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Contents Criminology & Criminal Justice ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Forensic Science ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Gang Crime .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Police & Policing ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 Security & Intelligence .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Terrorism ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15



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Technocrime and Criminological Theory

Global Perspectives on Crime Prevention and Community Resilience

Edited by Kevin F. Steinmetz and Matt R. Nobles Cybercrime, computer crime, internet crime, and technosecurity have been of increasing concern to citizens, corporations, and governments since their emergence in the 1980s. Addressing both the conventional and radical theories underlying this emerging criminological trend, including feminist theory, social learning theory, and postmodernism, this text paves the way for those who seek to tackle the most pertinent areas in technocrime. This book serves as an ideal primer for scholars seeking to begin studying technocrime or as a companion for graduate level courses in technocrime or deviance studies. Routledge Market: Criminal Justice - Cybercrime October 2017: 229 x 152: 166pp Hb: 978-1-498-74508-6: £165.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30520-5: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-498-74509-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781498745086


Edited by Diana Scharff Peterson and Dilip K. Das, International Police Executive Symposium, New York, USA Series: International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publications This edited volume includes updated articles presented at the International Police Executive Symposium’s 25th annual meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria in July, 2014. Practitioners and academics representing nearly 30 countries presented academic papers in a participative dialogue on global crime prevention initiatives and best practices in building community resilience. The book includes 19 chapters from police leaders, practitioners and academics around the world in efforts to demonstrate effective strategies for the prevention of crime and innovative techniques in assisting crime victims. Several chapters are dedicated to violence against women and ethnic minorities. CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice / Crime Prevention November 2017: 254 x 178: 340pp Hb: 978-1-498-74897-1: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36848-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498748971

Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice Lee E. Ross Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice offers readers an overview of domestic violence and its effects on society, including what can be done to curtail its rapid growth and widespread harm. Criminal justice and sociology students will find this text readable, up-to-date, and rich in historical detail. Geared toward the criminal justice system, this text focuses on civil and criminal justice processes, from securing a restraining order to completing an arrest, all the way to the final disposition.

CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice / Domestic Violence November 2017: 254 x 178: 200pp Hb: 978-1-498-70720-6: £150.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55116-9: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-498-70722-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498707206

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Forensic Science Evidence Best Practices for Law Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Charles Sturt University, Manly, Australia, Mandeep K. Dhami, Middlesex University, Hendon, UK, Simon Walsh, Australian Federal Police, Canberra, Australia and Glenn Langenburg, Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Saint Paul, USA Improved usage of forensic science evidence by legal practitioners is essential to reduce miscarriages of justice. This book presents critical insights into contemporary issues of forensic proof from a broad perspective. Using DNA and fingerprint evidence, the authors compare and contrast the science of forensics and how it is communicated to judges, juries, and counsel. With authors from Australia, the UK, and the U.S., the book also addresses how these different countries address science in the courtroom. This resource is ideal for all those who work in forensic capacities, including those scientists who increasingly are called to testify abroad. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice October 2017: 235 x 156: 260pp Hb: 978-1-482-22725-3: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-482-22726-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781482227253

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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

Advanced Topics in Forensic Biology

Chemical Analysis of Firearms, Ammunition, and Gunshot Residue, Second Edition

Claire Glynn, University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut, USA DNA fingerprinting has revolutionized forensic science in the last 30 years. This book provides a current background into forensic biology techniques, both those that are currently practiced and those emerging in this rapidly advancing field. Recent and new advanced testing methods covered include next generation sequencing, forensic phenotyping, MicroRNA expression analysis, 20 core STR loci typing, and more. The book highlights evidence as the means to identify biological fluids— blood, semen, saliva, urine, feces, vaginal secretions and menstrual blood—to definitively identify both an individual, as well as the tissue source of origin, which can be critical in the investigative process. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice September 2018: 254 x 178: 352pp Hb: 978-1-498-78521-1: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-78522-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498785211

James Smyth Wallace, Forensic Science Agency of Northern Ireland (Retired), Carrickfergus Series: International Forensic Science and Investigation Chemical Analysis of Firearms, Ammunition, and Gunshot Residue, 2e continues in the tradition of the popular first edition, fully updated with the history and development of firearms and ammunition including advances in the chemical analysis of them. Several changes in primer compositions and the particle classification system are addressed with new techniques added on evidence collection and testing methods. Two new chapters have been added: one on unusual firearms case and one summarizing an Australian case involving inorganic and organic gunshot residue, highlighting the dangers of incorrect forensic evidence and the increased need for careful training of forensic scientists. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice May 2018: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-498-76154-3: £74.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15325-4 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-420-06966-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498761543


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Applications of Forensic Psychology Research Methods

Color Atlas of Forensic Histopathology

Ana Gamez and Anne-Marie Larsen Applications of Forensic Psychology Research Methods builds on traditional psychological research methodology, while incorporating the legal aspects integral to a comprehensive approach to the topic. This book bridges the gap between traditional research methodology and those specific to criminology, criminal justice, and other forensic applications. In addition, the book includes all relevant elements of research: from an introduction to methodology, ethical concerns, the literature review, incorporating legal material effectively, to exposing the learner to the different methodologies most relevant to forensic research. CRC Press Market: Psychology/Forensic September 2018: 254 x 178: 352pp Hb: 978-1-138-06980-0: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11529-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138069800

Vittorio Fineschi, University of Foggia Medical School, Italy and Steven B. Karch, MD, FFFLM, Consultant and Cardiac Pathologist & Toxicologist, Berkeley, California, USA Featuring 700 high quality photographs, this book demonstrates a forensic approach to the collection of data and techniques in histopathological diagnosis. It provides comprehensive coverage of basic histomorphology, the putrefaction phenomena, trauma and microscopic diagnosis, central nervous system injuries, post-mortem changes, and specific cell and organ findings. It includes gunshot wounds, drug abuse, poisoning, asphyxia, anaphylaxis, heat-related injury, drowning, electrical injuries, fetal and neonatal deaths, injuries caused by atmospheric conditions, and SIDS. CRC Press February 2018: 279 x 216: 500pp Hb: 978-0-849-39718-9: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-420-00969-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9780849397189

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Case Studies in Skeletal Trauma Resulting from Human Rights Abuses and Armed Conflict

Digital Forensics and Investigations

Edited by Erin H. Kimmerle, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA and Jose Pablo Baraybar, Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team (EPAF), Lima, Peru

Jason Sachowski

This book is designed as a companion to Skeletal Trauma Identification of Injuries Resulting from Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict. While the larger reference is exhaustive in many ways, there are so many cases from around the world it is impossible to provide them in a single volume. This supplement offers the complete version of the cases summarized in the larger reference. It may be used as both a stand-alone book and also a secondary text in forensic anthropology courses. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice July 2018: 235 x 156: 320pp Pb: 978-1-466-57172-3: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-466-57173-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466571723

