10 minute read
from Stay in Metaverse
by SCI-Arc
Week 01
What kind of the world that the Metaverse can offer? How is that going to change the living experience.
Physical Limitation:
Real-world limitations frame the life style of human beings a lot! Furniture is on the floor because the gravity. Applience need to be connect with wires. We can only arrange them on the floor, but what if we can make them floating in the air and arrange them in 3D? How is that will affect the living experience? Contrast/Difference:
What other major differences will be between the metaverse and reality? How to design the home and hotel that help people transit life style in a smooth manner?
How the design in the digital world can improve people's living experience? How can architects improve the experience with design in the Metaverse?
In the digital world, people have much more freedom to customize their living experience. Would they love to have a larger or small space? What kind of environment they want outside of their home?

Week 02
Innovative and creative design with imagination. Proper space for living with comfortable environment.
Maximum passibility of customization. Reflect the charactoristics of life style. Enemy:
Regular interior that has no design. Made only for basic living requirement.
Limited ability of customization. Lack the personality.
"With most of our lives spent indoors, the space we occupy has a major role in our psychological behavior. Environmental psychology or Space psychology is, in fact, the interaction between people and the spaces they inhabit. Lighting, colors, configuration, scale, proportions, acoustics, and materials address the senses of the individual and generate a spectrum of feelings and practices." Psychology of Space: How Interiors Impact our Behavior?


Week 03
Design the living space without physical limitations, items can be anywhere in the space.
Design and change the environment to live, in the nature, or city, or universe. Enemy:
Follow the physical limitations like gravity.
Evnironment cannot be changed.
"For better or worse, the place where we grew up usually retains an iconic status, Clayton says. But while it's human nature to want to have a place to belong, we also want to be special, and defining yourself as someone who once lived somewhere more interesting than the suburbs of Michigan is one way to do that. "You might choose to identify as a person who used to live somewhere else, because it makes you distinctive," Clayton says. I know full well that living in Paris for three months doesn't make me a Parisian, but that doesn't mean there's not an Eiffel Tower on my shower curtain anyway." The Psychology of Home: Why Where you Live Means So Much?

Dreamscape 2020, by Peter Tarka.

Week 04
AI rewrote my thesis:
The first things most people will do on Metaverse are buy and sell virtual currencies, which in turn are traded across the web. We've created an easy-to-use tool where people can buy, sell and trade virtual currencies in real time.
You can trade and invest using the Metaverse Asset Exchange (MAX) or send coins to other users. To learn more about your account, please check our FAQ.
Virtual Currency Basics
The term virtual currency generally refers to any money with a specific intrinsic value. It is defined as virtual currency used on the blockchain, a global distributed ledger of transactions. All virtual currencies are governed by one of four main laws
The first law of virtual currencies is known as the Bitcoin Law, which defines how virtual currency is distributed and controlled.
The second law of virtual currencies defines the basic attributes of virtual currencies and their respective value
The third law of virtual currencies governs the establishment, management, value, storage and escrow features.
The fourth law of virtual currencies governs the distribution of virtual currency. In order to facilitate transactions, cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology. This technology is not limited to cryptocurrencies and allows the transactions to take place in a decentralized network without the need for any central authority to facilitate communication on the ledger. Blockchain technology has tremendous potential to facilitate new features in the entire industry.
We've created a virtual currency wallet app
The second most common way to start trading is using an exchange. A virtual currency exchange is a place where users can trade and buy and sell virtual currency without a cryptocurrency wallet and without having to download bitcoin software. Users can also buy and sell tokens through private channels.
Our app is built on Ethereum. This is a decentralized network similar to a blockchain that allows for the decentralization of virtual economies. Ethereum allows us to create our own currency without using the blockchain and without requiring a client to download the software.
Exchanges allow traders to buy and sell virtual currencies and to be rewarded for their performance.

