The Arizona Keystone

Page 1

June 2014

Scien a Corona Research Lodge No. 4 F&AM

Keystone The Arizona

Vol .VI Number 1

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VOL. VI N=>?;@ 1


Scien a Corona Research Lodge No. 4 F&AM

The Arizona Keystone is published quarterly by Scien a Corona Research Lodge No.4 under the jurisdic on of the Grand Lodge of Arizona F&AM. The views expressed in the Keystone do not necessarily reflect those of the Grand Lodge of Arizona or its officers.

Master’s Notes: May your work grant you a Crown of Knowledge. David Sahady …………………………………………...


Death: An entrance to a fuller life. David Trice ……………………………………………...


Mee ng Dates: 2014 schedule of stated meetings ……….………...


Power of Ini a on Editor - In-Chief WM David Sahady

Reflect further upon any deeper meaning that may be gleamed from our great works. David Sahady ….………………………………….…….


History of the Grand Lodge of Arizona Managing Editor Keith L. Rosewitz PM 32°

Keith Rosewitz, Shane Crabtree …………………….


www.scien acorona .org


Masonic Symbolism The One Dollar Bill

Entrance of Colditz Castle chapel


Joe Panik ……….. 5


Notes from the Master


uman consciousness is cross-

for oft it may be that through demands and expecta-

ing a threshold as mighty as

tions only is searching brought to fruition. We must

the one from the Middle Ages

demand of ourselves more, both within the profane

to the Renaissance. People are hungering and thirst-

and the sacred, so that we may embody the qualities

ing after experience that feels true to them on the

taught and shine forth the Light of the Creator.

inside, after so much hard work mapping the outer

The Light in which we work is a blessed

spaces of the physical world. They are gaining

gift, wherein we may at once observe the face of

courage to ask for what

the Creator and witness pure Humanness in our

they need; living inter-

Brethren. Demand freedom, liberty and thought and

connections, a sense of

may such qualities guide you through the encyclo-



pedic halls of our history and grant you a glimpse


of the beauty with which we are upheld. Every


Temple must have a cornerstone whereupon all fu-

are rising: pictures of

ture work is erected, yet the next stone must also be



laid my Brothers. May you find the necessary tools

sings within us as well

and proper stone to continue your labor, may your

shared ties….New

as outside us….Sages

David Sahady

work grant you a Crown of Knowledge.

seem to have foretold this second coming.” - M.C. Richards (American Poet)

As a Master Mason we are raised to that sublime locale wherein a thirst for knowledge is matched only by

May you find the necessary tools and proper stone to continue your labor, may your work grant you a Crown of Knowledge.

the hunger for wisdom, it is but the beginning. The interconnectedness of all Brothers the world over provides for the Freemason a sense of belonging and love withheld within the world profane. Yet, a demand is necessary,




An entrance into fuller life. By David Trice

Hundreds of people from all walks of life have reported experiencing a wide range of phenomena that has a common theme. Having nearly died due to accident or natural causes they leave their bodies and experience perfect calm and peace. Then a love that is often described as overwhelming and inclusive surrounds them. They often experience a review of their life in a surrounding and light of a

