyissueistimeframeonwhichconventionalde-operates.Ifyoudesignalargeurbanconventionally,youaredesign-asolutionthatoperatesonthebestgatherabletohitatargettenyearsthefuturewhentheprojectwillfinallyfinished.Thisisamovingtarget,thatweather,ourreactiontopredictionsthedatavoid.wewerealsointriguedbythesizeandofexistingdatasetstoday,andthisustoexploreJeniferGabry'sinaneftogatherrealtimedatafromapopugoingabouttheirlife.ThechallengetobrainstormtheprocessbywhichthisdatacanleadtoliveevolutionsandintheurbaninterventionWelanded on a modular system that would sculpt itself on an evolving series of recurring data adpationonpeoplethatinsensors""citizenGabry'sJeniferemplyingawayallowstovotelocalurbanbyliving as opposed to their voice being lost in the aggregate of dissemenated institutional Aspropoganda.weorganized the data, there also arose a question of scale. Data of a larger metropolitan area looked the the most promising and seems inherently compre hensive. However, such a large scale pre supposes an interconnection that might apply to freight and visitors, shouldn't tell you much about environmentally conscious inhabitants. Rather, we must clean up work, and contain living in a way that allows these two primary trip endpoints can increase in proximity and decrease commuter miles traveled. Open Source Commuter Data for London. 56

39Charles Allen + John Chan A procedurally generated city applied to open source density data of London 57

But does this consumate Day's observation or suggest that in the last decade and a half the zeitgeist has already begun re molding how we position ourselves in the discourse of Architecture? I would venture to suggest that the world of modularity, overarching logic of a formalism, and re sidual need for pieces of meaning all point to a radical upending our perception of what architecture can aspire to do. I think we have spent this summer exploring the tools that will be implemented here. Lastly, and I think most uncomfortably, we have to ask about the extent to which architects need control of every last detail of the projects they design. Is it enough to design or form? Is it enough to spec a type of parametric facade? Can we relinquish any of this control to the individual? It seems one of the primary features of denser housing is also to impose as a byproduct a collective and unyielding aes thetic to any individual person or family. While this is a perfectly understandable expectations among large corporations and developments, we believe the disci pline of architecture is creating a whole portion of single family housed holdouts, and that we can only serve a whole human population by finding ways to reintroduce design and programmatic autonomy with in a new urban field. Our project is a speculation into the future decades of design methodology. Will pedagogy follow?

Graduate Thesis 202240

"American design culture has been split since the mid-1990s between the continued development of the collage-based approaches that Rowe and Banham's generation pioneered, and the rise of the strictly digital methods, driven by three-dimension al modeling and animation software. Recombinant designers crop and reassemble parts, fragments, or overlays to generate design solutions, whether at the scale of the drawing, the building, or the ur ban plan. Recursive designers build up complexity through the modulation of "primitive," self-similar parts through techniques of cyclical iteration. At its extremes, this opposition pits compositional artistry against computational rigor in contemporary van guard architecture."

-Joe Day in his new foreward titled After Ecologies for the 2009 re printing of Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies by reyner Banham 58

This quote by Day spurred to think of our project in terms of this curious cocktail of "recombinant" and "recursive." Months later as I found myself collaging datasets to compose our architectural intervention's data cloud on which we would base our aggregation I realized this is fertile ground for such a connection to be made. This was reinforced by the cyclical reiteration of self similar parts.

Charles Allen + John Chan 41 42 Erica Fischer, “Travels within the East Bay from Twitter Routed along Most Densely Geotagged Corridors,” Flickr (Yahoo!, January 23, 2012), https://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/6745718821/in/al 43bum-72157628993413851/.Gopnik,Adam,Nicholas

