Gazelle Academic American Politics & International Studies New Titles
Baylor University Press , ĂĐŬĞƩ Publishing Company Ibidem Press Nova Science Publishers ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚůŝƩ ĞƌĂƚƵƌ AB Sussex Academic Press University of Regina Press Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Contents Baylor University Press
Hackett Publishing Company
Ibidem Press
Nova Science Publishers
Studentlitteratur AB
Sussex Academic Press
University of Regina Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Baylor University Press From Tolerance to Equality How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage Darel E. Paul Over the last twenty-five years, a dramatic transformation in the American public’s view of homosexuality has occurred, symbolized best by the movement of same-sex marriage from the position of a fringe few to the pinnacle of morality and a cornerstone of establishment thought. From Tolerance to Equality explores how this seismic shift of social perspective occurred and why it was led by the country’s educational and business elite. Rejecting claims of a commitment to toleration or a heightened capacity for moral sympathy, author Darel E. Paul argues that American elites use opinion on homosexuality as a mark of social distinction and thus as a tool for accumulating cultural authority and political power. Paul traces this process through its cultural pathways as first professionals and, later, corporate managers took up the cause. He marshals original data analysis and chapters on social class and the family, the ideology of diversity, and the waning status of religious belief and authority to explore the factors behind the cultural changes he charts. Paul demonstrates the high stakes for same-sex marriage’s mostly secular proponents and mostly religious opponents—and explains how so many came to fight so vigorously on an issue that directly affects so few. In the end, From Tolerance to Equality is far more than an explanation of gay equality and same-sex marriage. It is a road map to the emerging American political and cultural landscape. HB 9781481306942 £34.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 256 pages
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America, Aristotle, and the Politics of a Middle Class Leslie G. Rubin Aristotle’s political imagination capitalizes on the virtues of a middle-class republic. America’s experiment in republican liberty bears striking similarities to Aristotle’s best political regime— especially at the point of the middling class and its public role. Author Leslie Rubin, by holding America up to the mirror of Aristotle, explores these correspondences and their many implications for contemporary political life. Rubin begins with the Politics, in which Aristotle asserts the best political regime maintains stability by balancing oligarchic and democratic tendencies, and by treating free and relatively equal people as capable of a good life within a law-governed community that practices modest virtues. The second part of the book focuses upon America, showing how its founding opinion leaders prioritized the virtues of the middle in myriad ways. Rubin uncovers a surprising range of evidence, from moderate property holding by a large majority of the populace to citizen experience of both ruling and being ruled. She singles out the importance of the respect for the middle-class virtues of industriousness, sobriety, frugality, honesty, public spirit, and reasonable compromise. Rubin also highlights the educational institutions that foster the middle class— public education affords literacy, numeracy, and job skills, while civic education provides the history and principles of the nation as well as the rights and duties of all its citizens. Wise voices from the past, both of ancient Greece and postcolonial America, commend the middle class. The erosion of a middle class and the descent of political debate into polarized hysteria threaten a democratic republic. If the rule of the people is not to fall into demagoguery, then the body politic must remind itself of the requirements—both political and personal—of free, stable, and fair political life. HB 9781481300544 £43.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 310 pages
Hackett Publishing Company The Accessible Federalist A Modern English Translation of 16 Key Federalist Papers S. Adam Seagrave This modern English version of sixteen of Publius' most important essays is designed to set forth their argument in the clearest terms: the promise of the U.S. Constitution. Though The Federalist was itself written for the same purpose, the complexity of its prose and the meaning of several of its key terms have now passed out of currency—with the result that the original texts are now less able to communicate effectively to the uninitiated than they were when the first essays were published in 1787. Faithfully re-phrased for modern readers by an established and respected scholar of American political thought—and supplemented by quotations from the original texts—the selected essays included here offer today’s readers a judicious and effective first approach to The Federalist's most important ideas. HB 9781624665516 £30.99 February 2017 Hackett Publishing Company 144 pages PB 9781624665509 £9.99 February 2017 Hackett Publishing Company 138 pages
Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / / 2
Ibidem Press Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right A Guide to Archives - Volumes I-IV Archie Henderson This truly unique collection is the essential guide to archival research on conservatism, the right wing, and the far right, offering a detailed overview of primary sources in all media. It details documents, film, video, sound recordings, microfilm and microfiche, cartoons, sheet music, newspaper art, and more housed in more than 4500 archives across twenty-two countries. Designed as an indispensable reference work for anyone researching in the field of right-wing politics, this astonishingly detailed account includes: - collections of personal and institutional papers, - archives of right-wing periodicals in the Japanese, Romanian, and Russian languages, - collections of pamphlets, ephemera, vertical files, and press cuttings, - oral histories, - library-accessible commercial databases, - digitized collections and exhibitions, - archived web sites, - microfilm and microfiche collections with right-wing material. The description of each archive contains its physical address and other identifying information, a summary of its contents and highlights, lists of publications and web pages citing the archive, and links to online finding aids. This book will be a crucial guide for anyone conducting primary research in the field. HB 9783838211954 £99.00 May 2018 Ibidem Press 3000 pages
In Statu Nascendi Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations 2018/1 Piotr Pietrzak In Statu Nascendi is a new peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of political philosophy, cultural studies, theory of international relations, foreign policy, and the political decisionmaking process. The journal investigates specific issues through a sociocultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the “stage-of-becoming” plays a vital role. Issue 2018:1 comprises, among others, the following articles: - Corporate Instrumentalization of Deliberative Democracy in Global Governance -Being Transgender and Transgender Being -A Comparative Study Between Levinas and Kierkegaard on Subjectivity and the Self -The Kremlin’s Reaction to the St. Petersburg Metro Attacks Seen Through the Prism of Russian Intervention in Syria - Donald Trump's Visit to Saudi Arabia, Saudi-Iranian Relations, and the Future of the Iranian Nuclear Deal - The United Kingdom on the Verge of a “Constitutional Crisis”: Between the Possibility of a Second Referendum on the Membership in the European Union and a Potential Second Vote on Scottish Independence PB 9783838212296 £40.00 September 2018 Ibidem Press 248 pages
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Nova Science Publishers Bill Clinton America’s Bridge to the 21st Century Karen Clark Bill Clinton, the first president born after the end of World War II, brought a new generation’s vision and attitude to the White House. His 1992 defeat of overwhelming favorite George H. W. Bush, who was running for a second term, is a fascinating story of the fickleness of presidential popularity. Clinton was an unknown Governor of Arkansas when he won the Democratic nomination, most big-name candidates having opted to forgo what they viewed as a hopeless race. Clinton emerged from a troubled childhood in Arkansas to become a Rhodes Scholar and a Yale Law School graduate. He was a man of great ambition, intellect and determination, but it was his charismatic personality and ability to reach out with empathy to others that made him such a popular president. While his inexperience led to bungling some legislative opportunities, he skillfully shepherded other measures through Congress while keeping the country peaceful and increasingly prosperous during his two terms in office. His presidency was marred by scandals created by his engagement in inappropriate sexual relationships with women, scandals for which he was relentlessly pursued by enemies willing to use scorched-earth tactics to try to destroy him. Clinton possessed unsurpassed resiliency, labeling himself the “Comeback Kid,” and managed to survive only the second impeachment in American history. Clinton left a legacy of peace and prosperity when he left office at the start of the 21st century, but the nation had become far more politically divisive. HB 9781536122640 £199.99 September 2017 Nova Science Publishers 330 pages
Peru Conditions, Issues, & U.S. Relations Edited by Mark Flores Peru and the United States have a strong and cooperative relationship. Several issues in U.S.Peruvian relations are likely to be considered in decisions by Congress and the Administration on future aid to and cooperation with Peru. The United States supports the strengthening of Peru’s democratic institutions, counternarcotics efforts, security and respect for human rights, and environmental protection. A dominant theme in bilateral relations is the effort to stem the flow of illegal drugs, mostly cocaine, between the two countries. In the economic realm, the United States supports bilateral trade relations and Peru’s further integration into the world economy. This book provides an overview of Peru’s political, economic, and security conditions and of U.S.Peruvian relations. PB 9781536104967 £53.99 January 2017 Nova Science Publishers 80 pages
