Geoworld 2012

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GeoRex Tyrannosaurus rex Complete Model

CL 103K ¡ GeoRex - Tyrannosaurus rex - Complete model skeleton, organs and skin 47 x 36 x 36 cm 18,5 x 14.2 x 14.2 in.

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

8+ For the first time a complete reproduction of the most ferocious dinosaur ever appeared: 150 pieces to build up an impressive and realistic perfect replica of the skeleton, complete with internal organs and skin. The king sized box comes complete with 150 pieces of the T-Rex, a base reproducing a stone ground, an illustrated poster for easy assembling and a useful educational guide to learn more about the T-Rex.


Inside view

this highly realistic T-Rex

Model in scale 1:8 length 140 cm - 55 in. height 88 cm - 34.6 in.

Perfect Replica

{have fun building }

Assembly instructions 25 x 34 cm - 9.8 x 13.4 in. open 100 x 68 cm - 39 x 26.8 in.

Outside view


GeoRex Tyrannosaurus rex

CL 101K ¡ GeoRex - Tyrannosaurus rex - Glow in the dark skeleton 36 x 26 x 26 cm 14 x 10.2 x 10.2 in.

8+ A realistic and impressive skeleton replica in a glow in the dark version of the most ferocious dinosaur ever appeared: the T-Rex. The kit comes complete with 80 pieces


of the T-Rex skeleton to be assembled, a base reproducing a stone ground, an illustrated poster with easy assembling instructions, and a colourful book to learn more about T-Rex.

Tyrant King Skeleton


CL 164K ¡ Tyrant King Skeleton - Display 114 x 50 x 30 cm 44.9 x 19.6 x 11.8 in.

T-Rex tooth Model in scale 1:1 8 cm - 3 in.

6+ A display of great effect to highlight the faithful and detailed replica of a T-Rex, a perfect replica of the most famous predator in 1:10 scale. The dinosaur is already assembled and it is displayed on a rock-like base with a label for its classification. In addition, the set includes a replica of a cross section of a T-Rex tooth in 1:1 scale.


Model in scale 1:10 length 110 cm - 43.3 in. heigth 45 cm - 17.7 in.

Assembly Set Perfect Replica

Tyrant King Skeleton

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

CL 165K 路 Tyrant King Skeleton - Assembly set 55 x 55 x 11 cm 21.6 x 21.6 x 4.3 in.

Poster 55 x 44 cm 21.6 x 17.3 in.

T-Rex tooth Model in scale 1:1 8 cm - 3 in.

6+ A complete kit to live the thrill of a scientific expedition in search of fossilized dinosaur remains. The package contains a T-Rex in 54 pieces to be assembled, faithful replica of a specimen in 1:10 scale, a rock-like base on which to display it, a poster

with the assembly instructions and an illustrated book on T-Rex, which describes its environment, characteristics and habits. In addition, the replica of a T-Rex tooth in cross section is hidden in the gypsum brick, so that it can be unearthed using the included chisel.



Skeleton Deluxe

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

CL 052K

· T-Rex - Skeleton - Deluxe

71 x 51 x 15 cm 28 x 20 x 5.9 in.


{ the King


Perfect Replica

{ To recreated


the King of the


Model in scale1:10 length 110 cm - 43.3 in height 45 cm - 17.7 in.

6+ The Deluxe edition of the T-Rex skeleton is a king sized gift box to live the adventure of being a real paleontologist. The accurately detailed 54 pieces reproduce a faithful replica in 1:10 scale of the T-Rex. The T- Rex skeleton comes in a gift box where the 54 pieces are accurately placed in transparent blister trays and it is provided with an illustrated poster with easy assembling instructions, a base reproducing a stone ground and a useful booklet of 16 pages to learn more about T-Rex.

Poster 55 x 44 cm 21.6 x 17.3 in.



CL 066K


· T-Rex - Skeleton

54 x 29 x 11 cm 21 x 11.4 x 4.3 in.

Model in scale1:10 length 110 cm - 43.3 in. height 45 cm - 17.7 in.

{ 54 pieces to

assemble }



The 54 pieces of the T-Rex come collected all together in an attractive packaging, with a stone ground effect base, a poster with easy assembling instructions. The realistic skeleton reproduces a 1:10 replica of T-Rex.





SKELETON ANATOMY 1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20

Skull with teeth Jaw with teeth Cervical vertebrae Dorsal vertebrae and Ribs Scapula girdle Forelimbs (humerus, radius-ulna


Hip bone

complex, phalanxes and nails)

Sacral and lumbar vertebrae Femur (right and left) Tibia and fibula (right and left) Ischium Pubis Right foot (tarsus, metatarsus, phalanxes and nails) Left foot (tarsus, metatarsus, phalanxes and nails) Caudal vertebrae

· The individual pieces of the model should be assembled following the numbers on the skeleton drawing. · To simplify the assembly, numbers are printed on each piece. · To improve the durability of your model we recommend to paste each part on the other using a general purpose glue.


Poster 55 x 44 cm 21.6 x 17.3 in.


Cranio con denti Mandibola con denti Vertebre cervicali Vertebre dorsali e Costole Cinto scapolare Arti anteriori



(omero, complesso radio-ulnare, falangi e unghie)

1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20

Cráneo con dientes Mandíbula con dientes Vértebras cervicales Vértebras dorsales y Costillas Cintura escapular Extremidades anteriores



(húmero, conjunto radio-ulnar, falanges y uñas)


Vértebras sacras Fémur (derecho e izquierdo) Tibia y Peroné (derecho e izquierdo) Isquion Pubis Pie derecho (tarso, metatarso, falanges y uñas) Pie izquierdo (tarso, metatarso, falanges y uñas) Vértebras caudales


Vertebre sacrali e lombari Femore (destro e sinistro) Tibia e Perone (destro e sinistro) Ischio Pube Piede destro (tarso, metatarso, falangi e unghie) Piede sinistro (tarso, metatarso, falangi e unghie) Vertebre caudali

· I singoli pezzi del modello vanno montati ad incastro l’uno con l’altro, seguendo la numerazione riportata sul disegno dello scheletro. · Per maggior facilità di montaggio i numeri medesimi sono impressi in ciascun pezzo. · Per una miglior tenuta dell’intera struttura, si consiglia di incollare i pezzi tra loro utilizzando una comune colla attaccatutto.

