Tf political science 2018 supplementary reading

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Political Science Supplementary Reading 2017-2018



Welcome to our Supplementary Reading for Politics Catalogue, newly updated for 2018. It is a consistent pleasure to work with such inspiring and committed authors and series editors as are represented here. If you are interested in becoming one of them, please do get in touch and we’ll let you know how to submit a proposal for a new book and we are always happy to have an informal chat about your idea or project. To find a full range of our Politics titles, please visit Here you’ll find quality resources for students, professionals, lecturers and researchers. We hope to meet many of you at the various conferences that we will be attending this year, please do visit the Routledge booth and tell us what you think.

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Contents American Politics & Government .................................................................................................................................... 2 International Relations & Global Politics ....................................................................................................................... 6 Africa, Asia & the Middle East ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Identity Politics ................................................................................................................................................................ 34 Environment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Media, Communication & Technology ........................................................................................................................ 38 Public Administration & Public Policy ......................................................................................................................... 44 Research Methods ........................................................................................................................................................... 48 Security .............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Peace & Conflict ............................................................................................................................................................... 51 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 53



(S)electing the President The Perils of Democracy Michael L. Mezey Looking at two salient characteristics of our current environment -- the declining influence of political parties; the communication revolution via the internet, social media, and cable television; and the impact of money -- this book asks whether our now-fully democratized presidential selection process has diminished the quality of our presidential candidates and the campaigns they run, whether the turn to demagoguery that the Founders feared has materialized, what the consequences of our presidential selection process have been for American government, and whether it would be valuable to rethink our wholehearted commitment to popular election of the President. Routledge Market: Politics July 2017: 229 x 152: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-21225-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21226-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-45085-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

In Defense of the United States Constitution Robert S. Singh Constitutional reform is a topic of perennial academic debate, perhaps now more than ever amid sharp polarization in the electorate and government. At once a cogent, new contribution to the scholarly literature and appropriate for American politics and government students, this book mounts a provocative, nonideological defense of the US Constitution, directly engaging proposals for reform and providing a rare systematic argument for continuity: Our politics may be broken but our system is not. Writing from an international perspective with an array of fascinating data, Singh draws on theory, law, and history to defend the republican order under political stress and intellectual challenge. Routledge Market: Politics September 2018: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-0-815-36073-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36074-2: £31.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

3rd Edition

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Campaigning for President 2016

Interpreting Congressional Elections

Strategy and Tactics

The Curious Case of the Incumbency Effect Edited by Dennis W. Johnson, George Washington Unviersity, Washington, DC, USA and Lara M. Brown Dennis Johnson and Lara Brown have assembled an outstanding team of politics scholars and campaign professionals to examine one of the fiercest and most closely fought presidential elections of our time. Thisis the most comprehensive and incisive treatment of the 2016 presidential election available, focusing on the players (candidates, political consultants, national political parties, and outside interests) and the strategy and tactics they employed. Contributors explore the mood of the electorate, primaries, money, communication, salient issues, challenges faced by Clinton and Trump, and results in the 2016 election.

Routledge Market: Politics July 2017: 229 x 152: 294pp Hb: 978-1-138-05846-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05847-7: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16426-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Jeffrey M. Stonecash The increase in the "incumbency effect" has long dominated as a research focus and as a framework for interpreting congressional elections. This important new book challenges the empirical claim that incumbents are doing better and the research paradigm that accompanied the claim. It also offers an alternative interpretation of House elections since the 1960s. In a style that is provocative yet fair, learned, and transparent, Jeffrey Stonecash makes a two-pronged argument: frameworks and methodologies suffer when they stop being critically considered, and that patterns of House elections over the long term actually reflect party change and realignment. A must-read for scholars and students of congressional elections. Routledge Market: Politics June 2018: 229 x 152: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-47986-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47987-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-05923-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Governing the Military

Judicial Review and Contemporary Democratic Theory

Andrew L. Stigler Series edited by Robert J. Spitzer Series: Presidential Briefings Series A military is the most significant tool of a nation’s foreign policy, and (hopefully) the tool of last resort. Yet the control a civilian leader has over the military is, in many respects, an encumbered and fractured control: The military’s organizational culture, role in society, size, and considerable autonomy are potential obstacles to true civilian control over the military even in peacetime. A brief but historically informed text intended for students of the presidency or national security, Governing the Military addresses the gamut of challenges a new US president faces as commander-in-chief. Routledge Market: Politics July 2018: 216x138: 86pp Hb: 978-1-138-48977-6: £76.99 Pb: 978-1-138-48978-3: £19.99 eBook: 978-1-351-03678-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Power, Domination, and the Courts Scott E. Lemieux and David J. Watkins Series: Law, Courts and Politics Lemieux and Watkins begin with an assessment of the empirical and theoretical flaws of this framework, and an account of the ways in which this framework has hindered meaningful investigation into judicial review’s value within a democratic political system. In order to replace of the countermajoritarian difficulty framework, they draw on recent work in democratic theory emphasizing democracy’s opposition to domination and analyses of constitutional court cases in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere to examine judicial review in its institutional and political context. Routledge Market: Law & Courts/Legal Theory/Democratic Theory November 2017: 229 x 152: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-09519-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09521-2: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10576-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Leadership in the U.S. Senate

Presidents and the Media

Herding Cats in the Modern Era

The Communicator in Chief

Edited by Colton C. Campbell, National War College, USA

Stephen E. Frantzich, US Naval Academy Series: Media and Power

Featuring a foreword by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Leadership in the U.S. Senate offers students a comprehensive and contemporary examination of three different eras in the evolution of the Senate. Collectively, contributions written by those who have served the senators offer insight into how different Senate leaders have operated, chronicle changes in Senate life over the past four decades, and describe how they have changed the institution. This bookpaves the way for how political scientists and others examine the topic of Senate leadership. Routledge Market: Congress August 2018: 229 x 152: 316pp Hb: 978-1-138-06838-4: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06839-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15800-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Is Donald Trump’s "War on the Media" new news, fake news, or business as usual? Presidents have always "used" the media and felt abused by it. Tried and true vehicles such as press conferences, routine speeches and the State of the Union address have served presidents’ interests and received significant coverage by the print media. As new technologies have entered the media spectrum, the speed and pervasiveness of these interactions have changed dramatically. President Obama ushered in the social media presidency, while President Trump has become the tweeter-in-chief. This book shows how each of these developments affects what is communicated and how it is received by the public. Routledge Market: Politics August 2018: 229 x 152: 220pp Hb: 978-1-138-47980-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47981-4: £30.99 eBook: 978-1-351-06474-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Presidential Communication and Character

Regulating Judicial Elections

White House News Management from Clinton and Cable to Twitter and Trump

Assessing State Codes of Judicial Conduct

Stephen J. Farnsworth This book traces the evolution of White House news management during America’s changing media environment over the past two decades. Comparing and contrasting the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump communication strategies, it demonstrates the difficulty that all presidents have in controlling their messages despite a seemingly endless array of new media outlets and the great advantages of the office, compounded by new media’s amplification of presidential character traits. Presidential power still resides in the "power to persuade," and that task remains a steep challenge; presidential character still matters, and the media presidents now employ report on the messenger as much as the message. Routledge Market: Politics / Communication March 2018: 229 x 152: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-21372-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21223-7: £30.99 eBook: 978-1-315-44704-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

C. Scott Peters, University of Northern Iowa, USA Series: Law, Courts and Politics State judicial elections are governed by a unique set of rules that enforce longstanding norms of judicial independence by limiting how judicial candidates campaign. These rules have been a key part of recent debates over judicial elections and have been the subject of several U.S. Supreme Court cases. Regulating Judicial Elections provides the first accounting of the efficacy and consequences of such rules. C. Scott Peters re-frames debates over judicial elections by shifting away from all-or-nothing claims about threats to judicial independence and focusing instead on the trade-offs inherent in our checks and balances system. Routledge Market: Law and Courts/Judicial Elections September 2017: 229 x 152: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-65382-5: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65383-2: £33.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62357-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Presidential Leadership and National Security The Obama Legacy and Trump Trajectory Edited by Richard S. Conley This book assesses the foreign policy legacy of the Obama administration through the lens of national security and leadership. Timely, accessible chapters authored by leading scholars of presidential and international politics include coverage of the pivot to China, the Iran nuclear deal, ISIS, and the ways in which Obama foreign policy shaped the 2016 presidential election. Exploring the philosophical basis of the Obama administration's counter-terrorism strategy and how it differed from the George W. Bush administration, the book contributes to an understanding of the distinctive interplay between the formal and informal powers of the president in the quest for peace and security. Routledge Market: Politics November 2017: 229 x 152: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-28419-7: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-28420-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26969-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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AMERICAN POLITICS & GOVERNMENT Dummy text to keep placeholder

The Demise and Rebirth of American Third Parties

Trumping Ethical Norms

Poised for Political Revival?

Teachers, Preachers, Pollsters, and the Media Respond to Donald Trump

Bernard Tamas

Edited by L. Sandy Maisel and Hannah E. Dineen

Virtually all academic books on American third parties in the last half-century assume that they have largely disappeared. This book challenges that orthodoxy by explaining the (temporary) decline of third parties, demonstrating through the latest evidence that they are enjoying a resurgence, and arguing that they are likely to once again play a significant role in American politics. The book is based on a wealth of data, including district-level results from US House of Representatives elections, state-level election laws after the Civil War, and recent district-level election results from Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom.

Donald J. Trump, as candidate and as President, has upended the political and ethical context in which he and others operate. This book explores emerging ethical questions that face professionals interacting with a new executive order. Each chapter opens with an introduction setting the framework of ethical analysis for a particular profession, is followed by original contributions by notable practitioners, and concludes with a set of questions for students and other readers to ponder and discuss.

Routledge Market: Politics March 2018: 229 x 152: 196pp Hb: 978-0-815-35637-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-35639-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-12826-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Politics March 2018: 229 x 152: 154pp Hb: 978-0-815-35937-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-35938-8: £22.99 eBook: 978-1-351-12090-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Feeling, Thinking Citizen

Varieties of Legal Order

Essays in Honor of Milton Lodge

The Politics of Adversarial and Bureaucratic Legalism

Edited by Howard Lavine, University of Minnesota, USA and Charles S. Taber, Stony Brook University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Political Psychology

Edited by Thomas F. Burke, Wellesley College, USA and Jeb Barnes Series: Law, Courts and Politics

In this collection, Lodge’s collaborators and colleagues describe how his work has influenced their own careers, and how his insights have been synthesized into the bloodstream of contemporary political psychology. The volume includes personal reflections from Lodge’s longstanding collaborators as well as original research papers from leading figures in political psychology who have drawn inspiration from the Lodgean oeuvre. Reflecting on his multi-facetted contribution to the study of political psychology, The Feeling, Thinking Citizen illustrates the centrality of Lodge’s work in constructing a psychologically plausible model of the democratic citizen.

Across the globe law in all its variety is becoming more central to politics, public policy and everyday life. For over four decades, Robert A. Kagan has been a leading scholar of the causes and consequences of the march of law that is characteristic of late 20th and early 21st century governance. In this volume, top sociolegal scholars use Kagan's concepts and methods to examine the politics of litigation and regulation, both in the United States and around the world.

Routledge Market: Political Psychology/Political Behavior March 2018: 229 x 152: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-37939-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37940-9: £30.99 eBook: 978-1-351-21594-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Law and Politics August 2017: 229 x 152: 210pp Hb: 978-0-415-63338-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09047-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-09507-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Promise of Democratic Equality in the United States

White Voters in 21st Century America

Douglas D. Roscoe, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA The Promise of Democratic Equality in the United States explores the ways in which the American political system fails to fully respect political equality. Using a rigorous normative framework, while leaning heavily on high-quality quantitative evidence and social science research, this book provides students of democratic theory and American politics with a compact and manageable review of the degree to which democratic equality is supported in the United States.

Routledge Market: American Politics/Democratic Theory March 2018: 229 x 152: 150pp Hb: 978-1-138-55558-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55559-4: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14964-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

George Hawley, University of Alabama, USA Series: Routledge Research in American Politics and Governance Whereas other books have examined the political behavior of specific social classes within the non-Hispanic white community (working class whites, for example), this is the first book to examine whites as a whole, and provide a useful summary of recent trends within this group and thoughtful speculation about its future.

Routledge Market: Political Behavior/Race & Ethnicity April 2017: 229x152: 204pp Hb: 978-1-138-01774-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06624-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-78023-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Winning the Presidency 2016 Edited by William J. Crotty How did Donald Trump win the presidency? What can we expect from the new administration? In this first scholarly reflection on the 2016 elections, a distinguished cast of contributors enlightens students, scholars, and serious political readers about the issues involved in one of the most polarizing presidential elections in history, presenting a clear and definitive overview of the campaign's controversies, setbacks, and successes. Characterized by diversity, liveliness, and data-informed analysis, this is essential reading for understanding a campaign with no precedents and an election that could have seismic consequences for American government. Routledge Market: Politics / Elections July 2017: 229 x 152: 202pp Hb: 978-1-138-65435-8: ÂŁ105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65436-5: ÂŁ34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62329-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Anti-Americanism and the Limits of Public Diplomacy

Contemporary Just War Theory and Practice Tamar Meisels, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Series: War, Conflict and Ethics

Winning Hearts and Minds? Stephen Brooks, University of Windsor, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy Contrary to the view held by many who study American foreign policy, public diplomacy has seldom played a decisive role in the achievement of the country's foreign policy objectives. The reasons for this are not that the policies and interventions are ill-conceived or badly executed.Rather, the factors that limit the effectiveness of public diplomacy lie almost entirely outside the control of American policy-makers. Brooks demonstrates that the expectations held for this soft power tool should not be viewed as a substitute for hard power tools that are more likely to be correlated with American influence as opposed to the somewhat nebulous concept of American standing. Routledge Market: Politics October 2017: 229x152: 153pp Hb: 978-1-138-94921-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37048-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66920-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

This book offers a renewed defense of traditional just war theory and considers its application to certain highly controversial contemporary cases, particularly in the Middle East.

Routledge Market: Just War / Ethics / Security Studies August 2017: 234x156: 170pp Hb: 978-1-138-04366-4: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-04369-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17297-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Bush II, Obama, and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony in the Western Hemisphere

International Humanitarian NGOs and State Relations

Thomas Andrew O'Keefe, Mercosur Consulting Group Ltd, USA and Stanford University, USA

Politics, Principles and Identity Andrew J. Cunningham Series: Routledge Humanitarian Studies

Bush II, Obama, and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony in the Western Hemisphere applies competing definitions and conceptions of hegemony to various foreign policy initiatives and events during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama to test whether they manifest a decline in traditional United States dominance and leadership in the Western Hemisphere. In particular, the book examines the continued relevancy of the inter-American system, the failure to establish a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and the stillborn Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA).

This book examines the often discordant relationship between states and international NGOs working in the humanitarian sector. Drawing on case studies of civil conflicts in Sri Lanka, Darfur, Ethiopia and Russia, this practice-based book outlines a research and policy development agenda for INGOS to better adapt politically to working with states. International Humanitarian NGOs and State Relations will be a key resource for professionals and policy makers working within international humanitarian operations, as well as for academics and students within humanitarian and development studies who want to understand the relationship between states and humanitarian

Routledge Market: Current Affairs February 2018: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-08085-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08086-7: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11319-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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China’s International Roles

International Migration and International Security

Challenging or Supporting International Order?

Why Prejudice Is a Global Security Threat

Edited by Sebastian Harnisch, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Germany, Sebastian Bersick, Fudan University, China. and Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Series: Role Theory and International Relations This collection examines changes in China’s international role over the past century. Tracing the links between domestic and external expectations in the PRC’s role conception and preferred engagement patterns in world politics, the work provides a systematic account of changes in China’s role and the mechanisms of role taking. Routledge Market: International Relations/Foreign Policy/China April 2017: 229x152: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-90381-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06671-7: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69270-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Humanitarian Studies / Politics May 2018: 234x156: 210pp Hb: 978-1-138-04914-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-04915-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16975-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Valeria Bello, United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), Spain Through an interdisciplinary analytic lenses that combines debates that have emerged in the fields of international relations, political science and sociology, Valeria Bello reveals how transnational dynamics have increased extremism, prejudiced attitudes towards others and international xenophobia. She show changes in the International System and the attack on the UN practice of Intercultural Dialogue have become sources of new perceived threats and the reasons for which new exclusionary patterns have arisen, exacerbating the perceived clash of civilizations and the root causes of different fashions of extremisms. Routledge Market: Current Affairs April 2017: 229 x 152: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-68946-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-68947-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-53763-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Multipolar Globalization

Rethinking Neoliberalism

Emerging Economies and Development

Resisting the Disciplinary Regime

Jan Nederveen Pieterse, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Series: Rethinking Development The rapid growth of economies in Asia and the global South has led to a momentous shift in the world order. Globalization, Development and Emerging Economies: Welcome to the Multipolar World brings together development studies, global political economy, sociology and cultural studies to ask what these changes mean for domestic and global inequality and how multipolarity could reshape globalization. Accessible and insightful, Globalization, Development and Emerging Economies will be an essential guide both for students in the social sciences and for professionals and scholars seeking a fresh perspective. Routledge Market: Development Studies / Politics June 2017: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-22837-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-23228-0: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-31285-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Sanford F. Schram, City University of New York, USA and Marianna Pavlovskaya, Hunter College-CUNY, USA Neoliberalism remains a flashpoint for political contestation around the world. For decades now, neoliberalism has been in the process of becoming a globally ascendant default logic that prioritizes using economic rationality for all major decisions. Rethinking Neoliberalism brings together theorists, social scientists, and public policy scholars to address neoliberalism as a governing ethic for our times. The chapters interrogate various dimensions of debates about neoliberalism while offering engaging empirical examples of its effects on social and urban policy in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and elsewhere. Routledge Market: Current Affairs August 2017: 229 x 152: 266pp Hb: 978-1-138-73595-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-73596-5: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18623-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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People Changing Places

Worldviews in Science, Technology, and Art in International Relations

New Perspectives on Demography, Migration, Conflict, and the State Edited by Isabelle Côté, Matthew I. Mitchell and Monica Duffy Toft, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University While migration and population settlement have always been an important feature of political life around the world, the dramatic changes in the pace, direction, and complexity of contemporary migration flows are undoubtedly unique. Despite the economic benefits often associated with global, regional, and internal migration, the arrival of large numbers of migrants can exacerbate tensions and give rise to violent clashes. This volume takes stock of these trends by canvassing the globe to generate new conceptual, empirical, and theoretical contributions. The analyses ultimately reveal the critical role of the state as both an actor and arena in the migration-conflict nexus. Routledge Market: Politics July 2018: 229 x 152: 238pp Hb: 978-0-815-36075-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36076-6: £37.99 eBook: 978-1-351-11762-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by J.P. Singh, Madeline Carr and Renée Marlin-Bennett This volume brings together two dozen original chapters that provide a unique examination of the issues of science, technology, and art in international relations. The book links global politics with human interventions in the world: We cannot disconnect how humans act on the world through science, technology, and artistic endeavors from the engagements and practices that together constitute IR. There is science, technology, and even artistry in the conduct of war--and in the conduct of peace as well. Scholars and students of international relations are beginning to explore these connections, and the authors of the chapters in this volume are at the forefront. Routledge Market: International Relations December 2018: 229 x 152: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-66894-2: £99.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66897-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61837-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Re-Imagining Community and Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean

State Repression in Post-Disaster Societies

Edited by Roberta Rice, University of Calgary, Canada and Gordana Yovanovich, University of Guelph, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics Latin American and Caribbean communities and civil societies are undergoing a rapid process of transformation. Instead of pervasive social atomization, political apathy, and hollowed-out democracies, which have become the norm in some parts of the world, this region is witnessing an emerging collaboration between community, civil society, and government that is revitalizing democracy. This book argues that a key explanation lies in the powerful and positive relationship between community and civil society that exists in the region. This volume seeks to explore their potential to work together. A unique contribution bridging the gap between the social sciences and the humanities. Routledge Market: Latin American Studies May 2018: 229 x 152: 244pp Hb: 978-1-138-69337-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59968-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-53089-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Clair Apodaca, Virginia Tech, USA To date, there has been little empirical or theoretical research on the specific circumstances under which disasters impact anti-government political behavior, and even less is known of the causal chain between a natural disaster, protest activity, and human rights violations. In this book, Clair Apodaca maps a comprehensive causal model of the complex interactions between disasters and human rights violations. She claims that pre-existing inequalities and societal grievances turn a natural hazard into a disaster.

