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Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance

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Accounting and Finance Education

Broken Pie Chart: 5 Ways to Build Your Investment Portfolio to Withstand and Prosper in Risky Markets Author Derek Moore

Razor Wealth Management LLC, USA

ISBN print 9781787435544 ISBN electronic 9781787435537 (PDF) 9781787439580 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018 Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$40.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 224

Synopsis Investment outcomes and strategies have changed considerably since 2008. Broken Pie Chart demonstrates the failures of classical diversification and asset allocation, pointing out that the backward-looking methods used by traditional financial professionals will not work moving forward. Derek Moore explains why traditional risk-spreading leads to losses during sell-off periods, and contains risks that many investors do not recognize until it is too late. He also reflects on the changes in the financial market since the global financial crisis, and how these changes may affect your asset allocation and risk management decision-making in a landscape of lower rates and higher risks. With this work, readers can take a fresh look at their portfolios by identifying the emerging asset classes that will lead to investment success, using effective financial strategies to enhance their position, and placing smart floors, hedges and buffers to minimize risk.

Table of Contents Introduction: Did 2008 Teach Us Anything?

6. This Time Is Different?

1. What's in Your Pie Chart?

7. Why Sequence Of Returns Matter For Your Retirement

2. Why Bonds Past Performance Can't Equal Future Results 3. Target Date Funds Surprise 4. Why Diversification Fails In Market Selloffs 5. What If We Go Sideways Or Down?

8. Alternative Solutions And Hard Floors For Portfolios 9. Volatility Is An Emerging Asset Class 10. Synthetics To Build Positions With A Seat Belt 11. Risk Adjusted Returns Matter

About the Author Founder and President of Razor Wealth Management, LLC, Derek Moore helps individual investors build portfolios to weather various market conditions. As Director at ZEGA Financial, he spoke around the United States to educate advisors on risk management and alternative strategies. Derek was also the Director of National Education for TD Ameritrade. There he founded a client education program and delivered presentations to large and small groups nationwide.

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Accounting and Finance

Public Procurement Fundamentals: Lessons from and for the Field Author Naushad Khan Former lead procurement specialist, the World Bank, USA

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787546080 ISBN electronic 9781787546059 (PDF) 9781787546073 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 152

During the last two decades, public procurement evolved in most of the world but is often carried out by government officials with little or no experience with procurement policies and procedures. As a result, substantial amounts of public funds are lost due to wrong selection of suppliers and contractors. While a large amount of literature exists on public procurement, it deals with different aspects such as commercial, environmental, legal, and technical aspects. In this new work, Khan provides an introduction to procurement and efficiency, bringing together these difficult and complex aspects of public procurement in a clear and succinct manner. From his experience with the World Bank throughout Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucuses, and Central and South Asia, Khan has created a step-by-step manual for government officials, researchers, and students.

Table of Contents Foreword 1. W hat is Public Procurement - Introduction 2. W ho Does It and For Whom - Organization and Capacity 3. H ow It Is Done - Procurement Cycle and Procedures

4. Contract Management 5. How It Is Controlled - Risks to Procurement and Their Mitigation 6. New Tools of Public Procurement Appendix A. Simple Step-by-Step Generic Procurement Manual Appendix B. Additional Readings

Return on Investment in Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Social, Economic, and Environmental Value of Sustainable Business: Author Cesar Sáenz ESAN University, Peru ISBN print 9781787562523


ISBN electronic 9781787562493 (PDF) 9781787562516 (ePub)

In today's climate, companies must be economically successful and at the same time take social responsibility. Author Cesar Sandro Saenz Acosta introduces a new SROIM (Social Return on Investment Management) model, to design and measure the social value created by companies.

Publication Date April 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Understanding the Philosophy of the SROIM 3. The SROIM Model 4. The SROIM Model in Detail

5. Case Studies 6. Integrating the Social Programs References

Pagination 125

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Accounting and Finance Education Continuous Auditing: Theory and Application Edited by: David Y. Chan St. John’s University, USA; Victoria Chiu State University of New York at Oswego, USA; Miklos A. Vasarhelyi Rutgers Business School, USA Synopsis Continuous Auditing provides academics and practitioners with a compilation of select continuous auditing design science research, and it provides readers with an understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts of a continuous audit, ideas on how continuous audit can be applied in practice, and what has and has not worked in research.

ISBN print 9781787434141 ISBN electronic 9781787434134 (PDF) 9781787434653 (ePUB) Publication date March 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Investment Behaviour: Towards an IndividualCentred Financial Policy in Developing Economies

Investment Behaviour: Towards an Individual-Centred Financial Policy in Developing Economies Authors: Arup Kumar Sarkar Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, India; Tarak Nath Sahu Vidyasagar University, India Synopsis Investment Behaviour explores the relationship between competing demographic factors, personal awareness and perceived attitudes to risk in shaping the behaviour of individual investors in the stock market. By so doing, the book facilitates the formulation of more individual-centered financial policy.

ISBN print 9781787562806 ISBN electronic 9781787562790 (PDF) 9781787562813 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

The Return of Trust: Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 276

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 160

The Return of Trust: Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis Edited by: Murray Bryant Ivey Business School, USA; David L. Schwarzkopf Bentley University, USA; Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson Reykjavik University, Iceland Synopsis This book examines the efforts of major Icelandic economic institutions to regain the public’s trust, 10 years after the financial crisis that ruined personal savings and fostered anger towards business and politics. The studies collected here provide insights into restoring relationships between communities and institutions.

ISBN print 9781787433489 ISBN electronic 9781787433472 (PDF) 9781787439528 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £70.00 US$110.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 262

Sustainability Accounting: Education, Regulation, Reporting and Stakeholders Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Volume 7 Edited by: Ataur Belal Aston University, UK; Stuart Cooper University of Bristol, UK; Sophie Giordano-Spring Institut Montpellier Management, France; Jonathan Maurice IAE Toulouse - École de Management, France; Charles H. Cho York University, Canada Synopsis Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management aims to advance knowledge of the management of corporate environmental impacts. It aims to increase the awareness of management accounting practitioners, investors, and other stakeholders of the financial and social consequences of corporate environmental impacts. ISSN 1479-3598 ISBN print 9781787548893 ISBN electronic 9781787548886 (PDF) 9781787548909 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 176

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Accounting and Finance Advances in Management Accounting Advances in Management Accounting: Volume 30 Edited by: Mary A. Malina University of Colorado Denver, USA Synopsis Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) is a publication of quality applied research in management accounting. Featured in Volume 30 are articles on: Risk management and internal control: A study of management accounting practice; Properties of performance measurement and management systems used dialogically between parent companies and foreign subsidiaries; CEO turnover and major business restructurings; The effect of informed outside directors on investment efficiency; Proactive strategic responses to corporate sustainability pressures: A sustainability control system framework; On the interplay between strategic performance and managerial accounting. ISSN 1474-7871 ISBN print 9781787564404 ISBN electronic 9781787564398 (PDF) 9781787564411 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions: Volume 17 Edited by: Sydney Finkelstein Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA; Cary L. Cooper Alliance Manchester Business School, UK Synopsis The chapters published in this volume provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars, and help to inform mergers and acquisitions research around the world.

ISSN 1479-361X ISBN print 9781787561366 ISBN electronic 9781787561359 (PDF) 9781787561373 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 182

Global Tensions in Financial Markets Research in Finance: Volume 34 Edited by: John W. Kensinger University of North Texas, USA Synopsis The volume first investigates the impact of macroeconomic variables on equity values in emerging economies as compared with developed economies. Next it affirms the efficiency of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator electricity exchange. Finally it investigates efforts to stimulate emerging nations around the world.

ISSN 0196-3821 ISBN print 9781787148406 ISBN electronic 9781787148390 (PDF) 9781787432710 (ePUB) Publication date March 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 220

Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting: Volume 21 Edited by: Cynthia Jeffrey Iowa State University, USA Synopsis Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face.

ISSN 1574-0765 ISBN print 9781787549739 ISBN electronic 9781787549722 (PDF) 9781787549746 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

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Economics Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance: Volume 6 Edited by: Cheng Few Lee Rutgers University, USA; Min-Teh Yu China University of Technology, Taiwan Synopsis Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance is an annual publication designed to focus on interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, and management among Pacific Rim countries.

ISSN 2514-4650 ISBN print 9781787564466 ISBN electronic 9781787564459 (PDF) 9781787564473 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 306

Employee Ownership and Employee Involvement at Work: Case Studies Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms: Volume 18 Edited by: Daphne Berry University of Hartford, USA; Takao Kato Colgate University, USA Synopsis With a growing prominence of sophisticated econometric research in the field of New Economics of Participation (NEP), it is of particular value to learn about real-world examples of participatory and labor-managed firms in the advanced market economies through extensive case studies. In this volume, the authors present such case studies.

ISSN 0885-3339 ISBN print 9781787145207 ISBN electronic 9781787145191 (PDF) 9781787149588 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 160

Governance and Regulations’ Contemporary Issues Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis: Volume 99 Edited by: Pierpaolo Marano Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy; Simon Grima University of Malta, Malta Synopsis Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis: Volume 99 is a collection of theoretical and empirical studies in governance and regulation, with application to both macro and microeconomic issues.

ISSN 1569-3759 ISBN print 9781787438163 ISBN electronic 9781787438156 (PDF) 9781787439870 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 288

Health Econometrics Contributions to Economic Analysis: Volume 294 Edited by: Badi H. Baltagi Syracuse University, USA; Francesco Moscone Brunel University, UK Synopsis This volume covers a wide range of existing and emerging topics in applied health economics, including behavioural economics, medical care risk, social insurance, discrete choice models, cost-effectiveness analysis, health and immigration, and more.

ISSN 0573-8555 ISBN print 9781787145429 ISBN electronic 9781787145412 (PDF) 9781787439269 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 348

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Key Success Factors of SME Internationalisation: A Cross-Country Perspective

Key Success Factors of SME Internationalisation: A Cross-Country Perspective International Business & Management: Volume 34 Edited by: Ulrike Mayrhofer Jean Moulin Lyon University, France; Noémie Dominguez Jean Moulin Lyon University, France Synopsis This collective book offers a cross-country perspective on the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Scholars from prestigious institutions in Europe, North America, Australia and China provide new insights on how SMEs develop and perform their international activities.

ISSN 1876-066X ISBN print 9781787542785 ISBN electronic 9781787542778 (PDF) 9781787542792 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 290

Research in Economic History Research in Economic History: Volume 34 Edited by: Christopher Hanes BInghamton University, USA Synopsis REHI volume 34 contains articles on the economic history of Europe, North America and South America and brings new analysis, and newly created datasets to address issues of interest.

ISSN 0363-3268 ISBN print 9781787565821 ISBN electronic 9781787565814 (PDF) 9781787565838 (ePUB) Publication date October 2018

The Study of Culture in Economics: Experimental Approaches and Contributions

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

The Study of Culture in Economics: Experimental Approaches and Contributions Research in Experimental Economics Edited by: Anna Gunnthorsdottir University of Economics; Dan V Caprar University of Sydney, Australia; Doug Norton Florida State University, USA Synopsis The focus for REE is laboratory experimental economics, but also theoretical, empirical, or field economic research if of interest to the broader experimental economics community.

