2022-23 Department Representative Platforms Part 1

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Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council

Anatomy and Cell Biology

Anatomy and Cell Biology Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Jasmine Bouckley; jbouckle@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 4th Year Medical Sciences HSP Medical Cell Biology

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS As a current co-president of the ACB club, I have seen the club’s strong influence on both students’ overall awareness of the department and ability to speak out with general comments or concerns in ACB. I’d continue to use social media to promote the department as a program choice in third-year to younger students, as well as to present both the club and myself as a source of academic support and resources. Whether this is gained by connecting students with experienced upper-year students or helping mediate course concerns, my goal is for students to feel comfortable to reach out.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA As graduation approaches, something I’m sure most students struggle with is knowing what careers are available in their department. Event ideas I believe could mediate this are: - Anatomy and Cell Biology (ACB) Discussion Panels where ACB Western alumni answer questions about their career paths to highlight potential opportunities for students and demonstrate where their interest in ACB could carry them. - A Google’s Most-Asked Questions or Spicy Wings challenge with ACB faculty answering student-asked questions about their academic history and role in ACB to identify future pathways and create a stronger sense of community between ACB students and professors.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP To effectively work together to represent ACB students, I believe it’s important to foster both strong personal and communicative relationships between myself and the ACB department club. To facilitate this, I would: - Arrange bi-weekly meetings with the club regarding information discussed with SSC including the subject of upcoming events, meetings and internship opportunities, as well as to familiarize and update myself with actions of the club. - Make my appearance at ACB events well-known and highlight ACB office hours to familiarize students with my role to support them with questions or concerns about the department.

Anatomy and Cell Biology Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Karen Ke; kke3@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 3rd Year Medical Cell Biology

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -I will make the effort to go to different department social/academic events and encourage collaboration between departments -Social media is now one of the most effective and quickest tools to inform students on current news and events -For this reason, I will use Instagram stories to update students on opportunities and events -I hope to establish a community and encourage more conversations on student wellbeing -Recently, I’ve seen an uprise in student burnout. Thus, as a representative, I hope to alleviate burnout culture through more events that encourage students to meet other individuals with similar interests

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -An initiative I have is “73 questions with [insert Professor] -follows the style of “73 questions with [insert celebrity name]” by Vogue -Currently, most science students I know try to learn about their professors through “ratemyprofessors” which in many cases are exaggerated and inaccurate representations of their professor -Having a mixture of questions directly answered by their professor can create a more informative and positive impression -shifting away from extremely biased platforms like “ratemyprofessors”, to a more positive one like “73 questions with [insert Professor]”, encourages students to engage in conversation with their professors

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP -Consistent updates and the production of new ideas -Use of shared google drive -Each department would have their own folder -Each folder includes ideas, due dates, events, etc -easy for collaboration as everyone has access to each other’s materials -strong relationships are built off of being comfortable with your team -Providing an inclusive environment -Social events (ie. online games over zoom) between departments can strengthen the team dynamic -Smaller group discussions by setting breakout rooms then coming back to the main meeting to discuss what each group talked about. This offers a space that encourages feedback and different views

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council


Biochemistry Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Elissa Goodbrand; egoodbra@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 3rd Year Medical Sciences HSP Biochemistry and Cancer Biology

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - Represent via emails through instructors to students year long with contact information encouraging opinions for open advocacy and feedback to be presented at council meetings to enact positive change - Engage via connections through executive committee of Western’s Biochemistry Club, faculty members and pre-lecture announcements - Host events and periodic ‘office hours’ addressing concerns and encouraging communication - I aim to narrow the gap students may feel between their degree and university experience by actively seeking out opinions encouraging advocacy and positive change - to be their voice and encourage them to recognize their power in shaping their department, degree and university experience

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA - Organize an academic and social event for department and science students at-large collaboratively with council and Western Biochemistry Club about internships/research/careers with guests from the faculty or industry followed by a networking period where students ask questions and form connections with speakers and members in the department - Attendees will network and foster relationships with like-minded peers and those in the industry, advancing their social and academic ventures - Promoted through social media, Western Biochemistry Club, Sophs on the Science Soph Team through their frosh as well as my own, Western International, and emails to faculty members forwarded to students

