Gazelle january2018

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Gazelle Forthcoming January 2018


Gazelle Books

Stevan Eldred-Grigg & Hugh Eldred-Grigg This book looks at the lives of New Zealanders during the greatest armed struggle the world has ever seen: the Second World War. It is not a political, economic or military history; rather it explores what life was like during the war years for ordinary people living under the New Zealand flag. It questions the war as a story of ‘good’ against ‘bad’. All readers know that the Axis powers behaved ruthlessly, but how many are aware of the brutality of the Allied powers in bombing and starving ‘enemy’ towns and cities? New Zealand colluded in and even carried out such brutal aggressions. Were we, in going to war, really on the side of the angels? Contrary to the propaganda of the time -- and subsequent memory -- going to war did not unite New Zealanders: it divided them, often bitterly. People disagreed over whether or not we should fight, what we were fighting for and why, who was fighting, who was paying, and who was dying. In this provocative and moving book, Stevan and Hugh Eldred-Grigg explore New Zealanders’ hopes and fears, beliefs and superstitions, shortages and affluence, rationing and greed, hysteria and humour, violence and kindness, malevolence and generosity, to argue that New Zealand need not have involved itself in the war at all. 424 pages * 170x240mm * colour illus * January 2018 * PB * 9780947522230 * £27.95 * Otago University Press Subject: Australasian & Pacific History Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Yahui Jiang Lee Recent years have seen a growing interest in Buddhist thought as a potential source of alternative conceptions of the nature of the mind and the relation between the mental and the physical. There is a long tradition in the West to regard Buddhism as a philosophy. This tradition was started by Enlightenment philosophers (those who like rational thinking so much) who saw in Buddhism an ancient religion which fit their ideal of a rational way of life. Buddhists assume that mental states can be both reportable events in phenomenal consciousness and have a ‘background’ causal influence on our experience and behaviour of which we are not immediately aware but need meditation and reflection to uncover. The book offers comprehensive studies and critical approaches on contemporary Buddhism to new directions in Buddhist Studies all over the world. It examines the historical, doctrinal, literary, social, political, developments that have formed contemporary versions of Buddhism, East and West. In all this Buddhism is predicated as an inhabited and relevant action-influencing worldview. This Monograph will investigate what the nature of mental states must be like to admit these possibilities and will examine whether Buddhist philosophies of mind are adequate to the task. The text has been conceived as an interdisciplinary discussion for the analysis and critical evaluation of the contribution of Buddhism to the emergence of a global culture. It will promote enquiry into and critical reflection upon the historical, doctrinal and political developments formative of contemporary Buddhism; the recent appropriations of the Buddhist traditions in Asia and the West; the self-understanding of these traditions and their mutual relations; and the dialogue between Buddhism and other world spiritual traditions. At the same time it develops a careful, probing analysis of the nature and practical dynamics of Buddhist ethics in both its unifying themes and in the particularities of different Buddhist traditions. The book applies Buddhist ethics to a range of issues of contemporary concern. This book is aimed at anyone interested in Buddhism, including students, scholars and general readers. 340 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177618 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Buddhism Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Ileana Dorji The Buddha intended his philosophy to be a practical one, aimed at the happiness of all creatures. While he outlined his metaphysics, he did not expect anyone to accept this on faith but rather to verify the insights for themselves; his emphasis was always on seeing clearly and understanding. To achieve this, however, requires a disciplined life and a clear commitment to liberation; the Buddha laid out a clear path to the goal and also observations on how to live life wisely. The core of this teaching is contained in the Noble Eightfold Path, which covers the three essential areas of Buddhist practice: ethical conduct, mental discipline ('concentration' or 'meditation'), and wisdom. The goals are to cultivate both wisdom and compassion; then these qualities together will enable one ultimately to attain enlightenment. The path is laid out in eight steps, but one may practice all of the steps simultaneously, since they work together. The first two steps or factors constitute Wisdom. The next three steps on the eightfold path constitute ethical conduct. The last three steps on the path are those which promote mental discipline. Right effort is the will to cultivate wholesome states of mind and eliminate evil or unwanted ones. Right mindfulness (or attentiveness) involves being keenly aware of the processes involved in one's daily existence, those of the body, the sensations, the mind and the experiencing of thoughts and ideas. Buddhist Moral Philosophy is a philosophical introduction to the teaching of the Buddha. It carefully guides readers through the basic ideas and practices of the Buddha, including kamma (karma), rebirth, the not-self doctrine, the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, ethics, meditation, nonattachment, and Nibbana (Nirvana). Mindfulness is practiced in Buddhist forms of meditation such as vipassana, through techniques like observation of the breath and bodily sensations. Right concentration refers to the progressive stages of dhyana (this is closer to what is called meditation in most Hindu traditions). In this discipline, the mind is gradually cleared of passionate desires, then thoughts, then finally even feelings of joy, until only pure awareness remains, in a state of perfect calm and equanimity. 