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Homeland Security Perceptions, Threats & Challenges Edited by Winston Davidson In this book, Chapter One explains how President Trump has organised his security apparatus, offers observations on his NSA and HSA, notes the way Trump has fused the NSC and HSC support staffs, assesses how the new commander-in-chief might employ his decision making system in the event certain national security scenarios arise, and concludes with comments on the President’s unique approach to national security decision making. Chapter Two aims to make sense of the last three and a half decades of border enforcement strategy as a prologue for future efforts. Chapter Three defines crisis communication, highlights its connection to homeland security via the co-production of public safety and public order, and discusses its practical implications for social media. Chapter Four investigates case studies of people who have fallen the wrong side of the security services, both private and public. It discusses current approaches to identity cards and mass surveillance and how these can be more effectively implemented. Finally, Chapter Five dispels three myths about homeland security: 1) it began with 9/11, 2) terrorism is the problem, and 3) counterterrorism is the primary mission. PB 9781536122725 £71.99 July 2017 Nova Science Publishers 135 pages
New Age of the Confederacy Trump & the Surge in National Disunity Donald K Sharpes This book is a chronicle of the astonishing rise of Donald Trump and reveals the personality and policies of the 45th president throughout the presidential campaign and the early months of the administration. The early chapters in the first section record his lies and deceits, his fumbles and failures, his mishaps and mistakes, his continuing ignorance and idiocies. Sections also include indictments of Congress’s hypocrisy in not condemning Trump’s errant and misguided policies, in tolerating his endorsement of white supremacist activities and dangerous Russian intrusions into the U.S. electoral process. The general voting public is also to blame for electing such a toxic personality as our Commander-in-Chief and America’s representative to the world. A second section describes the libertarian philosophy and its ongoing influence in our political process, Steven Bannon’s influence on Trump’s domestic policies, and details historical parallels of Trump to events during the Andrew Jackson administration. The following chapters describe ancient philosophical principles of Plato and Aristotle that highlight how the management of the state can proceed with virtue as its chief governing principle. A final chapter describes selected historical revolts that have reshaped the national character, and an epilogue concludes with an assessment of how democracy can descend into chaos and uncertainty and still rebound. HB 9781536128239 £199.99 November 2017 Nova Science Publishers 196 pages
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The Long Path to Freedom Sources of Legal History of Washington, D.C. in the Home Rule Era. An Annotated Bibliography Christopher Anglim This book is the only annotated bibliography of primary and secondary works documenting the history of home rule in the District of Columbia. How the District should be governed has long been controversial and its current governing framework is the product of a tortured evolution. The issue essentially has been the debating for over 200 years of how much power local residents should have over a city that also serves as the nation’s capital. This larger question of federalism is also reflected in many subsidiary questions, such as those involving taxation, the power of local officials, zoning, and who is authorized to make decisions on major health issues such abortion, euthanasia, and marijuana. While many of these issues may be local to DC, decisions regarding them can greatly impact the nation as a whole. It is frequently argued that DC residents do not receive an equal voice with residents of the states. Such a paradox raises thorny questions concerning how truly equal and democratic is the United States of America. HB 9781536129502 £199.99 December 2017 Nova Science Publishers 254 pages