We have lived many times and shall live many more times. Death is but a transition into life without the form. In this we can take comfort. The evidence of life after death is overwhelming and is growing year after year. Fear…the fear of death will one day not exist. We will KNOW that we live on. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Fear makes us selfish and implosive. Fearlessness makes us expansive, confident and radiant. It is only the rend“It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die but ing process of death that can be painful for some but that all only re re a li9le from sight and a:erwards return again. Nothing is dead”. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. must go through. Within all of us is a living soul. An immortal part of us that is our higher self. This perfect non-judgmental love. Self has watched over us from time immemorial. Surely we can think of examples and times where Many of the events reported also included meeting we were guarded. Where events seemed to be influloved ones who have passed on in our lives. Some enced by something greater than the personality meet great beings of light and love. Regardless, (the “not self”). The soul is the consciousness asthese events occur without the knowledge of others pect and brings to us and others we have relationwho have had NDE’s. This fact is inescapable and ship with the QUALITY of life. This is not in a mavery revealing. terial sense. It is the inner light that is important. These events are important in that they represent NEAR DEATH EXPIERENCES (NDE) the inner reality of life. Another side of our natures. That which is on the other side of the veil has al“No one knows what death is and whether it is ways been and will always be. Much waits for us not the greatest of all good things. It is feared as when we depart this mortal coil. This we all can if it were the supreme evil. But when death take comfort in. In raising a Master Mason we pray comes near to man that which is mortal in man to the Great Architect of the Universe thus: Alis scattered. That which is immortal and incormighty and Eternal God, Great Architect and Ruler ruptible withdraws intact”. Socrates of the Universe, at whose creative fiat all things Within the pool of experiences making its way to were first made, we, the frail creatures of Thy provthe surface of the waking consciousness of man is idence, humbly implore Thee to pour down on this what it now known as Near Death Experiences. convocation assembled in Thy Holy name the con-



An entrance into fuller life.

2014 M??@ABC DD@?E

tinual dew of Thy blessing. And we especially beseech Thee to impart Thy grace to this Thy servant, who offers himself as a candidate to partake with the mysteries of a M.M. Endue him with such fortitude that in the hour of trial he faint not; but pass him safely under Thy protection through valley of the shadow of death, that he may finally arise from the tomb of transgression and shine as the stars forever and ever. Amen. It is hoped what is written here will assuage the fear associated with Death. Fear of the unknown is our primary problem. Take comfort dear brothers, take comfort for our soul is always there. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 1CR 15:54

Suggested reading: “Death, the Great Adventure”, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, 120 Wall Street, NY New York 10005. 1 Franklin Roosevelt 2. Arizona Masonic ritual book


WHEN Spring Equinox……………. March 21 Summer Sols ce…………. June 21 Autumnal Equinox………. Sept 19 Winter Sols ce……………. Dec 12 7:30pm Mee ngs preceded by Supper - 6:30pm

LOCATION Aztlan Lodge No. 1 1028 Willow Creek Rd PrescoN, AZ 86301


Masonic Symbolism

The One Dollar Bill By Joseph F. Panek It is an accepted fact that a number of our Founding Fathers were Masons. And although the exact number of Founding Masons is difficult to determine, we do have pain ngs of both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin wearing the Masonic apron. Furthermore, we also know that Benjamin Franklin was a printer, an author, and a statesman; and, as such, had a tremendous amount of input and influence in the founding, structure and moral principles which gave birth to the United States of America. As to the other Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, although many of them cannot be officially confirmed as being Masons, their personal philosophies and associa ons were certainly in line with Masonic virtues. As Masons were the catalyst for the forming of our na on, they also incorporated Masonic principles and Symbolism in the original wri ngs and artwork associated with the birth of our Great Na on.

This ar cle explores the Masonic Symbolism contained within the U. S. One Dollar Bill.

The front of the One Dollar Bill contains a portrait of George Washington, Mason. But it is the Symbolism on the back of the One Dollar Bill that is the focal point of this ar cle. On the back of the One Dollar Bill there are two Circles. One Circle contains a portrait of an eagle and the other Circle contains a portrait of the Great Pyramid of Giza above which floats the "all seeing eye".


This ar cle will limit itself to the Symbolism of the Circle, the Eagle, the Great Pyramid and the "all seeing eye".

The Circle: The Circle Symbolizes the eternal, the infinite and the unending. Therefore, the Circle is a Symbol for Deity, or God. But why the Circle?

