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ROCKLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Spring View Middle School Site Council Minutes September 9, 2008 Members Present: Marge Crawford, Marty Flowers, Mike Kortright, Lynne Meiers, Kristen Beck, Dawn Infurna-Bean, Jenny Sneed, Karlene Bittler and Gayle Sheeks. Presenters: None Visitors: Parents: Sabrina Murphy, Sherri Cook, Andrew Marshall, Rachna Condos, Chad Widger. Called to Order: 3:45 p.m. by Marge Crawford Information: 1.

Welcome and Introductions


Voting Members a. 6 staff & 6 parents = 12 votes


Purpose of Site Council a. Review programs, make recommendations, and approve. b. Collect data about student achievement and make necessary changes, then present it to Site Council c. Site Funding i. 2008-2009 budget approved last year and this year will work on 2009-2010 budget. ii. Concern with Title 1 Funds may be cut by 2530%. Elections a. Voting Members i. Sabrina Murphy ii. Sherri Cook iii. Andrew Marshall iv. Rachna Condos v. Chad Widger vi. TBD b. Sabrina Murphy voted as Chairperson c. Rachna Condos voted as Vice Chairperson d. Secretary - TBD



Marine Biology Trip…………………………….Meriem McKay a. While have gone for over 12 years and many benefits to students, trip does not focus on state standards b. Cost of trip is primary consideration – over $300 per student (see handout) c. May consider doing one trip this year, but next year focus on other options/opportunities such as day trips where more students can participate d. Checking with GO – will provide update in November’s meeting.


Math Olympiad a. SVMS made top 10% last year b. Meet Wednesdays and contests in March/November

Action Items: Updates:

Meeting Adjourned: 4:33 p.m. Next Meeting: October 7, 2008, 3:45 p.m. in the Office Conference Room

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