Routledge Market: Current Affairs February 2017: 229 x 152: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-28608-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-28609-2: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26863-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Development Trap

U.S. Security Cooperation with Africa

How Thinking Big Fails the Poor

Political and Policy Challenges

Adam D. Kiš A wave of optimism is sweeping through the international aid and development industry, championed by leaders such as Jeffrey Sachs and Jim Yong Kim, who believe that poverty eradication could be within our grasp. Yet in stark opposition are those who believe that development intervention is hegemonic, paternalistic, and neocolonialist and must be done away with. In this book, Adam Kiš sets out a middle ground, arguing that poverty will never be entirely eradicated, but that we can still achieve meaningful change on a smaller scale. It will be perfect for international development professionals, students and scholars, and for those with a general interest in the future of aid and development. Routledge Market: International Development March 2018: 216x138: 172pp Hb: 978-1-138-57454-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57456-4: £19.99 eBook: 978-1-351-27380-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Robert J. Griffiths, University of North Carolina - Greensboro, USA Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics In this examination of the context of U.S.-African security relations, Robert J. Griffiths outlines the nature of the African state, traces the contours of African conflict, surveys the post-independence history of U.S. involvement on the continent, and discusses policy organization and implementation and the impact of U.S. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan on the U.S.-Africa security relationship. Africa’s continuing geostrategic significance, the influence of China and other emerging markets in the region, and America’s other global engagements, especially in light of U.S. fiscal realities, demonstrate the complexity of U.S.-African security cooperation. Routledge Market: US Foreign Policy/African Politics January 2018: 229x152: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-53237-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48651-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-11456-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Global City 2.0

Understanding Global Poverty

From Strategic Site to Global Actor

Causes, Capabilities and Human Development

Kristin Ljungkvist, Uppsala University, Sweden Series: Cities and Global Governance Global cities all over the world are taking on new roles as they increasingly participate directly and independently in international affairs and global politics. So far, surprisingly few studies have analyzed the role of the Global City beyond its already well explicated role in the globalized economy. What does it mean to be and to govern the contemporary Global City? Combining insights from International Relations and Urban Studies scholarship, and with the help of a case study on New York City, Kristin Ljungkvist develops an analytical framework for studying the Global City as an international political actor. Routledge Market: Urban Studies/International Relations October 2017: 229x152: 218pp Hb: 978-1-138-90914-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37031-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69414-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Serena Cosgrove, Seattle University, USA and Benjamin Curtis, Behavioural Insights Team, UK Understanding Global Poverty introduces students to what poverty is, why it is pervasive across human societies, and how it can be reduced through proven policy solutions. Using the capabilities and human development approach, the book foregrounds the human aspects of poverty, keeping the voices, experiences, and needs of the world’s poor in the center of the analysis. Understanding Global Poverty is an accessible and engaging introduction to the key issues surrounding poverty, with key questions, case studies and discussion questions to help learning. Perfect as an introductory textbook, the book could also be used by policy makers and development practitioners looking for a basic guide. Routledge Market: Development Studies / Poverty Studies September 2017: 246x174: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-23076-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-23077-4: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-31684-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The United States and Turkey's Path to Europe

Understanding International Sport Organisations

Hands across the Table

Principles, power and possibilities

Armağan Emre Çakır, Marmara University, Turkey. Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics Turkey’s relations with the European Union is one of the most enigmatic topics in the European Studies literature. Grounded in original research that, among other things, includes interviews conducted on both sides of the Atlantic with key players, archival material and newspaper articles, Armağan Emre Çakır chronicles over six decades of US involvement in EU-Turkey relations. Shedding new light on the reasons, characteristics, transformation and relative importance of the US influence on Turkey-EU relations, he argues that Turkey’s quest for EU membership would not have advanced without the support

Lincoln Allison, University of Warwick, UK and Alan Tomlinson, University of Brighton, UK Contemporary sport is dominated at an international level by the SINGOs (sporting international non-governmental organisations), such as the IOC, FIFA and the FIA. This important new book examines the historical rise of the SINGOs, their structures, organisational behaviour, and their power and influence in the context of modern sport and international politics. Providing historical context, as well as close critical analysis of the political and commercial policies and practices of the most important international sports organisations, this book is essential reading for anybody with an interest in the politics of sport, sports administration, or the role of NGOs in

from the United States.

international affairs.

Routledge Market: International Relations/US-Turkey Relations November 2017: 229x152: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-18685-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37060-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64357-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Sport Studies/Politics March 2017: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-1-138-82048-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82049-4: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74387-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy Edited by David Reed Organized into three complementary themes: Water and Conflict; Financing Water Infrastructure, and; Climate Change and Hydrologic Security, and presenting research from 19 geographies, this book allows readers to identify how water-related social and economic disruptions escalate from development challenges in partner countries to security risks and threats to US security interests. The book aims to propose a new governmental approach that can anticipate and help forestall social destabilization and economic downturn potentially leading to accelerated outward migration and disruption of global supply chains with accompanying challenges to US security interests. Routledge Market: Current Affairs June 2017: 229 x 152: 422pp Hb: 978-1-138-05149-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05151-5: £43.95 eBook: 978-1-315-16827-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Western Muslims and Conflicts Abroad Conflict Spillovers to Diasporas Juris Pupcenoks, Marist College, USA. Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics Juris Pupcenoks develops a conceptual and theoretical explanation for why reactive conflict spillovers (political violence in response to conflicts abroad) occur in some migrant-background communities in the West but not in others. Using a rigorous, mixed-methods case study analysis, Pupcenoks comparatively analyses the reactions of the Pakistani community in London and the Arab-Muslim community in Detroit to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq during the decade following 9/11. The key findings show that, with regards to activism in response to foreign policy events, Muslim migrant communities primarily politically mobilize on the basis of their ethnicity (not religion). Routledge Market: International Relations/Migration & Diasporas October 2017: 229x152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-91552-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37068-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69017-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Africa Under Neoliberalism

Asia Struggles with Democracy

Edited by Nana Poku, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and Jim Whitman, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Series: Contemporary African Politics Bringing together leading researchers and analysts to examine key questions from a multidisciplinary perspective this book involves a fundamental departure from orthodox analysis which often predicates colonialism as the referent object. Here, three decades of neoliberalism with its complex social and economic philosophy are given primacy. With the changed focus, an elucidation of the relationship between global development and local changes are examined through a myriad of pressing contemporary issues to offer a critical multi-disciplinary appraisal of challenge and change in Africa over the past three decades.

Evidence from Indonesia, Korea and Thailand Giovanna Maria Dora Dore, Johns Hopkins University, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series Since 1974, when the current wave of democratisation began, the movement towards democracy in Asia has remained limited. Many countries in Asia are not making a decisive move towards democracy, and the democratic countries in the region find themselves struggling with the challenges of democratic consolidation and governance. Focusing in particular on Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea, this book analyses why democratisation is so difficult in Asia.

Routledge Market: Politics October 2017: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-1-472-42570-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-472-42573-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-56596-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Democracy June 2018: 216x138: 156pp Hb: 978-1-138-83352-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-31967-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73544-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Bangladesh Cinema and National Identity

A Conceptual Approach Edited by Benjamin Franks, University of Glasgow, UK., Nathan Jun, Midwestern State University, USA. and Leonard Williams, Manchester University, USA. Anarchism is by far the least broadly understood ideology and the least studied academically. Occupying a distinctive position in the study of anarchist ideology, this volume--authored by a handpicked group of established and rising scholars--investigates how anarchists often seek to sharpen their message and struggle to determine what ideas and actions are central to their identity. Moving beyond defining anarchism as simply an ideology or political theory, this book examines the meanings of its key concepts.The interdisciplinary nature of the Anarchism: A Conceptual Analysis makes it of interest to students and scholars across the social sciences, liberal arts, and the humanities. Routledge Market: Political Theory/Political Ideologies March 2018: 229 x 152: 242pp Hb: 978-1-138-92565-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-92566-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68365-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

In Search of the Modern? Zakir Hossain Raju, Independent University, Bangladesh Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book analyses the relationship between cinema and modernity in Bangladesh. It investigates the roles of a non-western ‘national’ film industry in Asia in constructing nationhood and identity within colonial and postcolonial predicaments, and analyses the political, economic and cultural forces that have been active in shaping Bangladesh cinema. The author explores how the conflict among different social groups turned Bangladesh cinema into a site of contesting identities during the twentieth century and beyond. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, South Asia, Media Studies November 2017: 234x156: 226pp Hb: 978-0-415-46544-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-39220-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74759-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Arendt, Agamben and the Issue of Hyper-Legality

Building a People-Oriented Security Community the ASEAN way

In Between the Prisoner-Stateless Nexus Kathleen R. Arnold, DePaul University, USA Examining legal theory, political theory and discussing specific cases to illustrate her claims, Arendt, Agamben and the Issue of Hyper-Legality operates on three levels to expose the degree to which prisoners’ rights have been suspended and how immigrant policy and detention cast foreigners as inherently criminal. Less talked about, the government in turn expands sovereign, discretionary power and secrecy at the expense of openness, transparency and democratic community. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of contemporary political theory, philosophy and law, immigration, and incarceration. Routledge Market: Political Theory June 2018: 229 x 152: 198pp Hb: 978-0-815-38105-1: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-815-38106-8: £34.95 eBook: 978-1-351-21126-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Alan Collins Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series ASEAN has declared its intention to create a security community in Southeast Asia that is people-orientated. This book evaluates ASEAN’s progress, and in doing so examines three matters of concern.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Security Studies May 2017: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-60868-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08667-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-10484-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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China Steps Out

China’s Rise and Regional Integration in East Asia

Beijing's Major Power Engagement with the Developing World

Hegemony or community?

Edited by Joshua Eisenman and Eric Heginbotham Featuring contributions by recognized experts, this book reflects contemporary China’s strategies and objectives in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Part one provides a general overview and framework of analysis for this important aspect of Chinese policy. The chapters in the second part of the book systematically examine Chinese interests in the region and how they have changed over time, what methods China has used to engage with the nations, how successful Chinese diplomatic efforts have been has been and what impact this has on the global system. Routledge Market: Political Science, Asian Studies January 2018: 234x156: 438pp Hb: 978-1-138-69232-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-20293-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-47265-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Yong Wook Lee, Department of Political Science, Korea University and Key-young Son, Korea University, South Korea Series: Politics in Asia This book provides new arguments on China’s rise and the transformation of East Asia and analyzes the foreign policy behavior of the regional states and relations among them. In doing so, the contributors show why and how China is rising, and in turn, the regional structures or institutions that are emerging as dominant in East Asia. Presenting strategic, political, economic and historical perspectives on China’s changing role in the region and the development of regionalism, China’s Rise and Regional Integration in East Asia will be of great interest to students and scholars of Chinese politics, Asian politics, international relations and regionalism. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Asian Politics, International Relations April 2017: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-73513-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06623-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81943-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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China–India Relations

Choosing China's Leaders

Cooperation and conflict Edited by Kanti Bajpai, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Jing Huang, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore and Kishore Mahbubani, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series This book assesses the varying interests of China and India in economics, environment, energy, and water and addresses the possibility of cooperation in these domains. Containing analyses by leading authorities on China and India, it analyses the nature of existing and emerging conflict, describes the extent of cooperation, and suggests possibilities for collaboration in the future. This book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of Asian Studies, International Relations, and Asian Politics. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, International Relations October 2017: 234x156: 228pp Hb: 978-1-138-95575-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36825-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66610-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Chien-wen Kou, National Chengchi University, Taiwan and Xiaowei Zang, City University of Hong Kong Series: Routledge Studies on China in Transition By examining the various processes of elite selection, this book explores the role played by institutionalization in elite recruitment, promotion and turnover in China. Drawing on a wide range of studies, this book looks at Politburo members, senior People’s Liberation Army officers, provincial leaders, heads of major central state-owned enterprises, and Youth League affiliates, to provide a comprehensive understanding of elite recruitment and mobility in contemporary China. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Asian Politics October 2017: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-81947-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57914-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-37450-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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China-Malaysia Relations and Foreign Policy

Civil Society and Democratization in India

Razak Abdullah, Malaysian Strategic Research Centre. Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series When Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, paid an official visit to China in May 1974, it secured Malaysia a place in the annals of regional diplomatic history as the first ASEAN country to establish full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. This book analyses the process of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China, and provides a detailed explanation and understanding of the decision- making process in Malaysia.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, International Relations January 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-82926-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49330-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73786-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Institutions, Ideologies and Interests Sarbeswar Sahoo, National University of Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Developing a distinctive theoretical framework on civil society, this book examines how Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) contribute towards democratization in India and what conditions facilitate or inhibit their contribution. It assesses three different kinds of politics within civil society – liberal pluralist, neo-Marxist, and communitarian – which have had different implications in relation to democratization.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asian Studies June 2017: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-0-415-65929-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30293-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-55248-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Civil Society in the Philippines

Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations

Theoretical, Methodological and Policy Debates

Change and Continuity, Causes and Cures

Gerard Clarke, University of Swansea, UK Series: Rethinking Southeast Asia Drawing on qualitative and quantitative research, this book provides a path-breaking account of civil society in the Philippines. It challenges the widespread belief in political science and development studies literature that civil society in developing countries is an institutional arena in which the poor can challenge and reverse their social, economic and political marginalization. The book goes on to discuss that Philippine civil society is a captive of organised elite interests and anti-developmental in its impacts, helping elites to oppose the initiatives of reform-minded governments and to protect their interests. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Southeast Asia, Social Movements May 2017: 234x156: 262pp Hb: 978-0-415-57272-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08662-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08512-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China and Simon Shen, Chinese University of Hong Kong Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations offers a timely and current look at one of the world’s weightiest bilateral relationships. It goes beyond detailing the conflict and cooperation that have been an integral facet of China-US interactions since 1972, to gauging its evolution and future trends, examining its nuances in regards to diverse issues such as the Asia Pacific leadership structure, the South China Sea, and the Korean peninsula. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, International Relations, International Politics May 2017: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-78564-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10402-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76771-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Claus Offe and the Critical Theory of the Capitalist State

Conflict and Peace in Eurasia

Jens Borchert, University of Frankfurt, Germany and Stephan Lessenich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Series: Routledge Innovations in Political Theory In this volume, Jens Borchert and Stephan Lessenichcritically reconstruct Claus Offe’s approach to state theory, emphasizing its sense for the "double bind" of state interventions, i.e. the modern state’s simultaneous responsibility for ensuring capitalist accumulation (or economic growth) and democratic legitimation (or political support). They probe the analytical strength of Offe’s theory and argue that his relational approach to state theory is much better equipped analytically to grasp the contradictory dynamics of the financial crisis and its political regulation than competing contributions. Routledge Market: Contemporary Political Theory/State Theory May 2018: 229 x 152: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-88742-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59967-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71413-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra, University of Mumbai, India Series: Central Asia Research Forum Focusing on a range of Eurasian conflicts, including Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, this book offers contemporary perspectives on the ongoing conflicts in the Eurasia, with an emphasis on the attempts towards peace.

Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Security Studies May 2017: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-63278-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11558-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08103-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Communication, Public Opinion, and Globalization in Urban China

Corporate Social Responsibility and Development in Pakistan

Francis L.F. Lee, City University of Hong Kong, Chin-Chuan Lee, City University of Hong Kong, Mike Z. Yao, City University of Hong Kong, Tsan-Kuo Chang, Fen Jennifer Lin, City University of Hong Kong and Chris Fei Shen, City University of Hong Kong Series: Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication Communication scholars have long been interested in how local, national, and transnational media communications shape people’s attitudes and values. This book examines a range of questions pertinent to public opinion toward globalization in urban China by analyzing a four-city comparative survey of urban Chinese residents. Media consumption does relate, though not straightforwardly, to people’s attitudes and beliefs, and this book provides important information and insights, developing fresh conceptual and empirical insights on issues such as public opinion toward US-China relations, Chinese people’s nationalistic sentiments, and attitudes towards globalization. Routledge Market: Communication/Chinese Studies October 2017: 229x152: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-71320-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57568-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88344-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Nadeem Malik, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has not only become an important concept for corporate managers but also civil society, community and the multilateral and bilateral development agencies. It has acquired great significance in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008, not only in the advanced economies, but also in emerging and developing countries. Backed by rich empirical data, based on extensive fieldwork and complemented with the official data sources, this book offers a detailed analysis of the socially responsible corporate policies and practices of companies operating in the emerging economy of Pakistan. Routledge Market: Asian Development, Development Studies, Asian Studies, Business Studies January 2018: 234x156: 152pp Hb: 978-0-415-70911-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47620-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88572-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Corruption and Law in Indonesia

Decision-Making Reform in Japan

Simon Butt, University of Sydney, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Indonesia has transformed from one of South East Asia’s most repressive and centralised political systems to its most decentralised and democratic. Despite this, obstacles still remain that hinder Indonesia achieving the ‘rule of law’, and in particular, the country is consistently ranked as having one of the highest levels of corruption in the world. This book assesses Indonesia’s anti-corruption reforms over the past decade, focusing on the Anti-corruption Commission (KPK) and the Anti-corruption Court (ACC). Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Law, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 162pp Hb: 978-0-415-67934-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10296-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-58472-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The DPJ’s Failed Attempt at a Politician-Led Government Karol Zakowski, University of Lodz, Poland Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series Examining the evolution of the decision-making process in Japan under the Democratic Party of Japan administration between the years 2009-2012, this book offers a multidimensional explanation for the reasons for the DPJ’s failure in producing effective policymaking mechanisms. Implementing conceptual tools borrowed from historical institutionalism, the author explains why the Democrats displayed inflexibility in introducing selected elements of the Westminster system, incoherence in regard to many aspects of the decision-making reform, and unwillingness to take advantage of all of the institutional resources at their disposal. Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, Government, Political Parties June 2017: 234x156: 233pp Hb: 978-1-138-85556-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55394-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72028-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Culture, Religion and Conflict in Muslim Southeast Asia

Democracy and Justice

Negotiating Tense Pluralisms Edited by Joseph Camilleri, La Trobe University, Australia and Sven Schottmann, La Trobe University, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series By examining the sometimes surprising and unexpected roles that culture and religion have played in mitigating or exacerbating conflicts, this book explores the cultural repertoires from which Southeast Asian political actors have drawn to negotiate the pluralism that has so long been characteristic of the region.

Reading Derrida in Istanbul Agnes Czajka, Open University, UK. Series: Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory Philosophy, politics, theory and practice are neither separate nor separable for Derrida. The relationship between democracy and justice seems of unquestionable importance, held in tension by deconstruction. This book explores the possibilities offered by Derrida’s work on democracy, in particular his reflections on the autoimmunity and aporetic structure of democracy for interpreting contemporary struggles over democracy in Turkey. If recent political upheavals in Turkey were as much about democracy as they were about justice, then a consideration of the aporias of Turkish democracy sheds light on the relationship between Derrida’s thought on democracy and justice.

Routledge Market: Southeast Asian Studies, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-62526-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08681-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-07998-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Social and Political Thought/Democracy/Middle East Studies July 2018: 229 x 152: 170pp Hb: 978-1-138-91064-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00028-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69333-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Decentralization, Local Governance, and Social Wellbeing in India

Democracy and Transparency in the Indian State

Do Local Governments Matter? Rani D. Mullen, The College of William & Mary, USA Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies Over the past three decades, decentralization has been seen as the means for allowing local governments to become more accountable, and for encouraging the deepening of democracy and the building of village communities. By drawing on original village-level case studies of six villages in three different Indian states, this book presents a systematic analysis of the impact of decentralization on the delivery of social services at the local level within India.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-67065-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08644-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-35730-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Making of the Right to Information Act Prashant Sharma, Lausanne University, Lausanne, Switzerland Series: Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian Studies Series The enactment of the national Right to Information (RTI) Act in 2005 has been produced, consumed and celebrated as an important event of democratic deepening in India both in terms of the process that led to its enactment (arising from a grassroots movement) and its outcome (fundamentally altering the citizen-state relationship). This book proposes that the explanatory factors underlying this event may be more complex than imagined thus far. It argues that while there is much to celebrate in the consolidation of procedural democracy in India over the last six decades, existing social and political structures may limit the extent of democratic deepening occurring in the near future. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Indian Studies January 2018: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-80217-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49149-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75438-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Democracy, Corruption and the Politics of Spirits in Contemporary Indonesia

Development–induced Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement in India

Nils Bubandt, Aarhus University, Denmark Series: The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia Indonesia has achieved a successful transition to democracy and yet this democracy continues to be flawed, illiberal, and predatory.This book suggests that this and other paradoxes of democracy in Indonesia often assume occult forms in the Indonesian political imagination, and that the spirit-like character of democracy and corruption traverses into the national media and the political elite. It seeks to provide a portrait of Indonesia’s contradictory democracy, contending that the contradictions that haunt democracy in Indonesia also infect democracy globally. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Southeast Asia, Political and Economic Anthropology October 2017: 234x156: 162pp Hb: 978-0-415-81991-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37475-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77380-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Current Issues and Challenges Edited by Sakarama Somayaji, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India and Smrithi Talwar, Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Compulsory land acquisition and involuntary displacement of communities for a larger public purpose captures the tension of development in the modern state, with the need to balance the interests of the majority while protecting the rights of the minority.This book examines a number of new policy formulations put in place at both the central and state levels looking at land acquisition procedures and norms for rehabilitation and resettlement of communities. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Development Studies May 2017: 234x156: 228pp Hb: 978-0-415-60080-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08631-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-82853-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Democratization in China, Korea and Southeast Asia?

Disaster Relief in the Asia Pacific

Local and National Perspectives Edited by Kate Xiao Zhou, University of Hawaii, USA, Shelley Rigger, Davidson College, USA and Lynn T. White III, Princeton University, USA Series: Politics in Asia This book demonstrates how careful examinations of current developments in East Asia indicate a need for major expansion of our understandings of democracy and democratization, and challenges the traditional way in which political regimes are conceived and labelled. It shows from Asian experiences that democracy and its precursors come in more forms than most liberals have yet imagined. In reviewing the experiences of states across East Asia, this book shows that actual democracies and ostensible democratizations in Asia are less like those in the West than the surprisingly consensual standard political science of democratization suggests. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Democracy, Comparative Politics April 2017: 234x156: 260pp Hb: 978-0-415-70536-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06621-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88978-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Agency and Resilience Edited by Minako Sakai, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, Edwin Jurriëns, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, Jian Zhang, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia and Alec Thornton, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series This book takes a regional, multidisciplinary and multi-actor approach to improve understandings of how various actors respond to natural and human-induced disasters in the Asia Pacific region.The contributors draw their findings from a variety of countries in the region, including China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar and Samoa, and importantly, focus on the interconnection between vulnerability and resilience. The focus of this book on recent and on-going disasters makes it a topical and timely contribution to the growing field of disaster management, and will appeal to students and scholars of environmental studies, development studies and Asian politics. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Environmental Studies October 2017: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-0-415-71177-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37550-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88435-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan

Displacement and Resettlement in India

The impact of state and donor interventions on farmers

The Human Cost of Development

Syed Mohammad Ali, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Hari Mohan Mathur Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Rural development remains a major challenge for governments of developing countries such as Pakistan. This book discusses the political economy of agrarian poverty and underdevelopment in the region. It provides an in-depth exploration of the combined impact of state and donor interventions, as well as that of resistance attempts, to alter the status quo within Pakistan. It questions the relevance of state institutions and policies contending with the problems of farmers in Pakistan, and how donor-led policies and programmes also influence their lives.

In the past ten years or so, displacement by development projects has gone on almost untamed under the globalization pressures to meet the demand for land from local and increasingly foreign investors. Focusing on India, this book looks at the complex issue of resettling people who are displaced for the sake of development. A timely analysis of displacement and resettlement, this book has an appeal beyond South Asian Studies alone. It is of interest to policy makers, planners, administrators, and scholars in the field of resettlement and development studies.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Development Studies, South Asian Politics January 2018: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-80453-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49228-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75296-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Development Studies May 2017: 234x156: 228pp Hb: 978-0-415-82679-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08698-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-49179-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Dynamics of Change in East Asia

Environmental Governance in Taiwan

Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Development

A New Generation of Activists and Stakeholders

P.W. Preston This book illuminates the historical development trajectory and contemporary circumstances of the countries of East Asia. Embracing a cross-disciplinary perspective, it summarises the history of the region and goes on to focus upon the rise of East Asia since the ruins of the Pacific War. Analysing the region’s basic strengths and elite development strategies across the various countries, it also examines areas of domestic, intra-regional and international conflict. It covers the basic ground of political economy, society, culture and politics, whilst also taking care to locate the contemporary region in its own history and asking, what further change can be expected in the future?

Simona A. Grano, University of Zurich, Switzerland Series: Routledge Research on Taiwan Series In the past twenty years, Taiwan has seen a surge of environmental organizations, which to a certain degree have enjoyed a remarkable success in fighting polluting industries or affecting policies on behalf of the environment. This book, based on extensive and original research, aims at analyzing environmental governance mechanisms and actors in Taiwan through a multi-disciplinary research approach, focusing on four different original case studies. It focuses on four major elements of governance - specifically norms, actors, processes, and outcomes - to examine Taiwan’s national and local environmental governance.

Routledge Market: East Asia, Politics, History March 2018: 234x156: 294pp Hb: 978-0-415-42437-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42488-2: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-22799-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Taiwan Studies, Chinese Studies, Environmental Governance June 2017: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-1-138-83140-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55417-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73658-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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E-Governance in India

Equality Renewed

Interlocking politics, technology and culture

Justice, Flourishing and the Egalitarian Ideal

Bidisha Chaudhuri, International Institute of Information Technology, India Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies E-governance has been a strategic sector of reform in India since late 1990s under the rubric of ‘good governance’ agenda promoted by International Organisations. This book analyses e-governance in India and argues that such initiatives did not take place in isolation but followed in the footsteps of broader governance reform agenda that has already made considerable impact on the practices of governance in India. Employing interdisciplinary methodology, it presents a qualitative account of the policies and practices of e-governance reform in India along with a detailed case study of the Common Services Centres Scheme under the National e-Governance Plan of the Government of India. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Governance, Political Sociology October 2017: 234x156: 152pp Hb: 978-0-415-73790-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37474-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77521-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Christine Sypnowich, Queens University, Canada Series: Routledge Innovations in Political Theory How should we approach the daunting task of renewing the ideal of equality? In this book, Christine Sypnowich proposes a theory of equality centred on human flourishing, living well, or wellbeing. Distribution of resources, goods or income is, after all, merely instrumental to this fundamental goal. Sypnowich calls for both retrieval and innovation. What is to be retrieved is the ideal of equality itself, which is both often assumed as a background condition of political philosophy, yet at the same time prey to dismissal as too abstract and rigid a criterion for political argument. We must retrieve the ideal of equality as a central political principle. Routledge Market: Political Theory and Political Philosophy/Justice July 2018: 229 x 152: 252pp Hb: 978-1-138-20881-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00032-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-45833-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Enterprise Culture in Neoliberal India

Ethnic Subnationalist Insurgencies in South Asia

Studies in Youth, Class, Work and Media

Identities, Interests and Challenges to State Authority

Edited by Nandini Gooptu, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Jugdep S. Chima, Hiram College, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

The promotion of an enterprise culture and entrepreneurship in India in recent decades has had far-reaching implications beyond the economy, and transformed social and cultural attitudes and conduct. This book brings together pioneering research on the nature of India’s enterprise culture, covering a range of different themes: workplace, education, religion, trade, films, media, youth identity, gender relations, class formation and urban politics. It is of interest to students and scholars of Asian Business, Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies and Media and Cultural Studies.

This book provides a micro-historical analysis of the emergence and contemporary dynamics of recent ethnic sub-nationalist insurgencies in South Asia. Using comparative case studies, it discusses the causes of each insurgency, analyses the trajectory and dynamics of each, including attempts at resolution, and highlights the wider theories of ethno-nationalist insurgency.

Routledge Market: Asian Business, South Asia May 2017: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-0-415-70541-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08702-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88979-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Military Studies June 2018: 234x156: 198pp Hb: 978-1-138-83992-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-31908-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73313-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Fascism Old and New

Globalisation and Governance in India

American Politics at the Crossroads

New Challenges to Society and Institutions

Carl Boggs, National University, USA In this book, Carl Boggs explores new political and ideological terrain in systematically considering the prospects for a gradual development of fascism in contemporary American society and, by extension, elsewhere across the advanced industrial world. He persuasively argues that modern fascistic trends, arguably most visible in the U.S., demonstrate a closer affinity with Mussolini’s Italy (corporate state) than with the more extreme Nazi German model of tyranny and genocide. A very timely scholarly enterprise, this book will be of interest to students of contemporary radical politics, fascism more broadly, US political history, ideologies and party politics. Routledge Market: Current Affairs June 2018: 229 x 152: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-48533-4: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48534-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-04971-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Harihar Bhattacharyya, University of Burdwan, India and Lion König, Heidelberg University, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies In 1991, India officially embraced the policy of neo-liberal reforms by signing the GATT agreement, which exposed the country, its society, culture and institutions to the various forces of globalization. Globalization as such may not be new to India, for the country has been exposed to the external cultures and civilisations for millennia, but the post-1991 reforms policy marked a significant shift, from a predominantly social welfare state and a command economy to a predominantly market driven one. This book examines some important aspects of the complex interface between India’s globalization and Indian society, culture and public institutions. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Governance June 2018: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-85323-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32007-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72291-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Forecasting China's Future

Hong Kong’s Governance Under Chinese Sovereignty

Dominance or Collapse? Roger Irvine, University of Adelaide, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series This book presents an illuminating and comprehensive summary record of contrasting and competing expert forecasts and judgements about the major issues confronting China within four principal domains - political, economic, environmental and international. Considering the principal forecasting methods available to experts, Roger Irvine comments critically on the degree of success achieved in using those methods and emphasises the confusion created by the polarisation of opinion and by the failure of many experts to accept the high degree of uncertainty that characterises most of the key issues. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Asian Politics, Politics October 2017: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-1-138-91675-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37115-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68942-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Failure of the State-Business Alliance after 1997 Brian C. H. Fong, Hong Kong Institute of Education Series: Routledge Research on Social Work, Social Policy and Social Development in Greater China This book presents a novel interpretation of Hong Kong’s governance crisis, moving beyond an opposition-centred explanation of post-1997 politics, to a state-centric perspective based on governing coalition building and state capacity. By establishing the causal relationship between the failure of the state-business governing coalition and the governance crisis facing the post-colonial state, this book broadens our understanding of the governance problems and political confrontations after 1997. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Governance, State and Society May 2017: 234x156: 278pp Hb: 978-0-415-73828-6: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09194-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81747-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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From Conflict to Autonomy in the Caucasus

Human and International Security in India

The Soviet Union and the Making of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh Arsène Saparov, University of Michigan, USA Series: Central Asian Studies From Conflict to Autonomy in the Caucasus analyses the relation of the Soviet nationality policy and modern ethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space. The book explains why the Bolsheviks granted autonomous status to ethnic minorities in the South Caucasus, focusing in particular on Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia. It questions the assumption that the Soviet leadership deliberately set up ethnic autonomies within the republics, thereby giving Moscow unprecedented leverage against each republic.By looking at the reasons why autonomy was awarded to these ethnic groups, the book highlights the roots of the modern conflicts in the Caucasus. Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Security Studies, International Relations, History January 2018: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-65802-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47615-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75899-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Crispin Bates, University of Edinburgh, UK, Akio Tanabe, Kyoto University, Japan and Minoru Mio, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan Series: Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies With its common colonial experience, an overarching cultural unity despite apparent diversities, and issues of nation-building cutting across national frontiers, South Asia offers a critical site on which to develop a discourse on regional security that centres on the notion of human security. This book analyses the progress that has been achieved since independence in multiple intersecting areas of human security development in India, the largest nation in South Asia, as well as considering the paradigms that might be brought to bear in future consideration and pursuance of these objectives. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Security Studies March 2018: 234x156: 194pp Hb: 978-1-138-90866-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-58379-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69429-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Human Trafficking in Asia

Identity and Politics in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Forcing Issues Edited by Sallie Yea, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series

Edited by Mohammed Ayoob, Michigan State University, USA and Murad Ismayilov, University of Cambridge, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Central Asian Studies

By analysing the complex issues surrounding internal and cross-border human trafficking in Asia, and asserting critical perspectives and methodologies, this book extends the range of sites for discussion and sectors in which human trafficking takes place. Providing constructive avenues for human trafficking research to proceed methodologically, theoretically and ethically, this book is of interest to students and scholars of Politics, International Relations and Southeast Asian Studies.

The multi-cultural region of Central Eurasia is living through its early post-independence years, and as such serves as an ideal case to study and analyse theories of identity and foreign policy in a non-European context. Looking to re-introduce identity as a multi-dimensional factor informing state behaviour, this book analyses the experiences of the different Central Eurasian states in their post-independence pursuits.

Routledge Market: Southeast Asian Studies May 2017: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-0-415-52182-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08705-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-85197-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, International Relations May 2017: 234x156: 212pp Hb: 978-1-138-84021-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09834-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73291-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Human Trafficking in Cambodia

Identity and the State in Malaysia

Chenda Keo Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Reporting the findings of a comprehensive study of human trafficking in Cambodia, this book focuses on the characteristics and operations of the traffickers. It provides a theoretical framework that explains the emergence of the phenomenon, and the role of moral panic and western hegemony in the war on human trafficking.