ISSN 0193-2306 ISBN print 9781787438200 ISBN electronic 9781787438194 (PDF) 9781787439894 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Transitions Through the Labor Market: Work, Occupation, Earnings and Retirement

Pricing £87.99 US$152.99 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 300

Transitions Through the Labor Market: Work, Occupation, Earnings and Retirement Research in Labor Economics: Volume 46 Edited by: Solomon W. Polachek University of New York at Binghamton, USA; Konstantinos Tatsiramos University of Luxembourg, LISER and IZA Synopsis This volume contains seven original and innovative articles which analyze labor market transitions, how individuals progress from school to work, choose a particular occupation, move up the job ladder, and finally withdraw from the workforce to retirement. Investigations are done by race and gender; and social implications are examined. ISSN 0147-9121 ISBN print 9781787564626 ISBN electronic 9781787564619 (PDF) 9781787564633 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 280

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Economics Healthcare Antitrust, Settlements, and the Federal Trade Commission Research in Law and Economics: Volume 28 Edited by: James Langenfeld Navigant Consulting, USA; Edwin Galeano Navigant Consulting, USA Synopsis This volume of Research in Law and Economics contains articles that address important legal and economic developments in the areas of healthcare, intellectual property and labor settlements, competitive effects, cartel overcharges, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

ISSN 0193-5895 ISBN print 9781787566002 ISBN electronic 9781787565999 (PDF) 9781787566019 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 340

Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Bruce Caldwell’s Beyond Positivism after 35 Years Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Volume 36A Edited by: Luca Fiorito University of Palermo, Italy; Scott Scheall Arizona State University, USA; Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil Synopsis Volume 36A features a symposium on Bruce Caldwell’s Beyond Positivism after 35 years. The volume also features generalresearch essays from Luis Mireles-Flores and Alain Marciano. Luca Fiorito presents a new discovery from the archives. ISSN 0743-4154 ISBN print 9781787561267 ISBN electronic 9781787561250 (PDF) 9781787561274 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

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Cultural Journeys in Higher Education: Student Voices and Narratives Authors Jan Bamford

London Metropolitan University, UK

Lucy Pollard

University of Greenwich, UK

ISBN print 9781787438590 ISBN electronic 9781787438583 (PDF) 9781787439955 (ePub) Publication Date July 2018 Pricing ÂŁ40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 140

Synopsis This book focuses on student cultural diversity in HE and assesses how cultural difference affects students’ education and social experience. Th authors use interviews to looks at these issues from both the perspective of international students, and culturally diverse home populations.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Bridging Barriers 2. British Ethnic Minority Students Experiences in Higher Education

4. C ulturally Challenged and Culturally Adapted? 5. Concluding Comments

3. Cosmopolitanism in Higher Education

About the Author Jan Bamford is Head of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes at Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University. She is a principal fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has published widely on diversity within student communities, particularly addressing the experience of international students in the UK. Lucie Pollard is Faculty Operating Officer for Education and Health at the University of Greenwich. She was a core member of the university's Black and Ethnic Minority Attainment project in 2007-9. Her current research focuses on the internationalisation of higher education in the context of culturally diverse classrooms.

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Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact: History, Practices and Policy Development Great Debates in Higher Education Authors Jeffrey Alstete Iona College, USA

Nicholas J. Beutell Iona College, USA

John P. Meyer Iona College, USA

ISBN print 9781787563902


Publication Date July 2018

This book examines the history of and recent developments in scholarly metrics, indices, citation analysis and journal evaluation systems. It considers the role of scholarly metrics within and outside of academia, considering the benefits to individual scholars and organizations as well as the criticisms of quantifiable metrics for research evaluation. Through this evaluation, the authors seek to propose a coherent, thoughtful and inclusive policy for encouraging and rewarding quality intellectual contributions.

Pricing ÂŁ40.00, US$64.00

Table of Contents

ISBN electronic 9781787563872 (PDF) 9781787563896 (ePub)

Format print Paperback

1. A Primer on Policy and Research 2. History and Evolution of Scholarly Metrics and Impact Factors

Format electronic PDF and ePub

3. Concerns and Problems

Pagination 150

About the Author

4. B enefits and Possibilities for Research Policy Improvements Conclusion Appendix 1: San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

Jeffrey W. Alstete is a professor of management in the School of Business at Iona College, New York, where he teaches on-campus and online distance education courses on business policy and strategy, entrepreneurship, international management, managerial decision-making, competitive intelligence, knowledge management, benchmarking, and other courses. Nicholas J. Beutell is professor of management at Iona College and has written over 100 publications. He is currently Chair of the Institutional Review Board at Iona College and has over 40 years of experience as scholar, professor and administrator. John P. Meyer is a professor of management at Iona College. Professor Meyer earned appointment as Master Teacher and serves on an institution-wide Rank, Tenure and Awards (RTA) committee .

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Higher Education Funding and Access in International Perspective Great Debates in Higher Education Edited by Sheila Riddell

University of Edinburgh, UK

Sarah Minty

University of Edinburgh, UK

Elisabet Wheedon University of Edinburgh, UK

Susan Whittaker

Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

ISBN print 9781787546547 ISBN electronic 9781787546516 (PDF) 9781787546530 (ePub) Publication Date May 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00

Synopsis Over the last four decades, massified higher education systems have grown up across the developed world, driven by both economic and social justice imperatives. A number of challenges have accompanied this expansion, including the need for sustainable funding models which are consistent with widening access. This book explores the ways in which different countries have responded to these challenges, investigating, amongst other things, the extent to which 'no fee' systems are more socially inclusive and focuses on differences within the UK, Europe and the wider international context.

Table of Contents 8. Widening Access to Higher Education in Sweden: Changing Political Ideologies, Changing Tactics?

Format print Paperback

1. Introduction

Format electronic PDF and ePub

3. H igher Education Decision-Making and 9. Widening Participation in Higher Education: Policies and Outcomes in Young People's Horizons for Action in Germany Scotland 10. Higher Education Funding and 4. Can the Techniques of New Public Student Activism in Québec: The Management be Used to Promote Printemps Érable and its Aftermath Wider Access to Higher Education

Pagination 220

2. Student Support in Wales: A Case of Progressive Universalism?

5. Higher fees, Higher Debts: Unequal Graduate Transitions in England? 6. T he Implications of HE Funding and Provision Differences for Students Crossing Borders in the UK 7. Widening Access to Higher Education: Balancing Supply and Demand in Ireland

11. The Price of University: Economic Capital and the Experience of UnderRepresented Students in an Elite US University 12. Student Tuition Fees in Australian Higher Education: A Litany of Public Issues and Personal Troubles 13. Higher Education in the Developed World: Common Challenges and Local Solutions

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Sexual Violence on Campus: Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response Great Debates in Higher Education Author Chris Linder

University of Georgia, USA

ISBN print 9781787432291 ISBN electronic 9781787432284 (PDF) 9781787439474 (ePub) Publication Date May 2018 Pricing ÂŁ40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 111

Synopsis Activists have been working to call attention to the problem of campus sexual violence for decades, and in recent years, policymakers, campus administrators, and researchers have begun to make serious efforts to address this issue. Despite this increase in attention, many campus leaders still struggle to effectively address campus sexual violence, often over-relying on policy to address sexual violence after it happens, rather than working to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Moreover, rates of sexual victimization on college campuses have not changed in 60 years, highlighting the need for a change in action, training and behaviour. Based on a wide-ranging review of research, combined with her 10 years’ of experience as an educator and co-ordinator of services for survivors of campus sexual violence, Chris Linder advances a power-conscious lens to challenge student activists, administrators, educators, and policy makers to develop more nuanced approaches to sexual violence awareness, response, and prevention on college campuses.

Table of Contents 1. Developing a Power-Conscious Framework for Understanding and Addressing Sexual Violence 2. Awareness of Sexual Violence

About the Author

3. Responding to Campus Sexual Violence 4. Prevention of Campus Sexual Violence 5. Strategies for Effectively Addressing Sexual Violence through a PowerConscious Lens

Chris Linder is Associate Professor of College Student Affairs Administration at the University of Georgia, USA. Prior to becoming faculty, she worked as a student affairs educator and administrator for 10 years, spending the majority of her career as Director of a campus-based women's center, supporting survivors of sexual violence. Her research interests include creating and maintaining equitable campus environments, specifically focusing on race and gender. She is the coeditor of Intersections of Identity and Sexual Violence on Campus (2017).

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The Marketisation of English Higher Education: A Policy Analysis of a RiskBased System Great Debates in Higher Education Author Colin McCaig

Sheffield Hallam University, UK

ISBN print 9781787438576 ISBN electronic 9781787438569 (PDF) 9781787439948 (ePub) Publication Date August 2018 Pricing ÂŁ40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

Synopsis This book sets the recent market reforms in historical and political context. It traces the development of the 2004 HE Act; the 2011 White Paper Students at the Heart of the System; the removal of the student numbers cap and the 2016 White Paper Success as a Knowledge Economy. Employing a critical discourse analysis of the developing rhetoric of marketisation, the book traces policy development from the beginnings of market competition between institutions for funded undergraduates over a decade ago. It suggests a policy intention to create a risk-based system where new providers are encouraged into the marketplace to provide price competition, with potentially negative ramifications for access to HE from underrepresented groups.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction - Marketisation and Consumerisation in English Higher Education 2. The Development of a Market in Three Acts 3. Access to Higher Education: Policy Development, Massification and the Coming of the Market Effect

4. D ifferentiation: the Shift from Diversity to Competitiveness from the Encouragement of Diversity (HEFCE 1994, 2000) - an Era of Collaboration and the Celebration of Different Types of Higher Education 5. English Marketisation in Comparative Analysis

About the Author Colin McCaig is a Reader in Higher Education Policy in the Sheffield Institute of Education, with 20 years' experience in education policy research. Colin's research interests are in the area of inequalities of access to higher education which he approaches through critical analyses of policies concerning the marketisation of higher education. He has published widely in areas of education policy.

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Education Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education: Teaching for Leadership, Innovation, and Creativity Edited by: Anastasia Misseyanni DEREE - The American College of Greece, Greece; Paraskevi Papadopoulou DEREE - The American College of Greece, Greece; Christina Marouli DEREE - The American College of Greece, Greece; Militiades D. Lytras DEREE - The American College of Greece, Greece Synopsis This book focuses on selected best practices for effective active learning in Higher Education. Contributors present the epistemology of active learning along with specific case studies from different disciplines and countries. Discussing issues around ICTs, collaborative learning, experiential learning and other active learning strategies.

ISBN print 9781787144880 ISBN electronic 9781787144873 (PDF) 9781787149441 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018 Pricing £70.00 US$110.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 408

Boosting Impact and Innovation in Higher Education: The Knowledge Entrepreneur and High Diversity Groups in Universities Author: Ross Rynehart Imagine Consulting Group International, Australia Synopsis This book provides a practical guide to mastering The Knowledge Entrepreneur Toolkit and to establishing High Diversity Groups in Universities. It represents a practical guide for academics, professional staff and university leaders to develop the skills and cultures needed to work intelligently and creatively with high levels of diversity.

ISBN print 9781787548336 ISBN electronic 9781787548329 (PDF) 9781787548343 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 208

Democrats, Authoritarians and the Bologna Process: Universities in Germany, Russia, England and Wales Author: Judith Marquand Cardiff University, UK Synopsis This book sets the extraordinary phenomenon of The Bologna Process in its historical and political context. Four contrasting country case studies - Germany, Russia, England, Wales - illustrate some of the varying responses adopted when faced with a similar framework.

ISBN print 9781787434660 ISBN electronic 9781787544970 (PDF) 9781787439542 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £60.00 US$95.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 180

Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting Back Edited by: Ruth Heilbronn UCL Institute of Education, UK; Christine Doddington University of Cambridge, UK; Rupert Higham UCL Institute of Education, UK Synopsis This book makes a strong case for the abiding relevance of Dewey’s notion of learning through experience, with a community of others, and what this implies for democratic 21st century education. Curricular and policy contexts in Spain, Cameroon, the US and the UK, explore what reading Dewey contributes to contemporary education studies.

ISBN print 9781787436268 ISBN electronic 9781787436251 (PDF) 9781787439603 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 204

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Education Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in Preschool and Primary Education Edited by: Grace Oakley University of Western Australia, Australia Synopsis There has been an increase in the use of mobile technologies such as iPads, tablets and smartphones by children. This book will brings together contemporary research and thinking on how this trend is impacting on children’s literacy.

ISBN print 9781787148802 ISBN electronic 9781787148796 (PDF) 9781787439412 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 240

Pedagogy in Islamic Education: The Madrasah Context Pedagogy in Islamic Education: The Madrasah Context

Authors: Glenn Hardaker University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei; Aishah Sabki Director at Beyond Labels Ltd, UK Synopsis This book provides an understanding of pedagogy rooted in the developments of Islamic Education. It is the first book to explore this in the Madrasah context. The focus on Islamic pedagogy provides a way to explore knowledge, spirituality and education that is shaped by a universal approach to personalised learning.