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People, Process, and Technologies to Defend the Enterprise Digital Forensics and Investigations: People, Process, and Technologies to Defend the Enterprise provides the methodologies and strategies necessary for these key business functions to seamlessly integrate digital forensic capabilities to guarantee the admissibility and integrity of digital evidence. Most books, focus on the technical, software, and investigative aspects. Overlooked are the people and process elements within the organization. This book provides a roadmap to professionals to successfully integrate the people, process, and technology with other key business functions in a holistic, best-practice apporach to the enterprise’s digital forensic capabilities. CRC Press Market: IT Management/Computer Forensic May 2018: 235 x 156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-138-72093-0: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-315-19482-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138720930

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3rd Edition • NEW EDITION

Forensic Botany, Second Edition

Forensic Examination of Fibres, Third Edition

Edited by Heather Miller Coyle, University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut, USA Dramatically revised and greatly expanded, the second edition of Forensic Botany features triple the amount of images, including a 16-page color insert to aid with macro and micro identification. This edition also features new high profile cases involving the use of botanical evidence, analysis and updating of plant databases, and database sampling. New chapters provide coverage of plant poisons and toxicology, plant bioinformatics, use of plants for death investigation and clandestine grave identification, and the applications of botany to archeology. The book discusses plant biology from a forensic point of view and offers practical guidelines for how to use botanical evidence in a case. CRC Press September 2018: 512pp Hb: 978-1-439-86674-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-439-86675-7 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-31529-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781439866740

James Robertson, Forensic & Data Centres, Australian Federal Police, Canberra, Claude Roux, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, Australia and Kenneth G. Wiggins, Shirley, UK Series: International Forensic Science and Investigation This detailed volume covers forensic fibre examination from the recovery of evidence, through the different stages of laboratory examination, to the evaluation of the meaning of findings. It includes information on specific techniques and fibres, discusses the interpretation of data as evidence, and considers the future of fibre examinations. Topics include the examination of damaged textiles, infrared microspectroscopy and thin layer chomatography, and color analyses. Thoroughly revised, this edition also includes three new chapters: Textile and Fibre Science Basics for Forensic Application, New Instrumental Approaches to Fibre Examination, and Future Trends for Forensic Fibre Examination. CRC Press Market: Forensics and Criminal Justice December 2017: 254 x 178: 465pp Hb: 978-1-439-82864-9: £81.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15658-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-748-40816-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781439828649

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Forensic Digital Image Processing

Forensic Gait Analysis

Optimization of Impression Evidence

Haydn D. Kelly, London Medical Centre, UK

Brian Dalrymple, Brian Dalrymple & Associates, Ontario, Canada and Jill Smith, York Regional Police, Aurora, Ontario, Canada

This book introduces the intersection of podiatric medicine with forensic investigation, a study which links suspects to crimes through analysis of their style of movement. It provides a thorough yet concise explanation of how the musculoskeletal system and biomechanics affect gait. A DVD with videos of perpetrators that have been analyzed is provided, with direction as to what information can be extracted from the footage, and how to compare it to the known footage of a suspect.

Forensic Digital Image Processing: Optimization of Impression Evidence provides the forensic investigator with the tools and understanding to extract, optimize and interpret the maximum evidence possible from crime scenes to increase identifications. The book begins by examining the emergence of forensic digital image processing, and the gradual improvement and acceptance of the science over the past four decades. Coverage includes looking at the issues of image integrity and authentication including forensic image optimization and the manipulation of images. Chapters explore techniques exploiting color theory, modes, and channels to optimize signal-to-noise ratio in images. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice April 2018: 235 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-498-74343-3: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-351-11223-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498743433

CRC Press Market: Forensic Science July 2018: 235 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-466-50414-1: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-466-50415-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466504141

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Forensic Evidence Management

Forensic Identification

From the Crime Scene to the Courtroom

An International Socio-Legal Perspective

Edited by Ashraf Mozayani, Texas Southern University, Houston, USA and Casie Parish-Fisher, St. Edwards University, Austin, Texas, USA Forensic Evidence Management: From the Crime Scene to the Courtroom provides best practices policies for forensic science entities and their employees to maintain chain of custody and evidence integrity throughout the course of evidence collection, storage, preservation, and processing. The book addresses the issues related with evidence handling and analysis inside the forensic laboratory, and offers best practices and guidelines from leading forensic experts in the field. Forms of evidence covered include biological, chemical, trace, firearm, toolmark, fingerprint, and a host of others types recovered at crime scenes.

Carole McCartney, Northumbria University, UK This book reviews the law and practice in forensic identification, considers a variety of technological claims, legal reforms, and foreseeable international developments and offers a critical analysis of its adoption in the criminal justice process. Routledge Market: Criminology/Law July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-81236-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-06929-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415812368

CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice December 2017: 235 x 156: 191pp Hb: 978-1-498-77718-6: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15491-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498777186

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3rd Edition • NEW EDITION

Forensic Investigation of Processing Plant Accidents

Forensic Science Handbook, Volume I

Alberto Geraci, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Catania, Italy This is the first book to provide a scientific methodology for investigating accidents at processing plants. It ensures compliance with codes and standards specific to type of plant as well as the country in which the event occurred. The book takes readers step by step through gaining testimonial information, studying plant documentation and plant design, checking of standard operating procedures and whether they were followed, testing of plant components by non-destructive methods, all founded on theoretical fundamentals, in order to find the responsibility for the accident. CRC Press Market: Forensics February 2018: 254 x 178: 304pp Hb: 978-1-466-56975-1: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-466-56977-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466569751

Edited by Richard Saferstein, Independent Forensic Consultant, New Jersey, USA and Adam B. Hall, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA The Forensic Science Handbooks, Third Edition has been fully updated and revised to include the latest developments in scientific testing, analysis, and interpretation of forensic evidence. The two volumes focus on the analytical, biological, and chemical aspects of forensic science practice, and the topics covered in this new edition of Volume I include a broad range of subjects including: Legal Aspects of Forensic Science; Analytical Instrumentation such as Microscopy, Microspectrophotometry, IR Spectroscopy, GC, LC, CE and MS; Trace Evidence; Characterization of hairs, dust and inks; Biological Identification of body fluids and human DNA. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice February 2018: 254 x 178: 692pp Hb: 978-1-498-72019-9: £139.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498720199