328 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177632 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Buddhism Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Narain Moorjani, Nicola Viola & Christopher Caldarone Following on from the success of the international best-seller "Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery", the long awaited Key Questions in Congenital Cardiac Surgery will be the latest book in the Key Questions series to be released. Key Questions in Congenital Cardiac Surgery will systematically cover all the main topics involved in the current practice of a congenital cardiac surgeon. It will incorporate current guidelines for practice (such as from the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, British Paediatric Cardiac Association and European Society of Cardiology) and up-to-date information based on current literature. Each chapter will be structured to include the aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, indications for surgery, peri-operative management, surgical options and postoperative care. Possible complications will be discussed and the results of current practice presented. Importantly, there will be a section on basic sciences related to the practising congenital cardiac surgeon and a further section on congenital cardiac investigations with many images illustrating the variety of pathologies. Each chapter will also contain important references for further reading and greater depth of knowledge. The data and body of knowledge presented in this book is strictly evidence-based and is relevant to all congenital cardiac surgical trainees, at any stage of their training programme. It will provide residents, fellows and specialist registrars the necessary information to carry out their daily duties. Congenital cardiologists and paediatric cardiac intensive care unit specialists will also find the book useful in terms of the indications and surgical management of these patients, as they are integral to the congenital cardiac surgical process. Another important group is the nursing staff, physiotherapists and other professions allied to medicine working with patients with congenital cardiac disease either pre-operatively or postoperatively, as it will help to give a detailed understanding of the principles surrounding congenital cardiac surgical disease. 650 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * PB * 9781903378946 * ÂŁ75.00 * TFM Publishing Ltd Subject: Cardiothoracic Surgery Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Pirkko Markula & Marianne I Clark With the popularity of such reality TV shows as So You Think You Can Dance, dance has become increasingly visible within contemporary culture. This shift brings the ballet body into renewed focus. Historically both celebrated and critiqued for its thin, flexible, and highly feminised aesthetic, the ballet body now takes on new and complex meanings at the intersections of performance art, popular culture, and even fitness. The Evolving Feminine Ballet Body provides a local perspective to enrich the broader cultural narratives of ballet through historical, socio-cultural, political, and artistic lenses, redefining what many considered to be "high art." Scholars in gender studies, folklore, popular culture, and cultural studies will be interested in this collection, as well as those involved in the dance world. Contributors: Kelsie Acton, Marianne I. Clark, Kate Davies, Lindsay Eales, Pirkko Markula, Carolyn Millar, Jodie Vandekerkhove 248 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * PB * 9781772123340 * ÂŁ19.50 * University of Alberta Press Subject: Dance Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Heitor Vasile Adequate fibre in the diet is vital for maintaining gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health and for weight management and glycaemic control. Dietary fibre -- generally found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes -- is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation. But foods containing fibre can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. It can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers, and can also improve digestive health. Individuals with high intakes of dietary fibre appear to be at significantly lower risk for developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Increasing fibre intake lowers blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels. Increased intake of soluble fibre improves glycaemia and insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic and diabetic individuals. Fibre supplementation in obese individuals significantly enhances weight loss. Increased fibre intake benefits a number of gastrointestinal disorders including gastroesophageal reflux disease, duodenal ulcer, diverticulitis, constipation, and haemorrhoids. Prebiotic fibres appear to enhance immune function. Dietary fibre intake delivers similar benefits for children as for adults. This book deliberates critical findings from about the significance of dietary fibre and ways to get more fibre in our diet. The persistence of this text is to summarise the effects of dietary fibre on health. Most of the available information on disease prevalence and events are from epidemiological studies. While limited data are available on the effects of consumption of high-fibre foods or specific food sources of fibre, extensive data are available relating to the effects of fibre supplements on serum lipid values, weight management, post-prandial glycaemia, and gastrointestinal function. Consequently, the general consequences of fibre consumption will be studied and the prospective health benefits of particular high-fibre foods and supplements will be inspected. The text is exclusively designed for product developers, nutritionists, dietitians, researchers and practitioners, and regulatory bodies. 