Fausto Barlocco, Nottingham Trent University International College, UK Series: The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia Using the case study of the Kadazan of Sabah, a region in the Malaysian section of Borneo, this book examines national, ethnic and local identities in post-colonial states. It shows the importance of the connection between lived experience and identity and belonging, and by doing so, provides a deeper and fuller explanation of the apparently contradictory conflict between different collective forms of identification and the way in which they are employed in reference to everyday situations.

Routledge Market: Southeast Asian Studies, Criminology November 2017: 234x156: 220pp Hb: 978-0-415-63659-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57864-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88181-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Southeast Asia, Anthropology October 2017: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-82096-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36910-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-85699-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Central Asia

India-China Relations

Uzbekistan's Soviet Past

Politics of Resources, Identity and Authority in a Multipolar World Order

Timur Dadabaev, University of Tsukuba, Japan Series: Central Asia Research Forum Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Central Asia looks at the tradition of history construction in Central Asia. By collecting views of the public’s experiences of the Soviet past in Uzbekistan, the author examines the transformation of present-day Central Asia from the perspective of these personal memories, and analyses how they relate to the Soviet and post-Soviet official descriptions of Soviet life. The book discusses that the way in which people in Central Asia reconcile their Soviet past to a great extent refers to the three-fold process of recollecting their everyday experiences, reflecting on their past from the perspective of their post-Soviet present, and re-imagining. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Sociology, History January 2018: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-83146-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49335-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73655-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Jagannath P. Panda, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies The rise of India and China as two major economic and political actors in regional as well as global politics necessitates an analysis of not only their bilateral ties but also the significance of their regional and global pursuits. This book looks at the nuances and politics that the two countries attach to multilateral institutions and examines how they receive, react to and approach each other’s presence and upsurge in a multipolar global order.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, International Relations April 2018: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-1-138-83359-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59301-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73538-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Indian Capitalism in Development

India's Human Security

Edited by Barbara Harriss-White, University of Oxford, UK and Judith Heyer, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Recognising the different ways that capitalism is theorised, this book explores various aspects of contemporary capitalism in India. It raises questions about the varieties and levels of capitalism, and about the different roles played by the state. Using field research at a local level to engage with larger issues, st

the book presents a comprehensive analysis of 21 century Indian capitalism. It is distinctive in its use of an interdisciplinary political economy approach and brings together scholars who have engaged with classical political economy to advance the understanding of contemporary capitalism in South Asia. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Economics, Politics January 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-77994-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49151-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77096-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Lost Debates, Forgotten People, Intractable Challenges Edited by Jason Miklian, Peace Rsearch Institute Oslo, Norway and Ashild Kolas, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway Series: Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics India's explosive economic growth and emerging power status make it a key country of interest for international strategic planners, policymakers and researchers. While many of India's threats and conflicts are discussed extensively within the confines of security studies, strategic studies and conventional international relations perspectives, many less visible challenges are set to impact significantly on India's potential for economic growth. Drawing on extensive research within India, this book looks at some of the ‘hidden risks’ that India is facing. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Security Studies May 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-83068-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08700-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-79717-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Indian Foreign Policy in Transition

Informal Labour in Urban India

Relations with South Asia

Three Cities, Three Journeys

Arijit Mazumdar, University of St. Thomas, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Indian Foreign Policy in Transition provides a comprehensive overview of India’s relations with the South Asian countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. As well as looking at India’s past and present foreign policy, the book analyses recent political changes and developments in India, and will equip readers with a current understanding of South Asia in light of India’s economic rise, the war on terror and the recent political and democratic transitions in the region.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, International Relations, South Asian Politics January 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-01911-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47628-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77914-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Tom Barnes, Institute for Religion, Politics and Society, Australian Catholic University Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia Rapid economic growth and development in India has been based upon the mass employment of informal labour. Using case studies from three urban regions - Bangalore, Mumbai and New Delhi - this book examines this growth in modern India’s cities and towns. It argues that India has undergone a process of uneven and combined development during its integration with the world economy, leading to a distorted form of urban development. Going beyond mainstream accounts and adopting a 'classes of labour' approach, it discusses how India’s rapid economic development has been based upon the mass employment of workers on low wages who lack basic social protection and rights at work. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Urban Studies, Labour Economics January 2018: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-0-415-72233-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49226-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73775-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Indian Muslims and Citizenship

International Migration and Development in South Asia

Spaces for Jihād in Everyday Life Julten Abdelhalim, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies Using a case study of Muslims in India, this book analyses how the socio-political context shapes citizens’ perceptions of multiple variables, such as their sense of political efficacy, agency, conception of citizenship rights and belief in democracy. Presenting new examinations of Islamic identity and citizenship in contemporary India, this book will be a useful contribution to the study of South Asian Studies, Religion, Islam, and Race and Ethnicity.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Religion, Indian Studies June 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-85971-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32014-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71702-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Md Mizanur Rahman, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and Tan Tai Yong Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book advances knowledge on the global debate on the migration-development relationship by documenting experiences in a number of countries in South Asia. It discusses the impact of migration on the social, economic, and political fields in the broader context of development and analyses the role South Asian migrants and diaspora communities play in the South Asian society. Contributions from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, including sociology, anthropology, political science, international relations and economics, document the development implications of South Asian migration. Routledge Market: Asian Development, Migration Studies, South Asian Studies October 2017: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-0-415-72423-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36801-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-70908-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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International Mobility, Global Capitalism, and Changing Structures of Accumulation

Islam and Nationalism in India

Transforming the Japan-India IT Relationship Anthony P. D'Costa, University of Melbourne, Australia Series: Routledge Advances in International Political Economy With over a decade’s worth of extensive research in India, Japan, Finland, and Singapore, this book provides an alternative understanding of how capitalism functions at the global level by specifically analyzing the international movement of technical professionals between India and Japan. This book is an essential addition for scholars and students in the field of International Development, Business Studies, Asian Studies, Migration Studies, and Political Economy.

Routledge Market: Political economy, International development, Asian Studies May 2017: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-0-415-56495-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08706-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66715-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

South Indian contexts M.T. Ansari, University of Hyderabad, India Series: Intersections: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories This book traces the spectral presence of Islam across narratives to note that difference and diversity, demographic as well as cultural, can be espoused rather than excised or exorcized. Focusing on Malabar and drawing mostly on Malayalam sources, the author investigates the question of Islam from various angles by constituting an archive comprising popular, administrative, academic, and literary discourses. This book will be of interest to scholars of modern Indian history, political science, literary and cultural studies, and Islamic studies. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, India, Islamic Studies January 2018: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-93406-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49339-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67821-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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International Regimes in China

Islam, Politics and Youth in Malaysia

Domestic Implementation of the International Fisheries Agreements

The Pop-Islamist Reinvention of PAS

Gianluca Ferraro, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series Among the major coastal fishing states, China constitutes the largest fish producer and main exporter in the world, and therefore presents a fascinating case-study for the domestic implementation of international fisheries agreements. This book investigates the degree to which China has complied with the international agreements it has signed, and asks why it is failing to meet expectations. Crucially, it calls for greater emphasis on the political, rather than technical, issues involved in the implementation of international regimes. In turn, it examines how understanding the case of China can help us to develop solutions for improved international compliance in the future. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Public Policy, Environmental Politics October 2017: 234x156: 164pp Hb: 978-0-415-64321-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-56254-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08067-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Dominik M. Mueller, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Providing an ethnographic account of the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) and its Youth Wing (Dewan Pemuda PAS), this book analyses the genesis and role of Islamic movements in terms of their engagement in mainstream politics. It explores the party’s changing approach towards popular culture and critically investigates whether the narrative of a post-Islamist turn can be applied to the PAS Youth.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Southeast Asian Politics, Anthropology October 2017: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-0-415-84475-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37350-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-85053-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia

Islam, Sufism and Everyday Politics of Belonging in South Asia

Edited by Jiyoung Song, Singapore Management University and Alistair D. B. Cook, National University of Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series Irregular migration can be broadly defined as people’s mobility that is unauthorised or forced, and this book expands on the existing migration-security nexus by moving away from the traditional state security lens, and instead, shifting the focus to human security.This book further develops the existing migration-security nexus and focuses on the multi-dimensional dynamics between irregular migration and human security in East Asia. It includes in-depth empirical country case-studies from the East Asian region, including China, Japan, North Korea, the Philippines, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and Singapore, written by country specialists and practitioners in the field. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Migration Studies, International Security May 2017: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-0-415-73299-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09190-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-84872-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Edited by Deepra Dandekar, University of Heidelberg, Germany and Torsten Tschacher, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies This book looks at the study of ideas, practices and institutions in South Asian Islam, commonly identified as ‘Sufism’, and how they relate to politics in South Asia. While the importance of Sufism for the lives of South Asian Muslims has been repeatedly asserted, the specific role played by Sufism in contestations over social and political belonging in South Asia has not yet been fully analysed. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Religion April 2018: 234x156: 366pp Hb: 978-1-138-91068-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59303-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69331-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Japan, Russia and their Territorial Dispute

Japan’s Environmental Politics and Governance

The Northern Delusion

From Trading Nation to EcoNation

James D. J. Brown, Temple University, Japan Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series The purpose of this book is to provide objective analysis of the Japanese government’s prospects of success in the territorial dispute between Japan and Russia over four islands off the northeast coast of Hokkaidō . Based on careful consideration of a range of historical, economic, security, and social factors, it is boldly argued that the likelihood of Russia returning all four of the islands is approximately zero. What is more, going beyond other analyses, it is demonstrated that this conclusion applies, not only to the present, but also to any plausible future scenario. This conclusion has major implications for international relations within the Asia-Pacific region.

Yasuo Takao, Curtin University, Australia This book investigates the emerging actors and new channels of Japan’s environmental governance which has been taking shape within an increasingly globalized international system. By analysing this important new phenomenon, it sheds light on the changing nature of Japan’s environmental policy and politics, and shows how the links between global strategies, national mandates and local action serve as an influential factor in Japan’s changing structures of environmental governance. Further, it demonstrates that decision-making competencies are shared between actors operating at different levels and in new spheres of authority, resulting from collaboration between state and non-state actors.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Japanese Politics, International Relations May 2017: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-19414-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09928-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-63898-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Environmental Studies, Environmental Politics, Japanese Politics August 2018: 234x156: 338pp Hb: 978-1-138-85590-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-33955-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72004-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Japan–China Relations in the Modern Era

Japan's Foreign Aid to Africa

Ryosei Kokubun, Yoshihide Soeya, Keio University, Japan, Akio Takahara, University of Tokyo, Japan, Shin Kawashima, University of Tokyo, Japan and Keith Krulak This volume provides a cogent analysis of the politics of the bilateral relationship in the modern era, explaining the past, present and future of Japan-China relations during a time of massive political, social and economic changes. Written by a team of international renowned Japanese scholars and based on sources not available in English, this book is essential reading for students and scholars of Sino-Japanese relations, Japan’s international relations and the politics and international relations of East Asia. Routledge Market: Asia, Politics, History March 2017: 234x156: 234pp Hb: 978-1-138-71491-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-71460-1: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-22905-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD Process Pedro Amakasu Raposo, University of Lusiada, Portugal Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series Tracing Japanese foreign aid to Africa during and after the Cold War, this book examines how the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) process sits at the intersection of international relations and domestic decision making. Taking Angola and Mozambique as case studies, the book explores how Japan’s development cooperation with Africa has assisted previously war torn states transition from war to peace, and demonstrates the centrality of human security to Japanese foreign policy as a means of ensuring sustainable development. Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, Japanese Studies, African Studies November 2017: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-0-415-82156-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57915-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-43678-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Japan's Border Issues

Japan's International Fisheries Policy

Pitfalls and Prospects

Law, Diplomacy and Politics Governing Resource Security

Akihiro Iwashita, Hokkaido University, Japan This book examines the territorial disputes souring relations between Japan and its neighbours: Russia, South Korea and China. It combines an empirical study with advancements in comparative research to understand the Cold War and post-Cold War border issues, particularly the Northern Territories/South Kurils dispute with Russia; Takeshima/Dokto with Korea; and Senkaku/Diaoyu with China and Taiwan. It offers practical suggestions to enable these disputes to be separated from arguments over their history and resolved on the basis of mutual advantage for those affected by them. It also provides the framework in which to seek the resolution of other territorial issues worldwide. Routledge Market: International Relations, Japanese Politics, International Law February 2018: 234x156: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-91677-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49460-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68939-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Roger D. Smith, University of Tokyo, Japan Series: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies This book explores the overarching rationale that motivated Japanese international fisheries policy throughout the post-war period until today, highlighting the importance of international fisheries to Japan and the stature this resource has occupied as a national interest. It provides a comparative view of Japanese foreign policy at various ocean conferences, treaty negotiations, bilateral diplomatic initiatives and other maritime relations that constitute ocean policy over half a century, and investigates the domestic constituents of national policy. Routledge Market: Japanese Studies, International Relations, Resource Management August 2017: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-77523-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09192-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77392-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Japan's Relations with North Korea and the Recalibration of Risk

Kashmir’s Right to Secede A Critical Examination of Contemporary Theories of Secession

Ra Mason, University of Leeds, UK Series: The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series

Matthew J. Webb, The Petroleum Institute, United Arab Emirates Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

This book examines the role of risk in international relations, including its interactive relationship with domestic civil society, from the case study perspective of Japan’s post-Cold War framing of and responses to North Korea (DPRK). Specifically, it focuses on how agency operates within processes of risk recalibration identified with actors such as policy makers, mass media, and civil society stakeholders in reaction to North Korean missile and nuclear tests – as well as their influences upon other related issues.

A separatist conflict has been ongoing in India-administered Kashmir since 1989. Focusing on this region, this book critiques the existing normative theories of secession, and offers a comprehensive examination of the right of sub-groups to secede.

Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, East Asian Security, International Relations May 2017: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-0-415-72883-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06933-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-85148-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics June 2017: 234x156: 194pp Hb: 978-0-415-66543-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11074-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-12566-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Japan's Security Identity

Leader Symbols and Personality Cult in North Korea

From a Peace-State to an International-State

The Leader State

Bhubhindar Singh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Series: The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series This book examines Japanese post-Cold War security policy, analysing how Japan reacted to the end of the Cold war, the results of the transformation in the post-Cold War security environment, and exactly how Japanese security has changed from its cold war design.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Japanese Politics, Security Studies May 2017: 234x156: 226pp Hb: 978-0-415-46336-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10838-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08403-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Jae-Cheon Lim, Korea University, South Korea Series: Routledge Advances in Korean Studies North Korea may be an extreme case where a modern state puts concerted efforts for the cult of its leaders and their family. This book attempts to delve into how the North Korean state has established the cult of the Kims, how it uses leader symbols in the cult, and the symbolic meanings that the leader symbol evokes. As such, it will be essential reading for students and scholars of North Korea, Korean politics, Asian politics, political sociology and visual politics.

Routledge Market: Korean Politics, Asian Politics, Political Sociology May 2017: 234x156: 140pp Hb: 978-1-138-83142-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29537-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73657-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Jürgen Habermas and the European Economic Crisis

Leadership and Authority in Central Asia

Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered

The Ismaili Community in Tajikistan

Edited by Gaspare M. Genna, University of Texas at El Paso, USA, Thomas O. Haakenson, California College of Arts, USA. and Ian W. Wilson, Centre College, USA. Series: Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought This book provides its reader with a fresh perspective on the importance identity has on the functioning of the European Union as exemplified in Jürgen Habermas’ seminal text, ‘The Crisis of the European Union: A Response’. Rather than exploring the causes of the crisis, the contributors examine the current state of European identity to determine the likelihood of implementing Habermas’ suggestions. Routledge Market: European Politics/Political Theory April 2018: 229x152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-18583-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54348-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64422-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Otambek Mastibekov, University of London, UK Series: Central Asia Research Forum This book explores the unfolding of world history in a remote corner of Central Asia: the region of Badakhshan. It offers a comprehensive overview of the history of the Ismaili community in Tajikistan and analyses the ways in which expressions of political and religious authority have evolved and how they have been adapted to different political contexts and radical social upheaval. Developing a structural explanation for the survival and evolution of religious and political authorities of Badakhshani Ismailis in times of radical social and political upheaval, this book will be of interest to scholars of Muslim societies, Political Science and Central Asian Studies. Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Islamic Studies October 2017: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-0-415-85596-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37783-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-72995-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Left Radicalism in India

Liberty, Toleration and Equality

Bidyut Chakrabarty, University of Delhi, India Series: Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics

John Locke, Jonas Proast and the Letters Concerning Toleration John William Tate, The University of Newcastle, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought

This book examines left politics in India focusing on its rise, consolidation and relative decline in the present century. Left radicalism in India is a distinct ideological phenomenon which is articulated in two complementary ways: while the parliamentary left remains social democratic in character, the left wing extremists continue to uphold the classical Marxist, Leninist and Maoist notion of violent revolution. By concentrating on the nature and also activities of these two versions of left radicalism, this book is a thorough study of the phenomenon. The author analyses the states of Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura and presents a variety of case studies of communist movements. Routledge Market: South Asian Studies, Politics, Indian Politics, South Asian History January 2018: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-0-415-81032-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49154-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76897-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The seventeenth century English philosopher, John Locke, is widely recognized as one of the seminal sources of the modern liberal tradition. Challenging some of the most prominent contemporary perspectives on Locke, John Tate examines the development of Locke’s ideal of toleration, from its beginnings, to the culmination of this development in his fifteen year debate with his great antagonist, the Anglican clergyman, Jonas Proast. Locke, like Proast, was a sincere Christian, but unlike Proast, Locke was able to develop, over time, a perspective on toleration which allowed him to concede liberty to competing views which he, personally, perceived to be "false and absurd". Routledge Market: Political Theory & Philosophy/Liberalism/Locke May 2018: 229 x 152: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-64780-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59966-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62686-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays

Local Governance in Timor-Leste

Ato Sekyi-Otu

Lessons in postcolonial state-building

Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays presents a defense of universalism as the foundation of moral and political arguments and commitments. Consisting of five intertwined essays, the book claims that centering such arguments and commitments on a particular place, in this instance the African world, is entirely compatible with that foundational universalism. Ato Sekyi-Otu thus proposes a less conventional mode of Africacentrism, one that rejects the usual hostility to universalism as an imperialist Eurocentric hoax.

