Archaeology, History, Classical, Museum and Heritage Studies Catalogue 2019 January - June New and Forthcoming Titles
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Contents Archaeology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Classics ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 African History ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... American History ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Asian History .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. British History ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Early Modern History 1500-1750 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... European History ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... First World War ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... History - General ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... History: Theory, Method and Historiography ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Imperial and Colonial History .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Medieval History 400-1500 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Middle East History ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Modern History 1750-1945 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Second World War ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Social, Cultural and Religious History ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The Cold War ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Women's and Gender History ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... World/International History ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
13 14 16 17 18 20 24 26 31 32 34 37 38 41 43 46 47 48
Museum, Library and Heritage Studies ....................................................................................................................... 49 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
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A Necessary Fiction
Architectural Energetics in Archaeology
Researching the Archaeological Past through Imagined Narratives
Analytical Expansions and Global Explorations
Edited by Robert Witcher and Daniel P. Van Helden Series: Routledge Studies in Archaeology How can academic accounts of the past learn from engaging with the techniques of historical fiction? In recent years, a number of academic archaeologists have experimented with alternative ways of conducting and publishing research that push at the boundary between fact and fiction. The contributors to A Necessary Fiction use diverse case studies to consider the theoretical and methodological possibilities of using varied fictive and imaginative techniques in archaeological research - not simply to disseminate results, but rather as an integral part of the interpretive process. Routledge June 2019 Hb: 978-1-138-30363-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Leah McCurdy and Elliot Abrams Architectural Energetics in Archaeology assembles an international array of scholars who have analyzed architecture from archaeological and historic societies using architectural energetics. It is the first such volume of its kind. In addition to applying architectural energetics to a global range of architectural works, it outlines in detail the estimates of costs that can be used in future architectural analyses. This volume will serve archaeology and classics researchers, and lecturers teaching undergraduate and graduate courses related to social power and architecture. It also will interest architects examining past construction and engineering projects. Routledge Market: Archaeology February 2019: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-08856-6: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10979-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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An Archaeology of the Contemporary Era Alfredo Gonzalez-Ruibal An Archaeology of the Contemporary Era approaches the contemporary era, between the late nineteenth and twenty-first centuries, as an archaeological age defined by specific material processes. The materiality of our era, the book argues, and particularly its ruins and rubbish, reveals something profound, original and disturbing about humanity. This is the first attempt at describing the contemporary era from an archaeological point of view. Global in scope, the book brings together case studies from every continent and considers sources from peripheral and rarely considered traditions. Routledge Market: Archaeology December 2018: 246x189: 236pp Hb: 978-1-138-33843-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-33844-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-44175-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Art and Archaeology Edited by Mike Pearson, Ian Russell and Michael Shanks Series: Archaeological Orientations Archaeology in Antarctica discusses the ways archaeologists approach the history of Antarctica, focusing on the material dimension of human encounters with the region. A reflexive and critical exercise, it analyses the history of the research projects, their relationship with the work of historians, the way they understand historical and archaeological evidence, their theoretical standpoints; the ways archaeologists conduct fieldwork and laboratory/conservation practices, their engagement with heritage policies and outreach. It discusses how a comprehensive review of Antarctic archaeology might shed light on the historical discourses surrounding the region within the framework of modernity. Routledge May 2019: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-88897-5: £130.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Archaeological Theory in Practice Patricia A Urban and Edward Schortman, Kenyon College, USA This book bridges the gap between theory and practice by looking in detail at how the authors and their colleagues used theory to interpret what they found while conducting research in northwest Honduras. The book is of special interest to undergraduate Anthropology/Archaeology majors and first- and second-year graduate students, along with anyone interested in how archaeologists convert the static materials we find into dynamic histories of long-vanished people. Routledge Market: Archaeology February 2019: 229 x 152: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-20271-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-20280-1: £29.99 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-598-74628-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Assemblage Thought and Archaeology Ben Jervis Series: Themes in Archaeology Series Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s concept of ‘assemblages’ allows us to explore the past in new ways, by placing an emphasis on difference rather than similarity, on unpredictability rather than reproduceable models. Assemblage Thought and Archaeology applies the notion of assemblage to specific archaeological case studies, examining its implications for studying materials and urban settlements, and exploring its consequences for the practice of archaeological research and heritage management. This book will be of particular interest to postgraduate students of archaeological theory and researchers looking to understand this latest trend in archaeological thought. Routledge Market: Archaeology December 2018: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-1-138-06749-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06750-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15859-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Branding the Global Guggenheim
Emotional Heritage
Cultural Diplomacy in the Neoliberal Age
Visitor Engagement at Museums and Heritage Sites
Natalia Grincheva, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Museums in Focus
Laurajane Smith, The Australian National University, Australia
This book traces the Guggenheim’s development from a traditional cultural diplomacy actor to a nonpartisan player in the global arena, driven by institutional interests. Through analysis of international Guggenheim engagements, the book identifies and explores an emergence of a new type of museum diplomacy grounded primarily in institutional ambitions for global presence and recognition. This new "diplomacy" is based on strong museum commitments to cosmopolitan values and transnational issues, attracting a much larger international constituency and providing access to global economic, cultural and social resources.
Through the use of interviews this book develops the argument that heritage is itself a performance in which particular readings or understandings of the past are used to help individuals, groups, communities, institutions, nations and so forth to navigate cultural and social change and dissonance, while also mediating expressions of identity and the social and political values and narratives that underpin these expressions. It builds on the idea that heritage cannot be confined to material things or monuments or even to intangible cultural events, but rather those things and intangible events traditionally labelled heritage are cultural tools or events of remembering that are used within the processes and moments of heritage making.
Routledge Market: Anthropology April 2019: 216x138: 128pp Hb: 978-0-815-37094-9: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-351-19027-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-88864-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-88865-4: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71327-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Curatorial Activism
Exhibitions as Research
Kylie Message, The Australian National University Series: Museums in Focus
Experimental Methods in Museums
Curatorial Activism builds on Social Movement Studies to build and examine theoretical propositions around the tactics of curatorial activism and contemporary museology. With a focus on case studies, it includes strategies for ‘activating’ historical archives and collections-based data, and for engaging with an archaeology of the everyday to analyze the material residue of protest sites. The ‘Occupy Museums’ activism, which bridges economy, art, and discourses of privilege, provides a site of examination. This book’s interdisciplinary framework is drawn from sociology, history and political science, as well as museum studies. Routledge Market: Museum Studies August 2019 Hb: 978-1-138-24012-4: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-29409-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Peter Bjerregaard Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies Exhibitions as Research explores new models for turning the museum into a hotspot for experimental research in the humanities. Museums often see themselves as divided into three main areas of work: research, heritage management and public communication, which often exist independently within the same institution. This volume asks: is it possible to think of exhibitions and the process of making them as research in and of itself? Exploring how concrete practices might be developed in museums, Exhibitions as Research highlights how the potential for new research can be unlocked in an everyday museum setting. Routledge March 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-64606-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62777-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Exhibitions for Social Justice
The City of the Throne: Archaeology and History
Elena Gonzales Series: Museum Meanings
Paolo Matthiae, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (Emeritus) Series: Cities of the Ancient World In Ebla, Paolo Matthiae draws together the results of 50 years of excavations at this fascinating site to offer a full survey of Ebla’s history and archaeology. Ebla grew from a small Bronze Age settlement to become a significant trading centre which endured until its final destruction in c.1600 BC. Of particular importance was the destruction of its palace c.2300 BC, preserving the city’s archives, which offer a wealth of information on its economy, administration and daily life. Available for the first time in English, Ebla offers a complete account of one of the largest preclassical urban centres, making it an essential resource for students of Ancient Near Eastern archaeology and history. Routledge Market: Ancient History / Archaeology May 2019: 234x156: 552pp Hb: 978-1-138-85065-1: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Exhibitions for Social Justice provides tools for curators, museum professionals, and workers in the cultural sector wishing to inspire positive change in society. The book explores how visual culture studies, memory studies, and neuroscience can inform the presentation of content. This collection of curatorial tools supports the engagement of visitors in a way that helps them build stronger, deeper memories while also helping visitors to empathize with others. Routledge Market: Archaeology June 2019: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-29261-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29259-8: £28.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Formative Britain
Historicising Heritage and Emotions
An Archaeology of Britain, Fifth to Eleventh Century AD
The Affective Histories of Blood, Stone and Land
Martin Carver, University of York, UK Series: Routledge Archaeology of Northern Europe
Edited by Alicia Marchant Series: Routledge Studies in Heritage
This volume provides a detailed study of the archaeology of Britain and its inshore islands between AD 400 and 1100. For the first time a single-author book treats early medieval Britain as a whole, enabling Carver to show that the primary cultural, political and ideological foundations of the island’s population were laid during this time. This is the first book in a generation that presents the archaeology of this period in such a comprehensive fashion for the whole of Britain, and is a crucial purchase for those people wishing to understand how the islands of Britain developed in the early Medieval period.
Historicising Heritage and Emotions examines how heritage is connectedto and between people and places through emotion, in the past and today. Discussion focuses on the categories of blood (families and bloodlines), stone (monuments and memorials), and land (landscape and places imbued with memories). Contributors explore how emotions invest heritage with affective power, and the transformative effects of this power in individual, community and cultural contexts. Offering transhistorical and multidisplinary discussion about how we can talk about, discuss, categorise and theorise heritage and emotion, itis valuable for students and scholars interested in heritage,
Routledge Market: Archaeology January 2019: 246x174: 858pp Hb: 978-0-415-52474-2: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52475-9: £26.99 eBook: 978-0-429-44913-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
emotions and history. Routledge Market: Heritage Studies February 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-20282-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-47289-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Global Social Archaeologies
Iron Age Lives
Making a Difference in a World of Strangers
The Archaeology of Britain and Ireland 800 BC – AD 400
Claire E Smith and Koji Mizoguchi Global Social Archaeologies contributes to the active engagement of contemporary social archaeology with issues of postcolonialism, community heritage, and indigenous rights and the major challenge that it faces in breaking down global divides, especially in relation to fundamental human rights, inequality and inequities of wealth, power, and access to knowledge.
Routledge Market: Archaeology March 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-629-58306-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-629-58307-5: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Ian Armit, University of Bradford, UK Series: Routledge Archaeology of Northern Europe Iron Age Lives provides the first integrated academic treatment of the Iron Age of Britain and Ireland. After considering the social changes that marked the end of the Later Bronze Age, it examines the environmental, economic, demographic and cultural factors that underpinned the emergence of the societies of the Early Iron Age. Subsequent chapters trace the development of increasingly complex and distinctive social forms. Central themes addressed in the book include: the creation and expression of individual and collective identities; the social role of art and religion; changing gender roles; technological innovation; the treatments of the dead; gift-giving, trade; and conflict. Routledge Market: Archaeology January 2019: 246x189: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-53794-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-53795-7: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Historical Archaeology and Heritage in the Middle East
Memphis, Babylon, Cairo
Ruth Young, University of Leicester, Uk Historical Archaeology and Heritage in the Middle East explores th everyday, rural communities in Iran and Oman in the 19 and th 20 centuries, through a combination of building analysis, excavation, artefact analysis and ethnographic interviews.The first of its kind, the book draws on the results of original field projects and brings together methodologies, research questions, and themes never before used or addressed in the Middle East. It helps establish historical archaeology in the Middle East and provides new ways in which the memorable, quotidian past can be exploited for its social and economic value in contemporary community and heritage developments. Routledge Market: Archaeology January 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-815-39558-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-18350-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
An Archaeology David Jeffreys, University College London, UK and Ana Tavares, Field Director, Ancient Egypt Research Associates Series: Cities of the Ancient World This book explores the human past in Egypt’s ‘capital zone’, the nexus of social activity located at the junction of the Nile valley and the Nile delta, the archaeology of which is a template through time for the development of Nile valley civilization as a whole. Instead of a linear narrative, the volume takes a wider four-dimensional approach, considering ecology and climate change, the Nile regime and human response to it over time, the cognitive aspects of the environment; and instead of insisting on a compartmentalised division based on a dynasty-led system of time parcels, it argues for natural and social continuity in a broader context over 5000 years or more. Routledge Market: Archaeology / Egyptology April 2019: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-1-138-85062-0: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Peterborough and the Soke
Sharing Values in a Viking-Age Network
Art, Architecture and Archaeology
Connections, Hybridity and Innovation
Edited by Ron Baxter, Jackie Hall and Claudia Marx Series: The British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions
Nanouschka Burström Series: Routledge Studies in Archaeology
This ambitious volume casts new light on the Roman occupation of the Nene valley, and the rich Anglo-Saxon sculptural and manuscript context that preceded the construction of the present cathedral, as well as exploring the vital Romanesque tradition of the Soke and the essential contribution of the Barnack quarries.
Sharing Values in a Viking-Age Network: Connections, Hybridity and Innovation develops an understanding of Viking-Age (AD c. 750-1100) networks on various user levels, using Anglo-Scandinavian coinage as an example and a means. The coins are explored in relation to the ideological and historical contexts that may have motivated different choices and outcomes and to update the theoretical framework where concepts like mimesis, appropriation and materiality play important roles. Sharing Values in a Viking-Age Network contributes not only to the understanding of the Vikings' material world but also problematizes and develops the archaeological understanding of imitations and copies.
Routledge Market: Archaeology March 2019: 246x174: 368pp Hb: 978-0-367-17376-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-367-17382-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-05642-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge August 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-23790-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-29875-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Post-Soviet Heritages in the Making
The Cycladic and Aegean Islands in Prehistory
Archaeology and statecraft in Russia’s resource colonies Gertjan Plets Series: Routledge Studies in Heritage Despite its unique ideological pathway and sizeable community, the socio-political context of archaeology in Russia and the former Soviet world remains relatively unexplored. Post-Soviet Heritages provides an analysis of the socio-political enmeshment of archaeology and heritage in Russia’s resource colony: Siberia. Exploring indigenous communities, minority groups, governance models and the political and cultural use of cultural heritage this book fills a large gap in our understanding of Russian archaeology and heritage. Routledge June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-65688-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Ina Berg Analyzing the development of the Cycladic and Aegean islands from their earliest settlement in the Mesolithic through to the end of the Mycenaean period, The Cycladic and Aegean Islands in Prehistory traces the major environmental, cultural and religious transformations of these communities. Fully up-to-date, this book considers well-known historical excavations as well as the results of important excavations undertaken over the last 20 years. The book's chronological structure delivers the necessary factual knowledge of sites, objects, debates and theoretical frameworks, while extra ‘context’ sections provide a critical analysis of an important theme for each time period. Routledge Market: Archaeology December 2018: 246x189: 354pp Hb: 978-0-415-81187-3: £32.99 Pb: 978-0-415-81188-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64108-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Rethinking Research in the Art Museum
The Evolution of Paleolithic Technology
Emily Pringle
Steven L Kuhn, University of Arizona, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Archaeology
Redefining Research within the Art Museum interrogates accepted thinking around the place of research in the art museum. It presents an alternative model of practice-based scholarly enquiry that foregrounds creativity and innovation and challenges dominant orthodoxies and hierarchies of knowledge. Seeking to support museum professionals and researchers to bring about change in art museum research practices Redefining Research within the Art Museum illuminates a variety of practices through a broad range of case studies. Routledge April 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-23786-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-23787-2: £32.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Evolution of Paleolithic Technology examines the changing nature of hominin technologies over the roughly 2.5 million years of the Paleolithic, from the appearance of the first stone tools to the beginnings of agriculture, and provides an alternative view on technological evolution over this long time frame. Drawing on various perspectives, necessary for a multi-scalar approach, it places the material culture of early humans into a theoretical context that invites critical interpretation and consideration of the evolution of behavior and cognition. Routledge Market: Archaeology June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-18887-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64202-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Living History Anthology
The Vikings
Perspectives from the ALHFAM Edited by Martha B. Katz-Hyman, Cliff Jones, Susan J. McCabe and Mary Seelhorst Produced in partnership with the Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (AFLHAM), the volume presents some of the highlights of the association’s Bulletin and Proceedings publications. Essential topics covered include the defining of living history, the general management of sites, approaches to research and collection development, ways of working with living collections, development of visitor learning strategies, and the addressing of common challenges. Each essay is briefly introduced and contextualized by the editors, while the collection benefits from a new foreword and introduction, as well as a new bibliographic essay to assist with further reading. Routledge Market: Museum and Heritage Studies December 2018: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-0-815-38686-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-35371-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-42728-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Neil Price, University of Uppsala, Sweden Series: Peoples of the Ancient World From an author at the forefront of some of the major aspects of Vikings research, this short introduction to the Vikings fills a large gap in the current coverage offered and includes examination of the Vikings and religion, society, economy, and their expansion overseas. Neil Price presents students with an excellent introduction to a widely-studied and fascinating subject.
Routledge Market: Archaeology / History June 2019: 216x138 Hb: 978-0-415-34349-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34350-3: £22.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Routledge Handbook of Historical Archaeology
The World of Great Zimbabwe
Edited by Charles E. Orser, Jr., Vanderbilt University, USA, Susan Lawrence, James Symonds and ANDRES ZARANKIN
Edited by Innocent Pikirayi Series: Routledge Worlds
The Routledge Handbook of Global Historical Archaeology is designed to offer readers an up-to-date introduction to the rapidly growing, worldwide field of historical archaeology. Whereas the field was once restricted to the United States (largely as an anthropological pursuit) and Great Britain (generally as a historical endeavor called ‘post-medieval archaeology’), today’s historical archaeologists live and conduct important research in places only dreamt of twenty years ago. Given the ever-developing nature of the discipline, the contributors to this handbook will concentrate most of their discussions on archaeological achievements made since about 2006.
The World of Great Zimbabwe details the development of complex societies in the region south of the Zambezi River which includes the Zimbabwe plateau. Starting with the origins of this development in the Shashe-Limpopo Basin the book explores the rise, development and decline of Great Zimbabwe in all its complexity. A range of African and international scholars analyze multiple dimensions of Great Zimbabwe as an entangled place, city, empire, archaeological site, and archaeological and imagined entity, situating these within broader spatial and temporal contexts in a manner that has never previously been attempted.
Routledge June 2019: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-70405-3: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge June 2019: 450pp Hb: 978-1-138-91347-9: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69144-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology
Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers
Edited by Robin Skeates, University of Durham, UK and Jo Day
The Archaeological and Historical Context of Viking-Age Silver Coin Deposits in the Baltic c. 800–1050
The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology consolidates the developing field of ‘sensory archaeology’, summarizing and critically reflecting upon progress made in this field during the early years of the twenty-first century. Looking to the future of this growing area, the volume moves beyond reflection on sensory archaeology to highlight how it is challenging and transforming mainstream archaeology by exploring a wide variety of thought-provoking research questions and innovative methodologies for disseminating results. Providing a platform for further research and study, no other book offers such a broad look at this important topic. Routledge Market: Archaeology June 2019 Hb: 978-1-138-67629-9: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56017-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Jacek Gruszczyński Series: Routledge Archaeologies of the Viking World By investigating silver hoards and the context of their deposition, Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers seeks to understand the variety of functions performed by hoards; the differences in function within regions; the hoards’ relationship with trade; and the nature and function of emporia. It also examines the extent to which the findings mesh with literary evidence and the nature of the different societies benefiting from the influx of silver in the Viking Age.
Routledge Market: Archaeology January 2019: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-815-37336-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-24365-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Writing the Past Knowledge and Literary Production in Archaeology Gavin Lucas, University of Iceland Writing the Past attempts to re-introduce a normative dimension to knowledge practices in archaeology, especially in relation to archaeological practice further down the ‘assembly line’ in the production of published texts, where archaeological knowledge becomes most stabilised and is widely disseminated. By exploring the composition of texts in archaeology and the relation between their structural, performative characteristics and key epistemic virtues, this book aims to move debate in both knowledge and writing practices in a new direction.
Routledge Market: Archaeology December 2018: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-0-367-00104-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00105-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-44448-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CLASSICS 7th Edition
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A History of the Roman People Celia E. Schultz, Allen M. Ward, F. M. Heichelheim and C. A. Yeo A History of the Roman People offers students a comprehensive, up-to-date, readable introduction to the whole span of Roman history. Richly illustrated, this book takes readers through the mists of Roman prehistory and a survey of the peoples of pre-Roman Italy to a balanced, thoughtful account of the complexities of the Roman Republic, its evolution into a full-fledged Empire, and its ultimate decline. This latest edition enhances the political narrative with explorations of elements of daily life in the Roman world. Routledge Market: Classical Studies/Ancient History April 2019: 246x174: 640pp Hb: 978-1-138-70889-1: £145.00 Pb: 978-1-138-72469-3: £88.99 eBook: 978-1-315-19231-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Beyond Orality Biblical Poetry on its Own Terms Jacqueline Vayntrub Series: The Ancient Word Beyond Orality: Biblical Poetry on its Own Terms changes the debate by showing how biblical poetry has worked as a mirror, reflecting each era’s own self-image of verbal art. Yet Vayntrub also shows that this problem is rooted in a crucial pattern within the Bible itself: the texts we recognize as "poetry" are framed as powerful and ancient verbal performances, dramatic speeches from the past. The Bible’s creators presented what we call poetry in terms of their own image of the ancient and the oral, and understanding their native theories of Hebrew verbal art gives us a new basis to rethink our own. Routledge Market: Biblical Studies/Ancient Near East March 2019: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-23562-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-30419-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aristotle and Early Christian Thought
Childhood in Antiquity
Mark Edwards Series: Studies in Philosophy and Theology in Late Antiquity
Perspectives and Experiences of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean
Aristotle and Early Christian Thought is the first book in English to give a synoptic account of the slow appropriation of Aristotelian thought in the Christian world from the second to the sixth centuries. Concentrating on the great theological topics – creation, the soul, the Trinity and Christology – it makes full use of modern scholarship on the Peripatetic tradition after Aristotle, explaining the significance of Neoplatonism as a mediator of Aristotelian logic. This volume offers a valuable study not only for students of Christian theology in its formative years, but also for anyone seeking an introduction to the thought of Aristotle and its developments in late antiquity.
