Age of Character, by Walter Russell- Chapter 5, Lesson 17-18
The time has come when we are now ready to comprehend what the trouble is with the world ....
We shall show that these beliefs are man-made and have no existence in God's universe of Nature.
... world disaster lies in gross ignorance of balance in human relations
A notable example of its workings is that of the Empire Builders who sought wealth, prosperity, and power by taking, and found themselves impoverished-even unto having to ration their scanty food. —
millions of homeless city refugees flee the cities
idealism ... lowered culture, character, morality, righteousness, and justice
low standards of our educational and religious institutions create man of low ideals and character
Self Destroy
...hence we evolve a criminal race which will destroy itself and breed fear, evil and disunity
The human race has for thousand of years been gaining the whole world and paving the price of it by losing its own Soul
The Age of Character
Socrates did not believe that the high civilization of Greece could fall-but it did.
The only way a civilization can endure is practice of the LOVE PRINCIPLE
- GIVING instead of TAKING.
People's desires in Egypt was for the collective good of the whole.
In man's discovery of man, he valued man above all things.
The Golden Rule, Proverbs and the Ten Commandments were born in Egypt
... existence of a high state of knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and astrology, besides the inclusion of writings which indicate an equally high standard of knowledge of literature.
Civilization was a vast school for the teaching of character and wisdom ...
to make it clear to you that when physical man discovered spiritual man, his first greatest desire was to multiply the ...
Mind-qualities of spiritual man.
Ever since the dawn of conscience, man began his long search for his Creator.
First there was the God of Light the Creator of GOOD Symbol of God was the sun
Discover man ’ s inner Self by awakening within the spark of divine Light
Egyptians weighted the heavyness of the Heart
"A wise man is recognised by that which he knows. His heart is the balance for his tongue, his lips are correct when he speaks, and his eyes in seeing; his ears together hear what is profitable for his son, who does righteousness and is free from lying." —
Unity with Nature Giving,expressing Regiving, nurturing
Egyptian dreamer
... the whole animated world seems alive and consciousness of the presence of Aton (Solar deity)
The picture of the lily-grown marshes, where the flowers are 'drunken' in the intoxicating radiance of Aton,...
During the four to six thousand years before Imhotep, all men thought of themselves as the WHOLEnot as separate individual parts ( Natural Law)
...all that Confucius, Laotzu, Buddha, Krishna, Socrates, Plato, Lucretius, Moses, Abraham and Jesus said laterwere first conceived and written down on papyrus thousands of years before any of these great mystics were born.
..the One Solar God became the basis of the monotheistic religion which followed through the entirety of Egyptian life until the early Hebrews discarded it for a personal god
You can become what you want to be only through your thoughts and actions TOGETHER
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