Gazelle january 2018 new titles trade

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Gazelle Book Services

Trade New Titles Ascent Book Publishing Beyond Dreams Publishing Group Blacksmith Books Blank Slate Press Blossoming Books Blue Bike Books Boulder Publications Chicago Review Press Crossroad Publishing Company DCDESIGN Books Dragon Hill Publishing Empire Publications Folklore Publishing Fragnoli Ghost House Publishing Hancock House Harbour Publishing Hohm Press Idris Erba LLC Incorgnito Publishing Press Lone Pine Publishing McDonald & Woodward Publishing Mutasian Entertainment New Falcon Publications Nightwood Editions Overtime Books Peter Schoenborn Progressive Press Quagmire Press Ltd Schiffer Publishing Spencer Hill Contemporary

Titles Received in December 2017

Contents Archaeology


Art & Photography




Biography & Autobiography


Children's Fiction


Children's Non-fiction




Folklore, Myths & Legends


Food & Drink


















Natural History




Popular Culture




Puzzles & Quizzes


Religion & Beliefs








True Crime


Warfare & Defence


Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / / 1

Archaeology Numbers of the Gods Unlocking the Secret Science of the Druids Sylvain Tristan A mind-boggling investigation into ancient wisdom -- and the nature of the universe. Monuments like the Pyramids or Stonehenge make us wonder: Were the ancients way more advanced than we know? In Numbers of the Gods, Sylvain Tristan “does the math” and finds fascinating answers. Yes, the Bronze Age had superb astronomers, who already knew the exact dimensions of our Earth, Sun and Moon, and that our planet rotates around the Sun, thousands of years BC. New discoveries prove that Celtic Druids and their predecessors used an amazingly precise and unified 366-degree geometry and astronomy to measure space and time. Many key sites of antiquity follow this geometry, from Babylon to Teotihuacán to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Stranger still, Druidic Initiates -- perhaps in the highest ranks of Freemasonry -- have discreetly continued to use their geometry in siting cities like Paris, Washington DC, and modern architectural monuments worldwide. Strangest and most awe-inspiring of all, the “magic numbers” of the Druids — 366, 40 and 10 — may be encrypted in the dimensions of the solar system, the physics of our universe and the biology of the human species, as if they were the signature of a Great Architect. The revolutionary evidence in this book is easy to check, the interpretation is limited only by your imagination! Revised edition with index. PB 9781615773671 £19.99 December 2017 Progressive Press 370 pages

Art & Photography Human Tribe Alison Wright A page-turner in the most exquisite sense, this book of over 160 portraits expresses the emotive beauty and grace of the human face. Documentary photographer Alison Wright traveled to every continent to capture the diversity of the human tribe, from toddlers to those who've lived a lifetime, and from South America to Africa, Asia, and points in between. Some of the people photographed are privileged, some live ordinary lives, and others live close to the land and in communities that may not last another generation. Collectively, these surprising studies of the human face remind us of our common bond and the inherent dignity in being ourselves. HB 9780764353963 £25.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 176 pages

Luxury Design for Living Steve Huyton Luxury is defined in this stylish look at over 145 examples of ultra-high-end architecture, automobiles, timepieces, and lifestyle objects. Nearly 300 glossy images showcase the talents of some of the world's most creative designers -- some instantly recognizable, others up and coming. Stunning photos of highly engineered houses, sleek furniture, bespoke timepieces, and the fastest, coolest cars are accompanied by a synopsis of the concept and brand. These pristine objects exist in a rarefied realm, offering their owners the ultimate in comfort, performance, and aesthetic pleasure. HB 9780764354212 £51.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 288 pages

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Beauty The Daughters of Sheba Peter Schoenborn After 18 years of extensive research, it is with great pleasure that we announce the publication of the first volume of the Beholding Beauty Books series. As a bridge between anthropology and aesthetics, the Beholding Beauty series dives deep into the world's most sacred and mysterious rituals of cosmetics and adornment as well as their archaic meanings - traditions that are unfortunately being lost and forgotten with the onslaught of an increasingly homogenised world. The series is an homage to all women and Mother Earth. The first volume of Beholding Beauty begins in the Horn of Africa, the cradle of mankind, showcasing and documenting the history and significance behind the Horn’s ancient beautification and adornment rituals. With spectacular photographs, this volume provides insightful portraits of the Horn’s women, guardians of ancient wisdom, and captures every intricate detail and fine nuance of their arts of beauty and wellbeing, set against a vivid backdrop of some of the region’s most archaic and pristine landscapes. HB 9791096133000 £49.99 December 2017 Peter Schoenborn 160 pages

Biography & Autobiography Bold Women of Medicine 21 Stories of Astounding Discoveries, Daring Surgeries, and Healing Breakthroughs (Women of Action Series) Susan M Latta Meet 21 determined women who have dedicated their lives to healing others. In the 19th century, Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton -- the "Lady with the Lamp" and the "Angel of the Battlefield -- earned their nicknames by daring to enter battlefields to aid wounded soldiers, forever changing the standards of medicine. Modern-day medical heroines such as Bonnie Simpson Mason, who harnessed the challenges of her chronic illness and founded an organization to introduce women and minorities to orthopedic surgery, and Kathy Magliato, who jumped the hurdles to become a talented surgeon in the male-dominated arena of heart transplants, will inspire any young reader interested in the art, science, and lifechanging applications of medicine. Lovers of adventure will follow Mary Carson Breckinridge, the "nurse on horseback" who delivered babies in the Appalachian Mountains and believed that everyone, including our poorest and most vulnerable citizens, deserve good health care, and Jerri Nielsen, the doctor stationed in Antarctica who, cut off from help, had to bravely treat her own breast cancer. These and 15 other daring women inspire with their courage, persistence, and belief in the power of both science and compassion. HB 9781613734377 £19.50 September 2017 Chicago Review Press 240 pages

Derision Points -- Clown Prince Bush the W The Real Story of His Decision Points Ted Cohen Dubya still likes to call himself "The Decider." But a lot was decided for him. This imaginative memoir reveals the real Bush from his youth. He was a hard-drinking, good-natured lout -- and the last person who'd run for high office. Bush was a spoiled rich brat. From adolescent drunk he graduated to prankster frat boy at an Ivy League. His famous father got him out of the draft. He got elected to the highest office in the world. Impressive resumé. Stranger than fiction! The biography covers the juvenile career of George W Bush, his rowdy teenage behavior and drinking habits. His hijinks at Yale and Harvard. Dodging the draft with a little help from Congressman "Poppy" Bush. Inside the Bush Family; mano a mano over an affair his father is having. W's DUI arrest. Eligible bachelor W gets engaged to a nice girl -- so as to be more eligible for a run for Congress. He loses the race but marries Laura Welch anyway. W will be assisted again to rise to high office. Bush comes across as a devil-may-care, insolent youth, with a rude nickname for everyone, always ready to get into mischief, or into a case of liquor, to relieve his boredom. This amusing portrait of a oaf's progress is hardly flattering, but is not as unsympathetic as much of his press. An ordinary kid born into a strange family, "Dubya" never was interested in politics. He had to play his part to pay his family dues.This is a hilarious book rather than a serious one, in keeping with the lightweight personality of its subject. Author Ted Cohen is the Kennebunkport reporter who uncovered the story of Dubya's DUI conviction during the 2000 presidential campaign. That the press did not deem to pick up on it may have swung that election. PB 9781615772438 £13.50 January 2008 Progressive Press 191 pages

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I Am a Metis The Story of Gerry St. Germain Peter O’Neil Gerry St. Germain’s story begins in “Petit Canada” on the shores of the Assiniboine, growing up with his two younger sisters, his mother and his father -- a shy Metis trapper and construction worker who sometimes struggled to put food on the table. St. Germain was initially troubled in school, scrapping with classmates and often skipping out to shoot pool, but an aunt and uncle with some extra cash paid his tuition to Catholic school, where a nun recognized his aptitude for math and encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He would go on to become an air force pilot, undercover policeman and West Coast chicken farmer. Business gave way to politics, and in 1988 he became one of a tiny number of Aboriginal Canadians named to a federal cabinet. That milestone was just one of many for a man who played a critical role in Canada’s Conservative movement for a generation. From the Brian Mulroney era to the roller-coaster leadership of Kim Campbell, then to the collapse of the Progressive Conservative party in 1993 and the subsequent rebuilding of the movement under Stephen Harper, St. Germain remained a trusted confidant of prime ministers and a crucial and often daring behind-the-scenes broker in bringing warring factions together. But he is most proud of his efforts during his later years in the Senate, when he was a quiet hero to Canada’s Aboriginal community. He spearheaded major Senate reports on key issues like land claims and on-reserve education during the Harper era, when there were few friendly faces for First Nations leaders on Parliament Hill. That role reflected St. Germain’s profound determination to help people who are still dealing today the brutal legacy of residential schools and the paternalistic Indian Act. Memories of his humble beginnings, and the shame he once felt over his Metis heritage, bubbled to the surface in his final address to Canada’s Parliament in 2012, when he said in a voice quaking with emotion: “I am a Metis.” HB 9781550177848 £31.50 October 2016 Harbour Publishing 240 pages b/w photos