Edited by Lesley Beaumont, Matthew Dillon, University of New England, Australia and Nicola Harrington Series: Rewriting Antiquity This volume will employ a multi-disciplinary approach in order to treat ancient childhood in a holistic manner according to diachronic, regional and thematic perspectives. This multi-disciplinary approach will encompass Classical Studies, ancient history and the broad spectrum of archaeology, including iconography and forensic science. Chronologically it will cover the period between the Bronze Age and Byzantium. Regionally it will cover Egypt, Greece, and Italy. Within this chronological and regional framework both the social construction of childhood and the child’s life experience will be emphasised.
Routledge Market: Late Antiquity/Early Christianity March 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-69799-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-52021-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Classical Studies May 2019 Hb: 978-1-138-78086-6: £130.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman Egypt
Children in the Bible and the Ancient World
Women’s Bodies, Society and Domestic Space Ada Nifosi Series: Medicine and the Body in Antiquity Through a comparative and interdisciplinary study of the historical sources, papyri, artefacts and archaeological evidence, Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman Egypt shows how Greek, Roman, Jewish and Near Eastern cultures impacted on the social perception of female puberty, childbirth and menstruation in Greco-Roman Egypt from the 3rd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. Routledge Market: Classical Studies December 2018: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-138-09985-2: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10379-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Comparative and Historical Methods in Reading Ancient Children Edited by Shawn W. Flynn Series: Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East Children in the Bible and the Ancient World broadly introduces children in the ancient world, and specifically children in the bible. It brings together an international group of experts who help readers understand how children are constructed in biblical literature across three broad areas: Children in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, Children in Christian Writings and the Greco-Roman World, Children and Materiality.
Routledge Market: Ancient Near East/Childhood Studies April 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-54376-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-00610-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CLASSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Combined Arms Warfare in Ancient Greece
Gilgamesh Louise M. Pryke, The University of Sydney, Australia Series: Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World
From Homer to Alexander the Great and his Successors Graham Wrightson Series: Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies Combined Arms Warfare in Ancient Greece examines the timelines of military developments that led from the hoplite-based armies of the ancient Greeks to the hugely successful and multi-faceted armies of Philip II, Alexander the Great, and his Successors. It concentrates on the introduction and development of individual units and their tactical coordination and use in battle in what is termed ‘combined arms’: the effective integration of different unit types into one cohesive battle plan and army allowing each unit to focus on its strengths without having to worry about its weaknesses. Routledge Market: Ancient History/War Studies March 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-57459-5: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Gilgamesh focuses on the eponymous hero of the world’s oldest epic and his legendary adventures. However, it also goes further and examines the significance of the story’s Ancient Near Eastern context, and what it tells us about notions of kingship, animality, and the natures of mortality and immortality. Gilgamesh is an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to understand this fascinating figure, and more broadly, the relevance of Near Eastern myth in the classical world and beyond.
Routledge Market: Ancient History/Mythology April 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-86069-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-71634-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Inscribing Faith
Damascus - A History Ross Burns, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Series: Cities of the Ancient World Damascus, first published in 2005, was the first account in English of the history of the city, bringing out the crucial role it has played at many points in the region's past. This new edition has been thoroughly updated using recent scholarship and includes an additional chapter placing the events of the Syrian post-2011 conflict in the context of the city’s tumultuousexperiences over the last century.
Routledge Market: History/Archaeology/Middle Eastern Studies January 2019: 234x156: 408pp Hb: 978-1-138-48332-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48335-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-05522-2 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-27105-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Between Reading and Seeing in Late Antiquity Sean V. Leatherbury Series: Image, Text, and Culture in Classical Antiquity Challenging the idea that late antique inscriptions in religious contexts were only vehicles for the communication of information or simple prayers for divine help, this book considers these texts as verbal and visual documents that were both read and viewed by the audiences who wrote and interacted with them. The author draws on Christian mosaic inscriptions in order to rewrite the ways in which scholars have examined these texts thus far, comparing the Christian examples (the largest corpus that survives from the period) with late pagan, Jewish and early Islamic inscriptions that perform similar functions. Routledge May 2019: 246x174: 272pp Hb: 978-1-472-45918-3: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Julia Augusta
Images of Rome's First Empress on Coins of the Roman Empire
A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam
Tracene Harvey
Edited by John Tolan The eleven chapters in this book, written by an international group of specialists the languages, religion, law and culture of early Judaism, Christianity and Islam, tackle these questions through a comparative study of these narratives: their formation over time, and their use today. Geneses: A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam represents an important contribution and a valuable resource to the burgeoning field of comparative history of the Abrahamic religions.
Julia Augusta examines the socio-political impact of the coin images of Livia within the broader context of representations of her in other visual media such as sculpture and cameos, and reveals the detailed visual language that was developed for the promotion of Livia as the predominant female in the Roman imperial family. These images, whose visual elements were rooted in Hellenistic Greek and Roman Republican precursors, were customized to portray Livia not only in traditional gender roles as wife and mother, but they also communicated the dynastic, socio-political and religious ideologies of the ruling regime. Routledge August 2019: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-472-47868-9: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Religion/Ancient History April 2019: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-0-815-36207-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-11331-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CLASSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Monsters and Animals in Ancient Culture and Religion
Power Couples in Antiquity
Edited by Sian Lewis, Sam Newington and Loren Stuckenbruck Talking snakes and sacred crocodiles, roaring giants and hermaphrodites, hybrid monsters and terrifying demons: the world of ancient myth and religion was populated by creatures real and imaginary, benevolent or threatening. This collection of essays from experts in a range of disciplines examines the role played by animals and monsters in ancient myths of creation, worship and art, and how cultures of the Mediterranean and Near East influenced each others’ myth and thought. Routledge April 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-815-36741-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25748-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Transversal Perspectives Edited by Anne Bielman Sánchez Series: Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies Power Couples in Antiquity brings together the reflections of ten specialists on Greek and Roman power couples from the 4th century BC to the 1st century AD. It is focused on the birth and the development of the "ruling couple" in the Hellenistic Greek kingdoms and in Rome between the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire. This book offers a fascinating insight into power dynamics in the ancient world, exploring not only the subtleties within these often complex relationships, but also their relationships with their subjects through the cultivation and manipulation of their joint public image. Routledge Market: Classical Studies/Ancient History March 2019: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-1-138-57526-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-27244-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Narrative Constructions of Gender and Time in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean
Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy
Edited by Esther Eidinow and Lisa Maurizio Each essay in this collection places gender at the center of its exploration of time in a particular genre from the Greco-Roman world. Many of the essays begin with female characters, but all of them emphasize how and where time is implicitly coded as masculine or feminine, and thus is an integral component of ancient categories of female and male. Overall, the volume brings a rich and provocative theoretical analysis of the gendered coding of time in ancient narratives. Routledge April 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-50354-0: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
From the Middle Republic to the Early Empire Jane Draycott Series: Medicine and the Body in Antiquity Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy examines the roles that the home, the garden, and the members of the household (freeborn, freed, and slave) played in the acquisition and maintenance of good physical and mental health and well-being. This volume offers an indispensable resource to social historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient family, and medical historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient world.
Dummy text to keep placeholder Routledge March 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-472-43396-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-60685-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
On the Edge of the Empires North Mesopotamia During the Roman Period (2nd – 4th c. CE) Rocco Palermo, Federico II University of Naples, Italy Series: Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East In antiquity, North Mesopotamia was the centre of the confrontation between different imperial entities. Rome, the Parthians, the Sasanians and the nomads of the region were all agents of a complex series of dynamics that impacted on the area: Rome found the most serious threat to its territorial control in the East in these lands, and the political turmoil of the region also affected daily life. This volume explores this mixed culture, unique in the Roman territories, combining literary and historical, and archaeological and environmental evidence in order to explore this important frontier between east and west.
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Sport and Identity in Ancient Greece Zinon Papakonstantinou Addressing central yet largely unexplored issues relating to sport and the complex processes of identity construction in the ancient Greek world this volume is the first systematic study of its kind and demonstrates the continuous centrality of sport in identity construction. It presents Greek sport as a malleable cultural practice that was intimately interconnected with other fundamental aspects of the social and cultural life of Greek communities from the archaic age to late antiquity. Routledge June 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-472-43822-5: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61040-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Ancient Near East January 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-12013-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64825-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CLASSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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The Captive Monk
The Syriac World
Edited by Daniel King Series: Routledge Worlds
Slavery and Asceticism in Early Syrian Christianity Chris L. de Wet, University of South Africa Series: Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World This volume explores the role of slavery and captivity in the formation of Syrian ascetical theology and practice. It argues that the realities of captivity and enslavement, prevalent in the region from at least the middle of the third century, gave rise to an expression of ascetic practice as enslavement. In the literary sources of this period, a curious figure emerges, namely that of the captive and enslaved monk. The topos of the captive monk is a consequence of the combination of a potent doulology in scripture and in the early theological thought of the region along with the "Saracen" threat of real bondage. Routledge Market: Early Christianity June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-05041-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16874-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This volume surveys the "Syriac world", the culture that grew up among the Syriac-speaking communities from the 2nd century CE and which continues to exist and flourish today, both in its original homeland of Syria and Mesopotamia, and also in the worldwide diaspora of Syriac-speaking communities. It examines the religion, the material, visual and literary cultures, history and social structures of this diverse community, as well as Syriac interactions with their neighbours ancient and modern. It offers the first comprehensive survey of Syriac culture as a whole, and fills a significant gap in modern scholarship. Routledge Market: Classical Studies/Early Christianity/Middle Eastern Studies December 2018: 246x174: 842pp Hb: 978-1-138-89901-8: £175.00 eBook: 978-1-315-70819-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Ganatilaka and its Commentary
The Umayyad World
Two Medieval Sanskrit Mathematical Texts
Edited by Andrew Marsham, The University of Edinburgh, UK Series: Routledge Worlds
Alessandra Petrocchi Series: Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World The Ganatilaka and its Commentary: Two Medieval Sanskrit Mathematical Texts presents the first English annotated translation and analysis of the Ganatilaka by Śrīpati and its Sanskrit commentary by the Jaina monk Simatilakasūri (13th century CE). This is, in fact, the first known Sanskrit mathematical commentary written by a Jaina monk, upon whom we have substantial information, to survive to the present day.
Routledge Market: History of Science February 2019: 234x156: 390pp Hb: 978-1-138-49621-7: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-351-02226-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Umayyad World captures the new wave of scholarship on the formative era of Islam and helps shape fresh avenues of inquiry. The volume integrates early Islamic history into wider global history, through the growing recognition that the first century or so of Islam (. 610–. 750 CE) belongs in many respects to a ‘long late antiquity’. With this recognition in mind new approaches to thinking about the nature of the earliest Muslim Empire are explored, often in a comparative world historical perspective, as well as examining the development of the religion of Islam itself. Routledge Market: Classical Studies January 2019: 246x174: 664pp Hb: 978-1-138-91350-9: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69141-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory Edited by Peter Meineck, William Michael Short and Jennifer Devereaux The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory is an interdisciplinary volume that examines the application of cognitive theory to the study of the classical world, across several interrelated areas including linguistics, literary theory, social practices, performance, artificial intelligence and archaeology. With contributions from a diverse group of international scholars working in this exciting new area, the volume explores the processes of the mind drawing from research in psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and anthropology, and interrogates the implications of these new approaches for the study of the ancient world. Routledge Market: Classical Studies December 2018: 246x174: 414pp Hb: 978-1-138-91352-3: £175.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69139-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Understanding Greek Warfare Matthew A. Sears Series: Understanding the Ancient World Understanding Greek Warfare offers a wide-ranging survey of Greek warfare, from the Mycenaeans through to the Hellenistic kingdoms’ clashes with Rome. This volume will be a crucial resource for students of war in the ancient Greek world, and of the ancient Greeks in general.
Routledge Market: Classical Studies / Military History February 2019: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-28860-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-28861-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26779-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Water and Urbanism in Roman Britain Hybridity and Identity Jay Ingate Series: Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism Water and Urbanism in Roman Britain argues that the creation of Roman water infrastructure forged a meaningful entanglement between the process of urbanisation and significant local landscape contexts. As a result, it suggests that archetypal Roman urban water features were often more related to an active expression of local hybrid identities, rather than alignment to an incoming continental ideal. By questioning the familiarity of these aspects of the ancient urban form, we can move away from the unhelpful idea that Roman precedent is a central tenet of the current unsustainable relationship between water and our modern cities. Routledge Market: Roman History April 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-63469-5: ÂŁ105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20670-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Radical Antiapartheid Internationalism and Exile The Life of Elizabeth Mafeking Holly McGee, University of Cincinnati, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History Elizabeth Mafeking was a titanic figure in the history of resistance to Apartheid in South Africa, a mother of 11 who travelled to Bulgaria to publicize the evils of racial segregation, before escaping into exile from a banning order that would have separated her from her home and family. This book analyses Mafeking’s life, and the union work that cost the activist her family and home, and left to thirty-two desperate years in self-imposed exile. The book simultaneously sheds light on one of the many ways in which black women's protests evolved from localized issues of race-based discrimination to international, anti-colonial struggle in the mid-twentieth century. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-50144-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14432-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Decolonisation of Zimbabwe Edited by Kate Law, Nottingham University, UK Over 50 years since Rhodesia declared independence, Zimbabwe remains haunted by the legacies of colonialism. This book examines one of Britain’s most intractable decolonial episodes and the local and global forces that resulted in independence. This book was first published as a special issue of The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History.
Routledge Market: Decolonisation / Zimbabwe December 2018: 246x174: 154pp Hb: 978-0-367-03069-8: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
3rd Edition
The History of Africa The Quest for Eternal Harmony Molefi Kete Asante, Temple University, USA Authoritative and comprehensive, this book provides a wide-ranging history of Africa from earliest prehistory to the present day – using the cultural, social, political, and economic lenses of Africa as instruments to illuminate the ordinary lives of Africans. The result is a fresh survey that includes a wealth of indigenous ideas, African concepts, and traditional outlooks that have escaped the writing of African history in the West. The new edition includes information on the recent conflicts in Libya and the Sudan, as well as additional content on the experiences and contributions of women. Routledge Market: African History/African Studies December 2018: 254 x 178: 482pp Hb: 978-1-138-71037-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-71038-2: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16816-6 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-84454-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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AMERICAN HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
A History of Indigenous Latin America
Imaginary Friendship in the American Revolution
Araucanians to Zapatistas
John Adams and Jonathan Sewall
Rene Harder Horst This booktells the indigenous side of Latin American history from the colonial period to the present. Ranging across countries and peoples, it moves from the earliest native encounters with Europeans through themes of conquest, alliance, integration, urbanization, and revolt to show the profound impact the movement and mixing of people has had on the development of Latin American nations and identity. With helpful key words, discussion questions, timelines, and lists of further reading, and bolstered by primary source documents and box features highlighting important people or events, this short text is perfect for anyone seeking to understand indigenous history throughout Latin America. Routledge Market: Latin American Studies/Indigenous People June 2019: 254 x 178: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-51911-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-51912-0: £37.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Colin Nicolson and Owen Dudley Edwards Series: Perspectives on Early America This book is a microhistory of how friendship operated in the American Revolution. It explores the friendship of two political adversaries whose careers coincided with and were shaped by the escalating imperial crisis of 1760-75: the Patriot and future US president John Adams and the prominent Loyalist Jonathan Sewall.
Routledge Market: History November 2018: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-70382-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-19656-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Daniel Gookin and King Philip's War
Laboured Protest
A Short History in Documents
Black Civil Rights in New York City and Detroit During the New Deal and Second World War
Louise Breen This volume presents a short, annotated reader of primary documents published during King Philip’s War. The central document is Daniel Gookin’s Doings and Sufferings of the Christian Indians in New England in the Years 1675, 1675, and 1677. This tract, in conjunction with a set of ancillary documents, will help readers understand how ideas about societal and religious inclusivity changed in Puritan New England as a result of the war. A detailed introduction to Gookin and the War, a well as brief interpretations of the documents, provides instructors with a set of readings of unpublished archival documents that can serve as concrete examples to illustrate broad societal changes. Routledge Market: Colonial History June 2019: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-74531-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74532-2: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15969-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Oliver Ayers, New College of the Humanities, London, UK Laboured Protest re-interprets black political protest during the New Deal and Second World War in New York City and Detroit. Assessing the achievements of activists on the left and others who signed up to liberal and nationalist political platforms, it reveals a more complex, diverse and interesting civil rights movement than previously thought.
Routledge Market: History November 2018: 229 x 152: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-63090-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-429-00100-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition
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First Americans: A History of Native Peoples, Combined Volume
Rethinking the American Environmental Movement post-1945
Kenneth Townsend
Ellen Griffith Spears Series: American Social and Political Movements of the 20th Century
First Americans provides a history of Native Americans from their earliest appearance in North America to the present. The text demonstrates Native Americans’ participation in determining their own future and helps students place Native American history in context with national and international developments. Native voices are present throughout the text, providing indigenous perspectives on historical developments. The text also enforces the reality that native people retain a presence in the U.S. today as a growing population with a rich diversity of roles, ideas, and contributions. This new, revised edition includes new content on indigenous populations in Hawaii and Alaska. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 254 x 203: 670pp Hb: 978-1-138-73588-0: £126.95 Pb: 978-1-138-73585-9: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16138-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Rethinking the American Environmental Movement thprovides a concise overview of the US environmental movement as it developed in the 20 century. The book outlines the key precursors, events, participants, and strategies of the movement, and contextualizes the story in the dramatic trajectory of U.S. history after WWII. It is the perfect introduction for th anyone seeking to understand on eof the biggest social movements of the 20 century. Routledge Market: American History/Environmental Studies April 2019: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-52957-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52958-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08169-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Technology and American Society
Woodward and Bernstein
A History
The People's Right to Know
Gary Cross and Richard Szostak, University of Alberta, Canada
Julie A. Goldsmith, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA Series: Routledge Historical Americans
Providing a global perspective on the development of American technology, Technology and American Society offers a historical narrative detailing majorrdtechnological transformations over the last three centuries. This fully-updated 3 edition extends coverage of industry, home, office, agriculture, transport, constructions, and services into the twenty-first century, concluding with a new chapter on recent electronic and technological advances. Technology and American Society remains the ideal introduction to the myriad interactions of technological advancement with social, economic, cultural, and military change throughout the course of American history. Routledge Market: American History December 2018: 229 x 152: 422pp Hb: 978-1-138-09033-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09034-7: £48.99 eBook: 978-1-351-24911-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Woodward and Bernstein, through their coverage and breaking of the news story that was Watergate, had an impact on American history. This innovative biography covers the lives of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein separately, but then goes on to investigate their working relationship, their experience of reporting on the Watergate scandal of the Nixon era, and their lasting impact on the field of investigative journalism. Through five short chapters and a selection of diverse primary sources, Julie Goldsmith shows how two men, armed with the truth and a forum for broadcasting that information, can make a difference on a national level. Routledge Market: American History/Journalism May 2019: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-73333-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-73334-2: £22.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Drug War in the Americas Christopher M. White, Marshall University, USA Over the past century, the war against illegal drugs has reshaped both the United States and Latin American societies. Throughout that time, the legitimacy of this drug war has also been fiercely debated. This concise and accessible book brings together the history of the drug war in the U.S. and Latin America in a single volume, showing how the war has been a single phenomenon across the hemisphere. From the late 19th and early 20th century to the present, The Drug War in the Americas offers a clear and objective narrative that enables students to understand the origins, impact, and debates behind the War on Drugs. Routledge Market: American History/Latin American History June 2019: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-95208-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-95209-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66780-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Routledge History of American Sexuality Edited by Kevin P. Murphy, Jason Ruiz and David Serlin Series: Routledge Histories The history of sexuality is a rapidly growing field, yet few volumes have brought together scholarship that explores the history of sexuality in a specifically American context. The Routledge History of American Sexuality offers a state-of-the-field overview of the study of sexuality in the U.S., with contributions from a broad array of leading scholars on key thematic topics. It offers the perfect resource for graduate students or researchers seeking to grasp current scholarship on this complex and far-reaching subject. Topically organized and interdisciplinary in scope, this text is of profound use in a variety of fields, including gender studies, American studies, and American history. Routledge Market: History of Sexuality/Sexuality Studies June 2019: 254 x 178 Hb: 978-1-138-63935-5: £155.00 eBook: 978-1-315-63725-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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ASIAN HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Remembering Asia's World War Two
Women and Politics in Wartime China
Edited by Mark R. Frost, University of Essex, UK, Daniel Schumacher, University of Essex, UK and Edward Vickers, Kyushu University, Japan Series: Remembering the Modern World
Networking Across Geopolitical Borders Vivienne Xiangwei Guo, University of Exeter, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History This book concerns Chinese women intellectuals’ political networking across party lines and geo-political borders during the extended wars in China of the 1930s and 1940s. It provides readers with both an engaging story and in-depth analysis of the emergence, development, integration and transformation of these networks—networks that were at first endorsed by the enlargement of a relatively liberal political space under the auspices of the Anti-Japanese United Front, but then affected by the political polarisation between Right and Left at the end of the War. The book demonstrates how the experience of women intellectuals helped shape the socio political landscape
Over the past four decades, East and Southeast Asia have seen a proliferation of heritage sites and remembrance practices which commemorate the region’s bloody conflicts of the period 1931-45. Remembering Asia’s World War Two examines the origins, dynamics and repercussions of this regional war ‘memory boom’. Focusing on non-textual vehicles for public commemoration and considering both the local and international dimensions of war commemoration within the area, Remembering Asia’s World War Two is ideal for students and scholars of Asian history, Asian studies, memory studies and heritage studies. Routledge Market: Asian History/Military History April 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-367-11132-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-367-11133-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
of wartime China. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 226pp Hb: 978-1-138-08064-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11331-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
4th Edition
Revolution and its Past Identities and Change in Modern Chinese History R. Keith Schoppa, Loyola University, USA Revolution and Its Past is a comprehensive study of China from the last quarter of the eighteenth century through to 2018. A fascinating and dramatic narrative, it compels interest both as a history of an ancient civilization developing into a modern nation-state and as an account of how the Chinese as a people have struggled and continue to work to find their identity in the modern world. Updated throughout, supported by maps, images, tables and suggestions for further reading, and written in an engaging, concise and authoritative style, Revolution and Its Past is the ideal textbook for all students of the history of modern China. Routledge Market: Chinese History May 2019: 235 x 191: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-74216-1: £145.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74218-5: £67.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18202-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The History of Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Jun Teng, Professor, Peking University, China Series: China Perspectives As neighbours across the sea, China and Japan enjoy a long history of cultural exchange, covering a wide range of areas and having a far-reaching influence on both countries, which is rarely seen in world history. Based on the description, the authors visited many historical sites in China and Japan, made on-the-spot investigations and got much first-hand materials on Sino-Japan cultural exchange in the first millennium. Besides, communication between people of the two countries are specifically studied with vivid details, which will give readers a concrete understanding of cultural exchange. Routledge Market: History/Cultural Studies/Sino-Japan Cultural Exchange December 2018: 234x156: 182pp Hb: 978-1-138-57673-5: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26912-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Family Fortunes
The Routledge History of Monarchy
Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780–1850 Leonore Davidoff, University of Essex, UK and Catherine Hall, University College, London, UK First published to wide critical acclaim in 1987, Family Fortunes has become a seminal text in class and gender history, and its influence in the field continues to be extensive today. This third edition contains a new introductory section by Catherine Hall, reflecting on some of the major developments in historical thinking over the last fifteen years and discussing the evolution of key themes such as family, women in the economy and domestic service. Providing critical insight into the perception of middle-class society and gender relations between 1780 and 1850, this volume is essential reading for students of eighteenthand nineteenth-century British social history. Routledge Market: History, Social History and Women's History December 2018: 234x156: 604pp Hb: 978-1-138-06879-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06881-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15761-0 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-29064-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Elena Woodacre, University of Winchester, UK, Lucinda H.S. Dean, University of Stirling, UK, Chris Jones, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, Zita Rohr, University of Sydney, Australia and Russell Martin, Westminster College, USA Series: Routledge Histories The Routledge History of Monarchy draws together current research across the field of royal studies, providing a rich understanding of the history of monarchy from a variety of geographical, cultural and temporal contexts. This volume provides key case studies of monarchy ranging from queenship in Ancient Egypt to queen mothers in modern Ghana and from Emperors in seventh century China to contemporary monarchy in Asia, which complement studies of more frequently featured dynasties from medieval and early modern Europe. The collection is divided into four parts: Theory and Typologies, Succession and Dynasty, Exercising Authority and Exerting Influence, and Ritual and Ceremonial. Routledge Market: History/Monarchy April 2019: 246x174: 696pp Hb: 978-1-138-70332-2: £175.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Milton Keynes in British Culture
Transport and its Place in History
Imagining England
Making the Connections
Lauren Pikó, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Modern British History
Edited by David Turner, University of York, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Modern British History
Milton Keynes in British Culture traces the representations of Milton Keynes in British national media, political rhetoric and popular culture in detail from 1967 to 1992, demonstrating how the town's founding principles came to be understood as symbolic of the worst excesses of a postwar state planning system which was falling from favour. Combining approaches from urban planning history, cultural history and cultural studies, political economy and heritage studies, the book maps the ways in which Milton Keynes' newness formed an existential challenge to ideals of English landscapes as receptacles of tradition and closed, fixed national identities.