1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20

Crânio com dentes Mandíbula com dentes Vértebras cervicais Vértebras dorsais e Costelas Cintura escapular Extremidades anteriores



(úmero, conjunto rádio - unar, falanges e unhas)

1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20

Schädel mit Zähnen Unterkiefer mit Zähnen Halswirbel Rückenwirbel und Rippen Schultergürtel Vordere Gliedmassen

23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34

Kreuzbein- und Lendenwirbel Oberschenkel (rechts und links) Schien- und Wadenbein (rechts und links) Sitzbein Schambein Rechter Hinterfuß (Fußwurzel, Mittelfuß,



35-36 37-54

Linker Hinterfuß (Fußwurzel, Mittelfuß, Knochenglieder, Krallen) Schwanzwirbel

(Oberarmknochen, Elle, Speiche, Knochenglieder und Krallen)

Knochenglieder, Krallen)

· Die einzelnen Modellteile werden entsprechend der Nummerierung auf der Skelettzeichnung ineinander gefügt. · Der Zusammenbau wird zudem erleichtert, da die gleichen Nummern auch auf jeder Knochenreplik eingeprägt sind. · Das Gesamtmodell hat den besten Halt, wenn es mit Hilfe eines gängigen Allesklebers zusammengefügt wird.




ANATOMÍA DO ESQUELETO 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-54


SKELETTAUFBAU 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-54

· Ensamblar las piezas del modelo entre sí siguiendo la numeración que se encuentra en el dibujo del esqueleto. · Para facilitar la construcción, cada pieza del resto arqueológico tiene impreso un número. · Para que la estructura del modelo tenga una mejor resistencia, se recomienda pegar las piezas utilizando un pegamento universal. P

ANATOMIA DELLO SCHELETRO 1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20


ANATOMÍA DEL ESQUELETO 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-54

23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-54

Vértebras sacras e lombares Fémur (direito e esquerdo) Tíbia e Perónio (direito e esquerdo) Isquion Púbis Pé direito (tarso, metatarso, falanges e unhas) Pé esquerdo (tarso, metatarso, falanges e unhas) Vértebras caudais

· As peças do modelo devem ser montadas em encaixe uma com outra, seguindo a numeração do desenho do esqueleto. · Para facilitar a construção, os números aparecem estampados em cada peça do resto arqueológico reproduzido. · Para que a estrutura do modelo tenha uma melhor resistência, é recomendável colar as peças com cola universal.

1-2 3 4-6 7-17 18-19 20 21-22

Crâne avec dents Mâchoire avec dents Vertèbres cervicales Vertèbres dorsales et côtes Ceinture scapulaire Membres antérieurs

(humérus, complexe radio-ulnaire, phalanges et ongles)


23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-54

Vertèbres sacrales et lombaires Fémur (droit et gauche) Tibia et péroné (droit et gauche) Ischion Pubis Pied droit (tarse, métatarse, phalanges et ongles) Pied gauche (tarse, métatarse, phalanges et ongles) Vertèbres caudales

· Chacune des pièces du modèle doit être emboîtée avec les autres, en suivant le numérotage reporté sur le dessin du squelette. · Afin de faciliter le montage, les nombres sont imprimés sur chaque pièce. · Pour une meilleure tenue de l'ensemble de la structure, il est recommandé de coller les pièces entre elles en utilisant une colle universelle.

Dino Teeth Collection

CL 267K

¡ Dino Teeth Collection - 6 pcs.

25 x 22 x 4,5 cm 9.8 x 8.6 x 1.8 in.




Tooth 10 cm - 3.9 in.

Tooth 6,5 cm - 2.6 in.

Tooth 7,3 cm - 2.9 in.

Tyrannosaurus rex



Tooth 11 cm - 4.3 in.

Tooth 10 cm - 3.9 in.

Tooth 10 cm - 3.9 in.

6+ A functional and attractive way to present the world of dinosaurs: 6 different dinosaur teeth replicas, faithful and carefully detailed, laid on a velvet tray.


These 1:1 scale museum replicas can be easily stored and preserved in the appealing box they are packed in. The kit comes provided with a detailed poster with scientific information about dinosaurs.

Poster 24,5 x 43 cm 9.6 x 16.9 in.

Perfect Replica

Dino Claws Collection

CL 268K

路 Dino Claws Collection - 6 pcs.

25 x 22 x 4,5 cm 9.8 x 8.6 x 1.8 in.







Claw 6,5 cm - 2.6 in.

Claw 6 cm - 2.4 in.

Claw 6,5 cm - 2.6 in.

Claw 11 cm - 4.3 in.

Claw 7 cm - 2.8 in.

Claw 7,5 cm - 3 in.

6+ A functional and attractive way to present the world of dinosaurs: 6 different dinosaur claw replicas, faithful and carefully detailed, laid on a velvet tray.

These 1:1 scale museum replicas can be easily stored and preserved in the appealing box they are packed in. The kit comes provided with a detailed poster with scientific information about dinosaurs.

Poster 24,5 x 43 cm 9.6 x 16.9 in.



Jurassic Night




CL 286K


Jurassic Night - Spinosaurus skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.


skeleton length 32 cm - 12.6 in.



The Jurassic Night family of dinos grows with two new species, Apatosaurus and Spinosaurus, to light up the dark of the nights. In each package: the dinosaur to be built, a display base and a leaflet with scientific information and curiosities.


skeleton pieces

Jurassic Night

Apatosaurus Perfect Replica


CL 287K

Jurassic Night - Apatosaurus skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in. skeleton length 40 cm - 16 in.



Jurassic Night

CL 139K


Stegosaurus Triceratops

Jurassic Night - Stegosaurus skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in. skeleton length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 140K


Jurassic Night - Triceratops skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in. skeleton length 21 cm - 8.2 in.

6+ Playing paleontologist has never been so much fun! The most important 4 dinosaurs, scientifically faithful and detailed replicas of authentic finds, are available now in a wonderful glowing in the dark version.