‘THE INVOLUNTARY, THE AUTOMATED AND THE UNCANNY: ZOMBIES, CYBORGS AND CHIMERAS,’” Rensselaer Architecture RSS, 2016, https://www.arch.rpi.edu/2016/04/upcom 49ing-lecture-stelarc/.BernardTschumi, “Parc De La Villette,” Bernard Tschumi architects, 1983, http://www.tschumi.com/proj 50ects/3/#.unknown, “The Situationist International and the Theory of the Derive,” The Situationist International and the theory of the derive, accessed August 20, 2022, https://fog.ccsf.edu/~dcox/EMU/S.I.html. 51 Di Janub, “New Babylon: Constant Nieuwenhuys,” cropped-miarramico.jpg, February 10, 2011, https:// 52janub.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/new-babylon-constant-nieuwenhuys/.TheLandscapeoftheMind:AConversationwithBernardTschumi- Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: 6362616059Press,5857https://kepler.gl/demo/ukcommute.5655https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kowloon-walled-city.54City.jpg&oldid=503685569free53the-tools-that-I-have-as-an-architect_fig2_307621459https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bernard-Tschumi-I-learn-about-the-world-through-[accessed21Aug,2022]WikimediaCommonscontributors,"File:StreetsinKowloonWalledCity.jpg,"WikimediaCommons,themediarepository,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Streets_in_Kowloon_Walled_(accessedAugust21,2022).JamesCrawford,“TheStrangeSagaofKowloonWalledCity,”AtlasObscura(AtlasObscura,July7,2021),Allen,Charlie.ThesisResearchinstructorDevynWeiser“Large-ScaleWebgl-PoweredGeospatialDataVisualizationTool,”kepler.gl,accessedAugust23,2022,Chan,SiuLunChan.ThesisResearchinstructorWilliamVirgilReynerBanham,LosAngeles:TheArchitectureofFourEcologies(Berkeley,CA:UniversityofCalifornia2009).Chan,SiuLunChan.ThesisResearchinstructorWilliamVirgilChan,SiuLunChan.ThesisResearchinstructorWilliamVirgilChan,SiuLunChan.ThesisResearchinstructorWilliamVirgilChan,SiuLunChan.ThesisResearch.Instructor:WilliamVirgilAllen,Charlie.ThesisResearch.Instructor:DevynWeiser

Lemann, and Antonya Nelson. “Jane Jacobs's Street Smarts.” The New York er. The New Yorker, September 19, 2016. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/09/26/jane-jacobs44street-smarts.Koolhaas,Rem. Delirious New York : a Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan. New York :Monacelli Press, 451994.Koolhaas, Rem D.. 1992. Two Libraries for Jussieu University. https://library-artstor-org.sciarc.idm.oclc. org/asset/ AWSS35953_35953_29396295. 46 Meredith, Michael, Hilary Sample, Katy Barkan, and Et. al. “Housing, No. 1, Thoughts on a Walking City.” MOS, 2011. https://www.mos.nyc/project/thoughts-walking-city. 47 Debord, Guy. 1957. The Naked City. https://library-artstor-org.sciarc.idm.oclc.org/asset/ 48AWSS35953_35953_34644341.SteliosArcadiou,“STELARC:


Map displacement test aimed at tuning an urban procedural intervention at different resolutions 59

42 Graduate Thesis 2022

43Charles Allen + John ProjectChan

Judging by superficial appearance is not a reliable method for approaching urbanism. In this way we found ourselves reliving the mid-century Modernists looking at the city as a serious of broad formal abstrac tions , rather than an outworking of the complex needs and interests of millions of individuals operating only occasionally as a collective. Demonstration of procedural workflow on a different plane. 60

Graduate Thesis 202244 A Warm remindereratedtheThisistheWhileedsity,largelycitiesWeProceduralUp:Cities...begantestingprocedurallygeneratedinblender.Herethequestionwasquantitative,canweworkoutdenandgenerateaprocedurallygenerat-formthatfollowstheprescribedrules.thisblenderoutputdoestakeonappearanceofthecity,astreetlogicnotclearlyvisible.isaquickanddirtyexplorationintomechanicsoftheprocedurallygen-content,butinit'ssimplicityitisaofjusthowsimpletheunderlyinglogicofacomplexurbanismmight be.

