Sciennes Staff Responsible Use Policy (RUP)

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STAFF Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy INTRODUCTION Technology and the Internet are vital elements in our pupils’ current education and future lives. We recognise our duty to safeguard pupils in their learning experience and to create responsible, digital citizens. This policy has been developed to ensure that all adults at Sciennes Primary School are working together to promote effective use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to enhance learning and teaching and to safeguard and promote the welfare of our pupils. This policy should be read in conjunction with the school’s ‘ICT to Enhance Learning Policy’ and will be reviewed in 2013. ICT refers to forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means. This broad definition of ICT currently includes such technologies as media, telecommunications, and computer hardware and software; it also includes equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as videoconferencing, email and blogs. Proficiency in ICT is an ideal vehicle for shared learning between and amongst children, parents and teachers, and so all staff are obligated to promote responsible use of technology and the Internet. eSafety is a safeguarding issue and all members of the Sciennes School community have a duty to be aware of eSafety, to know the required procedures and to act on them. This document aims to put into place effective systems which will maximise the educational opportunities that can be obtained by exploiting the benefits of using ICT, whilst minimising any associated risks. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – eSafety The Headteacher or, in her absence, the Depute Head Teacher with responsibility for eSafety, has the ultimate responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils in their care, however it is the duty of all staff to ensure that every child in our care is safe. The Headteacher, as the Designated Person for Safeguarding, will ensure that:

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All staff should be included in eSafety and Child Protection training. Staff must also understand that personal misuse of the Internet may lead to disciplinary action. A Designated Senior Member of Staff for eSafety is identified and receives appropriate on-going training, support and supervision and works closely with the Designated Person for Safeguarding. All temporary staff and volunteers are made aware of the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy and arrangements.

The Designated Senior Member of Staff for eSafety will: ■ Act as the first point of contact with regards to breaches in eSafety and security. ■ Liaise with the Designated Person for Safeguarding as appropriate. ■ Attend appropriate training. ■ Provide support and training for staff and volunteers on eSafety. ■ Ensure that all staff and volunteers understand and are aware of the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy. ■ Adopt security strategies in accordance with City of Edinburgh Council policies.

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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils is embedded into the culture of our school and our everyday practice and procedures. eSafety is a partnership concern and we welcome notification of issues occurring at home, but any incidents involving inappropriate Internet use outside school hours are the responsibility of the parents of those pupils involved and should be referred to the Police. Bullying, harassment or abuse of any kind via digital technologies or mobile phones or devices in school will not be tolerated and complaints of cyberbullying will be dealt with in accordance with our Positive Behaviour and Equality Policies. Issues related to child protection will be dealt with in accordance with City of Edinburgh’s Child Protection Policy. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES - TECHNICAL SUPPORT BT are contracted by City of Edinburgh Council to service and maintain Edinburgh city schools’ network and infrastructure. Two joint ICT Co-ordinators manage the technology within school and are the main preliminary contacts for technical support and advice. MANAGING INTERNET ACCESS Internet access is filtered via Bluecoat in all schools and is appropriate to the age of the pupils. Staff have less filtering in place so should guard their passwords carefully and log out of the network when not in use. It follows that staff should not allow pupils to use staff accounts to access the network. Pupils will be taught what Internet use is responsible and what is not and be given clear objectives for Internet use. Staff will guide pupils in online activities that will support the learning outcomes planned for the pupil’s needs and development. Each stage P1-7 will access age appropriate eSafety materials and programmes of study, also available within our Glow portal. Pupils will be taught what to do if they experience material that they find distasteful, uncomfortable or threatening. If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL (web address) and content must be reported to the ICT Co-ordinator. Pupils may only download or upload files with permission and use of Internet derived materials by staff and pupils should comply with copyright law. MANAGING E-MAIL Staff and pupils use Glow VLE and City of Edinburgh Council email. Pupils must not reveal details of themselves or others in any e-mail communication (or by any personal web space) such as an address, telephone number, and must not arrange meetings with anyone. Attachments should not be opened unless the author is known. MANAGING WEBSITE CONTENT (including Glow Virtual Learning Environment) Editorial guidance will ensure that the school ethos is reflected in the website, information is accurate, well presented and personal security is not compromised. The Headteacher and other members of the Senior Management Team will have overall editorial responsibility and ensure that all content is accurate and appropriate. Permission to use photographs of pupils is requested from parents/carers when enrolling.