Each pack contains skeletons of a dinosaur to be assembled following the easy instructions enclosed, a booklet containing information about the giants of the past, and a base to exhibit the reassembled dinosaur.

Perfect Replica

T-Rex Velociraptor

CL 141K

Jurassic Night - T-Rex skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

skeleton length 34 cm - 13.3 in.

skeleton length 27 cm - 10.6 in.


CL 142K

Jurassic Night - Velociraptor skeleton

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.



skeleton pieces


Dino Age Experience

CL 168K


18 Dinosaurs

Dino Age Experience - 18 Dinosaurs

58 x 42 x 13 cm 22.8 x 16.5 x 5.1 in.

Card 7,5 x 5,5 cm 2.9 x 2.2 in.

6+ This kit allows recreating the prehistoric living environment of the dinosaurs. The package includes all the elements necessary to recreate a prehistoric forest: a rocky range that shows the imprint of a Tyrannosaurus rex in 1:8


scale, a poster that replicates the prehistoric landscape, rocks and trees as well as 18 different dinosaurs. The kit includes also 18 fact cards that describe the dinosaurs included in the package.

Poster 84 x 59,4 cm 33 x 23.4 in.

Perfect Replica Allosaurus









Tyrannosaurus rex









Card 7,5 x 5,5 cm 2.9 x 2.2 in.



CL 288K

¡ Jurassic Action - Tyrannosaurus rex


Cardboard 37 x 24 x 11,5 cm - 14.5 x 9.4 x 4.5 in.

Leaflet 9 x 6 cm - 3.5 x 2.4 in.

Model length 25 cm - 9.8 in. - scale 1:50



4 new styles of Jurassic Action dinosaurs in a smaller size. Every style has different movements. Each dinosaur is a scientific and realistic replica, very detailed in


colours and hand painted by expert craftsmen. To complete the products: one action card, the scientific data leaflet and the diorama to play with the dinosaur.

Card 9 x 6 cm - 3.5 x 2.4 in.

Perfect Replica


CL 289K 路 Jurassic Action Triceratops Model length 19 cm - 7.5 in. scale 1:50

CL 290K 路 Jurassic Action Stegosaurus

Model length 20 cm - 7.9 in. - scale 1:45

CL 291K 路 Jurassic Action Brachiosaurus

Model heigth 20 cm - 7.9 in. - scale 1:70


Jurassic Eggs Display

Leaflet 7,1 x 13,4 cm 2.8 x 5.3 in.

CL 251K ¡ Jurassic Eggs Display - 12 pcs 24 x 27,5 x 41 cm - 9.4 x 10.8 x 16.1 in. open 24 x 27,5 x 20 cm - 9.4 x 10.8 x 7.8 in. closed

6+ A semi-transparent dinosaur egg hides a fantastic surprise: a dinosaur skeleton in pieces to be assembled and a leaflet with scientific and strange facts about your dinosaur. Just like real paleontologists, kids will assemble a detailed and scientifically accurate museum quality model. The complete collection includes 12 of the most famous and interesting dinosaurs.


Jurassic Eggs Assembly set

Perfect Replica

Tyrannosaurus rex Velociraptor

length 34 cm - 13.3 in.

CL 187K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 27 cm - 10.6 in.

CL 188K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Velociraptor skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.


Jurassic Eggs Assembly set

Stegosaurus Triceratops

length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 189K ¡ Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Stegosaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 21 cm - 8.3 in.

CL 190K ¡ urassic Eggs Assembly set - Triceratops skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

6+ A semi-transparent dinosaur egg hides a fantastic surprise: a dinosaur skeleton in pieces to be assembled and a leaflet with scientific and strange facts about your dinosaur. Just like real paleontologists, kids will assemble a detailed and scientifically accurate museum quality model. The complete collection includes 12 of the most famous and interesting dinosaurs.


Jurassic Eggs Assembly set

Perfect Replica

Pteranodon Brachiosaurus Stygimoloch

width 48 cm - 18.8 in.

CL 191K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set Pteranodon skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 192K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Brachiosaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 193K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Stygimoloch skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.


Jurassic Eggs Assembly set

Styracosaurus Parasaurolophus

length 26 cm - 10.2 in.

CL 194K ¡ Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Styracosaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 31 cm - 12.2 in.

CL 195K ¡ Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Parasaurolophus skeleton

6+ A semi-transparent dinosaur egg hides a fantastic surprise: a dinosaur skeleton in pieces to be assembled and a leaflet with scientific and strange facts about your dinosaur. Just like real paleontologists, kids will assemble a detailed and scientifically accurate museum quality model. The complete collection includes 12 of the most famous and interesting dinosaurs.


19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in

Jurassic Eggs Assembly set

Perfect Replica

Spinosaurus Carnotaurus Apatosaurus

length 32 cm - 12.6 in.

CL 196K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Spinosaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.

length 30 cm - 12 in.

CL 197K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Carnotaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in

length 40 cm - 16 in.

CL 198K 路 Jurassic Eggs Assembly set - Apatosaurus skeleton 19 x 7,8 x 6,6 cm 7.5 x 3 x 2.6 in.


Dig & Discover Authentic Fossil Fish

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

ED 209K

¡ Dig & Discover - Authentic Fossil Fish

34 x 25 x 5,5 cm 13.3 x 9.8 x 2.1 in.

Authentic Fossil Fish of Wyoming - U.S.A. 9 x 6 cm approx. 3.5 x 2.3 in. approx.

6+ A nice packaging with all the required kit to let kids live the adventure of a real paleontologist. They can dig and bring to light an authentic fossil fish coming from Wyoming. The kit comes provided with hammer, chisel, lens, stand, googles and a complete booklet about the fossilized fish of Wyoming.


{For real Fossils hunters!}

Play & Discover

Dig & Discover Shark Teeth

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

ED 210K

路 Dig & Discover - Shark Teeth

34 x 25 x 5,5 cm 13.3 x 9.8 x 2.1 in.

Panel with four Authentic Fossil Shark Teeth

Replica of Shark Tooth 8 x 10 cm approx. 3.1 x 3.9 in. approx.