Mayweather Idris Erba This book is a record of Idris Erba's five year photographic journey with Floyd Mayweather, TBE (The Best Ever). It's a behind the scenes journey; ringside, backstage, on tour and in the gym. Idris Erba says: "Putting this book together was a personal goal of mine from the time I started shooting Floyd back in 2013. It's a collection of my favorite photos in one exclusive limited edition coffee table book. A unique look into what it takes to be TBE. I'll show you what goes on backstage, on the road and in the ring. Within its over 200 pages you will come to enjoy and appreciate the life of Floyd 'Money' Mayweather." A must for every Floyd fan and boxing purist. PB 9781935489337 £54.50 December 2017 Idris Erba LLC 220 pages 212 colour & b/w photos

None of This Was Planned The Stories Behind the Stories Mike McCardell Vancouver news icon and co-host of CTV’s “The Last Word,” Mike McCardell is the crafter of human-interest stories that counteract the doom and gloom of conventional news programming. With his unerring instinct for teasing out the powerful “hook” of human connection from the most innocuous (or bizarre) events, McCardell’s unique perspective has endeared him to hundreds of thousands of fans. He has also collected many of his favourite stories within several essay collections that have sold a combined total of seventyfive thousand copies, making him as well known for his written tales as for his TV appearances. Recently, McCardell also explored new genres with such titles as Haunting Vancouver and Cardboard Ocean, delving into both the history of Vancouver and his personal history. With this book McCardell returns to his classic format of the quirky and uplifting short essays that established him as a local legend. Fans of his previous works will delight in a new selection of stories featuring McCardell’s familiar voice and offering both moments of surprise and the reassurance that joy and humour can be sparked from the simplest acts. HB 9781550177787 £28.99 October 2016 Harbour Publishing 240 pages

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Paul Garrett Dean of American Winemakers Emerson Klees Paul Garrett, dean of American winemakers in the first two decades of the twentieth cantury, became a milllionaire making and selling wine, particularly his Virginias Dare label. Garrett established his first winery in North Carolina in 1900. By 1903, he owned vineyards and facilities in the Finger Lakes Region as well as Mission Vineyards and Winery in Cucamonga, California. He added wineries in Missouri, Ohio and Virginia. By 1919, he owned seventeen processing plants with a capacity of ten million gallons. He had to add other products during the Great Depression; however, when Prohibition was repealed, he was the only vintner capable of selling wine in every Wet State. . PB 9781891046100 £12.99 January 2010 Fragnoli 96 pages

Renee Zellweger From Small Town Girl to Superstar (Star Biographies Series) Mark Wells Renée Zellweger is living the American Dream. From the small town of Katy, Texas, Zellweger has climbed quickly to the heights of stardom with some truly breakout movies. We noticed her first as the disarming young single mother in Jerry Maguire, when she held her own opposite Tom Cruise. Following up with White Oleander and the quirky Nurse Betty, she seemed to be testing the waters until her controversial selection for the title role in Bridget Jones's Diary, where she pulled off the British accent to rave reviews. Renée truly has the ability to summon a range of emotion. She can be as vulnerable as a child, yet vampish and sensual as in her role as Roxie Hart in Chicago. But her ability to act is only part of what is captivating. Although she began life in a small town, she now lives alone in extravagant homes in L.A. and New York and has experienced enough challenge, emotional discovery and personal loss on the path to success to keep her grounded. You'll find this story of her personal life as engaging as her characters onscreen. PB 9781894864268 £6.50 April 2005 Folklore Publishing 144 pages

Children's Fiction Figley's Little White Lie Mutasia Suzanne Cotsakos, Ryan McCulloch, Ryan McCulloch Meet Figley. He's part possum, part cow, and part bird. He lives on the island of Mutasia, where everyone is a mixed-up mix of two or more different animals. When Figley accidentally breaks his friend's prized possession, he tells a little white lie to pass the blame onto something else. But to keep his friends believing his tall tale, he'll have to tell another lie, and another lie, and another! As his lies build and build, he'll be forced into the grossest, most dangerous, most embarrassing misadventure ever. Maybe it would have been easier to tell the truth in the first place. HB 9780985600204 £15.50 October 2017 Mutasian Entertainment 48 pages

Theodore and the Enchanted Bookstore Tale of the Spectacular Spectacles K Kibbee Living life as a bumbling breadbox with fur, was hardship enough for Theodore the Corgi, but when the young dog finds himself cold and alone in a frightening animal shelter, it's clear that his struggles have only just begun. Labelled "unadoptable", by shelter staff, Theodore mires in the gloom until a kind-eyed stranger with a pocket full of handcrafted jerky and a quirky smile, rescues him with the intent of making Theodore the newest addition to his curious Bookstore. Though overwhelmed at first, Theodore soon finds both his new friend and the odd bookstore are welcoming hosts, despite the Corgi's run of clumsy mishaps. And while Theodore's formerly dull and lonely life fades to memory, a new, adventurous one blooms before him—for hidden amongst the dusty stacks of books and things at the Enchanted Bookstore, waits a peculiar little man with a set of the most magical, Spectacular Spectacles imaginable. PB 9781944589417 £7.99 October 2017 Incorgnito Publishing Press 74 pages

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Children's Non-fiction Think Circles! A Lift-the-Flap Color and Shape Book Karen Robbins Preschool children will find this book's colorful art irresistible as they lift the flaps and learn analytical thinking skills. Ten flaps are uniquely designed with circles that reveal the hidden image underneath. Think! And then lift the flap to see. Teachers and parents can test children on colors, counting, size, differences, beginning reading, and comprehension. Think Circles! will increase language and math skills, along with developing small motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Toddlers and preschoolers will have hours of fun playing with this interactive book. Boardbook 9780764353826 £11.50 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 24 pages

Think Squares! A Lift-the-Flap Color and Shape Book Karen Robbins Preschool children will find this book's colorful art irresistible as they lift the flaps and learn analytical thinking skills. Ten flaps are uniquely designed with squares that reveal the hidden image underneath. Think! And then lift the flap to see. Teachers and parents can test children on colors, counting, size, differences, beginning reading, and comprehension. Think Squares! will increase language and math skills, along with developing small motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Toddlers and preschoolers will have hours of fun playing with this interactive book. Boardbook 9780764353833 £11.50 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 24 pages

Think Triangles! A Lift-the-Flap Color and Shape Book Karen Robbins Preschool children will find this book's colorful art irresistible as they lift the flaps and learn analytical thinking skills. Ten flaps are uniquely designed with triangles that reveal the hidden image underneath. Think! And then lift the flap to see. Teachers and parents can test children on colors, counting, size, differences, beginning reading, and comprehension. Think Triangles! Will increase language and math skills, along with developing small motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Toddlers and preschoolers will have hours of fun playing with this interactive book. Boardbook 9780764353819 £11.50 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 24 pages

Fiction Beyond Love (The Beyond Series) D.D Marx After trusting in her beloved friend Dan's guidance from above, Olivia is finally on the path to realizing her destiny. Staring at a blank canvas after ditching her raucous corporate life and meeting the love of her life, Finn McDaniels, a hot, widowed, celebrity chef, she is ready to begin anew. When she arrives back home to tie up the loose ends in Chicago, she receives more frightening news further delaying her journey with Finn. Unable to control the outcome, she begins questioning her trust and faith in Dan once again. She distracts herself the only way she knows how, by diving head first into a new project. What seemed like a time killer may actually be the thing that saves her and catapults her into a world she never dreamed of. When Olivia and Finn finally reunite, a deep dark secret is uncovered threatening to ruin the relationship she has waited for her entire life. Olivia is forced to decide whether to tell Finn or let it live in the past forever. Is their relationship strong enough to weather the storm or will it cause them to part ways for good? PB 9780997248111 £9.50 November 2017 Beyond Dreams Publishing Group 184 pages

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Purchase Christopher Doyle O, what will a man give in exchange for his soul? An unlikely friendship between a black fugitive from the law and a white fugitive from an abusive home changes their lives, their fortunes, and the foundations of country music. When Isaiah and A.D. are forced to flee their jobs as janitors at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, they embark on a search for the songs and the men and woman who have created them or kept them alive through trial and tribulation. As they delve deeper and deeper into the peaks and valleys of the Blue Ridge Mountains, their fame and wealth grows even as Isaiah’s family haunts him and A.D.’s obsession with “the names” of the musicians they seek threatens to destroy them both. PB 9781943075409 £15.50 October 2017 Blank Slate Press 350 pages

Redemption A Story of the Oregon Trail & the Fraser River Gold Rush Yvonne Harris In this sweeping saga, Yvonne Harris tells the poignant stories of Robert and Alice, two young people who join the 1846 wagon train to cross North America on their way to the West Coast. Seeking a better life, thirteen-year-old Robert leaves his impoverished family in Iowa and accompanies the main group as it follows the well-established Oregon Trail to the Pacific Northwest. Alice, a lovely young widow, is forced to follow a husband she despises on the difficult trek even when he insists on taking the Hastings Cutoff with a small party from the wagon train who forego the longer route for a virtually unknown trail touted as a short cut to the West Coast. Alice's husband's hasty decisions dramatically alter the course of their lives; instead of reaching the green fields of California, the party finds themselves trapped on the wrong side of the snow and ice-capped Sierra Nevada with almost nothing left in the way of supplies. Both eventually make their way to Victoria and the BC Interior in search of gold. They encounter the American militia, intent on taking over the Fraser River from the tribes, and Chief Spintlum, who chooses peace over war and saves his people from a massacre. The story is based on the historical accounts of settlers traveling west on the Oregon Trail, the tragic account of the Donner Party and the search for gold on the Fraser River. PB 9781896124650 £17.99 November 2017 Dragon Hill Publishing 448 pages