316 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177250 * ÂŁ160.99 * Scitus Academics Subject: Dietetics & Nutrition Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Khodadad Hajipour The experiences of Muslim women vary widely between and within different societies. At the same time, their adherence to Islam is a shared factor that affects their lives to a varying degree and gives them a common identity that may serve to bridge the wide cultural, social, and economic differences between them. Over the past decade, there has been a growing recognition of the significance of understanding economic conditions in a broad range of modern Muslim societies. Women’s status in Islam is one of the most controversial and serious issues of our time. In some societies, a woman is still regarded as a second-class citizen and deprived of various basic rights enjoyed by the male population. The West has often regarded Islamic women as being backward in a male-dominated world, whereas Islam was the first religion formally to grant the women a status never known before. However, large gaps remain in our knowledge of the relations between gender, economic well-being, and the varying influences of religion due to gender-blind analyses and unexplored theories and simplifications regarding Muslim women’s experiences. The book aims to provide the studies of socioeconomic policies and processes that impinge on women’s and men’s lives in Muslim families, communities, and countries around the world by bringing together feminist analyses of Orientalist tropes, development discourses and policies, and macro- and microeconomic trends. It aims to facilitate conversations among scholars who have tended to work within their respective disciplinary and methodological silos despite shared interests and pays special attention to intersectionality, historicity, and structural constraints by focusing on the diversity of the experiences of women and men by religion, location, citizenship, class, age, ethnicity, race, marital status, and other factors. 312 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681178110 * £170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Gender Studies Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Sasha Kedzierski Race and gender differentials in the labour market remain stubbornly persistent. Although the black/white wage gap appeared to be converging rapidly during the 1960s and early 1970s, black/white male wages have now stagnated for almost two decades. The black/ white female wage gap has actually risen over the past 15 years. The Hispanic/white wage gap has risen among both males and females in recent years. Not until the late 1970s did it begin to converge steadily (although a significant gender gap still exists). Of course, these wage gaps are only the most visible form of differences in labour market outcomes by race and gender. Substantial differences in labour force participation, unemployment rates, occupational location, non-wage compensation, job characteristics and job mobility all exist by both race and sex. Among women, white women's wages have risen steadily since 1980. Black women's wages almost reached parity with white women in the 1970s, but have diverged again in the last 15 years, as black women have experienced little wage growth. Wages and unemployment rates are often affected by overall labour force participation rates, which have changed dramatically over time. Moreover, racial minorities suffer disproportionately from lower wages because they are more likely than whites to have minority co-workers. Focusing attention on broad, aggregate industries or occupations will miss racial inequality resulting from processes that occur at the job level. This compendium is designed to provide an introduction into the literature that analyses these differences. This book investigates differentials by race and gender in the urban labour markets. It attempts to summarise some of the most important research studies relating to race and gender in the labour markets. Black-white earnings differentials are analysed that includes a treatment of differences in the ratios of employment to population. Earnings by ethnicity are also discussed. This book will be of interest to students and researchers related to fields of sociology, gender studies and urban studies. 316 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681178196 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Gender Studies Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Hannah Baader, Martina Becker & Niharika Dinkar Aesthetic practices shape and are shaped by spatial formations. The essays of this volume survey configurations of spaces as macro, micro and meso, and study from a transregional perspective the ways they are created, described, negotiated and appropriated across cultures. The interdisciplinary studies range from art history to anthropology and literary studies, and investigate the interdependence between material forms and environmental contexts. They explore the periodic re-invention of spaces through architectural, pictorial and discursive practices. This includes the geographical migration of images, objects and practices from one space to another, across a variety of constellations and spatial scales, and the accretion of cultural values around such migration. Case studies range from a religious temple under construction in today's Sao Paolo, the place of African art in the museum collections of the former GDR, 18th-century religious architecture in Beirut, the historicisation of modernist architecture in Iraq, the pictorial evocations of sacred rivers in 16th-century India, literary descriptions of the Mughal capital Fatpur Sikri, to cosmological arrangements in Buddhist caves of the 6th century, among other topics. 210 pages * 150x225mm * 26 b/w & 35 colour illus * January 2018 * PB * 9783837635102 * ÂŁ36.99 * Transcript Verlag Subject: History of Art Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

