UNIFORM POLICY Parental Support Whilst there is no legally enforceable obligation in Scotland to wear uniform, at Sciennes we are grateful for parental support in ensuring all our children do wear school uniform. We discourage wearing jeans and encourage our pupils to bring indoor gym shoes and a change of clothing for sporting activities. Why We Promote Uniform ● To build a sense of community and belonging. ● To lessen peer pressure to wear designer clothes. ● On a school trip it makes pupils more easily identifiable. ● Our P7 pupils wear a royal blue sweatshirt to indicate they are our senior pupils. What Can My Child Wear as Uniform? Tshirts and polo shirts in white, red and navy blue with the school emblem may be ordered from Reception but please note that it is perfectly acceptable for pupils to wear plain white Tshirts or polo shirts purchased from supermarkets or department stores. We have a school tie which can be worn with a plain white shirt if you prefer. School ties can be ordered from the School Office. Plain grey skirts and plain grey or black school trousers can be purchased from school or elsewhere. Plain navy blue jogging trousers are also acceptable. Girls can wear a red or blue gingham checked summer dress. Most of our pupils wear a navy blue Sciennes sweatshirt with the school emblem. Our P7 pupils wear a royal blue Sciennes sweatshirt. Fleeces and jackets in navy blue, as well as schoolbags and gym bags, with the Sciennes emblem can be ordered through school if you wish. We prefer our pupils to wear school shoes in dark colours. Where Can I Obtain School Uniform? Please note that our School Council regularly holds sales of nearly new school uniform. Check the Sciennes website, Sciennes Flyer or School Council website for details of the next sale. School uniform can be ordered online. Tshirts for each of the House teams Grange, Lauder, Sienna and Tantallon can also be ordered. Samples can be viewed at the School Office before ordering. Click here for Online ORDERING Assistance with School Uniform City of Edinburgh Council can provide children from low income families with assistance towards the purchase of school clothing, subject to certain criteria. Further information is available on the Council website where an application form can also be downloaded. Forms are also available from the School Office.
Sciennes Primary School