The Tiger Hunters of Tai O John Saeki Hong Kong, 1954. The British colony was not yet ready to hear about a Eurasian policeman having an affair with the police commissioner's daughter. Simon Lee tasted swift punishment. He was banished to the far tip of a wild and distant island a stone's throw from Chinese waters - to Tai O, the ancient trading post where fishermen, salt-farmers and refugees were thrown together with spies, pirates and Triads. Dolphins swam the waters, eagles fished the sea, and some still believed that a tiger prowled the hills at night. It was a place haunted by history, where corpses had floated in the bay when Japanese troops occupied the police station, and everybody had a secret about what they did during the war. Life was unpredictable for the band of misfits that staffed Tai O Police Station. But when a stranger was murdered on a beach, accused of being a Communist spy, Lee found himself on a collision course with his masters in Central. PB 9789887792710 £11.32 October 2017 Blacksmith Books 304 pages

Under the Influence L.B Simmons By the age of thirteen, Dalton Greer had already experienced abuse unfathomable to most. So by the time he was finally rescued from the latest of his long string of foster homes, he was traveling down a dangerous path. Indebted to a known drug lord as a means of protection, he chose the life of the streets thinking that was all his life had to offer -- until he met her. Five years later, she's the only bright spot in his very bleak existence. There isn't anything he won't do to shield her from the evil he's experienced, and he wants nothing more than to protect her from the life he's chosen. The day Spencer Locke found Dalton sitting on her porch, she felt his pain and understood his rage. They were bonded by both, though he would never understand why. He had been lost while she was found, and in that moment, she vowed to help him find his way too. As years pass, their bond transforms into something deeper. Spencer loves Dalton regardless of his past, and in spite of his choices. When all secrets are unleashed between the two, that love becomes binding. One night is all they have before fate makes its own decision. Dalton is forced to choose the path he will travel, and Spencer is left not knowing why. A story about the journey from true friendship into the blossoms of first love, the experiences of crucial sacrifice and ultimate betrayal, and the endurance of agonising heartbreak on the way to finding lasting redemption... Under the Influence of love. PB 9781633920989 £11.50 December 2017 Spencer Hill Contemporary 303 pages

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Wigford Rememberies Kyp Harness Wigford is a small town in rural Southwestern Ontario, home to a cast of recurring characters: Buzz, a drunkdriving father of two; his wife, who should have married Bert Walmsley instead; Happy Henry, a devout, socially inept apostle who loves to play the organ; Elmer, a stroke survivor. Wigford Rememberies tells this community's stories through an impressionistic series of vignettes. The language is inventive, innovative and exciting, and whether describing mucking out the pig barn -- "there in the dust and the sweet smells of grain and straw and the heavy brown odour of shit so strong it makes you sneeze" -- or helping a drunk articulate how to manipulate God's forgiveness -- "'if I gave my heart to Jesus -- right there on my deathbed the minute before I died -- he'd forgive everything an I'd go up into Heaven and be saved just as much as the other guy who never did nothin' wrong at all with no difference?'" -- Harness wields words with an eye for detail, musicality and style. Visceral, reflective and lyrical, Wigford Rememberies is a poetic evocation of mood and epiphanic realisations, and will resonate with anyone who has ever confronted suffering, love or the unknowable. PB 9780889713192 £9.50 August 2016 Nightwood Editions 192 pages

Folklore, Myths & Legends Ghost Stories of America Volume I (Ghost Stories Series) Dan Asfar, Edrick Thay A fright-filled collection of out-of-this-world Americana, Ghost Stories of America draws on the folklore of 50 states to weave its magic. Check out the Red Onion Saloon in Alaska, where the spirits of former prospectors and courtesans continue to relive the fleeting glory of the Klondike Gold Rush. The ghost of Chicago mobster Al Capone is still said to be serving time in Alcatraz, considered one of the most haunted places in America. And Hawaiian patriot Queen Liliuokalani, melancholy in life, now is said to be a spirit overjoyed at her state's resurgent pride. All this and much more in Ghost Stories of America. PB 9781894877114 £11.50 August 2002 Ghost House Publishing 248 pages

Ghost Stories of Christmas Box Set I Ghost Stories of Christmas, Haunted Christmas and Haunted Hotels Jo-Anne Christensen Boxed set featuring: Ghost Stories of Christmas; Haunted Christmas and Haunted Hotels. Quality pack 9781894877275 £34.50 September 2002 Ghost House Publishing 648 pages

Ghost Stories of Christmas Box Set II Haunted Christmas, Ghost Stories of Christmas and Fireside Ghost Stories Jo-Anne Christensen, A.S Mott Boxed set featuring: Ghost Stories of Christmas, Haunted Christmas and Fireside Ghost Stories. Quality pack 9781894877466 £34.50 September 2003 Ghost House Publishing 648 pages

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Ghost Stories of New England (Ghost Stories Series) Susan Smitten From a murdered wife who haunts a New Hampshire tavern to a Rhode Island vampire, this book is full of amazing eyewitness accounts and community folklore about the restless spirits and strange occurrences that are part of the rich history of New England. PB 9781894877121 £11.50 May 2003 Ghost House Publishing 224 pages

Food & Drink Canadian Heritage Bread Making Debra Rebryna Learn the art of bread making. PB 9781551050164 £5.50 November 1992 Lone Pine Publishing 64 pages

The Traditional Newfoundland Kitchen Roger Pickavance Partridgeberry pies, pork buns, turrs, watered fish, damper bread, and pan-fried cod tongues. These traditional Newfoundland dishes have survived, despite the influx of modern trends and techniques and a great array of imported products. PB 9781927099926 £26.99 October 2017 Boulder Publications 320 pages 75 b/w photos

Gardening Container Gardening for the Midwest William Aldrich, Don Williamson, Alison Beck Container gardening offers an exciting opportunity to have a wide variety of plants in dazzling combinations for your Midwest yard. This inspiring book is packed with easy solutions and exciting ideas for creating and maintaining planters for your garden space. Filled with more than 500 recommended plants and designs ranging from traditional to cutting edge, it will stir your imagination to be bold and brave, making your container gardens the talk of the neighborhood. PB 9789768200426 £15.50 February 2008 Lone Pine Publishing 208 pages

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Gardening Month by Month in Michigan Tim Wood, Alison Beck Michigan horticulturist Tim Wood and accomplished garden writer Alison Beck bring a wealth of information to this valuable new tool for maintaining and improving your garden throughout the year. The format allows you to keep your own notes on such variables as weather, insects and disease as well as garden highlights. The practical lay-flat binding makes it easy to write your notes while at work in the garden. Each month opens with a beautiful two-page photo spread and has 10 pages devoted to information about annuals, perennials, vegetables, fruits, trees, shrubs or houseplants and information and ideas that will help you keep your Michigan garden looking its best. PB 9781551053639 £14.99 January 2004 Lone Pine Publishing 160 pages

Gardening Month by Month in New England Alison Beck Now New England gardeners have their own version of the highly acclaimed Gardening Month by Month garden planners from Lone Pine Publishing. This book addresses the climate and growing conditions unique to the Atlantic states. Each month of the year is featured, opening with a beautiful two-page photo spread and followed by a perpetual calendar, plus tips and information and plenty of space for your own gardening notes. This easy-to-use, sturdy book with lay-flat binding features garden design, sprouting plants from seeds, container gardening, creating wildlife habitat, composting, house plants, pest control and many, many references and resources for the modern New England gardener. PB 9781551053776 £14.99 May 2004 Lone Pine Publishing 160 pages

Gardening Month by Month in Northern California Bob Tanem, Don Williamson Bob Tanem brings all of his gardening know-how to this valuable new tool for the Northern California gardener. Gardening Month by Month in Northern California is a beautiful perpetual calendar and monthby-month guide you can use year after year to keep track of your garden's progress. With 265 brilliant, color photographs this book is an absolute delight. This easy-to-use, sturdy book with its lay-flat binding contains great features, on garden design, sprouting plants from seeds, container gardening, creating wildlife habitat, composting, house plants, pest control and many, many references and resources for the Northern California gardener. PB 9781551053653 £14.99 January 2004 Lone Pine Publishing 160 pages

Gardening Month by Month in Ontario Alison Beck Ontario gardeners now have a handy new tool for maintaining and improving their garden throughout the year. Gardening Month by Month in Ontario combines the features of an almanac and a gardening journal. Twelve pages are dedicated to each month of the year. Beautiful full-colour photographs and helpful hints specifically geared to the diverse growing conditions of Ontario provide both inspiration and a practical garden planner. A calendar format allows you to keep your own notes on such variables as weather, insect and disease appearances and treatments and garden highlights. The practical lay-flat binding makes it easy to write your notes while at work in the garden. PB 9781551053615 £14.99 January 2003 Lone Pine Publishing 160 pages