6+ A complete kit to be a real paleontologist! The box contains: U A cardboard panel with four authentic fossil teeth belonging to different prehistoric shark species, a plastic stand to hold the panel and a magnifying lens to investigate and discover about each tooth peculiarities.

A gypsum brick hiding a tooth replica in 1:1 scale of the biggest and most famous predator of prehistory: the Carcharocles Megalodon shark (59 ft in length). U A complete set of tools (hammer and chisel) to take the replica out from the brick and clear it accurately. U A booklet about sharks to help with the teeth identification. U


Dig & Discover Trilobite

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

ED 211K

¡ Dig & Discover - Trilobite

34 x 25 x 5,5 cm 13.3 x 9.8 x 2.1 in.

Panel with three Authentic Fossil Trilobites

Replica of Trilobite 9 x 7 cm approx. 3.5 x 2.7 in. approx.

6+ A complete kit to be a real paleontologist! The box contains: U A cardboard panel with three authentic fossils belonging to different prehistoric trilobite species, a plastic stand to hold the panel and a magnifying lens to investigate and discover about each trilobite peculiarities.


A gypsum brick hiding a trilobite replica in 1:1 scale. U A complete set of tools (hammer and chisel) to take the replica out from the brick and clear it accurately. U A booklet about trilobites to help with the specimens identification. U

Play & Discover

Dig & Discover Ammonite

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

ED 212K

· Dig & Discover - Ammonite

34 x 25 x 5,5 cm 13.3 x 9.8 x 2.1 in.

Panel with three Authentic Fossil Ammonites

Replica of Ammonite cm 6 x 6 approx. 2.3 x 2.3 in. approx.

6+ A complete kit to be a real paleontologist! The box contains: U A cardboard panel with three authentic fossils belonging to different prehistoric ammonite species, a plastic stand to hold the panel and a magnifying lens to investigate and discover about each ammonite’s peculiarities.

A gypsum brick hiding an ammonite replica in 1:1 scale. U A complete set of tools (hammer and chisel) to take the replica out from the brick and clear it accurately. U A booklet about ammonites to help with the specimens identification. U


Mining Kit Fool’s Gold

ED 337K

· Mining Kit - Fool’s Gold

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Leaflet 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

Authentic Pyrites

6+ An appealing kit to live the experience of being a real geologist, looking for fascinating treasures. With the help of the given special hammer and chisel, digging up the pyrite specimens hidden in the gypsum brick will be easy and exciting.


Then, as a real geologist, kids will examine the wonder of each pyrite they have found with the lens, and read the colourful leaflet about pyrite.

Play & Discover

Mining Kit Crystals & Gems

ED 231K

路 Mining Kit - Crystals & Gems

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Leaflet 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

6+ An appealing kit to live the experience of being a real geologist, looking for fascinating treasures. With the help of the given special hammer and chisel, digging up crystals and gemstones hidden in the gypsum brick will be easy and exciting.

Authentic Minerals

Then, as a real geologist, kids will try to identify and catalogue the different crystals and gemstones they have found with the help of the colourful leaflet included in the packaging.


Mining Kit Geodes

ED 232K

¡ Mining Kit - Geodes

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Leaflet 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

{ Dig & Discover embedded Treasures } 6+ An appealing kit to live the experience of being a real geologist, looking for fascinating treasures. With the help of the given special hammer and chisel, digging up the geodes hidden in the gypsum brick will be easy and exciting.


Then, as a real geologist, kids will break and examine the inner wonder of each geode they have found, and learn more with the colourful leaflet.

Authentic Geodes

Play & Discover

Mining Kit Space Rocks

ED 233K

路 Mining Kit - Space Rocks

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Leaflet 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

Authentic Space Rocks

6+ An appealing kit to live the experience of being a real geologist, looking for fascinating treasures. With the help of the given special hammer and chisel, digging up the space rocks hidden in the gypsum brick will be easy and exciting.

Then, as a real geologist, kids will discover all peculiarities of these testimonies of the origin of our planet, formed by the impact of large meteorites on the surface of the Earth with the help of the provided lens and of the leaflet included.


Excavation Kit Fossil Treasures

ED 342K

¡ Excavation Kit - Fossil Treasures

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Booklet 20 pages 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

Authentic Fossils

6+ Discover the treasures contained in this appealing box: U A gypsum brick hiding authentic fossil specimens. U A complete set of tools: hammer, chisel and magnifier. U A fancy charm with an authentic fossil specimen sheltered by a transparent resin marble. U A booklet about Fossils.


Charm with Authentic Fossil in trasparent resin

Play & Discover

Excavation Kit Amber Treasures

ED 343K

路 Excavation Kit - Amber Treasures

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Booklet 20 pages 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

Authentic Scorpion in replica Amber

6+ Discover the treasures contained in this appealing box: U A gypsum brick hiding an amber-like resin drop with a real scorpion inside. U A complete set of tools: hammer, chisel and magnifier. U A fancy charm with an authentic amber specimen sheltered by a transparent resin marble. U A booklet about Amber.

Charm with Authentic Amber in trasparent resin


Excavation Kit Sea Treasures

ED 345K

¡ Excavation Kit - Sea Treasures

21 x 26 x 5,5 cm 8.2 x 10.2 x 2.1 in.

Booklet 20 pages 10 x 8 cm 4 x 3 in.

6+ Discover the treasures contained in this appealing box: U A gypsum brick hiding authentic fossils coming from ancient seas. U A complete set of tools: hammer, chisel and magnifier. U A fancy charm with an authentic fossil shark tooth sheltered by a transparent resin marble. U A booklet about Sharks and Ancient Marine fossils.


Authentic Fossil Shark Teeth and Marine Sealife

Charm with Authentic Fossil Shark Tooth in trasparent resin

Play & Discover

Dino Excavation Kit T-Rex Skull

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

ED 236K

· Excavation Kit - T-Rex Skull

25 x 33 x 10 cm 9.8 x 13 x 3.9 in.

Panel with authentic dino bone 11 x 7 cm 4.3 x 2.7 in. Replica of T-Rex skull 18 cm 7 in.