Transport and mobility history is an exciting area of study, enticing scholars working in fields as diverse as sociology, management and cultural studies. Containing contributions exploring this subject in Britain after 1800, this volume captures how this vibrancy has led to the application of diverse and innovative methodological lenses to both new and well-travelled subjects. It delivers valuable new insights into the role transport and mobility have played in history, and demonstrates how new research approaches and their outputs can benefit academics, practitioners and policy-makers beyond the field.
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-367-00051-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-44480-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-815-39417-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-18663-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800 Comparisons and Contrasts Gwenda Morgan and Peter Rushton, University of Sunderland, UK Series: Seminar Studies The British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800 provides a comprehensive history of this complex period and explores the contrasting worlds of the British and the French Empires as they strove to develop new societies in the Americas. It is ideal for students of the Atlantic World, early modern Britain and France, and colonial America. Routledge Market: History/Early Modern/Conquest and Exploration April 2019: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-65757-1: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65758-8: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-429-20264-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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EARLY MODERN HISTORY 1500-1750 Dummy text to keep placeholder
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All for Union, Empire and Homeland
Incombustible Lutheran Books in Early Modern Germany
The Labours of “Honest John” Drummond of Quarrel George McGilvary The importance of the Scot, John Drummond - a favourite of Britain’s rulers - is revealed here: how as a master-fixer, merchant-banker, diplomat, spy and patronage-monger he served the new Britain created in 1707. The book shows how he laboured on behalf of the burgeoning empire and for fellow-Britons, without sacrificing his beloved Scotland.
Avner Shamir, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Series: Routledge Research in Early Modern History This book is an investigation of the early modern Lutheran affection for books that survived fires. It explores narratives about and practices concerning their preservation, and discusses conceptions of incombustible books in relation to the Lutheran theory of the cessation of miracles.
Routledge Market: History December 2018: 229 x 152: 280pp Hb: 978-0-367-08532-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02291-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 232pp Hb: 978-0-367-15120-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-05517-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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British Politics and Foreign Policy, 1758-70 To Build an Empire
Material Worlds of Childhood in North-western Europe c. 1350–1800
Jeremy Black
Philippa Maddern and Stephanie Tarbin
Following on from Professor Black’s previous volumes, this book continues his exploration of British politics and foreign policy between the Hanoverian accession in 1714 and the end of the War of American Independence in 1783. This fourth book in the sequence, covering the period 1758-70, consciously avoids treating the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1763 as a stopping point, and instead continues its investigation into the post-war situation. This provides the reader with a valuable study in continuities before and after the war, as well as highlighting how the period was essentially one of success for Britain one in which she won a major war with France, defeated Spain, constructed a major empire, and played a key role in the post-war Atlantic world. It thus contrasts with the previous years of crisis covered in the 1744-57 volume, and the repeated failures in the 1770s to confront Russian expansionism, and to reverse tendencies towards isolation in the face of foreign intervention.
Despite much excellent work over recent decades on the history of pre-modern childhood, research still tends to focus, not on the lives and experiences of children themselves, but on the ideals and norms of child-rearing. As a consequence, children have often been represented only as passive subjects rather than agents in a co-operative process of social and physical development. In order to move beyond this limited perspective, this book focuses not on abstract ideals and values related to childhood, but on the direct experience of children in medieval and early modern Northwestern Europe, in its most tangible and immediate forms - the interaction of children with their material world. To better understand such interaction, the essays in this volume present various case studies ranging from the provision of specific food, furniture and clothing for children, to the soundscapes and artscapes that surrounded children, to the ways in which children constructed their own books, took part
Routledge January 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-472-46750-8: £70.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge February 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-472-44477-6: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Early Modern Ireland
Occasions of State
New Sources, Methods, and Perspectives
Early Modern European Festivals and the Negotiation of Power
Edited by Sarah Covington, Queen's College, CUNY, USA, Valerie McGowan-Doyle, Lorain County Community College, USA and Vincent Carey, SUNY Plattsburgh University, USA Series: Countries in the Early Modern World Early Modern Ireland: New Sources, Methods, and Perspectives offers fresh approaches and case studies that push the field of early modern Ireland, and of British and European history more generally, into unexplored directions. Provoking a reevaluation of the terms and assumptions which have been used to describe Ireland’s past, and a consideration of the new directions in which the study of early modern Ireland could be taken, this is the perfect collection for students and scholars studying early modern Irish history. Routledge Market: History/Early Modern Ireland December 2018: 234x156: 346pp Hb: 978-0-815-37393-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37394-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-24301-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by J.R. Mulryne, Krista De Jonge, R.L.M. Morris, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK and Pieter Martens Series: European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century court and civic festivals incorporated the political ambitions and aesthetic preoccupations of their day. This lavishly-illustrated volume will prove fascinating to readers interested in the political, social and cultural features of an earlier society, together with their echoes in today’s equally complex world. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 292pp Hb: 978-1-472-43197-4: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-57845-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Plague in the Early Modern World A Documentary History Edited by Dean Phillip Bell, Spertus Institute, USA Plague in the Early Modern World presents a broad range of primary source materials from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, China, India, and North America that explore the nature and impact of plague and disease in the early modern world. Including source materials such as memoirs and autobiographies, letters, histories, and literature, as well as demographic statistics, legislation, medical treatises and popular remedies, religious writings, material culture, and the visual arts, the volume will be of great use to students and general readers interested in early modern history and the history of disease. Routledge Market: Early Modern/History of Medicine January 2019: 234x156: 286pp Hb: 978-1-138-36248-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-36249-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-429-43205-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The English Woollen Industry, c.1200-c.1560 John Oldland Series: Routledge Research in Early Modern History This is the first book on the early woollens’ industry. Based on original research, it explains how the eventual combination of rural clothiers making superior cloth and Merchant Adventurers selling it at Antwerp led to English dominance of the European cloth trade by the mid-sixteenth century.
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 416pp Hb: 978-0-367-17974-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-05877-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Cultural History of Early Modern Europe Charlie Steen, University of New Mexico, USA A Cultural History of Early Modern Europe explores culture in the broadest sense by selecting a variety of sources not commonly used in history books, including scenes from plays, popular songs, sketches, and the documents created by ordinary people. The cultural issues in political, religious, and social life are addressed in each section, including accounts of the ever-changing opportunities and obstacles such as periods of prosperity, fluctuations in climate, and problems of food supply. This book balances a narrative history with primary sources and illustrations allowing students to grasp the cultural changes of the period and their effect on public and private life. Routledge Market: Early Modern/Cultural History February 2019: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-66683-2: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66684-9: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Families, Values, and the Transfer of Knowledge in Northern Societies, 1500–2000 Edited by Ulla Aatsinki, University of Tampere, Finland, Johanna Annola, University of Tampere, Finland and Mervi Kaarninen, University of Tampere, Finland Series: Routledge Studies in Cultural History This volume sheds light on Nordic families’ strategies and methods for transferring significant cultural heritage to the next generations over centuries. It explores why certain values, attitudes, knowledge, and patterns were selected while others were left behind, and how these decisions served and secured families’ well-being and values.
Routledge Market: History December 2018: 229 x 152: 306pp Hb: 978-0-367-07757-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02262-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Sourcebook of Early Modern European History Life, Death, and Everything in Between Edited by Ute Lotz-Heumann, University of Arizona, USA A Sourcebook of Early Modern European History not only provides instructors with primary sources of a manageable length and translated into English, it also offers students a concise explanation of their context and meaning. It is ideal for students of early modern history, and of early modern Europe in particular. Routledge Market: History/Early Modern Europe January 2019: 234x156: 324pp Hb: 978-0-815-37352-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37353-7: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-351-24329-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European Past Edited by Róisín Healy Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History The ‘new mobilities paradigm’ which has emerged in the twenty-first century has identified mobility as a process intrinsic to the human experience and fundamental to the formation of social and political structures. This volume breaks new ground by demonstrating the role of the journey as a key motor of human development in Russia, central, and east Europe in the modern period. It does so by means of twelve case studies which examine different types of movement, both voluntary and involuntary, temporary and permanent, short- and long-distance, into, out of and around the region. Routledge April 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-35452-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-42476-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Tale of a Fool?
Music, Language and Identity in Greece
A Microhistory of an 18th-Century Peasant Woman
Defining a National Art Music in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Guðný Hallgrímsdóttir, Reykjavik Akademy, Iceland Series: Microhistories A Tale of a Fool? explores the life of Guðrún Ketilsdóttir, a peasant woman born in Iceland around 1759. This study provides not only an illuminating view of the life of a peasant woman in the 18th and 19th centuries, but it also addresses the question of the methods, priorities and interpretations applied in collecting, cataloguing and the publication of women’s writing.
Routledge Market: Microhistory/Iceland April 2019: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-06134-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16240-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Polina Tambakaki, Panos Vlagopoulos, Katerina Levidou and Roderick Beaton Series: Publications of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London The national element in music has been the subject of important studies yet the scholarly framework has remained restricted almost exclusively to the field of music studies. This volume brings together experts from different fields (musicology, literary theory, and modern Greek studies), who investigate the links that connect music, language and national identity, focusing on the Greek paradigm. Through the study of the Greek case, the book paves the way for innovative interdisciplinary approaches to the formation of the ‘national’ in different cultures, shedding new light on ideologies and mechanisms of cultural policies. Routledge Market: Greek Studies / Music March 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-28002-1: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy
The Body Broken
Edited by Jacqueline Murray and Nicholas Terpstra, University of Toronto, Canada
Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 1300-1525
Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy explores the new directions being taken in the study of sex and gender in Italy from 1300-1700 and highlights the impact that recent scholarship has had in revealing innovative ways of approaching this subject. It is ideal for students of Renaissance Italy and early modern gender and sexuality.
The Body Broken offers a thematic survey of Europe in the late Middle Ages, a period of huge crisis, conflict and religious change, including the Black Death, the Reformation, the Peasants Revolt and the Renaissance. This new edition includes a discussion on rural communities across Europe and the spread of Renaissance culture beyond Italy, an analysis of queens and queenship and an extended chapter on Italy and the Empire, including Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. New to this edition, a companion website featuring maps, chapter resources, and an image gallery. This book is the complete authoritative student's guide to Europe in the later Middle Ages.
Routledge Market: Renaissance/Gender February 2019: 234x156: 278pp Hb: 978-1-138-54244-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54245-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-00872-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Charles F. Briggs, University of Vermont, USA
Routledge Market: History / Medieval History April 2019: 246x174: 384pp Hb: 978-1-138-84227-4: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-84228-1: £29.99 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-34149-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Sicily and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages
The Countryside Of Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1423
Hiroshi Takayama Series: Variorum Collected Studies
Original Texts And English Summaries
This book is a collection of milestone articles of a leading scholar in the study of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, a crossroads of Latin-Christian, Greek-Byzantine, and Arab-Islamic cultures and one of the most fascinating but also one of the most neglected kingdoms in the medieval world. The articles included here, based on analysis of Latin, Greek, and Arabic documents as well as multi-lingual parchments, explore subjects of interest in medieval Mediterranean world such as Norman administrations, multi-cultural courts, Christian-Muslim diplomacy, conquests and migrations, religious tolerance and conflicts, cross-cultural contacts, and so forth. Routledge April 2019: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-138-49619-4: £120.00 eBook: 978-1-351-02230-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Anthony Luttrell and Greg O'Malley Series: The Military Religious Orders The Countryside of Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1423 explores the main themes of occupation, settlement and exploitation of the land. This book is the scientific presentation of 210 documents together with detailed English summaries. To help readers understand the documents and their technical features each section includes an introduction providing an initial exploitation of the texts. This work offers a corpus of Hospitaller texts which not only illustrates many aspects of the Order’s history and of other developments in the period, but which show how the Hospital’s chancery produced a wide range of documents, which can be studied from a diplomatic viewpoint. Routledge Market: Medieval History/Military/Religion January 2019: 234x156: 300pp Hb: 978-1-138-73262-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18179-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Tensions in the Memory of the Crusades
The Democracy of Affluence
Edited by Akil Awan, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK and Mike Horswell, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Series: Engaging the Crusades
Intellectuals and the Affluent Society in Britain, Italy, and the US, 1958-1979
Tensions in the Memory of the Crusades, part of the Engaging the Crusades series, charts the varying uses of crusading rhetoric and imagery in both East and West, from the Iraq to the U.S. and the Mexican Drug Cartel in order to illustrate that perceptions of the crusades have a significant history alongside academic crusade historiography. Routledge Market: Crusades/Modern History January 2019: 234x156: 128pp Hb: 978-1-138-06607-6: £45.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Marzia Maccaferri, Goldsmiths College, University of London Series: The Routledge Global 1960s and 1970s Series Analyses of post-World War Two Western Europe have mostly adopted an international perspective whose main argument, in comparison with the failures of the interwar years, focused on the links between economic growth and democratic stabilization, highlighting the acceleration of modernization, the enormous improvement in living standards, and above all the rising post-war consumerism. This book explores the question of affluence in Europe from the early 1950s, when the years of reconstruction and austerity gave way to optimism and economic growth, up to the crisis of the late 1970s, when the European economic and political miracle was in profound crisis. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-06047-0: £110.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The History of the Vespa
The March on Rome
An Italian Miracle
Violence and the Rise of Italian Fascism Andrea Rapini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Cultural History Based on lengthy research carried out in Piaggio’s historical archives and on an interdisciplinary approach, this book traces the genesis, the commercial success, and the making of the symbolic power of the Vespa from the foundation of the Pontedera plant in Tuscany in the 1920s to the early 1960s.
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-0-367-07754-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02260-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Giulia Albanese, University of Padua, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right The aim of this book is to reconstruct the violent nature of the March on Rome and to emphasise its significance in demarcating a real break in the country's history and the beginning of the Fascist dictatorship. This aspect of the March has long been obscured: first by the Fascists' celebratory project, and then by the ironic and reductive interpretation of the event put forward by anti-Fascists. Originally published in Italian, this book fills a notable gap in current critical discussion surrounding the March in the English language. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-06973-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11548-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Iberian World
The Routledge History of Emotions in Europe
Edited by Fernando Bouza, Complutense University, Spain, Pedro Cardim, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal and Antonio Feros, University of Pennsylvania, USA Series: Routledge Worlds
The Iberian World draws together, for the first time in English, the latest research in Iberian studies toward multi-territorial and multi-"national" approaches. This volume offers analysis th th and information about Spain and Portugal in the 15 -19 centuries, their European possessions and the African, Asian, and American lands and peoples that were under the sovereignty of these two early modern powerhouses. It also analyses the interactions and mutual influences between both polities in the various regions. The volume is divided into four parts and combines a chronological approach with a set of in-depth thematic studies. Routledge Market: History/Early Modern/Spain and Portugual February 2019: 246x174: 584pp Hb: 978-1-138-92101-6: £175.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Susan Broomhall, University of Western Australia, Australia and Andrew Lynch, University of Western Australia, Australia Series: Routledge Histories The Routledge Companion to Emotions in Europe 1100-1700 presents the state of the field of pre-modern emotions, with particular attention to the theoretical and methodological aspects of current research. The book is divided into four parts conceptualising emotions, affect emotion and the body, emotional institutions and communities and cultural expressions of emotions. The chapters represent a wide range of international disciplinary perspectives from art history, literature, philosophy, music, and history. The book captures the different emerging schools from across the world and locates them in dialogue with each other, to provide an essential resource for students and researchers. Routledge Market: History/Europe/Emotions May 2019: 234x156: 440pp Hb: 978-1-138-72762-5: £150.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
3rd Edition
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The Jews
The Uses of Justice in Global Perspective, 1600–1900
A History John Efron, Steven Weitzman, Stanford University, USA and Matthias Lehmann, University of California, Irvine, USA The Jews: A History is a comprehensive and accessible text that explores the religious, cultural, social, and economic diversity of the Jewish people and their faith. Placing Jewish history in its wider cultural context, the book stretches from Ancient Israel up to the modern day and examines Jewish history across a range of topics, including the Bible, Islam, Early Modern Eastern Europe, the World Wars and the Holocaust. Fully updated with a greater focus on gender, more case study boxes and increased coverage of recent events in Jewish history and supported by online references, further reading, maps and illustrations, it provides students with the perfect grounding in Jewish history. Routledge Market: Jewish History November 2018: 279 x 216: 572pp Hb: 978-1-138-30311-9: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29844-6: £62.99 eBook: 978-1-351-01787-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Griet Vermeesch, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium, Manon Van Der Heijden, Leiden University, The Netherlands and Jaco Zuijderduijn, Lund University, Sweden The Uses of Justice in Global Perspective, 1600–1900 presents a new perspective on the uses of justice between 1600 and 1900 and confronts prevailing Eurocentric historiography in its examination of how people of this period made use of the law. It is ideal for students and scholars of early modern justice, crime and legal history.