Charles Allen + John Chan 45 Demonstration of procedural workflow on a different plane. 61 Demonstration of procedural workflow of different density. 62

46 Graduate Thesis 2022

47Charles Allen + John Chan

Graduate Thesis 2022...and48 intervention.astheoldcalitiesuntilapproachpublicexteriorwaypingtemptedorrooms,andTheextrasuggestondegreecoalescetotops.wallstheytermedurbanfleshingtionSimilarlyBlindersBuildingwetookapassatadeconstrucofthemanyfunctionsofthestreetouttheideaofinstallingnewinfrastructuralelement.Welooselythesebuildingblinders,becauseextendedourfrombuildingsborderintothestreetandabovetheirroofOccasionally,thesecouldalsoshrinkthesizeofparkbenchesorgrowandacrossblocks.Theideathattheofbuildingblinderwouldbebasedtheexistingdataintheareathatwouldtheinhabitantsabilityorneedforspace.blinderswouldservetodividestreetsrooftopsintoaseriesofimpliedenfilade,ratherthanahallwaypathtowhichapedestrianmightbetofullytraversewithoutstop-orinhabitingtheseplaces.Inthisthelinebetweeninteriorspaceandwouldbeblurred,aswellasthestreetfromtheprivateporch.Thisseemedtobefertileground,webegintothinkaboutthepractiofstructureandinstantiationonbuldings.Additionally,theplanarityofproject,feltitmightbegthequestiontowhetheritwasinfactanarchitecturalUltimately,this set up a framework for how we would think of our final thesis intervention. Instead of building a canon of uniquely shaped, and largely arbitrary, forms to blind and curate the locus of inhabitants and pedestrians, we felt a three-dimensional conception of space and roof could enter and protrude in and above the existing urbanism. One advancement that a critique of this iteration led to is the question of subtrac tion. Could our intervention offer a lense through which we could begin dissolv ing old or excessive existing buildings to convert them to new programs that might accommodate less demand.

Plan view of proposed

Charles Allen + John Chan 49

Building Blinders as Urban Infrastructure 63 Ariel View of Building Blinders as urban infrastructural intervention. 64

Graduate Thesis 202250

Charles Allen + John Chan 51 Streetview of Building Blinders as Urban Intervention 65

Jennifer Gabrys' Outworking of Citizen Sensors 67 Graduate Thesis 2022

Space52 Parsing and Data Types

When it came to formulating our interven tion, we needed a lense through which to see the space we inhabit or wish to inhabit. This is particularly important within a critical framework, as data often inhabits our space and impacts the way we experience it, without an ability to see it. Further, even if we could share the data visually, peo ple's ability to see an interpolation of the layers of data impacting their way of life still isn't necessarily layered in a meaningful way for them. However, this system has to digest a va riety of data types. Among many other examples, the first example below demon strates the localized focus of gridded and discretized pieces of data that inevitably impact density and the air we breathe, while the second example highlights the interconnectedness and long reaching sinues of commuter traffic. Both must operate to inform the work at hand.

Our primary data factors include an ag gregation based on localized demand and an erosion of existing and intervention building stock that is undervalued. Ad ditional systems include a point grid of core services and elevators that contain utility services, a park and recreation data field that attempts to identify portions of the city than can be turned to nature or parkland, as well as concentrated sources of entertainment like stadiums. As we formulated a data field of collected data sets to form three dimensional ur ban ether that determines the weight with which the next units are aggregated to the urban intervention, it became apparent

Eric Fischer's New York "Path through cities" 66

53Charles Allen + John Chan Conceptual Diagram of the urban intervention beingbuildingsUnder-utilizedproposeddissolveParkSpaceused as low density infill Housing pressure controls density of aggreagation Universal Public space: roads, plazas, places aggreggationconnect

54 Graduate Thesis 2022

Studies where boxes are aggregated based on weighted probability, a cloud of collaged data. that this data set needed an underlying connecting force in order to keep the intervention from being sporadic, and thus, inefficient. Here we took some lessons from Diffuse Limited Aggregation, which is essentially just an algorithm of applied Chemistry. Here instead of particles spawning randomly, they spawn based on a set of weighted data. So each possible cell has a particular probability of being picked that is attached and is dictated by a layering of as many datasets as the designer feels is necessary to remedy the health of the urban ecosystem.