2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

3rd Edition • NEW EDITION

Forensic Materials Engineering: Case Studies, Second Edition

Forensic Science Handbook, Volume II, Third Edition

Case Studies Peter Rhys Lewis, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK and Colin Gagg The first edition of Forensic Materials Engineering: Case Studies covered a range of products composed of different materials, especially metals, alloys, rubbers and plastics. Composite materials offer many advantages, not least in transport products, from cars to airplanes, but can fail catastrophically if not designed or made correctly. Our book addresses such problems by looking at specific cases of product failures, some routine and some infamous, looking at the specific causes of such cases, how still testing and product testing should be carried out, and the importance of design and failure considerations. CRC Press Market: Engineering/Materials Science September 2018: 254 x 178: 424pp Hb: 978-1-138-05824-8: £93.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16440-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-31182-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138058248

Edited by Richard Saferstein, Independent Forensic Consultant, New Jersey, USA and Adam B. Hall, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA For this edition, a three-volume handbook set has been fully revised into two volumes. The contributor list is a veritable Who’s Who of the top forensic scientists in the field, and the topics covered focus on the application and interpretation of scientific tests to an array of physical evidence collected at crime scenes. The emphasis is on analytical, biological, and chemical aspects of forensic science. Topics covered include the analysis of textile fiber, human hair, semen, and other bodily fluids. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice October 2018: 254 x 203: 528pp Hb: 978-1-498-72021-2: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72022-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498720212

3rd Edition • NEW EDITION

4th Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Forensic Recovery of Human Remains

Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook, Fourth Edition

Archaeological Approaches, Third Edition Tosha L. Dupras, Orlando, Florida, USA, John J. Schultz, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sandra M. Wheeler, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA and Lana J Williams, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA Forensic Recovery of Human Remains: Archaeological Approaches, Third Edition is intended to continue to fill the need for a current, comprehensive volume on the recovery and excavation of human remains—for both the classroom and as a reference for practicing professionals. CRC Press Market: Forensic Science September 2018: 254 x 178: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-70672-9: £62.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20165-8 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-439-85030-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138706729

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Thomas Kubic, John Jay College, New York, USA and Nicholas Petraco, John Jay College, New York, USA A popular companion for James/Nordby's Forensic Science textbook, this laboratory manual provides a plethora of basic, hands on experiments that can be completed with inexpensive and accessible instrumentation, making this the ideal workbook for science and non-science majors. It includes exercises on tire tread impression evidence, reconstruction of shooting and vehicle incidents, elimination of exercises no longer useful in the modern lab, classification of exercises as A, B, and C to designate the level of difficulty, and a CD offering useful forms and images in color. CRC Press Market: Forensic Science January 2018: 279 x 216: 336pp Pb: 978-1-466-51450-8: £25.99 eBook: 978-1-466-51451-5 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-1-420-08719-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466514508

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Forensics and Clinical Applications of Solid Phase Extraction, Second Edition

Introduction to Forensic Chemistry

Thomas F. August, United Chemical Technologies, Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA, Michael J. Telepchak, United Chemical Technologies, Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA and Jeffery Hackett, United Chemical Technologies, Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA

This introductory textbook includes the optimal coverage for upper-level undergraduate or graduate level courses. Current texts are either too simplistic or too advanced in coverage. This book finds the right balance with 17 chapters corresponding to the fifteen weeks of an academic semester. The field of forensic chemistry and evidence types is presented from least to most difficult, introducing microscopy, chemical tests, spectroscopy, advanced spectroscopy and chromatography to students. The second half of the book focuses on application and implementation of the methods for, and interpretation of, data for controlled substances, fibers, explosives, firearms, and other evidence.

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) has become a powerful technique in the clean-up and concentration of samples in a wide variety of analytical techniques. This volume explains the principles behind SPE and provides protocols to help readers master extraction problems. These detailed methods are particularly suited to solving problems in forensic, pharmaceutical, and clinical chemistry. The book includes readily understandable explanations of the principals of pH, ion exchange, and co-polymeric mechanism-enhanced SPE. Each protocol is described in detail and contains an introduction outlining the principle behind the technique, a list of equipment and reagents, and troubleshooting advice. CRC Press September 2018: 254 x 178: 420pp Hb: 978-1-466-51095-1: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-466-51098-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466510951

Kelly M. Elkins, Towson University, Chemistry Department, Maryland, USA

CRC Press Market: Chemistry September 2018: 8.5 x 11: 488pp Hb: 978-1-498-76310-3: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-76311-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498763103

2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Huber and Headrick's Handwriting Identification

Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics, Second Edition

Facts and Fundamentals, Second Edition Heidi H. Harralson, East Tennessee State University, USA and Larry S. Miller, East Tennessee State University, USA This is a complete revision of Huber and Headrick's classic work on handwriting examination. New coverage includes a discussion of: anonymous or disguised handwriting, handwriting analysis training, an updated listing and clarification of terminology and electronic signatures, the analysis of digitized handwriting, and other related technological advances. The book includes completely updated photographs, several added illustrations, and advances in scientific research in the area over the last 20 years. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice December 2017: 254 x 178: 420pp Hb: 978-1-498-75130-8: £74.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15246-2 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-31285-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498751308

Howard Harris, University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut, USA and Henry Lee, University of New Haven, Connecticut, USA University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut, USA This Second Edition covers forensic practice from a broad viewpoint. The book continues the tradition of the First, originally developed as an introductory text, particularly for non-science practitioners to develop a working understanding of forensic science. This includes both what crime scene evidence can be unearthed as part of an investigation, as well as an adjudication of both criminal and civil cases once evidence has been scientifically analyzed using practiced and proven methods. All is fully updated in areas that have advanced since the last edition: DNA, evidence collection, chemical testing, and computer forensics, including cell phone and handheld device technology. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice July 2018: 254 x 203: 520pp Hb: 978-1-498-75796-6: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75798-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498757966

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International Handbook of Forensic Science

Manual of Forensic Science

Edited by Shlomo Giora Shoham

An International Survey

The book provides a better understanding of the main aspects of forensic sciences collectively and their applications in the criminal, scientific, and medical legal fields. It serves both as a reference text—as well as a practical guide—for scientists, forensic researchers, and practitioners in the fields of correction services, social workers, police and prison services, and the legal community. CRC Press Market: Forensic Science/Law November 2018: 254 x 178: 640pp Hb: 978-1-138-05778-4: £117.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16469-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138057784

Edited by Anna Barbaro, Studio Indagini Mediche E Forensi (SIMEF), Reggio di Calabria, Italy A truly international and multi-disciplinary compendium of current best practices authored by top practitioners from around the world, the book covers current trends and technology advances in the following disciplines within forensic science: bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic photography, ballistics, latent prints, forensic genetics and DNA, questioned documents, forensic toxicology, forensic clinical medicine, forensic pathology, forensic odontology, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, forensic biometry, forensic psychology and profiling, law comparison and ethics, and much more. The book serves as an invaluable resource for forensic professionals throughout the world. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice December 2017: 279 x 216: 289pp Hb: 978-1-498-76630-2: £104.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18142-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498766302

