Technologies: ICT to Enhance Learning Policy Position Statement At Sciennes Primary School, the provision of ICT to Enhance Learning is currently undergoing revision to address delivery of the Technologies Outcomes and Experiences, as set out within the A Curriculum for Excellence. The Principles of Curriculum Design apply within the provision of ICT to Enhance Learning:
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Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance
INTRODUCTION This policy has been developed to ensure that all adults at Sciennes Primary School are working together to promote effective use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to enhance learning and teaching and to safeguard and promote the welfare of our pupils. This policy should be read in conjunction with the school’s ‘Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy’ (RUP). Both policies will be reviewed in 2013. ICT refers to forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means. This broad definition of ICT currently includes such technologies as media, telecommunications, and computer hardware and software; it also includes equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as videoconferencing, email and blogs. Proficiency in ICT is an ideal vehicle for shared learning between and amongst children, parents and teachers. eSafety is a safeguarding issue and all members of the Sciennes School community have a duty to be aware of eSafety, to know the required procedures and to act on them. See Technology and Responsible Internet Use Policy (RUP.) This document and the school’s RUP aim to put into place effective systems which will maximise the educational opportunities that can be obtained by exploiting the benefits of using ICT, whilst minimising any associated risks. Rationale Sciennes’ key objectives seek to address the Scottish Government’s Five Objectives for ICT: Objective 1: Change the culture of the use of ICT. Objective 2: Improve confidence in the use of ICT for learners, teachers, school leaders and parents. Objective 3: Promote new behaviours for teaching. Objective 4: Deepen parental engagement. Objective 5: Strengthen position on hardware and associated infrastructure.
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ICT is a vital element in our pupils’ current education and future lives, and we recognise our duty to provide our pupils with quality access as an integral part of their learning experience. We seek to personalise the learning experience of our students engaging them in their school experience so that they become successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible digital citizens. We aim to ensure that technology will, where appropriate,
enable all our staff and pupils to be confident, competent, and independent users of ICT.
motivate and inspire pupils and raise standards across the curriculum.
enable our parents to engage with and support learning.
develop pupil’s ICT skills, knowledge, understanding and capability through taught ICT lessons and provide opportunities for pupils to apply and consolidate their ICT capability across all curriculum contexts.
promote inclusion, supporting and challenging all our learners.
provide a safe, flexible environment in school where ICT can be readily accessed as a tool to support learning and teaching.
create opportunities for anytime, anywhere learning and seamless transition between school and home, including use of current and next Glow as our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
establish and develop access to 1:1 learning.
provide access to high quality learning and teaching resources, including subscription services: for example SuperMathsWorld, BrainPop, , Sumdog
innovate literacy developments in our Library, through use of Junior Librarian, netbooks, eBooks, Storyphones and mp3 players.
support the Early Years curriculum: e.g. mobile learning, Storyphones, Talking Tins, Beebots
provide opportunities for all members of our school community to collaborate locally and internationally.
equip staff with a digital hub for teaching and learning: laptop, interactive whiteboard, visualiser, digital and video cameras, networked Multi Function Devices, server storage, USB flash drives, access to ActivVote and ActivExpression interactive voting devices as well as ActivEngage on iPads.
support staff in developing as lifelong learners by providing them with quality CPD and technological tools for professional development, pedagogy, collaboration, management and administration.
provide effective online communication systems for pupils, parents and staff.
enable efficient and innovative school administration.
At Sciennes we will endeavour to keep pace with educational developments in ICT and we have a commitment to reviewing and improving our provision of technology. ICT TO ENHANCE LEARNING ICT is embedded within A Curriculum for Excellence and is a fundamental tool for staff and pupils. Its use is
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collaborative as well as personalised and offers opportunities for mentoring and providing peer support. ICT will be planned to enrich and extend learning activities and will be reviewed to reflect the curriculum requirements, needs, level and progress of the pupils. Being skilled in using ICT is essential if our pupils are to be effective contributors, able to communicate and interact on a global scale. Across the curriculum, skills in ICT will be developed in context:
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problem solving planning and organisation creativity and innovation skills in using equipment and software collaboration, leading and interacting with others critical thinking discussion and debate searching and retrieving information to inform thinking making connections evaluation presentation
Pupils will be afforded opportunities to:
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access, retrieve and use information from electronic sources to support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts. communicate securely with others within and beyond school explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways. develop knowledge and use of safe and responsible conduct.
It is essential that all teachers and learning support staff are confident about harnessing ICT and are given opportunities to discuss issues and develop appropriate teaching strategies. Opportunities will be provided to engage with parents to strengthen and deepen partnerships via the school website, email, blogs, Wikis, Glow, meetings and workshops, particularly in relation to the school’s participation in the national 1:1 pilot project. Parents will have opportunities to: ■ access technology to support their child’s learning ■ contribute to their child’s learning ■ engage in ebusiness transactions through Wisepay ■ access learning resources online
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