Latinos in the 21st Century Their Voices and Lived Experiences Edited by Inigo Alvarez, Ada Vargas Latinos in the 21st Century: Their Voices and Lived Experiences opens with the presentation of a study consisting of written surveys, focus groups, and individual interviews with 58 men and women who were seeking employment through the Malibu Community Labor Exchange (MCLE) at the time of the study and were predominantly Hispanic immigrants. A central aim of this study is to develop an understanding of how Spanish-speaking Hispanic immigrant day laborers have fared financially in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2007-2008, while also providing insights on the important role that a labor exchange, such as the MCLE, plays in the financial wellbeing of Hispanic immigrant workers. Additionally, the use of a narrative approach to facilitating therapeutic conversations as a model for understanding and empowering Latinas and their lived experiences. The resiliency and strengths of Latina immigrants in adapting and coping with resettlement in a new country are also addressed. Next, the authors present an analysis usiung 2015 American Community Survey data to explore the determinants of homeownership among Cuban-Americans in the U.S. Homeownership is an important wealth-generating mechanism and access to it can determine the future socio-economic standing of the second generation and beyond. Drawing insights from the literatures on systemic racism and assimilation, this analysis tests two competing theories of homeownership stratification among Cuban-Americans. The final chapter focuses on the Latino migrant worker experience in the United States and its impact on their living conditions. Latino migrant workers (LMWs) constitute a paradigmatic case of a population subject to structural vulnerability. The authors argue that the dysfunctional U.S. immigration system creates a system of structural vulnerability which generates precarious circumstances in LMWs’ everyday lives and health status. PB 9781536130744 £71.99 February 2018 Nova Science Publishers 129 pages
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Understanding Left and Right An Illustrated Guide to the Political Divide Alan Singer This book about the complicated meaning of left and right in politics carries the optimistic message that rational truth seeking can lead people towards the center and away from extreme positions. There is of course a major argument to the contrary, which is that political activities are very substantially determined by narrow interests, vague intuitions and strong emotions. Although rationality has indeed been diluted in contemporary politics, it is likely that much remains below the surface. Accordingly, there still might be time for therapeutic interventions aimed at nudging millions of minds towards a balanced political center. The book intervenes in a disarming and calming way. Throughout the 32 short chapters, a wide variety of politically-loaded thoughts are attributed to a pair of cartoon dogs. Left-dog and rightdog are duly introduced in the first chapter, where readers will immediately see that they are friendly and not fighting. Indeed, there is no such thing as dog-eat-dog in the community of truthseekers. There are a few diagrams in each chapter that readers (or their students or children) are invited to color-in to represent the two political sides. Each chapter sets out some distinctive divide-bridging insights into basic issues such as truth, ethics, passions, hopes, intentions, genders, orientations, abortions, boundaries, identities, language, leaders, inequalities and ecologies to mention just a few. Any one of the 32 chapters can be contemplated in private, discussed between family members or taught as a stand-alone exercise. Prudently selected chapters would fit with ease into just about every course in business schools, but also in college level courses across the entire spectrum of the social sciences, including philosophy. This might seem like a ludicrously-hyped marketing claim for any serious book, but readers are urged to try it out for themselves and their relatives, colleagues or students and see what happens. PB 9781536132793 £82.99 April 2018 Nova Science Publishers 157 pages
Alaska Economic, Environmental, and Social Issues Edited by Thomas Lewis The authors begin this collection by linking human and ecological systems research to analyze resource management decisions for Alaska’s first submerged aquatic invasive plant, Elodea spp.. A case study is presented which may aid other countries in management of elodea by outlining steps for future policy-making, with the goal of retaining the ecological integrity and economic value of Alaska’s vast freshwater resources. Next, the authors use the De Martonne aridity index and the UNEP Index to determine the humidity of Alaska’s Prince William Sound. The indices for climate variability indicate higher humidity in the western sides and lower humidity in the eastern sides. These results highlight the spatial distribution of the climate variables in Prince William Sound from southcentral Alaska. Following this, the Bering Glacier in South Alaska is analyzed for its size resultant from complexities of geographical position, accumulation area, and climate conditions. The results of the analysis illustrate the high variation of the Bering Glacier movements in response to climate change. The concluding chapter examines the beginning of orderly social policy in Russian America in 1784, when well-known merchant G.I. Shelikhov founded the first permanent Russian settlement on Kodiak Island off the southern coast of Alaska. A certain impetus to social policy was created by the monopoly Russian-American Company after their coming to power in Russian colonies of naval officers in 1818. The RussianAmerican Company abolished slavery, increased payments for furs, supplied natives with food during hunger strikes, and conducted mass vaccinations. Thus, the life of the Aleuts and dependent Eskimos slowly but gradually improved. PB 9781536134377 £82.99 March 2018 Nova Science Publishers 186 pages