Simply put, the only way to measure or resolve the area or circumference of a Circle is by the use of the mathema cal factor of pi. The formula for determining the area of a Circle is: pi mes the radius squared. The formula for determining the circumference of a Circle is: pi mes the diameter. When we aNempt to mathema cally resolve pi (22/7) we arrive at something referred to by Pythagoras as an "irra onal number". An irra onal number is a number with a frac on that never resolves itself, regardless of how many decimal places we use. When we divide 22 by 7 we come up with 3.1428571.....on and on, into infinity. And although pi never resolves itself, it is the necessary factor in determining the circumference and area of a Circle. Now here is the interes ng part. Although we can actually draw a circle, or build a circular building, we can never come up with an exact final mathema cal figure for the Circle we drew or the Circular building we just built. Symbolically, the Circle is used to represent Deity, the infinite, and the eternal for the following reason: Just as the Circle can never be mathema cally resolved with any finality, neither can our ra onal minds finally resolve, or understand, Deity and the 5

infinite. For no maNer how much we may ra onally learn and understand about Deity and the infinite, we can never fully understand these two sublime concepts; for there is always more to learn. Symbolically, there is always one more unresolvable decimal place standing before us. Yet, within the infinite (the Symbolic Circle) all that is created, or can be manifested, already exists. The Eagle: Symbolically a bird represents "Spirit"; for it represents the one animal that can soar upward and come into closer contact with the heavens. It is interes ng to note that the Eagle was not the original intent of the Masonic Symbolists. The original intent was to depict the Phoenix; the mythical bird which Symbolizes birth and rebirth from the ashes of the old. The Phoenix was to represent the expiring liber es of old Europe brought to new life by the crea on of the New World called the United States of America. However, the difficulty that confronted the Symbolists was: How do you depict a mythological creature in a way that is sa sfactory to everyone? Therefore, in the end, it was the very recognizable and familiar Eagle that was seNled upon to depict the bird, or "Spirit" of our country. The Eagle, along with the falcon and the hawk, is the ruler of the heavens. Its keen eyesight Symbolizes "higher vision" and awareness" which are two components of "Wisdom".

In one of its talons the Eagle holds an olive branch, in its other talon it holds thirteen arrows which represent the orignial thirteen colonies. Symbolically, this means: "we offer the olive branch of peace to all. However, if necessary, we will take up the arrows of war to defend our naon".


The Great Pyramid: Just as the Great Pyramid of Giza is truncated at its top, so is the Pyramid appearing on the One Dollar Bill truncated at its top. This Symbolizes that our Na on's work, along with the work of any Mason, is never completed. Our Na on, and we Masons, are forever growing and expanding through all the days of our earthly existence. The Pyramid holds very similar Symbolism to that of the Ladder. Both Symbolize that knowledge, Wisdom, ascension and Enlightenment ("further light") are acquired step by step, with pauses in between, so that our new insights can be properly absorbed prior to moving up the next step.

In this way, the Masonic Pyramid represents the steps, degrees, proficiencies, and instruc ons undertaken by an Ini ate who chooses to separate himself from the mundane and superficial follies of the masses (or the "vulgar horde" as referred to by Pythagoras).

The All-Seeing Eye: Above the truncated Pyramid is an illuminated triangle within which is portrayed a single eye. This eye has been called "the all-seeing eye", the "eye of Horus" and the "third eye"; all of which refer to "higher vision", "full awareness" and "Enlightenment". And although this higher vision is available to all, only a few na ons or men will make the effort to pursue it.

The first thing we no ce is that this illuminated triangle which contains the "all seeing eye" is atop, but not touching, the stone Pyramid. Stone represents the world of maNer. The illuminated triangle, although involved with the world of maNer, transcends the material world: it is separate and apart from it.


And although this "all seeing eye" can be associated with the keen vision of the Eagle, it carries a far more Symbolic meaning.

The "all seeing eye" Symbolizes the highest and farthest vision, which is representa ve of Wisdom, Awareness and Enlightenment. in other words, because this "all seeing eye" floats freely above the world of maNer (the stone Pyramid), we are reminded that this higher vision is "involved in this world, but not of it". Therefore, to us Masons this "all seeing eye" is representa ve of "all of the light we are en tled to receive through Masonry".