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - As current events executive committee member of Western’s Biochemistry Club (WBC), I hope to maintain a role on the committee to continue the strong and communicative relationship that already exists - This role allows for seamless and open communication, and more effortless partnerships - WBC meets frequently to discuss plans, events, comments/concerns, and thus strong conversations can easily be facilitated between WBC and the potential role of Biochemistry Department Representative - Collaboration with other department clubs can be expanded to represent those in the biochemistry department completing cross-department degrees expanding outreach

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council


Chemistry Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Kate Marisa; kmarisa@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 3rd Year HSP Chemistry and Biochemistry

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -I advocate to make Western Chemistry a true community, so no student completes their degree in an isolated setting or feels they are not prepared for future endeavors in chem -Instagram is ideal for advertising events and seminars, but I would also implement a UWO Chemistry department Facebook group as a site of discourse regarding courses and chem related concerns -In the end, engaging students requires an active effort. It’s crucial to actively communicate with students, faculty members and other SSC members (text, zoom, email, socials, etc.) in order to actualize the ideas that will enhance the science student experience

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -Although it may seem ambitious, I would like to “rebrand” Western Chemistry -As the central science, our chemistry program should be a support to all of Western science -I see this mainly implemented through the Western Chemistry website, in which there should be lab procedure demonstrations, standardized tips for lab report writing, and information on essential chem concepts -Chemists strive to answer the “why” questions of the world, and we should establish our chemistry department as the ideal place to foster innovation; a place where students can understand chemistry deeply enough to answer the most pressing questions

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP -With any group it is vital to establish an open and accommodative line of communication, where people are safe to share thoughts and ideas with support and without judgment -Chemistry’s primary club is Chem Club, but collaboration may occur with other science clubs -Being organized and respectful of a schedule is crucial for working with others -I would reach out to the executives or reps of the group I wish to work with, and make a path of action in terms of how we will collaborate (eg. speak to the president over text every other Friday at 5 p.m.)

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council

Computer Science

Computer Science Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Shikhar Srivastava; ssriva25@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Computer Science

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS I would love to increase student interaction and organize group study events. We can inform them by putting ig stories and organizing meetups. I would love to mentor the first-year students in our department in regards to what to expect in their academic Year. I also would want to create better networking opportunities for 12nd year students to engage with 3-4th year students.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA Creating group study places for computer science students. This will help them overcome the fear of coding as they can solve each other problems as they gain confidence. The last point especially helps the first years who are relatively new to the coding environment. This also helps upper-year students to share their ideas with each other which becomes extremely crucial as coding is a creative field and more thoughts lead to better creativity. This also creates a platform for first-year students to network with upper-year students.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP By attending all the meetings and actively participating in them. Addressing all the decisions I would want to take to the appropriate leaders and peers and keeping all of them informed. Giving suggestions if I feel somewhere I can chip in. Staying open to other person's suggestions. Staying connected with students and encouraging them to participate in the events that are being organized. By being friendly and actively interacting within the department.

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council

Medical Biophysics

Medical Biophysics Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Rajan Leung; rleung92@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 2nd Year Medical Science – Medical Biophysics

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS As a representative, I would be accessible and dependable to the medical biophysics department. I would connect with the department's small, but mighty student body through social media, group chats, and inperson. I will create an atmosphere for the community to voice their concerns, stay up to date with events, and interact with one another. I will host weekly office hours to meet with students one-on-one. I will regularly meet with faculty members of the department to promote cohesion and unity. I hope to accomplish advocacy pertaining to the mental well-being and academic success of the medical biophysics students.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA I want to host a medical biophysics innovation fair comprised of a pitch competition, speaker panel, and job fair. The pitch competition would task each team to pitch an innovative solution to a medical biophysics problem to a panel of experts. The speaker panel would consist of entrepreneurs in the medical biophysics field. The panel would allow students to learn about the entrepreneurial journey, the successes and failures of the panelists, and gain inspiration to pursue their own innovations. The job fair would allow students to interact with startups in the industry to offer jobs and internships.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP I would work with my department clubs by being an active participant. I would sit in on each meeting with the department clubs to stay informed with their process. I would communicate the needs of the student body to the club to assist in their event and initiative planning. I would also promote collaborative events between the SSC and the respective department clubs. I believe that regular communication is key to building a strong relationship.