Deborah Cummins, National University of Timor-Leste Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Across many parts of the postcolonial world, it is everyday reality for people to cross regularly between state-based and customary governance, institutions and norms. This book examines this in the context of the villages of Timor-Leste, and the state-building efforts that have been conducted by the government and international development agencies since the vote for independence in 1999. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in the remote, rural areas of Timor-Leste, it provides a critical analysis of the challenges that communities face when navigating coexisting customary and state-based structures and norms in a context where customary law continues to be the

Routledge Market: Political and Social Theory/Africana Political Thought August 2018: 229 x 152: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-61177-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-61178-8: £36.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

central guiding force.

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Legal Pluralism in Indonesia

Local Governance Innovation in China

Bridging the Unbridgeable

Experimentation, Diffusion, and Defiance

Ratno Lukito, University of Leiden, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series With the revival of Islamic law and adat (customary) law in the country, this book investigates the history and phenomenon of legal pluralism in Indonesia. It looks at how the ideal of modernity in Indonesia has been characterized by a state-driven effort in the post-colonial era to make the institution of law an inseparable part of national development.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Law June 2017: 234x156: 12pp Hb: 978-0-415-67342-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11695-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-11313-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Governance, International Studies January 2018: 234x156: 146pp Hb: 978-1-138-79635-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49160-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75793-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Jessica C. Teets, Middlebury College, USA and William Hurst Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series This book analyses how decentralized policy making and conflicting rules and incentives have encouraged local level policy experimentation across China’s cities and villages. Most often out of necessity or expediency in the face of governance challenges associated with rapid economic reform and slow political reform, this pattern has remained relatively constant since 1978. The contributors to this book examine how local-level institutions solve governance challenges, such as rural development, enterprise reform, providing social services, and grappling with a lack of transparency. Routledge Market: Chinese Politics, Asian Politics, Comparative Politics May 2017: 234x156: 182pp Hb: 978-0-415-74785-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09493-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-79681-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Local Politics in Indonesia

Nation, Constitutionalism and Buddhism in Sri Lanka

Pathways to Power Nankyung Choi, City University of Hong Kong Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne, Griffith Law School, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Despite only a decade of democratic reform, elections and political parties have become so embedded in Indonesia’s political life that both Indonesians and foreign observers seem to have no difficulty in crediting Indonesia as the world’s third largest democracy. This book explores how local elections have affected Indonesia’s democracy and political dynamics.

Focusing on Sri Lanka, this book offers a new perspective on contemporary debates about nationalism in South Asia. It looks at the ‘capture’ of Buddhism by militant Sinhalese nationalism in the colonial and postcolonial periods, and the framing of subsequent key constitutional legal moments. Given the intensification of the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalist project following the defeat of the Tamil Tigers in 2009, this book is of interest to scholars of nationalism, South Asian studies, the anthropology of ritual, and comparative legal history.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 150pp Hb: 978-0-415-61731-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10293-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-80559-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asia, Buddhism, Law October 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-46266-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57554-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-77163-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Migration and Identity in Central Asia

Nation, Territory, and Globalization in Pakistan

The Uzbek Experience

Traversing the Margins

Rano Turaeva, Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology, Germany Series: Central Asia Research Forum This book is an ethnographic and sociolinguistic study of Uzbek migrants in the capital city of Uzbekistan. The ethnographic details of the book represent post-Soviet urban realities on the ground where various forms of belonging clash and kinship ties are reinforced within social safety networks. The book offers in-depth insights into the communication strategies of migrants, the formation of collective consciousness and the relations within the ‘We’ domain.

Chad Haines, Arizona State University, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series The Karakoram Highway was constructed by the Pakistani state in the 1970s as a major development project that furthered the national interest and solidified state control over the disputed region of northern Pakistan. Focusing on this highway, this book provides a unique analysis of the links between space, travel and history in the formation of the Pakistan nation-state.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Migration Studies, Ethnic Studies April 2018: 234x156: 220pp Hb: 978-1-138-91349-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59294-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69142-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: South Asian Studies, History, Geography, Regional Anthropology May 2017: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-58778-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08664-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-12537-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Mobilizing Religion and Gender in India

National Identities in Soviet Historiography

The Role of Activism

The Rise of Nations under Stalin Nandini Deo, Lehigh University, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Harun Yilmaz, University of Oxford, UK. Series: Central Asia Research Forum

Using a historical comparative approach, the book argues that external events, activist agency in strategizing, and the political economy of transnational networks explain the relative success and failure of Hindu nationalism and the Indian women’s movement rather than the ideological claims each movement makes. Bringing together the study of Hindu nationalism and the Indian women’s movement, the book will be of interest to students and scholars of South Asian Religion, Gender Studies, and South Asian Politics.

This book explains how and by whom Soviet national histories were constructed under Stalin’s rule. It focuses on the crucial episode in the construction of national identities of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan from 1936 and 1953, when the main theses in the national histories were established. A unique comparative study of three different case studies, this book reveals different aims and methods of nation construction, despite the existence of one-party rule and a single overarching official ideology.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Religion, Gender January 2018: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-85112-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49342-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72434-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Russian Studies, World History May 2017: 234x156: 228pp Hb: 978-0-415-84258-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09842-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74587-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Nepal

New Dimensions of Politics in India

Identities and Mobilization after 1990

The United Progressive Alliance in Power

Edited by Mahendra Lawoti, Western Michigan University, USA and Susan I. Hangen, Ramapo College, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Edited by Lawrence Saez, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK and Gurharpal Singh, University of Birmingham, UK Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies

Identity movements, based on ethnicity, caste, language, religion and regional identity, have become increasingly significant in Nepal, reshaping debates on the definition of the nation, nationalism and the structure of the state. This book analyzes the rapid rise in ethnic and nationalist mobilization and conflict since 1990, the dynamics and trajectories of these movements, and their consequences for Nepal.

Following India’s general election in May 2009, this book undertakes a critical evaluation of the performance of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). It presents a thorough analysis of the UPA coalition government, and by providing an understanding of the new innovations in the UPA’s policies, the book goes on to evaluate the effectiveness of these policies against their aims and objectives.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asian Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies May 2017: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-0-415-78097-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08694-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-11826-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Politics, Asian Studies January 2017: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-66897-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63565-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-80327-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Nation-state and Minority Rights in India

New Media and the Nation in Malaysia

Comparative Perspectives on Muslim and Sikh Identities


Tanweer Fazal, Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia, India Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book compares and contrasts Muslim and Sikh communities in pre- and post-Partition India. Mapping the evolving discourse on minority rights, the author looks at the overlaps between the Constitutional and the majoritarian discourse being articulated in the public sphere and poses questions about the guaranteeing of minority rights. The book suggests that through historical ruptures and breaks , communities oscillate between being minorities and nations. Combining archival material with ethnographic fieldwork, it studies the identity groups and their vexed relationship to the ideas of nation and nationalism. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asia, Sociology January 2018: 234x156: 222pp Hb: 978-0-415-74775-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47611-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-79685-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Susan Leong, Curtin University, Au Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series In the four decades or so since its invention, the internet has become pivotal to how many societies function, influencing how individual citizens interact with and respond to their governments. Within Southeast Asia, while most governments subscribe to the belief that new media technological advancement improves their nation’s socio-economic conditions, they also worry about its cultural and political effects. This book examines how this set of dynamics operates through its study of new media in contemporary Malaysian society. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Media Studies October 2017: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-81981-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57555-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88658-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan

New Modern Chinese Women and Gender Politics

Robert J. Pekkanen, University of Washington, USA, Yutaka Tsujinaka, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Hidehiro Yamamoto, University of Yamagata, Japan and Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan Series: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan draws on a strong body of empirical data derived from the first national survey of neighborhood associations carried out in 2007 and provides a multifaceted empirical portrait of Japan’s neighborhood associations. It examines how local associational structures affect the quality of local governance, and thus the quality of life for Japan’s citizens and residents, and illuminates the way in which these ambiguous associations can help us refine civil society theory and show how they contribute to governance. Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, Japanese Society, Governance May 2017: 234x156: 258pp Hb: 978-0-415-74573-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08948-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-79773-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Centennial of the End of the Qing Dynasty Edited by Ya-chen Chen, Columbia University, USA Series: Routledge Research on Gender in Asia Series This book traces the radical changes in gender politics in China, and the way in which the lives, roles and status of Chinese women have been transformed over the last one hundred years. In doing so, it highlights three distinctive areas of development for modern Chinese women and gender politics: first, women’s equal rights, freedom, careers, and images about their modernized femininity; second, Chinese women’s overseas experiences and accomplishments; and third, advances in Chinese gender politics of non-heterosexuality and same-sex concerns. Routledge Market: Gender Studies, Gender Politics, Women's Studies May 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-84138-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08956-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-76580-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Non-discrimination and Equality in India

Parties and Parliaments in Southeast Asia

Contesting Boundaries of Social Justice

Non-Partisan Chambers in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand

Vidhu Verma, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Roland Rich, Australian National University Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Social justice has been the animating ideal of liberal democracies in the 20th century. It is a concept familiar to most Indians but one where the meaning is not always understood. By tracing the trajectory of social justice from the colonial period to the present, this book examines how it informs ideas, practices and debates on discrimination and disadvantage today.

Using Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand as case studies, this book traces the historical context for institutional designs, the intentions behind them and their implementation through at least one full parliamentary term. It investigates the conceptual architecture of the non-partisan designs, identifying corporatism as one (discredited) alternative and "championship" as another.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Social Policy May 2017: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-67775-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08647-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-14966-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Southeast Asian Studies May 2017: 234x156: 274pp Hb: 978-0-415-62932-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08682-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-09777-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese Politics

Party Hegemony and Entrepreneurial Power in China

Old Versus New Aurelia George Mulgan, University of New South Wales, Australia Series: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies This book examines the political goals, behaviour, methods and practices of Ozawa Ichirō, and in doing so, provides fascinating insights into the inner workings of Japanese politics. It explores Ozawa’s paradoxical and conflicting contributions in terms of two contrasting models of ‘old’ and ‘new’ politics. Indeed, therein lies the problem of understanding the ‘real’ Ozawa: he remained a practitioner of old politics despite his rhetorical agenda of change to bring about new politics. This volume seeks to illuminate Ozawa’s true motivations and character, and untangle the complex elements of old and new politics that he represents. Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, Asian Politics June 2017: 234x156: 324pp Hb: 978-1-138-77834-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09490-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77205-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Institutional Change in the Film and Music Industries Elena Meyer-Clement, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany This book explores the adaptability of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) hegemonic rule to marketization and commercialization processes. The aim of the book is to complement existing literature on adaptive governance in China and on the reasons for the Chinese Communist regime’s relative stability while providing new information about the relationship between the Chinese party-state and private entrepreneurs. In addition, the book gives a detailed account of the political and economic history of the Chinese film and music industries and offers a fresh perspective on the origins of today’s Chinese cultural mainstream. Routledge Market: Political Science, Chinese Studies, Cultural Studies February 2018: 234x156: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-91723-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48257-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68916-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Pakistan's Nuclear Policy

Party System Formation in Kazakhstan

A Minimum Credible Deterrence

Between Formal and Informal Politics

Zafar Khan, University of Hull, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

Rico Isaacs, Oxford Brookes University, UK Series: Central Asian Studies

In May 1998, in reaction to India’s nuclear weapon tests, Pakistan tested six nuclear weapons. Following this, the country opted for a policy of minimum deterrence, and within a year, Pakistan had altered its policy stance by adding the modifier of minimum ‘credible’ deterrence. This book looks at how this shift impacted on Pakistan’s nuclear policy direction, how and if Pakistan has become one of the fastest growing nuclear weapon states in the world, and whether the concept of ‘minimum’ has lost its significance. It highlights the policy towards arms control and disarmament, and discusses whether these individual policy orientations are consistent with the minimum deterrence.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asian states have developed liberal-constitutional formal institutions. However, at the same time, political phenomena in Central Asia are shaped by informal political behaviour and relations. This relationship is now a critical issue affecting democratization and regime consolidation processes in former Soviet Central Asia, and this book provides an account of the interactive and dynamic relationship between informal and formal politics through the case of party-system formation in Kazakhstan.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Security January 2018: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-77879-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47606-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77164-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Asian Politics, International Relations May 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-59023-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10234-7: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-82600-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Patriotism in East Asia

Political Change and Territoriality in Indonesia

Edited by Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Sun Yat-Sen University, China and Koichiro Matsuda, Rikkyo University, Japan Series: Political Theories in East Asian Context This book contributes to the debates surrounding patriotism and nationalism in Northeast Asia, and investigates the feasibility of non-ethnocentric patriotism in countries across the region. In doing so, it highlights the differences between Asian and Western concepts of republican patriotism via theoretical discussions of the evolving discourses on nationalism, patriotism, democracy and civic solidarity.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Political Theory, Peace Studies May 2017: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-415-73715-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09199-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-317-81617-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Provincial Proliferation Ehito Kimura, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series What makes large, multi-ethnic states hang together? At a time when ethnic and religious conflict has gained global prominence, the territorial organization of states is a critical area of study. This book explores how multi-ethnic and geographically dispersed states grapple with questions of territorial administration and change. While some scholars argue that states organize and change territorial administration to maximize political and economic efficiency, this book argues otherwise.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies June 2017: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-0-415-68613-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10934-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-11697-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Performing Citizenship

Political Economy of Development in India

Undocumented Migrants in the United States

Indigeneity in Transition in the State of Kerala

Mary McThomas, California State University Undocumented migrants in the United States raise compelling questions about political legitimacy, obligation, and citizenship. If they are truly members of their communities, should they have a voice in the laws and policies that impact their lives? Should their interests be considered, especially in light of exploitation by employers, the possibility of detention and the threat of deportation? This book argues that we do indeed owe certain moral and political obligations to those individuals who have been living and contributing to their communities, regardless of whether they initially arrived without documents. Routledge Market: Politics / Immigration May 2018: 216x138: 110pp Hb: 978-1-138-68409-6: £50.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59964-2: £15.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54417-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Darley Jose Kjosavik, Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series In the Global South, indigenous people have been continuously subjected to top-down, and often violent, processes of post-colonial state and nation building. This book examines the development dilemmas of the indigenous people (adivasis) of the Indian state of Kerala. It explores the different facets of change in their lives and livelihoods in the context of modernisation under different political regimes. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Development June 2018: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-1-138-84456-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-31960-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73029-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Philippine Politics

Political Institutions in East Timor

Possibilities and Problems in a Localist Democracy

Semi-Presidentialism and Democratisation

Lynn T. White III, Princeton University, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Lydia M. Beuman, Independent scholar Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Philippine political history challenges the image of democratic evolution as serving the people, and does so in ways that reveal inadequately explored aspects of many democracies. This book provides an interpretive overview of Philippine politics, and takes full account of the importance of patriotic Philippine factors in making decisions about future political policies. It analyses whether regional and local politics have more importance than national politics in the Philippines. The book explores elections in the Philippines, and the ways in which politicians win democratic elections, the institutionalised role of public money in this process, and the role that media plays.

In 2002 East Timor became an independent state following a long conflict with Indonesia. At independence, East Timor adopted a semi-presidential form of government. This book examines the politics and impact of the semi-presidentialism on East Timor's democracy from 2002-2012, and analyses whether semi‐presidentialism encourages power sharing between competing forces, or whether it provokes a power struggle that threatens democratic stability? It is of interest to researchers in the fields of Political Science, Conflict Resolution and Asian Studies, in particular Southeast Asian Politics.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Sociology January 2018: 234x156: 266pp Hb: 978-1-138-82804-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49233-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73860-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Asian Poliltics, Southeast Asian Politics May 2017: 234x156: 142pp Hb: 978-1-138-95033-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09796-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66877-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Political Violence in South Asia

Politics, Identity and Education in Central Asia

Edited by Ali Riaz, Illinois State University, USA, Zobaida Nasreen, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Fahmida Zaman, Illinois State University, US

Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan

This book explores various dimensions of political violence in South Asia, namely in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Each chapter either speaks to an important aspect of the political violence or provides an overall picture of the nature and scope of political violence in the respective country. Political violence is understood in the larger sense of political, that is above and beyond institutions, and also as an integral part of social relationships where social norms and the role of individual agency play seminal roles. This book will be useful as a supplementary text in courses on South Asian Studies in general and South Asian politics in particular. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asia September 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-36044-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36046-9: £32.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Pınar Akçalı and Cennet Engin-Demir, Middle East Technical University, Turkey Series: Routledge Advances in Central Asian Studies Focusing on the areas of politics, identity and education, this book looks at some of the most pressing and challenging issues that Kyrgyzstan faces in the post-Soviet era. It argues that Kyrgyzstan is challenged with oscillations between the old and the new on the one hand, and domestic and international on the other. It is of interest to students and scholars of Asian Studies, Politics and International Relations.

Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Politics June 2017: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-0-415-81613-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30295-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-38561-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Politics and Governance in Indonesia

Post-Politics in Context Ali Riza Taskale, Near East University, Nicosia. Series: Routledge Innovations in Political Theory

The Police in the Era of Reformasi Muradi Series: Rethinking Southeast Asia This book explains the changing position of the police in the post-Suharto era in Indonesia. It focuses on two key areas: the differences between local and national levels, and the politicization associated with decentralization. Arguing that the disassociation of the Indonesian National Police from the military has achieved only limited success, the book contends that there is continued impetus for the establishment of a professional police and modern and democratic policing, which will entail an effective public control on the police. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Southeast Asian Studies October 2017: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-71371-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37472-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77709-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Proposed through a historically informed engagement with several thinkers, like Benjamin, Deleuze, and Foucault, and using examples from film, literature and contemporary events, Taşkale presents an original perspective to interpret contemporary politics.