Routledge Market: Early Modern/Legal History January 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-47678-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47679-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-02233-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
The Wars of Napoleon Charles J Esdaile, University of Liverpool, UK Series: Modern Wars In Perspective First published in 1995 to great acclaim, The Wars of Napoleon provides a comprehensive survey of the Napoleonic Wars around the central theme of the scale of French military power and its impact on other European states, from Portugal to Russia and from Scandinavia to Sicily. Revised throughout, this edition includes a re-written section on collaboration and resistance, a new chapter on the impact of the Napoleonic Wars in the wider world and material on the ways in which women became involved in, or were affected by, the conflict. It remains an essential resource for all students of the French Revolutionary Wars as well as students of European and military history during this period. Routledge Market: History / French History February 2019: 234x156: 584pp Hb: 978-1-138-32412-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32414-5: £44.99 eBook: 978-0-429-45103-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno Ronald G. Musto, Italica Press, Inc. Series: Routledge Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Worlds of Knowledge Questioning the current consensus, this book traces the work of trecento historians of the Mezzogiorno. It deploys current methodological and theoretical frameworks to analyze them and to examine how they created the South as a cultural "other" and laid the groundwork for the nineteenth-century "Southern Question" and its lingering negative image.
Routledge Market: History November 2018: 229 x 152: 302pp Hb: 978-1-138-70251-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-19655-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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FIRST WORLD WAR Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Burying America’s World War Dead
Policing the Home Front 1914-1918
Tracy Fisher, University of Minnesota, USA Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History
The control of the British population at war Mary Fraser Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History
After the World War ended, the families of the American war dead were faced with a difficult choice. Political leaders like former President Theodore Roosevelt were encouraging families to leave the dead with their comrades in European cemeteries to create stronger political ties between the United States and Europe. Grieving families found that their decision on where to bury the dead had become a political choice. Through an in-depth examination of the correspondence between the United States government and the families of the dead, this book will examine how families fought to ensure that the government gave them what they needed. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 360pp Hb: 978-1-138-36813-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-42940-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The civilian police during the First World War in Great Britain were central to the control of the population at home. This book will show the detail and challenges of police work during the First World War and how this impacted on ordinary people’s daily lives. The aim is to tell the story of the police as they saw themselves through the pages of their best-known journal, The Police Review and Parade Gossip, in addition to a wide range of other published, archival and private sources. This study is the first to utilise The Police Review and Parade Gossip as a central archival source, and offers a new and intimate perspective on policing during the Great War. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-56524-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-12292-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Cultural Encounters during the First World War
Rediscovering the Great War
Edited by Santanu Das, King's College London, Anna Maguire, King's College London and Daniel Steinbach, King's College London Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History While the First World War has conventionally been understood as a military clash of empires, Cultural Encounters during the First World War argues that it can be re-conceptualised as a turning point in the history of cultural encounters. The volume of essays seeks to break fresh ground by focussing on processes of encounter and exchange among combatants and non-combatants, soldiers and civilians, men and women of different national, ethnic and racial backgrounds between 1914 and 1918 and analysing their relationship to questions of wartime intimacy and propaganda, nationalism, race and identity. Routledge Market: History May 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-08210-6: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Kitchener’s Last Volunteers and their World Michael Durey Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History This book is a collective biography of 984 men and young boys who were among the last soldiers to volunteer for service in World War I but differs from previous studies in it is based on quantitative evidence of a scholarly nature, not just on the war years, but on the decades before. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-06211-5: £110.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Uroš Košir, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Matija Črešnar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and Dimitrij Mlekuž, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Series: Material Culture and Modern Conflict New research strategies have emerged to help broaden our understanding of the First World War. Multidisciplinary approaches have been applied to material culture and conflict landscapes, from archive sources analysis and aerial photography to remote sensing, GIS and field research. Working within the context of a material and archival understanding of war, this book combines papers from different study fields that present interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches towards researching the First World War and its legacies, with particular concentration on the central and eastern European theatres of war. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-1-138-28266-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27058-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Great War in the Middle East A Clash of Empires Edited by Robert Johnson, Oxford University, UK and James E. Kitchen, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History The thirteen chapters in this volume cover a broad range of perspectives on the First World War in the Middle East, from strategic planning issues wrestled with by statesmen through to the experience of religious communities trying to survive in warzones. All of the chapter authors look at their specific topics through a global lens, relating their areas of research to wider arguments on the history of the First World War. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 360pp Hb: 978-1-138-73133-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18904-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Veterans of the First World War Ex-Servicemen and Ex-Servicewomen in Post-War Britain and Ireland Edited by David Swift, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom and Oliver Wilkinson, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History This volume synthesises the latest scholarship on First World War veterans in post-war Britain and Ireland, investigating the topic through its political, social and cultural dynamics. In these regards the collection offers vital updates to existing scholarship while bringing important new departures and challenges to the current interpretive frameworks of veteran experiences in post-war British and Ireland. Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-367-17462-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-05694-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Visions and Ideas of Europe during the First World War Edited by Jan Vermeiren and Matthew D'Auria Series: Routledge Studies in First World War History Given the destruction and suffering caused by more than four years of industrialised warfare and economic hardship, scholars have tended to focus on the nationalism and hatred in the belligerent countries, holding that it led to a fundamental rupture of any sense of European commonality and unity. It is the central aim of this volume to correct this view and to highlight that many observers saw the conflict as a ‘European civil war’, and to discuss what this meant for discourses about Europe. Bringing together a remarkable range of compelling and highly original topics, this collection explores notions, images, and ideas of Europe in the midst of catastrophe. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-05552-0: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16589-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
A History of Place in the Digital Age
Atlantic Lives
Stuart Dunn, KIng's College London, UK Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
A Comparative Approach to Early America
A History of Place in the Digital Age explores the history and impact of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related digital mapping technologies in humanities research. Providing a historical and methodological discussion of place in the most important primary materials which make up the human record, including text and artefacts, the book explains how these materials frame, form and communicate location in the age of the internet. This leads in to a discussion of how the World Wide Web distorts and skews place, amplifying some voices and reducing others. Routledge Market: Humanities, Media, History February 2019: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-22357-8: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-40446-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by TIMOTHY SHANNON Atlantic Lives offers insight into the lived experiences of a range of actors in the early modern Atlantic World. Organized thematically, each chapter features primary source selections from a variety of non-traditional sources, including travel narratives from West Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Routledge Market: American History January 2019: 254 x 178: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-57772-5: £130.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57773-2: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-351-26624-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Alexander the Great in the Roman Empire, 150 BC to AD 600
Byzantine Military Manuals as Literary Works and Practical Handbooks
Jaakkojuhani Peltonen The life of Alexander the Great began to be retold from the moment of his death. The Greco-Roman authors used these stories as exemplars in a variety of ways. This book concerns the various stories of Alexander and how they have been used in Roman antiquity to promote certain policies, religious views and value systems.; ; The book is an original contribution to the study of the history and reception of Alexander, analysing the writings of over 70 classical and post-classical authors in a period of over 700 years. Drawing on this extensive range and quantity of material, the study plots the continuity and change of ideas from the early Roman Empire to the early Middle Ages. Routledge Market: Reception Studies March 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-31586-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-45604-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Case of the Tenth-Century Sylloge Tacticorum Georgios Chatzelis This book studies the Sylloge Tacticorum, an important tenth-century Byzantine military manual. The text is used as a case study to connect military manuals with the challenges that Byzantium faced in its wars with the Arabs, but also with other aspects of Byzantine society such as education, politics, and conventions in the productions of literary texts and historical narratives. Therefore, along with a detailed study of the Sylloge Tacticorum, this monograph also addresses broader issues of the pen and the sword such as military manuals in connection with Byzantine warfare, politics, literature, historiography and education. Routledge Market: Byzantine History February 2019: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-59601-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-48805-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Allies of Yesterday
Byzantium and the West
Britain, France and the Dilemmas of Disarmament and Security, 1929-1933
Perception and Reality (11th-15th c.)
Andrew Webster, Murdoch University, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History Allies of Yesterday examines three intersecting themes of fundamental importance to the international history of the period between the two world wars. First and most broadly, it is a study of the international history of the pivotal years between the onset of the Depression in late 1929 and the Nazi capture of power in Germany in early 1933. The second theme is the strategic relationship between Britain and France, the critical dynamic in the management of global and European international relations during this time of great fluidity and uncertainty. The most vital issue that divided the two countries was the pursuit of international disarmament which forms the third theme of the book. Routledge Market: History May 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-01934-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Nikolaos Chrissis, Athina Kolia-Dermitzaki and Angeliki Papageorgiou Contributors to this volume explore the multi-faceted and multi-layered contact between Byzantium and the West, from the ‘schism’ of 1054 to the fifteenth century, and evaluate how the interaction between the two sides was shaped by the parallel and often competing influences of perception and reality.
Routledge Market: Medieval History February 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-05974-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16339-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Digital Palaeography
International Perspectives on Publishing Platforms
Stewart Brookes, University of Cambridge, UK, Malte Rehbein, University of Passau, Germany and Peter Stokes, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
Image, Object, Text
This book presents an authoritative reflection of the state of the art in the application of ICT to the field of palaeography. Although the focus is on palaeography in the narrow sense of Western European medieval handwriting, some chapters apply to the field more widely and encompass issues such as crowdsourcing, diplomatics, and digital libraries as well as Hebrew and modern manuscripts. Routledge Market: Museum Studies, Palaeography May 2019: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-472-46709-6: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Meghan Forbes, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities International Perspectives on Publishing Platforms offers a uniquely international and interdisciplinary contribution to the field of periodical studies, while also broadening the scope of purview to consider related content with regards to other relevant printed matter and cultural products, as well as digital archiving strategies. The volume considers the pluralism of perspectives that the study of periodicals and printed matter contribute to our historical understanding of various political and social issues, and devotes attention as well to the ways in which digital archiving projects be instrumentalized as a strategy for filling in gaps in the historical record. Routledge Market: Humanities, Media, History January 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-58966-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-49151-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Eldad’s Travels: A Journey from the Lost Tribes to the Present
Iron and Glass
Micha J Perry
Edited by Hermione Hobhouse
This book takes stock of the long journey that both Eldad and his writings have made through Jewish and Christian imaginations from the moment he stepped foot in North Africa to the turn of the new millennium. Each of its chapters assays a major leg of this voyage, offering an in-depth look at the original source material and shedding light on the origins and later reception of this elusive character.
Henry Cole wrote of the 1851 Great Exhibition that England had invited all nations to a great festival, and certainly in putting together and holding the exhibition, England played a pioneer role. The subject of this book is the wide variety of buildings designed to house those international exhibitions in Paris, Munich and New York, amongst others, promoted in emulation of the successful 1851 Exhibition, and the way suitable buildings were developed to display national prowess. Though the Crystal Palace remained an icon, and indeed a model for many, new ideas and more ambitious goals proliferated, including the design of more permanent structures, and the idea of individual national pavilions.
Routledge January 2019: 216x138: 120pp Hb: 978-1-138-36835-4: £45.00 eBook: 978-0-429-42930-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Crystal Palace and its Successors
Routledge May 2019: 246x174: 280pp Hb: 978-0-754-65384-4: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Henry Redhead Yorke, Colonial Radical
James Mill's Utilitarian Logic and Politics
Politics and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1772-1813 Amanda Goodrich, The Open University, UK Series: The Enlightenment World This is a political, cultural and intellectual biography of the neglected but significant figure, Henry Redhead Yorke, a West Indian of African/British descent who became the most revolutionary radical in Britain between 1792-5 and then recanted to loyalism. It considers politicization and identity construction in the Georgian Atlantic World.
Routledge Market: History January 2019: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-848-93597-6: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Antis Loizides, University of Cyprus Series: Routledge Studies in Modern British History James Mill remains to some extent a neglected figure in nineteenth-century intellectual histories. Yet no one questioned his role in the politics of his day. Attending to the long-established distinction between ‘Logic’ and ‘Rhetoric’, the proposed book will attempt to bring to the surface the underlying rationale of James Mill’s ‘deductive’ way of presenting his arguments.
Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-20488-1: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Learning Cities in Late Antiquity
National indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe
The Local Dimension of Education Edited by Jan R. Stenger This volume suggests a new explanatory model that helps to understand better how conditions in late antique cities shaped learning and teaching, and how in turn education had an impact on its urban context. Drawing inspiration from the modern idea of ‘learning cities’, the studies explore the interplay of teachers, learners, political leaders, communities and institutions in the Mediterranean polis, with a focus on the well-documented city of Gaza in the sixth century CE. Routledge Market: Late Antiquity and Byzantium History December 2018: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-29987-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09784-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Maarten van Ginderachter, University of Antwerp, Belgium and Jon Fox, University of Bristol, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History National indifference is one of the most innovative notions historians have brought to the study of nationalism in recent years. The concept questions the mass character of nationalism in East Central Europe at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. As with all ground-breaking research, the literature on national indifference has not only revolutionized how we understand nationalism, over time, it has also revealed a new set of challenges. This volume brings together experienced scholars with the next generation, in a collaborative effort to push the geographic, historical, and conceptual boundaries of national indifference 2.0. Routledge Market: History January 2019: 234x156: 310pp Hb: 978-1-138-50348-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14540-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Madness, Medicine and Miracle in Twelfth-Century England
Negotiating Freedom in the Circum-Caribbean The Jamaican Maroons and Creek Nation Compared Helen M. McKee Series: Routledge Studies in the History of the Americas
Claire Trenery With the expanding authority of the Roman Church and the tightening of papal control over canonisation procedures in this period, historians have claimed that there was a ‘rationalisation’ of the miraculous. In miracle records, illnesses were explained using newly-accessible humoral theories rather than attributed to divine and demonic forces, as they had been previously. The first book-length study of madness in medieval religion and medicine to be published since 1992, this book challenges these claims and reveals something of the limitations of the so-called ‘medicalisation’ of the miraculous.
For the first time, Jamaican Maroons are compared with the Creek Nation to question how non-white, semi-autonomous groups were reduced by Anglophone colonists. Analysis includes interactions with settlers, slave-catching and ownership, land conflict and dispute resolution, to show how Maroons can be considered within an indigenous framework.
Routledge Market: Medieval History February 2019: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-815-36745-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25732-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 272pp Hb: 978-0-367-11083-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02470-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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National Identity and the Crusades
Orosius's History Against the Pagans and the Unimproved Past
Edited by Jonathan Phillips, Royal Holloway University of London, UK and Felix Hinz Series: Engaging the Crusades Engaging the Crusades is a series of volumes which offer initial windows into the ways in which the crusades have been used in the last two centuries; demonstrating that the memory of the crusades is an important and emerging subject. Together these studies suggest that the memory of the crusades, in the modern period, is a productive, exciting and much needed area of investigation. National Identity and the Crusades charts the varying uses of crusading rhetoric and imagery in both East and West, from the Napoleonic Wars to Zionist Writing from Germany to the Baltic in order to illustrate that perceptions of the crusades have a significant history alongside academic crusade historiography. Routledge Market: Crusades/Modern History January 2019: 234x156: 136pp Hb: 978-0-815-37019-2: £45.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Victoria Leonard This volume offers a counterbalance to the dismissal that Orosius’s Histories Against the Pagans has suffered in most recent criticism. Orosius is traditionally considered to be a mediocre scholar and an essentially worthless historian but this book takes his literary endeavour seriously, recognising the unique contribution the work represents at a crucial moment of debate and uncertainty. The Histories is recognised as intrinsically valuable rather than of interest as an object of study only in comparison with other texts and authors, Augustine of Hippo, Orosius’s mentor, being the standard point of reference. Routledge March 2019: 234x156: 250pp Hb: 978-1-472-47468-1: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Perspectives on Classification in Synthetic Sciences
Public History for a Digital Age
Unnatural Kinds
The Art of Curation
Edited by Julia Bursten, University of Kentucky, USA Series: History and Philosophy of Technoscience
Mark Tebeau, Arizona State University, USA
It is the belief of many of this volume's contributing authors that contemporary conversations about scientific classification have stagnated by focusing centrally or solely on natural kinds, that is, kinds whose existence is not dependent on scientific processes of synthesis. Instead, the aim is to refocus conversations about kinds in this book via extensive study of two paradigm cases of synthetic kinds: in the first place nanomaterials and in the second, stem cells and synthetic biology. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 136pp Hb: 978-1-138-29810-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09883-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The dynamic intersection of public history and digital humanities has transformed both public history and digital humanities. Public History for a Digital Age addresses the selection, presentation, maintenance, collection, and archiving of digital assets. The challenge of engaging publics in historical interpretation is one of the most enduring problems for historians across the spectrum of practice: in museums, the academy, National Parks, classrooms, and communities themselves. Public History for a Digital Age reveals how digital concepts, as well as technologies, are reframing the theory and practice of public history. Routledge Market: Public History June 2019: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-88547-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-88548-6: £28.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71543-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity
Renaissance Studies
Jan C. Schmidt, University of Darmstadt, Germany Series: History and Philosophy of Technoscience
Brendan Dooley, University College Cork, Ireland
This book aims to foster and facilitate the course of interdisciplinary research by laying out some philosophical foundations and giving wider substance to a possible "Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity". This is achieved with reference to epistemology, philosophy and the philosophy of science as well as nanotechnology, synthetic biology and ethics. Routledge Market: History June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-23007-1: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Renaissance Studies is a historiography textbook with a twist. At the heart of the book are six key themes the novelty of the renaissance, the instruments of diffusion, the influx from the Middle East and Asia, the ‘quest’, cultures and structures and the sacred and profane. Each chapter provides a general view of the specific area of its remit, its proponents, the documentary sources in question, and the significant research tools that are being used or developed for answering some of the major questions in renaissance studies. By focusing on some of the most powerful forces driving human activity, this book conveys the excitement of a period that has fascinated generations. Routledge Market: History/Renaissance January 2019: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-1-138-94408-4: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-94409-1: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Power of Networks
The Aristotelian Tradition in Syriac
Prospects for Historical Network Research
John W. Watt Series: Variorum Collected Studies
Edited by Florian Kerschbaumer, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Linda v. Keyserlingk, Militärhistorisches Museum Dresden, Germany, Martin Stark, University of Hamburg, Germany and Marten Düring, University of Luxembourg Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods have in recent years become increasingly influential in historical research. The network concept is no longer a mere metaphor but has become a core research method of itself while several studies from different historical disciplines have shown how formal methods derived from social network analysis and related disciplines can be fruitfully applied to selected bodies of historical data. This book is the first to identify and describe a typology of network-based research practices as applied to History. Routledge Market: Humanities, Media, History May 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-73130-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18906-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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This volume presents a panorama of Syriac engagement with Aristotelian philosophy primarily situated in the 6th to the 9th centuries, but also ranging to the 13th. It offers a wide range of articles, opening with surveys on the most important philosophical writers of the period before providing detailed studies of two Syriac prolegomena to Aristotle’s Categories and examining the works of Hunayn, the most famous Arabic translator of the 9th century. Collected together for the first time, these articles present an engaging and thorough history of Aristotelian philosophy during this period in the Near East, in Syriac and Arabic. Routledge Market: Late antique philosophy March 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-33466-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-44523-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Book of the Civilised Man
The Reform of the International System of Units (SI)
An English Translation of the Urbanus Magnus of Daniel of Beccles
Philosophical, Historical and Sociological Issues
Edited by Fiona Whelan, Middlebury-CMRS, UK, Olivia Spenser and Francesca Petrizzo A translation of The Book of the Civilised Man by Daniel of Beccles brings to light the social and cultural life of medieval people in the twelfth and thirteenth century through a previously little-known text. Often described as one of the earliest ‘courtesy texts’, this translation will reveal a text which cannot be easily categorised in any genre but is relevant widely for anyone with an interest in medieval life. An expansive text of enormous breadth, this translation will provide scholars new insight in areas such as social hierarchy, citizenship, morality, friendship, family ties, household administration, food consumption, standards of etiquette, and much more. Routledge February 2019: 234x156: 152pp Hb: 978-1-138-60126-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-47022-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Nadine De Courtenay, University of Paris 7 Diderot, France, Olivier Darrigol, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, France and Oliver Schlaudt, Heidelberg University, Germany Series: History and Philosophy of Technoscience Systems of units still fail to attract the philosophical attention they deserve but this could change with the current reform of the International System of Units. Most of the SI base units will henceforth be based on certain laws of nature and a choice of fundamental constants whose values will be frozen. This book invites a philosophical inquiry that promises to overcome the tensions that have long obstructed science studies. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-48385-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-04898-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Journey of Deacon Bodo from the Rhine to the Guadalquivir
Viking-Age Trade
Apostasy and Conversion to Judaism in Early Medieval Europe
Edited by Jacek Gruszczynski, Marek Jankowiak and Jonathan Shepard
Frank Riess The experience of Bodo’s apostasy was far from unique: other men and women who renounced Christianity for Judaism are also examined in conversion narratives recorded in the following two centuries. These episodes offer an illuminating study of religious changes taking place in Europe and the East where Christianity, Islam and Judaism competed in the ninth century and beyond. Bodo’s experience can be viewed as part of a wider phenomenon depicting men and women who travelled as pilgrims, refugees or converts seeking to find a home and escape persecution because of their beliefs. Routledge March 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-31409-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-45725-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Silver, Slaves and Gotland This volume highlights the trade in slaves as an important driver of exchanges on a trans-continental scale in the Viking era. By their very nature, the nexuses of communications and transactions were complex and they have accordingly eluded modern scholarship. This volume aims to shed some light on processes and key places: the mints of Central Asia; the chronology of the inflows of dirhams to Rus and northern Europe; the reasons why silver was deposited in the ground and why so much of it ended up on Gotland; the functioning of networks; the drivers and opportunities for slave-trading in the British Isles, and the stimulus and additional networks which the Vikings brought into play. Routledge Market: History May 2019: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-1-138-29394-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23180-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Multi-Sensory Image from Antiquity to the Renaissance
W.J.M. Rankine, 1820–1872
Edited by Heather Hunter-Crawley and Erica O'Brien
Ben Marsden Series: Science, Technology and Culture, 1700-1945
How do images relate to sensory experience beyond vision? This pressing question in contemporary studies of visual culture invites us to engage anew with our objects of study, whether painted, sculpted, or performed, and also to uncover the fully-embodied nature of the cultures, creators and users of pre-modern images. Contributors to this volume take images from a range of historical and cultural contexts and tease out the invitations they make to senses besides sight. Routledge Market: Art History / Cultural History January 2019: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-69813-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-51985-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Making of Engineering Science in Victorian Culture
William John Macquorn Rankine (1820-1872) is a major figure in the history of nineteenth-century science and engineering. A successful railway and hydraulic engineer, he was largely responsible for the establishment of 'engineering science' as the core of a new academic discipline separate from that of practical engineering. Beginning with his birth in Edinburgh in 1820 this book - the first full length biography of Rankine - traces his Scottish schooling, his engineering apprenticeship in Ireland, his early years as railway and hydraulic engineer in the 1840s, his emergence as a distinctive scientific voice in the 1850s, and his career as a university professor in Glasgow. Routledge Market: History of Science and Technology May 2019: 234x156: 270pp Hb: 978-0-754-65089-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Personalist Philosophy of History
History, Space and Place
Bennett Gilbert, Portland State University, USA Series: Routledge Approaches to History Historical study has traditionally been built around the placement of the human at the center of inquiry. The de-stabilized concepts of the human in contemporary thought challenge this configuration. However, the ways in which these challenges provoke new historical perspectives both expands and enriches historical study but are also weak and vulnerable in their concept of the human, lacking or omitting something valuable in our self-understanding. A Personalist Philosophy of History argues for a robust concept of personhood in our experience of the past as a way to resolve this conflict. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-0-815-37925-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-21626-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Susanne Rau, Univeisty of Erfurt, Germany Susanne Rau provides a survey of the history of Western concepts of space, opens up interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomenon of space in fields ranging from physics and geography to philosophy and sociology, and explains how historical spatial analysis can be methodologically and conceptually conceived and carried out in practice. The case studies presented in the book come from the fields of urban history, the history of trade, and global history including the history of cartography, but its analysis is equally relevant to other fields of inquiry. This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to the theory and methodology of historical spatial analysis. Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-74221-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-05638-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Historians Without Borders
The Historical Web and Digital Humanities
New Studies in Multidisciplinary History
The Case of National Web Domains
Edited by Lawrence Abrams, University of California Davis, USA and Kaleb Knoblauch, University of California Davis, USA Series: Routledge Approaches to History
Edited by Niels Brügger, Aarhus University, Denmark and Ditte Laursen, State Media Archive, State Library, Denmark Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
This volume draws out connections emanating from a wide array of topics across the arts, humanities, and sciences in history for interdisciplinary study. The volume presents a rare forum for interdisciplinary connections researched and presented by junior specialists in their respective fields while enabling both creativity and flexibility in drawing out connections that are frequently overlooked by more specialized senior scholars. This result is a unique exercise in the promotion of junior scholarly achievement and interdisciplinary research.