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council

Microbiology & Immunology

Microbiology and Immunology Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Mahmoud (Greg) Mahmoudpour; mmahmo67@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 3rd Year HSP Microbiology & Immunology

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -I plan on conducting another survey early next year. This year, I had difficulty getting many of my constituents to fill out my survey. I have written down the mistakes I made and have considered different ways to solve them for next year. -I will address issues that I see many of my constituents are facing based on survey results and what I hear from numerous students in class/group chats. This year, I made use of the SSC email and plan on using it again next year to formally represent my constituents to their professors and the dean.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -I ran a MicoImm student survey earlier this year, and most respondents wanted to see a career panel as their first choice. -According to the Science Internship program, ~70% of available jobs are not publicly posted. Another issue is that our professors, scientists and/or clinicians, don't always have knowledge about industry and therefore cannot provide specific career advice. -If there’s continued support for it next year, my initiative is to hold a career panel with people with experience in industry to help shed light on this career path and network with MicroImm students and science students at large.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP I had strong communication with MISA this year, so I will... -Continue communicating SSC updates with the MISA president -Continue working together to create surveys -Continue attending and offering to volunteer for MISA events -Ask next year's president to allow me to join their executive group chat and meetings

Microbiology and Immunology Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Ken Huang; khuan42@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 2nd Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS I would like to talk directly to students in the department, or at least to see what others believe the issues to be, to guide what changes I would advocate for. This might involve reaching out directly to students, sending out forms for feedback, or speaking and working with professors in the department. Speaking on the latter, it's important to balance just advocating with taking actual action to make a difference; working with the department directly whenever possible would allow for greater changes to be made in a shorter period of time, and to acquire opinions from all angles.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA I would love to work with other department representatives and department clubs to create a symposium representing a multitude of different disciplines. I think this would be especially impactful for those deciding on a module, seeing the discoveries and principles that lie at the frontiers of each. At the moment, such a means of exposure does not exist, and entering a module, it is hard for students to know exactly what they are getting into. For students in the module, it would be a great way to engage in other departments and see different kinds of discoveries and research.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP This year, I am second year rep for MISA, the MicroImm student club. As a result, I have a connection with many of the current members, and should they return next year to the department club, would be able to communicate much more fluently and effectively. I also have an idea of the clubs structure and would be able to integrate much more cleanly into the system. In addition, I will actively take part in MISA initiatives. In doing so, I can build a stronger relationship with the club, and having a stronger understanding of ongoing projects, be able to help promote them better.

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council


Neuroscience Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Sonia Persaud; spersa46@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 2nd Year Neuroscience

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - As current department representative, I’ve prepared a monthly email update with upcoming news/events, which was positively received by my constituents. I plan on continuing this next year. - I also created a student survey to set advocacy priorities. - From there, I learned that the biggest concern is preparing for the 4th year thesis, which I hope to address through my event/initiative idea. - Another concern is community-building, and I plan on organizing an outdoor welcome-back social to address this next September. This would help introduce the incoming 2nd-years to Neuroscience and provide a fun way for upper-years to reconnect.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA - Many 2nd- and 3rd-year students have expressed that they want to know more about the 4th-year thesis. I would address this concern by creating a “Thesis Guide” and organizing lab tours. - For the guide, I’d recruit current thesis students to create “Day in the Life” posts at the lab and interview them about their experiences, which I would compile into a guide that future neuroscience classes can benefit from. - I would also work with labs that frequently supervise neuroscience thesis students to organize lab tours for third-year students, and try to integrate these into the Neuroscience 3000 course.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - As the current department representative, I’ve helped to plan WUNS events (holiday drive; 3rd-year electives info night) as part of their executive team, so I’ve already developed a strong relationship with the club which I hope to continue next year. - I would like to get more involved in LAMP 2.0 Neuroscience next year to effectively coordinate events between SSC, WUNS, and LAMP, so I plan on reaching out to the LAMP coordinator next year in addition to my involvement with WUNS.