Week 05
Improving the living experience. Solve the real-world problems.
"Millennials are not buying homes as readily as the previous generation. Delaying marriage and having children is keeping many Millennials at home with their parents. The burden of student debt is preventing many young people from saving up for a down payment and buying a new home difficult as the affordability gap widens. Tighter lending criteria can also make homeownership unaffordable or virtually impossible for those without much credit history." The Real Reasons Millennials Aren’t Buying Homes
"Imagine scaling Everest, swimming with hammerheads or skydiving over the Grand Canyon — without ever leaving your living room. All will supposedly be possible in the metaverse, a new level of virtual reality being developed by the world’s top tech gurus." Metaverse Clothing, Travel, Plastic Surgery: Experts predict Life in 2030 Improving the living environment and experiencing is one of the top priorities and objectives that architects are chasing. Now, the digital world of the Metaverse offers architects much more possibilities to design and create better architectures to create better living environments with their imaginations. What will be the experience that people can have if they living in the Metaverse? What kind of realworld living problem that can be solved by Metaverse?
In the digital world, the physical limitation will be no longer a restriction of design. Houses, rooms, furniture, and decorations can be imagined magically in anyway as designed. They can be floating, or in a form that can never be built in the reality. What kind of way that a new home or hotel can be in Metaverse?

Week 07
In this week, I will be focusing on the hotel for Metaverse.
Although the technology cannot make a full-function metaverse right now, the prospective of the virtual travel is still on the bright side. According to the news, one limitation of today's Hospitality Industry is the optimized guest experience, which is on high demand. However, the real world cannot offer many custermizable experience. The furniture and fixture of the room cannot be easily changed and the environment is fixed. In the imagination of the metaverse hotel booking experience, the guest can not only got all the infomation about their rooms like now, but also the 3D experience before they check in. They can also custermize their room or environment to have a unique experience. If they want, they can also hire designers to design their virtual experience in the Metaverse. The hotel can be still in a form that we are familiar, but the room can be different and highly custermizable. Guest can change their room and what they can see outside, or even there is another small world after the door. Since their is no physical space required, it is possibile that to build another world in the Metaverse. Therefore, a hotel in Metaverse is not just a place to sleep. It is all about the experience that different from the real world.

Hotel Puerta America, Madrid, Spain. by ZHA

Hotel Puerta America, Madrid, Spain. by ZHA

Week 08
In the MetaVerse the physical limitation can be controlled by either the user or designer. So we can decide if we need to have those physical rules. Like objects can floating in the air, or walls can be made by water. However, in the real world, the physical rules limited many design approaches.
As a digital world, people have the maximum ability to customize anything they want, they can change the interior of the room, the location of the house, and anything they want to do immediately. In the real world. You need to take time to take the decoration process.
The experience of the Metaverse will be very different with the real world (it still can be as same), the environment can be designed and changed easily too. In the physical world, people cannot change the exterior environment. The only way is to choose where to live and dwell in the environment. The lifestyle will be changed as living in the metaverse, in the physical world, we need to lay furniture on the ground, which shape people to have a 2D moving in their home, but what if we can put furniture anywhere in a 3D space. Also, would people really need kitchen? What other kinds of lifestyle will be changed?
As living in the Metaverse, I think people need to upload their mind to the internet, not only based on the current VR or AR devices. Once people can do that. What kind of the space that they need for the real world?

NFT annouced by international hotel brand Marriott.
Week 09
By understanding the provocation of the hospitality industry, I think I am interest to design a hotel that can provide some visions of the design for Metaverse. A hotel that with similar form of a real-world hotel, but the rooms are kind of a small world. The aim is to provide the future vision of the hotel industry, from booking to experience. From the UI of the custimazation , NFT to the final world in a room. The room is design to for the guest who either wants a quick one-night stay or a resort experience. It can be from some pre-build model to highly custermized world by the guest. Even the environment can be changed too. So the guest can either enjoy a city view, or completely fantacy world.

Screenshot of the game EldenRing.

Somewhere in the World by MUE studio.

Somewhere in the World by MUE studio.