The Historical Web and Digital Humanities fosters discussions between the Digital Humanities and web archive studies by focusing on one of the largest entities of the web, namely transnational web domains such as the British, French, or European web. With a view to investigating whether, and how, web studies and web historiography can inform and contribute to the Digital Humanities, this volume contains a number of case studies and methodological and theoretical discussions that both illustrate the potential of studying the web, in this case national web domains, and provide an insight into the challenges
Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-815-37288-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-24475-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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associated with doing so. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-29431-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23166-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Historical Parallels, Commemoration and Icons Edited by Andreas Leutzsch Series: Routledge Approaches to History History can hardly be neutral or factual because it depends on the historian’s, as well the people’s, perspective as to what kind of events and sources they combine to make history meaningful. Analysing historical analogies – as embedded in narratives and images of the past – enables us to understand how history and collective memory are managed and used for political purposes and to provide social orientation in time and space. To rethink theories of history, iconology and collective memory, the authors of this volume discuss a variety of cases from Hong Kong, China and Europe. Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-57948-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-50799-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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IMPERIAL AND COLONIAL HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Beyond Famines
Resistance in Colonial and Communist China, 1950-1963
The Wartime State, Society and Politicization of Food in Colonial India, 1939-1945 Abhijit Sarkar, Oxford University, UK Series: Empires and the Making of the Modern World, 1650-2000 The Second World War represents a particularly important moment in the development of the postcolonial Indian state’s welfare policies. Wartime measures regarding state-provisioning of food far outlived the war, and became permanent fixtures of the post-war and post-colonial structure of governance in India. Long after the war had finished and even as far as today, the post-colonial Indian adopted food austerity measures as part of its campaign to ‘remake’ Indian diets, for instance asking Indian citizens to accept substitute foods in place of rice and wheat to ease the pressure on these staple grains. This book charts the germination of these policies during the conflict. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-48264-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-05722-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Anatomy of a Riot R. B. E. Price, Southern Cross University, Australia Series: Routledge Focus on the History of Conflict By focusing on the Hong Kong region, Price compares anatomies of the British colonial government, the Chinese communists and stateless members of the remnant Kuomintang (1950-1963). He asserts that after 1949 the colonial government of Hong Kong politically favoured the Kuomintang organised crime societies over their communist nationalist adversaries despite historiographical explanation that it favoured neither. This book challenges traditional concepts of the British colonial government and its attitude towards communist China. It engages in current debates surrounding Britain’s past by presenting a particularly devious episode of late colonial history. Routledge Market: History January 2019: 216x138: 130pp Hb: 978-1-138-38885-7: £45.00 eBook: 978-0-429-42433-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Decolonisation and Regional Geopolitics
The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions
South Africa and the ‘Congo Crisis’, 1960-1965 Lazlo Passemiers, University of the Free State, South Africa Series: The Routledge Global 1960s and 1970s Series This book argues that as much as the ‘Congo crisis’ (1960-1965) was a Cold War battleground, so too was it a battleground for Southern Africa’s decolonisation. This book provides a transnational history of African decolonisation, apartheid diplomacy, and Southern African nationalist movements. It answers three central questions. First, what was the nature of South African involvement in the Congo crisis? Second, what was the rationale for this involvement? Third, how did South Africans perceive the crisis? Innovatively, the book shifts the focus on the Congo crisis away from Cold War intervention and centres it around African decolonisation and regional geopolitics. Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-815-35279-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-13816-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Oleksa Drachewych, McMaster University, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History This book analyses the stance of international communism towards nationality, anti-colonialism, and racial equality as defined by the Communist International (Comintern) during the interwar period. Central to the volume is a comparative analysis of the communist parties of three British dominions; South Africa, Canada and Australia, demonstrating how each party attempted to follow Moscow’s lead and how each party produced its own attempts to deal with these issues locally, while considering the limits of their own agency within the movement at large. Routledge Market: History November 2018: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-815-35478-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-13199-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Film and Colonialism in the Sixties
The Muslim Reception of European Orientalism
The Anti-Colonialist Turn in the US, Britain, and France
Reversing the Gaze
Jon Cowans, Rutgers University of New Jersey, USA Series: The Routledge Global 1960s and 1970s Series Relations between Western nations and their colonial subjects changed dramatically in the second half of the twentieth century. This book explores changing Western attitudes toward colonialism and decolonization by analyzing American, British, and French popular cinema and its reception from 1960 to 1973. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 292pp Hb: 978-0-367-07491-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02099-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College, USA and Umar Ryad, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History Edward Said’s Orientalism, now more than fifty years old, has to be one of the most frequently cited books among academics in a wide range of disciplines, and the most frequently assigned book to undergraduates at colleges. One question less raised (or less has been done about the question) is How were the Orientalist writings of European scholars of Islam received among their Muslim contemporaries? An international team of contributors rectify this oversight in this volume. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 258pp Hb: 978-1-138-23203-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31377-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Seven Years' War and Slavery in the Caribbean Serving the King David Barry Gaspar, Duke University, USA Series: Empires in Perspective During the Seven Years’ War (1756–63) the Caribbean region became the setting for major naval and military operations in which Britain engaged its imperial rivals, France and Spain. This book focuses primarily on the context of British recruitment of slaves in its Caribbean colonies and illustrates the significant contribution that these colonies made, beyond supplying slave labor, to the conquests of Guadeloupe and Martinique and of Havana in Cuba in an important theatre of the conflict. Routledge Market: History May 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-20696-0: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MEDIEVAL HISTORY 400-1500 2nd Edition
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Alfred the Great
Crusading and Masculinities Edited by Natasha R. Hodgson, Katherine J. Lewis and Matthew M. Mesley Series: Crusades - Subsidia
War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England Richard Abels, The United States Naval Academy, USA Series: The Medieval World This biography of Alfred the Great, king of the West Saxons (871-899), combines a sensitive reading of the primary sources with a careful evaluation of the most recent scholarly research on the history and archaeology of ninth-century England. This bookrecovers the historical Alfred, pragmatic, generous, brutal, pious, scholarly within the context of his own age. This new edition includes illustrations of key material sources and extended sections on Alfred's intellectual/literary program and on the posthumous reputation and memory of Alfred. An essential read for all students of early medieval England. Routledge Market: History/Medieval Britain January 2019: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-80811-9: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80812-6: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This volume presents the first substantial exploration of crusading and masculinity, focusing on the varied ways in which the symbiotic relationship between the two was made manifest in a range of medieval settings and sources, and to what ends. Individual essays consider western campaigns to the Middle East and Islamic responses to these, events and sources from the Iberian peninsula and Prussia are also interrogated and re-examined, thus enabling cross-cultural comparison of the meanings attached to medieval manhood. Routledge Market: Crusade Studies January 2019: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-1-138-05467-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16649-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100-1118
Cultures of Healing
Susan B Edgington Series: Rulers of the Latin East Baldwin of Boulogne was born the youngest of three sons and marked out for a clerical career, yet in turn he became a First Crusader, first Latin count of Edessa and the founder of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. Nevertheless, remarkably, he has never been the subject of a full-length biography. This study examines in detail the stages of Baldwin’s career, returning to the contemporary evidence to discover the qualities that enabled him not only to succeed his brother as ruler in 1100 but to maintain and expand the new kingdom of Jerusalem through the next eighteen years in the face of aggression from Muslim enemies and rivalry from fellow crusaders. Routledge Market: Crusade Studies February 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-472-43356-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56864-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Medieval and After Peregrine Horden Series: Variorum Collected Studies This volume brings together for the first time an updated collection of articles exploring poverty, poor relief, illness, and health care as they intersected in Western Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, during a ‘long’ Middle Ages. The collection is both sequel and complement to Horden’s earlier volume of collected studies, Hospitals and Healing from Antiquity to the Later Middle Ages (2008). It will be welcomed by all those interested in the premodern history of healing and welfare for its breadth of scope and scholarly depth. Routledge Market: History of Medicine February 2019: 234x156: 378pp Hb: 978-1-472-45614-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02359-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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3rd Edition
Capetian France 987-1328
Drama in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Elizabeth Hallam, The House of Lords
Playmakers and their Strategies
Spanning France's development across four centuries, Capetian France is a definitive book. This third edition has been expanded to include more on culture and society and is now accompanied with online resources, including links to images and primary sources. In 987, when Hugh Capet took the throne of France, his kingdom was weak and insignificant. Then, thanks to the conquests and reforms of King Philip Augustus, France became a dominant force in political and economic terms so that by the th end of the 13 century Philip IV was a ruler so powerful that he could dictate to popes and emperors. Capetian France is essential reading for all students of medieval France and Europe.
Nadia Thérèse van Pelt, University of Leiden, The Netherlands Series: Themes in Medieval and Early Modern History
Routledge Market: History/Medieval France February 2019: 234x156: 496pp Hb: 978-1-138-88767-1: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-88768-8: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Drama in Medieval and Early Modern Europe moves away from the customary conceptual framework that artificially separates ‘medieval’ from ‘early modern’ drama to explore the role of drama and spectacle in England, France, the Low Countries, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the German-speaking areas that now constitute Austria and Germany. It investigates the ranges of dramatic and performative techniques and strategies that playmakers across Europe used to adapt their work to the changing contexts in which they performed and is ideal for students of social history, and the history of medieval and early modern drama or literature. Routledge Market: History/Medieval/Early Modern/Drama April 2019: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-18935-5: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-18937-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-20205-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MEDIEVAL HISTORY 400-1500 Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Prehistory and Origins of the English Language
Sources for the Crusades
Problems and Methods in Historical Linguistics
Textual Tradition and Literary Influences
Martin Findell Series: Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland
Edited by Léan Ní Chléirigh, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Natasha Hodgson Series: Crusades - Subsidia
This book addresses a period and a set of linguistic data to which little attention is paid in histories of the English language. As a contribution to historical linguistics, it highlights the methodological difficulties of dealing with a small corpus of data and proposes a solution to those difficulties, albeit one which is necessarily limited in scope. It also emphasises the usefulness of insights from archaeology and historiography to the understanding of language history, by illustrating how different theoretical and methodological approaches lend themselves to different interpretations of the data.
This volume brings together an international team of scholars to literary influences on selected narratives of the Crusades. The result is an illumination of our understanding of crusading sources and an explanation of the biblical, classical and other literary traditions behind the composition of key texts of the Crusades.
Routledge Market: Medieval History June 2019: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-69808-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-51993-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Routledge Market: History June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-23273-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31153-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy
The Chronicle of the Slavs by Arnold of Lübeck
Graham Loud Series: Crusade Texts in Translation
Francesca Dell'Acqua Series: Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies Through case studies examined in a comparative East-West approach, this book analyses how Byzantine iconoclasm (ca. 720s–843) impacted on the West and how it shaped a papal reaction in Rome. The key aims and contribution of this book are its demonstration of how a number of the most iconic ways of representing the Virgin Mary and Christ – crystallized over the long Middles Ages and the early Renaissance in Byzantine, post-Byzantine, and western art – were conceived or given a reinforced meaning during the period of the iconoclasm between the West and Byzantium.
Abbot Arnold's very readable chronicle provides a fascinating glimpse into German society in the time of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his immediate successors, into a crucial period of the Crusading movement, and also into the religious mentality of the Middle Ages. Routledge Market: Medieval History March 2019: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-1-138-21178-0: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Byzantine and Medieval History June 2019: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-79372-8: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21091-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Renaissance Humanists on the Crusade Against the Turks
The Devil's World
Margaret Meserve, Princeton University, USA Series: Crusade Texts in Translation
Andrew Roach, University of Glasgow, UK Series: The Medieval World
This book presents selections from a little-known body of Renaissance Latin literature, translated into English for the first time, by Italian, Byzantine Greek and French humanist scholars from the period 1397-1482, spanning the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans.
Exploring the relationship of heresy, dissent and society in the 12th and 13th centuries, The Devil’s World shows how people made conscious choices between heresy and orthodoxy in the middle ages and were not afraid to exert their power as ‘consumers’ of religion. The book gives an account of all popular religious movements, looks at the threat that heresy presented to the Church and lay powers and considers the measures they took to deal with it. This new edition brings the historiographical debate right up to date including the work of R.I. Moore and Mark Pegg as well as extended sections on the Bogomil connection and women. Ideal for students of medieval and religious history.
Routledge June 2019: 234x156: 300pp Hb: 978-0-754-63012-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Heresy and Society 1100-1300
Routledge Market: History/Medieval Religion January 2019: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-83893-2: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83894-9: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Emperor in the Byzantine World
The Routledge History of Medieval Magic
Papers from the 47th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Edited by Shaun Tougher Series: Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies Themes covered by the contributions include: questions of dynasty and imperial families; the imperial court and the emperor’s men; imperial duties and the emperor as ruler; imperial literature (the emperor as subject and author); and the material emperor, including imperial images and spaces. The volume fills a need in the field and the market, and also brings new and cutting edge approaches to the study of the Byzantine emperor. The subject of the Byzantine emperor has also an obvious relevance for historians working on rulership in other cultures and periods. Routledge Market: Byzantine History March 2019: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-1-138-21868-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-06098-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Sophie Page and Catherine Rider Series: Routledge Histories The Routledge History of Medieval Magic brings together the work of scholars from across Europe and North America to provide extensive insights into recent developments in the study of medieval magic between c.1100 and c.1500. It is the ideal book for both established scholars and students of medieval magic.
Routledge Market: Medieval History/Magic December 2018: 246x174: 546pp Hb: 978-1-472-44730-2: £175.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61319-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Long Lives of Medieval Art and Architecture Edited by Jennifer M. Feltman and Sarah Thompson Series: AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art Traditional histories of medieval art and architecture often privilege the moment of a work’s creation, yet surviving works designated as "medieval" have long and expansive lives. Inspired by the literary category of biography and the methods of longue durée historians, the introduction and seventeen chapters of this volume provide an extended meditation on the longevity of medieval works and the aspect of time as a factor in shaping our interpretations of them. Routledge Market: Medieval art and architecture April 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-815-39673-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-18112-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Montbéliards in Outremer A Study of Aristocratic Power in the Latin East in the First Half of the 13th Century Karol Polejowski Series: Rulers of the Latin East In the first half of the thirteenth century, one of the most prominent and influential families in the Latin East was the Montbéliard family, originating from Imperial Burgundy. Its most well-known members, Walter and his nephew Odo, held the highest positions in the Kingdom of Cyprus and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, as regents and constables. Thanks to the matrimonial policy they adopted, the Montbéliards created a large familial net in Outremer, including such powerful houses as the Lusignans or Ibelins. This first, separate study concerning the Montbéliard family in Outremer, shows their crusading activity as far as the end of the twelfth century against the background of their position in Burgundy, their relationship with the imperial house of the Hohenstaufens, the circumstances of the brilliant (and unexpected?) career of Walter of Montbéliard, who was the first member of the family permanently settled in Outremer. Routledge June 2019: 234x156: 220pp Hb: 978-1-472-45298-6: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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3rd Edition
Modern Iran since 1797 Reform and Revolution Ali Ansari, University of St Andrews, UK Modern Iran since 1797 offers a comprehensive analysis of political, social and economic developments in Iran since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The book provides historical context for recent developments in and the complex nature of Iran’s international relationships and its internal struggle to reconcile itself and its traditions with the modern world. Updated to incorporate new scholarship and research, as well as a substantive new prequel, and written in a clear, engaging style, the book highlights Iran as a state and society grappling with the realities of the modern age. It remains the perfect guide for all those studying the history of modern Iran. Routledge Market: History of Iran March 2019: 234x156: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-28184-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-28185-1: £32.99 eBook: 978-0-429-39987-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition
The Middle East in Modern World History Ernest Tucker, United States Naval Academy, USA The Middle East in Modern World History examines how global trends over the last 200 years have shaped the Middle East and how these trends were affected by the region’s development. This edition extends coverage to the present day and includes more thematic and interpretive discussion on the impact of global migration and the evolution of the roles of women. It also provides more theoretical insights into current historical research and recent developments in the region. Clearly written and supported by maps, images, discussion questions, further reading, a chronology and glossary, it is the ideal textbook for all students of the history of the modern Middle East within a global context. Routledge Market: History of the Middle East February 2019: 235 x 187: 392pp Hb: 978-1-138-49190-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49191-5: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-351-03170-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MODERN HISTORY 1750-1945 Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Crimes against History
Selling Photography
Antoon De Baets Crimes against History takes a global approach to the extreme forms of censorship to which history and historians have been subjected through the ages. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 tells the tragic story of how the censorship of history has sometimes turned into deadly crimes against history, while Part 2 reverses the perspective and examines how the censorship of history has backfired. Comparing case studies from across the world and written from a human rights perspective, Crimes against History is an essential resource for anyone interested in how deeply history and politics influence each other, as well as for anyone wanting a fuller view of the history of history. Routledge Market: History and Theory January 2019: 234x156: 186pp Hb: 978-1-138-57421-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57422-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-70117-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Growth of British Photographic Manufacturing and Retailing, 1839–1914 MIchael Pritchard Series: The History of Retailing and Consumption This book offers a new perspective on the history of British photography by exploring the economic growth of the industry from its origins in scientific instrument making to a mechanised industry producing cameras and sensitised materials for a mass market. Routledge Market: Nineteenth-Century History May 2019: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-1-472-42001-5: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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4th Edition
Farm Animals in Britain, 1850-2001
Stalin and Stalinism
Karen Sayer, Leeds Trinity University, UK Series: Rural Worlds
Martin McCauley Series: Seminar Studies
Focusing on the origins and development of the conceptualisation of the biological animal body as a ’technological’ resource, or indeed problem, within modern British agriculture, this book addresses the changing understanding, among agriculturalists and the public, of ’nature’ in farming.
Stalin and Stalinism explores how Stalin ammassed, retained and deployed power to dominate, not only his close associates, but the population of the Soviet Union and Soviet Empire. This updated fourth edition draws on a wealth of new publications, and includes increased discussion on culture, religion and the new society that Stalin fashioned as well as more on spying, Stalin's legacy, and his character as well as his actions. Supported by a chronology of key events, Who’s Who and Guide to Further Reading, this concise assessment of one of the major figures of the twentieth-century world history remains an essential read for students of the subject.