Neuroscience Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Anthony Chu; achu92@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 2nd Year Neuroscience

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - I would send out monthly emails/newsletters to the students in our department, regarding updates within the faculty of science, any upcoming events or presentations - To represent the students’ voices, I would attach an anonymous google form within these emails for any concerns that need to be addressed about the program - I would also host monthly office hours open to students needing to talk - One goal that I have in this position is to raise awareness for different neurodegenerative diseases and their charity organizations through the monthly newsletters, aiming to educate students while also promoting a good cause

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA - One innovative event idea is hosting a science careers panel day, either in person or virtual - More often than not, many students enter a science program with a strict goal of entering med school or graduate school, and they often disregard countless opportunities that come from a science degree - Having a panel with different professionals showcasing how their careers stemmed from a science degree, or is related to the field of neuroscience may help students struggling to decide where their future lies - These guest speakers can then have a q&a session to address any concerns that students have

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - To facilitate a strong and communicative relationship with WUNS, I would ensure my attendance at the club’s meetings or read over their minutes to keep myself up to date with their plans and updates - I would communicate regularly, on a biweekly basis through email, with the club’s presidents to discuss any upcoming plans and events they may have - By having meetings with the club’s exec team on a monthly basis, I could develop a strong work relationship where discussions about any concerns regarding our department, neuroscience, can be brought up at a SSC meeting

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council


Pathology Representative Dep-Rep Platform Prepared by Helen Boles; hboles@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 3rd Year Medical Sciences HSP Pathology

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - promote events on social media and ask profs to take 1 minute before class to mention events - while path is a small module, the classes are attended by many people, allowing us to open events to many science students - I wish to promote events and information on how to take care and maintain mental health and physical health as a science student. Many science students are stressed and almost burnt out, especially around stressful times such as midterms and finals

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA Midterm Support Day - there are many support days offered during finals but midterms can be just as hectic - coffee and cookies offered - colouring books, word searches, and other stress-relieving activities - will provide a space to take care of your mental health

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - Be open to new ideas. It's important to recognize that you don't always need to have your way. Respect ideas from others and be willing to listen. - Determine the best method of communication. Try to find a platform that everyone uses regularly in order to make all messages and important information accessible. - Be respectful. It's important to realize that people have other commitments. Respecting meeting start times is especially important to make sure no one's time is being wasted. Additionally, respect for your team members is crucial for a strong and open environment

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council


Year Basic Medical Sciences nd

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative DepRep Platform

Prepared by Spencer Picard; spicard5@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS Post on the SSC social media about upcoming events / Interact with year 1 & 2 science professors and ask if we would be able to let students know about future events in lectures / Posters or signs around campus and residence / I hope to be able to address students in Medical Sciences and help them build their degree based on their strengths and post-undergrad goals. Many first/second-year students would benefit from a group of mentors that have recently been through the same process as them, to guide them on how to plan for their future.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA Hold sessions for students in Medical science 1 & 2 to help them better align their courses for whichever honors specialization/double major they wish to pursue. These session can be held biweekly, each session can have a guest from the SSC in year 3/4 talking about their specialization to give students a better perspective on what to expect in the 2nd half of their undergrad. We could also invite speakers who are UWO Medical science graduates who are currently in their professional careers or in professional schools to give students a broader perspective on where Medical sciences can take them.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP Will make sure that fellow council members are aware of any initiatives or events happening in case anyone would like to participate / Will be open to collaborative work with other members / Will be open to any feedback and recommendations on any SSC event (whether it be for event, better way to inform students, or even on what kind of events to hold)

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Milaina Prezzano; mprezzan@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - Goal for this position is not only to be the voice for students in medsci, but also acting as shoulder for all students to lean on and communicate with on any of their thoughts, feelings, and mental health needs - Social media is prevalent in our day in age, having an Instagram that is public for students to comment or message me directly - As a student in medsci myself, I understand a lot of common struggles and intend on students feeling comfortable to approach me (relatability) - E.g. Approaching professors on any concerns that students bring to my attention

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA - Upscale “science fair” - Have booths for different modules in third/fourth year (run by upper year medsci students in those modules) to help students decide and inform them on what they might be most interested in - Good way to engage in interactive communication with other science students - Good way to get upper year science students involved in a friendly environment - Good way for students to do research on the modules in a fun and interactive way, rather than doing research on their computers without an outlet to ask questions and get advice from other science peers

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - By collaborating and holding events or initiatives as a science community - Grow strength in relationships between departments by a potential “Getting to Know” each other zoom workshop (temporarily due to COVID) with all departments to not only become good co-workers, but good friends as well - Having a platform for all departments in the science community to communicate with each other, and bring awareness to any potential issues that may arise (e.g. zoom meetings, Instagram) - Incorporate other departments by collaborating with them in events such as the one I previously suggested (having the specialization departments run the booths)