ISBN print 9781787545328 ISBN electronic 9781787545311 (PDF) 9781787547186 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 226

Refugees in Higher Education: Debate, Discourse and Practice Great Debates in Higher Education Authors: Jacqueline Stevenson Sheffield Institute of Education, UK; Sally Baker University of Newcastle, Australia Synopsis This book offers critical appraisal of the participation of students from refugee backgrounds in higher education, exploring how global discourses about forced migration play out for students in terms of accessing, participating, and succeeding in higher education.

ISBN print 9781787542167 ISBN electronic 9781787437142 (PDF) 9781787439672 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools Edited by: Jana Hunzicker Bradley University, USA Synopsis Featuring scholarly descriptions, teacher leader reflections, and thoughtful questions, this collection will immerse readers in deep exploration of teacher leadership and student learning; definitions, structures, and cultures that promote teacher leadership; and teacher leader preparation and development. The book carries an endorsement from the National Association of Professional Development Schools.

ISBN print 9781787434042 Format print Hardback ISBN electronic 9781787434035 (PDF) 9781787439238 (ePUB) Format electronic PDF and ePub Publication date May 2018 Pagination 273 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

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Education Turbulence, Empowerment and Marginalized Groups in International Education Governance Systems Studies in Educational Administration Edited by: Alison Taysum University of Leicester, UK; Khalid Arar The College for Academic Studies, Israel Synopsis This book presents a new theory of empowerment, exploring how senior leaders can navigate turbulence within governance systems to empower young societal innovators for equity, renewal, and peace.

ISBN print 9781787546769 ISBN electronic 9781787546752 (PDF) 9781787546776 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 270

Self-Study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practices: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts Advances in Research on Teaching: Volume 30 Edited by: Judy Sharkey University of New Hampshire, USA; Megan Madigan Peercy University of Maryland, USA Synopsis Self-Study in Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) contribute to teacher education in culturally and linguistically diverse communities and contexts. The chapters in this volume reflect the scholarly inquiry of teacher educators dedicated to investigating and improving their practice.

ISSN 1479-3687 ISBN print 9781787545380 ISBN electronic 9781787545373 (PDF) 9781787547193 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 266

Viewpoints on Interventions for Learners with Disabilities Advances in Special Education: Volume 33 Edited by: Festus E. Obiakor Sunny Educational Consulting, USA; Jeffrey P. Bakken Bradley University, USA Synopsis This volume focuses on divergent perspectives and innovative interventions known to maximize the fullest potential of people with exceptionalities. Emphasizing that intervention strategy objectives must always be to meet individual learners unique needs, contributions reflect where we are and where we are going in the field of special education.

ISSN 0270-4013 ISBN print 9781787430907 ISBN electronic 9781787430891 (PDF) 9781787432475 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 230

Campus Diversity Triumphs: Valleys of Hope Diversity in Higher Education: Volume 20 Edited by: Sherwood Thompson Eastern Kentucky University, USA Synopsis This book provides insightful accounts into the diversity program successes and promising practices by diversity officers working on college and university campuses in the United States.

ISSN 1479-3644 ISBN print 9781787148062 ISBN electronic 9781787148055 (PDF) 9781787439399 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 202

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Education Contexts for Diversity and Gender Identities in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Volume 12 Edited by: Jaimie Hoffman Noodle Partners, USA; Patrick Blessinger St John’s University, USA; Mandla Makhanya University of South Africa, South Africa Synopsis This volume provides educators with a global understanding of the challenges associated with equity and inclusion in higher education, and it provides evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion at higher education institutions around the world. ISSN 2055-3641 ISBN print 9781787560574 ISBN electronic 9781787560567 (PDF) 9781787560581 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 232

Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Volume 11 Edited by: Enakshi Sengupta The American University of Kurdistan, Iraq and HETL Association, USA; Patrick Blessinger HETL Association, USA Synopsis This volume examines how universities and colleges are working towards implementing various interventions to integrate refugees along with non-governmental organizations and local governments to achieve an optimal level of integration with host communities. ISSN 2055-3641 ISBN print 9781787147966 ISBN electronic 9781787147959 (PDF) 9781787439368 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 228

Cross-nationally Comparative, Evidence-based Educational Policymaking and Reform International Perspectives on Education and Society: Volume 35 Edited by: Alexander W. Wiseman Lehigh University, USA; Petrina M. Davidson Lehigh University, USA Synopsis In this volume scholars and policymakers examine how large-scale assessments and quantitative data are used to inform policymaking at all levels of education worldwide, and how data can be used to better understand specific national and regional educational challenges.

ISSN 1479-3679 ISBN print 9781787437685 ISBN electronic 9781787437678 (PDF) 9781787439726 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 280

Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2017 International Perspectives on Education and Society: Volume 34 Edited by: Alexander W. Wiseman Lehigh University, USA Synopsis This volume surveys the field of comparative and international education (CIE) from several globally-representative perspectives, providing expert analyses on a range of recent trends and important concerns in the CIE community worldwide.

ISSN 1479-3679 ISBN print 9781787437661 ISBN electronic 9781787437654 (PDF) 9781787439719 (ePUB) Publication date February 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 336

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Education Best Practices in Teaching Digital Literacies Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation: Volume 9 Edited by: Evan Ortlieb St John’s University, USA; Earl H. Cheek Jr Louisiana State University, USA; Peggy Semingson University of Texas, USA Synopsis This edited volume provides a practical framework for teacher education programs to develop K-12 students’ digital literacies. It serves as a set of best practices in teaching digital literacies that promotes access to research-based pedagogies for immediate implementation in their classrooms.

ISSN 2048-0458 ISBN print 9781787544345 ISBN electronic 9781787545519 (PDF) 9781787547209 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £55.99 US$88.99 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 272

Also available in Education


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Mental Health, Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity: Narratives for Transformative Services

Mental Health, Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity: Narratives for Transformative Services Edited by: Professor Raghu Raghavan De Montfort University, UK Synopsis This edited collection brings together both academic and practitioner theoretical perspectives on culture, ethnicity and health inequalities. Researching user perspectives and transformative services the title responds to the need to improve mental health and reduce health inequalities in diverse ethnic cultural communities.

ISBN print 9781787147829 ISBN electronic 9781787147812 (PDF) 9781787439344 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018 Pricing ÂŁ70.00 US$110.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 324

Also available in Health and Social Care


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HR and Organizational Behaviour

HR and Organizational Behaviour

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HR and Organizational Behaviour

The Catalyst Effect: 12 Skills and Behaviors to Boost Your Impact and Elevate Team Performance Authors Jerry Toomer

Butler University, USA

Craig Caldwell Butler University, USA

Steve Weitzenkorn

Organization Behavior and Learning Consultant, USA

Chelsea Clark

Chelsea Clark Consulting, LLC, USA

ISBN print 9781787435520 ISBN electronic 9781787435513 (PDF) 9781787435681 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018 Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$40.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 232

Synopsis Have you ever known colleagues who the minute they stepped into the conference room, on stage, or onto the playing field, elevated the performance of everyone around them? Someone whose impact within the team could be seen in nearly everything that was said and done? These individuals are catalysts - they spark excellence in the behavior and the performance of the entire team. The Catalyst Effect identifies the behaviors and skills needed to lead from wherever you are, regardless of your role or title. It describes powerful leadership and teamwork principles - 12 clearly defined competencies, based on field research with professionals in business, sports, the arts, and non-profit organizations - that will elevate the performance of individuals, teams, and your entire organization. This essential guide will show you how to learn and practice these catalytic competencies and help your group and organization achieve greater success, improve team dynamics, and help teammates grow in stature while magnifying their value.

About the Authors Jerry Toomer serves as an Executive Partner and Adjunct Professor in the Lacy School of Business at Butler University. With over three decades of applied experience as a Human Resource executive, he brings unique insights into leadership and organization effectiveness. Craig Caldwell is the Associate Dean of Graduate & Professional Programs in the Lacy School of Business at Butler University. Craig has been published in Business and Society, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, The Monitor, Business and Society Review, Management Accounting Quarterly, and Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Steve Weitzenkorn is an organizational adviser and strategy consultant, working closely with multinational corporations, local companies, educational institutions, and not-for-profits to elevate their success. He has developed innovative and award-winning training programs for American and international companies. Chelsea Clark is the Founder and President of Chelsea Clark Consulting, LLC, a relationship research firm located in Carmel, IN. Her business assists corporate, non-profit, and academic leaders in achieving their research-related objectives and solving complex social scientific questions.

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HR and Organizational Behaviour

Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @Work Author Karen Jaw-Madson

Co.- Design of Work Experience, USA

ISBN print 9781787438996 ISBN electronic 9781787438989 (PDF) 9781787545014 (ePub) Publication Date June 2018 Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$40.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 182

Synopsis Organizational culture isn't just a hot topic - it's an untapped asset and potential liability for all businesses. And yet, for all its potential to make or break, few know how to manage cultures with proficiency. Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @ Work provides the much-needed 'how-to' with Design of Work Experience (DOWE). Tapping into human-centered design, interdisciplinary innovation concepts, and other research, this leading edge approach partners employees and their employers in unprecedented ways to co-create solutions and differentiating experiences that are customized, relevant, and profoundly impactful to the organizations for which they are intended - all while building employee engagement, learning agility, and capability. Be open to changing mindsets, for this is not your typical business book. Part-business case, part-instructional, and part-commentary, the guidance offered here puts your organization - not some detached case studies - at the center to envision how DOWE can help you design solutions and experiences unique to your context. Culture will no longer be esoteric or intangible, but overt, meaningful, fully leveraged, and truly experienced. No more hacking through trial and error to a culture that lacks sustainability. We can practice the management of culture and organizational change through lived experiences, with intention, rigor, and discipline. Leaders, managers, teams, and employees alike will benefit from understanding the need for this approach, how it's defined, why it works, and what to do to successfully tackle business challenges and positively influence lives with this innovative model if you are willing to do the work to get there.

Table of Contents Introduction

5. Understand

1. A Common Need

6. Create & Learn

2. Enter DOWE

7. Decide

3. DOWE Deconstructed

8. Plan

4. DOWE Prep

9. Implement 10. Finding Your Initiative

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HR and Organizational Behaviour

A Meaningful Life at Work: The Paradox to Wellbeing Authors Raida Abu Bakar University of Malaya, Malaysia Rosmawani Che Hashim University of Malaya, Malaysia Sharmila Jayasingam University of Malaya, Malaysia Safiah Omar University of Malaya, Malaysia Norizah Mohd Mustamil University of Malaya, Malaysia

ISBN print 9781787567702 ISBN electronic 9781787567672 (PDF) 9781787567696 (ePub) Publication Date June 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback

Synopsis: A Meaningful Life at Work addresses a range of issues impacting experiences in the workplace and restricting personal growth in a professional setting. The authors explore employee wellbeing from a Malaysian perspective as a developing country, as well as the broader Asian and wider global context.

Table of Contents Introduction 1. P assionate About Work Or Addictive To Work? 2. “ Being Good Or Being Bad In A Workplace?” Does Moral Imagination Influence Employees’ Ethical Behavior?