6+ Live the experience of being a real paleontologist! Kids will dig out of the gypsum brick the bone replicas, clear them accurately and assemble the detailed pieces to reproduce a faithful replica of the skull of the most ferocious dinosaur predator which lived during the end of the Cretaceous period.

The kit comes complete with the paleontologist’s tools (hammer and chisel), a cardboard with authentic T-Rex fossil bone fragment and a colourful booklet about T-Rex.

Authentic Dino bone



Dinoart Painting Kit Brachiosaurus

CL 298K

· Dinoart Painting Kit - Brachiosaurus

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

height 20 cm - 7.9 in.



A brand new concept for an “arts & craft” experience. The kit comes complete with a realistic dinosaur scale model to be built, 5 paints and a brush. The Painting Guide will take the child


through the simple steps of building the dinosaur and painting it with helpful colour suggestions. A leaflet with scientific and curious information about each dinosaur is included.


Dinoart Painting Kit

Play & Discover

Spinosaurus Stegosaurus

CL 299K

路 Dinoart Painting Kit

- Spinosaurus

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

length 27 cm - 10.6 in.

CL 300K

路 Dinoart Painting Kit

- Stegosaurus

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

length 20 cm - 7.9 in.



Dinoart Painting Kit Styracosaurus

CL 301K

· Dinoart Painting Kit

- Styracosaurus

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

length 20 cm - 7.9 in.



A brand new concept for an “arts & craft” experience. The kit comes complete with a realistic dinosaur scale model to be built, 5 paints and a brush. The Painting Guide will take the child


through the simple steps of building the dinosaur and painting it with helpful colour suggestions. A leaflet with scientific and curious information about each dinosaur is included.


Dinoart Painting Kit

Play & Discover

Tyrannosaurus rex Triceratops

CL 302K

路 Dinoart Painting Kit

- Tyrannosaurus rex

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

length 25 cm - 9.8 in.

CL 303K

路 Dinoart Painting Kit

- Triceratops

15,5 x 19,2 x 6 cm 6.1 x 7.5 x 2.4 in.

length 19 cm - 7.5 in.


Activity Kit Crack’em Open Geodes

Booklet 12 pages ED 366K

· Activity Kit - Crack’em Open Geodes

8 x 12 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

Bag 6 x 9 cm 2.3 x 3.5 in.

20 x 14,5 x 5 cm 7.8 x 5.7 x 2 in.

Authentic Geodes

6+ The attractive package comes with authentic geodes inside. One is a sectioned geode, with its magic world of shining crystals inside. Moreover, the kit includes also unbroken specimens, to be placed in the bag and then to be broken with a common hammer with the help of an adult, following the instructions available in the included leaflet.


Activity Kit Fun Rocks

Booklet 12 pages ED 336K


8 x 12 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

Activity Kit - Fun Rocks

20 x 14,5 x 5 cm 7.8 x 5.7 x 2 in. Cards

Authentic Minerals

6+ This activity kit includes 5 authentic minerals, each one with a different physical property, a magnifier, 2 cards to test the peculiar properties of 2 of the minerals included. The kit comes complete with a colourful booklet to discover more about the properties of “fun rocks”.


Play & Discover

Dig & Glow Dinosaurs Hunters

CL 159K


Dig & Glow - Dinosaurs Hunters - Multiactivity Kit

26 x 21 x 5,5 cm 10.2 x 8.3 x 2.2 in.

Brick 10,5 x 8 x 3 cm 4.1 x 3.1 x 1.2 in.

6+ Like a real paleontologist, dig out 6 coloured glowing dinosaurs hidden in the rocks. And then challenge your friends along a path full of obstacles and challenges. Paleontologist tools – hammer and chisel – included; dices on cardboard to be assembled.



Paleo Lab Archaeopteryx

Booklet 28 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

CL 143K


Paleo Lab - Archaeopteryx

42 x 28 x 5,5 cm 16.5 x 11 x 2.2 in.

Frame 31 x 27 x 3,5 cm 12.2 x 10.6 x 1.4 in.



After an enthusiastic activity of discovery, the child will find a scientifically accurate reproduction of an Archaeopteryx in 1:2 scale ready to be hung in the bedroom of young paleontologists.


Included in the package are instructions for the excavation, a detailed booklet with scientific information about the Archaeopteryx and the location of the findings.

back side

Play & Discover

Paleo Lab Tyrannosaurus rex

Booklet 16 pages 10,5 x 15 cm 4.1 x 5.9 in.

CL 145K


Paleo Lab - Tyrannosaurus rex

42 x 28 x 5,5 cm 16.5 x 11 x 2.2 in.

Frame 31 x 23 x 3,5 cm 12.2 x 9 x 1.4 in.

6+ A kit that will let you live the adventure of becoming a true paleontologist: using the chisel and hammer provided, it will be easy to find in the rock a slab that holds the skeleton of a T-Rex, in a faithful and detailed replica of the most famous prehistoric predator.

The fossil’s replica then can be hung to the wall in order to remember the day of discovery. On the back of the frame, there is the list of the most important discoveries of fossils in the last years.16 page full color booklet included.

back side


Play & Discover

Ice Age Excavation Kit Mammoth

CL 136K 路 Ice Age Excavation Kit - Mammoth skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

6+ This is the line dedicated to the bravest paleontologists, continuously looking for fossils suspended in the ice. The models are developed with the supervision of a paleontologist, in order to guarantee detailed replicas of the original animals.

With hammer and chisel it will be easy to bring to light Mammoth, Sabre Tooth Tiger and Cave Bear, and assemble the animals following the step by step instructions. In each pack, there is the description of each animal, to better understand the discovery.

length 26 cm - 10.2 in.


Dino Excavation Kit Stygimoloch

CL 171K · Dino Excavation Kit - Stygimoloch skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

6+ The dinosaurs are waiting for being set free from the gypsum bricks that keep them as prisoners. It will be great to feel as a real paleontologist, discovering, cleaning and assembling these bone replicas. Each skeleton is made up of about 13 pieces and the paleontologist’s tools (hammer and chisel) are included in the packaging.


length 28 cm - 11 in.