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Abdul Aziz Said The Mualim, The Inspiration Edited by Abdul Karim Bangura, Mohammed Abu-Nimer What appears in this book are the selected and thoroughly revised papers from the international conference in honor of Mualim/Honorable Teacher and Professor Abdul Aziz Said, which convened in the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC on March 19, 2015. Scholars and activists who came from across the globe presented papers dealing with Mualim Said’s great pluridisciplinary work in the following areas and others that were not listed in the call for papers: African Studies; American Foreign Policy; Basic Human Needs and International Development; Ethnic Studies; Human Rights in International Relations and Ethics; Humanitarianism; International Peace and Conflict Resolution; Islamic Studies and Peace; Jewish Studies; Middle Eastern Studies; Spirituality; Religion and Peace; Sufi Tradition; and Theories of International Relations. For the sake of cohesion and coherence, the authors developed the following five clearly articulated rubrics within which the chapters are placed: (1) Celebratory Poems and Keynote Remarks; (2) Africa; (3) Religion and Spirituality; (4) Peace and Conflict Resolution; and (5) Human Needs, Rights, Development and Foreign Policy. Also, since this work is a Festschrift and all of the chapters have lucid introductions and conclusions, the authors saw no need to add a general introduction and a general conclusion chapter that would have led to unnecessary redundancies. HB 9781536134872 £199.99 March 2018 Nova Science Publishers 480 pages
Armed Conflict in the 21st Century The Information Revolution and Post-Modern Warfare Steven Metz Within the past decade, the U.S. military has implemented a number of programs to assess the changes underway in the global security environment and in the nature of warfare. Defense leaders and thinkers have concluded that revolutionary change is taking place and, if the United States develops appropriate technology, warfighting concepts, and military organizations, it can master or control this change, thus augmenting American security. In this monograph, Dr. Steven Metz, who was one of the earliest analysts of the strategic dimension of the revolution in military affairs, suggests that official thinking within the U.S. military may be too narrow. The information revolution, he contends, will have far-reaching strategic effects. The transformation it brings will not only be technological, but political, social, ethical and strategic as well. PB 9781536137033 £71.99 June 2018 Nova Science Publishers 129 pages
Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) Paid Speeches Edited by Christian Mellor This book is a compilation of speeches of the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. This includes topics on: Benghazi/Libya; China; Campaign Contributions; Egypt; Government Surveillance; Haiti; Russial; Taxes; Personal Wealth; North Korea; Mexico; Syria; Islam and much more. The information included in this book was initially released by WikiLeaks, the international non-profit organisation that was launched in 2006 for the purposes of disseminating original documents from anonymous sources. PB 9781536137941 £71.99 June 2018 Nova Science Publishers 80 pages
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U.S. Infrastructure Government Programs and Economic Impacts Edited by Juventino Valenzuela González The electrical grid in the US comprises all of the power plants generating electricity, together with the transmission and distribution lines and systems that bring power to end-use customers. The modernization of the grid to accommodate today’s more complex power flows is known as the “Smart Grid.” The first chapter of this book provides recent developments on the Smart Grid. In the second chapter, the economic impact of infrastructure investment is explored. Infrastructure investment has received renewed interest as of late, with both President Trump and some Members of Congress discussing the benefits of such spending. The third chapter examines cybersecurity issues as they relate to critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure is defined in the USA Patriot Act as “systems and assets, physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health and safety, or any combination of those matters.” The fourth chapter focuses on the “Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act” (WIFIA) program, which provides several potential benefits, as well as concerns which are discussed in this book. The last chapter addresses a number of frequently asked questions about earthquake risk and highway system components, especially bridges. PB 9781536141030 £71.99 October 2018 Nova Science Publishers 107 pages