Herb Gardening for Washington and Oregon Marianne Binetti, Laura Peters Herbs add fragrance, beauty and practicality to your garden -- and it's easy to grow a wide variety of them just about anywhere here in Washington and Oregon. This book, coauthored by veteran Washington garden writer Marianne Binetti and Laura Peters, offers handy tips and advice on: growing, maintaining and harvesting 363 of the best herbs for local gardens; propagation and winter care; and solutions to common garden problems. This practical book will help you participate in the age-old tradition of using herbs to flavour foods, add seductive scents to potpourris and perfumes, and impart healthful, healing qualities to lotions and lip balms; Exotic herbs such as kaffir lime, lemongrass, jasmine, fenugreek and stevia can be grown easily here; Edible flowers such as nasturtiums and calendula can add flavor and interest to salads, teas, honeys and butters; Fragrant herbs such as basil, rosemary and sage can be used in infusions, herbal baths and soaps. PB 9789768200396 £15.50 March 2008 Lone Pine Publishing 256 pages

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Roses Practical Advice and the Science Behind It (Questions & Answers Series) Lois Hole, Jim Hole Find answers to the most common questions asked of gardening experts. Lois and her son Jim bring together more than 60 years of professional gardening experience. PB 9780968279168 £7.99 April 2000 Lone Pine Publishing 128 pages

Handicrafts Fly Me to the Moon An Art Quilt Journey Susanne Jones When the Apollo astronauts went to the moon, the whole world watched. When the Fly Me to the Moon art quilt challenge went out, it went global. This book showcases the curated results of that call for entries: 179 art quilts by over 130 artists from 8 countries, expressing their interpretation of the space program and all things lunar. Walk down memory lane or discover the story of the missions for the first, but most importantly, enjoy a trip to the moon and beyond without the time and rigors of space training. As you travel into space, meet the astronauts, hum the tunes, and listen to the artists tell you about their pieces. Find endless inspiration and discover what the moon is really made of: cotton, thread, crystals, paint, ink, tulle, and crocheted lace. HB 9780764354007 £30.50 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 208 pages

Great Stories of the Sea Edited by Norman Ravvin The lifeline for all the writers collected here is the ocean's edge. Stephen Crane, Frank Stockton, Norman Duncan, Thomas Raddall, Alistair MacLeod, Silver Donald Cameron and others share blustering tales about ready ships and sailors longing to put to sea. The stories cover both modern and historical events. PB 9781551052403 £14.99 August 1999 Lone Pine Publishing 240 pages

How to Create Encaustic Art A Guide to Painting with Wax Birgit Hüttemann-Holz Internationally successful encaustic artist Birgit Hüttemann-Holz walks you through the ancient art of hotwax painting. Learn the basics, step by step—materials and supplies, encaustic mediums and coloring agents, and surfaces like canvas or textured substrates. Following her guidance, discover how to apply hot liquid wax and fuse it using tools like a hot air gun or propane torch to achieve the various effects. Included are detailed photos that present the entire spectrum of encaustic: smooth and textured surfaces, scraping and relief imprinting techniques, accretion, working with palette knives and collages, and even special techniques like accents with metal leaf or organic materials. Find inspiration from a gallery section of art by eleven top encaustic artists. Whether you are just beginning or are looking for easy-to-follow instructions to enhance your work, this indispensable guide shows the myriad possibilities for artistic design with encaustic art. PB 9780764354168 £25.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 128 pages

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Health The Runner's Lifestyle Log John Stanton, Nick Lees Half of this book is a safe, expertly designed program providing guidance to reach your fitness goals. The other half is a year-long log to keep track of your daily activity, mileage and notes. This program is endorsed by some of North America's top marathon runners, as well as thousands of recreational athletes. Spiral 9781551051307 £12.50 September 1997 Lone Pine Publishing 200 pages

History A Northern Childhood Growing Up in Oldham Before the War Audrey Evans Audrey Evans grew up in Oldham, She is a retired lecturer and has a Ph.D. These are stories of her childhood, from before and after the Second World War. Some have been previously published in The Oldham Chronicle in the 1970's. PB 9781909360556 £5.99 December 2017 Empire Publications 76 pages

Battling the Bay Jordan Zinovich History comes alive in the gripping biography of fur trader Ed Nagle. Jordan Zinovich has unearthed a fascinating, unsung Canadian hero. PB 9780919433960 £11.50 July 1992 Lone Pine Publishing 256 pages

Working the Rock Newfoundland and Labrador in the photographs of Edith S. Watson, 1890-1930 Frances Rooney Between 1892 and 1930, American photographer Edith S. Watson made repeated trips to outport Newfoundland and coastal Labrador, getting to know the rugged land and its extraordinary people. Along the way, she explored, recorded, and compiled a treasury of captivating, dignified images of life at the turn of the century. PB 9781927099742 £23.99 October 2017 Boulder Publications 128 pages 80 colour photos

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Literature Mixing Memory & Desire Why Literature Can't Forget the Great War Brian Kennedy The last soldier who saw trench action in the Great War died in 2009. With his passing, all direct memory of the horror of that war ceased -- memory became history. But Brian Kennedy argues that our collective need to grieve the horrors of the Great War still remains. In this wide-ranging book, he looks at a variety of fiction recently written about World War I, from Michael Morpurgo's War Horse to Pat Barker's Regeneration, from Joseph Boyden's Three Day Road to Timothy Findley's The Wars, with many other books besides. Kennedy considers the traditional stories and tropes of the war, along with modern revisionings, the role of women in the war, and even Irish issues and the divisions within the British Empire. In the end, he argues that the cultural process of grieving concerns both the fear of forgetting and the need to build a narrative arc to contain events that shaped the past century and continue to shape the present. PB 9781926677262 £19.50 October 2017 Folklore Publishing 288 pages

Memoirs Holding the Net Caring for My Mother on the Tightrope of Aging Melanie P Merriman In this poignant and timely memoir, Melanie Merriman shares her struggle to care for her fiercely independent aging mother. When her father dies, Melanie commits herself to making the rest of her mother's life the best it can be. She brings knowledge to the situation -- as a hospice consultant, she has studied aging, illness, and the intricacies of the healthcare system -- and she has a sister who is willing to help. But even with these advantages, Melanie finds the real-life experience of caring for her mother humbling. Every decision becomes a tug of war, with Mom on one side, fighting for her independence, and the two sisters on the other, trying to keep her safe. A win for either side suddenly feels like a loss for all. Written for people who have cared for a parent, are currently facing that challenge, or are aging parents themselves, Holding the Net offers practical details about the effects of aging on the body and mind, living arrangements for older people, health care decisions, and surviving rehab. It also challenges the notion that anyone can be an expert when it comes to caring for an aging parent, and encourages us to simply do our best. Melanie hits all the right notes, and her story will have readers nodding their heads and shedding healing tears. PB 9780998701226 £19.00 November 2017 DCDESIGN Books 240 pages

The Grand Tour My months of hitchhiking, biking and serving Her Royal Majesty Dave Quinton Like young people today, Dave Quinton yearned to explore the world after finishing his university studies. In 1960, four years before becoming host of CBC’s Land & Sea, Dave his friend Bob hatched a plan: steam across the Atlantic, then hike, hitchhike, and cycle across Europe for as long as their money would hold out. Little did Dave know that his travels would take him within the gates of Buckingham Palace, where he would to meet members of Britain’s royal family. PB 9781927099919 £19.50 October 2017 Boulder Publications 120 pages 50 b/w photos

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Mind/Body/Spirit An Interview With Israel Regardie His Final Thoughts and Views Israel Regardie An interview with Israel Regardie: His Final Thoughts and Views With Selected Writings Edited by Dr. Christopher Hyatt, Ph.D., who interviewed his mentor and teacher Israel Regardie not long before his death in 1985, in mystical Sedona, Arizona. Evident in the interview is their connection and mutual regard. It is touching and elucidating to hear Regardie’s thoughts and feelings at this moment of his life. He openly discusses his four loves -- Madame Blavatsky, his teacher and mentor Aleister Crowley, Wilhelm Reich, and The Golden Dawn System of Magic. Within this compilation are articles on Reich, Psychotherapy, and Modern Alchemy as well as some of his most precious selected writings going back to the 1930s. This is a must have book for any serious student of Magick and the Golden Dawn -- a treasure. This amazing one of a kind work is now available from New Falcon Publications and is limited to only 500 copies in the special limited first edition. PB 9781561845125 £28.99 August 2017 New Falcon Publications 208 pages

Guardian Tarot Beth Seilonen Trees are guardians of our lives, but there is a drastic contrast between the living and the dead in nature and spirit. These disquieting, yet beautiful 78 Tarot cards and guidebook identify a clear correlation of how humans exist within current times. We become less functional, depleted, and unable to connect to our personal happiness as we pull our nourishment from a depleted source. These guardians will teach you that in a nourishing environment, where your needs are met and supported by others, you grow stronger. By bringing two entities together—trees and humans—you will journey along a path to unite and foster awareness of the importance between nature and yourself and promote your own personal development and joy. Find a nourishing environment and improve your life with the guardianship of trees. Boxed Set 9780764353864 £25.85 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 96 pages