55Charles Allen + John Chan A data cloud dictates where the urban intervention aggregates.

56 Graduate Thesis 2022

57Charles Allen + John Chan An iteration filling the aggregated boundary mesh with a system of modular units

Animation still mid pan, showing a glimpse of the type of urban ether we are envisioning 68 Graduate Thesis 202258 A andaroundtecturalthistimechitecturetiontheticularlycamelooksofFinally,InstantiationSpeculativehavingworkedoutaroughpicturewhatoururbaninterventionis,whatitlike,andhowitmightfunction,ittimetoinstantiate.Thiswasapar-bigstepintheprocessbecauseshearbreadthofthisurbanintervenmakesrationalizingmuchofthearjustwasn'tanoptionwithinthealotted.However,weprefertoseeasaninversionofthetypicalarchilens.Whenweorientourselvesclientsandthedaytodayminutiaetrytothinkonalargerscale,itoftencomesat great expense to architects. We recognized this was an opportunity to think and design on a scale much larger than we'd probabbly be comissioned after school, and we figure it is much easier to zoom in and work on the architectural polemics down the road as we practice.

Charles Allen + John Chan 59 A Large draft image helping us formulate how we want to visualize and share the polemic adressed. 69

Graduate Thesis 202260

Charles Allen + John Chan 61

Graduate Thesis 202262

Ultimately, we landed on a large image as the kind of universal draw and pitch for our intervention. In the same way that we were incredibly broad in our proposition, we are able to swing the other way and get into a smorgasbord of individual details that might arise from these larger urban forces, and our design proposal in light of them.

We have produced one speculation into a future recapitulation of our traditional urban elements where the street is no longer entirely subdued by transportation, buildings are no longer confined to the needs and resources in which they are built, and humans design their own structures through a democratic aggre gation of citizen data. Streets become a place to inhabit, coexist and interact with people, pets, autonomous cars, and any future technological assets. We seek to inhabit the space where modularity and formalism leverage their unique attributes to produce a wildly formal, flexible, porous, and sustainable urban ether. Spaces evolve to accommodate the spa tial needs people have as they eat, walk, recreate, and socialize. In this way, our project marks a deviation from the megalomaniacal modernists roaming free, and promulgates a solitary democratic ethos: urbanism should be a reflection and a re fraction of its inhabitants.

Jennifer Gabrys, “VEGETAL SENSORS: HOW TO CONSTRUCT AIR QUALITY GARDENS,” University of Vir ginia School of Architecture, March 11, 2021,

HOW TO CONSTRUCT AIR QUALITY GARDENS,” University of Vir ginia School of Architecture, March 11, 2021, https://www.arch.virginia.edu/events/jennifer-gabrys. Jennifer Gabrys, “VEGETAL SENSORS: HOW TO CONSTRUCT AIR QUALITY GARDENS,” University of Vir ginia School of Architecture, March 11, 2021, https://www.arch.virginia.edu/events/jennifer-gabrys.


Charles Allen + John Chan 63 64 Allen, Charlie. Thesis Research. Instructor: Devyn Weiser 65 Allen, Charlie. Thesis Research. Instructor: Devyn Weiser 66 Erica Fischer, “Is This the Structure of New York City?,” Flickr (Yahoo!, January 23, 2012), https://www. 67flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/6747484741.JenniferGabrys,“VEGETALSENSORS:


https://www.arch.virginia.edu/events/jennifer-gabrys.Azoomedinportionof the action. The previous spread is a zoomed out piece of the image.

Arrested Development. United States: Fox, 2003. Banham, Reyner, and Joe Day. “After Ecologies.” Foreword. In Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies, xv-xxxi. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 2009. Bernard Tschumi, “Parc De La Villette,” Bernard Tschumi architects, 1983, http://www.tschumi.com/ Crawford,projects/3/#.James.