3. Cyberbullies: Hurt Me Not! 4. It’s Not A Compliment, It’s Harassment! 5. Positivity And Happiness At The Workplace Employee Well Being: A Matter of Choice

Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 148

Exceptional Leadership by Design: How Design in Great Organizations Produces Great Leadership Edited by Rob Elkington Global Leadership Initiatives, Canada Madeleine van der Steege Synquity, The Netherlands Judith Glick-Smith MentorFactor inc, USA Jennifer Moss Breen Creighton University, USA ISBN print 9781787439016 ISBN electronic 9781787439009 (PDF) 9781787545021 (ePub) Publication Date September 2018 Pricing £24.99, US$40.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 260

Synopsis: This collection of stories, examples and narratives about exceptional leadership by design provides tangible, examples of how the design process can be applied to leadership practice. It uses evidencebased organizational, behavioral, and leadership science to inform a framework that will equip leaders and organizations to be more effective.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Great Leadership Informed by Design 3. Designing Leadership Like Jazz 4. Strengthening Our Own Leadership by Design 5. R edesigning the Hero Leader: Leveraging Emergent Leadership 6. A Design to Activate Fe+Male Leadership Synergy in your Organization

7. Design Thinking: How to Thrive in a VUCA World 8. Designing an Organization that Builds Resilient Leaders 9. Flow-Based Leadership through Emergent Design 10. Designing Leadership for Innovation 11. Culturally Intelligent Leadership by Design 12. Leadership, Built In 13. Bringing it all Together

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HR and Organizational Behaviour

Generational Career Shifts: How Matures, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials View Work Authors Eddy S. Ng Dalhousie University, Canada Sean T. Lyons University of Guelph, Canada Linda Schweitzer Carleton University, Canada

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787544147 ISBN electronic 9781787145832 (PDF) 9781787149854 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 160

Organizations and employers are currently managing an inter-generational workforce, and the most prudent of these are seeking to enhance the careers of new entrants. HRM, careers, and work researchers have begun to explore career-related differences among the four generations of workers currently in employment, but to date there has been very little in the way of full-length comparative studies. In Generational Career Shifts: How Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Millennials View Work, Eddy S. Ng, Sean T. Lyons, and Linda Schweizer develop a timely, wide-ranging examination of inter-generational differences in work priorities, career attitudes, career experiences, and career outcomes. Offering a comprehensive overview of existing research, and drawing upon the authors' own largescale study of students and knowledge workers, this book documents how careers have fundamentally shifted over the past five decades. Along the way, it offers crucial insights into what these shifts mean for employers and their management strategies. Generational Career Shifts is essential reading for career researchers, generational researchers, practitioners within executive education, as well as for career counsellors, human resource departments, corporate libraries, and people managers.

Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction and Background Chapter 2. Career Concepts Chapter 3. Work Value Priorities

Chapter 4. Career Experiences Chapter 5. Career Outcomes Chapter 6. Implications and Conclusion

Organisational Control in University Management: A Multiparadigm Approach Author: Eneli Kindsiko University of Tartu, Estonia Synopsis Organisational Control in University Management focuses on large scale reform and change in large organisations. The book takes as its primary focus the example of management reform at the University of Tartu, Estonia, foregrounding the complexity of change and reform of the management structures of a HE institution.

ISBN print 9781787566743 ISBN electronic 9781787566712 (PDF) 9781787566736 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 148

Performance-Based Strategy: Tools and Techniques for Successful Decisions Authors: Steven Fairbanks seasoned executive with over 18 years serving at President/CEO/Board of Directors level; and Aaron Buchko; Foster College of Business, Bradley University, USA Synopsis Performance Based Strategy offers a practical set of 21 simple, productive tools that will enable readers to develop effective strategies.

ISBN print 9781787437968 ISBN electronic 9781787437951 (PDF) 9781787439825 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 210

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HR and Organizational Behaviour Realignment, Region, and Race: Presidential Leadership and Social Identity Author: George R. Goethals University of Richmond, USA Synopsis Goethals explores the place of racial dynamics in American politics from President Lincoln to Donald Trump to explain the way the politics of racial justice and needs for positive social identity have led to different regions in the United States changing party affiliation.

ISBN print 9781787437920 ISBN electronic 9781787437913 (PDF) 9781787439801 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 176

Strategic Leadership Models and Theories: Indian Perspectives Authors: Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya National Institute of Industrial Engineering, India; Sumi Jha National Institute of Industrial Engineering, India Synopsis This book explores the idea of an India-centric leadership model, presenting an in-depth research study of strategic leadership theories and applying them to India’s unique culture.

ISBN print 9781787562608 ISBN electronic 9781787562592 (PDF) 9781787562615 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 208

The Emerald Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Author: Robert L. Dipboye Rice University, USA Synopsis The Emerald Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology provides a comprehensive review of the theory, research, and applications in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology. Analyzing three primary objectives of I/O psychology: improving the effectiveness of employees and organizations, enhancing employee well-being, and gaining an understanding of human behavior in organizations.

ISBN print 9781787437869 ISBN electronic 9781787437852 (PDF) 9781787439771 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £150.00 US$230.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 1050

Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 2017: Shifts in Workplace Voice, Justice, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Contemporary Workplaces Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations: Volume 24 Edited by: David Lewin University of California Los Angeles, USA; Paul J. Gollan University of Wollongong, Australia Synopsis Volume 24 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains eight papers highlighting important aspects of the employment relationship. The papers deal with such themes as shifts in workplace voice, justice, negotiation and conflict resolution in contemporary workplaces. ISSN 0742-6186 ISBN print 9781787434868 ISBN electronic 9781787434851 (PDF) 9781787435377 (ePUB) Publication date February 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 264

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HR and Organizational Behaviour Corporate Social Responsibility Business and Society 360: Volume 2 Edited by: James Weber Duquesne University, USA; David M. Wasieleski Duquesne University, USA Synopsis Volume Two of Business and Society 360 focuses on research drawn from work grounded in “corporate social responsibility” and “corporate citizenship”.

ISBN print 9781787542600 ISBN electronic 9781787542594 (PDF) 9781787542617 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £77.95 US$134.95

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 344

The Critical State of Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability: Volume 12 Edited by: Ralph Tench Leeds Beckett University, UK; Brian Jones Leeds Beckett University, UK; William Sun Leeds Beckett University, UK Synopsis This edited volume aims at exploring the uniqueness and complexity of European CSR approaches, perspectives, and practices through a critical lens.

ISSN 2043-9059 ISBN print 9781787561502 ISBN electronic 9781787561496 (PDF) 9781787561519 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 320

Stakeholders, Governance and Responsibility Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility: Volume 14 Edited by: Shahla Seifi University of Derby, UK; David Crowther De Montfort University, UK Synopsis This book re-examines the relationships between stakeholders, governance and corporate social responsibility. It address different aspects of these relationships from a wide international and interdisciplinary perspective.

ISSN 2043-0523 ISBN print 9781787563803 ISBN electronic 9781787563797 (PDF) 9781787563810 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 256

Redefining Corporate Social Responsibility Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility: Volume 13 Edited by: David Crowther De Montfort University, UK; Shahla Seifi University of Derby, UK Synopsis Through a series of studies of aspects of CSR from around the world, this book re-examines the topic though the lenses of various disciplines and cultures. It shows that the subject is much wider than is generally perceived and that CSR is evolving in a way which has not been generally recognized within the academic community.

ISSN 2043-0523 ISBN print 9781787561625 ISBN electronic 9781787561618 (PDF) 9781787561632 (ePUB) Publication date September 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 228

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HR and Organizational Behaviour Visual Ethics Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations: Volume 19 Edited by: Michael Schwartz Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia; Howard Harris University of South Australia, Australia Synopsis This volume includes six varied contributions to the study of visual ethics in organizations. The implications of our visual world for organizational life and personal behaviour have received scant research attention. This volume sets out to address that lack of research.

ISSN 1529-2096 ISBN print 9781787561663 ISBN electronic 9781787561656 (PDF) 9781787561670 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 228

Research in Organizational Change and Development Research in Organizational Change and Development: Volume 26 Edited by: Debra Noumair Columbia University, USA A.B. Rami Shani California Polytechnic State University, USA Synopsis This volume of Research in Organizational Change and Development brings forth the latest scholarly work and practice in the fields of organization development and organizational change.

ISSN 0897-3016 ISBN print 9781787563520 ISBN electronic 9781787563513 (PDF) 9781787563537 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 292

Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams: What Matters Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Volume 19 Edited by: Joan Johnston Army Research Laboratory, Human Research Engineering Directorate, USA; Robert Sottilare Army Research Laboratory, Human Research Engineering Directorate, USA; Anna M Sinatra Army Research Laboratory, Human Research; C Shawn Burke University of Central Florida, USA Synopsis This volume explores advances in theory, research and technologies needed to advance the state of the art of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) for teams.

ISSN 1534-0856 ISBN print 9781787544741 ISBN electronic 9781787544734 (PDF) 9781787544758 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 348

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Library and Information Science/Research Methods

Library and Information Science/Research Methods

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Education Library and Information Science/Research Methods Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education Advances in Librarianship: Volume 44, Part A Edited by: Johnna Percell District of Columbia Public Library, USA; Lindsay C. Sarin University of Maryland, USA; Paul T. Jaeger University of Maryland, USA; John Carlo Bertot University of Maryland, USA Synopsis At the heart of any discussion about the future of libraries is the future of librarians - and how well our instructional programs, especially the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree, prepare them for their careers. This book continues the critical conversations around preparing future librarians. ISSN 0065-2830 ISBN print 9781787548817 ISBN electronic 9781787548824 (PDF) 9781787548800 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 182

Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education Advances in Librarianship: Volume 44, Part B Edited by: Johnna Percell District of Columbia Public Library, USA; Lindsay C. Sarin University of Maryland, USA; Paul T. Jaeger University of Maryland, USA; John Carlo Bertot University of Maryland, USA Synopsis At the heart of any discussion about the future of libraries is the future of librarians - and how well our instructional programs, especially the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree, prepare them for their careers. This book continues the critical conversations around preparing future librarians. ISSN 0065-2830 ISBN print 9781787548855 ISBN electronic 9781787548848 (PDF) 9781787548862 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 210

Project Management in the Library Workplace Advances in Library Administration and Organization: Volume 38 Edited by: Alice Daugherty Louisiana State University, USA; Samantha Schmehl Hines Peninsula College, USA Synopsis This volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization attempts to put project management into the toolboxes of library administrators through overviews of concepts, analyses of experiences, and forecasts for the use of project management within the profession.

ISSN 0732-0671 ISBN print 9781787548374 ISBN electronic 9781787548367 (PDF) 9781787548381 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 184

Virtue Ethics in the Conduct and Governance of Social Science Research Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity: Volume 3 Edited by: Nathan Emmerich Queen’s University Belfast, UK Synopsis This collection focuses on virtue theory and the ethics of social science research. A moral philosophy that has been relatively neglected in the domain of research ethics, virtue ethics has much to offer those who wish to go beyond the difficulties generated by the biomedical model of research ethics and positively engage with the ethics of social scientific research.

ISSN 2398-6018 ISBN print 9781787146082 ISBN electronic 9781787146075 (PDF) 9781787149939 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

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Library and Information Science/Research Methods Emotion and the Researcher: Sites, Subjectivities, and Relationships Studies in Qualitative Methodology: Volume 16 Edited by: Tracey Loughran Cardiff University, UK; Dawn Mannay Cardiff University, UK Synopsis Emotion and the Researcher: Sites, Subjectivities and Relationships argues for an emotional rebellion in the academic world. It provides an invaluable companion for researchers, postgraduate students and other academics with an interest in the emotional elements of conflict, relationality and reflexivity, within and beyond the research encounter.

ISSN 1042-3192 ISBN print 9781787146129 ISBN electronic 9781787146112 (PDF) 9781787432628 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing ÂŁ66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 242

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Management Science and Operations

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Management Science and Operations

21 for 21: Leading the 21st Century Global Enterprise Author Michael Stankosky George Washington University, USA


ISBN print 9781787546981 ISBN electronic 9781787437876 (PDF) 9781787439788 (ePub)

Based on over fifty years of experience from the author's hands-on work in the field, Michael Stankosky provides 21 guiding principles on how to lead and manage today's global organization. 21 for 21 is packed with case studies, aiding visuals, and mantras to help facilitate a deeper understanding of the dynamics and complexity of leading and managing a global enterprise, and it is both multi- and inter- disciplinary in its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a different principle: from successful knowledge management, to the secrets of successful negotiations, and managing systems engineering alongside project management. This applicable guide is an ideal companion for MBA students of management, leadership, and innovation, and it is also of keen interest to senior managers and leaders in a global organization, and researchers in these areas.

Publication Date April 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 116

Indigenous Management Practices in Africa: A Guide For Educators and Practitioners

Indigenous Management Practices in Africa: A Guide For Educators and Practitioners Advanced Series in Management: Volume 20 Edited by: Uchenna Uzo Lagos Business School, Nigeria; Abel Kinoti Meru Riara University, Kenya Synopsis Africa is fast becoming the investment destination of firms operating outside the continent, and effective management is central to the realization of organizational goals. This volume evaluates the need for management philosophies and theories that reflect the peculiarities of the African continent.