In Ancient Egypt, ascension and enlightenment were achievable by way of two different paths, and were therefore represented by two separate deies: Horus and Osiris. Osiris represented final Enlightenment by way of an infinite number of reincarna ons, or paths. Horus represented final Enlightenment by way of direct ascension. In other words the "Eye of Horus", which is another way to interpret the "all seeing eye", is he beacon which beckons us to directly ascend the Pyramid of maNer step by step, properly learning our Masonic lessons, un l we finally obtain

focus and medita on, we are then able to open up the doorway of our "third eye" and receive Enlightenment directly from the Divine cosmic source itself.

Therefore, the lessons associated with the Symbolism of the "eye within the illuminated triangle" is that of "higher vision", "Enlightenment", "Awareness" and "Wisdom"; which are alterna ve ways of referring to "all of the light available in Masonry".

Suggested reading: America's Secret Des ny: Spiritual Vision & the Founding of a Na on, Robert Hieronimus The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill, David Ovason

Enlightenment directly in one incarna on. This is another way to express the metaphor and Symbolism of the Masonic Ladder; climbing it step by step, or degree by degree, un l we finally achieve "all the light available in Masonry".

And finally, the Symbolism of the eye within the triangle refers to our pineal gland, or "third eye". The pineal gland, or "third eye", is located within a triangular cavity at the rear base of our brain, and is considered by ancient cultures to be our "Seat of Wisdom". Eastern cultures mark the loca on of the "third eye" by placing a red dot on their forehead between their eyebrows which is where the frontal energy of the pineal gland is focused. Ancient Eastern scriptures teach us that when we are able to ac vate our pineal gland, through concentra on,



The Power of Initiation By David Sahady Participating in the Degrees of Freemasonry frequently leaves me with a feeling of awe, inspiring me to reflect further upon any deeper meaning that may be gleamed from our great works. The Creator has blessed for certain with rational and inquisitive minds, which may be best used in seeking further understanding of the Great Works witnessed in nature. With further reflection of our potential role within the greater vastness of the Universe, a persistent thought pushes at the back of my mind: of what importance are the initiatory orders on the history of the world and what does it mean to learn through the degrees of ascension? With that question in mind, the following is an attempt to identify and briefly outline various important socalled secret societies, the influence upon their founding and the contribution they have made in the world. Yet, first, a question to you Brothers. Who is Simon Bolivar? Who is Ibn Arabi? Who is Kondratji Selivanov? What about Kerstian Kerkerink? Or Zhu Yuanzhang? And finally, what about Apollinario? Each of these men, in one form or another impacted, or were themselves impacted by, the world in a great way, perhaps some infamous and some famous but great nonetheless. The men in question became who they were as a result of the initiatory process. “Most of the religions of the world are like processions: ne leads, and the many follow. In the footsteps of the demigods, man follows in his search for truth and illumination.�- Manly P. Hall

Whilst researching, two key groups of societies founded upon the initiatory practice were identified: those who taught for control and those who taught to free. Though each of these societies made a tremendous impact within their own time, their


influence can still be observed and felt today. It is to those groups founded upon the principle of control that I will first turn, to share a picture not only of best intentions but also of the frightful nature of humanity. The Skoptsi of Russia and the Balkan region are one such group whose foundation, initiation, and intent were centered largely upon sacrifice, manipulation and control. However, it must be said as well, in defense of the Skoptsi that one of their primary tenets was the ascension of the human being to communication with the divine or, more poignantly, uniting with and becoming divine themselves. The Skoptsi, or castrated, were ecstatics that influenced the peasantry as well as the nobility. One of their most significant propopents, Kondratji Selivanov, endured bouts in prison and mental institutions as a result of his message and proselytizing. His message taught that if men desired to become like the divine and move towards reunification, they must castrate themselves or be castrated by another to demonstrate their letting go of Earthly desire. Through this sacrifice the initiate would gain a more focused attention upon the works of the divine and the path to illumination. A second group of frighteningly widespread influence in the medieval age was the Holy Vehm of Westphalia. This group, founded upon the principles of morality and justice, sought to exercise control and deliver unto their realm justice and judgment as they so defined. The Holy Vehm, founded to enact social justice in the name of the Emperor, created a society of which many wished to be a part of as a mark of social favor and also a fear state whereby those subject to the Holy Vehm lived in fear of their judgement. Though working for the Emperor, the Emperor had no part in its founding or sustainment and was at times held accountable by the Holy Vehm, who also gave Bishops and other nobility their authoritative power. Kerstian Kerkerink was a victim of the Holy Vehm. Kerstian was accused of being an adulterer, taken from his bed in