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Graduate Thesis 2022


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Moore, Patricia A., and Charles Paul Conn. Disguised. Milton Keynes, Bucks: Word (UK), 1986. Morrison, Ewan, K Perelli, S Morrell, and Leganerd. “The Stunning Art Inspired by the Real-Life Dystopian Cityscape of Kowloon Walled City: The Ungoverned 'Fortress', Built by Refugees & Squatters in Hong

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Manifesto for Manhattan. New York :Monacelli Press, Koolhaas,1994. Rem D.. 1992. Two Libraries for Jussieu University. https://library-artstor-org.sciarc.idm.oclc.


ThesisCreditsStudents:CharlesAllen & John

Fundamentals. Translated by Charles T. Stewart. New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 2013. Stelios Arcadiou, “STELARC: ‘THE INVOLUNTARY, THE AUTOMATED AND THE UNCANNY: ZOMBIES, CYBORGS AND CHIMERAS,’” Rensselaer Architecture RSS, 2016, https://www.arch.rpi.edu/2016/04/ Theupcoming-lecture-stelarc/.LandscapeoftheMind:

A Conversation with Bernard Tschumi - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: Zemeckis,2001.Wollen,Walled_City.jpg&oldid=503685569freeWikimediahttps://unsplash.com/photos/g-AklIvI1aI.Wei,theunknown,ScienceDaily.UniversityTschumi,site/planning/plans/transferable-development-rights/transferable-development-rights.page.Transferablethe-tools-that-I-have-as-an-architect_fig2_307621459https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bernard-Tschumi-I-learn-about-the-world-through-[accessed21Aug,2022]DevelopmentRights.”TransferableDevelopmentRights-DCP,2015.https://www1.nyc.gov/Bernard.ArchitectureandDisjunction.Cambridge,Mass:M.I.T.Press,1996.ofMichigan."AJetsonsfuture?Assessingtheroleofflyingcarsinsustainablemobility."www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190409135923.htm(accessedAugust3,2022).“TheSituationistInternationalandtheTheoryoftheDerive,”TheSituationistInternationalandtheoryofthederive,accessedAugust20,2022,https://fog.ccsf.edu/~dcox/EMU/S.I.html.Steven.“PhotobyStevenWeionUnsplash.”BeautifulFreeImages&Pictures,August16,2016.Commonscontributors,"File:StreetsinKowloonWalledCity.jpg,"WikimediaCommons,themediarepository,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Streets_in_Kowloon_(accessedAugust21,2022).Peter.“PeterWollen,SituationistsandArchitecture,NLR8,March–April2001.”NewLeftReview,https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii8/articles/peter-wollen-situationists-and-architecture.Robert,andBobGale.BacktotheFuture.DVD.UniversalPicturesAmblinEntertainment,1985.

Advisor: Soomeen Hahm HT Advisor: Marcelyn Gow

Charles Allen + John Chan 65

Thesis Research Advisor(s): William Virgil & Devyn Weiser Special Thanks: Daniel Lau, Tiffany Yuen, Zamen Lin, Holland Seropian

Kong. Run by Triad Gangs, It Was Demolished in 1994. Artists: K.Perelli, S.Morrell, Leganerd. Final Image - the Real Location Pic.twitter.com/s3dofx7n7K.” Twitter. Twitter, January 18, 2019. https://twitter.com/ Schwartz,mrewanmorrison/status/1086235486446931969?lang=ar-x-fm.SamuelI.“Motordom.”Essay.InStreetSmart:TheRiseof

Cities and the Fall of Cars, 1–23. New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2015. Shepard, Britton. “Desire Paths: Part 1.” Britton Shepard. Britton Shepard, March 2, 2016. https://www. Sitte,seattlelandscaping.com/landscapearchitectureblog/2016/3/1/desire-paths.Camillo.TheArtofBuildingCitiesCityBuildingAccordingtoItsArtistic


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