Spring View Counseling
Spring View Students: Call your School Guidance Counselor for an appointment to address your concerns. We’re here to help! Our goal is to provide students with the necessary counseling to help them work through and overcome academic, social, behavioral, and personal problems that preclude meaningful learning. In accordance with Education Code 49600, educational counseling shall include, but not be limited to the following: Academic Counseling, Career and Vocational Counseling, Personal and Social Counseling. Students may use the services of the counseling center by obtaining a pass from a counselor, administrator, or teacher. Students may request an appointment by telling the secretary in the student services office. Students should not be excused from class to make an appointment. Appointments will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis except in an emergency.
How to Keep Your Parent’s Pleased and Your Teachers Happy
Motivate: verb, to move into action with a motive (purpose).
Be Motivated to Communicate. There is no single tool that could be of greater importance for the success of your education, and success with your relationships than your ability to communicate well. Here are some tips. Do not hesitate to communicate with your teachers or parents. Being conscientious (honest & attentive) of your emotions while you communicate will allow for you to be understood. Listening is the most important part of communication. Repeat what you heard to the person that you are speaking with to make sure that you fully understand what was said.
Be Motivated to Be Organized. If you are sloppy with your back-pack and your planner, most likely, your grades will be sloppy as well. Get in the habit of writing
(legibly) in your planner and emptying out your backpack on a daily basis. Get in the habit of completing your most challenging homework first. You will require the greatest amount of concentration for your most challenging subjects.
Be Motivated to Be Responsible. Do not hesitate to take action when action is needed. If you miss an assignment, or don’t understand a concept, talk with your teachers. If you are having trouble with a peer, consult with an adult (parent, teacher, or counselor) if you are not able to resolve the issue on your own. Choose healthy food to eat; it will help you concentrate with greater focus and you will feel and look better as a result. Also, make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
Be Motivated to Do Your Best. Your best will change from time to time but as long as you are putting one hundred percent into your actions, you will avoid self-judgment, selfabuse, and regret. If you make a mistake you can learn from it.