the middle of the night and, despite his pleas for mercy and without representation, was found guilty and subsequently beheaded to the horror of the townsfolk. Although a medieval society, the Holy Vehm was never officially disbarred and many of their remnants have been witnessed throughout history, including Nazi rebels fighting the Communist Army. Finally, The Garduna, or Holy Warriors of Spain were in large part responsible for the removal of Moorish presence and influence on the Iberian Peninsula. The Garduna were founded after Apollinario received a blessing and vision from the Virgin Mary, who charged Apollinario to gather a fighting force to rid Spain of the infidels. The Garduna were great allies of Ferdinand and Isabel as Holy Warriors seeking to cleanse their region from all those not of the true religion. After the victory in Grenada, the Garduna became focused on other nonChristian or heretic groups and, acting in their capacity as the armed force of the Inquisition, received complete protection from the Church regardless of the severity and cruelness with which they acted. In many ways the Garduna, like the Holy Vehm, did not go away but rather found avenues by which to sustain themselves, their influence and their Brotherhood even unto today. Although the Dark may be in practice, so too must the Light shine through, for through this dance will balance and divine manifestation be made real. Freedom, Liberty, and Truth may be

A Cra sman Pulled a reed from the reedbed, cut holes in it, and called it a human being. Since then, it’s been wailing a tender agony Of par ng, never men oning the skill That gave it life as a flute. I am filled with you. Skin, blood, bone, brain, and soul. There’s no room for lack of trust, or trust. Nothing in this existence but that existence. -Rumi

seen as the enduring hallmarks of these next


groups, for it is through their influence, pressure, and perseverance that many of the major facets of all sociocultural movements may be attributed. Sufism, oft but mistakenly recognized as the mystical order within Islam, is an ancient initiatory order built upon degrees wherein knowledge and guidance is given from a teacher to the student with hopes of illumination along the path to more deeply understand the provision of the Divine in the Universe and the potential to feel It’s embrace. The history of the Sufi’s is rich and complicated, with influential markers in every major fraternal organization of the past two thousand years, and perhaps even further back. Many researchers view the Sufi Order as the true foundations of Freemasonry, or at least wherein the knights and others returning from the Holy Land were influenced to found a society of like ideals. Of equal note is the idea that Sufism, largely recognized as emerging from Iran, is the remnants of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools, which have utilized this method of transport to continue the teachings of the Divine with-in and without. Ibn Arabi, known as one of the great Sufi Masters was born in Andalusia in 1165 and died in 1240. Arabi’s influence surpassed national borders, where in Europe he was known as Doctor Maximus and regarded by many as a Saint for his intent adherence to the principles of higher knowledge that surpassed the realm of the material and centered upon the works of the Divine. Another fascinating society may be found in the history of China, where, as a result of the Mongol invasion and usurpation of the Ming dynasty, a group of monks and other traditional and nationalistic supporters founded a society to restore the Ming dynasty and remove the Qing dynasty. Much like the Stuart and Hanoverian warring, the Tiandihui would not succeed in the restoration of their identified divinely inspired rulers. Zhu Yuanzhang was a beggar boy who joined in the rebellion against the Mongols in the mid-14th century. As a result of his militaristic ability and genius during the rebellion, he would be named emperor and found the Ming dynasty, his major influence resulted from the White Lotus Society, which the Tiandihui would mirror in the 18th century to again fight the Mongol influence.


