International Journ al of Can cer Studies & Research (IJCR) Â ISSN: 2167-9118
Special Issue Theme
Pediatric Oncology
Short Description: Pediatric Oncology concerned with the treatment of cancer in children. A cancer diagnosis is upsetting at any age, but especially so when the patient is a child. Most cancers in children, like those in adults, are thought to develop as a result of mutations in genes that lead to uncontrolled cell growth and eventually cancer. Aims & Scope: In this Special Issue the editor asks the responsible authors to review the basic understanding on the research and treatment of childhood cancers, forefront of developing new treatments and designing clinical trials and also making new discoveries to improve the lives of children with cancer .This Special Issue would like to provide a platform wherein your contributions to the specified theme are accepted and discussions are made with regard to the scientific progress made in the respective theme. This special issue includes original article, short communication, mini-review and review articles.
Keywords: (Including and not limited to) Oncology; Pediatric; Drug development; Paediatric Investigation Plan; Precompetitive development;Hematology–Oncology; Tumour evaluation etc.,
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