Routledge December 2018: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-1-409-46895-0: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: European History February 2019: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-31622-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-31624-9: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-429-45578-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Italy's Global Citizens
The City and the Railway in the World
Migrants of the Imperial Project, 1880-1920
19th to 21st Centuries
Catherine Dewhirst, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Ralf Roth, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany and Paul Van Heesvelde Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History
By the First World War 14 million Italians had left their homes. Such a loss at an embryonic stage in nation-building was catastrophic for Italy’s imperial designs, but gradually the government recognized the diaspora as an untapped source of potential wealth and patriotism. Investing in the development of diaspora colonialism transformed emigration from a negative problem to a positive solution. This book asks why Italian migrants responded to opportunities emerging from Italy’s imperial ambitions, and how. Routledge June 2019: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-472-43344-2: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Few technologies have had as profound an impact upon the urban environment as the railway. Allowing the rapid and inexpensive transportation of people, goods and ideas, by the end of the nineteenth century the rail networks had a dramatic influence upon the shape size and architecture of virtually every city and large town in Europe and beyond. In order to further understanding of the complex and dynamic inter-relationship between city and rail, this volume provides a selection of essays that address a variety of themes from a broad international perspective. Routledge Market: Modern History 1750 - 1945 April 2019: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-1-472-44961-0: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MODERN HISTORY 1750-1945 2nd Edition
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The Global Seven Years War 1754-1763
The Reform Acts (Volume I)
Britain and France in a Great Power Contest
The Struggle for Democracy
Daniel Baugh Series: Modern Wars In Perspective
Edited by Sarah Richardson, University of Warwick, UK
The Global Seven Years War provides a comprehensive and insightful account of the eighteenth-century conflict between France and Britain, which reached all corners of the globe: from British colonies in North America, to the Mediterranean, from Bengal to Quebec. Using contemporary sources and the latest scholarship, Daniel Baugh presents the narrative as a series of challenges to statesmen and military officers and gives fresh evaluations of the performance of the military, political systems and leading statesmen on both sides. This new edition has added material on how the war impacted upon ordinary people and culture as well as additional maps of key battles to bring the war to life. Routledge Market: History/Seven Years' War May 2019: 234x156: 632pp Hb: 978-1-138-21281-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21282-4: £29.99 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-138-17111-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This four-volume set traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. It considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these, as well as the responses of those both opposed and in favour of change. Through this collection we hear from both key political actors such as John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, Annie Besant and Christabel Pankhurst, and the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown. The many facets of reform debated are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal suffrage. Routledge Market: Political history June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-74369-4: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26860-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The History of the Contemporary Art Centre
The Reform Acts (Volume II)
Damian Lentini, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History
The Struggle for Democracy
The contemporary art centre, or Kunsthalle, is now a ubiquitous sight in cities around the world. Abstaining from the usual practice of establishing a permanent collection of artworks, these centres instead base their entire operation around a perpetuating series of contemporary exhibitions and events. This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the history and development of the contemporary art centre as an architectural and cultural phenomenon.
This four-volume set traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. It considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these, as well as the responses of those both opposed and in favour of change. Through this collection we hear from both key political actors such as John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, Annie Besant and Christabel Pankhurst, and the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown. The many facets of reform debated are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal suffrage.
Edited by Sarah Richardson, University of Warwick, UK
Routledge April 2019: 234x156: 204pp Hb: 978-1-472-42269-9: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Political history June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-74386-1: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26852-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
4 Volume Set
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The Reform Acts
The Reform Acts (Volume III) The Struggle for Democracy
The Struggle for Democracy Edited by Sarah Richardson, University of Warwick, UK This four-volume set traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. It considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these, as well as the responses of those both opposed and in favour of change. Through this collection we hear from both key political actors such as John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, Annie Besant and Christabel Pankhurst, and the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown. The many facets of reform debated are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal suffrage. Routledge Market: Political history June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-74357-1: £396.00 eBook: 978-1-351-27040-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Edited by Sarah Richardson, University of Warwick, UK This four-volume set traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. It considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these, as well as the responses of those both opposed and in favour of change. Through this collection we hear from both key political actors such as John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, Annie Besant and Christabel Pankhurst, and the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown. The many facets of reform debated are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal suffrage. Routledge Market: Political history June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-74391-5: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26844-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MODERN HISTORY 1750-1945 Dummy text to keep placeholder
The Reform Acts (Volume IV) The Struggle for Democracy Edited by Sarah Richardson, University of Warwick, UK This four-volume set traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. It considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these, as well as the responses of those both opposed and in favour of change. Through this collection we hear from both key political actors such as John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, Annie Besant and Christabel Pankhurst, and the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown. The many facets of reform debated are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal suffrage. Routledge Market: Political history June 2019: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-74397-7: ÂŁ110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26840-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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SECOND WORLD WAR Dummy text to keep placeholder
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A Fascist Decade of War?
German-occupied Europe in the Second World War Edited by Raffael Scheck, Colby College, USA, Fabien Theofilakis, University of Paris 1, France and Julia Torrie, Saint Thomas University, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in Second World War History
1935-1945 in International Perspective Edited by Marco Maria Aterrano and Karine Varley Series: Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right As a junior partner to Germany and because it only entered the war in June 1940, Italy is often perceived as being a minor player on the periphery of the Second World War. However, this book challenges much of the existing scholarship by arguing for the significance and the distinct nature of the role played by Fascist Italy from 1935-1945. By breaking established international structures with its intervention in Abyssinia in 1935, Italy’s actions aggravated the deterioration of international relations, becoming a critical turning-point in the build-up to the War. Italy played a decisive role in expanding the scope of the war by bringing the European conflict into the Mediterranean. Routledge Market: History, Military History April 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-57415-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70123-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Inspired by recent works on Nazi empire, this book provides a framework to guide occupation research with a broad comparative angle focusing on human interactions. Overcoming national compartmentalization, it examines Nazi occupations with attention to relations between occupiers and local populations and differences among occupation regimes. This is a timely book which engages in historical and current conversations on European nationalisms and the rise of right-wing populisms. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-138-50149-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14437-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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British Exploitation of German Science and Technology, 1943-1949
Holocaust Studies Critical Reflections
Charlie Hall, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Second World War History
Steven T Katz, Boston University, USA Series: Variorum Collected Studies
At the end of the Second World War, Germany lay at the mercy of its occupiers, all of whom launched programmes of scientific and technological exploitation. Each occupying nation sought to bolster their own armouries and industries with the spoils of war, and Britain was no exception. This ground-breaking book tells the full story of British exploitation for the first time, sheds new light on the legacies of the Second World War, and contributes to histories of intelligence, science, warfare, and power in the midst of the twentieth century.
The great majority of Holocaust scholarship concentrates heavily, if not almost completely, on the Final Solution from the German side. The distinctive feature of this book, both individually and as a collection, is its concentration on the Holocaust from a Judeo-centric point of view. The collection also includes an essay on Elie Wiesel, and another that explores the much discussed, very controversial issue of Jewish resistance, as well as several essays on philosophical and comparative issues raised by the Shoah.
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-815-35838-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12255-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 408pp Hb: 978-1-138-57960-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-50790-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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From Windhoek to Auschwitz
Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe
On the Relationship Between Colonialism and the Holocaust Jürgen Zimmerer, University of Hamburg, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History This book examines the relationship between German colonialism and the Holocaust, and situates Nazi crimes firmly within the global history of mass violence. Zimmerer documents the development of an argument that has changed the way we view the Holocaust by pointing to continuities and parallels, thereby offering a fresh, postcolonial perspective on the Third Reich. Routledge Market: History May 2019: 229 x 152: 210pp Hb: 978-1-138-83180-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73638-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Xavier Bougarel, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France, Hannes Grandits, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany and Marija Vulesica, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Series: Mass Violence in Modern History This book deals with the Second World War in Southeastern Europe from the perspective of conditions on the ground during the conflict. The focus is on the reshaping of ethnic and religious groups in wartime, on the ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ dynamics of mass violence, and on the local dimensions of the Holocaust. The approach breaks with the national narratives and ‘top-down’ political and military histories that continue to be the predominant paradigms for World War Two in this part of Europe. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-1-138-34365-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-43903-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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SECOND WORLD WAR Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Material Cultures of Childhood in Second World War Britain
Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War before 1939
Gabriel Moshenska, University College London, UK Series: Material Culture and Modern Conflict This book draws on memory narratives to construct an historical anthropology of childhood in Second World Britain, focusing on objects and spaces such as gas masks, air raid shelters and bombed-out buildings. In their struggles to cope with the fears and upheavals of wartime, with families divided and familiar landscapes lost or transformed, children reimagined and reshaped these material traces of conflict into toys, treasures and playgrounds. This study of the material worlds of wartime childhood offers a unique viewpoint into an extraordinary period in history with powerful resonances across global conflicts into the present day. Routledge Market: History April 2019: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-56526-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-12294-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by B. J. C. McKercher, University of Victoria, Canada and Antoine Capet, University of Rouen, France Series: Routledge Studies in Modern British History Although remembered and even lauded in the public mind as the British prime minister during the Second World who played a major role in Allied victory over the Axis Powers and Japan, Winston Churchill had a life and political career before 1939 conditioned by fighting other wars and, in peacetime, thinking about war. While historians debate his achievements and failures between 1939 and 1945, a less explored dimension is Churchill’s earlier connexion with war and warfare. This book explores Churchill’s earlier experience in fighting wars as a soldier and politician. Routledge Market: History, Military History February 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-0-367-13303-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02764-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Refugees, Human Rights and Realpolitik The Clandestine Immigration of Jewish Refugees from Italy to Palestine, 1945-1948 Daphna Sharfman, Western Galilee College, Israel Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History This book presents a multidimensional case of international human rights in the immediate post World War II period, and the way complex refugee problems created by the war were often in direct competition with strategic interests and national sovereignty. The case study is the clandestine immigration of Jewish refugees from Italy to Palestine in 1945-48, part of a conflict involving both strategic and humanitarian interests. The result was a clear subjection of human rights considerations to strategic and political interests. Routledge Market: History January 2019: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-28007-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27613-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Unknown Conflicts of the Second World War Forgotten Fronts Edited by Chris Murray, King's College London, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Second World War History Forgotten Fronts is a collection of chapters dealing with various overlooked aspects of the Second World War. The aim is to give greater depth and context to the war by introducing new stories about regions of the world and elements of the war rarely considered. These chapters represent new discussions on previously undeveloped narratives that help to expand our understanding of the interconnectedness of the war. It also provides an expanded view of the war as a mosaic of overlapping conflicts rather than a two-sided affair between massive alliance structures. Routledge Market: History, Military History February 2019: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-61294-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-46488-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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A Cultural History of Bathing in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Cities, Railways, Modernities
Michal Zytka This book discusses social, religious and medical attitudes towards bathing in Late Antiquity. It examines the place of bathing in late Roman and early Byzantine society as seen in the literary, historical, and documentary sources from the late antique period. The book contributes a unique perspective to understanding the changes and transformations undergone by the bathing culture of the day, and illustrates the important role played by this culture in contributing to the transitional character of the late antique period. In his examination of the attitudes of medical professionals and laymen alike, Zytka provides an innovative and detailed approach to bathing. Routledge Market: Byzantine cultural history March 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-815-35409-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-13411-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
London, Paris, and the Nineteenth Century Carlos López Galviz, Lancaster University, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Urban History Cities, Railways, Modernities presents the transformation of 19th-century London and Paris in the light of the futures that metropolitan railways engendered. Highlighting a wide range of past futures and routes not taken, the book reconsiders what the notion of modernity has to offer to understand urban change in modern cities.
Routledge Market: History January 2019: 229 x 152: 344pp Hb: 978-0-367-11087-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02473-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A History of Euphoria
Classic Essays in Biblical History
The Perception and Misperception of Health and Well-Being Christopher Milnes Series: Routledge Studies in Cultural History This groundbreaking longue durée historical study explores some of the ways in which people in Western societies and cultures have experienced and made sense of health, well-being and euphoria: the "reality" and the sickly illusion.
Routledge Market: History January 2019: 229 x 152: 288pp Hb: 978-0-367-13722-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02829-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Frederick E. Greenspahn, Florida Atlantic University, USA and Peter Machinist, Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School, USA Series: Classic Essays in Jewish History This volume brings together essays by leading scholars from North America, Europe, and Israel who have drawn on literary analysis of the biblical text as well as archaeology, anthropology, and sociology to make significant contributions to our understanding of the history and religion of ancient Israel.
Routledge February 2019: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-1-409-42916-6: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an Age of Globalisation
Craft and Capital in the Book Trade
The Euro-American World and Beyond, 1780-1914 Edited by Joe Regan, National University of Ireland, Galway and Cathal Smith Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History This book investigates the causes and effects of modernisation in rural regions of Britain and Ireland, continental Europe, the Americas and Australasia between 1780 and 1914. In this period, the transformation of the world economy associated with the Industrial Revolution fuelled dramatic changes in the international countryside, as landowning elites, agricultural workers and states adapted to the consequences of globalisation in a variety of ways. The chapters in this volume illustrate similarities, differences and connections between the resulting manifestations of agrarian reform and resistance that spread throughout the Euro-American world and beyond during the long nineteenth century.
Edited by Michael Harris, Robin Myers and Giles Mandelbrote, Lambeth Palace Library, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Book Trade History Much has been written over the years about the history of the book, but this has often posited publishing as a somewhat ethereal process where the production and distribution of the artefact is portrayed as existing in a vacuum, somehow apart from the world of commerce. This collection of essays, brings to light the way publishing existed in real-life, financial terms across a range of countries and era – from renaissance Italy to eighteenth century England to pre-revolutionary France. Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-50195-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14463-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History November 2018: 234x156: 230pp Hb: 978-1-138-48319-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-05550-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Engaging Transculturality
Late Byzantium Reconsidered
Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies
The Arts of the Palaiologan Era in the Mediterranean
Edited by Laila Abu-Er-Rub, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Christiane Brosius, Sebastian Meurer, Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Susan Richter, University of Heidelberg, Germany Series: Engaging with...
Edited by Andrea Mattiello and Maria Alessia Rossi
Engaging Transculturality is an extensive and comprehensive survey of the rapidly developing field of transcultural studies. In this volume, the reflections of a large and interdisciplinary array of scholars have been brought together to provide an extensive source of regional and trans-regional competencies, and a systematic and critical discussion of the field’s central methodological concepts and terms. It will be of interest to scholars and students from a variety of fields within the Humanities and Social Sciences.
This volume offers a unique collection of essays analysing the artistic achievements of Mediterranean centres linked to the Byzantine Empire between 1261 and the decades after 1453. The comparative and interdisciplinary framework offered by this volume aims to challenge established ideas concerning the late Byzantine period such as decline, renewal, and innovation. By examining specific case studies of cultural production from within and outside Byzantium, the essays in this volume highlight the intrinsic innovative nature of the socio-cultural identities active in the late Medieval and early Modern Mediterranean vis-à-vis the rhetorical assumption of the cultural contraction of the Empire.
Routledge Market: Cultural History January 2019: 246x174: 484pp Hb: 978-1-138-22664-7: £175.00 eBook: 978-0-429-43006-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Byzantine History April 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-37286-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-24483-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Food and Age in Europe, 1800-2000
Reason, Religion, and the Australian Polity
Edited by Tenna Jensen, Copenhagen University, Denmark, Caroline Nyvang, Royal Danish Library, Peter Scholliers, Free University of Brussels, Belgium and Peter J. Atkins, Durham University, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History People eat and drink very differently throughout their life. Each stage has diets with specific ingredients, preparations, palates, meaning or settings. Moreover, physicians, authorities and general observers have particular views on what and how to eat according to age. All this changed frequently during the previous two centuries. Infant feeding has for a long time attracted historical attention, but interest in diets of youngsters, adults of various ages, and elderly people seem to have dissolved in more general food historiography. This volume puts age on the agenda of food history by focusing on the very diverse diets throughout the lifecycle. Routledge Market: History January 2019: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-1-138-58968-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-49150-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
A Secular State? Stephen A. Chavura, Macquarie University, Australia, John Gascoigne and Ian Tregenza, Macquarie University, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History How did the concept of the secular state emerge and evolve in Australia and how has it impacted on its institutions? This is the most comprehensive study to date on the relationship between religion and the state in Australian history, focusing on the meaning of political secularity in a society that was from the beginning marked by a high degree of religious plurality. This book tracks the rise and fall of the established Church of England, the transition to plural establishments, the struggle for a public Christian-secular education system, and the eventual separation of church and state throughout the colonies. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-60318-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-46705-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Food and Feast in Modern Outlaw Tales
The Catholic Church and Liberal Democracy
Edited by Alexander L. Kaufman, Ball State University, USA and Penny Vlagopoulos, St. Lawrence University, USA Series: Outlaws in Literature, History, and Culture This book argues that food and feasting moments in modern outlaw tales illuminate that which bonds all humans, and it examines ways in which food and feasting are often used to note difference, create discord, and manipulate power dynamics.
Routledge Market: History March 2019: 229 x 152: 232pp Hb: 978-0-367-18389-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-06130-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Bernt Torvild Oftestad, Norwegian School of Theology Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History The Roman Catholic Church’s critical stance towards liberalism and democracy following the French Revolution and through the nineteenth century was often entrenched but the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s saw a shift in the Church’s attitude towards democracy. In addition, in recent years, a conflict has emerged between Church doctrine and modern liberalism under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The theme of this book is the Catholic Church’s relationship to modern liberal democracy, from the end of the eighteenth century until today, a connection that is situated within the context of the history of ideas itself. Routledge Market: History December 2018: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-71466-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-22910-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Culture of Ships and Maritime Narratives Edited by Chryssanthi Papadopoulou Series: British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies This maritime anthropology volume presents a cosmology of ships. In order for this cosmology to be written, some of the volume’s contributors have travelled on ships and interviewed mariners, fishermen, boat-builders and boat-dwellers; others have traced the courses of ships in poems, films, philosophical texts, and collective myths of genealogy and heritage. Overall the volume shows where ships can go, and how they are perceived and experienced by those living and travelling in them, watching and waiting for them, dreaming and writing about them, and, finally, what literal and metaphorical crews man them. Routledge Market: Cultural History / Maritime Anthropology January 2019: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-1-138-05584-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16568-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Urbanizing Nature Actors and Agency (Dis)Connecting Cities and Nature Since 1500 Edited by Tim Soens, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Dieter Schott, TU Darmstadt, Germany, Michael Toyka-Seid, TU Darmstadt, Germany and Bert De Munck, University of Antwerp, Belgium Series: Routledge Advances in Urban History The more people are living in cities, the more nature is said to be "urbanizing": turned into a resource or commodity and mobilized over long distances. Urbanizing Nature aims to counter teleological perspectives on the birth of modern "urban nature", unravelling actors and processes urbanizing nature from 1500 till today. Routledge Market: History January 2019: 229 x 152: 368pp Hb: 978-0-367-11086-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02472-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition
Witchcraft in Early Modern England Jim Sharpe, University of York, UK Series: Seminar Studies Witchcraft in Early Modern England is a fascinating introduction to the history of witches and witchcraft. This book charts the witch panics of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the legal persecution of witches that followed and explores the modern historiographical debate. This new edition includes a discussion on whether there were regional differences in the treatment and numbers of witches in England and brings the debate right up-to-date on themes such as gender and decline, as well as placing English witchcraft in a European context. Supported by a range of compelling primary documents, this book is essential reading for all students of the history of witchcraft. Routledge Market: History/Early Modern/Witchcraft January 2019: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-83115-5: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83116-2: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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THE COLD WAR Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Between Empire and Europe
The Missile Crisis from a Cuban Perspective
Intellectuals and the Nation in Britain and France During the Cold War
Historical, Archaeological and Anthropological Reflections
Lucia Bonfreschi, Università LUISS-Guido Carli, Italy and Marzia Maccaferri, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Modern European History
Håkan Karlsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Tomás Diez Acosta, Instituto de Historia de Cuba Series: Routledge Studies in the History of the Americas
Analyzing the international political discourse developed by French and British intellectuals and the wider public debate they prompted during the Cold War, this book addresses how the public sphere reacted and adapted to rapidly changing historical circumstances, and how intellectuals responded to a new and challenging relationship between national and foreign policy within a global context.
This book presents a historical, archaeological and anthropological reflection and analysis of the Missile Crisis (1962) that influenced the whole world. This is done from a Cuban perspective, through testimonies and material and immaterial remains from the place where the Crisis once took place.
Routledge Market: History April 2019: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-01385-8: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 256pp Hb: 978-0-367-19696-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-24302-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Cold Science
The Post Cold War World
Environmental Knowledge in the North American Arctic During the Cold War
Turbulence and Change in World Politics Since the Fall
Edited by Stephen Bocking and Daniel Heidt Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Science during the Cold War has become a matter of lively interest within the historical research community, attracting the attention of scholars concerned with the history of science, the Cold War, and environmental history. The Arctic - recognized as a frontier of confrontation between the superpowers, and consequently central to the Cold War - has also attracted much attention. This edited collection speaks to this dual interest, by providing innovative and authoritative analyses of the history of Arctic science during the Cold War.
Michael Cox, London School of Economics & Political Science, London, UK This book by a leading scholar of international relations examines the origins of the new world disorder - the resurgence of Russia , the rise of populism in the West, deep tensions in the Atlantic alliance, and the new strategic partnership between China and Russia - and asks why so many assumptions about how the world might look after the Cold War – liberal, democratic and increasingly global - have proven to be so wrong. Routledge Market: Diplomatic History December 2018: 234x156: 254pp Hb: 978-0-815-35169-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-35171-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-14096-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-1-138-04396-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17273-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Cold War Assemblages Decolonization to Digital Bhakti Shringarpure, University of Connecticut, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Cultures of the Global Cold War This book bridges the gap between the parallel histories of postcoloniality and the forty-five-year rivalry between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The superpowers relied upon the decolonizing world to further imperial agendas and the postcolony in turn was shaped, epistemologically and materially, by Cold War discourses and paradigms. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 229 x 152: 256pp Hb: 978-0-367-19694-3: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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WOMEN'S AND GENDER HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Agrarian Women, the Gender of Dairy Work, and the Two-Breadwinner Model in the Swedish Welfare State
The Masculine Modern Woman
Lena Sommestad and Grey Osterud In this volume, Lena Sommestad explores the influence of agrarian womanhood on the gender division of labor in the dairy industry and of rural women’s activism in the formation of Sweden’s gender-egalitarian welfare state during the early twentieth century. Routledge Market: History February 2019: 216 x 140: 152pp Hb: 978-0-367-11072-7: £45.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02466-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Pushing Boundaries in the Swedish Popular Media of the 1920s Jenny Ingemarsdotter, Uppsala University, Sweden Series: Routledge Research in Gender and History This book explores how the fashionably "masculine" modern woman became one of the most visually striking and controversial symbols of modernity in the Swedish popular media of the 1920s. Drawing on rich empirical material, the analysis traces discourses on female masculinities within film, fashion, sports and literature.