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3rd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Neurocriminology: Forensic and Legal Applications, Public Policy Implications

Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition

Forensic and Legal Applications, Public Policy Implications

Ross M. Gardner, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (Retired), Georgia, USA and Donna Krouskup Series: Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations

Diana Concannon Neurocriminology: Forensic and Legal Applications, Public Policy Implications explores the dramatic impact of advances in neuroscience research and practice to our present understanding of criminality and crime control. Contemporary, cutting-edge research in neuroscience is explained, and is clearly and concisely illustrated through case studies and practical applications. This will be framed in the context of criminological foundations, theory, and the notion of the nature of crime itself. This comprehensive and engaging book delves into recent developments in modern neurology, offering a thought-provoking analysis of the broad-reaching and remarkable potential of neuroscience to serve as a resource and research tool for criminology and penology researchers, forensic psychologists, forensic scientists, and investigators of crime and criminal behavior to better inform the prevention, investigation, and management of crime. CRC Press July 2018: 235 x 156 Hb: 978-1-138-63280-6: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20803-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138632806

Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition is a basic technical reference for those learning or engaged in crime scene investigation. It remains a standard reference due to the "practical" nature of the book. It describes in depth procedures, explaining not just why such activity is required, but a practical how—to approach for accomplishing those activities. These procedures are validated through field trial and are adjusted to the changing legal and scientific environment that crime scene investigators encounter. CRC Press Market: Forensic and Police Science September 2018: 254 x 203: 528pp Hb: 978-1-138-04778-5: £62.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17059-6 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-439-85302-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138047785

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4th Edition • NEW EDITION

Pathology of Sharp Force Trauma

Scientific Examination of Documents

Peter Vanezis, Queen Mary University of London, England, UK

Methods and Techniques, Fourth Edition

Of use and applicable to all forensic pathologists throughout the world, the book covers all aspects of the pathology of sharp force trauma and its clinico-pathological interrelationship from the forensic (medico-legal perspective). It is intended to be a reference manual and practical guide for pathologists. Globally, most sharp force trauma is caused by knife injuries; hence, the emphasis will be based on such injuries although other implements and objects such as glass will also be described and fully illustrated in color in great detail.

Stephen P. Day, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, David Ellen, Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory (Retired), UK and Christopher Davies, Forensic Access, UK

CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice July 2018: 279 x 216: 356pp eBook: 978-1-498-76863-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498768634

CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice June 2018: 235 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-498-76803-0: £69.99 eBook: 978-1-498-76804-7 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-33925-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498768030

Poisons An Introduction for Forensic Investigators David J. George, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, USA Poisons: An Introduction for Forensic Investigators is a concise but comprehensive overview of toxicants and the unanticipated circumstances in which poisoning can occur. In addition to covering poisons that are likely to be encountered by investigators, this book expands awareness of poisoning possibilities, heightens recognition of the toxic potential of a variety of substances, and provides information to assist in focusing investigative efforts. Featuring more than 230 case studies, sufficient information is included whenever possible to provide a sense of the temperament of poisoners, their relationship to victims, their basis for poison selection, and their method of administration. Auerbach Publications Market: Forensic Science / Toxicology October 2017: 235 x 156: 386pp Hb: 978-1-498-70382-6: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-37175-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498703826

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Revised and expanded to reflect the most recent innovations in the field of forensic document examination, the book explains the various methods used to scrutinize documents in question. Coverage includes the assessment of handwriting techniques, accidental and deliberate modification of handwriting, and the proper collection of samples. It also reviews traditional and modern typewriting technologies, as well as the analysis of photocopies, incidental marks, the functions of photography in document examination, and courtroom applications. New sections address Arabic writing, signature machines, quality control and quality assurance, current printers and printer technology, and much more.


3rd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition John J. Lentini, Scientific Fire Analysis, LLC, Big Pine Key, Florida, USA Series: Protocols in Forensic Science Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition focuses on the practical application of fundamental scientific principles to determine the causes of fires. Since the publication of the first edition 2006, the book has been updated extensively to reflect the rapidly evolving best-practices in the field—driven by new discoveries about fire behavior. Fire investigators, insurance adjusters, lawyers, forensic chemists, and fire/life safety professionals will find this a timely and invaluable resource. CRC Press Market: Fire Science/Forensics October 2018: 254 x 203: 592pp Hb: 978-1-138-03701-4: £137.50 Pb: 978-1-138-03702-1: £60.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17809-7 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-439-87598-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138037014

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FORENSIC SCIENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder


The Psychology of Death Investigations

Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences

Behavioral Analysis for Psychological Autopsy and Criminal Profiling

Edited by Jason H. Byrd, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, Patricia Norris and NANCY BRADLEY

Katherine Ramsland, DeSales University, USA The Psychology of Death Investigations outlines how behavioral evidence can complement physical evidence as an essential tool for incident reconstruction. Since many jurisdictions can’t afford behavioral consultants, this book provides practical information for basic psychological analysis. Psychological consultants can compile information retrospectively to assist with unravelling ambiguity about the manner of death. This is the primary function of a psychological autopsy, and this is the first book of its kind dedicated solely to the topic. Professionals and students alike will benefit from the exercise of cognitive awareness and application of psychological logic presented. CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice & Forensic Science October 2017: 235 x 156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-73529-3: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18659-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138735293

Veterinary Forensic Sciences and Medicine covers all relevant aspects in a succinct, easy-to-read, comprehensive format intended to be taught in a single semester course, including the application of veterinary forensic medicine to cases. Most importantly, the book covers both the scientific and legal principles for veterinary forensic evidence. Topics include DNA and genetic evidence, entomological evidence in support of veterinary forensics, animal fighting, situational deaths including poisonings, domestic violence and cruelty, sharp and blunt force trauma, gunshots and wound ballistics, sexual assault, non-human odontology and osteology, and more. CRC Press Market: Veterinary/ Forensic September 2018: 235 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-56372-8: £74.99 eBook: 978-1-315-12191-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138563728

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The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology

Veterinary Forensics

Edited by Quentin Rossy, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, David Décary-Hétu, University of Montréal, Canada, Olivier Delémont, University of Lausanne, Switzerland and Massimiliano Mulone, University of Montréal, Canada Series: Routledge International Handbooks Bringing together perspectives from international experts, this book explores the intersection between criminology and forensic science and considers how knowledge from both fields can contribute to a better understanding of crime and offending. Routledge Market: Criminology/Forensic Science December 2017: 246x174: 274pp Hb: 978-1-138-68821-6: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54194-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138688216