Oversight and Controls of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Edited by Antony Galindo This book provides accounts of the oversight and operations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as reported by the office of the Inspector General. HB 9781536141801 £200.00 October 2018 Nova Science Publishers 345 pages
Key Reports from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of the Inspector General Edited by Debroah Ledoux This book provides meaningful reports from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of the Inspector General. In addition to providing details of some key successful operations within the agency, the reports also provide details about operations within the agency that need updated measures and controls to be effective. HB 9781536141825 £234.99 October 2018 Nova Science Publishers 430 pages
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Constitution Overview, Issues and Interpretations Edited by Jackelyn Haggerty While exercising its power to review the constitutionality of governmental action, the Supreme Court has relied on certain “methods” or “modes” of interpretation – that is, ways of figuring out a particular meaning of provision within the Constitution. The first chapter or report broadly describes the most common modes of constitutional interpretation. The next chapters herein examine the Speech or Debate Clause of the US Constitution; provides an overview of Congress’s power under the Constitution and Congress’s role in interpreting the nation’s founding document; and discusses contemporary issues for Congress with regards to Article V of the US Constitution, and the two methods by which the nation’s founding charter may be amended. PB 9781536141986 £71.99 October 2018 Nova Science Publishers 126 pages
Foreign Aid Developments, Analyses and Research Edited by Leslie McGuire Members of Congress and Administrations have periodically considered reorganizing the federal government’s trade and development functions to advance various policy objectives. This book examines the Trump administration’s 2019 budget request to consolidate OPIC and other agency development finance functions, specifically the DCA of the USAID, into new US development foreign agencies. The second report shows in tabular form how much the Administration requested and how much Congress appropriated for US payments to the multilateral development banks (MDBs) since 2000. The third report included in this book looks at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that provides economic assistance through a competitive selection process to developing nations that demonstrate positive performance in 1. Ruling justly, 2. Investing in people and 3. Fostering economic freedom. Next, an overview of US foreign assistance to Israel is provided. It includes a review of past aid programs, data on annual assistance and analysis of current issues. Finally, this book examines the legislative authorization and appropriation of funds for foreign aid and security cooperation which are potential vehicles for congressional responses to developments in Cameroon, along with oversight activities. Additionally, to date, the US has directed nearly $7.7 billion toward Syriarelated humanitarian assistance, and Congress has appropriated billions more to support security and stabilization initiatives in Syria and in neighboring countries. The chapters herein provide an overview on the Syria conflict and the US response in what is now its seventh year of conflict. HB 9781536141559 £139.99 October 2018 Nova Science Publishers 154 pages
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Studentlitteratur AB Window on the United States Donald S. McQueen For centuries the image of America has beckoned—its vast expanses, its rich and diverse culture, and its vigorous social life.Recently it has become hard to imagine a day without arresting headlines about events in the United States, and there is a constant discussion about how phenomena there are impacting the rest of the world. Even though the United States is in many cases viewed more critically today, to many people around the globe it remains the land of opportunity. This book provides a nuanced picture of the country—its resources and heritage, its advances and challenges. Window on the United States introduces readers to American geography, ethnic diversity, government, education, and social problems. It is primarily intended for universitylevel English language courses outside the United States, but it can also be of interest to general readers, including Americans. The author explains many basic concepts and phenomena with the foreign adult reader in mind and illustrates his points with numerous examples, including links to relevant podcasts and to websites for further research and reading. This 6th edition has been updated throughout and covers the 2016 presidential election and the beginning of the Donald Trump administration in 2017. PB 9789144083667 £44.00 December 2017 Studentlitteratur AB 299 pages