“The true Master Mason recognizes the value of seeking for truth where’ve he can find it. It makes no difference if it be in the enemy’s camp; if it be truth, he will go there gladly to secure it. The Masonic Lodge is Universal; therefore all true Masons will seek through the extremities of creation for their Light.”- Manly P. Hall

We all know the stories of the Marquis de Lafayette and of General Washington, but who is Simon Bolivar? Brother Simon Bolivar was a member of the Columbian revolutionary military that allowed the New World to break from their Old World Masters and found a new free society. It is also after Brother Bolivar that Bolivia was named. Brother Bolivar is raised in thought to provide to you an image of the vastness with which not only initiatory orders have influenced the world, but Freemasonry as well. The teachings provided are the very same, my Brothers, that the Great Magus Elias Ashmole and the Ancient Priests of the Temple were given, that of Faith, Hope, and Charity.

“Speak, what trade art thou? Why, sir, a carpenter. Where is thy leather apron and thy rule? What does thou with thy best apparel on?”

“You have made good work, You and your apron-men; “ William Shakespeare

May the Creator bless you and guide you through all the experiences of life, and bless your journey through the degrees that your initiatory process may bring greater Light and Freedom. Fraternally, David Sahady



History History of the Grand Lodge of Arizona by Keith Rosewitz PM 32°, Shane Crabtree PM edited by Bro. Bryan Shaw ESQ

In the laNer half of the nineteenth century the American fron er was comprised of the western territories from Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest. The news media of the me focused aNen on on the western territories and undoubtedly played a significant role in the inexorable wave of intrepid pioneers, seNlers, opportunists and prospectors that flooded into the territories. That period of me is oaen referred to as 'The Old West' or 'The Wild West'. “The year 1882 was a me of hardship and danger in Arizona. The Territory had a small white popula on living in widely scaNered communi es. Although the Southern Pacific Railway had recently completed its main line across the southern part of the Territory, it was of liNle help to the inhabitants, since most of them lived in remote districts. Roads were liNle more than trails, and due to heavy mountain snows and summer storms, they were impassable much of the me. At all mes there was also constant danger from roving bands of stage coach robbers and Apache Indians. Travel on the main roads was done in either four or six horse Concord stage coaches or in buckboards; on the mountain trails it was done by horseback or muleback. Danger of aNack by marauding Indians made it necessary to do much of the travelling between twilight and dawn. And, of course, few comforts for the weary traveller were to be found at the journey's end. Therefore, it was under such trying condi ons as these that the early Masons of Arizona managed to perfect the organisa on of the Grand Lodge and to aNend the regular mee ngs of their local Lodges. Indeed, it was not un l 1895 that northern and southern Arizona were connected by rail, thus making possible a steady increase in Masonic membership and in the number of Chartered Lodges throughout the Territory.” ~ Gould's History Of Freemasonry Throughout The World

In 1863 poli cal concerns and the pressures of the Civil War were largely responsible for the separa on of the Arizona territory from the New Mexico Territory. That year President Abraham Lincoln appointed John A. Gurley as Governor of the newly created Arizona Territory. He was to establish a government thus ensuring that Arizona Territory and its resources would be and remain under Union control. Governor Gurley died before he could arrive in the territory. John Noble Goodwin was appointed by President Lincoln in his place. Bro. John N. Goodwin John Goodwin, a Freemason, and his party arrived in the Arizona territory in December 1863. He established the territorial capital of PrescoN, approximately twenty miles from Fort Whipple. In 1864 nine Master Masons held a mee ng in PrescoN at John N. Goodwin's house. Brother Goodwin presided at the mee ng. Aaer sa sfying themselves that all present were Master Masons, those nine Masons decided to apply to the Grand Lodge of California for a dispensa on to open a Lodge at PrescoN. The name selected for the new lodge was Aztlan. Brother John T. Alsap, who later became the first mayor of Phoenix, was chosen as its first Master. Brother Goodwin was chosen to present the pe on to the Grand Master of California. Brother Goodwin presented the pe on on April 23rd, 1865, and the dispensa on it requested was granted. In January 1867, aaer the California charter had been granted, Aztlan Lodge No. 177 was duly cons tuted and the officers installed by Past Master John Mar n. Freemasonry had officially arrived in Arizona.