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Investigation, Evidence Collection, and Expert Testimony Edited by Ernest Rogers, Animal Forensic Investigations, LLC, Bedminster, New Jersey, USA and Adam W. Stern, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA Veterinary Forensics fills the void of applied, real-world investigative techniques for the collection and presentation of veterinary forensic medical and scientific information. Chapters cover the forensic clinical examination and forensic necropsy of small and large animal species, forensic radiology, forensic toxicology, bitemark analysis and animal behavior. Various forensic disciplines such as bloodstain pattern analysis, DNA analysis, animal sexual abuse, agroterrorism, animal hoarding, ritual crimes against animals, and animal fighting are discussed. This is a reference for students and professionals for all relevant evidentiary, investigative, and legal elements of the discipline. CRC Press Market: Forensic Science March 2018: 235 x 156: 419pp Hb: 978-1-498-76317-2: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15342-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498763172

The Sherlock Effect How Forensic Doctors and Investigators Disastrously Reason Like the Great Detective Thomas W. Young, Heartland Forensic Pathology, USA Forensic science is in crisis and at a crossroads. In courtrooms everywhere, innocent people pay the price of life imitating art, of science following detective fiction. This book looks at the long and disastrous shadow cast by that icon of deductive reasoning, Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Thomas W. Young shows why this Sherlock-Holmes-style reasoning does not work and, furthermore, how it can – and has – lead to wrongful convictions. Dr. Young traces how this situation evolved, looking back over the history of forensic medicine, revealing the chilling degree to which forensic experts fail us every day. CRC Press Market: True Crime/Forensic Science May 2018: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-815-36194-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-11383-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9780815361947

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GANG CRIME Dummy text to keep placeholder

Introduction to Gangs George W. Knox, National Gang Crime Research Center, D. Lee Gilbertson, Saint Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA, Gregg Etter and Carter F. Smith, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, USA Introduction to Gangs is a practical guide and handbook for anyone dealing with gang violence or organized crime, including police, courts, prisons, community police psychologists, and more. It includes case studies, illustrations of gang graffiti, gang terminology, gang identification, maps or illustrations, summary statistics, graphs, and more. In addition, it gives voices to those impacted by the world of gang crime and gang violence, including gang members, former and active, and their families. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice July 2018: 254 x 178: 400pp Hb: 978-1-482-24423-6: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24424-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781482244236


Modern Gangs Matthew O'Deane, National University, San Diego, California, USA Providing a highly detailed “Gangs 101” primer, this book surveys the origins, history, and evolution of gangs in the United States and abroad. It examines their structure and activities, their allure, and the different models used to describe them. It explores various theories on the phenomenon on a national and international level, and explains the judicial and legislative response to the gang problem. Offering clear and concise information and advice, it addresses the problem from all major perspectives including prevention, intervention, and suppression. CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice and Policing November 2018: 254 x 178: 400pp Hb: 978-1-498-71110-4: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-498-71111-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498711104

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The Gang Life: Laugh Now, Cry Later Suppression and Prevention Robert Matthew Brzenchek, Ben Pieper and Garrick Plonczynski Developed by a nationally awarded educator and gang investigators, this approaches the topic from the criminal gangster mindset with a holistic approach toward predictive gang prevention. It follows the development of a gang member from the beginning. It is augmented by three (or more) examples of how law enforcement has evolved from creating gang units and Violent Crime Task Forces to understanding the need for documenting and tracking gang activity. This is essential information for both the academic and professional markets. Routledge Market: Criminal Justice / Gangs October 2017: 234x156: 156pp Hb: 978-1-138-10303-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-498-77807-7: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15818-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138103030

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POLICE & POLICING Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Famous Police Leaders

Transnational Policing

And a Few that are Infamous

FIFA and Its Agreements

Brandon Kooi, Aurora University, Illinois, USA

Sophie Nakueira, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa Series: Advances in Police Theory and Practice

This project provides a unique addition to policing literature by detailing the background and history of our most relevant and infamous police leaders. The book is directed toward courses in leadership and historical biographies related to policing in the United States. Readers will be informed about the backgrounds of each police leader and how the political and historical environments shaped their leadership. Moreover, the book will educate the reader on major shifts in American policing strategies and leadership theories along with research findings that helped shape these historical shifts. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice August 2018: 235 x 156: 225pp Hb: 978-1-498-76892-4: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-498-76893-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498768924

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This book demonstrates how globalization or transnational governance affects everyone through an analysis of the FIFA agreements. It examines actors outside state boundaries and how they are influencing decisions that affect various aspects of public life inside state borders through the study of contracts and agreements signed by the state with transnational private actors. It illustrates how such agreements enable actors outside state territories (who have not been voted into power) come to shape and influence how public services are distributed. The reader will come away with the knowledge on how actions at the global level impact on life at the local level. CRC Press Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice July 2018: 235 x 156: 300pp Hb: 978-1-498-76385-1: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76386-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498763851

Police and Society in Brazil Edited by Vicente Riccio, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil and Wesley G. Skogan, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA Series: Advances in Police Theory and Practice This book fills a gap in English literature about policing in Brazil, a nation that currently ranks 6th in number of homicides. Crime is closely associated with social inequality and failure of the criminal justice system. The police are considered by most as corrupt, inefficient and violent, especially when occupying poor areas, and they lack the widespread legitimacy enjoyed by police forces in many nations in the northern hemisphere. Hot-button issues are addressed alongside more basic questions about the organization, staffing and equipping of the state and federal policing agencies. This volume provides the first English language overview of research on Brazilian police. CRC Press Market: Policing / Brazil October 2017: 235 x 156: 206pp Hb: 978-1-498-76903-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-15411-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498769037

3rd Edition • NEW EDITION

Psychological Aspects of Crisis Negotiation Thomas Strentz, Forensic Behavioral Sciences Inc., Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA Psychological Aspects of Crisis Negotiation, Third Edition explores the methods and strategies for confronting the nine types of subjects typically encountered in hostage/suicide sieges by correctional staff and law enforcement crisis negotiators. Strentz, an experienced negotiator who designed and directed the FBI’s hostage negotiator program, lays out the critical elements that are required for a successful encounter with a hostage-taker or other malfeasant.

CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice / Negotiation November 2017: 229 x 152: 334pp Hb: 978-1-138-55702-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55703-1: £21.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15058-1 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-439-88005-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138557024

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SECURITY & INTELLIGENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder

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CTPED and Traditional Security Countermeasures

Critical Infrastructures Resilience

150 Things You Should Know

Policy and Engineering Principles

Lawrence Fennelly and Marianna Perry

Auroop Ratan Ganguly, Stephen E. Flynn and Udit Bhatia, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

CTPED and Traditional Security Countermeasures: 150 Things You Should Know is a handy reference for both experienced professionals and those just starting in security and law enforcement. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a foundational concept to physical security and can be incorporated widely in security policies, plans, and procedures. It has proven effective over the many years insofar as building and campus design, security architecture, and creating an overall security culture in any workplace. CRC Press Market: Criminology/Crime Prevention May 2018: 235 x 156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-138-48974-5: £155.00 Pb: 978-1-138-50173-7: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14452-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138501737

This text offers comprehensive and principled, yet practical, guidelines to critical infrastructures resilience. Extreme events and stresses, including those that may be unprecedented but are no-longer surprising, have disproportionate effects on critical infrastructures, and hence on communities, cities, and megaregions. The book identifies solutions that are scientifically credible, data driven, and sound in engineering principles while concurrently informed by and supportive of social and policy imperatives. Critical Infrastructures Resilience will be of interest to students of engineering and policy. Routledge Market: Homeland Security March 2017: 235 x 156: 152pp Hb: 978-1-498-75863-5: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75864-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781498758635

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Countering New(est) Terrorism

Fraud Hotlines

Hostage-Taking, Kidnapping, and Active Violence — Assessing, Negotiating, and Assaulting

Design, Performance, and Assessment Chelsea A. Binns

Bruce Oliver Newsome, University of California, Berkeley, USA, James W. Stewart, University of California, Berkeley, USA and Aarefah Mosavi, University of California, Berkeley, USA How should we assess new terrorist behaviors? What are the risks and challenges from new terrorism? Should we negotiate with terrorists and when should we use force against them? These are some of the questions answered in Countering New(est) Terrorism . Terrorist hostage-takings, kidnappings, and active shootings are growing in frequency and deadliness. Wholly new, original theories, presented in this book from a review of real-world examples and terrorist data suggest that new terrorists are dramatically more ideological, murderous, and far more suicidal. This book seeks to improve our knowledge of new terrorist behaviors, and our skills in responding to current and future attacks. CRC Press Market: Terrorism Studies January 2018: 235 x 156: 381pp Hb: 978-1-138-50159-1: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14443-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138501591

This book provides a complete guide on fraud hotlines. It is designed to educate readers with respect to the history, purpose, operation, use and utility of fraud hotlines. It also equips readers with the knowledge to create, analyze and assess the performance of fraud hotlines.

Auerbach Publications Market: Forensics & Criminal Justice November 2017: 235 x 156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-498-72743-3: £46.99 eBook: 978-1-315-37036-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498727433

4th Edition • NEW EDITION

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Critical Infrastructure Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Fourth Edition

How to Build an End to End Business Continuity Program

Robert S. Radvanovsky, CIPS, Infracritical, Geneva, Illinois, USA and Allan McDougall

Barbara F. Davi

The latest edition of Critical Infrastructure represents a culmination of research and real-world operational activity that has gone on over the past decade-plus. The book reflects the significant strides made in understanding the fundamentals behind securing, protecting, and safekeeping the operations of our world’s infrastructures. Many developments have taken place over the past several years on the homeland security and critical infrastructure protection fronts, leading to new protocols and procedures and updated guidelines and regulations. Such procedures and guidelines provide a base, a foundation, on which our world’s infrastructures—and moreover, security—depend.

The objective of a business continuity plan is to ensure that your business will be able to continue operating in the event of a disruption in service caused by a natural or man-made incident. This book provides a framework for businesses to assess their general and specific risks, determine measures to counter these risks, and establish a business continuity plan that will work regardless of the type of disruptive event. Written by a leading expert in the field, this text is a must-read for experienced professionals as well as those just starting out.

CRC Press Market: Disaster Planning and Recovery September 2018: 235 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-05779-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16468-7 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-466-50345-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138057791

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CRC Press Market: Forensics, Law & Homeland Security December 2018: 235 x 156: 600pp Hb: 978-1-498-79712-2: £49.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498797122

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Intelligence Analysis Fundamentals


Godfrey Garner and Patrick McGlynn

The Nature of an Emerging Global Threat

Intelligence Analysis Fundamentals provides an introductory study of intelligence gathering and analysis, serving as an accessible text for college level undergraduate and graduate level courses. The textbookencapsulates and simplifies the intelligence cycle providing an elementary explanation of the process of gathering, analyzing and appropriate distribution of intelligence, using practical examples and scenarios drawn from criminal, military, and terror-based circumstances. Coverage is general enough in nature that a lay student—interested in pursing a career in intelligence, Homeland Security, or other related areas of law enforcement—will benefit from it.

Edited by Dag K.J.E. von Lubitz, MedSMART Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and Candace Gibson

CRC Press Market: National Security May 2018: 235 x 156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-815-36940-0: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-351-24935-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9780815369400

The first book to look holistically at the nature of pandemics as a phenomenon, and the challenges of mounting an organized, concerted global response. Covering, military and security issues, government roadblocks to response, mutual aid agreements, ethics, global health organizations and response agencies, and the harsh realities of potential mass fatalities, the book examines the myriad complexities of pandemics and the real threat of outbreak. As such, it proposes possible organizational solutions—and recommendations for readiness in mobilizing a response—based on the various contributors’ extensive, and real-world, expertise in pandemic response. CRC Press Market: Public Health/Infectious Diseases July 2018: 235 x 156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-138-04830-0: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17022-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138048300


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Maritime Security and Operations

Personal Mobile Devices in the Enterprise

Maria G. Burns, University of Houston, Texas, USA

Security and Privacy Concerns

Maritime Security and Operations is a a primary text offering the latest developments in the maritime security sector for the growing number of courses in the area. It presents an all-encompassing approach in a significant global industry segment that powers the global economy and greatly impacts Homeland Security. This book addresses areas that are either partly covered, or not adequately covered, in other books, including: maritime security’s impact on corporate strategy, operations, legal compliance, and technologies; the role of big data and connectivity among the key players and supply chains; the global geopolitical, commercial and economic landscape; maritime security in the context of different ship types and trade routes; and essential risk management and risk assessment tools based on latest regulations and agency coalitions. CRC Press Market: Transport/Maritime July 2018: 254 x 178: 380pp Hb: 978-1-138-74415-8: £56.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18124-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138744158

Lawrence Gerard Dobranski, University of Saskatchewan Leaders of many public and private organizations face increased pressure to allow the use of personal mobile devices in their enterprises. This book provides an understanding of the increased risks that accompany the introduction of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) into the enterprise. These risks are examined from the perspectives of the four primary stakeholders: the user, the carrier, the third party content provider, and the enterprise itself. The book discusses how this trend affects access, risk, and security and examines solutions to the conundrum of access and risk reduction Cloud-based services are also discussed.