Routledge Market: Political Theory & Philosophy/International Relations March 2018: 229x152: 166pp Hb: 978-1-138-18851-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54347-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64226-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Politics of the 'Other' in India and China

Poverty and Governance in South Asia

Western Concepts in Non-Western Contexts Edited by Lion Koenig, Heidelberg University, Germany and Bidisha Chaudhuri, International Institute of Information Technology, India Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series This book explores how the structural asymmetries existing between Western discourses and the realities of the non-Western world manifest themselves in the ideas, institutions and socio-political practices of India and China, and in how far they shape the social scientist’s understanding of their discipline in general. Drawing on multiple disciplines, concepts and contexts in India and China, the book makes a valuable contribution to the theory and practice of politics, as well as to International and Asian Studies. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, International Studies June 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-85118-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09797-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72430-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Syeda Naushin Parnini, University of Malaya, Malaysia Series: Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics This book analyzes the discourses of development agenda and governance crisis to reduce poverty through Millennium Development Goals in South Asia. It finds that the agenda largely widens the gap between the rich and poor, which combined with rising inflation, contributes to political instability. It provides a survey of the region by not only focusing on India, Pakistan and Bangladesh but also on the smaller countries in the region such as Bhutan, and explores the consequences of the neo-liberal democracy and recent development agenda coupled with governance reforms. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asia, Asian Development January 2018: 234x156: 154pp Hb: 978-0-415-73604-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49218-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74193-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Power, Networks and Violent Conflict in Central Asia

Republicanism in Northeast Asia

A Comparison of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Idil Tunçer-Kılavuz, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey When the Central Asian republics gained independence from the USSR, Tajikistan suffered a civil war.The factors that the literature on civil wars cites as the causes of this were also present in Uzbekistan – but this country had a peaceful transition. Examining this empirical puzzle by isolating the crucial factors that caused war to break out in Tajikistan but not Uzbekistan, this book applies a comparative approach to the broader question of why civil wars occur and challenges many common explanations.This includes highlighting the importance of elites’ power perceptions, which have their origins in the interaction of structural-, process-, and network-related variables.

Edited by Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Sun Yat-Sen University, China and Leigh Jenco, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK Series: Political Theories in East Asian Context As rapid economic development brings increasing uncertainty in East Asia, interest in a new version of republicanism, termed is neo-Roman republicanism, is growing across the region, however these ideas continue to face serious conceptual and political challenges in Northeast Asian countries, which existing literature has failed to confront. This book addresses these challenges by surveying the latest theoretical contributions to the studies of republicanism in Western countries and the latest interpretations of how republicanism, including both communitarian republicanism and neo-Roman republicanism, has been appropriated in countries in East Asia.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Central Asia, Civil Wars & Ethinic Conflict October 2017: 234x156: 150pp Hb: 978-0-415-74241-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37793-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81464-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Comparative Political Theory, Political Philosophy May 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-74668-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09509-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-79742-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Regime Transition in Central Asia

Reshaping City Governance

Stateness, Nationalism and Political Change in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

London, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad

Dagikhudo Dagiev, Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Central Asian Studies Presenting a study of regime transition, political transformation, and the challenges that faced the post-Communist republics of Central Asia on independence, this book focuses on the process of transition in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and the obstacles that these newly-independent states are facing in the post-Communist period. Arguing against the claim that the Central Asian states have undergone divergent paths of transition, the book discusses how they are in fact all authoritarian, although exhibiting different degrees of authoritarianism. Routledge Market: Central Asian Studies, Politics October 2017: 234x156: 246pp Hb: 978-0-415-66310-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57867-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88660-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Nirmala Rao, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book addresses some key issues of governance and management for India’s principal urban areas of Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. As three of the greatest Indian cities, they have evolved in recent decades into large metropolitan regions with complex, overlapping and often haphazard governance arrangements. All three cities exemplify the challenges of urbanisation and serve here as case studies to explore the five dimensions of urban governance. London, with its recent establishment of a directly elected Mayor, provides a reference point for this analysis, and signifies the extent to which urban leadership has moved to the top of the urban governance agenda. Routledge Market: Governance, Asian Politics, Urban Politics January 2018: 234x156: 234pp Hb: 978-0-415-67209-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49157-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74089-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Reporting Thailand's Southern Conflict

Rhetoric and the Decolonization and Recolonization of East Timor

Mediating Political Dissent Phansasiri Kularb, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Series: Rethinking Southeast Asia

David Hicks, Stony Brook University, U.S.A Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Since 2004, Thailand’s southern border provinces have been plagued by violence. There are a wide array of explanations for this violence, from the revival of Malay nationalist movements and the influence from the global trend of radical Islam, to the power play among the regional underground crime syndicates, politicians, and state authorities. The disparate interpretations signal the dynamic and complex discursive contention of this damaging and enduring conflict, and this book looks at how this is played out in the Thai media, and with what possible consequences.

This book presents a compelling and original perspective of the critical period of 1974-1975 in the history of East Timor. It challenges the idea that this period of history was infused by the spirit of nationalism in which the majority Timorese partook, and which contended with other competing western –isms, including colonialism, communism, neo-colonialism, and fascism. In contrast, the book argues that the Timorese majority had little understanding of any of these alien political abstractions and that the period can be most plausibly explained in terms of a dialectic between the political culture of Dili, the capital, and the political culture of the rest of the country.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Media, Security May 2017: 234x156: 185pp Hb: 978-1-138-84700-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09815-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72705-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, History January 2018: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-1-138-02107-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47635-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77806-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Risk and Securitization in Japan

Security Community in South Asia


India - Pakistan Piers R. Williamson, Hokkaido University, Japan Series: The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series

This book challenges the prevailing hypothesis of a shift from threat to risk with the end of the Cold War and presents a new explanatory model of risk that can be applied to Japan and elsewhere. It proposes that a full comprehension of the concept of risk can generate new understandings of political processes, and proffers a new perspective on Japanese security discourse, especially the controversy between, on the one hand, early Japanese governments, prime ministers, Diet members, and those who drafted the Japanese proposal for the new constitution, and, on the other hand, intellectuals, peace movement activists, proponents of unarmed neutrality and the US-Japan security treaty. Routledge Market: Japanese Politics, Asian Politics, International Relations October 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-81174-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37119-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-06990-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Muhammad Shoaib Pervez, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan Series: Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics The security relationship between India and Pakistan is generally viewed through a neo-realist lens. This book explains the rivalry of these countries by looking at the socio-cultural norms at two levels, and discusses a hypothetical security community that could result in peace in the region.

Routledge Market: South Asian Studies, Security Studies June 2017: 234x156: 166pp Hb: 978-0-415-53150-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11587-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-10626-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Rural Roots of Reform Before China's Conservative Change

Separatist Conflict in Indonesia

Lynn T. White III, Princeton University, USA China’s economic and military rise dominates discussions of the world’s most populous country. Resilient authoritarian government is credited with great successes, but this book expands the discourse to include governance by village heads - who often ignored central politicians. Chinese reforms for prosperity started circa 1970 under rural and suburban leaders. They could act autonomously then because of unexpected political and technological opportunities. Their localization of power eroded socialist controls. Since 1990, central leaders have tried to reverse reforms made by resilient local bosses.

The long-distance politics of the Acehnese diaspora Antje Missbach, Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series This book describes, analyses and interprets more than thirty years of long-distance politics exercised by the Acehnese diaspora and the diasporans attempts to influence Aceh’s homeland developments in the lead-up to, during and after the internal conflict that afflicted the region between 1976 and 2005.

Routledge Market: Politics, Asian Politics, Chinese Politics June 2018: 234x156: 380pp Hb: 978-0-815-37104-5: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37105-2: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-351-24769-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 260pp Hb: 978-0-415-66896-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10294-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-80305-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Secessionism and Separatism in Europe and Asia

Separatist Violence in South Asia

To Have a State of One’s Own

A comparative study

Edited by Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Hong Kong Baptist University and Aleksandar Pavković, University of Macau Series: Politics in Asia This book provides a comparative survey of recent attempts at secession and separatist movements from across Europe and Asia, and assesses the responses of the respective host governments. With political analysis of recent cases ranging from the Balkans, the USSR, the UK and the Basque Country, to Sri Lanka, Burma, China, Tibet and Taiwan, the authors identify both similarities and differences in the processes and outcomes of secessionist and separatist movements across the two distinct regions. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, European Politics, International Relations May 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-66774-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10815-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-09426-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Matthew J. Webb, The Petroleum Institute, United Arab Emirates Series: Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics This book examines why nation-building projects in South Asia, including secessionist movements from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, have failed to successfully integrate sub-national communities. By deconstructing sovereignty into its constituent components, the book explores the motives, tactics, successes and failures of South Asia’s separatist movements and offers an explanation for why separatism, but not political violence, has recently declined in the region. Taking a comparative explanatory viewpoint, it offers a comprehensive review of relevant explanatory theories dominant in the scholarly literature on secession and an examination of their application to South Asia. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Asian Politics, Conflict Studies March 2018: 234x156: 142pp Hb: 978-1-138-92654-7: £77.99 Pb: 978-1-138-58377-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67908-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Social Democracy in East Timor

State and Nation-Building in Pakistan

Rebecca Strating, Federation University, Australia Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series By examining the construction of political institutions in East Timor, this book highlights the relationship between the social and political realms during these processes. Focusing on the roles of East Timorese leaders and civil society organisations during the independence movement, it analyses the effectiveness of democracy building in East Timor. It examines the processes of drafting the new constitution, establishing key political institutions, and articulating a new vision of citizenship and social justice. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Social Democracy June 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-88532-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32009-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71551-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Beyond Islam and Security Edited by Roger D. Long, Eastern Michigan University, USA, Gurharpal Singh, SOAS, University of London, UK, Yunas Samad, University of Bradford, UK and Ian Talbot, University of Southampton, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book offers comparative, historicist, and multidisciplinary views on the role of identity politics in the development of Pakistan. Bringing together perspectives on the dynamics of state-building, the book provides insights into contemporary processes of national contestation, and highlights how ethnicity and identity politics are an enduring marker in Pakistani politics, and why they are increasingly powerful and influential. This book on Pakistan will be a useful contribution to South Asian Politics, South Asian History, and Islamic Studies. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, History June 2018: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-90347-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32011-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69690-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Social Movements and the Indian Diaspora

Status and Security in Southeast Asian State Systems

Movindri Reddy, Occidental College, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Using case studies from Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and South Africa, this book explores the diaspora identities and impact of social movements on politics and nationalism among indentured Indian diaspora. It analyses the way in which diasporas are defined by themselves and others, and the types of social movements they participate in, showing how these are critical indicators of the threat they are perceived to pose. Providing an in-depth analysis of Indian Diasporas, the book will be of interest to those studying South Asian Studies, Migration and Diaspora Studies. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Sociology, Migration Studies April 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-90063-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59295-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-70714-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Nicholas Tarling, University of Auckland, New Zealand Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia Southeast Asia serves as an excellent case study to discuss major transformations in the relationship between states. This book looks at the changing nature of relationships between countries in Southeast Asia, as well as their relationships with other states in Asia and beyond.

Routledge Market: Southeast Asian Studies, History, Politics June 2017: 234x156: 182pp Hb: 978-0-415-53211-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30275-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-07959-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Soviet Nation-Building in Central Asia

Subaltern Movements in India

The Making of the Kazakh and Uzbek Nations

Gendered Geographies of Struggle Against Neoliberal Development

Grigol Ubiria, Australian National University Series: Central Asian Studies

Manisha Desai Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series

The demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 resulted in new state-led nation-building projects in Central Asia with the emergence of independent republics. Presenting a detailed study, this book examines the state-led nation-building projects in the Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It explores the involvement of the Soviet state in creating Kazakh and Uzbek nations, placing the discussion within the theoretical literature on nationalism.

This book examines social movements which challenge the neoliberal model of development in India. It offers a new approach on the politics of social movements in contemporary India by discussing the nuanced relationship between development and democracy, social justice and gender justice. It will be of interest to academics in the field of Development and Gender studies, Studies of social movements and South Asian Studies.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics, Nationalism March 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-88528-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-58380-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71555-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Gender & Development Studies, South Asian Studies April 2018: 216x138: 152pp Hb: 978-1-138-93829-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59299-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67564-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Suicide Protest in South Asia

The Desire for Mutual Recognition

Consumed by Commitment

Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self

Simanti Lahiri, Villanova University, USA Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies This book examines the history and impact of suicide protest, which has been increasingly used as a protest tactic since World War II. It offers a combination of historical and contemporary cases analysis from South Asia, where different iterations of this tactic have been used extensively throughout the latter half of the twentieth century. Focussing on the success or failure or a particular action relevant to the movement’s broader mobilization strategy, the author examines the internal impact this has on the movement and the mechanisms by which suicide as a form of protest evolves.

Peter Gabel The Desire for Mutual Recognition is a work of accessible social theory that seeks to make visible the desire for authentic social connection, emanating from our social nature, that animates all human relationships. Gabel examines the struggle between desire and alienation as it unfolds across our social world, calling for a new social-spiritual activism that can go beyond the limitations of existing progressive theory and action, intentionally foster and sustain our capacity to heal what separates us, and inspire a new kind of social movement that can transform the world.

Routledge Market: Asian Politics, South Asia October 2017: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-82099-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37359-9: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81398-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Political Theory and Philosophy February 2018: 229 x 152: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-09527-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09528-1: £23.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10575-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Taiwan and The ‘China Impact’

The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies

Challenges and Opportunities Edited by Gunter Schubert, University of Tübingen, Germany This book analyses the "China Impact" on Taiwan in terms of its social, political and security space from both an empirical and conceptual point of view. It is the first comprehensive account of China’s multifaceted impact on the politics and society of contemporary Taiwan. The book covers a wide range of topics including Taiwan’s party alignment, elections, generational politics, cross-strait political economy, immigration policy and security. The contributors highlight both the dangers and the opportunities of the "China impact" for Taiwan and draw a realistic picture of the island republic’s current situation and future options in the shadow of its giant neighbour. Routledge Market: Asian Politics, Chinese Politics, Taiwan April 2018: 234x156: 316pp Hb: 978-1-138-94592-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59068-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67111-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Henry Veltmeyer, Research Professor in Development Studies, Universidad de Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico; Professor Emeritus in International Development Studies at Saint Mary's University, Canada and Paul Bowles, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada Series: Routledge Critical Development Studies The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies collectively documents and analyses economic, political, social and environmental crises and the need to find alternatives to the system that generates them. The influence of critical developments studies has been shown by the ways in which mainstream development organization and discourse has sought to co-opt and neutralize many of its concepts such as empowerment, participation, gender, grassroots movements, sustainability and inclusivity to serve their own ends. The chapters in the companion expose this and demonstrate how reclaiming key concepts can produce an agenda for progressive change. Routledge Market: Development Studies July 2017: 234x156: 480pp Hb: 978-1-472-48348-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-04997-0: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61286-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Bengal Diaspora

The Political Economy of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka

Rethinking Muslim migration

Economic Liberalization, Mobilizational Resources, and Ethnic Collective Action

Claire Alexander, University of Manchester, UK, Joya Chatterji, University of Cambridge, UK and Annu Jalais, National University of Singapore, Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Using a creative interdisciplinary approach combining historical, sociological and anthropological approaches to migration and diaspora this book explores the experiences of Bengali Muslim migrants through this period of upheaval and transformation. It draws on over 200 interviews conducted in Britain, India, and Bangladesh, tracing migration and settlement within, and from, the Bengal delta region in the period after 1947. This ground-breaking new research offers an essential contribution to the field of South Asian Studies, Diaspora Studies, and Society and Culture Studies. Routledge Market: South Asian Studies, Diaspora Studies, Society & Culture Studies April 2018: 234x156: 286pp Hb: 978-0-415-53073-6: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59297-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66006-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Nikolaos Biziouras, United States Naval Academy Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series With a focus on Sri Lanka, this book explores the political economy of ethnic conflict, and examines how rival political leaders are able to convince their ethnic group members to follow them into violent conflict. Specifically, it looks at how political leaders can influence and utilize changes in the level of economic liberalization in order to mobilize members of a certain ethnic group, and in the case of Sri Lanka, shows how ethnic mobilization drives can turn violent when minority ethnic groups are economically marginalized by the decisions that the majority ethnic group leaders make in order to stay in power. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Political Economy, Ethnic Conflict October 2017: 234x156: 226pp Hb: 978-0-415-74233-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37351-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81478-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar

The San Francisco System and Its Legacies

Itineraries of Dalits and Subalterns

Continuation, Transformation and Historical Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific

Edited by Cosimo Zene, SOAS, University of London, UK Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies

Edited by Kimie Hara Series: Asia's Transformations

Bridging two generations of scholarship on social inequality and modern political forms, this book examines the political philosophies of inclusion of subalterns/Dalits in Gramsci and Ambedkar’s political philosophies. It highlights the full range of Gramsci’s ‘philosophy of praxis’ and presents a more critical appreciation of his thought in the study of South Asian societies. Equally, Ambedkar’s thought and philosophy is put to the forefront and acquires a prominence in the international context.

This book explores the key developments of the contentious political and security issues in the Asia-Pacific that share a common foundation in the post-war disposition of Japan, particularly the San Francisco Peace Treaty. These include both tangible and intangible issues, such as disputes over territories and "history" problems. Taking the San Francisco System as its conceptual grounding, the contributors examine how these issues developed and have remained contentious long after the San Francisco arrangements.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Political Philosophy October 2017: 234x156: 242pp Hb: 978-0-415-70446-5: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57866-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-76203-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Asian History, International Relations, International Politics May 2017: 234x156: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-79478-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10410-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75901-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Politics of Aid to Burma

The Technological State in Indonesia

A Humanitarian Struggle on the Thai-Burmese Border

The Co-constitution of High Technology and Authoritarian Politics

Anne Decobert, Thammasat University, Thailand Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Sulfikar Amir, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

Through an ethnographic study of a cross-border aid organisation working on the Thailand-Burma border, this book focuses on the political and ethical dilemmas of "humanitarian government". It examines the ways in which aid systems come to be defined as legitimate or illegitimate, humanitarian or "un-humanitarian", in an international context that has witnessed the multiplication of often-conflicting humanitarian systems and models. Exploring the history of humanitarianism from the local aid perspective of Burma, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of Southeast Asian Studies, Anthropology of Humanitarian Aid and Development Studies.