Styracosaurus Parasaurolophus Spinosaurus

Play & Discover

length 26 cm - 10.2 in.

CL 172K 路 Dino Excavation Kit - Styracosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 31 cm - 12.2 in.

CL 173K 路 Dino Excavation Kit - Parasaurolophus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

CL 174K 路 Dino Excavation Kit - Spinosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 32 cm - 12.6 in.


Dino Excavation Kit

Carnotaurus Apatosaurus

CL 175K · Dino Excavation Kit - Carnotaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in. length 30 cm - 12 in.

CL 176K · Dino Excavation Kit - Apatosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in. length 40 cm - 16 in.

6+ The dinosaurs are waiting for being set free from the gypsum bricks that keep them as prisoners. It will be great to feel as a real paleontologist, discovering, cleaning


and assembling these bone replicas. Each skeleton is made up of about 13 pieces and the paleontologist’s tools (hammer and chisel) are included in the packaging.

Dino Excavation Kit

Play & Discover

Velociraptor T-Rex

length 27 cm - 10.6 in.

CL 119K 路 Dino Excavation Kit - Velociraptor skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

CL 120K 路 Dino Excavation Kit - T-Rex skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in. length 34 cm - 13.3 in.


Dino Excavation Kit

Triceratops Stegosaurus Brachiosaurus

length 21 cm - 8.3 in.

6+ CL 122K · Dino Excavation Kit - Triceratops skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 123K · Dino Excavation Kit - Stegosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 28 cm - 11 in.

CL 121K · Dino Excavation Kit - Brachiosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.



Dino Excavation Kit

Play & Discover


CL 264K · Dino Excavation Kit - Protoceratops skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.




The new dinosaur waits to be discovered. It will be great to feel as a real paleontologist, discovering, cleaning and assembling these bone replicas. Each skeleton is made up of about 13 pieces and the paleontologist’s tools (hammer and chisel) are included in the packaging.

length 23 cm - 9 in.


Cave Man Excavation Kit Homo neanderthalensis

CL 179K · Cave Man Excavation Kit - Homo neanderthalensis skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

6+ The first model of the forefathers of mankind! Unearth your skeleton with the tools of the paleontologist – hammer and chisel – and put it together with the instructions. Information about Homo neanderthalensis is included on the packaging.


height 21 cm - 8.3 in.

Sea Monsters Excavation Kit

Play & Discover


CL 180K ¡ Sea Monsters Excavation Kit - Elasmosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 37 cm - 14.5 in.

6+ A brand new line lets kids discover the sea monsters of the ancient past. These three new skeletons can be unearthed with the help of the tools of the paleontologist – hammer and chisel.

Easy to understand building instructions are included, and each sea monster is explored through scientific information on the packaging.


Sea Monsters Excavation Kit Mosasaurus

CL 181K · Sea Monsters Excavation Kit - Mosasaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 36 cm - 14.2 in.

6+ A brand new line lets kids discover the sea monsters of the ancient past. These three new skeletons can be unearthed with the help of the tools of the paleontologist – hammer and chisel. Easy to understand building instructions are included, and each sea monster is explored through scientific information on the packaging.


Sea Monsters Excavation Kit

Play & Discover


CL 182K 路 Sea Monsters Excavation Kit - Ichthyosaurus skeleton 19 x 22 x 4,5 cm 7.5 x 8.6 x 1.7 in.

length 31 cm - 12.2 in.


Fossils & Minerals from Around the World


ED 244K ¡ Minerals from around the world - 7 specimens 22 x 14,5 x 5 cm 8.6 x 5.7 x 2.1 in.

7 Authentic Minerals

6+ An appealing colourful box with a transparent window contains real nature treasures laid on a velvet tray. The collection includes authentic minerals, fossils and gems. Each box contains 7 specimens and an exhaustive description of each of them to let you enter the magic world of geology and paleontology.


Fossils Gems

22 x 14,5 x 5 cm 8.6 x 5.7 x 2.1 in.

7 Authentic Fossils


ED 245K 路 Fossils testimonies of the past - 7 specimens

ED 246K 路 Gems from around the world - 7 specimens 22 x 14,5 x 5 cm 8.6 x 5.7 x 2.1 in.

7 Authentic Gems


Fossils & Minerals from Minerals all over the World

ED 189K ¡ Minerals from all over the world - 10 specimens 20 x 9,5 x 2,7 cm 8 x 3.7 x 1 in.

10 Authentic Minerals

6+ Three collections that contain millions of years of geological history. Each package contains 10 different specimens of fossils, gems and minerals selected among the most interesting and beautiful varieties that exist in Nature.


Fossils Gems

ED 190K 路 Fossils from all over the world -10 specimens

10 Authentic Fossils


20 x 9,5 x 2,7 cm 8 x 3.7 x 1 in.

ED 191K 路 Precious Stones from all over the world - 10 specimens 20 x 9,5 x 2,7 cm 8 x 3.7 x 1 in.

10 Authentic Gems


Blister Collection Authentic Fossils

ED 240K ¡ Blister Collection - Authentic Fossils 16,5 x 20 x 6 cm 6.5 x 8 x 2.3 in.

Back side

6 Cards 5,7x 5,7 cm 2.3 x 2.3 in.

Sea urchin

Gastropod Goniatite

Nautiloid Shark tooth

6+ A functional standing blister with 6 authentic fossils or gems or minerals coming from all over the World. The packaging comes with six cards describing the most important characteristics of each specimen.


Trilobite Trilobite

Authentic Gems Authentic Minerals

6 Cards

Rose quartz

Red jasper


White onix



Obsidian ED 242K 路 Blister Collection - Authentic Gems 16,5 x 20 x 6 cm 6.5 x 8 x 2.3 in.

6 Cards

ED 243K 路 Blister Collection - Authentic Minerals 16,5 x 20 x 6 cm 6.5 x 8 x 2.3 in.

Desert rose




Rock crystal quartz

Muscovite 111

Bug’s World Butterflies

ED 372K · Bug’s World - 3 Butterflies

Booklet 42 pages 8 x 8 cm 3.1 x 3.1 in.

25 x 25 x 4,5 cm 9.8 x 9.8 x 1.8 in.