Auerbach Publications July 2018: 254 x 178: 320pp Hb: 978-1-466-59308-4: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-482-28263-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781466593084



National and Homeland Security Law

Private Security

Policy and Procedure

An Introduction to Principles and Practice

Kevin Govern, Ave Maria School of Law, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Unlike the massive law books published on national security or shorter titles published on specific issues arising out of the war on terror and the formation of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this book provides a succinct but detailed survey of recent legislation in this area. It examines relevant acts, laws, and promient cases and summarises their policy implications. The coverage includes international relations and diplomacy, the history of the DOD and its structure, the formation and current structure of DHS, and how national and the funding of homeland security initiatives. While grounded in legal references, the book is also highly readable and readily accessible to non-legal professionals. Auerbach Publications August 2018: 254 x 178: 352pp Hb: 978-1-420-07179-5: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-420-07180-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781420071795

Charles P. Nemeth Private Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice focuses on the recent history of the industry and the growing dynamic between private sector security and public safety and law enforcement. Coverage will include history and security theory, but emphasis is on current practice, reflecting the technology-driven, fast-paced, global security environment. Such topics covered include a history of the security industry, security law, risk management, physical security, Human Resources and personnel, investigations, institutional and industry-specific security, crisis and emergency planning, critical infrastructure protection, IT and computer security, and more. CRC Press Market: Criminal Justice / Security October 2017: 254 x 203: 796pp Hb: 978-1-498-72334-3: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15719-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498723343

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SECURITY & INTELLIGENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder

The Handbook of Physical Security System Testing Don Sturgis, Claremont, California, USA and Ray Bernard, Ray Bernard Consulting Svcs., Lake Forest, California, USA In the past decade the security industry has had difficulty keeping up with technological advances and security needs. The Handbook of Physical Security System Testing is the authoritative and definitive book on every phase of test planning and execution. The book defines the best practices that apply from start to finish and contains test planning and management checklists, test documentation templates, and example test plan material. This handbook explains the roles of testing, shows its many significant benefits, and establishes a baseline of best practices for physical security testing to empower vendors and customers to achieve better security system results for less time and money. Auerbach Publications August 2018: 235 x 156: 450pp Hb: 978-0-849-33189-3: ÂŁ49.99 eBook: 978-1-420-01302-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9780849331893

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Workplace Violence Issues in Threat Management Eugene A. Rugala, Carri Casteel, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, David E. Bixler, The Boeing Company, Huntington Beach, California, USA and Christina M. Holbrook, The Boeing Company, Auburn, Washington, USA Workplace Violence: Issues in Threat Management defines what workplace violence is, delves into the myths and realities surrounding the topic and provides readers with the latest statistics, thinking and strategies in the prevention of workplace violence. The authors, who themselves have implemented successful workplace violence protection programs, guide novice and experienced practitioners alike in the development of their own programs. CRC Press Market: Business & Management May 2018: 235 x 156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-498-73512-4: ÂŁ44.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73513-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498735124

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TERRORISM Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism

The Psychology of Terrorists

Anthony Tu

Tools for Profiling and Counterterrorism

Written by the world’s leading expert on the Tokyo sarin attacks, Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism is a comprehensive examination of the use, detection, and prevention of chemical and biological attacks. Divided in two parts, one devoted to chemical and the other biological weapons, this book emphasizes defense, decontamination, detection, treatment, mechanism of toxic action, and pathological effects in the case of each. Covering a diverse range of substances, chapters draw on detailed case studies on the US anthrax attacks, the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, as well as an entire chapter devoted to the Iran-Iraq War.

Edited by Raymond H. Hamden, The Foundation for International Human Relations, Washington, DC, USA

CRC Press Market: Homeland Security October 2017: 235 x 156: 183pp Hb: 978-1-138-03338-2: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-30551-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138033382

Drawing on his extensive experience, including research, consultations, and first-hand interviews, Richard Hamden presents a unique look at terrorists as individual players with personal motives as well as those of principle. Organizing the psychology of terrorists into four distinct profiles, he establishes the mindset of the individual terrorist, taking into account personal experience, psychological make-up, background, and religious ideology. Without prejudice or bias, he presents an analysis of terrorists and terrorist behavior and demonstrates the validity and reliability of profiling to understand ideological motivations and create tactical objectives to counter terrorist threats. CRC Press June 2018: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-439-81002-6: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-439-81003-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781439810026

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Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization

U.S. Counterterrorism

Edited by John R. Vacca, TechWrite, Pomeroy, Ohio, USA Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization is most complete treatment of the rapidly growing phenomenon of how terrorists’ online presence is utilized for terrorism funding, communication, and recruitment purposes. The book offers an in-depth coverage of the history of how terrorist groups developed an online presence and capability, emergence of various groups; the advancement of terrorist groups’ online presences; their utilization of video, chat room, and social media; and the capability for propaganda, training, and recruitment. The functional, real-world approach focuses on specifics as relate to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as the ultimate lone wolf/self-radicalizing entity at this juncture. CRC Press Market: Terrorism/Computing July 2018: 235 x 156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-138-04826-3: £56.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17025-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781138048263

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From Nixon to Trump – Key Challenges, Issues, and Responses Michael B. Kraft, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA and Edward Marks U.S. Counterterrorism examines the "war on modern terrorism," from the Nixon Administration through the end of the Obama Administration. The policy and programs of each in response to the changing terrorist threats faced over time are examined. This includes the evolution of the terrorism threat from secular groups with relatively narrow goals, to those with fundamentalist religion broad goals such as the rise of ISIS and the Islamic Caliphate. A sizeable section centers on the Bush Administration: its complete strategic review following 9/11, the declaration of the Global War on Terrorism, the military action taken in Afghanistan and Iraq, and expanded CT programs. CRC Press Market: Terrorism December 2017: 235 x 156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-498-70615-5: £52.99 eBook: 978-1-315-37161-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498706155

Security and Terrorist Risk Assessments Foundations and Methods Terje Aven, University of Stavanger, Norway and Seth Guikema, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Risk assessment for terrorist threats is a field of growing importance throughout the world. A number of different approaches and methods are used for terrorist risk assessment based on a variety of philosophically and practically different assumptions and starting points. However, the foundations of these approaches and methods are often poorly understood and poorly articulated by those conducting terrorist risk assessment, yet these issues underpin success in managing risk of terrorist attacks. This book contributes to an improved understanding and consideration of foundational issues underpinning assessment and management of terrorist risks. CRC Press Market: Homeland Security November 2018: 235 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-498-70028-3: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-498-70029-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498700283