Using a historical sociology approach, this book illustrates the formation of the technological state in Indonesia during the New Order period (1966-1998). It explores the nexus between power, high technology, development, and authoritarianism situated in the Southeast Asian context.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Development, Politics, Anthropology June 2018: 234x156: 274pp Hb: 978-1-138-85627-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-32015-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71978-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Southeast Asian Studies, Science and Technology May 2017: 234x156: 190pp Hb: 978-0-415-67069-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11570-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08412-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Politics of Economic Restructuring in India

The Temporality of Political Obligation

Economic Governance and State Spatial Rescaling Loraine Kennedy, CNRS-EHESS, France Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series State re-scaling is the central concept mobilized in this book to interpret the political processes that are producing new economic spaces in India. In the quarter century since economic reforms were introduced, the Indian economy has experienced strong growth accompanied by extensive sectoral and spatial restructuring. This book argues that in this reformed institutional context, where both state spaces and economic geographies are being rescaled, subnational states play an increasingly critical role in coordinating socioeconomic activities. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Political Economy October 2017: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-82282-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36911-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-85886-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Justin C. Mueller, Purdue University, USA Series: Routledge Innovations in Political Theory This book offers a critique and reconceptualization of the ways in which our political obligations – what we owe to political authorities and communities, and the reasons why we ought to obey their rules – have been traditionally conceptualized, justified, and contested. Justin Mueller uses a unique and novel approach, drawing from theories of time and temporality as an analytical lens for understanding both individual theories of political obligation (such as those that appeal to consent, social contract, or fairness) and the parameters and assumptions of the literature on political obligation in general. Routledge Market: Social and Political Theory January 2018: 229 x 152: 164pp Hb: 978-1-138-91550-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48645-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69020-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The US Versus the North Korean Nuclear Threat

Vision and Strategy in Indian Politics

Mitigating the Nuclear Security Dilemma

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Policy Choices and the Designing of Political Institutions

Er-Win Tan Series: Politics in Asia A study of US-North Korean interaction using the security dilemma as a conceptual frame of analysis is thus not only hugely topical, but also particularly relevant for the 21st century on theoretical as well as empirical grounds. Is there the prospect of a security dilemma contagion if North Korea acquire nuclear weapons capability leading to an Asia Pacific wide nuclear arms race? This book examines this contentious issue in-depth and explores the difficult choices policymakers face as a result of the uncertainty in international politics. Routledge Market: Korean Politics, Asian Politics, International Relations October 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-70277-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37545-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-79533-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Jivanta Schoettli, University of Heidelberg, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies The 1950s in India were a crucial transition period where the legacy and institutions of British rule had to be transformed to fit the needs of a post-colonial state. This book analyses Indian policy-making from 1947 to 1964 under Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Politics May 2017: 234x156: 230pp Hb: 978-0-415-61522-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10248-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-80259-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Transformation of the International Order of Asia

Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia

Decolonization, the Cold War, and the Colombo Plan

Engendering discourse in Singapore and Malaysia

Edited by Shigeru Akita, Osaka University, Japan, Gerold Krozewski, University of the Free State, South Africa and Shoichi Watanabe, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia This book examines the interconnections between the transfer of power and state governance in Asia, the emergence of the Cold War in Asia, and the transfer of hegemony from the UK to the US, by focusing specifically on the historical roles of international economic aid and the autonomous response from Asian nation states in the 1950s and the 1960s. Routledge Market: Asian History, World History, Modern History April 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-02124-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08964-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77789-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Adeline Koh, Richard Stockton College, USA and Yu-Mei Balasingamchow, Independent scholar Series: Routledge Research on Gender in Asia Series This book seeks to give an overview of how gender and representation come together in various configurations in the history and contemporary culture of Singapore and Malaysia. It examines the discursive construction of gender, sexuality and representation in a variety of areas, including the politics of everyday life, education, popular culture, literature, film, theatre and photography. Chapters examine a range of tropes such as the Orientalist "Sarong Party Girl," the iconic "Singapore Girl" of Singapore Airlines, and the figure of pious Muslim femininity celebrated by Malaysian NGO IMAN, all of which play important roles in delineating limitations for gender roles. Routledge Market: Asian Studies, Gender, Politics January 2018: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-1-138-78647-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49153-3: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76726-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Violence, Torture and Memory in Sri Lanka Life after Terror Dhana Hughes, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian Studies Series Drawing on original ethnographic field-research conducted primarily with former guerrilla insurgents in southern and central Sri Lanka, this book analyses the memories and narratives of people who have perpetrated political violence. It explores how violence is negotiated and lived with in the aftermath, and its implications for the self and social relationships from the perspectives of those who have inflicted it. Providing an important understanding of the motivations, meanings, and consequences of violence, the book is of interest to students and scholars of South Asia, Political Science, Trauma Studies and War Studies. Routledge Market: South Asian Studies, Political Violence, Anthropology October 2017: 234x156: 194pp Hb: 978-0-415-53210-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57549-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-77146-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Feminism, Labour and Digital Media

The Principles of Gender-Sensitive Parliaments

The Digital Housewife Kylie Jarrett, National University of Ireland Maynooth Series: Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture This book offers an original contribution to the exploration of consumer labour in digital media. It locates Marxist Feminist interpretations of domestic work at the centre of this discussion, providing a richer framework for understanding digital media economics. The argument critiques existing theories about the exploitative and alienating effects of the commercialisation of those user activities that serve as unpaid content production and valuable audience data and applies feminist perspectives on domestic work to the interpretation of this activity. It is illustrated with varied examples of contemporary digital media practices, focussing primarily on social media sites and their uses. Routledge Market: Digital Media/Media Studies/Sociology October 2017: 229x152: 180pp Hb: 978-1-138-85579-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57566-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72011-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Lena Wängnerud, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Series: Routledge Research in Gender and Politics Using Sweden, a country where the number of women elected to parliament has steadily risen since the 1970s, as a case study, Wängnerud presents a novel approach on which characteristics help create a parliament that reflects the general population, particularly regarding women's representation. The Principles of Gender-Sensitive Parliaments adds fuel to classical debates within the field of political representation and will bring attention to a wider audience on why electing women matters. Routledge Market: Gender and Politics March 2017: 229x152: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-80265-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06663-2: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75408-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Governing in a Global World

Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe

Women in Public Service Edited by Maria J. D'Agostino, John Jay College, City University of New York, USA and Marilyn Marks Rubin, John Jay College, City University of New York, USA To what degree do women govern around the globe? Governing in a Global World captures the panorama of women governing around the world. Even though the modern era marks history's greatest advancements for women, worldwide they hold fewer than 30 percent of decision-making positions and are often missing from negotiating tables where policies are made and conflicts resolved. Taken together, the chapters in this book illustrate the worldwide importance of, and challenges to, promoting gender equality and women governing. Routledge Market: Public Administration/Gender December 2017: 229 x 152: 270pp Hb: 978-1-138-92563-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29778-4: £35.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68367-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Mieke Verloo, Radboud University, the Netherlands Series: Gender and Comparative Politics The first of its kind, this timely collection examines the potential and challenges of our current scholarship on understanding opposition to gender+ equality in Europe. Setting the agenda for future research, this book will be useful for students of gender and politics, social movements, European integration and policy studies as well as for high-level policymakers, students and feminist activists alike. It will be an inspiration to thinkers and doers and to scholars and political actors alike. Routledge Market: Gender & Politics March 2018: 229 x 152: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-64960-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-64961-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62574-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Negotiations in the Indigenous World Aboriginal Peoples and the Extractive Industry in Australia and Canada Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh, Griffith University, Australia. Series: Indigenous Peoples and Politics Our understanding of what determines the outcomes of negotiations between Indigenous peoples and commercial interests is very limited, in part because of the high level of confidentiality surrounding negotiations. This book offers the first systematic analysis of agreement outcomes and the factors that shape them, based on evaluative criteria developed especially for this study; on an analysis of 45 negotiations between Aboriginal peoples and mining companies across all of Australia’s major resource-producing regions; and on detailed case studies of four negotiations in Australia and Canada. Routledge Market: Indigenous Studies January 2018: 229x152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-85849-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37044-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71795-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Brazil and Climate Change

Environmental Policy and the Pursuit of Sustainability

Beyond the Amazon Viola Eduardo, University of Brasilia, Brazil and Matías Franchini, University of Brasilia, Brazil Climate change is increasingly a part of the human experience, rising awareness and concerns in all geographies and levels of income. Climate change is a cooperative problem that systematically gets insufficient answers from the international system. Through a thorough analysis of Brazil in perspective vis a vis other emerging countries, this book provides an engaging introduction and up to date assessment of the climate reality of Brazil and a framework to analyze the climate performance of major economies. Brazil and Climate Change is essential reading for all students of Environmental Studies, Latin American Studies, International Relations and Comparative Politics. Routledge Market: Current Affairs October 2017: 229 x 152: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-10624-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10625-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10165-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Chelsea Schelly and Aparajita Banerjee, Michigan Technological University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy This unique compilation examines environmental policy through empirical case studies, demonstrating through each particular example how environmental policies are formed, how they operate, what they do in terms of shaping behaviours and future trajectories, and how they intersect with other social dynamics such as politics, power, social norms, and social organization. By providing case studies from both the United States and Mexico, this book provides a cross-national perspective on current environmental policies and their role in creating, and limiting, sustainable human futures. Routledge Market: Environmental Policy/ Sustainability February 2018: 234x156: 212pp Hb: 978-1-138-29650-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29651-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-09999-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Climate Action in a Globalizing World

Environmental Politics and Governance in the Anthropocene

Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North Edited by Carl Cassegard, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Linda Soneryd, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Hakan Thorn, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Asa Wettergren, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Climate Action in a Globalizing World addresses the debate on political globalization, governance and social movements through an analysis of the interaction between movement mobilization and global movement strategies. More specifically, it examines the environmental movements in Denmark, Japan, Sweden and US with a particular focus on their interaction with global climate activism and global climate policy institutions in the context of the UNFCCC COP meetings.

Institutions and legitimacy in a complex world Edited by Philipp Pattberg, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands. and Fariborz Zelli, Lund University, Sweden Series: Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance Drawing together a range of key thinkers in the field, this volume provides one of the first authoritative assessments of global environmental politics and governance in the Anthropocene, reflecting on how the planetary scale crisis changes the ways in which humans respond to the challenge. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental politics and governance, and sustainable development.

Routledge Market: Current Affairs July 2017: 229 x 152: 262pp Hb: 978-1-138-66728-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66730-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61897-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Environment, Sustainability June 2017: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-1-138-90239-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-50698-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69746-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Climate Migration and Security

Freedom and Environment

Securitisation as a Strategy in Climate Change Politics

Autonomy, Human Flourishing and the Political Philosophy of Sustainability

Ingrid Boas Series: Environmental Politics Climate Migration and Security is the first book of its kind to examine the strategic usage of security arguments on climate migration as a political tool in climate change negotiations. Ingrid Boas uses original theoretical, empirical and policy-related insights to provide students, scholars, and policy makers with the necessary tools to review the effectiveness of these framing strategies for the purpose of climate change negotiations and delve into the wider implications of these strategies for the governance of climate change. Routledge Market: Environmental Politics/Climate Change/Security March 2017: 229x152: 198pp Hb: 978-1-138-81151-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06668-7: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74922-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Michael Hannis, Bath Spa University, UK Series: Environmental Politics Drawing on material from perfectionist liberalism, capabilities approaches, human rights, relational ethics and virtue theory, Michael Hannis explores the one such area of interaction, the relationship between freedom and sustainability. The aim is to achieve some measure of commensurability by considering both as constitutive of, or means to the end of, human flourishing. Freedom and the Environment is a lucid contribution to the existing literature on environmental politics and environmental ethics and will be an excellent resource to those studying debates about freedom with debates about ecological sustainability. Routledge Market: Environmental Politics/Philosophy April 2017: 229x152: 202pp Hb: 978-1-138-77727-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06620-5: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77276-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Global Ecopolitics Revisited

Reforming Law and Economy for a Sustainable Earth

Towards a complex governance of global environmental problems

Critical Thought for Turbulent Times

Philippe Le Prestre, Laval University, Canada Presenting a multi-facetted exploration of the key issues and questions in global ecopolitics, this book brings together recent advances in research on global environmental governance in order to identify new avenues of inquiry and action. Laying the foundation for rethinking at a time of great transformation in global ecopolitics, this book will be essential reading for students of environmental politics and governance. It will also be of relevance to policy makers with an interest in this crucial topic.

Routledge Market: Politics/Environmental Studies February 2017: 234x156: 164pp Hb: 978-1-138-68018-0: £125.00 Pb: 978-1-138-68020-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-56369-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Paul Anderson, University of Warwick, UK Series: Environmental Politics Reforming Law and Economy for a Sustainable Earth offers an incisive critique of the idea that global environmental problems can be solved within the framework of global capitalism. Anderson also offers an extensive account of how, by changing the basic nature of the economic system, these problems could be mitigated and solved. The originality of this text lies in its combination of rigorous analysis of the requirements for global sustainability with a decisive statement about how to fulfil those requirements. It advances a growing literature on sustainability within key disciplines, among them politics, philosophy, law, economics and social sciences, with a timely and insightful statement about the 21st century global environmental predicament. Routledge Market: Social and Political Theory/Environment April 2017: 229x152: 282pp Hb: 978-1-138-01386-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06636-6: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-78111-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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National Climate Policy

Rethinking Environmental Justice in Sustainable Cities

A Multi-field Approach Elin Lerum Boasson, Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO), Norway Series: Routledge Research in Environmental Policy and Politics Failed attempts at producing ambitious global climate commitments and instruments have made it increasingly important for nation states to deliver climate policies. This in turn requires a better understanding of national climate policymaking. National Climate Policy: A Multi-field Approach tackles this challenge.

Routledge Market: Environmental Politics and Policy April 2017: 229x152: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-78113-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05907-8: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76905-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Negotiating for Water Resources Bridging Transboundary River Basins Andrea Haefner, Griffith University, Australia Series: Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management In this book, Andrea Haefner explores the drivers of conflict and cooperation between states in transnational river basins. Drawing on extensive fieldwork and interviews on the Mekong, Danube and La Plata River Basins, the book provides a three level analysis across three case studies, including the regional framework (EU, ASEAN and Mercosur), the River Basin Organisations and the micro-level. The key question of the book is: To what extent do power asymmetries prevent or inhibit cooperation between riparian states over water resources? Haefner argues that cooperation in transboundary river basins is possible even where there are asymmetric power relations Routledge Market: International Relations/Environment July 2018: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-66632-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00025-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61944-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Insights from Agent-Based Modeling Heather E. Campbell, Claremont Graduate University, USA, Yushim Kim, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA and Adam M. Eckerd Series: Routledge Studies in Public Administration and Environmental Sustainability Campbell, Kim, and Eckerd bring an innovative perspective to environmental justice research. Their approach adjusts the narrower questions often asked in the study of environmental justice, expanding to broader investigations of how and why environmental inequities occur. Using agent-based modeling (ABM), they study the interactions and interdependencies among different agents such as firms, residents, and government institutions. Through simulation, the authors test underlying assumptions in environmental justice and discover ways to modify existing theories to better explain why environmental injustice occurs. Routledge Market: Environmental Justice/Sustainability March 2017: 229x152: 228pp Hb: 978-0-415-65744-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06669-4: £39.99 eBook: 978-0-203-07694-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Technical Controversies over Public Policy From Fluoridation to Fracking and Climate Change Allan Mazur Newspapers and TV often report controversial risk warnings over technological innovations, scientific developments, or environmental hazards that have at their core a dispute between experts who contradict one another not only on preferred policy but also on the scientific facts that underlie decisions about public policy. This book cuts through the politics and ideology of these debates and gets to the heart of the issue: evaluating the true degree of danger.