Real butterflies Resin

7,5 x 7,5 x 2,2 cm 3 x 3 x 0.86 in.

6+ A collection of the most fascinating and colourful insects. Three real butterflies in resin can be studied with the help of the magnifying glass included in the kit. A colourful booklet teaches kids all about the world of butterflies.



Real butterflies


7,5 x 7,5 x 2,2 cm 3 x 3 x 0.86 in.


Bug’s World Collection of 10 Real Insects

Booklet 60 pages

ED 382K · Bug’s World - Collection of 10 real insects 25 x 25 x 4,5 cm 9.8 x 9.8 x 1.8 in.

Real insects


4,5 x 3 x 2 cm 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.8 in.

6+ Who said bugs are just small annoying insects to keep away? Re-discover these tiny creatures, preserved in transparent resin blocks. The set contains 10 different real insects, a lens and a booklet to learn more about them.


9,5 x 9,5 cm 3.7 x 3.7 in.

Bug’s World Blister

{ With

fact cards



ED 268K · Bug’s World - Blister 6 real insects

4,5 x 3 x 2 cm 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.8 in.

16,5 x 20 x 6 cm 6.5 x 8 x 2.3 in.



Real insects

Card 5,7 x 5,7 cm 2.3 x 2.3 in.

6+ A functional standing blister with 6 real and colourful insect specimens sheltered in transparent resin blocks. For each insect there is a colorful card to discover the peculiarities of each variety.



Jurassix Museum


Jurassix Museum flow pack 10 x 15 cm 4 x 6 in.

CL 320K ¡ Jurassix Museum - Display - 24 pcs 21 x 20 x 16 cm - 8.3 x 7.9 x 6.3 closed 21 x 20 x 31 cm - 8.3 x 7.9 x 12.2 in. open

length 12 cm - 4.7 in.

Leaflet 6 x 11 cm 2.4 x 4.3 in.


8 pieces

6 x 9 cm 2.4 x 3.5 in.



The new collection of miniature dinosaurs by Geoworld. In every flow pack a detailed replica of one of the best known dinosaurs waits to be built by young paleontologists with the easy assembly instructions included. A data card included.



Jurassix Museum











Tyrannosaurus rex





es c e i p 7 to 9 uild dinosaurs length 9 to 16 cm - 3.5 to 6.3 in. to b 119


Gems Treasure Chest


ED 387K ¡ Gems Treasure Chest Display - 18 pcs. 27 x 25 x 20 cm - 10.6 x 9.8 x 7.8 in. open 27 x 9 x 20 cm - 10.6 x 3.5 x 7.8 in. closed

Leaflet 7,5 x 5,5 cm - 2.9 x 2.1 in. closed 7,5 x 16,5 cm - 6.5 x 2.1 in. open



There is a treasure hidden in every brick: 2 precious and coloured gemstones from a huge variety are waiting to be discovered by young geologists with the help of a chisel. Find the names of the gemstones just unearthed in the leaflet included.


Chisel length 58 mm - 2.2 in.

2 Authentic Gems


Bug’s World Ladybug


ED 385K · Bug’s World - Ladybug Display - 12 tubes with 5 marbles


20,5 x 17,5 x 25,5 cm - 8 x 6.9 x 10 in.

Authentic insects

Marbles Ø 2,5 cm - Ø 0.9 in.



Tiny creature preserved in transparent resins to collect. A wide variety of insects in a tube beautifully packaged with an insect-shaped cap: three kinds of caps with the reproduction of a scorpion, a ladybug or beetle. In each tube, there are 5 marbles 25 mm diameter with a real insect inside: collect them all!

Leaflet 11 x 6,5 cm - 4.3 x 2.5 in.



Jurassic Eggs


CL 199K ¡ Jurassic Eggs - Display - 24 pcs 26,5 x 14,5 x 20,1 cm - 10.4 x 5.7 x 7.9 closed 26,5 x 26,5 x 20,1 cm - 10.4 x 10.4 x 7.9 in. open



A fascinating collection of 12 of the most well-known and loved dinosaurs in miniature scale. Each dinosaur has to be unearthed from the gypsum egg with the help of the chisel, the tool of every paleontologist.


Jurassic Eggs - box with egg 6 x 2,5 x 7,5 cm 2.3 x 0.9 x 3 in.

Leaflet Every dinosaur comes with an exhaustive leaflet with scientific information and curious facts about these animals of the ancient past.

6 x 6 cm 2.3 x 2.3 in.

Chisel length 6 cm - 2,3 in.









Tyrannosaurus rex





dinosaurs length 6 to 4 cm - 2.3 to 1.6 in.


Dig & Glow Mini Dinos Display


CL 158K


Display Dig & Glow - Mini dinos - 24 pcs.

16,5 x 21,5 x 26,5 cm - 6.4 x 8 x 10.4 in. open 12,5 x 21,5 x 16,5 cm - 4.9 x 8.4 x 6.5 in. closed

8 x 6 x 3,5 cm 3.1 x 2.3 x 1.3 in.

5,5 / 6,5 cm ca. 2.1 / 2.5 in. approx.

Card 7,5 x 5,5 cm 3 x 2.1 in.

CL 146K Pachycephalosaurus

CL 147K Velociraptor

CL 148K Styracosaurus

CL 149K Apatosaurus

CL 150K Brachiosaurus

CL 151K Spinosaurus

CL 152K Carnotaurus

CL 153K Stegosaurus

CL 154K Parasaurolophus

CL 155K Triceratops

CL 156K Euoplocephalus

CL 157K Tyrannosaurus rex

6+ A simple and easy way to approach the fascinating world of paleontology. The little paleontologists will find in each pack one of the 12 coloured dinosaurs hidden in the


brick, and with the enclosed card they will learn name and main characteristics of each dinosaur. The added bonus: each dinosaur glows in the dark!!!

Bug’s World Display

Tubes of 3 marbles each height 10,4 cm - 4.1 in.

ED 367K


Bug’s World - 12 Tubes with 3 marbles


14 x 11,5 x 26 cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 10.2 in. open 14 x 11,5 x 21,5 x cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 8.4 in. closed

Leaflet 3,7 x 6,5 cm 1,4 x 2.5 in.