ISSN 1877-6361 ISBN print 9781787548497 ISBN electronic 9781787548480 (PDF) 9781787548503 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 340

Organisational Roadmap Towards Teal Organisations Advanced Series in Management: Volume 19 Authors: Tanya Bondarouk University of Twente, The Netherlands; Anna Bos-Nehles University of Twente, The Netherlands; Maarten Renkema University of Twente, The Netherlands; Jeroen Meijerink University of Twente, The Netherlands; Jan de Leede University of Twente, The Netherlands Synopsis This volume explores and presents challenges that “traditional” organisations experience once they take off towards selfmanaging organisations - what Laloux (2014) called Teal Organisations. It offers a new roadmap for leaders who are responsible for the implementation of self-managing team organisations.

ISSN 1877-6361 ISBN print 9781787563124 ISBN electronic 9781787563117 (PDF) 9781787563131 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 260

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Management Science and Operations Applications of Management Science Applications of Management Science: Volume 19 Edited by: Kenneth D. Lawrence New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA; Gary Kleinman Monclair State University, USA Synopsis Volume 19 of Applications of Management Science focuses on the application of management science methodologies, data envelopment analysis and multi-criteria decision making.

ISBN print 9781787566521 ISBN electronic 9781787566514 (PDF) 9781787566538 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £66.95 US$114.95

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 208

Short form, immediate impact Submission to peer-reviewed publication in just 12 weeks

• Each title provides a thorough critical assessment of a current issue • Short and accessible: compelling insights across the social sciences • 12 weeks from submission to peer-reviewed publication ensures unrivalled authority and relevance • Includes think pieces, polemics, policy-focused research, case studies, monographs and edited collections

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Expand, Grow, Thrive Author Pete Canalichio

President and Founder of Licensing Brands Inc., USA

ISBN print 9781787437821


Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$40.00

Using powerful storytelling and unique access to the personal perspectives of topflight marketers who have developed truly world-class business growth programs, Pete Canalichio shows us how successful marketers have extended and expanded their brands, and the challenges they have had to overcome along the way. The LASSO model (Lateral; Addictive; Storied; Scalable; Own-able) offers a simple, accessible and effective way for marketers to get their heads around the desired attributes of highly successful growth programs. With insightful advice, anecdotes and tips from leading brand licensing professionals, household names like CocaCola and Disney, senior marketers and inspiring individuals, Canalichio has created a measured and proven "Think Big, Get Big" framework to truly help your brand first expand, grow successfully, and ultimately thrive.

Format print Hardback

Table of Contents

ISBN electronic 9781787437814 (PDF) 9781787439757 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018

Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 352

Prelude: Addressing the Expansion Riddle 1. Pinning their Hopes 2. Read and Lead Real Impact: How to Succeed in the Connective Economy 3. Lateral Real Impact: Beyond Where They've Been 4. Addictive Real Impact: Growing to Love 5. Storied Real Impact: The Power of Heritage in a World of Action

7. Own-able Real Impact: Why Who You Are Decides Who You Seem 8. Is Your Brand Optimized? 9. Making the Decision to License 10. License to Operate Real Impact: The Future of the Licensed Brand Epilogue Appendix

6. Scalable Real Impact: How the Biggest Names in the Business Keep Expanding

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Emotional Appeals in Advertising Banking Services Author Emmanuel Mogaji University of Greenwich, UK

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787563025 ISBN electronic 9781787562998 (PDF) 9781787563018 (ePub) Publication Date May 2018 Pricing ÂŁ40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 100

Advertisements are considered as stimuli which consumers will respond to. Banks can develop emotionally appealing advertisements, but they are not guaranteed a positive emotional reaction. The unprecedented turbulence and uncertainty experienced in the banking industry has increased the need to appear more appealing to consumers. Taking into consideration the global financial crisis, the current challenges of competition and open banking, and the looming threat of Brexit, this book explores how UK banks are pulling at consumers' heart strings with appeals that are often filtered through personal ideologies, life experiences and previous exposure to brands. It investigates consumers' perception of this strategy, as well as the wider implications of using emotional appeals in financial services advertising. Based on empirical data and research, this books will prove invaluable to students, researchers and managers alike.

Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. UK Financial Services Advertisement Chapter 3. Emotional Appeals in Advertising Chapter 4. Emotional Appeals Presented in Financial Services

Chapter 5. Researching Emotional Responses Chapter 6. Filters of Emotional Appeal Chapter 7. Way Forward Chapter 8. Conclusion

Customer Experience Innovation: How to Get a Lasting Market Edge Authors Robert Dew Coriolis Innovation, Australia Cyrus Allen Managing Director, Stativity, Australia

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787547872 ISBN electronic 9781787547865 (PDF) 9781787547889 (ePub) Publication Date August 2018 Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$39.99 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 212

Companies who invest in successful Customer eXperience (CX) innovation stand out from the crowd. Markets tend to reward these companies because it is rare for firms to try something new, much less prove customer acceptance of their attempted innovations. Firms offering remarkable CX create loyal customers who happily pay more for their products and services, and then refer them to other customers for free. This book outlines innovative processes used to research, conceive and develop innovations in the CX space for both large and small companies. The challenge is not so much finding out what customers like, as it is remaining apart from the crowd of rivals and copycats. Written as a practical guide for managers with a background in line management, operations, marketing, finance or customer service, this book contains a simple framework with an extensive range of design thinking and creative problem solving tools. Starting with a validation for investing in improving your firm's CX, the book also provides a primer on competitive advantage, the most critical objective of strategic planning. Mastering the book's content creates the potential for any business manager or owner to find a hardto-copy market advantage and drive their business' growth.

Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introducing Sheep and Pirates Chapter 2. Why Improving Your CX is Important Chapter 3. Understanding Competitive Advantage Chapter 4. How to Benchmark Your CX

Chapter 5. How to Design Incremental CX Improvements Chapter 6. How to Evolve or Transform Your CX Chapter 7. Bringing It All Together

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Marketing Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context: Case Studies from Business Practice Edited by: Nikolina Koporcic School of Business and Economics, Turku, Finland; Maria Ivanova-Gongne School of Business and Economics, Finland; Jan-Åke Törnroos School of Business and Economics, Finland; Anna-Greta Nyström School of Business and Economics, Finland Synopsis This book presents an in-depth exploration of contemporary business-to-business branding practices. Bringing together both theoretical and practical views on the subject, the editors curate a range of business case studies, offering guidance on strategy in B2B contexts, use of the brand, how mistakes can be avoided, and which channels to use.

ISBN print 9781787562769 ISBN electronic 9781787562752 (PDF) 9781787562776 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Managing Brands in 4D: Understanding Perceptual, Emotional, Social, and Cultural Branding

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 288

Managing Brands in 4D: Understanding Perceptual, Emotional, Social, and Cultural Branding Author: Jacek Pogorzelski University of Minnesota Synopsis The main value of this book is an organized and systematic approach to branding, supported by literature research, findings and practical implementation.

ISBN print 9781787561038 ISBN electronic 9781787561021 (PDF) 9781787561045 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 180

Market Research Methods in the Sports Industry Authors: Neven Šeric University of Split, Croatia; Jasenko Ljubica The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico Synopsis The book addresses issues relating to market research applied to the sports business. It aims to cover both theory and practice, targeting students, academics and sports clubs and organizations.

ISBN print 9781787541924 ISBN electronic 9781787541917 (PDF) 9781787541931 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 216

Marketing Management in Turkey Edited by: Selcen Ozturkcan Bahçesehir University, Turkey and Jönköping University, Sweden; Elif Yolbulan Okan Bahçesehir University, Turkey Synopsis Elif Yolbulan Okan and Selcen Ozturkcan examine marketing opportunities, market potential, and standardization and customization opportunities available within one of the fastest growing of the world’s emerging economies - namely, the Turkish economy, which according to a recent PWC report could outstrip the Italian economy by 2030 in many areas.

ISBN print 9781787145580 ISBN electronic 9781787145573 (PDF) 9781787439276 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 340

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Marketing Organizing Marketing and Sales: Mastering Contemporary B2B Challenges Edited by: Per Andersson Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; Björn Axelsson Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; Christopher Rosenqvist Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden Synopsis Organizing Marketing and Sales offers case studies to demonstrate in detail the kinds of challenges faced by multinational, multiproduct firms. It also draws upon theoretical perspectives in order to examine contemporary challenges in marketing and sales organization.

ISBN print 9781787549692 ISBN electronic 9781787549685 (PDF) 9781787549708 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 300

Social Media in Earthquake-Related Communication: Shake Networks Authors: Professor Francesca Comunello LUMSA University, Italy; Dr Simone Mulargia LUMSA University, Italy Synopsis In this book, the authors overcome a previously fragmented and single-case study approach to analysing the role of social media during natural disasters, by providing a comprehensive framework for disaster communication, with a main focus on earthquake-related communication.

ISBN print 9781787147928 ISBN electronic 9781787147911 (PDF) 9781787439351 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 172

The Efficiency of Mutual Fund Families: Insights from the Spanish Market Edited by: Carlos Sánchez González Universidad EIA, Colombia Synopsis González develops an innovative model that considers different management stages of mutual fund companies, overcoming the traditional dispute between the different approaches used in banking and insurance research.

ISBN print 9781787438002 ISBN electronic 9781787437999 (PDF) 9781787439832 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £75.00 US$110.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 260

The Sustainable Marketing Concept in European SMEs: Insights from the Food & Drink Industry Edited by: Edyta Rudawska University of Szczecin, Poland Synopsis This book provides knowledge of sustainable marketing tools in SMEs operating in the industry.

ISBN print 9781787540392 ISBN electronic 9781787540385 (PDF) 9781787540408 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 276

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Marketing Consumer Culture Theory Research in Consumer Behavior: Volume 19 Edited by: Samantha N. N. Cross Iowa State University, USA; Cecilia Ruvalcaba University of the Pacific, USA; Alladi Venkatesh University of California, USA; Russell W. Belk York University, Canada Synopsis This book explores the illusions that pervade contemporary consumption as well as the forces of globalization, localization, and hybridization that affect consumption throughout our interconnected world.

ISSN 0885-2111 ISBN print 9781787439078 ISBN electronic 9781787439061 (PDF) 9781787545045 (ePUB) Publication date February 2018

Pricing ÂŁ66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 232

Innovation and Strategy Review of Marketing Research: Volume 15 Edited by: Satish Jayachandran Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, USA; Rajan Varadarajan Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA Synopsis This volume focuses on substantive issues in innovation, marketing strategy, and the nexus of innovation and marketing strategy.

ISSN 1548-6435 ISBN print 9781787548299 ISBN electronic 9781787548282 (PDF) 9781787548305 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing ÂŁ77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 328

Also available in Marketing





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Public Policy and Environmental Management

Public Policy and Environmental Management

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Public Policy and Environmental Management

Spatial Justice and Informal Settlements: Integral Urban Projects in the Comunas of MedellÌn Author Eva Schwab University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787147683 ISBN electronic 9781787147676 (PDF) 9781787430174 (ePub) Publication Date May 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 160

This book links the discourses of informal urbanism and spatial justice in the context of in situ governmental programmes oriented around public open space and designed to upgrade informal settlements in Latin America. It argues for the importance of combining measures for equity and empowerment with positive recognition, i.e. recognition which is based on valuing the social and material achievements of the inhabitant of informal settlements as a contribution to urban life and culture in its own right. It presents an inquiry into how public open spaces serve the goal of increasing spatial justice and the quality of life in informal settlements. It provides an in-depth study of the Integral Urban Project (Proyecto Urbano Integral/PUI in Spanish) in Comuna 13, a low-income settlement in MedellÌn, Colombia. Drawing on extensive fieldwork to understand people's everyday spaces and socio-spatial usage practices, the book assesses the design, production, use, and management of some of the public open spaces established under the PUI programme. It thus also offers an account of the diversity of everyday open spaces and landscapes in this informal settlement.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4. The Production of Space in the Context of 2. Informal Settlement Upgrading and Spatial Justice Upgrading Popular Settlements 3. E veryday open spaces in the context of upgrading 5. Upgrading through Public Open Space popular settlements 6. Conclusions: Upgrading Beyond Equity

Unmaking Waste in Production and Consumption: Towards the Circular Economy Edited by: Robert Crocker University of South Australia, Australia; Christopher Saint University of South Australia, Australia; Guanyi Chen Tianjin University, China; Yindong Tong Tianjin University, China Synopsis This book provides scholars working in the many disciplines that relate to the concept of the Circular Economy with a crossdisciplinary forum, looking at areas such as: Theory, Policy and Contexts; Improving Resource Efficiency and Reducing Waste; Changing Consumption and Behaviour by Design; and Transforming Technologies of Production.