Haunted Museums & Galleries of Canada Andrew Hind The restless spirits of former occupants still reside in many of Canada's museums. Curators of nightmares, archivists of fears and trustees of all things that go bump in the night, museums are not simply places that preserve and display historical artifacts. Andrew Hind cracks open a crumbling vault of true ghost and guides the reader through cursed artifacts, spectral evidence of the afterlife and timeless mysteries in museums across the country: At Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum in Winnipeg, spectral nuns walk the halls and sing hymns in the chapel, tending to suffering souls long into the afterlife; The mysterious spirits inhabiting the elegant Brown House at the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum reveal their secrets to a paranormal investigation team; The Haliburton House Museum in Windsor, Nova Scotia, is home to the restless spirits of a long-dead soldier as well as the master and the mistress of the house, Thomas Chandler and Louise Haliburton and more; At the Art Gallery of Sudbury, the ghosts of the original owners of the mansion mingle with staff and visitors; Canada's ace of aces, the legendary World War I aviator Billy Bishop, inhabits his boyhood home in Owen Sound, Ontario, long after leaving this mortal plane; At Toronto's Black Creek Pioneer Village, the past may be more alive than even the costumed interpreters could imagine; the mill wheel turns of its own accord; unseen horses pull a wagon up to the door; a little ghost boy plays peek-aboo; The ghost of famed Canadian artist Emily Carr lingers at her former Victoria home, forever connected in death to the place she was happiest in life. So visit a museum and experience its collection, physical and ethereal alike. PB 9781926695310 £14.99 October 2017 Quagmire Press Ltd 248 pages

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Haunted Museums & Galleries of Ontario Andrew Hind Curators of nightmares, archivists of fears and trustees of all things that go bump in the night, museums are not simply places that preserve and display historical artifacts. Andrew Hind cracks open the crumbling vault of true ghost stories to reveal the restless spirits inhabiting museums and galleries across Ontario. He guides the reader through cursed artifacts, spectral evidence of the afterlife and timeless mysteries: At Toronto's Black Creek Pioneer Village, the past may be more alive than even the costumed interpreters could imagine; the mill wheel turns of its own accord; unseen horses pull a wagon up to the door; a little ghost boy plays peek-a-boo; The mysterious spirits inhabiting the elegant Brown House at the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum reveal their secrets to a paranormal investigation team; At the Art Gallery of Sudbury, the ghosts of the original owners of the mansion mingle with staff and visitors; Canada's ace of aces, the legendary World War I aviator Billy Bishop, inhabits his boyhood home in Owen Sound long after leaving this mortal plane; Almost every building at Muskoka Heritage Place has a phantom or two that make their presence felt; All who encounter the ghost of Hollywood silent film star Marie Dressler at her childhood home in Cobourg note that while her mouth moves as if speaking, no words are heard. So visit a museum and experience its collection, physical and ethereal alike. PB 9781926695303 £11.50 October 2017 Quagmire Press Ltd 160 pages

Spirit Within Tarot Steven Bright Tradition and contemporary art meet within this stylish Tarot set, bringing simplicity to your personal story. The spirits within the shadows of your life are dancing through this symbolic collection of 78 mesmerizing Tarot cards. Find characters from your past, present, and future, offering reflections of your childhood or glimpses of a potential future. The card silhouettes transcend age, gender, and ethnicity as the figures effortlessly morph into friends or enemies, family and colleagues, or even the most intimate aspects of yourself. They provide a mirror for your intuition and act as a light to follow. Each of the 78 Tarot "voices" are described within the accompanying handbook along with keywords and meanings -- a road map for the seeker. The symbols, set in a world we can all identify with, are easy to interpret, and recognized as traditional. This long-awaited deck is your traveling companion -- whether a beginner or seasoned reader - for the journey ahead. Boxed Set 9780764353888 £25.85 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 96 pages

The Promethean Oracle Sophia Shultz, Mark Cogan When Prometheus stole the sacred Olympian flame and bestowed it upon humanity, he literally sparked the growth of civilization. Now Prometheus presents us with a different but no less significant gift: the guiding flame of insight, drawn from the stories and energies of the kings, gods, and heroes who complement history and mythology's great queens, goddesses, and heroines. This rich and lovely 50-card oracle deck and guidebook unifies male energies with those of the Chakras to create a unique and fresh approach to personal divination. You will be led by warriors like Odysseus, cunning kings like Hammurabi, quiet prophets like Elijah, and monsters like Pazuzu to strong intuitive wisdom that can be applied to your well-being and life's serious and day-to-day issues. The evocative portrait cards, each featuring a Chakra will, like Prometheus, bring the fire of knowledge and renewal to your soul. Boxed Set 9780764354076 £36.19 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 160 pages

Water for Unity Working with Water Memory to Heal the World Francesca Tuzzi A collection of short essays from 17 very well-known authors who have a solid scientific background or renown within their ancestral traditions. What they have in common is that each one, within their discipline, is aiming to use water’s molecular structure and memory to improve our world. This book is connected to a worldwide movement which is going to organize at least four significant worldwide events during 2015 and 2016. The essayists themselves are part of this movement and readers can join too. They will experiment, for instance, with using intention to lower the radioactivity level of Fukushima’s water. It is a very young movement but one that has already generated much interest. PB 9788897951551 £18.50 January 2015 Blossoming Books 189 pages

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Music Harvard Report A Study of the Soul Music Environment Prepared for Columbia Group Logan H Westbrooks After almost 50 years, the release of the complete "Harvard Report: A Study of the Soul Music Environment" prepared for Columbia Records Group, which was a feasibility study and suggested marketing strategy for CRG (CBS Records). PB 9780998782201 £23.99 March 2017 Ascent Book Publishing 70 pages

Red Robinson The Last Deejay Robin Brunet Red Robinson details the life and career of Red Robinson, one of Canada’s most celebrated pioneers of rock and roll. Robinson began spinning hits while in high school in the early 1950s, laying the foundation for what would become a glamorous, impossible-to-stop and ultimately fulfilling career that has made him a household name west of the Rockies. Raised by a single mother, Robinson worked as a delivery boy to help support the family. From such humble beginnings, he developed a strong work ethic and unflappable moral core that enabled him to pursue a career that has endured. Here is the account of how Robinson pranked his way into his first radio job. Readers will be delighted by behind-the-scenes stories from close encounters with Vancouver’s visiting celebrities, like the time Robinson spent an hour with Elvis Presley in the BC Lions dressing room talking cars, women, movies and opera, or when Robinson nearly killed Roy Orbison and Bobby Goldsboro in a 1962 Grand Parisienne convertible while speeding to catch the Nanaimo ferry. Robinson’s vast career highlights are remarkable, from introducing The Beatles to the stage, ushering Randy Bachman to the status of superstardom, and as part of EXPO ’86, presenting The Legends of Rock’n’Roll featuring Ray Charles, Roy Orbison, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis and The Righteous Brothers. Red Robinson recalls the highs, hurdles and triumphs of a celebrated time in rock-and-roll history, presented by the man who dug into the guts, glory and glitz that only a champion of the frontlines of music really can. HB 9781550177695 £28.99 October 2016 Harbour Publishing 196 pages 60 b/w photos

The Anatomy of a Record Company How to Survive the Record Business Logan H Westbrooks, Lance A Williams This revised second edition provides a historical perspective of the music industry before the era of the Internet and the major disruption in the business aspect of music. Originally published in 1981, "The Anatomy of a Record Company", was written as a textbook for a class taught by Logan Westbrooks at California State University, Los Angeles. It was one of the first books of its kind written about the music industry, and it became a collector’s item. Also included is The Harvard Report that was commissioned by Columbia Records Group (CBS Records) in 1972. PB 9780692851524 £21.99 April 2017 Ascent Book Publishing (US) 344 pages

The Anatomy of the Music Industry How the Game Was & How the Game Has Changed Logan H Westbrooks, LaRita Shelby This book features insight and advice from Dr Logan H Westbrooks and over 30 music industry experts. Professionals included here have worked at CBS Records, Capitol Records, Billboard, Fox Music, A&M, Mercury, Arista, Electra, Atlantic, and Pandora among others. PB 9780692502228 £21.99 August 2015 Ascent Book Publishing 323 pages

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Natural History Conservation Through Aviculture ISBBC 2007 Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity M Lamont The proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity held in in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 7 to 12 September 2007. The conference theme was Conservation Through Aviculture and had over 50 presenters covering various aspects of aviculture, zoology, avian conservation, medicine and management. With nearly 500 colour pages featuring multiple charts, graphs, figures and tables depicting various aspects of avian husbandry, management and both in-situ and ex-situ conservation aspects. With over 100 international contributors, these proceedings represent possibly the largest compilation of information pertaining to avian conservation breeding to date. HB 9780888397317 £61.99 January 2014 Hancock House 482 pages 100+ photos & 100+ illus