Routledge Market: History January 2019: 229 x 152: 304pp Hb: 978-0-367-11026-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-02439-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Harvey Milk The Public Face of Gay Rights Politics
The Routledge History of Women in Early Modern Europe
Eric H. Walther, University of Houston, USA Series: Routledge Historical Americans
Edited by Amanda L. Capern Series: Routledge Histories
This concise biography provides an insightful examination of the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to public office in California. Author Eric Walther traces Milk from his upbringing in New York to his transformative experiences in 1960s counterculture movements and entrance into politics, contextualizing his story within the history of the gay rights movement and the shifting political landscape of the midcentury United States. Supplemented by primary documents, Harvey Milk: The Public Face of Gay Rights Politics offers an essential and classroom-friendly introduction to a groundbreaking American whose legacy continues to resonate in the present day.
The Routledge History of Women in Early Modern Europe address questions of gender and the historical significance of women living in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is divided into three parts; part one, Affective Worlds, looks at the experiences of women, their family life. Part two, Spatial and Material Worlds explores education, crime and punishment, material culture and war. Lastly part three, Intellectual, Religious and Political Worlds, focuses more closely on individuals and groups of women in the political, learned and cultural spheres. Essential reading for students and researchers of early modern history and women’s and gender studies.
Routledge Market: American History/American Politics/Biography June 2019: 229 x 152: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-78537-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-78538-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76782-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: History/Early Modern/Gender June 2019: 246x174: 536pp Hb: 978-0-415-73251-2: £130.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Isabella d’Este
Women's History at the Cutting Edge
A Renaissance Princess
Edited by Karen Offen and Chen Yan
Christine Shaw Series: Routledge Historical Biographies
This book considers the promise of women's and gender history for revolutionizing our understanding of the past, while also acknowledging the national political, financial, and other contextual realities that constrain women's history research. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Women’s History Review.
This biography provides a rounded account of Isabella d’Este, Marchioness of Mantua, including the full range of her activities and interests, from her childhood to her final years as a dowager and considers her not as an icon but as a woman of her time and place in the world. This book will be of great interest to undergraduates and graduates of early modern history, gender studies, renaissance studies and art history. Routledge Market: Biography / Italian History / Renaissance March 2019: 198x129: 316pp Hb: 978-0-367-00249-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00247-3: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-429-40056-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Routledge Market: Women's and Gender History January 2019: 246x174: 120pp Hb: 978-0-367-02907-4: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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WORLD/INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Civic Nationalisms in Global Perspective
Neutrality in World History
Edited by Jasper M. Trautsch, University of Regensburg, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Modern History
Leos Müller Series: Themes in World History
Even distinctions between civic-political and ethnic-cultural types of nationalism have been seen as less distinct in time, the question remains as to whether the concept of civic nationalism can still serve as a useful analytical category to reconstruct whether national solidarity has been produced without appealing to ethnic commonalities. Nationalisms that managed to integrate several ethnicities into one stable nation did and do exist while nations that experienced significant immigration in recent decades have retained their identities. This raises the significant question of how civic nationalisms can be promoted and which dangers are inherent in the process.
Neutrality in World History highlights the period from 1500-2000, during which neutrality became an integrated part of international relations. Leos Muller argues that neutrality and neutral states, such as Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and others, have played an important historical role in implementing the free trade paradigm, shaping the law of nations and humanitarianism, and serving as key global centers of trade and finance. The book offers an intriguing alternative to dominant world history narratives, which hinge primarily on the international relations and policies of empires and major world powers.
Routledge Market: History March 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-29782-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09900-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: World History February 2019: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-74536-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74538-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16746-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition
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Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History, 1453-Present
The Durham Papers
Jon T Davidann and Marc Jason Gilbert Taking an encounters approach that opens up history to different perspectives and experiences, Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History examines cultural contact between people from across the globe between 1500 and the present. This edition employs current scholarship, addresses recent developments and increases the treatment of indigenous agency. The final chapter reflects the refugee crisis and evolving political situation in Europe concerning its immigrant population. Supported by discussion questions and enlivened with the voices and views of those who were and remain directly engaged in the process of cross-cultural exchange, it is valuable for all students of world history. Routledge Market: World History December 2018: 234x156: 218pp Hb: 978-1-138-30309-6: £145.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30310-2: £44.99 eBook: 978-0-429-42585-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Selections from the Papers of Admiral Sir Philip Charles Henderson Calderwood Durham G.C.B. (1763-1845) Edited by Hilary L Rubinstein Series: Navy Records Society Publications Admiral Sir Philip Durham (1763-1845) was one of the most distinguished and colourful officers of the late Georgian Navy. His lucky and sometimes controversial career included surviving the sinking of HMS Royal George in 1782, making the first conquest of the tricolour flag in 1793 and the last in 1815, and having two enemy ships surrender to him at Trafalgar. The collection, featuring items from and to him, comprises a fascinating and informative set of documents. Routledge April 2019: 224x148: 432pp Hb: 978-0-367-15041-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-429-05473-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Intelligence and Espionage: Secrets and Spies
Toward a Century of Peace
Daniel Lomas, University of Salford, UK and Christopher John Murphy, University of Salford, UK Series: Seminar Studies
A Dialogue on the Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding
Intelligence and Espionage: Secrets and Spies provides a global introduction to the role of intelligence, a key, but sometimes controversial, aspect of ensuring national security. Separating fact from fiction, the book draws on past examples to explore the use and misuse of intelligence, examine why failures take place and addresses important ethical issues over its use. Supported by images, a comprehensive chronology, glossary, and who’s who of key figures, Intelligence and Espionage: Secrets and Spies is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the role of intelligence in policymaking, international relations and diplomacy, warfighting and politics to the present day. Routledge Market: Intelligence History/World History February 2019: 234x156: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-30312-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30313-3: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-02197-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Kevin P. Clements, University of Otago, New Zealand and Daisaku Ikeda This book, a dialogue between Kevin Clements, the former secretary general of the International Peace Research Association and Daisaku Ikeda, explores wide-ranging topics such as nuclear disarmament, fostering a culture of human rights and the pursuit of new paths to world peace.
Routledge Market: History, Politics December 2018: 234x156: 174pp Hb: 978-1-138-58574-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-58576-8: £36.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Archives, Record-keeping and Social Justice
Curatorial Challenges
Andrew Flinn and Wendy Duff
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating
Discussions and debates about social justice are playing out across many disciplines, fields of practice, societal sectors, and governments. A key, yet largely unexplored, dimension cross-cutting these actors and engagement spaces is the role of record-keeping and archiving. To clarify and elaborate this connection, this volume provides a rigorous accounting of the engagement of archives and records (and their keepers) in struggles for social justice. Routledge June 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-472-48388-1: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56784-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Malene Vest Hansen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Anne Folke Henningsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Anne Gregersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Series: Routledge Research in Art Museums and Exhibitions Curatorial Challenges investigates the challenges faced by curators in contemporary society and explores which practices, ways of thinking, and types of knowledge production curating exhibitions could challenge. Bringing together international curators and researchers from the fields of art and cultural history, it provides new research and perspectives on the curatorial process and bridges the traditional gap between theoretical and academic museum studies and museum practices. It should be of great interest to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students engaged in the study of curatorial practice, museum studies, the making of exhibitions, museum communication, and art history. Routledge Market: Museum Studies March 2019: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-815-37006-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-17450-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National Museum
Freedom and Information
An Ethnography of Te Papa
A History
Tanja Schubert-McArthur, Waitangi Tribunal, New Zealand Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies
Sara de Freitas, Curtin University, Australia and Robert McFarlane Series: Routledge Studies in Library and Information Science
Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National Museum reveals the challenges, benefits and politics of implementing a bicultural framework in everyday museum practice. Providing an analysis of the voices of museum employees, the book reflects their multifaceted understandings of biculturalism and collaboration. Documenting and analysing contemporary museum practices, this account explores how biculturalism is enacted, negotiated, practised and envisioned on different stages within the complex social institution that is the museum.
Author Sara de Freitas provides a kind of cultural history that reworks not only how we think about information per se but also how we reconsider the human in relation to it – demonstrating the ways in which information and its pervasive influence upon cultural forms is writ large upon our social and physical spaces, our human processing, our data systems, and our everyday life. The cross-disciplinary approach used in this book will appeal to researchers and PhD students in a wide variety of disciplines, interested in information as a guiding force in the changes in our spaces, both digital and cultural.
Routledge Market: Museum Studies & Heritage Studies April 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-815-35908-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12139-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Library and Information Science June 2019: 229 x 152: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-72976-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-85083-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Classical Heritage and European Identities
Globalizing the Library
The Imagined Geographies of Danish Classicism
Librarians and Development Work, 1945–1970
Vinnie Nørskov, Museum of Ancient Art, Denmark, Troels Myrup Kristensen, Aarhus University, Denmark and Lærke Maria Andersen Funder Series: Critical Heritages of Europe Constructing the European Citizen focuses on how the heritages of Classical Antiquity have been used to construct European identities, and especially the concept of citizenship, in Denmark from the eighteenth century to the present day. It implements a critical historiographical perspective in line with recent work on the ‘reception’ of Classical Antiquity that has stressed the dialectic relationship between past, present and future. Routledge Market: Museum & Heritage Studies February 2019: 216x138: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-31750-5: £45.00 eBook: 978-0-429-45517-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Amanda Laugesen, Australian National University Series: Routledge Studies in Library and Information Science Globalizing the Library focuses on the globalization of information and the library in the period following the Second World War. Providing an examination of the ideas and aspirations surrounding information and the library, as well as the actual practices and actions of information professionals from the United States, Britain, and those working with organizations such as UNESCO to develop library services, it tells an important story about international history that also provides insight into the history of information, globalization, and cultural relations. Routledge March 2019: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-815-37003-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25092-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Indigenous Museology
Museum Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Insights from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
A New Model for a Changing Era
Conal McCarthy, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Series: Museums in Focus
Haitham Eid Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies
Indigenous Museology examines the emergence of indigenising museologies in New Zealand, Australia, the USA and Canada. As the first international comparative study of museums and indigenous people, the book produces new knowledge about indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being that are emerging from the intersection of museums, heritage and public history with native ontologies and epistemologies. Whilst McCarthy acknowledges the specificities of national contexts, he also takes the time to explore the commonalities and differences between them, thus providing a unique perspective never attempted before.
Museum Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship makes a contribution towards building a museum perspective of innovation that takes into consideration the unique role of museums in society. Beginning and ending with the idea of museum innovation in a wider sense, the book takes digital innovation as a particular focus. Drawing upon innovation theories from business studies and case studies from national museums in the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as numerous examples of innovative museum projects around the globe, the author unpacks, in practical terms, what it means for museums to be innovative and socially enterprising.
Routledge Market: Museum Studies May 2019: 216x138: 112pp Hb: 978-1-138-57642-1: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-351-16440-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Routledge Market: Museum & Heritage Studies March 2019: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-58949-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-138-58950-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Museum Activism
Museums as Cultures of Copies
Edited by Robert R. Janes and Richard Sandell, University of Leicester, UK Series: Museum Meanings Museum Activism elucidates the largely untapped potential for museums as key intellectual and civic resources to address inequalities, injustice and environmental challenges. This makes the book essential reading for scholars and students of museum and heritage studies, gallery studies, arts and heritage management and politics. It will be a source of inspiration to museum practitioners and museum leaders around the globe. Routledge Market: Museum Studies January 2019: 246x174: 412pp Hb: 978-0-815-36996-7: £140.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36997-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-351-25104-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Crafting of Artefacts and Authenticity Edited by Brita Brenna, University of Oslo, Norway, Hans Dam Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Olav Hamran, The National Museum of Medicine, Norway Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies Museums and the Culture of Copies aims to make the copying practices of museums visible and to discuss, from a range of interrelated perspectives, precisely what function copies fulfil in the heritage field and in museums today. With contributions from Europe and Canada, the book interrogates the meaning of copies and presents copying as a fully integrated part of museum work. Arguing that copying is at the basis of museum practice and that new technologies and practices have been taken up and developed in museums since their inception, the book presents both heritage work and copies in a new light. Routledge Market: Museum Studies & Heritage Studies December 2018: 234x156: 274pp Hb: 978-0-815-36491-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-10649-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Museum and Gallery Publishing
Museums as Sites of Persuasion
From Theory to Case Study
Politics, Memory and Human Rights
Sally Hughes Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies
Edited by Joyce Apsel and Amy Sodaro
Museums, art galleries, historic sites, libraries and temporary exhibitions publish physical books and electronic resources in various formats for their visitors and for a wider non-visiting audience. These printed materials represent their institutions locally, regionally and globally while also contributing to the complex media landscape navigated by museum audiences for entertainment and education. This book presents the theory and practice of general and scholarly publishing associated with museum and gallery collections. Sally Hughes examines the production and reception of these texts, extending our understanding of this important but hitherto overlooked topic which includes issues of curators’ and artists’ agency, funding and sponsorship, marketing, visitor studies, informal education and retail. Using both theory and case studies from around the world, this book will be essential reading for researchers in the fields of museum, heritage, art and publishing studies. Routledge January 2019: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-472-43714-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59641-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Sites of Persuasion: Museums, Politics and Human Rights examines the concept of museums as "sites of persuasion" that attempt to promote human rights, democracy and peace. The volumeexamines a range of both well-known, large museums and smaller temporary sites and exhibits in places as varied as Mexico, Georgia, the US, Greenland, Vietnam, Peru and Burundi, analyzing how they represent difficult histories. As sites of persuasion, their public goal is to use memory and education about the past to provide moral lessons to visitors that will contribute to a more democratic and peaceful present and future. However, their political realities – from state pressure and competing stakeholders to funding and commercial concerns – often hinder this lofty goal. Routledge Market: Museum Studies March 2019: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-56535-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-56781-8: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Museums in a Culture of Human Rights
The Digital Humanities
New Museums around the Globe
Implications for Librarians, Libraries, and Librarianship
Jennifer Carter Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies
Edited by Christopher Millson-Martula, Lynchburg College Library, USA and Kevin B. Gunn, Catholic University of America, USA
For several decades, museums have invested in the work of human rights. Museums dedicated to documenting abuses of human rights, such as acts of genocide, or significant advances in the field, such as in the achievement of civil rights, have proliferated since the 1980s, when a veritable museum boom occurred around the world. A newer phenomenon is that of institutions that choose to self-identify as human rights museums in their name. Very little research exists on these and this book aims to address that with an international and comparative analysis of the emergence and practices of several key human rights museums in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The author analyzes case studies in Canada, Chile, Paraguay, Belgium, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Pakistan, with careful attention to locating these museums in their specific geo-political and cultural contexts. Routledge February 2019: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-472-44117-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59651-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Cultural Turn in International Aid Impacts and Challenges for Heritage and the Creative Industries
The digital humanities in academic institutions, and libraries in particular, have exploded in recent years. Librarians are constantly developing their management and technological skills and increasing their knowledge base. This comprehensive volume highlights the wide variety of theoretical issues discussed, initiatives pursued, and projects implemented by academic librarians. It effectively illustrates how they are enabling themselves through active research partnerships in an ever-changing scholarly environment. Routledge Market: Digital Humanities / Librarians December 2018: 246x174: 494pp Hb: 978-1-138-39316-5: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Dispersed Local and the Culture of Protocols Dilemmas in the Co-curation of Indigenous Collections
Edited by Sophia Labadi, University of Kent, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Culture and Development
Howard Morphy, Australian National University, USA Series: Museums in Focus
The Cultural Turn in International Aid is one of the first volumes to analyse a wide and comprehensive range of issues related to culture and international aid. Assessing why international aid is provided for cultural projects, the book also considers whether and how donor funded cultural projects can address global challenges, including post-conflict recovery, building peace and security, strengthening resilience, or promoting human rights. With contributions from experts around the globe, this volume critically assesses the impact of international aid, including the diverse power relations and inequalities it creates, and the interests it serves at international, national and local levels.
The Dispersed Local and the Culture of Protocols examines the issues of value and rights associated with objects housed in museum collections. Arguing that the two are closely related, Morphy focuses in particular on issues surrounding the repatriation of human remains and digital repatriation of material culture and archival material. Drawing a theoretical distinction between two ‘locals’ – the local of the museum and the local of the source community – he explores questions such as the rights of communities of origin, the separation brought between the two by historical geopolitical transformations, and the role of museums in adding value to objects in collections.