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A Advanced Topics in Forensic Biology ........................... 3 Applications of Forensic Psychology Research Methods .................................................................................... 3

C Case Studies in Skeletal Trauma Resulting from Human Rights Abuses and Armed Conflict ............... 3 Chemical Analysis of Firearms, Ammunition, and Gunshot Residue, Second Edition .................................. 3 Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism ................................................................................ 14 Color Atlas of Forensic Histopathology ...................... 3 Countering New(est) Terrorism .................................... 11 Critical Infrastructure ........................................................ 11 Critical Infrastructures Resilience ................................ 11 CTPED and Traditional Security Countermeasures ............................................................... 11

Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics, Second Edition ....................................................................... 6 Introduction to Gangs ........................................................ 9

M Manual of Forensic Science ............................................. 6 Maritime Security and Operations ............................. 12 Modern Gangs ....................................................................... 9

N National and Homeland Security Law ..................... 12 Neurocriminology: Forensic and Legal Applications, Public Policy Implications ................................................. 7

O Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization ..................................................................... 14


D Digital Forensics and Investigations ............................ 3 Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice .................... 2

F Famous Police Leaders .................................................... 10 Forensic Botany, Second Edition .................................... 4 Forensic Digital Image Processing ................................ 4 Forensic Evidence Management ................................... 4 Forensic Examination of Fibres, Third Edition ....................................................................................... 4 Forensic Gait Analysis ......................................................... 4 Forensic Identification ........................................................ 4 Forensic Investigation of Processing Plant Accidents .................................................................................. 5 Forensic Materials Engineering: Case Studies, Second Edition ....................................................................................... 5 Forensic Recovery of Human Remains ........................ 5 Forensic Science Evidence ................................................. 2 Forensic Science Handbook, Volume I ........................ 5 Forensic Science Handbook, Volume II, Third Edition ....................................................................................... 5 Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook, Fourth Edition ........................................................................ 5 Forensics and Clinical Applications of Solid Phase Extraction, Second Edition ................................................ 6 Fraud Hotlines ..................................................................... 11

G Gang Life: Laugh Now, Cry Later, The .......................... 9 Global Perspectives on Crime Prevention and Community Resilience ........................................................ 2

Pandemics ............................................................................ 12 Pathology of Sharp Force Trauma ................................ 7 Personal Mobile Devices in the Enterprise ............... 12 Poisons ...................................................................................... 7 Police and Society in Brazil ............................................. 10 Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition ............................................................................ 7 Private Security .................................................................... 12 Psychological Aspects of Crisis Negotiation ........... 10 Psychology of Death Investigations, The ................... 8 Psychology of Terrorists, The ......................................... 14

R Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology, The ................................ 8

S Scientific Examination of Documents ......................... 7 Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition ....................................................................................... 7 Security and Terrorist Risk Assessments .................... 14 Sherlock Effect, The .............................................................. 8

T Technocrime and Criminological Theory .................. 2 Transnational Policing .................................................... 10

U U.S. Counterterrorism ....................................................... 14


H Handbook of Physical Security System Testing, The ............................................................................................ 13 How to Build an End to End Business Continuity Program ................................................................................. 11 Huber and Headrick's Handwriting Identification .......................................................................... 6

Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences .................................................................................... 8 Veterinary Forensics ............................................................. 8

W Workplace Violence .......................................................... 13

I Intelligence Analysis Fundamentals .......................... 12 International Handbook of Forensic Science ...................................................................................... 6 Introduction to Forensic Chemistry .............................. 6

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A August, Thomas F. ............................................................... 6 Aven, Terje ............................................................................. 14

B Barbaro, Anna ......................................................................... 6 Binns, Chelsea A. ................................................................ 11 Brzenchek, Robert Matthew .......................................... 9 Burns, Maria G. ..................................................................... 12 Byrd, Jason H. .......................................................................... 8

C Concannon, Diana ............................................................... 7

D Dalrymple, Brian .................................................................... 4 Davi, Barbara F. .................................................................... 11 Day, Stephen P. ...................................................................... 7 Dobranski, Lawrence Gerard ...................................... 12 Dupras, Tosha L. .................................................................... 5

E Elkins, Kelly M. ......................................................................... 6

F Fennelly, Lawrence ........................................................... 11 Fineschi, Vittorio .................................................................... 3

Riccio, Vicente ...................................................................... 10 Robertson, James ................................................................. 4 Rogers, Ernest ......................................................................... 8 Ross, Lee E. ................................................................................ 2 Rossy, Quentin ....................................................................... 8 Rugala, Eugene A. .............................................................. 13

S Sachowski, Jason .................................................................. 3 Saferstein, Richard ................................................................ 5 Saferstein, Richard ................................................................ 5 Scharff Peterson, Diana ..................................................... 2 Shoham, Shlomo Giora ..................................................... 6 Smyth Wallace, James ....................................................... 3 Steinmetz, Kevin ................................................................... 2 Strentz, Thomas .................................................................. 10 Sturgis, Don ........................................................................... 13

T Tu, Anthony ........................................................................... 14

V Vacca, John R. ....................................................................... 14 Vanezis, Peter .......................................................................... 7 von Lubitz, Dag K.J.E. ....................................................... 12

Y Young, Thomas W. ............................................................... 8

G Gamez, Ana .............................................................................. 3 Ganguly, Auroop Ratan ................................................. 11 Gardner, Ross M. .................................................................... 7 Garner, Godfrey ................................................................... 12 George, David J. ..................................................................... 7 Geraci, Alberto ........................................................................ 5 Glynn, Claire ............................................................................. 3 Goodman-Delahunty, Jane ............................................ 2 Govern, Kevin ....................................................................... 12

H Hamden, Raymond H. .................................................... 14 Harralson, Heidi H. ................................................................ 6 Harris, Howard ........................................................................ 6

K Kelly, Haydn D. ........................................................................ 4 Kimmerle, Erin H. ................................................................... 3 Knox, George W. .................................................................... 9 Kooi, Brandon ....................................................................... 10 Kraft, Michael B. ................................................................... 14 Kubic, Thomas ........................................................................ 5

L Lentini, John J. ........................................................................ 7 Lewis, Peter Rhys .................................................................. 5

M McCartney, Carole ................................................................ 4 Miller Coyle, Heather .......................................................... 4 Mozayani, Ashraf ................................................................... 4

N Nakueira, Sophie ................................................................ 10 Nemeth, Charles P. ............................................................ 12 Newsome, Bruce Oliver ................................................. 11

O O'Deane, Matthew ............................................................... 9

R Radvanovsky, Robert S. .................................................. 11 Ramsland, Katherine ........................................................... 8

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