Marbles Ø 2,5 cm - Ø 0.9 in.

6+ Who said bugs are just small annoying insects to keep away? Re-discover these tiny creatures, preserved in transparent resin marbles that make them observable from each point of view. Each display contains 12 differently assorted tubes of 3 marbles each, and a leaflet with the scientific name of the insects.

Authentic insects 125

Paleo World Display

Tubes of 3 marbles each height 10,4 cm - 4.1 in.

ED 373K


Paleo World - 12 Tubes with 3 marbles

14 x 11,5 x 26 cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 10.2 in. open 14 x 11,5 x 21,5 x cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 8.4 in. closed

Leaflet 3,7 x 6,5 cm 1,4 x 2.5 in.

Marbles Ø 2,5 cm - Ø 0.9 in.

6+ The very first collection of fossils in a truly unique package! Eight different authentic specimens selected by a real geologist introduce you to the fascinating world of fossils. Each tube contains three different fossils preserved in resin marbles, making them easy to study and a cool way to play! Every tube comes with a leaflet outlining all the fossils included in the collection.


Authentic fossils

Crystal World Display

Tubes of 3 marbles each height 10,4 cm - 4.1 in.

ED 374K


Crystal World - 12 Tubes with 3 marbles


14 x 11,5 x 26 cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 10.2 in. open 14 x 11,5 x 21,5 x cm - 5.5 x 4.5 x 8.4 in. closed

Leaflet 3,7 x 6,5 cm 1.4 x 2.5 in.

Marbles Ø 2,5 cm - Ø 0.9 in.

6+ The very first collection of minerals in a truly unique package! Eight different authentic specimens selected by a real geologist introduce you to the colourful and fascinating world of minerals. Each tube contains three different minerals preserved in resin marbles, making them easy to study and a cool way to play! Every tube comes with a leaflet outlining all the minerals included in the collection.

Authentic minerals


Dig & Discover

Real insects in amber replica Display

Dig & Discover - Real insects in amber replica 8,5 x 18,5 x 3,2 cm 3.3 x 7.2 x 1.2 in.

ED 375K


Dig & Discover - Real insects in amber replica Display - 18 pcs.

26 x 35,5 x 20 cm -10.2 x 14 x 7.9 in. open 26 x 19 x 20 cm -10.2 x 7.5 x 7.9 in. closed

6+ A practical blister pack for a collection of the most famous insects: each brick hides a real insect. Following the instructions written on the back of the box, kids may live the experience of being a real


paleontologist, digging the replica of a piece of amber with the help of the chisel! Leaflet with information about real insects included. The collection includes 6 different real insects. Collect them all!

Dig & Discover

Dino Skeleton Display

Dig & Discover - Mini dinos 8,5 x 18,5 x 3,2 cm 3.3 x 7.2 x 1.2 in.

CL 160K


Dig & Discover - Dino skeleton Display - 18 pcs.

26 x 35,5 x 20 cm -10.2 x 14 x 7.9 in. open 26 x 19 x 20 cm -10.2 x 7.5 x 7.9 in. closed

6+ A practical blister pack for a collection of the most famous dinosaurs: each brick hides a different replica. Following the instructions written on the back of the box, kids may live the experience of being a real


paleontologist, digging the replica out with the help of the chisel! Leaflet with information about dinosaurs included. The collection includes 6 different dinosaurs. Collect them all!

Dig & Discover

Fossil Replica Display

Dig & Discover - Fossil replica 8,5 x 18,5 x 3,2 cm 3.3 x 7.2 x 1.2 in.

CL 161K


Dig & Discover - Fossil Replica Display - 18 pcs.

26 x 35,5 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 14 x 7.9 in. open 26 x 19 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 7.5 x 7.9 in. closed

6+ A practical blister pack for a complete collection of the most famous fossils. Each brick hides a different replica. Following the instructions written on the back of the box, kids may live the experience of being a real


paleontologist, digging the replica out and showing it proudly with the help of the given plastic support. Leaflet about fossils included. The collection includes 6 different fossil replicas. Collect them all!

Dig & Discover

Dino Teeth & Claws Display

Dig & Discover - Dino Teeth & Claws Replica 8,5 x 18,5 x 3,2 cm 3.3 x 7.2 x 1.2 in.

CL 162K


Dig & Discover - Dino Teeth & Claws Display - 18 pcs.

26 x 35,5 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 14 x 7.9 in. open 26 x 19 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 7.5 x 7.9 in. closed

6+ It will be easy and exciting to dig out the claws and teeth of the most famous dinosaurs treasures contained in the brick, following the instructions written on the back of the box.


The kit comes complete with a colourful leaflet and a chisel. The collection includes 6 different specimens of teeth and claws. Collect them all!

Dig & Discover

Authentic Specimens Display

Chisel length 7 cm - 2.7 in.

ED 363K

· Dig & Discover - Authentic specimens Display - 18 pcs.

26 x 35,5 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 14 x 7.9 in. open 26 x 19 x 20 cm - 10.2 x 7.5 x 7.9 in. closed

6+ Acting as true paleontologists and geologists, it will be easy to discover the samples hidden in the rock using the chisel provided then read the main information on each type of specimen


in the leaflet included. A collection with 6 blisters with a treasure that waits to be discovered: fossils, marine fossils, tektites, fool’s gold, minerals and gems. Collect them all!

Dig & Discover - Authentic gems 8,5 x 18,5 x 3,2 cm 3.3 x 7.2 x 1.2 in.

bringing the past into the future™

GEOWORLD ® EU Headquarters via Giuseppe Piccaro, n° 9 33040 Torreano di Cividale (Ud) Italy Ph. +39.0432.715611 r.a. Fax +39.0432.715914

GEOWORLD ® ASIA Offices and showroom Unit E, 12/F, Tower A, Billion Centre 1 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay Kowloon, Hong Kong Ph. +852.3543.0137 +852.2739.2868 Fax +852.2739.2383

GEOWORLD ® USA Offices 1635 N. Oracle RD.


Tucson - AZ 85705

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