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Payal Mehta; pmehta48@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -keep open communication with my department and constituents through social media, email, etc. -one great way of reaching a large and specific group of students is via discord -send out regular feedback forms to hear from students and see what issues they are facing -currently I would also like to focus on making information and resources more accessible, especially in regards to areas like SRAs and academic counseling -I would also like to place an emphasis on the importance of mental health and the resources western has (like counseling services that are available and free to UWO students)

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -an event to help choose/ learn more about medsci modules -have students from each applicable med sci specialization/ profs talk a little bit about what each specialization entails/ how to be successful in each specialization -could also have smaller events that are more hands-on for each specific specialization etc. (can be done in person or via zoom) -greatly help the medsci students in first and second year (I know personally many people are looking for extra guidance when it comes to choosing a specialization) -could also benefit gensci students who are looking into applying to third-year medsci

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP -communicate with department clubs about any ideas for events that I may have, and seek their input -work with department clubs to address issues that my constituents may be facing -regularly check in with department clubs, and help support and promote any events that they may be running -create a group chat for easy communication to ensure that we can work together as much as possible -work with other department clubs and representatives to create joint events that will reach a wider range of students and benefit the UWO science community as a whole.

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Kevin Russel; krusse62@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS • Social media is a powerful tool and many of my first year peers are not aware of the Instagram account so first step would be to make posters to get the word out there. • Second, host events where guest speakers who represent a minority ( LGBTQ+, People of color, etc.) who are in a position related to medicine, have a chance to show students that they are represented in the field. • Lastly, host events where Med Sci students in the same year participate in events together. These events can include Med Sci lab coat tie dye day. Med Sci game night

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA • Like myself, a lot of my first-year med Sci peers have a fear of picking the wrong med sci module next year • Since we are online until the end of February, this is a perfect time to host a virtual 1 on 1 with older years in specific modules • This event will be held over zoom where any questions about a specific module can be answered. • This event will help reduce stress in picking modules and help connect younger years to upper years. • I have already talked to Sam and it is in the final stages of planning.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP • First I would host meet and greets ( depending on covid either in person or online over zoom) to build a rapport between clubs. • Would host mutliclub events where more than one club partakes in the formation of the event so there would be strong communication going back and forth • Thirdly, I would host bi weekly/ monthly meeting between the clubs where we plan future events and fundraisers together.

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Jason Lu; jlu549@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -Starting off, I would like to address the issue with the lack of visibility when it comes to information that a second-year medical sciences student should know. A lot of the really important information, such as about ITR, is buried underneath a mountain of confusing tabs, links, and paragraphs. Therefore, I want to work with the communications committee to increase visibility. -I will take steps to personally talk to people and be very approachable so that other students can have their concerns be shared and raised to the council.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -I really want to push more CREATIVE ideas that students can participate in, and even if you don’t you might still learn something or get some enjoyment from the product. -For example, having students log and share their day can really help and be engaging in various ways. 1) It can help high school students understand what the program they’re interested in is all about. 2) It can help other undergraduates get a sense of other people’s routines. 3) Lastly, everyone can add their own creative spin, and make it really entertaining and fun.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP -Organizing group activities, such as monthly lunches would allow for certain members of the SSC (or just myself) and the club to be more familiar with each other. This would provide the opportunity to share relevant issues and also brainstorm new ideas that could benefit both organizations. -We could create projects, and have the team consist of members from both groups, which would undoubtedly result in a really awesome product. The club and the council would then be able to share this project with more students overall and have a larger audience.

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Alexia Correia; acorre3@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS -I think a series of short videos exploring workplaces and job opportunities we can pursue. This would be short, 5-minute videos, possibly with med sci alumni, where we can inform students that med sci is so much more than a premed program -An SSC tiktok page is a great way to expand the reach of the council to more students and promote more engagement -It would provide the council with a new way to connect with students and answer questions they may have on a public platform

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA -It is not surprising that all students, particularly stem students are very stressed around finals time -Statistically, students are 94% more likely to seek out mental health support with therapy animals than traditional therapy -Therapy dogs on campus would provide students with a healthy way to relieve stress and it is a great opportunity to promote mental health services -Ideally this would be in UCC since it is close to popular libraries and an easily accessible place on campus -The main goal would be to promote mental health resources available to students on campus