Routledge Market: Heritage and Culture June 2019: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-38229-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-20859-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Curation and Care of Museum Collections Edited by Bruce Campbell and Christian Baars, National Museum Wales, UK Many curators find themselves in charge of some collections outside of their expert knowledge. This book aims to give curators the fundamental information and confidence they need to manage and care for all of the collections within their responsibility, regardless of their previous training and experience. The chapters cover Archaeology, Art, History, Military and Natural Sciences collections, as well as Heritage Properties. Written by experienced museum professionals, each with their own specialism, this highly practical guide is essential reading for curators working in all types of museums, galleries and heritage sites, and for students of museology courses. Routledge Market: Museum and Heritage Studies March 2019: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-58919-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-58921-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-138-58920-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Routledge Market: Anthropology April 2019: 216x138: 120pp Hb: 978-1-138-56559-3: £45.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70518-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Price of Patronage Commerce, Culture and Exchange Nicky Ryan In the art world the relationships between private collections, public museums, commercial galleries and auction houses have become increasingly complex. This book maps out and examines this network by focusing on the practices of contemporary patronage. It shows how government and private interests have become more aligned, using art to widen access and build audiences. The juxtaposition of case studies from different sectors reveals the increasingly important role that art plays in the global economy and the complex relationship between cultural, economic and political interests that constitute contemporary networks of patronage. Routledge Market: Museum & Heritage Studies December 2018: 234x156: 144pp Hb: 978-1-409-45384-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-55398-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Rise of the Must-See Exhibition Blockbusters in Australian Museums and Galleries Anna Lawrenson and Chiara O'Reilly Series: Routledge Research in Museum Studies The Rise of the Must-See Exhibition explores blockbuster exhibitions in the Australian cultural context, demonstrating how policy developments and historical precedents have created a space for their current domination. The examples discussed offer a unique opportunity to study how institutional growth, political support, individual champions and audience interest have influenced the development of large-scale temporary exhibitions. The volume will also appeal to academics and students engaged in the study of museums and galleries, arts management and curating, as well as those interested in the history of exhibitions and cultural policy. Routledge December 2018: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-1-472-48574-8: ÂŁ115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-59711-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an Age of Globalisation ....................................................................... 43 Agrarian Women, the Gender of Dairy Work, and the Two-Breadwinner Model in the Swedish Welfare State ......................................................................................... 47 Alexander the Great in the Roman Empire, 150 BC to AD 600 .................................................................................... 26 Alfred the Great ................................................................... 34 All for Union, Empire and Homeland ........................ 18 Allies of Yesterday .............................................................. 26 Archaeological Theory in Practice ................................. 2 Archaeology of the Contemporary Era, An ............... 2 Architectural Energetics in Archaeology .................... 2 Archives, Record-keeping and Social Justice ........... 49 Aristotelian Tradition in Syriac, The ............................ 29 Aristotle and Early Christian Thought ......................... 8 Art and Archaeology ........................................................... 2 Assemblage Thought and Archaeology ..................... 2 Atlantic Lives ........................................................................ 26
B Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100-1118 ............................. 34 Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman Egypt .......................................................................................... 8 Between Empire and Europe ......................................... 46 Beyond Famines ................................................................. 32 Beyond Orality ....................................................................... 8 Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National Museum ................................................................................. 49 Body Broken, The ................................................................ 21 Book of the Civilised Man, The ...................................... 30 Branding the Global Guggenheim ............................... 3 British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800, The ............................................................................................ 17 British Exploitation of German Science and Technology, 1943-1949 ................................................... 41 British Politics and Foreign Policy, 1758-70 ............. 18 Burying America’s World War Dead .......................... 24 Byzantine Military Manuals as Literary Works and Practical Handbooks ........................................................ 26 Byzantium and the West ................................................ 26
C Capetian France 987-1328 ............................................ 34 Captive Monk, The ............................................................. 11 Catholic Church and Liberal Democracy, The ............................................................................................ 44 Childhood in Antiquity ....................................................... 8 Children in the Bible and the Ancient World ............. 8 Chronicle of the Slavs by Arnold of Lübeck, The ............................................................................................ 35 Cities, Railways, Modernities ......................................... 43 City and the Railway in the World, The ..................... 38 Civic Nationalisms in Global Perspective ................. 48 Classic Essays in Biblical History ................................... 43 Classical Heritage and European Identities ............ 49 Cold Science ......................................................................... 46 Cold War Assemblages .................................................... 46 Combined Arms Warfare in Ancient Greece ............. 9 Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions, The .............................. 32 Countryside Of Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1423, The ............................................................................................ 21
Craft and Capital in the Book Trade .......................... 43 Crimes against History ..................................................... 38 Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History, 1453-Present ........................................................................ 48 Crusading and Masculinities ........................................ 34 Cultural Encounters during the First World War ........................................................................................... 24 Cultural History of Bathing in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, A ........................................................................ 43 Cultural History of Early Modern Europe, A ............. 20 Cultural Turn in International Aid, The ..................... 51 Culture of Ships and Maritime Narratives, The ............................................................................................ 45 Cultures of Healing ............................................................ 34 Curation and Care of Museum Collections, The ............................................................................................ 51 Curatorial Activism .............................................................. 3 Curatorial Challenges ...................................................... 49 Cycladic and Aegean Islands in Prehistory, The .............................................................................................. 5
D Damascus ................................................................................ 9 Daniel Gookin and King Philip's War ......................... 14 Decolonisation and Regional Geopolitics ............... 32 Decolonisation of Zimbabwe, The ............................. 13 Democracy of Affluence, The ........................................ 21 Devil's World, The ............................................................... 35 Digital Humanities, The ................................................... 51 Digital Palaeography ....................................................... 27 Dispersed Local and the Culture of Protocols, The ............................................................................................ 51 Drama in Medieval and Early Modern Europe ..................................................................................... 34 Drug War in the Americas, The .................................... 15 Durham Papers, The ......................................................... 48
E Early Modern Ireland ........................................................ 18 Ebla ............................................................................................. 3 Eldad’s Travels: A Journey from the Lost Tribes to the Present .................................................................................... 27 Emotional Heritage ............................................................. 3 Emperor in the Byzantine World, The ........................ 36 Engaging Transculturality ............................................. 44 English Woollen Industry, c.1200-c.1560, The ............................................................................................ 19 Evolution of Paleolithic Technology, The ................... 5 Exhibitions as Research ...................................................... 3 Exhibitions for Social Justice ............................................ 3
F Families, Values, and the Transfer of Knowledge in Northern Societies, 1500–2000 .................................... 20 Family Fortunes .................................................................. 17 Farm Animals in Britain, 1850-2001 .......................... 38 Fascist Decade of War?, A ............................................... 41 Film and Colonialism in the Sixties ............................ 32 First Americans: A History of Native Peoples, Combined Volume ................................................................................... 14 Food and Age in Europe, 1800-2000 .......................... 44 Food and Feast in Modern Outlaw Tales ................. 44 Formative Britain .................................................................. 4 Freedom and Information ............................................. 49 From Windhoek to Auschwitz ...................................... 41
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Gaitatilaka and its Commentary, The .................... 11 Geneses ..................................................................................... 9 German-occupied Europe in the Second World War ........................................................................................... 41 Gilgamesh ............................................................................... 9 Global Seven Years War 1754-1763, The .................. 39 Global Social Archaeologies ............................................ 4 Globalizing the Library .................................................... 49 Great War in the Middle East, The ............................... 24
H Harvey Milk ........................................................................... 47 Henry Redhead Yorke, Colonial Radical ................... 27 Historians Without Borders ............................................ 31 Historical Archaeology and Heritage in the Middle East ............................................................................................. 4 Historical Parallels, Commemoration and Icons ......................................................................................... 31 Historical Web and Digital Humanities, The ........... 31 Historicising Heritage and Emotions ........................... 4 History of Africa, The ......................................................... 13 History of Euphoria, A ....................................................... 43 History of Indigenous Latin America, A .................... 14 History of Place in the Digital Age, A .......................... 26 History of Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange, The ............................................................................................ 16 History of the Contemporary Art Centre, The .......... 39 History of the Roman People, A ...................................... 8 History of the Vespa, The ................................................. 22 History, Space and Place ................................................. 31 Holocaust Studies .............................................................. 41
I Iberian World, The .............................................................. 22 Imaginary Friendship in the American Revolution ............................................................................. 14 Incombustible Lutheran Books in Early Modern Germany ................................................................................ 18 Indigenous Museology .................................................... 50 Inscribing Faith ...................................................................... 9 Intelligence and Espionage: Secrets and Spies ......................................................................................... 48 International Perspectives on Publishing Platforms ............................................................................... 27 Iron Age Lives .......................................................................... 4 Iron and Glass ...................................................................... 27 Isabella d’Este ....................................................................... 47 Italy's Global Citizens ........................................................ 38
J James Mill's Utilitarian Logic and Politics ................ 27 Jews, The ................................................................................ 22 Journey of Deacon Bodo from the Rhine to the Guadalquivir, The ............................................................... 30 Julia Augusta .......................................................................... 9
K Kitchener’s Last Volunteers and their World ........... 24
L Laboured Protest ................................................................ 14 Late Byzantium Reconsidered ...................................... 44 Learning Cities in Late Antiquity .................................. 28 Living History Anthology, The ......................................... 6 Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe ........................................................ 41
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Long Lives of Medieval Art and Architecture, The ............................................................................................ 36
M Madness, Medicine and Miracle in Twelfth-Century England .................................................................................. 28 March on Rome, The ........................................................ 22 Masculine Modern Woman, The ................................. 47 Material Cultures of Childhood in Second World War Britain (Open Access) ........................................................ 42 Material Worlds of Childhood in North-western Europe c. 1350–1800 ........................................................................ 18 Memphis, Babylon, Cairo .................................................. 4 Middle East in Modern World History, The .............. 37 Milton Keynes in British Culture ................................... 17 Missile Crisis from a Cuban Perspective, The ........... 46 Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European Past ........................................................................................... 20 Modern Iran since 1797 ................................................... 37 Monsters and Animals in Ancient Culture and Religion ................................................................................... 10 Montbéliards in Outremer, The .................................... 36 Multi-Sensory Image from Antiquity to the Renaissance, The ................................................................ 30 Museum Activism .............................................................. 50 Museum and Gallery Publishing ................................. 50 Museum Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship ................................................................ 50 Museums as Cultures of Copies ................................... 50 Museums as Sites of Persuasion .................................. 50 Museums in a Culture of Human Rights .................. 51 Music, Language and Identity in Greece .................. 20 Muslim Reception of European Orientalism, The ............................................................................................ 32
N Narrative Constructions of Gender and Time in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean ...................................... 10 National Identity and the Crusades ........................... 28 National indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe .............................................................. 28 Necessary Fiction, A ............................................................. 2 Negotiating Freedom in the Circum-Caribbean ............................................................. 28 Neutrality in World History ............................................. 48
O Occasions of State ............................................................. 18 On the Edge of the Empires ........................................... 10 Orosius's History Against the Pagans and the Unimproved Past ............................................................... 28
P Personalist Philosophy of History, A ........................... 31 Perspectives on Classification in Synthetic Sciences .................................................................................. 29 Peterborough and the Soke ............................................. 5 Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity .................................. 29 Plague in the Early Modern World .............................. 19 Policing the Home Front 1914-1918 .......................... 24 Post Cold War World, The ............................................... 46 Post-Soviet Heritages in the Making ............................ 5 Power Couples in Antiquity ............................................ 10 Power of Networks ............................................................. 29 Prehistory and Origins of the English Language .............................................................................. 35 Price of Patronage, The .................................................... 51
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INDEX BY TITLE Public History for a Digital Age .................................... 29
R Radical Antiapartheid Internationalism and Exile .......................................................................................... 13 Reason, Religion, and the Australian Polity ............ 44 Rediscovering the Great War ........................................ 24 Reform Acts (Volume I), The ........................................... 39 Reform Acts (Volume II), The .......................................... 39 Reform Acts (Volume III), The ........................................ 39 Reform Acts (Volume IV), The ........................................ 40 Reform Acts, The ................................................................. 39 Reform of the International System of Units (SI), The ............................................................................................ 30 Refugees, Human Rights and Realpolitik ................. 42 Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy ........................................................................................... 35 Remembering Asia's World War Two ........................ 16 Renaissance Humanists on the Crusade Against the Turks ........................................................................................ 35 Renaissance Studies .......................................................... 29 Resistance in Colonial and Communist China, 1950-1963 ............................................................................. 32 Rethinking Research in the Art Museum .................... 5 Rethinking the American Environmental Movement post-1945 ............................................................................... 14 Revolution and its Past .................................................... 16 Rise of the Must-See Exhibition, The ........................... 52 Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy ........................................................................................... 10 Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory, The ............................................................................................ 11 Routledge Handbook of Historical Archaeology, The .............................................................................................. 6 Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology, The .............................................................................................. 6 Routledge History of American Sexuality, The ............................................................................................ 15 Routledge History of Emotions in Europe, The ............................................................................................ 22 Routledge History of Medieval Magic, The .............. 36 Routledge History of Monarchy, The ......................... 17 Routledge History of Women in Early Modern Europe, The ............................................................................................ 47
Umayyad World, The ........................................................ Understanding Greek Warfare ..................................... Unknown Conflicts of the Second World War ........................................................................................... Urbanizing Nature ............................................................. Uses of Justice in Global Perspective, 1600–1900, The ............................................................................................
11 11 42 45 22
V Veterans of the First World War ................................... 25 Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers ........................... 6 Viking-Age Trade ................................................................ 30 Vikings, The .............................................................................. 6 Visions and Ideas of Europe during the First World War ........................................................................................... 25
W W.J.M. Rankine, 1820–1872 ........................................... 30 Wars of Napoleon, The .................................................... 23 Water and Urbanism in Roman Britain ................... 12 Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War before 1939 ......................................................................................... 42 Witchcraft in Early Modern England ......................... 45 Women and Politics in Wartime China .................... 16 Women's History at the Cutting Edge ....................... 47 Woodward and Bernstein .............................................. 15 World of Great Zimbabwe, The ...................................... 6 Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance .......................................................................... 23 Writing the Past ..................................................................... 7
S Selling Photography ......................................................... 38 Seven Years' War and Slavery in the Caribbean, The ............................................................................................ 33 Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy ........................................................................................... 21 Sharing Values in a Viking-Age Network .................... 5 Sicily and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages ......................................................................................... 21 Sourcebook of Early Modern European History, A ................................................................................................. 20 Sources for the Crusades ................................................. 35 Sport and Identity in Ancient Greece ......................... 10 Stalin and Stalinism .......................................................... 38 Syriac World, The ................................................................ 11
T Tale of a Fool?, A ................................................................. Technology and American Society ............................ Tensions in the Memory of the Crusades ................. Toward a Century of Peace ............................................ Transport and its Place in History ...............................
20 15 21 48 17
Browse and order online:
A Aatsinki, Ulla .......................................................................... 20 Abels, Richard ...................................................................... 34 Abrams, Lawrence ............................................................ 31 Abu-Er-Rub, Laila ................................................................ 44 Albanese, Giulia .................................................................. 22 Ansari, Ali ................................................................................ 37 Apsel, Joyce ........................................................................... 50 Armit, Ian ................................................................................... 4 Asante, Molefi Kete ........................................................... 13 Aterrano, Marco Maria .................................................... 41 Awan, Akil ............................................................................... 21 Ayers, Oliver .......................................................................... 14
B Baets, Antoon De ............................................................... 38 Baugh, Daniel ....................................................................... 39 Baxter, Ron ................................................................................ 5 Beaumont, Lesley ................................................................. 8 Bell, Dean Phillip ................................................................. 19 Berg, Ina ...................................................................................... 5 Bielman Sánchez, Anne ................................................. 10 Bjerregaard, Peter ................................................................. 3 Black, Jeremy ........................................................................ 18 Bocking, Stephen ............................................................... 46 Bonfreschi, Lucia ................................................................ 46 Bougarel, Xavier .................................................................. 41 Bouza, Fernando ................................................................ 22 Breen, Louise ........................................................................ 14 Brenna, Brita .......................................................................... 50 Briggs, Charles F. ................................................................ 21 Brookes, Stewart ................................................................. 27 Broomhall, Susan ............................................................... 22 Brügger, Niels ....................................................................... 31 Burns, Ross ................................................................................ 9 Bursten, Julia ......................................................................... 29 Burström, Nanouschka ...................................................... 5
Flynn, Shawn W. .................................................................... 8 Forbes, Meghan .................................................................. 27 Fraser, Mary ........................................................................... 24 Frost, Mark R. ......................................................................... 16
G Gaspar, David Barry ........................................................... 33 Gilbert, Bennett ................................................................... 31 Goldsmith, Julie A. ............................................................. 15 Gonzales, Elena ...................................................................... 3 Gonzalez-Ruibal, Alfredo ................................................. 2 Goodrich, Amanda ........................................................... 27 Greenspahn, Frederick ................................................... 43 Grincheva, Natalia ................................................................ 3 Gruszczynski, Jacek ........................................................... 30 Gruszczyński, Jacek .............................................................. 6 Guo, Vivienne Xiangwei ................................................ 16
H Hall, Charlie ............................................................................ 41 Hallam, Elizabeth ............................................................... 34 Hallgrímsdóttir, Guðný ................................................... 20 Hansen, Malene Vest ....................................................... 49 Harris, Michael ..................................................................... 43 Harvey, Tracene ..................................................................... 9 Healy, Róisín .......................................................................... 20 Heschel, Susannah ............................................................ 32 Hobhouse, Hermione ..................................................... 27 Hodgson, Natasha R. ....................................................... 34 Horden, Peregrine ............................................................. 34 Horst, Rene Harder ............................................................ 14 Hughes, Sally ........................................................................ 50 Hunter-Crawley, Heather .............................................. 30
I Ingate, Jay ............................................................................... 12 Ingemarsdotter, Jenny ................................................... 47
Campbell, Bruce ................................................................. 51 Capern, Amanda L. ........................................................... 47 Carter, Jennifer .................................................................... 51 Carver, Martin .......................................................................... 4 Chatzelis, Georgios ........................................................... 26 Chavura, Stephen .............................................................. 44 Chrissis, Nikolaos ................................................................ 26 Clements, Kevin P. ............................................................. 48 Covington, Sarah ............................................................... 18 Cowans, Jon .......................................................................... 32 Cox, Michael .......................................................................... 46 Cross, Gary .............................................................................. 15
D Das, Santanu ......................................................................... Davidann, Jon ...................................................................... Davidoff, Leonore .............................................................. De Courtenay, Nadine .................................................... de Freitas, Sara ..................................................................... de Wet, Chris L. .................................................................... Dell'Acqua, Francesca ..................................................... Dewhirst, Catherine ......................................................... Dooley, Brendan ................................................................. Drachewych, Oleksa ........................................................ Draycott, Jane ...................................................................... Dunn, Stuart .......................................................................... Durey, Michael .....................................................................
24 48 17 30 49 11 35 38 29 32 10 26 24
E Edgington, Susan .............................................................. 34 Edwards, Mark ........................................................................ 8 Efron, John ............................................................................. 22 Eid, Haitham .......................................................................... 50 Eidinow, Esther .................................................................... 10 Esdaile, Charles J ................................................................ 23
F Feltman, Jennifer M. ......................................................... Findell, Martin ...................................................................... Fisher, Tracy ........................................................................... Flinn, Andrew .......................................................................
Complimentary Exam Copy
36 35 24 49
Janes, Robert R. ................................................................... 50 Jeffreys, David ......................................................................... 4 Jensen, Tenna ...................................................................... 44 Jervis, Ben .................................................................................. 2 Johnson, Robert ................................................................. 24
K Karlsson, Håkan ................................................................... 46 Katz, Steven T ....................................................................... 41 Katz-Hyman, Martha B. ...................................................... 6 Kaufman, Alexander L. .................................................... 44 Kerschbaumer, Florian .................................................... 29 King, Daniel ........................................................................... 11 Košir, Uroš ............................................................................... 24 Kuhn, Steven L ....................................................................... 5
L Labadi, Sophia ..................................................................... 51 Laugesen, Amanda ........................................................... 49 Law, Kate ................................................................................. 13 Lawrenson, Anna ............................................................... 52 Leatherbury, Sean V. ........................................................... 9 Lentini, Damian ................................................................... 39 Leonard, Victoria ................................................................ 28 Leutzsch, Andreas ............................................................. 31 Lewis, Sian .............................................................................. 10 Loizides, Antis ...................................................................... 27 Lomas, Daniel ....................................................................... 48 Lotz-Heumann, Ute .......................................................... 20 Loud, Graham ...................................................................... 35 Lucas, Gavin ............................................................................. 7 Luttrell, Anthony ................................................................ 21 López Galviz, Carlos .......................................................... 43
M Maccaferri, Marzia .............................................................. 21 Maddern, Philippa ............................................................. 18 Marchant, Alicia ..................................................................... 4 Marsden, Ben ........................................................................ 30 Marsham, Andrew ............................................................. 11 Matthiae, Paolo ...................................................................... 3
Mattiello, Andrea ............................................................... 44 McCarthy, Conal ................................................................. 50 McCauley, Martin ............................................................... 38 McCurdy, Leah ....................................................................... 2 McGee, Holly ........................................................................ 13 McGilvary, George ............................................................. 18 McKee, Helen M. ................................................................. 28 McKercher, B. J. C. .............................................................. 42 Meineck, Peter ..................................................................... 11 Meserve, Margaret ............................................................ 35 Message, Kylie ........................................................................ 3 Millson-Martula, Christopher ...................................... 51 Milnes, Christopher .......................................................... 43 Morgan, Gwenda ............................................................... 17 Morphy, Howard ................................................................ 51 Moshenska, Gabriel .......................................................... 42 Mulryne, J.R. ........................................................................... 18 Murphy, Kevin P. ................................................................. 15 Murray, Chris ......................................................................... 42 Murray, Jacqueline ............................................................ 21 Musto, Ronald G. ................................................................ 23 Müller, Leos ........................................................................... 48
N Nicolson, Colin .................................................................... 14 Nifosi, Ada ................................................................................. 8 Ní Chléirigh, Léan .............................................................. 35 Nørskov, Vinnie ................................................................... 49
Sharfman, Daphna ............................................................ 42 Sharpe, Jim ............................................................................ 45 Shaw, Christine .................................................................... 47 Shringarpure, Bhakti ........................................................ 46 Skeates, Robin ........................................................................ 6 Smith, Claire E ......................................................................... 4 Smith, Laurajane ................................................................... 3 Soens, Tim .............................................................................. 45 Sommestad, Lena .............................................................. 47 Spears, Ellen Griffith ......................................................... 14 Steen, Charlie ....................................................................... 20 Stenger, Jan R. ...................................................................... 28 Swift, David ............................................................................ 25
T Takayama, Hiroshi ............................................................. 21 Tambakaki, Polina .............................................................. 20 Tebeau, Mark ........................................................................ 29 Teng, Jun ................................................................................ 16 Tolan, John ............................................................................... 9 Tougher, Shaun .................................................................. 36 Townsend, Kenneth ......................................................... 14 Trautsch, Jasper M. ............................................................ 48 Trenery, Claire ...................................................................... 28 Tucker, Ernest ....................................................................... 37 Turner, David ........................................................................ 17
U Urban, Patricia ........................................................................ 2
Offen, Karen .......................................................................... 47 Oftestad, Bernt .................................................................... 44 Oldland, John ....................................................................... 19 Orser, Jr., Charles E. .............................................................. 6
P Page, Sophie ......................................................................... 36 Palermo, Rocco ................................................................... 10 Papadopoulou, Chryssanthi ........................................ 45 Papakonstantinou, Zinon ............................................. 10 Passemiers, Lazlo ............................................................... 32 Pearson, Mike .......................................................................... 2 Peltonen, Jaakkojuhani .................................................. 26 Perry, Micha ........................................................................... 27 Petrocchi, Alessandra ...................................................... 11 Phillips, Jonathan ............................................................... 28 Pikirayi, Innocent ................................................................... 6 Pikó, Lauren ........................................................................... 17 Plets, Gertjan ........................................................................... 5 Polejowski, Karol ................................................................. 36 Price, Neil ................................................................................... 6 Price, R. B. E. ........................................................................... 32 Pringle, Emily ........................................................................... 5 Pritchard, MIchael .............................................................. 38 Pryke, Louise M. ..................................................................... 9
R Rapini, Andrea ..................................................................... Rau, Susanne ........................................................................ Regan, Joe .............................................................................. Richardson, Sarah .............................................................. Richardson, Sarah .............................................................. Richardson, Sarah .............................................................. Richardson, Sarah .............................................................. Richardson, Sarah .............................................................. Riess, Frank ............................................................................. Roach, Andrew .................................................................... Roth, Ralf ................................................................................. Rubinstein, Hilary ............................................................... Ryan, Nicky .............................................................................
V van Ginderachter, Maarten .......................................... 28 van Pelt, Nadia Thérèse .................................................. 34 Vayntrub, Jacqueline .......................................................... 8 Vermeesch, Griet ................................................................ 22 Vermeiren, Jan ..................................................................... 25
W Walther, Eric H. .................................................................... 47 Watt, John W. ....................................................................... 29 Webster, Andrew ............................................................... 26 Whelan, Fiona ...................................................................... 30 White, Christopher ............................................................ 15 Witcher, Robert ...................................................................... 2 Woodacre, Elena ................................................................ 17 Wrightson, Graham ............................................................. 9
Y Young, Ruth ............................................................................. 4
Z Zimmerer, Jürgen .............................................................. 41 Zytka, Michal ......................................................................... 43
22 31 43 39 39 39 39 40 30 35 38 48 51
S Sarkar, Abhijit ........................................................................ 32 Sayer, Karen ........................................................................... 38 Scheck, Raffael ..................................................................... 41 Schmidt, Jan ......................................................................... 29 Schoppa, R. Keith ............................................................... 16 Schubert-McArthur, Tanja ............................................ 49 Schultz, Celia E. ...................................................................... 8 Sears, Matthew A. .............................................................. 11 Shamir, Avner ....................................................................... 18 SHANNON, TIMOTHY ...................................................... 26
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