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SOCIAL NETWORKING AND CHAT ROOMS (including Glow VLE) Staff will control access to moderated social networking sites (e.g. within Glow) and educate pupils in their safe use. Staff can now access social networking sites but must personally undertake to use these responsibly. Pupils will not access unauthorised social networking sites e.g. ‘My Space’, ’Facebook’ or ‘Bebo’ or public or unregulated chat rooms. Pupils will be advised to use appropriate nicknames and avatars when using social networking sites. Staff will not exchange social networking addresses nor use social networking sites to communicate with pupils. MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones must be switched off at the beginning of the school day until the end of the school day unless staff have granted permission for their use. Handheld electronic devices such as PSP and Nintendo DS can be brought onto school premises for supervised reward times or project work only with the express permission of the class teacher. Sciennes Primary School bears no responsibility for the loss or damage to any electronic devices brought onto school premises. AUTHORISING INTERNET ACCESS All staff at Sciennes must read and sign the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy before using any school ICT resources. Parents/carers will be asked to read, sign and return a form stating that they have read and understood the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy. An electronic copy of the policy is available for download on the school’s website and hard copies are available on request. Staff will supervise access to the Internet and parents/carers will be advised to supervise access at home. PHOTOGRAPHIC, VIDEO AND AUDIO TECHNOLOGY Pupils must have express permission from a member of staff before making a video or audio recording in school or on educational activities and should never use do so in the playground or without supervsion. It is not appropriate for staff, parents or pupils to use photographic or video technology in changing rooms or toilets or when pupils are in a state of undress. A record will be retained of pupils whose parents/carers have specifically requested that video and photographic images are not made of them. ASSESSING AND MANAGING RISKS In common with other media such as magazines, books and video, some material available through the Internet is unsuitable for pupils. The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, it is not always possible to guarantee that unsuitable material may never appear on a school computer. Neither the school nor the Local Authority can accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences of Internet access. The Headteacher will ensure that the Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy is implemented and compliance with the policy is monitored. ICT hardware and peripherals will be kept in good order and stored securely. Any damaged or unsafe equipment must be reported immediately to the ICT coordinators. PAT testing will be undertaken in accordance with statutory guidelines.

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The ‘360’ safe’ (E-safety review tool) will be completed and reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the school is up to date with safeguarding in relation to eSafety. INTRODUCING THE POLICY TO PUPILS Pupils in P4-P7 will sign a pupil version of the Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy. Responsible Internet use, covering both school and home use, will be included in the curriculum. Pupils will be instructed in responsible and safe use and will be reminded of rules and risks. Pupils will be informed that Internet use will be closely monitored and that misuse will be dealt with appropriately, in line with the school’s Positive Behaviour Policy. Pupils joining Sciennes Primary School during the year will follow an accelerated course of induction into eSafety, and sign a Technology and Internet Responsible Use contract. CONSULTING STAFF (Including Supply Staff and Students) All staff are governed by the terms of the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy and will be provided with a copy of the policy and its importance explained. Supply staff and students on placement will be directed to the policy and must sign a copy of the Responsible Use Policy. All new staff will be issued with a network and Glow password and be given a copy of the policy during their induction. Staff development in safe and responsible use of ICT will be provided as required. Staff will be aware that Internet use will be monitored and can be traced to the original user. MAINTAINING ICT SECURITY (including password security) Password security is of the utmost importance and must be maintained at all times. Adults and pupils will be reminded never to disclose their passwords. The abuse of passwords must be reported immediately to the ICT co-ordinator and recorded in the eSafety log. DEALING WITH ISSUES Staff, children, parents/carers must know how and where to report incidents. (e.g. teacher, ICT Coordinators, eSafety log, Internet Watch Foundation and CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). Concerns related to Safeguarding issues must be dealt with through the school’s Child Protection and Anti-Bullying or Anti-Racist Policy and Procedures. The school’s designated person for eSafety will be responsible for dealing with issues and will report any staff or pupil misuse of the Internet to the Headteacher immediately. Pupils and parents/carers will be informed of procedures for dealing with incidents. Parents/carers and pupils will work in partnership with the school staff to resolve any issues. There may be occasions when the school must contact the police. If appropriate, early contact should be made to discuss strategies and preserve possible evidence.

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Sanctions for misuse may include any or all of the following:

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Informing parents/carers Removal of Internet/Glow (VLE) access and or ICT equipment for a specified period of time.

PARENT/CARER SUPPORT Parents/carers will be informed of the school’s Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy which may be accessed on the school website or by contacting the school office. Any issues concerning the Internet will be handled sensitively to inform parents/carers without undue alarm. Advice on filtering systems and responsible use of the Internet can be made available to parents/carers. Interested parents/carers will be referred to organisations such as Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP). A partnership approach will be encouraged between the school and parents/carers, which may include practical sessions as well as suggestions for safe Internet use at home.

STAFF Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy I have read and agree to comply with Sciennes Primary School’s ‘Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy (RUP)’. Name................................................................................................. Remit/Role ….................................................................................….. Signature.......................................................................Date..............

Sciennes Primary School March 2012 LG

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