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP -Send out an email biweekly/monthly to my respective clubs for updates. I want to ensure that there is open communication to help provide the SSC and department clubs a collaborative and supportive environment. Proper, open communication between the SSC representatives and clubs is vital. -Attend, support, and help promote events held by other clubs related to med sci -Meet with representatives with other clubs in science on a regular basis to keep communication open and flowing

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Mehrsa Feizi; mfeizi@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS - Establish an inventory of science textbooks where upper year students could donate their copies. An application process could be put in place where students can declare that they struggle with affording their course materials and request reusable textbooks. - Minimize the ultra-competitive culture and cultivate supportive relationships by matching small groups of students based on courses, interests, etc. at the beginning of the term. - Establish a web-page to list research, volunteer and internship positions with a calendar system (reminders and due dates for timelines of different opportunities). Include an option for employers/institutions to request for their opportunities to be posted.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA Establishing “club of the month” and "club of the semester" competitions to increase the sense of community and student participation under the faculty of science as well as the respective clubs. Prizes could potentially be assigned to these titles. Such an event will bring together the members of each club more closely, and can also encourage students to join more. Some short term benefits are encouraging team work and creativity outside of the classroom in a fun setting. In the long term, this plan will also help create a more enriching experience for club members and enhance their student experience.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP - Monthly meetings: club presidents could present any plans they have for the coming month for further assistance and advertisement under the faculty of science. This could also allow for collaboration between different clubs. - Personally connect with the clubs to introduce myself at the beginning of my term, providing my contact info and availability. - Establishing an anonymous submission portal for feedback and suggestions from the club members for my role as representative.

Second Year Basic Medical Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Omar Qudah; oqudah@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 1st Year Medical Sciences

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS *Engage and interact with my fellow department representatives by exchanging ideas and solutions on a regular basis. *Send Online polls to students via email to determine what they would like to see in the future/how do they want to see certain actions implemented. *I hope that I can create an environment that allows everyone to prosper by dismantling any cynicism and encouraging people to seek help from their peers in a way that fosters altruism which benefits both sides of the party (person who is seeking help and the one helping).

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA I plan to work with course coordinators to supply students within a course with extra help about the concepts they are learning (via zoom). *Students would not be spoon-fed information, but rather the zoom session (run by upper year volunteers) will provide them with online resources, show them what to do when they are stuck, and send them to break out room and shown how to effectively interact with each other. *This will empower students to attain the initiative to seek help properly and effectively communicate/help each other in a way that fosters friendship rather than rivalry.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP *Ask and implement feedback. *Be very responsive (quick to get back to messages or emails) *Always attend meetings and being on time *Engaging in discussion

Science Students’ Council Dep-Rep Platforms Science Students’ Council

Statistical & Actuarial Sciences

Statistical and Actuarial Sciences Representative Dep-Rep Platform

Prepared by Ali Irfan Khan; akhan827@uwo.ca

YEAR AND PROGRAM 4th Year HSP Data Science

REPRESENTING AND ADVOCATING FOR YOUR CONSTITUENTS • Optimize the mentorship program package and make it more suited and streamlined for the student body. • Individually reach out to students, have 1:1 meeting with the department representatives and students. • Feedback forms will be made available to current students and alumni on a regular basis, providing an opportunity for new ideas and potential improvements. • Collaborate with clubs such as ASUA, Western AI and CSUS for Machine Learning and R Workshops for Data Science & Stats students, as well as hold case competitions for the DSAS department.

EVENT OR INITIATIVE IDEA • Research and Competition opportunities – I recently was invited to present my research in the US and to my surprise I was the only student there from Canada and one of the only undergraduate students. • Raise funds for students to conduct research, write papers and be part of science conferences in Canada and abroad whilst representing Western. • This will help undergraduate students get hands on experience in their fields of study, network and aid with recruiting & applying to graduate schools. • Collaborate with VP Academic and Director of Advocacy to kickstart research projects and facilitate department goals.

DEP-CLUB PARTNERSHIP • ASUA stands as a great medium for amplifying your voice to the student body. Being in their team as a mentor for the past two years and working on projects to help promote Data Science has allowed me to make great connections and work comfortably with them. • Consistently being part of meetings held by ASUA and the SSC to understand and act on student body concerns and be an intermediary between them and the club representatives. • Having quick and responsive channels to contact such as emails and social media. Using Instagram is preferred since it is the most widely used communication platform. A Discord server for the DSAS department will be created for sharing resources and to serve as a group discussion platform.

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