ISBN print 9781787146204 ISBN electronic 9781787146198 (PDF) 9781787149960 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub§ Pagination 291

Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia Public Policy and Governance Edited by: Evan Berman Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Eko Prasojo University of Indonesia, Indonesia Synopsis Present day knowledge about public sector reforms in Asia is quite scattered and seldom focuses on the challenges of leadership. This book seeks to address this issue by presenting country cases that reflect the great diversity of the region.

ISSN 2053-7697 ISBN print 9781787433106 ISBN electronic 9781787433090 (PDF) 9781787434448 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018


Pricing £65.00 US$100.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 251

Public Policy and Environmental Management Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance: Volume 7 Edited by: Andrea Bonomi Savignon University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; Luca Gnan University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; Alessandro Hinna University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; Fabio Monteduro University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Synopsis This book seeks to answer the unsolved questions related to hybrid organisations, adopting a multifaceted approach focussing on different national contexts, including the UK, Italy, Australia, and Sweden, as well as global organisations. Authors consider policy sectors including humanitarian aid, local transport, healthcare, and welfare services.

ISSN 2051-6630 ISBN print 9781787437708 ISBN electronic 9781787437692 (PDF) 9781787439733 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing ÂŁ72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 260

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Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online SocietyNow Author Crystal Abidin

Jรถnkรถping University, Sweden

ISBN print 9781787560796 ISBN electronic 9781787560765 (PDF) 9781787560789 (ePub) Publication Date July 2018 Pricing ยฃ16.99, US$26.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 120

Synopsis From fashion Instagrammers in Australia, YouTube gamers in Sweden, and beauty bloggers in the UK, to Mukbang eaters in South Korea, livestreamers in China, and parody tweeters in India, the face of internet celebrity is rapidly diversifying and evolving. Digital culture on social media and mainstream celebrity culture are weaving together, such that breakout stars from one-hit viral videos are able to parlay their transient fame into a full-time career. This book presents a framework for thinking about different forms of internet celebrity that have emerged in the last decade, looking at forms such as memes, transient virality, trending social media posts, accidental celebrity from controversy and bad publicity, and intentional self-branded social media influencers. Looking at the wide spectrum of social media platforms, content genres, and commercial formats, the book takes examples from the Global North and Global South comprising actors of diverse genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds, to consolidate key ideas about global cultures of internet celebrity.

Table of Contents 1. What is an Internet Celebrity anyway? 3. Internet Celebrity and Traditional Media 2. Qualities of Internet Celebrity 4. From Internet Celebrities to Influencers

About the Author Crystal Abidin is Postdoctoral Fellow with the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) at Jรถnkรถping University, Sweden, and Adjunct Researcher with the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) at Curtin University, Western Australia. She has published extensively on influencers, a multimedia form of vocational internet celebrity, and is currently working on projects in East Asia, Australia, and Scandinavia.

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Sociology Education

Poverty in Britain: Causes, Consequences and Myths SocietyNow Author Tracy Shildrick

University of Newcastle, UK

ISBN print 9781787562660


ISBN electronic 9781787562639 (PDF) 9781787562653 (ePub)

This book provides an up to date account of the causes and consequences of poverty in Britain today. Shildrick examines why foodbanks exist and how welfare is a driver of poverty. Looking at the notion of in-work poverty this title explores poverty myths, ‘poverty propaganda’ and how the media shapes understandings to detrimental effect.

Publication Date July 2018

Table of Contents

Pricing £14.99, US$24.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 145


3. Employment and Poverty

1. Poverty in Britain today

4. P overty Myths and the Media

2. 'Welfare' as Driving Poverty


About the Author Tracy Shildrick is Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds, UK and a leading authority on issues of inequality, poverty, social exclusion and worklessness. She has worked as an EU Expert Advisor on child poverty, served on the All Parliamentary Working Group on in-work poverty and was a member of the North East Child Poverty Commission.

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Selfies: Why We Love (and Hate) Them SocietyNow Author Katrin Tiidenberg Tallinn University, Estonia

ISBN print 9781787437173 ISBN electronic 9781787543577 (PDF) 9781787543591 (ePub) Publication Date April 2018 Pricing ÂŁ16.99, US$26.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 145

Synopsis As humans, we have a long history of being drawn to images, of communicating visually, and being enchanted with (our own) faces. Every day we share hundreds of millions of photos on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Selfies generate more discussion than most other social media content, but are persistently attacked as being unworthy of all of this attention: they lack artistic merit; indicate a pathological fascination with one’s self; or attribute to dangerously stupid behaviour. This book offers a rich and nuanced analysis of selfie culture. It explores the social, cultural and technological context surrounding selfies and their subsequent meaning.

Table of Contents Introduction: What's The Big Deal, It's Just Selfies? 1. What Are Selfies?

4. Post Selfie?

2. How Do We Selfie?


3. (Why) Do Selfies Matter?

About the Author Katrin Tiidenberg, is an Associate Professor of Social Media and Visual Culture at the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School of Tallinn University, Estonia and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the School of Communication and Culture in Aarhus University, Denmark. Her research focuses on visual culture and social media and she has published extensively on selfies and is interested on the methods and ethics of studying visual self-presentation and sexuality.

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Sociology Education

The World According to Corbyn: Understanding Corbynism SocietyNow Authors Matt Bolton Roehampton University, UK

Frederick Harry Pitts University of Bristol, UK

ISBN print 9781787543720 ISBN electronic 9781787543690 (PDF) 9781787543713 (ePub) Publication Date July 2018

Synopsis Corbynism as a political movement is now in the ascendency, conceivably, on the verge of power. This book provides a critical overview of Corbynism, placing it within the context of populist left and right movements that have taken hold across the globe, arguing that 'Project Corbyn' requires a rethink to ensure success.

Table of Contents Introduction: From Corbyn to Corbynism

Pricing ÂŁ14.99, US$24.00

1. The Moral Character of Corbynism

4. Corbynism in One Country

2. Corbyn's Critique of Capitalism

Format print Paperback

3. Corbynism, Populism & Postcapitalism

5. Conspiracy Theory and International Corbynism

Format electronic PDF and ePub

About the Authors

Pagination 145

Conclusion: The Politics of Pessimism

Matt Bolton is a PhD student at Roehampton University, UK, researching concepts of justice and their relation to the development of capitalist state forms. He previously worked as a journalist before starting his PhD. Frederick Harry Pitts is Lecturer in Management at University of Bristol, UK. He has published journal articles in Capitalism and Class, Sociological Research Online, Historical Materialism, tripleC and emphera. He is author of Critiquing Capitalism Today: New Ways to Read Marx.

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How Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices: Optimal Rationality in Action Author Chris Brown University of Portsmouth, UK


ISBN print 9781787543560 ISBN electronic 9781787543539 (PDF) 9781787543553 (ePub)

In a world beset with problems, how can we encourage people to act differently? In this new book Professor Chris Brown explores people's reactions to Optimal Rational Positions: propositions that set out requirements for change. For example the need to reduce carbon emissions to minimize the impacts of climate change is an Optimal Rational Position; as is the need to engage in 30 minutes of exercise a day, to eat more healthily or to drink less alcohol. It seems obvious that we should want to pursue Optimal Rational Positions because they espouse the types of behaviours that will enable us to live healthier, happier or more productive lives; that can improve the lives and outcomes of others; or that can help us ensure social and environmental sustainability. Yet at the same time we often fail to change our behaviours to those which might be most optimal.

Publication Date April 2018

Outlining an exciting and innovative route forward, and with real-life case studies from education. This book provides a new way to think about why people make the choices they make and, vitally, the role social science can play in response.

Pricing £40.00, US$64.00

Table of Contents

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 120

Introduction 1. An Introduction to Optimal Rationality 2. Using Semiotic Analysis to Fill Rationality Gaps 3. A Case Study from Education - Part 1 4. A Case Study from Education - Part 2

5. Attending to the Signifier - Using 'Scenes' to Make Optimal Rational Positions More Attractive 6. Lessons for Social Science Moving Forward Appendix 1: Full Analysis of the Interview Data from Chapter 3

Religion, Terror and Violence: After the Paris Attacks Author Lionel Obadia National Agency of Research, France


ISBN print 9781787565227 ISBN electronic 9781787565197 (PDF) 9781787565210 (ePub) Publication Date June 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback

This title offers analyses and debate on the causes, forms and socio-political effects of religious violence terrorism. Based on the case study of recent terror attacks in France the author provides critical analysis of the phenomena, of the social and academic debates raised and the emotional reactions generated around the globe.

Table of Contents 1. The Unexpected Rise of Religious Violence in France

4. T ransnational Networks and France: a Global Perspective

2. The “Events”, the People, the Reactions

Conclusion: T he Globalization of Violence and the French Case

3. Conflicting Views on Religious Violence: from Psychology to Culture

Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

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Sociology Education

Super-sticky WeChat and Chinese Society Authors Julie Yujie Chen University of Leicester, UK Zhifie Mao The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Jack Linchuan Qiu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787430921 ISBN electronic 9781787430914 (PDF) 9781787439443 (ePub) Publication Date July 2018 Pricing £40.00, US$64.00 Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub

App designers dream of creating a platform that users never want to leave, that keeps them glued forever - a platform that is "sticky". Over 846 million WeChat users leave text and voice messages, share life moments, play games, use stickers, purchase rail and flight tickets, shop online, pay utilities and bills, transfer money to friends, and even donate to charity without leaving WeChat, the super-sticky platform. The Economist called WeChat "one app to rule them all", and as it starts to gain global appeal, it is rewriting the rules for social media platforms. This book provides a balanced and nuanced study of how the super-sticky WeChat platform interweaves into the fabric of Chinese social, cultural, and political life. The authors keep the wider global and national social media landscape in view and compare and contrast WeChat with Weibo and QQ, two other popular social media platforms in China, and other Western social media platforms.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. A Silver-Spoon Social Media Platform: WeChat, Tencent, and the Mobile Revolution in China

3. The Expandable Platform and Everyday Culture 4. WeChat and its Socio-Political Impact 5. Conclusion

Pagination 146

Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and 'Post-Racial' Resilience

Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and 'Post-Racial' Resilience Critical Mixed Race Studies Author: Remi Joseph-Salisbury Leeds Beckett University, UK Synopsis This book offers a corrective to pathological and stereotypical representations of mixedness generally, and Black mixed-race men specifically. By introducing the concept of ’post-racial’ resilience the book shows that Black mixed-race men are active and agentic as they resist the fragmentation and erasure of multiplicitous identities.

ISBN print 9781787565326 ISBN electronic 9781787565319 (PDF) 9781787565333 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 230

Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies Edited by: Kathy Davis VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Halleh Ghorashi VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Peer Smets VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands Synopsis Contributions address the sites, practices, and narratives in which belonging is imagined, enacted and constrained, negotiated and contested. Focussing on three particular dimensions of belonging: belonging as space (neighbourhood, workplace, home), as practice (virtual, physical, cultural), and as biography (life stories, group narratives).

ISBN print 9781787432079 Format print Hardback ISBN electronic 9781787432062 (PDF) 9781787432505 (ePUB) Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 355 Publication date May 2018 Pricing £70.00 US$110.00

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Sociology Education, Migration and Family Relations Between China and the UK: The Transnational One-Child Generation Author: Mengwei Tu East China University of Science and Technology, China Synopsis This book provides a fresh perspective on the understanding of transnational families by examining the one-child generation of Chinese migrants who came to the UK to study, and their parents, who remain in China.

ISBN print 9781787146730 ISBN electronic 9781787146723 (PDF) 9781787430051 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 180

Exploring Australian National Identity: Heroes, Memory and Politics Authors: Jed Donoghue University of Texas Arlington, USA; Bruce Tranter University of Texas Arlington, USA Synopsis This book examines the influence of historical and popular figures on the way Australians see themselves in the 21st century. Investigating whether colonial figures such as convicts and bushrangers still influence contemporary Australian identity, and how the influence of sports figures, politicians and scientists manifests itself.