Flora y Fauna Guia del Sur Occidente del Ecuador Chris Jiggins, Pablo Andrade, Eduardo Cueva The guide provides information on 76 species of birds, plants, mammals and insects of Ecuador. Each species description is accompanied by an illustration as well as information on ecology, local names and uses. Profits from the sale of this guide will go towards forest conservation in Ecuador. Includes photographs and illustrations by Ian Sheldon. PB 9781551052724 £14.99 January 2001 Lone Pine Publishing 96 pages

Most Wonderful in the Smallest A Year in Pursuit of Common Freshwater Microorganisms Linda VanAller Hernick Most Wonderful in the Smallest, written for the general public, presents a first-person journal of a yearlong record of collecting, identifying, describing, and photographing common microscopic organisms gathered from freshwater environments within short distances of the author’s home. Extensively illustrated, numerous photographs of the organisms show details of taxonomy, anatomy, behavior, and environment that are mentioned in the journal. The author’s objectives with this work are to document the great number and diversity of microscopic organisms that occupy freshwater environments all around us, to illustrate the fact that viewing and photographing these organisms does not require expensive or sophisticated means, and to call attention to and address the need for more people to recognize the presence and importance of these micro-communities. PB 9781935778370 £21.99 October 2017 McDonald & Woodward Publishing 146 pages 119 colour illus

The Peace in Peril The Real Cost of the Site C Dam Christopher Pollon, Ben Nelms In the next decade, a 60-metre-high wall of compacted earth will stretch more than a kilometre across the main stem of the Peace River, causing the waters behind it to swell into a 93-square-kilometre artificial lake, drowning the best topsoil left in the BC north. The waters will swallow fifty islands and a valley that is home to farmers, ranchers, trappers and habitat to innumerable creatures big and small. Over four days in late September 2015, Christopher Pollon paddled the 83-kilometre section of the river that will be destroyed by the Site C dam reservoir, accompanied by photojournalist Ben Nelms. Their goal was to witness the very first steps of construction for the almost $8.8-billion project (the most expensive infrastructure project in BC history). They concluded their trip by touring the same stretch by land, interviewing and photographing the locals who stand to lose everything. Equal parts travel adventure, history and journalistic exploration, The Peace in Peril is a story about the dubious trade-off of hydro power for resources like timber and farmland, but also far more: the Peace valley has been a prosperous home to people for eleven thousand years. How will lives, human and otherwise, be erased or irrevocably altered when the next great flood rises up to engulf the Peace River valley? PB 9781550177800 £23.99 November 2016 Harbour Publishing 160 pages 60 colour photos

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Wildlife of Southern Forests Habitat & Management James G Dickson The most up-to-date manual on the Southern Forests habitat and management techniques. This book traces the history of southern forests and associated wildlife, details the biology and habitat requirements of species and communities and offers practical guidelines for habitat management on a broad scale. Information in this book should help land managers assess land suitability for various species and communities, determine how different land and forestry management practices affect wildlife, and actively manage for target species and communities. Written by leading wildlife experts from universities, federal agencies, and conservation organisations of the South. The book is illustrated by renowned wildlife artist John Sidelinger. The book was compiled as a USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station project. PB 9780888396723 £61.99 December 2008 Hancock House 480 pages 251 photos & 156 illus

Poetry Digsite Owain Nicholson Digsite draws on Nicholson’s experience working in the Alberta oil sands and arboreal forest, taking an archaeological lens to its subject, and in this way, reimagines tens of thousands of years of human existence. These poems grow from a schism between the current place of living and the ones in which we are pulled back to, in particular, the places we no longer occupy. Nicholson’s language draws on his archaeological and fieldwork background as he burrows and grinds the places we have lost, consistently underpinned by the grief that must accompany such a fervent exploration. In these discoveries, Nicholson presents us with the material remains of our own abandonment, of loss and acceptance, and ultimately leaves us with more questions than when we began. PB 9780889713246 £18.50 October 2016 Nightwood Editions 96 pages

If I Were In A Cage I'd Reach Out For You Adele Barclay This is a collection that travels through both time and place, liminally occupying the chasm between Canadiana and Americana mythologies. These poems dwell in surreal pockets of the everyday warped landscapes of modern cities and flood into the murky basin of the intimate. Amidst the comings and goings, there’s a sincere desire to connect to others, an essential need to reach out, to redraft the narratives that make kinship radical and near. These poems are love letters to the uncomfortable, the unfathomable, and the altered geographies that define our own misshapen understandings of the world. PB 9780889713277 £18.50 October 2016 Nightwood Editions 96 pages

Riding the Northern Range Poems from the Last Best-West Ted Stone This anthology of the best cowboy poetry from the wranglers of yesteryear and today includes works by Ian Tyson, Wallace McRae, Mike Logan and Corky Williams. Settle down by the campfire and pull out this little gem for a taste of the Old West. PB 9781551050553 £9.99 December 1994 Lone Pine Publishing 160 pages

The Duende of Tetherball Tim Bowling The Duende of Tetherball fearlessly ransacks the scrutinizing role of the past on the present; the interactions and accountabilities of ourselves and other species; the challenges and pleasures of getting older and forever striving to balance our most cherished and often incomprehensible relationships both with the world and each other. Bowling strives to account for and address our human need to resolve the tension between personal freedom and a world burdened by increasing homogenization and centralized control by adopting an industry of personal fortitude and thoughtful redress. He seeks to remember and to remember again the lessons polished over a lifetime. PB 9780889713253 £18.50 October 2016 Nightwood Editions 96 pages

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Witness, I Am Gregory Scofield Witness, I Am is divided into three gripping sections of new poetry from one of Canada’s most recognized poets. The first part of the book, “Dangerous Sound,” contains contemporary themed poems about identity and belonging, undone and rendered into modern sound poetry. “Muskrat Woman,” the middle part of the book, is a breathtaking epic poem that considers the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women through the reimagining and retelling of a sacred Cree creation story. The final section of the book, “Ghost Dance,” raids the autobiographical so often found in Scofield’s poetry, weaving the personal and universal into a tapestry of sharp poetic luminosity. From “Killer,” Scofield eerily slices the dreadful in with the exquisite: “I could, this day of proficient blooms, / take your fingers, / tie them down one by one. This one for the runaway, / this one for the joker, / this one for the sass-talker, / this one for the judge, / this one for the jury. / Oh, I could kill you.” PB 9780889713239 £18.50 October 2016 Nightwood Editions 96 pages

Popular Culture Complete Cowboy Reader Remembering the Open Range Ted Stone The mythical cowboy on horseback, six shooter in hand, has come to displace a far more remarkable and genuinely heroic figure: the real working cowboy. These authentic depictions of the harsh and often brutal life on the frontier speak with the authority of the people who were there. PB 9781551051154 £13.99 October 1997 Lone Pine Publishing 264 pages

Psychology The Empathic Ghost Hunter Bety Comerford, Steve Wilson. This book is different from your typical how-to guide for ghost hunting. It's designed to give the empath, and anyone sensitive to energy, tools for accepting things that go bump in the night. Empathic ghost hunters will learn to depend not only on the energy of the living, but that of the dead as they search out paranormal activity. Each chapter includes a story, taken from the authors' experiences in their own ghost-hunting practice, as well as a lesson for empaths or those wishing to better their empathy skills. Find out how to "lighten" a space, a house, or a life, by changing the energy, thereby allowing ghosts to move on. Discover what an empath feels and what he/she can do to work with the gift of empathy. Now you can unravel and demystify the phenomena of the paranormal, and bring light to a subject fraught with fear and misunderstanding. HB 9780764354090 £14.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 112 pages

Puzzles & Quizzes Bathroom Book of Florida Trivia Weird, Wacky and Wild (Bathroom Book Series) Michael Shaffer, Andrew Fleming, Peter Tyler Read this entertaining and lighthearted collection of facts from every facet of the Sunshine State. What is the coldest temperature on record in Florida? What was Florida's worst year for hurricanes? How did Florida get its name? Where is the site of the world's largest theme park? Answers to these questions and more in the Bathroom Book of Florida Trivia. PB 9781897278246 £14.99 May 2007 Blue Bike Books 216 pages

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Bathroom Book of Northern California Trivia Weird, Wacky and Wild (Bathroom Book Series) Monica Woelfel, Lisa Wojna, Patrick Henaff Northern California is about as interesting place in the U.S. as it gets when it comes to amazing places, fascinating curiosities and eccentric people. In this entertaining collection of trivia, learn about the origin of California surfing, North America's most famous wine growing region, the remains of the 1849 Great Gold Rush and the origins of a renowned chees. PB 9781897278239 £14.99 May 2007 Blue Bike Books 248 pages

Florida Sports Trivia Ed Maloney, J Alexander Poulton With the Sunshine State's legendary coaches, influential athletes and historical sporting achievements, it's no wonder Florida fans are so dedicated. Florida Sports Trivia highlights the interesting, fun and quirky facts that every sports fan should know: In 1964, in his first world championship fight held in Miami Beach, it took a young Cassius Marcellus Clay less than 20 minutes to prove the oddsmakers wrong and shake up the world; The 1972 Miami Dolphins were the only team in pro football history to have gone undefeated en route to winning the Super Bowl; When University of Florida medical researchers developed a sports drink aimed at improving athletic performance, they named it after the school's football team; Gatorade is now the number one sports energy drink and more. PB 9781897277607 £11.50 April 2011 Overtime Books 216 pages