D P Singh Suri The concept of human rights implies that basic rights belong to every member of the human race. From the moral perspective, human rights refer simply to the morally justifiable claims that every human should be able to make upon society. Human rights are a product of a philosophical debate that has raged for over two thousand years within the European societies and their colonial descendants. This argument has focused on a search for moral standards of political organisation and behaviour that is independent of the contemporary society. In other words, many people have been unsatisfied with the notion that what is right or good is simply what a particular society or ruling elite feels is right or good at any given time. This unease has led to a quest for enduring moral imperatives that bind societies and their rulers over time and from place to place. Fierce debates raged among political philosophers as these issues were argued through. While a path was paved by successive thinkers that lead to contemporary human rights, a second lane was laid down at the same time by those who resisted this direction. The emergence of human rights from the natural rights tradition did not come without opposition, as some argued that rights could only from the law of a particular society and could not come from any natural or inherent source. The human rights violations in the 21st century seem inexhaustible. In the Syrian civil war, sarin gas killed many civilians, with the government the likely culprit, and both the government and rebels executed captured enemy combatants. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, rebel groups forced hundreds of children to serve as child soldiers. Religious minorities are often persecuted: In Burma, over 125,000 Muslims have been ethnically cleansed by Buddhist forces. In the Central African Republic, both Christian and Muslim militia killed civilians of the other faith. The International Labor Organisation estimates that 21 million are victims of forced labour. Arbitrary detention and torture were used in many countries. The Power of Human Rights focuses on practices and policies within a theoretical perspective in order to link empirical research to broader human rights issues. This changed international environment is ultimately more important than specific country features and economics in explaining the spread of human rights norms around the world. This book will be of useful for practitioners, policymakers and advocates alike. 328 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177830 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Human Rights Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Audley Sandford Cognitive linguists, like other linguists, study language for its own sake; they attempt to describe and account for its systematicity, its structure, the functions it serves and how these functions are realised by the language system. However, an important reason behind why cognitive linguists study language stems from the assumption that language reflects patterns of thought. Therefore, to study language from this perspective is to study patterns of conceptualisation. Cognitive Linguistics is not a unified theory of language but rather a set of flexible and mutually compatible theoretical frameworks. It started off as a number of diverse researches that went against prevailing generativist theories, namely the primacy of syntax and the modularity of language. These alternative inquiries slowly developed into a school of thought united under the banner of the primacy of meaning, nonmodularism and embodiment. However, this unification never involved agreement on all linguistic matters, although the search for consensus on various aspects of cognitive linguistic theory and research has always been on the agenda. Cognitive Linguistics tries to break down the specialisations and abstractions of formalism. As a consequence, there is a tendency to blur classical distinctions and dichotomies between linguistic knowledge and encyclopaedic, real world knowledge; between literal and figurative language; between synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Cognitive Linguistics: Convergence and Expansion focuses on evidence that strengthens the basic tenets of cognitive linguistics concerning (eg: non-modularity, meaning, and embodiment). A set of chapters explores the expansion of the general cognitive linguistics paradigm and the incorporation of theoretical insights from other disciplines and their methodologies. This book discusses on a wide range of interrelated topics within cognitive linguistics. Living fully up to its ambitious title, the book is based upon the studies presented at the converging and diverging tendencies in cognitive linguistics. 316 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177700 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Linguistics Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Helen MacEwan Charlotte Brontë’s years in Belgium (1842–43) had a huge influence both on her life and her work. It was in Brussels that she not only honed her writing skills but fell in love and lived through the experiences that inspired two of her four novels: her first, The Professor, and her last and in many ways most interesting, Villette. Her feelings about Belgium are known from her novels and letters – her love for her tutor Heger, her uncomplimentary remarks about Belgians, the powerful effect on her imagination of living abroad. But what about Belgian views of Charlotte Brontë? What has her legacy been in Brussels? How have Belgian commentators responded to her portrayal of their capital city and their society? ‘Through Belgian Eyes’ explores a wide range of responses from across the Channel, from the hostile to the enthusiastic. In the process, it examines what The Professor and Villette tell Belgian readers about their capital in the 1840s and provides a wealth of detail on the Brussels background to the two novels. Unlike Paris and London, Brussels has inspired few outstanding works of literature. That makes Villette, considered by many to be Charlotte Brontë’s masterpiece, of particular interest as a portrait of the Belgian capital a decade after the country gained independence in 1830, and just before modernisation and expansion transformed the city out of all recognition from the ‘villette’ (small town) that Charlotte knew. Her view of Brussels is contrasted with those of other foreign visitors and of the Belgians themselves. The story of Charlotte Brontë’s Brussels legacy provides a unique perspective on her personality and writing. 