ISBN print 9781787565067 ISBN electronic 9781787565036 (PDF) 9781787565050 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 155

Hybrid Media Events: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and Global Circulation of Terrorist Violence Authors: Johanna Sumiala University of Helsinki, Finland; Katja Valaskivi University of Tampere, Finland; Minttu Tikka University of Tampere, Finland; Jukka Huhtamäki Tampere University of Technology, Finland Synopsis What are hybrid media events? And how do these events shape our lives in the present digital age? This book addresses these questions by explaining how terrorist violence makes global events. The empirical analyses are based on the case of Charlie Hebdo attacks in 2015 and the global circulation of solidarities and anger connected with the attacks.

ISBN print 9781787148529 ISBN electronic 9781787148512 (PDF) 9781787439160 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 122

Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy and Culture in Network Communication Author: Adrija Dey SOAS South Asia Institute, University of London, UK Synopsis Using the 2012 Delhi Nirbhaya rape case as a case study and keeping gender discourses at its core, this book explores the use of digital media for gender activism in India demonstrating how it has formed an alternate platform for dissent.

ISBN print 9781787545304 ISBN electronic 9781787545298 (PDF) 9781787547179 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 255

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Sociology Education Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood? Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood?

Edited by: Natalie Sappleton Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Synopsis While interest in the drivers, consequences, nature and manifestations of voluntary and involuntary childlessness increases, knowledge progress is hampered by poor linkages across disjointed research fields. This book brings together theoretical insights and empirical investigations into the phenomenon, united within a feminist conceptual framework.

ISBN print 9781787543621 ISBN electronic 9781787543614 (PDF) 9781787543638 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 340

Fathers, Childcare and Work: Cultures, Practices and Policies Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research: Volume 12 Edited by: Rosy Musumeci University of Turin, Italy; Arianna Santero University of Turin, Italy Synopsis The work-life balance of fathers has increasingly come under scrutiny in political and academic debates and this collection brings together qualitative and quantitative analyses to explore their approaches to reconciling paid work and care responsibilities.

ISSN 1530-3535 ISBN print 9781787430426 ISBN electronic 9781787430419 (PDF) 9781787432765 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 270

Digital Materialism: Origins, Philosophies, Prospects Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy and Culture in Network Communication Author: Baruch Gottlieb Berlin, Germany Synopsis Digital materiality (digimat) proposes a set of basic principles for how we understand the world through digital processes. This short book sets out a methodical materialist understanding of digital technologies, where they come from, how they work, and what they do.

ISBN print 9781787436695 ISBN electronic 9781787436688 (PDF) 9781787439610 (ePUB) Publication date February 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 216

Death, Memorialization and Deviant Spaces Emerald Studies in Death and Culture Authors: Matthew Spokes York St John, UK; Jack Denham York St John, UK; Benedikt Lehmann York St John, UK Synopsis This book develops a way of thinking about how the dead, particularly victims of famous death, inhabit space and place through differing approaches to memorialization. It proposes an adaptation of Lefebvre’s spatial triad as a way of theorizing conflicting agendas in spaces of celebrated and infamous death.

ISBN print 9781787565746 ISBN electronic 9781787565715 (PDF) 9781787565739 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

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Sociology Death, The Dead and Popular Culture Emerald Studies in Death and Culture Author: Ruth Penfold-Mounce University of York, UK Synopsis Portrayals of death and the dead are everywhere within popular culture revealing much about contemporary society’s engagement with mortality. Drawing upon celebrity posthumous careers, organ transplantation mythology and the fictional dead, this book considers how representations of the dead in popular culture exert powerful agency.

ISBN print 9781787430549 Format print Paperback ISBN electronic 9781787430532 (PDF) 9781787439436 (ePUB) Format electronic PDF and ePub Publication date July 2018 Pagination 136 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

The Evolution of the British Funeral Industry in the 20th Century: From Undertaker to Funeral Director Emerald Studies in Death and Culture Author: Brian Parsons University of Bath, UK Synopsis This book examines the shifts that have taken place in the funeral industry since 1900, focusing on the figure of the undertaker and exploring how organizational change and attempts to gain recognition as a professional service provider saw the role morph into that of ‘funeral director’.

ISBN print 9781787436305 ISBN electronic 9781787436299 (PDF) 9781787436725 (ePUB) Publication date March 2018 Pricing £60.00 US$95.00

Terror, Leisure and Consumption: Spaces for Harm in a Post-Crash Era

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 155

Terror, Leisure and Consumption: Spaces for Harm in a Post-Crash Era Emerald Studies in Deviant Leisure Author: Leanne McRae Curtin University, Australia Synopsis This book argues that recent terrorist attacks in Europe can be understood as a struggle over deviance on the terrain of consumerism. Leisure, in its ‘unquestioning commitment to consumer capitalism’ is targeted to rupture the everyday and puncture globalization.

ISBN print 9781787565265 ISBN electronic 9781787565234 (PDF) 9781787565258 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

Gender Inequality in Metal Music Production Emerald Studies in Metal Music and Culture Authors: Pauwke Berkers Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Julian Schaap Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Synopsis This short book addresses gendered careers in metal music, examining the extent of gender inequality in metal music production in a comparative perspective.

ISBN print 9781787146754 ISBN electronic 9781787146747 (PDF) 9781787439290 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 170

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Sociology Education Gender, Athletes’ Rights and the Court of Arbitration for Sport

Gender, Athletes’ Rights and the Court of Arbitration for Sport Emerald Studies in Sport and Gender Author: Helen Jefferson Lenskyj University of Toronto, Canada Synopsis Presenting an interdisciplinary approach to examining gender-related sports dispute resolution by the Court of Arbitration (CAS) and identifying complexities around gender, gender binaries, and the ways in which intersecting identities such as sexuality and ethnicity further complicate resolutions, the author demonstrate how athletes’ rights are threatened by a forced arbitration process.

ISBN print 9781787542402 ISBN electronic 9781787437531 (PDF) 9781787439696 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018 Pricing £40.00 US$64.00

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

Critical Realism, History, and Philosophy in the Social Sciences Political Power and Social Theory: Volume 34 Edited by: Timothy Rutzou Yale University, USA; George Steinmetz University of Michigan, USA Synopsis This volume examines the relationship between history, philosophy, and social science, and contributors explore questions concerning realism, ontology, causation, explanation, and values in order to address the question “what does a post-positivist social science look like?”

ISSN 0198-8719 ISBN print 9781787566040 ISBN electronic 9781787566033 (PDF) 9781787566057 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 176

Environment, Politics and Society Research in Political Sociology: Volume 25 Edited by: Ramakrishnan Alagan Alabama State University, USA; Seela Aladuwaka Alabama State University, USA Synopsis Human activities and decision-making have enormous impacts on the environment. This volume engages in critical conversations on these issues and how their inter-connectedness and outcomes shape the natural environment and human activity.

ISSN 0895-9935 ISBN print 9781787147768 ISBN electronic 9781787147751 (PDF) 9781787439320 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

Towards Permeable Boundaries of Organizations Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Volume 57 Edited by: Leopold Ringel Bielefeld University, Germany; Petra Hiller Bielefeld University, Germany; Charlene Zietsma Pennsylvania State University, USA Synopsis Organizations face increasing demands for transparency and information disclosure engender less corruption, more efficiency, and more legitimacy and this volume investigates the impact of these changes on organizations, offering conceptual as well as empirical insights.

ISSN 0733-558X ISBN print 9781787438293 ISBN electronic 9781787438286 (PDF) 9781787439917 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 323

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Sociology Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Volume 56 Edited by: Forrest Briscoe Pennsylvania State University, USA; Brayden King Northwestern University, USA; Jocelyn Leitzinger Northwestern University, USA Synopsis This edited collection brings together research that bridges the domains of stakeholder theory, non-market strategy and social movement theory.

ISSN 0733-558X ISBN print 9781787543508 ISBN electronic 9781787543492 (PDF) 9781787543515 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 310

Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Volume 55 Edited by: Candace Jones University of Edinburgh Business School, UK; Massimo Maoret IESE Business School, USA Synopsis Creative industries are a growing and globally important area for both economic vitality and cultural expression of industrialized nations. This volume examines their institutional, categorical and structural dynamics to provide an overview of new trends and emerging issues in scholarship on this topic.

ISSN 0733-558X ISBN print 9781787437746 ISBN electronic 9781787437739 (PDF) 9781787438385 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 230

Studies in Law, Politics, and Society Studies in Law, Politics, and Society: Volume 76 Edited by: Austin Sarat Amherst College, USA Synopsis Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. This volume features a special section with papers dedicated to law and disability. The chapters examine issues of HIV, obesity, disability rights, assisted suicide and prenatal testing.

ISSN 1059-4337 ISBN print 9781787562080 ISBN electronic 9781787562073 (PDF) 9781787562097 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Special Issue: Law and the Imagining of Difference

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 150

Special Issue: Law and the Imagining of Difference Studies in Law, Politics, and Society: Volume 75 Edited by: Austin Sarat Amherst College, USA Synopsis This volume focusses on Law and the Imagining of Difference with each chapter examining how law responds to the claims of difference, how and when it recognizes difference and accommodates it, as well as when and why such recognition and accommodation is resisted. Topics covered include disability, same-sex marriage and gender equality.

ISSN 1059-4337 ISBN print 9781787560314 ISBN electronic 9781787560307 (PDF) 9781787560321 (ePUB) Publication date June 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 120

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Sociology Education eHealth: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils, and Future Directions Studies in Media and Communications: Volume 15 Edited by: Timothy M. Hale Partners Connected Health, USA; Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou, National Cancer Institute, USA; Sheila R. Cotten, Michigan State University, USA Synopsis This special volume contributes to the rapidly growing body of eHealth research, presenting a selection of multidisciplinary studies on the role and impacts of technology and the Internet in health communication, healthcare delivery, and patient selfmanagement.

ISSN 2050-2060 ISBN print 9781787543225 ISBN electronic 9781787543218 (PDF) 9781787543232 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing ÂŁ72.95 US$124.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 270

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Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution will Change the World Authors Andreas Herrmann

University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Walter Brenner

University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Rupert Stadler Audi AG, Germany

ISBN print 9781787148345 ISBN electronic 9781787148338 (PDF) 9781787432680 (ePub) Publication Date March 2018 Pricing ÂŁ19.99, US$32.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 288

Synopsis This book looks at the latest advances in autonomous driving, demonstrating that a future once considered science fiction is now close at hand. Acceptance of driverless cars relies on more than just the technology that delivers it; in this book the authors consider the shift in attitudes required for social acceptance and a move towards considering cars as one aspect of a wider mobility solution. In addition, a clear demand is arising from gridlocked megacities across the globe. Autonomous driving offers a solution for the high pollution levels and management of the transport infrastructure where current methods are proving insufficient in places of high population density. Having highlighted the need for driverless cars, the book concludes with an ambitious agenda to ensure the successful delivery of autonomous driving. Political requirements, including investment in a new infrastructure and a commitment to collaboration across borders factors in the ten-point plan for governments seeking to establish international leaders in the latest advances in mobility services. From ethical considerations in the programming of automated driving procedures to changes in attitudes towards car ownership and design, this title is a comprehensive look at the latest revolution in mobility.

Table of Contents Part 1: Evolutions and Revolutions in Mobility

Part 5: Customers and their Mobility Behavior

Part 2: Perspectives on Autonomous Driving

Part 6: Framework Conditions for Autonomous Driving

Part 3: The Technology of Autonomous Driving

Part 7: Impact on Vehicles

Part 4: The Arena of Autonomous Driving

Part 9: Impact on Society

Part 8: Impact on Companies Part 10: What Needs to be Done?