Minnesota Trivia Weird, Wacky and Wild Jeff Neidt, Lisa Wojna Minnesota is full of fascinating and often humorous stories of strange places, bizarre events, intriguing history and colourful characters: A SPAM museum, located in the town of Austin, is dedicated entirely to that canned meat product; F Scott Fitzgerald, Judy Garland and Bob Dylan are all native Minnesotans; The Mall of America in Bloomington covers an area of 9.5 million square feet -- roughly the size of 78 football fields; Minnesota is the birthplace of the Jolly Green Giant and Wheaties cereal, masking and Scotch tape, Bisquick, Aveda beauty products and the stapler; The world's largest pelican statue stands more than 15 feet tall in downtown Pelican Rapids, near Pelican River; Minneapolis' famed skyway system connects 52 blocks of the downtown core; The state has 15,291 lakes and 90,000 miles of shoreline, which is more than California, Florida and Hawaii's shorelines combined; Minnesota has the most groomed snowmobile trails in the country -- 2000 miles worth. And so much more… PB 9781897278338 £14.99 March 2008 Blue Bike Books 224 pages

Religion & Beliefs Can Religious Life Be Prophetic? Michael Crosby In our chaotic world, people from all walks of life hunger for a sense of direction and purpose. This is especially true for lay and religious Christians seeking resources to live with faith and work for social justice. But too often, Christians lose sight of the treasures we inherit from scripture and tradition. In Can Religious Life Be Prophetic? , Michael Crosby, a Franciscan priest and authoritative voice in Catholic renewal, helps us rediscover the abundant gifts of Christianity. By making the great prophetic voices of scripture come alive he shows us how we can renew our spiritual lives, invigorate our communities, and revitalize the church as a whole. PB 9780824522704 £18.99 March 2005 Crossroad Publishing Company 192 pages

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Chinese Ghosts Revisited A Study of Paranormal Beliefs and Experiences Charles Emmons Do the Hong Kong Chinese experience ghosts, hauntings, spirit mediumship, ESP and other paranormal phenomena just like British and Americans? Or is their culture so different that the ghost accounts in this book will seem bizarre to anyone else? This classic presentation of cases is based on 3,600 interviews, questionnaires and observations in Hong Kong in 1980/81, updated by recent materials over 30 years later. Interestingly, in spite of clear influences from ancestor worship and Confucian/Taoist/Buddhist culture, parapsychological theories of apparitions from the West also apply to the Chinese cases. For this 2017 edition, Charles Emmons has revisited his earlier conclusions and added new material that has come to light in the intervening years. This book remains the only major cross-cultural study comparing Chinese with Western ghost experiences. PB 9789881376442 £13.59 October 2017 Blacksmith Books 320 pages

Just This 365 Wisdom and Wit from the Teachings of Lee Lozowick Lee Lozowick This book is an inspiring collection of short teachings taken from the writings and personal communications of American spiritual teacher, Lee Lozowick (1943–2010). From the raw and practical to the sublime and mystical, these quotations touch upon every aspect of life, calling readers to stop, if only for five minutes a day, every day, or any day of the year. The title, “Just This,” represents a primary tenet of Lee’s teaching legacy. He asserts that we can return to the simplicity of what is, as it is, here and now. Dozens of his instructions focus around learning to unlearn, particularly the habits of the conclusion-making mind. Only with such a foundation can we see through layers of expectation and fear to make honest and clear choices, or enact meaningful change. “When we are living here and now, when we are accepting what is, Just This, then every thought and every gesture is a prayer.” Drawn from a wide variety of sources, including some never-before-published writings, Just This 365 addresses such important topics as kindness, generosity and compassion; good humor and good company; self observation; devotion and surrender to the Will of God; and presence and attention in everyday life and relationships. Not all deadly serious, however, some of these statements strike at the need to take ourselves more lightly. Pithy quotes can serve as excellent reminding factors. In the midst of difficult times, under stress, discouraged, hungry for comfort, the reader can take nourishment from these short inspiring reflections, and courage from these sometimes-fierce injunctions. Spiral 9781942493297 £20.99 September 2017 Hohm Press 416 pages

Nonlocal Nature The Eight Circuits of Consciousness James A Heffernan Nonlocal Nature: The Eight Circuits of Consciousness is a modern manual for self-realization. Some philosophers have postulated that the human nervous system is composed of a series of neurological circuits - eight of them - which are responsible for determining the broad range of behaviors humans, and potentially other creatures, exhibit. Biological safety, emotion and status, speaking and reasoning, social behaviors, and higher states of mind are all outlined in a coherent fashion in this eight circuit scheme, which is presented in such a way as to be relatable to and understandable by anyone. Coming to see ourselves, not necessarily as we would like to be, but rather as we are, can free us over time from the various degrees of bondage and suffering with which too many of us are afflicted. This book is less about the fast track to enlightenment and more about achieving a higher degree of internal and external freedom through the acknowledgment and experience of our true natures. Anyone interested in taking (and enjoying) the ride is welcome! PB 9781561845415 £28.99 October 2017 New Falcon Publications 192 pages

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Roll Away the Stone An Introduction to Aleister Crowley's Essays on the Psychology of Hashish Edited by Israel Regardie Israel Regardie is one of the most important figures in the twentieth century development of what many have termed the Western esoteric tradition, which normally refers to the synthesis accomplished by MacGregor Mathers within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn during the 1890s. Among those who proceeded to explore and build among this tradition are Israel Regardie and Aleister Crowley. In this 1968 classic, Regardie prefaces and expands upon Crowley's discovery that drugs initiate and stimulate the mystical state, providing the reader with a backgroud to Crowley's “The Herb Dangerous”. The intention was to publish a separate issue every Spring and Autumn for five years making ten numbers in all. Openly published in them were his superbly written essays on the psychology of hashish. These were his earliest overt admissions to the occasional use of hashish as a psychedelic agent. The first four issues of this periodical contained an important serial entitled “The Herb Dangerous”. The opening essay, “The Pharmacy of Hashish”, by an English chemist, E Whineray, was a clinical and chemical analysis of Cannabis Indica, whose first cousin is marijuana, Cannabis Sattiva. The second essay entitled “The Psychology of Hashish” was written by Oliver Haddo, one of the innumerable pseudonyms used by Aleister Crowley. It was succeeded in the third issue by The Poem of Hashish, written by Charles Baudelaire, and translated beautifully from the French by Crowley himself. The final installment of the serial consisted of selections from a fantastic piece of writing by H G Ludlow entitled “The Hashish Eater”. Easily a rival to de Quincy's “Confessions of an Opium Eater”, Ludlow's book was published by Harpers (New York, 1857). These four essays comprise the main body of this text. PB 9781561845118 £28.99 September 2017 New Falcon Publications 208 pages

Self-help Joyful Toddlers & Preschoolers Create a Life That You and Your Child Both Love Faith Collins Imagine a life where your toddler or preschooler is happy to do what you ask, and is able to move on, easily, when disappointed; Imagine getting all of your housework done while your child plays, or happily helps alongside you; Imagine truly enjoying your time with your child, and creating a life that feels fulfilling for both of you. “These things are possible for parents and children” asserts author Faith Collins, even with a child who is extra sensitive, demanding, needy, belligerent, or all at the same time. Collins is a preschooler teacher, parent coach and mother, who has witnessed such transformations repeatedly over many years. Her book is a treasury that provides readers with powerful, practical and positive tools to achieve harmony and joy in their own families. Her blog and popular online classes are available at ( The unique contribution of this book is its focus on creating a mutually responsive relationship -- meaning that both people respond quickly and positively to each other, even when they cannot do what the other person wants. In a warm and easy-going style, the author guides parents and caregivers in establishing and maintaining such mutually responsive relationships with their young ones, creating the basis for discipline, education, socialisation and a happier life together. Helping our children to develop these skills becomes a game-changer in all parentchild dynamics. Rare and precious! Faith’s book will very likely leave you feeling, “Yes, I can do this”. -- Kim John Payne, author of “Simplicity Parenting” PB 9781942493280 £20.99 October 2017 Hohm Press 288 pages

Sports California Sports Trivia Raul Guisado, J Alexander Poulton Enthusiasts and uber-fanatics of just about any sport you can think of can be found in California. Read about the interesting, kooky and popular stories that portray the rich sports culture of the Golden State: The Oakland Raiders is one of only two teams in the NFL to have played in the Super Bowl in four different decades; During the 2007 Summer X Games, skateboarder Jake Brown fell 45 feet before crashing to the ramp; the force of the fall knocked his shoes off, and he was unconscious for eight minutes; The signature patch O'Neill Surf Shop founder Jack O'Neill wears over his left eye was the result of an accident with an overly elastic surf leash prototype invented by his son and more. PB 9781897277614 £11.50 March 2011 Overtime Books 208 pages

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Kayak Fishing the Northern Gulf Coast Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana Ed Mashburn The Northern Gulf Coast region of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana is home to some of the best coastal fishing in the world. From redfish, speckled trout, and flounder inshore to big game fish such as mackerel, tarpon, and even billfish off the beaches, kayak anglers have a fishing paradise on these sunny waters. Use this guide to learn where to fish, how to fish, and where to eat and stay to plan the perfect fishing adventure. Best of all, it's all based on real personal experience from the editor of Southern Kayak Magazine. PB 9780764354113 £21.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 160 pages

