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ROCKLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Spring View Middle School Site Council Minutes October 7, 2008 Members Present: Marge Crawford, Marty Flowers, Patty Golditch, Kristen Beck, Lynne Meiers, Dawn Infurna-Bean, Sabrina Murphy, Rachna Condos, Sherri Cook, Sharon Barker and Chad Widger. Mike Kortright and Andrew Marshall were absent. Presenters: Christina Ballard Jenny Sneed Visitors: Parents: Janice Smith Gayle Sheeks Called to Order: 3:47 p.m. by Sabrina Murphy Information: Spanish Presentation – Christina Ballard 1.


Exploratory Spanish – 7th and 8th - 1 semester course a. High school textbook is used, but not extensively. b. Student intro to grammar, food, culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish I – year long course (same as Whitney HS Spanish I) – 8th grade a. Requires 3.0+ GPA in 7th b. Online Spanish I textbook and workbook available for self quizzes, interactive activities. c. Students introduced to 20 Spanish-speaking countries. (Samples distributed.) Of the countries studied, students make flags and do brochures in Publisher. In addition, they complete an “All About Me” power point project about their family and give an oral presentation. d. Spanish Vocabulary is one of the essential skills. Depending on major and goals in college as to whether three of four years needed for college. This year WHS combined Spanish 3, 4 and 5 and due to enrollment there was not an AP Spanish class this year.

Counseling Presentation – Jenny Sneed 1. Handouts provided: Counseling department information sheet and RUSD Secondary Schools Six Year Educational Plan Worksheet 2. Two Full-time counselors – services provided are academic under education code a. Jenny Sneed – 7th grade (AVID counselor, also) b. Karlene Bittler – 8th grade (Marlon Morgan covering for 6 weeks) c. Amy Samson – Speech Therapist d. TBD – School Psychologist 3. General duties of counseling/student services a. Master schedule and Student schedule b. 6 year plan i. 7th graders are introduced to future course options. 8th grade CST testing affects honors/advanced classes and AP placement in HS. ii. Academic planning guide for each school is available on line. c. Facilitate SST, 504, Eagle Care, IEP’s

d. AB1802 – mandates counselors to give student and parents information for high school graduation e. Identify At-risk students and meet with parents to discuss interventions f. Support AVID (Achievement via Individual Determination)classes and assist with field trips to local colleges g. Counselor presence on all school committees h. Integrate school communities across campus i. Welcome committee to support new students j. Assist running and monitoring the Mentoring program in the ILS class 4. Future Counseling Goals a. 7th grade – social skills curriculum and problem solving b. 8th grade – introductions to options after high school other than college c. Updated web page for counseling department d. “Bridges and Choices” currently used by counseling - ability to make available online. Flex Day Focus for 2008-2009 - Marge Crawford 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Staff Development Day – October 13, 2008 – SV professional staff development. Microsoft applications - PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. Jane Schafer across the core subjects Discuss and Implement Intervention Strategies Focus on RUSD Strategic Priorities

Committee Updates: 1. Cheating: New policy in place which has been enforced five times this year. 2. Grades: Acknowledge students who are trying hard, but may still have grades of “C” or lower. 3. Cell phones - process is working much better this year and students are reminded each morning in announcements to turn off phones. Additional Information: API – 854 – 8th grade celebration No HIP this year due to funding Leadership up and running as a club after school – Flex day lunchtime activities will resume! Discussion regarding dances – Teen Center Dances – Any possibility of school dances…….. 1st Movie Night – October 24th Student rewards for behavior and academics still going well – Ms. Crawford and Mr. Flowers have the opportunity to interact with students each day when they redeem their tickets! 7. RUSD Parent Education Nights – Christy Crandall – schedule of events available in office. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Action Items: Review and Approve Minutes of September 9, 2008: Minutes of September 9, 2008 were reviewed and approved by all members present. Election of Parent Member and Secretary: Sharon Barker and Patty Golditch nominated as parent member and secretary respectively. Updates: Meeting Adjourned: 5:16 p.m. Next Meeting: November 4, 2008, 3:45 p.m. in the Main Office Conference Room

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