Arizona is the backdrop of many movies and novels about the Old West. Western novelist Zane Grey regularly spent me on the Mogollon Rim near Payson, Arizona. Early mo on pictures depict Arizona cowboys and lawmen portrayed by actors such as Tom Mix and John Wayne. In those movies the heroes and villains were sharply defined and a clean-cut cowboy always, "saved the day." However, novels and movies seldom depict an even greater legacy that a few pioneers and seNlers brought with them as they populated the territories. They brought morals, values and a strong sense of brotherly love, relief and truth with them. They brought Freemasonry to the territories.


Thereaaer, four more lodges were formed in succession. These four are Arizona Lodge in Phoenix (1879), Tucson Lodge in Tucson (1881), Solomon Lodge in Tombstone (1881), and White Mountain Lodge in Globe. All but White Mountain Lodge were chartered by the Grand Lodge of California. White Mountain Lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of New Mexico in 1881. On the 23rd day of March, 1882, representa ves from these four lodges convened in Tucson for the purpose of considering the propriety of establishing a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Territory of Arizona.


A commiNee was formed to examine the creden als of the aNending delegates, and aaer its sa sfactory report, it was resolved that by virtue of the powers vested in the members assembled it was right and proper that a Grand Lodge for the territory should be formed. A cons tu on was adopted and it was formally resolved, "That a lodge of Master Masons be opened for the purpose of organizing and opening, in Masonic form, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Territory of Arizona."

which it was called, the Master Masons Lodge was closed in ancient Masonic form, sine die. Aztlan lodge later became a chartered member, and together the five lodges forming the Grand Lodge had a total membership of 274 Masons. Those five original lodges are s ll in existence today and are designated 'Territorial Lodges'.

Officers were appointed to fill the sta ons and places and a Lodge of Master Masons was opened in ancient Masonic form. The various officers were elected as follows: Ansel Mellen Bragg, Grand Master; John Tabor Alsap, Deputy Grand Master; Alonzo Bailey, Senior Grand Warden; William Arthur Harwood, Junior Grand Warden; Abraham Marx, Grand Treasurer; and George James Roskruge, Grand Secretary. On the 25th day of March, 1882, the grand officers were installed and the Master Masons Lodge was closed in the ancient Masonic form, the conven on having accomplished the business for which it was called, adjourned sine die. The Grand Lodge was then opened in proper form, with music by a choir and prayer by the Grand Chaplain, aaer which it examined and endorsed the charters held by the various lodges represented. Then it was decided that, "The Grand Lodge claimed as the boundaries of its jurisdic on the whole of the Territory of Arizona," and further, that the Grand Master be authorized to endorse the charter of Aztlan Lodge when called upon to do so. On March 25th, 1882, aaer installing the grand officers and accomplishing the business for

Most Worshipful Ansel M. Bragg First Grand Master of Masons in Arizona

Reprinted from

Recent History: Scien a Corona Research Lodge UD dispensa on presented and installa on officers January 2008




PRESCOTT, AZ 86301-1642



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www.scien acorona .org

Scien a Corona Research Lodge No. 4 F&AM is a Masonic en ty formed for the purpose of educa on, research and informa ve discourse of Freemasonry. Scien a Corona Research Lodge No. 4 meets on the Equinoxes and Sols ces at various Masonic Lodges in Central and Northern Arizona, USA.

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