Minnesota Sports Trivia Joel Rippel, J Alexander Poulton With the North Star State's legendary coaches, influential athletes and historical sporting achievements, it's no wonder Minnesota fans are so dedicated. Minnesota Sports Trivia highlights the state's sports triumphs, failures and quirky facts: Perry Werden of the Minneapolis Millers held the professional baseball home run record for 25 years before Babe Ruth broke it in 1920; Amelia Earhart played basketball at St Paul Central High School after moving to Minnesota from Kansas in 1913; A Lake City teenager named Ralph Samuelson invented water skiing in 1922; In 2006, at 54, curler Scott Baird of Bemidji became the oldest American to win a medal (bronze) at the Winter Olympics and more. PB 9781897277621 £11.50 April 2011 Overtime Books 208 pages

Ohio Sports Trivia Vince Guerrieri, J Alexander Poulton Ohio Sports Trivia lets you in on the little secrets every fan should know about the peculiar, unpredictable and sometimes unbelievable stories in Buckeye State sports: LeBron James went from being Ohio's golden boy to public enemy number one when he signed with thTe Miami Heat in 2010; Denton ''Cy'' Young, born in the tiny farming community of Gilmore, became the greatest pitcher of all time; Columbus native James ''Buster" Douglas shocked the world when he K.O.-ed Iron Mike Tyson in 1990 at a bout in Tokyo, Japan; The Reds' Johnny Vander Meer is the only pitcher in Major League Baseball history to throw back-to-back no-hitters; George Steinbrenner almost got the Cleveland Pipers into the NBA in the early 1960s, long before he bought the New York Yankees; Bowling Green State University contributed two players to the "Miracle on Ice" men's hockey team that won the gold medal at the 1980 Winter Olympics and so much more... PB 9781897277652 £11.50 August 2011 Overtime Books 224 pages

Texas Sports Trivia Tim Price, J Alexander Poulton The Wildcatter attitude and thirst for winning have supplied the world with great players and personalities in nearly every sport. Bringing together stories of athletic heroics, hard-fought rivalries, memorable characters and unforgettable moments, Texas Sports Trivia combines the quirky, the comical and the unusual: Seven-time winner of the Tour de France, Dallas-born Lance Armstrong once rode up the ChampsElysees at the finish holding the Lone Star flag high, but nearly crashed when it caught in the chain of his bicycle; AstroTurf got its name when it was installed in the Houston Astrodome; the real grass died after the roof's skylights were painted over; Before becoming president of the United States, George W. Bush was the managing partner of the Texas Rangers baseball club; In 1973, East Texas-born George Foreman took on an undefeated Joe Frazier and knocked him out in the second round to win the World Heavyweight Championship; The largest 100-mile cycling event in the nation, the Hotter'N Hell Hundred pays homage to our 100-degree temperatures and is contested by almost 15,000 participants in the blowtorch heat every August and many more… PB 9781897277591 £11.50 October 2010 Overtime Books 232 pages

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The Global Outdoor Survival Guide Basic to Advanced Skills for Every Environment Joe Vogel Whether you are looking to brush up on your outdoor skills, are preparing for a thrilling and adventurous ecotour or excursion, or are an experienced hiker, camper, or otherwise, this book is for you. Outdoor survival techniques for each of the earth's ecosystems are covered and each environment provides its own set of skills, observations, and steps to not only survive, but also enjoy that environment. A basic set of skills (shelter, food, defense, and first aid) and how tos (fire starting, rope making, trapping, and more) are also included that can be used anywhere from the local park to a multi-day hike in Asia. A must for any seasoned excursionist or beginner gearing up for the outdoors. PB 9780764354267 £25.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 256 pages

Washington Sports Trivia Greg Oberst, J Alexander Poulton Essential information and outrageous anecdotes...a must-read for every true Washington sports fan that showcases the long-standing rivalries, quirky characters and memorable moments of both amateur and pro sports in Washington State: Mariners Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr. were the first father-son duo to play together on the same major-league team; they also hit back-to-back homers; Sports Illustrated once called bowling's first Million Dollar Man, Earl Anthony of Tacoma, "the second greatest athlete from the state of Washington," behind only the great John Stockton of Zags and Utah Jazz; In 1930, Orin E "Babe" Hollingbery led the WSU Cougars football team to the Rose Bowl, their last appearance in that bowl game for 67 years; Seattle Sounders FC midfielder Freddie Ljungberg is perhaps as famous for modeling Calvin Klein underwear as he is for his work on the soccer field; At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the UW Huskies rowing crew took gold medals in shocking victories over the Germans and Italians, much to the ire of Adolf Hitler; Only in Seattle could an indoor NBA game get rained out -- on 5 January 1986, the Sonics were playing the Phoenix Suns at the aging, leaky Seattle Center Coliseum and much more. PB 9781897277515 £11.50 April 2010 Overtime Books 224 pages

Travel Backroads of Central and Northern British Columbia Joan Donaldson-Yarmey Find out what you need to know about the backroads of northern and central British Columbia with this informative book. Includes what to see, how to get there, and interesting notes about what you will see along the way. Explore the best-ever backcountry getaways and hidden treasures. The perfect holiday planner. PB 9781551052250 £11.50 July 2000 Lone Pine Publishing 224 pages

True Crime True Crime Canada Box Set Canadian Crimes & Capers, Mobsters & Rumrunners of Canada (Great Canadian Stories Series) Angela Murphy, Gord Steinke, Peter Boer Includes 3 books: Crimes & Capers; Mobsters & Rumrunners; Canadian Crime Investigations. Quality pack 9781894864633 £33.99 August 2006 Folklore Publishing 432 pages

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Warfare & Defence Paracord Knife Handle Wraps The Complete Guide, from Tactical to Asian Styles Jan Dox Paracord handle wraps are popular with respect to survival knives and tactical knives. They rest comfortably in your hand, they are slip-proof, and they're impervious to moisture and temperature fluctuations. In an emergency, the wrap can often be undone and then you have a practical rope at hand. This clear, straightforward guide teaches everything you need to know, including selecting the paracord itself and weaving the correct wrap styles for underlays, tactical uses, skeleton handles, and more. Over 16 styles and approaches are covered, from basic handle wraps to standard military or looped wraps, to paradox wraps, all the way up to artistic Japanese tsukamaki handle wraps. The techniques are explained step by step, including detailed photos. The costs for making your wraps, in materials and tools, are minimal, and you can equip both your handmade knives and your manufactured knives with paracord handle wraps. Spiral 9780764354250 £21.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 160 pages

The Last Veterans of World War II Portraits and Memories Richard Bell Chronicling the many faces of the WWII effort, these contemporary black-and-white portraits of the longest surviving veterans remind us that the war comprised a collection of Americans from all walks of life. Their penetrating gaze captures the ethos of the endeavor of war. Intimate memories offer glimpses into the horrifying, and at times awe-inspiring, reality of war. The faces of these veterans, from all branches, are juxtaposed with images of their youthful selves and serve as a visual representation of the expanse of their life experiences. Appealing to the families of soldiers, academics, history buffs, and veterans of other wars, this collection is a testament to the spirit of patriotism and strength of a collective American effort. HB 9780764353628 £21.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 128 pages

Tupolev Tu-16 Versatile Cold War Bomber Yefim Gordon, Dmitriy Komissarov, Vladimir Rigmant Developed to meet a Soviet Ministry of Defense requirement for a fast bomber that would counter the threat posed by NATO, the Tu-16 was a ground-breaking project. It was the first Soviet medium bomber to feature swept wings, and it was built around a pair of turbojets that were the world's most powerful jet engines at the time. First flown in 1952, the Tu-16 filled such roles as nuclear bomb delivery, missile strike, reconnaissance, and Electronic Counter Measures. It also served as the basis for the first Soviet jet airliner, the Tu-104. Nearly 1,500 were built for the Soviet Air Force and the Soviet Navy, and the Tu-16 showed remarkable longevity, the final examples being retired in 1993. The type saw quite a bit of combat -- from the Six-Days War of 1967 to the Afghan War. The Tu-16 was also produced in China and remains in Chinese service to this day. All known versions are described, as is the Tu-16's operational career. The book features many hitherto unpublished photos. HB 9780764354182 £68.99 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 464 pages

USS Iowa (BB-61) The Story of "The Big Stick" from 1940 to the Present (Legends of Warfare: Naval Series) David Doyle. The USS Iowa (BB-61) was the lead ship in the United States Navy's last, and most battle-worthy, battleship class, which also included the New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Missouri. This volume explores Iowa's design, construction, launching, and commissioning, as well as its extensive wartime activities in both World War II and Korea. Also covered are its post-Korea years in the reserve "mothball fleet," recommissioning in 1984, and coverage of the tragic 1989 turret explosion that killed forty-seven sailors. The carefully researched photos, many of which have never before been published, are reproduced in remarkable clarity, and coupled with descriptive and informative captions, this book puts the reader on the deck of this historic warship throughout her history. HB 9780764354175 £17.50 October 2017 Schiffer Publishing 128 pages

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