312 pages * 155x230mm * 60 colour & b/w illus * January 2018 * PB * 9781845199104 * £24.95 * Sussex Academic Press Subject: Literature: History & Criticism Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Khamisi Zaman High-pressure science has experienced a revolution in the past 15 years. Knowledge of the behaviour of matter under conditions of extreme pressure is essential for describing the interior state. The development of intense new x-ray and neutron sources, improved detectors, new instrumentation, greatly increased computation power, and advanced computational algorithms have enabled researchers to determine the behaviour of matter at static pressures in excess of 400 GPa. High-pressure phenomena refers to the changes in physical, chemical, and structural characteristics that matter undergoes when subjected to high pressure. Pressure thus serves as a versatile tool in materials research, and it is especially important in the investigation of the rocks and minerals that form the deep interior of the Earth and other planets. In spite of the superficial similarity between temperature and pressure, these two variables are fundamentally different in the ways they affect a material’s internal energy. Temperature alterations reflect changes in the kinetic energy and thus in the thermodynamic behaviour of vibrating atoms. Increased pressure, on the other hand, changes the energy of atomic bonds by forcing atoms closer together in a smaller volume. Pressure thus serves as a powerful analysis of atomic interactions and chemical bonding. Furthermore, pressure is an important tool for synthesising dense structures, including superhard materials, novel solidified gases and liquids, and mineral-like phases suspected to occur deep within the Earth and other planets. The book introduces the state of the art experimental and theoretical techniques in this field. It emphasises scientific challenges in condensed matter under thrilling conditions of pressure and temperature, synthesis and characterisation of novel materials, and employs state-of-the-art experimental facilities and technologies. Emphasising applications in a range of physics disciplines -- this book cuts across many areas and delivers a solid instruction in high-pressure physics. The book, providing an overview of key research areas and applications in high-pressure physics, will be a valuable tool for advanced graduate students and young researchers. 312 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177168 * £160.99 * Scitus Academics Subject: Materials Science Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Everard Nicolson Organised crime has become a major problem worldwide. Organised crime threatens peace and human security, violates human rights and undermines economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of societies around the world. Worldwide organised crime evidence in many forms, together with as trafficking in drugs, firearms and even persons. At the same time, organised crime groups exploit human mobility to smuggle migrants and undermine financial systems through money laundering. The vast sums of money involved can compromise legitimate economies and directly impact public processes by 'buying' elections through corruption. It yields high profits for its culprits and results in high risks for individuals who fall victim to it. Every year, countless individuals lose their lives at the hand of criminals involved in organised crime, succumbing to drug-related health problems or injuries inflicted by firearms, or losing their lives as a result of the unscrupulous methods and motives of human traffickers and smugglers of migrants. Its negative impact on economies, societies, politics, human rights and security is profound: fraud, money laundering, drug, arms and human trafficking, and collusion with both law enforcement and terrorists, for example, are all significant issues. This book presents a composite of analyses and syntheses of research on organised crime, examines the nature and causes of contemporary organised crime, and offers constructive suggestions on how to counter it. The texts also include reviews on current issues in organised crime. Organised crime has diversified, gone global and reached macro-economic proportions: illicit goods may be sourced from one continent, trafficked across another, and marketed in a third. Transnational organised crime can permeate government agencies and institutions, fuelling corruption, infiltrating business and politics, and hindering economic and social development. And it is undermining governance and democracy by empowering those who operate outside the law. Its profound insights are invaluable to practitioners and policy makers, as well as the academic community, including law enforcement officers, investigative journalists and criminologists. 312 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177915 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Organised Crime Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Toni Wolff The woman at Jung's side and ear was undisputably unique, creative and original. But her written works rarely made it into print. Why was that? What were her contributions? Here are some of her finest writings translated into English for the first time with commentaries. 320 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * PB * 9783856306236 * ÂŁ31.99 * Daimon Verlag Subject: Psychoanalytical Theory Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Peter Usher In the spring of 1940 Canada sent hundreds of highly trained volunteers to serve in Britain’s Royal Air Force as it began a concerted bombing campaign against Germany. Nearly half of them were killed or captured within a year. This is the story of one of those airmen, as told through his own letters and diaries as well as those of his family and friends. Joey Jacobson, a young Jewish man from Westmount on the Island of Montreal, trained as a navigator and bomb-aimer in Western Canada. On arriving in England he was assigned to No. 106 Squadron, a British unit tasked with the bombing of Germany. Joey Jacobson’s War tells, in his own words, why he enlisted, his understanding of strategy, tactics, and the effectiveness of the air war at its lowest point, how he responded to the inevitable battle stress, and how he became both a hopeful idealist and a seasoned airman. Jacobson’s written legacy as a serviceman is impressive in scope and depth and provides a lively and intimate account of a Jewish Canadian’s life in the air and on the ground, written in the intensity of the moment, unfiltered by the memoirist’s reflection, revision, or hindsight. Accompanying excerpts from his father’s diary show the maturation of the relationship between father and son in a dangerous time. 300 pages * 155x230mm * 30 b/w illus * January 2018 * PB * 9781771123426 * £23.50 * Wilfrid Laurier University Press Subject: Second World War Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