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SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth Authors Suvi Nenonen & Kaj Storbacka University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787437982 ISBN electronic 9781787437975 (PDF) 9781787438392 (ePub) Publication Date February 2018 Pricing ÂŁ60.00, US$95.00 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 320

Stunningly, strategy has never adequately defined one of its central institutions, the market. Old playbooks got away with a hodgepodge of assertions, assumptions and approximations. But the undeniable complexity of modern markets confronts us with the truth. Markets are elaborate, evolving ecosystems - think biology, not machinery. Today, strategy must embrace complexity or die. Recognizing markets as complex adaptive systems spells strategic implications. Notably, as markets are partly socially constructed, they can be reconstructed. And while they cannot be predicted or controlled, they can be influenced. Rooted in the richness of market systems, SMASH traces the three main resulting shifts in strategic thinking: (1) from firm focus to context focus, where the relevant context is our definition of the market; (2) from competing and winning to value creation and cooperation; and (3) from analysis, prediction and planning to non-predictive strategizing and experimentation. Nenonen and Storbacka weave these three strands together into a cohesive strategic framework - Strategies for Market Shaping. Market shaping strategies acknowledge that much of firm performance is explained by the markets where a firm operates. Crucially, strategic choices go beyond market selection, entry and exit; firms should actively seek to adapt the market to the firm instead of the firm to the market, and open up untapped value in the process. Market shaping is not new. What is new is systematizing an actionable framework for understanding and shaping markets. And the good news: It does not take market power and resources, or intuitive genius, to shape markets to your own benefit. SMASH offers tangible strategies that savvy market shapers of any size can implement, making it a must-read.

Mapping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets Authors Marc G. Baaij Erasmus University, The Netherlands Patrick R. Reinmoeller Cranfield University, UK

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787561304 ISBN electronic 9781787561298 (PDF) 9781787561311 (ePub) Publication Date August 2018 Pricing ÂŁ24.99, US$40.00

In an increasingly connected world experiencing accelerating levels of technological disruption, the strategic challenges for business leaders are greater than ever before, and conventional approaches to strategy are unable to contend with today's VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business environment. A new approach to strategic decision-making is required to motivate and mobilize stakeholders to achieve the business' overarching goals, such as making a profit and delivering on people- and planet-related objectives. Mapping a Winning Strategy introduces a new mapping method for creating and executing an effective business strategy. This method uses visual maps to engage colleagues throughout the organization, ensuring that every stakeholder's voice is considered by avoiding a top-down approach. It also enables business leaders to identify the strategic issues they face without distraction, so that a clear path is formed towards the best strategic plan. By mapping out the most effective strategy, organizations can anticipate and manage roadblocks to strategic change and make winning and well-executed operational choices.

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 220

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Strategy Exploring the Culture of Open Innovation: Towards an Altruistic Model of Economy Edited by: Piero Formica Maynooth University, Ireland; Martin Curley Maynooth University, Ireland and Mastercard Ireland Synopsis Acclaimed entrepreneurship and innovation scholar Piero Formica, along with a strong and diverse cast of international contributors, explore the world of Open Innovation in this volume.

ISBN print 9781787437906 ISBN electronic 9781787437890 (PDF) 9781787439795 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Harnessing the Power of Failure: Using Storytelling and Systems Engineering to Enhance Organizational Learning

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 220

Harnessing the Power of Failure: Using Storytelling and Systems Engineering to Enhance Organizational Learning Authors: John Steven Newman George Washington University, USA; Stephen M. Wander Consultant, USA Synopsis In this new framework from former NASA aerospace professionals, Newman and Wander employ a unique system failure case study (SFCS) paradigm, originally developed to stimulate systems thinking and lessons learning at NASA, that combines storytelling and systems engineering designed to enhance organizational learning.

ISBN print 9781787542006 ISBN electronic 9781787541993 (PDF) 9781787542013 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 252

Mastering Brexits Through The Ages: Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms - The Catalysts for Success Authors: Nigel Culkin University of Hertfordshire, UK; Richard Simmons Global Investor, Saudi Arabia Synopsis A pragmatic analysis of the challenges a post-Brexit world offers for the small business community. This book combines historical insights and economic theory to give practical tools that can help identify the way forward for entrepreneurs and SMEs.

ISBN print 9781787438972 ISBN electronic 9781787438965 (PDF) 9781787545007 (ePUB) Publication date May 2018 Pricing £65.00 US$100.00

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 256

Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance & Corporate Social Responsibility Advances in Strategic Management: Volume 38 Edited by: Sinziana Dorobantu Leonard N. Stern NYU School of Business, USA Frances Milliken Leonard N. Stern NYU School of Business, USA; Ruth Aguilera Northeastern University, USA; Jiao Luo University of Minnesota, USA Synopsis The chapters in this volume cover a wide range of theoretical perspectives grounded in strategy, economics and sociology, employ various methodological approaches, and offer new arguments on the connections that exist between firmsí decisions relating to sustainability, CSR, and the governance of their stakeholder relations. ISSN 0742-3322 ISBN print 9781787563162 ISBN electronic 9781787563155 (PDF) 9781787563179 (ePUB) Publication date July 2018

Pricing £77.95 US$134.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 340

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Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism and Hospitality

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Tourism and Hospitality Education

The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: Skills for Successful Ventures Edited by Marios Sotiriadis University of South Africa, South Africa

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787435308 ISBN electronic 9781787435292 (PDF) 9781787439573 (ePub) Publication Date July 2018 Pricing £100.00, US$160.00

This book is a practical handbook for entrepreneurship in tourism related industries. The book will provide students and prospective entrepreneurs with the knowledge, know-how and best practices in order to assist them in planning, implementing and managing business ventures in the field of tourism. It constitutes a valuable contribution to developing the necessary knowledge, competencies and skills of entrepreneurial decision-making and ventures. It would serve as a guide for those studying entrepreneurship and preparing for entrepreneurial careers as well as a reference for the practical use of entrepreneurs at the planning, implementation, operation and evaluation stages of building a tourism business. Examples from the industry/ business world are provided to illustrate real-life practice and give readers a better understanding of entrepreneurship in tourism.

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 400

Contemporary Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Tourism Consumption, and Destination Competitiveness

Contemporary Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Tourism Consumption, and Destination Competitiveness Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research: Volume 15 Edited by: Stettler Jurg Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland; Timo Ohnmacht Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland; Supara Kapasuwan Mahidol University International College, Thailand; Julianna Priskin Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland Synopsis This volume presents twenty updated and new theories of travelers’ decisions and behaviors. The volume describes the advances in theory construction and practical applications of theory in the disciplines of tourism, hospitality, leisure, and entertainment (THLE) research. ISSN 1871-3173 ISBN print 9781787563445 ISBN electronic 9781787563438 (PDF) 9781787563452 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 200

Authenticity & Tourism: Materialities, Perceptions, Experiences Tourism Social Science Series: Volume 24 Edited by: Jillian M. Rickly Nottingham University Business School, UK; Elizabeth S. Vidon State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, USA Synopsis This book brings together contributions from authors who are actively engaged in authenticity research in a tourism context. In so doing, it demonstrates the various trajectories research has taken towards understanding the significance of authenticity.

ISSN 1571-5043 ISBN print 9781787548176 ISBN electronic 9781787548169 (PDF) 9781787548183 (ePUB) Publication date August 2018

Pricing £66.95 US$114.95 Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 228

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Governance of the Smart Mobility Transition Edited by Greg Marsden University of Leeds, UK; Louise Reardon University of Birmingham, UK

Synopsis: ISBN print 9781787543201

Rapid changes are underway in mobility systems worldwide, driven by the development and application of 'smart' technologies. This book argues that at present there exists a critical window of opportunity for researchers and practitioners to shape transitions and that this opportunity must be seized upon before it is too late.

ISBN electronic 9781787543171 (PDF) 9781787543195 (ePub)

Tabel of Contents:

Publication Date March 2018

1. New Governance Challenges in the Era of ‘Smart’ Mobility

Pricing £40.00, US$64.00

2. The Case of Mobility as a Service: A Critical Reflection on Challenges for Urban Transport and Mobility Governance

Format print Paperback Format electronic PDF and ePub

Introduction; Greg Marsden and Louise Reardon

3. Smart Mobility: Disrupting Transport Governance?

5. Who benefits from smart mobility policies? The Social Construction of Winners and Losers in the Connected Bikes Projects in the Netherlands 6. Governmental Capacity and the Smart Mobility Transition 7. Planning for Disruptive Transport Technologies: How Prepared Are Australian Transport Agencies? 8. D oes Governance Matter? An International Scenarios Exercise

4. Governing the Race to Automation

Pagination 192

9. Conclusion: A Window of Opportunity

Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions Transport and Sustainability: Volume 11 Edited by: Dominique Lord Texas A&M University, USA; Simon Washington Queensland University of Technology, Australia Synopsis This book increases the level of knowledge on road safety contexts, issues and challenges; shares what can currently be done to address the variety of issues; and points to what needs to be done to make further gains in road safety.

ISBN print 9781786352248 ISBN electronic 9781786352231 (PDF) 9781787148925 (ePUB) Publication date April 2018 Pricing £87.95 US$154.95

Format print Hardback Format electronic PDF and ePub Pagination 404

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Index Page Number


Page Number


21 for 21: Leading the 21st Century Global Enterprise


Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @Work


A Meaningful Life at Work: The Paradox to Wellbeing


Customer Experience Innovation: How to Get a Lasting Market Edge


Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education: Teaching for Leadership, Innovation, and Creativity


Death, Memorialization and Deviant Spaces


Advanced Series in Management, V.19


Death, The Dead and Popular Culture


Advanced Series in Management, V.20


Democrats, Authoritarians and the Bologna Process: Universities in Germany, Russia, England and Wales


Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, V.15

66 6

Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context: Case Studies from Business Practice


Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, V.7 Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, V.24


Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, V.13


Advances in Librarianship, V.44, Part A


Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, V.14


Advances in Librarianship, V.44, Part B


Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting Back


Advances in Library Administration and Organization, V.38


Digital Materialism: Origins, Philosophies, Prospects


Advances in Management Accounting, V.30


Diversity in Higher Education, V.20


Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions, V.17



Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, V.6


Education, Migration and Family Relations Between China and the UK: The Transnational One-Child Generation Emotional Appeals in Advertising Banking Services


Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact: History, Practices and Policy Development


Exceptional Leadership by Design: How Design in Great Organizations Produces Great Leadership


Expand, Grow, Thrive: 5 Proven Steps to Turn Good Brands into Global Brands through the LASSO Method


Exploring the Culture of Open Innovation: Towards an Altruistic Model of Economy


Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, V.3


Advances in Research on Teaching, V.30


Advances in Special Education, V.33


Advances in Strategic Management, V.38


Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & LaborManaged Firms, V.18


Applications of Management Science, V.19


Gender Inequality in Metal Music Production


Australian National Identity



Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution will Change the World


Gender, Athletesí Rights, and the Court of Arbitration for Sport


Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and ‘Post-Racial’ Resilience


Generational Career Shifts: How Matures, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials View Work Governance of the Smart Mobility Transition


Boosting Impact and Innovation in Higher Education: The Knowledge Entrepreneur and High Diversity Groups in Universities


Harnessing the Power of Failure: Using Storytelling and Systems Engineering to Enhance Organizational Learning


Higher Education Funding and Access in International Perspective


How Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices: Optimal Rationality in Action



Hybrid Media Events: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and Global Circulation of Terrorist Violence



Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, V.11



Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, V.12


Broken Pie Chart: 5 Ways to Build Your Investment Portfolio to Withstand and Prosper in Risky Markets Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, V.12 Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, V.99 Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies Continuous Auditing: Theory and Application

4 56

Contributions to Economic Analysis, V.294


International Business & Management, V.34


Corbynism: A Critical Approach


International Perspectives on Education and Society, V.34


Corporate Social Responsibility


International Perspectives on Education and Society, V.35


Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, V.12


Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online


Cultural Journeys in Higher Education: Student Voices and Narratives


Investment Behaviour: Towards an Individual-Centred Financial Policy in Developing Economies Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia

6 46

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Index Page Number

Title Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation, V.9


Managing Brands in 4D: Understanding Perceptual, Emotional, Social, and Cultural Branding


Mapping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets


Market Research Methods in the Sports Industry


Marketing Management in Turkey


Mastering Brexits Through The Ages: Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms - The Catalysts for Success

Page Number

Title Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, V.21


Return on Investment in Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Social, Economic, and Environmental Value of Sustainable Business


Review of Marketing Research, V.15


Selfies: Why We Love (and Hate) Them


Sexual Violence on Campus: Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response


64 24

SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth


Mental Health, Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity: Narratives for Transformative Services


Social Media in Earthquake-Related Communication: Shake Networks


Mobile Technologies in ChildrenĂ­s Language and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in preschool and Primary Education


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Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, V.76


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