Sussex Academic Press Filipinas Everywhere Essays in Criticism & Cultural Studies from a Filipino Perspective E. San Juan, Jr. In this epoch of disastrous neoliberal globalization, E. San Juan's critique seizes the crisis in neocolonial Philippines as a point of intervention. As current Philippine President Duterte's timely war on drugs and corruption rages, San Juan foregrounds the facticity that Filipinos are once more confronted with the barbaric legacy of U.S. domination, legitimized today as "civilizing" humanitarianism. This wide-ranging discourse by a Filipino radical scholar interrogates the apologetic use of postcolonial dogmas, Saussurean semiology versus Peircean semiotics, Kafka's allegory on torture, Edward Said's use of Gramsci, and the postconceptual view of photography. The author also diagnoses the symptoms of nihilistic neoliberal ideology found in media discourses on diaspora, terrorism, and globalization. His critique of academic postcolonial studies sums up the arguments elaborated in his previous books, Beyond Postcolonial Theory (St. Martin's Press), After Postcolonialism (Rowman & Littlefield), and especially US Imperialism and Revolution in the Philippines (Palgrave Macmillan). Overall, San Juan seeks to deploy a historical-materialist perspective in elucidating the dialectical interplay of contradictory forces symbolized in art and diverse cultural texts. In the process, he delineates the contexts of events with the end view of generating revolutionary transformations in the Asian-Pacific islands marked by the prevalence of U.S. imperial hegemony in the global system. PB 9781845198664 £22.50 February 2017 Sussex Academic Press 192 pages
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University of Regina Press Being Kurdish in a Hostile World Ayub Nuri In Being Kurdish in a Hostile World, Ayub Nuri writes of growing up during the Iran-Iraq War, of Saddam Hussein's chemical attack that killed thousands in Nuri's home town of Halabja, of civil war, of living in refugee camps, and of years of starvation that followed the UN's sanctions. The story begins with the historic betrayal by the French and British that deprived the Kurds of a country of their own. Nuri recounts living through the 2003 American invasion and the collapse of Hussein's totalitarian rule, and how, for a brief period, he felt optimism for the future. Then came bloody sectarian violence, and recently, the harrowing ascent of ISIS, which Nuri reported from Mosul. PB 9780889774940 ÂŁ23.99 September 2017 University of Regina Press 304 pages
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Syria, Press Framing and the Responsibility to Protect E. Donald Briggs, Walter C. Soderlund, Tom Pierre Najem The Syrian Civil War has created the worst humanitarian disaster since the end of World War II, sending shock waves through Syria, its neighbours, and the European Union. Calls for the international community to intervene in the conflict, in compliance with the UN-sanctioned Responsibility to Protect (R2P), occurred from the outset and became even more pronounced following President Assad's use of chemical weapons against civilians in August 2013. Despite that egregious breach of international convention, no humanitarian intervention was forthcoming, leaving critics to argue that UN inertia early in the conflict contributed to the current crisis. Syria, Press Framing, and The Responsibility to Protect examines the role of the media in framing the Syrian conflict, their role in promoting or, on the contrary, discouraging a robust international intervention. The media sources examined are all considered influential with respect to the shaping of elite views, either directly on political leaders or indirectly through their influence on public opinion. The volume provides a review of the arguments concerning appropriate international responses to events in Syria and how they were framed in leading newspapers in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada during the crucial early years of the conflict; considers how such media counsel affected the domestic contexts in which American and British decisions were made not to launch forceful interventions following Assad's use of sarin gas in 2013; and offers reasoned speculation on the relevance of R2P in future humanitarian crises in light of the failure to protect Syrian civilians. PB 9781771123075 ÂŁ30.99 September 2017 Wilfrid Laurier University 288 pages
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Abdul Aziz Said Alaska America, Aristotle, and the Politics of a Middle Class Armed Conflict in the 21st Century Being Kurdish in a Hostile World Bill Clinton Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right Constitution Filipinas Everywhere Foreign Aid From Tolerance to Equality Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) Paid Speeches Homeland Security In Statu Nascendi Key Reports from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of the Inspector General Latinos in the 21st Century New Age of the Confederacy Oversight and Controls of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Peru Syria, Press Framing and the Responsibility to Protect The Accessible Federalist The Accessible Federalist The Long Path to Freedom U.S. Infrastructure Understanding Left and Right Window on the United States
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