Gazelle Books

Edited by Valora Espino Special Education is a specialised area of education which uses unique instructional methods, materials, learning aids, and equipment to meet the educational needs of children with learning disabilities. Some children experience difficulties in school, ranging from problems with concentration, learning, language, and perception to problems with behaviour and/or making and keeping friends. Others have more serious problems, including physical or psychiatric disorders, emotional problems, or learning disorders. Children with such special needs often require and are entitled to receive special services and reasonable accommodations through the public schools. Inclusive education strives to address the learning needs of children with special needs, with a particular focus on those who are subject to being isolated and excluded. The philosophy behind inclusive education is to promote opportunities for all children to participate, learn and have equal treatment, irrespective of their mental or physical abilities. While the awareness on inclusive education in schools is still at an infancy stage, educational institutions are somewhat sceptical about having both normal and special children studying in the same classroom. Children with special needs have a distinctive experience undergoing inclusive education along with normal, non-disabled classmates. There are several barriers for providing education to special children in a regular classroom. Education & Children with Special Needs examines the situation world-wide, focusing in particular on developments that have occurred over recent years and comparing these with overall international patterns. The text provides evidence of similar arguments under consideration, illustrates some other barriers to the improvement of educational opportunities for children with special needs and to providing these opportunities in a way that allows the children to learn alongside others in their local community schools. It indicates how the depressed economic situation and the ensuing shortage of funds in much of the region prevent expenditure on initiatives that would shift provision away from separate special schools. 320 pages * 155x230mm * January 2018 * HB * 9781681177991 * ÂŁ170.50 * Scitus Academics Subject: Special Needs Education Gazelle Book Services Ltd /+44(0) 1524 528500 / /

GAZELLE ACADEMIC ORDER FORM: JANUARY 2018 RELEASES Please send all TRADE ORDERS to: Gazelle, White Cross Mills, Hightown, LANCASTER, LA1 4XS, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1524 528500 / Email: / URL: SALES REP BOOKSHOP NAME ADDRESS










Otago University Press


9781681177618 9781681177632 9781903378946

£170.50 £170.50 £75.00

Scitus Academics Scitus Academics TFM Publishing Ltd


9781772123340 9781681177250 9781681178110 9781681178196

£19.50 £160.99 £170.50 £170.50

University of Alberta Press Scitus Academics Scitus Academics Scitus Academics

9783837635102 9781681177830 9781681177700 9781845199104

£36.99 £170.50 £170.50 £24.95

Transcript Verlag Scitus Academics Scitus Academics Sussex Academic Press


9781681177168 9781681177915 9783856306236

£160.99 £170.50 £31.99

Scitus Academics Scitus Academics Daimon Verlag


9781771123426 9781681177991

£23.50 £170.50

Wilfrid Laurier University Scitus Academics

Australasian & Pacific History Buddhism Buddhism Cardiothoracic Surgery Dance Dietetics & Nutrition Gender Studies Gender Studies History of Art Human Rights Linguistics Literature: History & Criticism Materials Science Organised Crime Psychoanalytical Theory Second World War Special Needs Education


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