Routledge Market: Politics * Policy August 2017: 229 x 152: 190pp Hb: 978-1-138-06904-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10340-5: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10275-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Fukushima Effect A New Geopolitical Terrain Edited by Richard Hindmarsh, Griffith University, Australia and Rebecca Priestley Series: Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society Offers a range of scholarly perspectives on the international effect of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown four years out from the disaster. Grounded in the field of science, technology and society (STS) studies, a leading cast of international scholars from the Asia-Pacific, Eastern and Western Europe, and United States examine the extent and scope of the Fukushima effect and pay particular attention to national histories, debates and policy responses on nuclear power development. Routledge Market: Environmental Politics & Policy/Science, Technology & Society November 2017: 229x152: 312pp Hb: 978-1-138-83078-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37056-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73704-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Urban Climate Challenge Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime Edited by Craig Johnson, University of Guelph, Canada, Noah Toly, Wheaton College, USA. and Heike Schroeder, University of East Anglia, UK. Series: Cities and Global Governance Drawing upon a variety of empirical and theoretical perspectives, The Urban Climate Challenge provides a hands-on perspective about the political and technical challenges now facing cities and transnational urban networks in the global climate regime. Bringing together experts working in the fields of global environmental governance, urban sustainability and climate change, this volume explores the ways in which cities, transnational urban networks and global policy institutions are repositioning themselves in relation to this changing global policy environment. Routledge Market: Politics / Global Environment Governance/ Urbanization March 2017: 229x152 Hb: 978-1-138-77688-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06657-1: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77298-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Traditions and Trends in Global Environmental Politics International Relations and the Earth Edited by Olaf Corry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Hayley Stevenson, The University of Sheffield, UK Series: Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance Traditions and Trends in Global Environmental Politics takes the twentieth anniversary of the BISA working group project that led to the landmark publication by Vogler and Imber, as an opportunity to survey and further develop thinking on the environment. The result is a volume that will become an essential resource for those interested in the key international environmental problems of our day, as well as those seeking clarification and inspiration in terms of approaches and theories that help decode how the environment works in international politics. Routledge Market: Environmental Politics /International Relations July 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-63387-2: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63388-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20696-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Activism on the Web

Biopolitical Media

Everyday Struggles against Digital Capitalism

Catastrophe, Immunity and Bare Life

Veronica Barassi, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Series edited by James Curran Series: Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research With rapid changes in web technologies and the restructuring of the online political economy, one of the crucial priorities of our times is the investigation of the way in which people negotiate, criticise and resist web developments. This book draws on comparative ethnographic research amongst three very different political groups, exploring how activists imagine, understand and experience web technologies as tools of political critique. Combining key social theories (Critical Marxism, Actor-Network Theory, Material Culture Theory etc.), with ethnographic observations, the book strongly criticises political economic and techno-deterministic approaches. Routledge Market: Media Studies/Political Economy/New Media October 2017: 229x152: 180pp Hb: 978-0-415-71791-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57569-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-87099-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Allen Meek, Massey University, New Zealand This book presents an historical account of media and catastrophe that engages with theories of biopolitics. It explains how responses to catastrophe in both media and cultural criticism over the past 150 years are embedded in biological conceptions of life and death, health and illness, and human and non-human species. This book emphasizes the use of media to capture viewer attention through shock, monitor and control bodies in economies of production and consumption, enmesh social relations in information networks, and situate subjects in discourses of victimhood, immunity, survival, and resilience. Routledge Market: Media Studies/Critical Theory April 2018: 229 x 152: 166pp Hb: 978-1-138-88706-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59793-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71440-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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American Representations of Post-Communism Television, Travel Sites, and Post-Cold War Narratives Andaluna Borcila, Michigan State University, USA Series: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies With the televised events of 1989, territories of Eastern and Central Europe that had been marked as impenetrable and inaccessible to the Western gaze exploded into visibility. As the narratives of the Cold War crumbled, new narratives emerged and new geographies were produced on and by American television. Using an understudied archive of American news broadcasts, and tracing their flashes and echoes through travel guides and narratives of return written by Eastern European-Americans, this book explores American ways of seeing and mapping communism’s disintegration and the narratives articulated around post-communist sites and subjects. Routledge Market: Media Studies/American Studies/Eastern European Studies February 2018: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-74138-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54838-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-81528-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Citizen Participation and Political Communication in a Digital World Edited by Alex Frame, University of Burgundy, France and Gilles Brachotte, University of Burgundy, France This volume examines day-to-day political participation and communication in the age of digital media. Contributors explore how ordinary people, civic groups, and politicians make use of digital tools to participate in political actions, and how they make sense of these practices in the light of various frames of reference, both online and offline, and in various countries. The central argument here is that development of digital media has altered the social context of everyday political participation in Western democracies and beyond, and that the digital/online aspect of participation can best be understood in relation to pre-existing or contemporary offline practices. Routledge Market: Digital Media/Political Communication April 2018: 229 x 152: 230pp Hb: 978-1-138-93503-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59796-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67756-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Beyond the Internet

Communicating Climate Change and Energy Security

Unplugging the Protest Movement Wave

New Methods in Understanding Audiences

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Edited by Rita Figueiras, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal and Paula do Espírito Santo, University of LIsbon, Portugal Series: Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society Beyond the Internet examines the technological dimension of the recent wave of protest movements in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Ireland. Offering an opportunity to achieve a better understanding of the dynamics between society, politics and technology, this volume questions the essentialist attributes of the Internet that fuel the techno-centric discourse. The contributors illustrate how the Internet has helped empower these protest movements and link them all together, yet has not had the power to overcome the extranet inequalities and democratic deficits that each country faced on its own terms. Routledge Market: Media and Politics/Social Movements November 2017: 229x152: 158pp Hb: 978-1-138-91564-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37058-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69012-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Greg Philo and Catherine Happer, University of Glasgow, UK Series: Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research This book, drawing on new research conducted for the UK Energy Resource Centre (UKERC), examines the contemporary public debate on climate change and the linked issue of energy security. It analyses the key processes which affect the formation of public attitudes in these areas, while developing a new method for analysing these processes. The authors address fundamental questions about how to adequately inform the public and develop policy in areas of great social importance when public distrust of politicians is so widespread. The new methods of attitudinal research pioneered here combined with the attention to climate change have resonance beyond the UK and indeed carry global import. Routledge Market: Media Studies/Environmental Studies February 2018: 229 x 152: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-83509-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54856-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-0-203-38095-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Cyberactivism on the Participatory Web

Disability Rights Advocacy Online

Edited by Martha McCaughey, Appalachian State University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture Cyberactivism already has a rich history, but over the past decade the participatory web has reshaped political and social change. This volume examines the impact of these new technologies on political organizing and protest across the political spectrum, from the Arab Spring to artists to far-right groups. Linking new information and communication technologies to possibilities for solidarity and action—as well as surveillance and control—in a context of global capital flow, war, and environmental crisis, the contributors to this volume provide nuanced analyses of the dramatic transformations in media, citizenship, and social movements taking place today. Routledge Market: Media Studies/New Media/Activism April 2018: 229 x 152: 308pp Hb: 978-0-415-70903-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54840-4: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88579-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Voice, Empowerment and Global Connectivity Filippo Trevisan, American University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society Can the Internet re-configure political participation to be a more inclusive experience for users with disabilities, enhancing their stakes in democratic citizenship? This book tackles this question by charting the unexpected digitalization of disability rights advocacy in the United Kingdom and the United States. As it reviews the implications of this transformation for the structure and leadership of the disability rights movement in both countries, this book reveals the role of the Internet as a key civic resource for under-represented groups in society and the organizations that advocate on their behalf. Routledge Market: Media and Politics July 2018: 229 x 152: 250pp Hb: 978-1-138-84782-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-367-00027-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72648-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Digital Platforms, Imperialism and Political Culture

European Media in Crisis

Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser University, Canada Series edited by James Curran Series: Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research Digital platforms, such as social media sites, search engines, and smartphones, are increasingly crucial because they function as major digital media intermediaries. Emerging companies in non-Western countries have created unique platforms, but in practice only a handful of Western countries, primarily the U.S., have dominated the global platform markets, resulting in capital accumulation for a few mega platform owners. This book contributes to the platform imperialism discourse by mapping out core areas of platform imperialism, such as intellectual property, the global digital divide, and free labor, focusing on the role of the nation-state alongside transnational capital. Routledge Market: Digital Media Studies/International Media June 2017: 229x152: 194pp Hb: 978-1-138-85956-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09753-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71712-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Values, Risks and Policies Edited by Josef Trappel, University of Salzburg, Austria, Jeanette Steemers, University of Westminster, UK and Barbara Thomass, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, the media industry was affected by a major slump in advertising revenues, and a formerly highly successful business model fell into a state of decay. This economic crisis has threatened core social values of contemporary democracies, such as freedom, diversity and equality. Using a normative approach, this book discusses threats and opportunities for the media industry in Europe: What are the implications of the crisis for professional journalism, the media industry, and the process of political communication? Can non- state and non-market actors profit from the crisis? And what are media policy answers at the national and European level? Routledge Market: Media Policy/European Media June 2017: 229x152: 236pp Hb: 978-1-138-89891-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30580-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-70824-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Digital Politics and Culture in Contemporary India

Global Media, Biopolitics, and Affect

The Making of an Info-Nation

Politicizing Bodily Vulnerability

Biswarup Sen, University of Oregon, USA Series edited by Daya Thussu Series: Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies

Britta Timm Knudsen, Aarhus University, Denmark and Carsten Stage, Aarhus University, Denmark Series: Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture

It is the central argument of this book that the contemporary nation-state, especially in the global South, is far from hostile to the current informational milieu and in fact makes crucial use of it in order to develop adequate modes of governance, communication and sociality in a networked world. This book focuses on India – an emerging country that has recently witnessed a "software miracle" – to highlight the critical role informatics has historically played in the national imagination and to demonstrate how the state, private capital and civic society have drawn upon and engaged the precepts and protocols of the information age to fashion an "info-nation."

Bodily vulnerability and victimhood are increasingly important parts of contemporary media processes. Representations of vulnerability are being used to mobilize awareness and political action and circulate information about global injustices. This book offers research on when adequate action takes place. Knudsen and Stage present both a theoretical framework for understanding and evaluating the role of bodily vulnerability in media culture and a range of case studies on such topics as online war commemoration, online protest strategies and illness blogging. In so doing, they explore the relationship between global media, affect theory, and the body as a biopolitical protest tool.

Routledge Market: Media Studies/Digital Media/South Asian Studies October 2017: 229x152: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-95492-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57576-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66667-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: New Media/Biopolitics/Activism February 2018: 229 x 152: 180pp Hb: 978-1-138-01906-5: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54864-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77917-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Google and Democracy Politics and the Power of the Internet Sean Richey, Georgia State University, USA and J. Benjamin Taylor, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA Sean Richey and J. Benjamin Taylor explore for the first time the influence of Google on American politics, specifically on direct democracy. Building a theory of Google Search use for ballot measures, Google and Democracy is an original addition to the literature on the direct democracy, Internet politics, and information technology. An indispensable read to all those wishing to gain new insights on how the Internet has the power to be a normatively valuable resource for citizens.

Routledge Market: Current Affairs September 2017: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-06643-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06645-8: £33.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15915-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics Edited by Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Gunn Enli, University of Oslo, Norway, Eli Skogerbo, Anders Olof Larsson and Christian Christensen, Karlstad University, Sweden From blogs to Facebook and Twitter, social media increasingly plays an important role in political communication and campaigning, and its impact can be felt in political interactions at the local and international level, as well as in grassroots, lobbyist, and party politics. Drawing on an international line-up of research leaders in the study of social media and politics, this companion provides an up-to-date overview of the current state of the field, including examinations of the role of social media in global politics and considering a wide variety of political activities and social media applications. Routledge Market: Social Media/Politics July 2017: 246x174: 538pp Hb: 978-1-138-86076-6: £185.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30093-4: £43.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71629-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Identity and Power in Narratives of Displacement

Photography and Place

Katrina M. Powell, Virginia Tech, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication In this book, Powell examines the ways that identities are constructed in displacement narratives based on cases of eminent domain, natural disaster, and civil unrest, attending specifically to the rhetorical strategies employed as barriers and boundaries intersect with individual lives. She provides a unique method to understand how the displaced move within accepted and subversive discourses, and how representation is a crucial component of that movement. In addition, Powell shows how notions of human rights and the "public good" are often at odds with individual well-being and result in intriguing intersections between discourses of power and discourses of identity. Routledge Market: Rhetoric/Communication Studies June 2017: 229x152: 198pp Hb: 978-1-138-84694-4: £125.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30587-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72714-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Seeing and Not Seeing Germany After 1945 Donna West Brett, The University of Sydney, Australia Photography plays a unique role in how we collectively remember places and the events that have happened there. This book is a theoretical and historical analysis of German photography of place from 1945 to the present. Brett argues that the violent and dramatic changes in the topography of Germany during this period effected a new way of engaging with and seeing ‘place’ related to how major historical events and associated places of trauma, memory and history are communicated through and leave their mark in seemingly empty images. This sense of seeing and not seeing is both metaphoric and real, and describes the desire to evade the physical, psychological and visual impact of such events. Routledge Market: Visual Studies/Photography/Art and Politics April 2018: 229 x 152: 222pp Hb: 978-1-138-83252-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59790-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73599-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe

Policy and Marketing Strategies for Digital Media

Edited by Georgios Terzis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Series: Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education This book is a Pan-European study of foreign correspondents and their reporting. It includes chapters from 27 countries, and it aims to study them and the direction, flow and pattern of their coverage, as well as answer questions regarding the impact of new technologies on the quantity, frequency and speed of their coverage. Do more sophisticated communications tools yield better international news coverage of Europe? Or does the audience’s increasing apathy and the downsizing of the foreign bureaus offset these advances? And how do the media trends of convergence, commercialization, concentration, and globalization affect the way Europe and individual European countries are reported? Routledge Market: Journalism June 2017: 229x152 Hb: 978-0-415-71900-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09774-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-86296-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Yu-li Liu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan and Robert G. Picard, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture With digital media becoming ever more prevalent, it is essential to study policy and marketing strategies tailored to this new development. In this volume, contributors examine government policy for a range of media, including digital television, IPTV, mobile TV, and OTT TV. They also address marketing strategies that can harness the unique nature of digital media’s innovation, production design, and accessibility. They draw on case studies in Asia, North America, and Europe to offer best practices for both policy and marketing strategies. Routledge Market: New Media/Digital Media/Marketing June 2017: 229x152: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-74771-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30594-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-79430-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Political Communication and Leadership

Presidential Communication and Character

Mimetisation, Hugo Chavez and the Construction of Power and Identity

White House News Management from Clinton and Cable to Twitter and Trump

Elena Block, University of Queensland, Australia. Series: Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society Political communication is not only a branch of knowledge but a craft that can be acted upon or performed and to which humans can relate in everyday life. Block provides a novel understanding of the political communication style that underpinned Hugo Chávez’s successful hegemonic construction of power and identity in Venezuela, by proposing the logic of mimetisation, or a systematic sequence of communicational events to build a bond with his constituents. This phenomenon is examined via the President’s emotional use of common cultural symbols; dramatized and informalised language; savvy use of communication and media, and boost of inclusive, compensatory, and participatory practices. Routledge Market: Political Communication October 2017: 229x152: 266pp Hb: 978-1-138-90503-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37021-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69443-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Stephen J. Farnsworth This book traces the evolution of White House news management during America’s changing media environment over the past two decades. Comparing and contrasting the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump communication strategies, it demonstrates the difficulty that all presidents have in controlling their messages despite a seemingly endless array of new media outlets and the great advantages of the office, compounded by new media’s amplification of presidential character traits. Presidential power still resides in the "power to persuade," and that task remains a steep challenge; presidential character still matters, and the media presidents now employ report on the messenger as much as the message. Routledge Market: Politics / Communication March 2018: 229 x 152: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-21372-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21223-7: £30.99 eBook: 978-1-315-44704-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Politics, Media and Democracy in Australia

Presidential Framing in the 21st Century News Media

Public and Producer Perceptions of the Political Public Sphere Brian McNair, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Terry Flew, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Stephen Harrington, Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Adam Swift, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Series: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies In Australia, as in many comparable democracies, there is a perception of disillusionment with and disengagement from politics amongst voters, and criticism of the media for failing to fulfil their democratic responsibilities adequately. This book evaluates public perceptions of the performance of the political media. From there the authors suggest ways for political media to engage and inform their audiences to enhance the quality and popular legitimacy of the democratic process. These conclusions are of import not only to Australians, but to observers of mediated politics in the UK, the US and other countries where similar debates around the ‘crisis of public communication’ are on-going. Routledge Market: Media Studies/Political Communication/Journalism June 2017: 229x152: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-77942-6: £83.99 Pb: 978-1-138-30581-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77131-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Politics of the Affordable Care Act Jennifer Rose Hopper, Southern Connecticut State University, USA How can contemporary American presidents build and maintain support for themselves and their policies by spreading their preferred interpretations of issues and shaping news coverage of events, particularly as controversies arise? Through case studies of major contests over how key elements of the Affordable Care Act would be framed and analysis of how those frames fared in influential and popular U.S. news sources, Jennifer Hopper cases casts new light on the scholarly debate surrounding the president’s ability to persuasivelyst communicate and challenges conventional wisdom that the 21 century media largely present an unmanageable news environment for the White House. Routledge Market: Current Affairs January 2017: 229 x 152: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-20236-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-20237-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-47413-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Postcolonial Film

Presidents and the Media

Edited by Rebecca Weaver-Hightower and Peter Hulme This volume examines films of the later twentieth and early twenty-first centuries from postcolonial countries around the globe. In the mid twentieth century, the political reality of resistance and decolonization lead to the creation of new states, forming a backdrop to films of that period. Towards the century’s end and at the dawn of the next, film continues to form a site for interrogating colonization and decolonization, though against a backdrop that is now more neo-colonial than colonial and more culturally imperial than imperial. Contributors explore how individual films emerged from and commented on postcolonial spaces and the building and breaking down of the European empire.

Market: Film Studies February 2018: 229 x 152: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-71614-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54849-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-88006-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Stephen E. Frantzich, US Naval Academy Series: Media and Power Is Donald Trump’s "War on the Media" new news, fake news, or business as usual? Presidents have always "used" the media and felt abused by it. As new technologies have entered the media spectrum, the speed and pervasiveness of these interactions have changed dramatically. President Obama ushered in the social media presidency, while President Trump has become the tweeter-in-chief. This book shows how each of these developments affects what is communicated and how it is received by the public. Market: Politics August 2018: 229 x 152: 220pp Hb: 978-1-138-47980-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-47981-4: £30.99 eBook: 978-1-351-06474-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Refugee News, Refugee Politics

Television News and Human Rights in the US & UK

Journalism, Public Opinion and Policymaking in Europe

The Violations Will Not Be Televised

Edited by Giovanna Dell’Orto, University of Minnesota, USA and Irmgard Wetzstein, University of Vienna, Austria This volume offers students, scholars and the general reader original research and candid frontline insights to understand the intersecting influences of journalistic practices, news discourses, public opinion and policymaking on one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Focusing on current events in Greece, Germany and Austria – critical entry and destination countries – it introduces a groundbreaking dialogue between elite national and international media, academic institutions and civil society organizations, revealing the complex impacts of the news media on the thorny sociopolitical dilemmas raised by the integration of hundreds of thousands of asylum-seekers in EU countries. Routledge Market: Current Affairs September 2018: 229 x 152: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-48537-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48538-9: £35.99 eBook: 978-1-351-04963-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Shawna M. Brandle, Kingsborough Community College, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society Examining human rights content in television news in the US and UK yields insights to what television news producers and policymakers consider to be human rights, and what, if anything, audiences can learn about human rights from watching television news. After reviewing 20 years of footage and using three different types of content analyses of American television news broadcasts and two different types on British television news broadcasts, Shawna M. Brandle concludes that there is simply not enough coverage of human rights in either country to argue that television media can spur state action on human rights issues. Routledge Market: Political Communication/Human Rights November 2017: 229x152: 182pp Hb: 978-1-138-90841-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37061-1: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69446-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Reviving Gramsci

The Middle Class in Emerging Societies

Crisis, Communication, and Change

Consumers, Lifestyles and Markets

Marco Briziarelli, University of New Mexico , USA and Susana Martínez Guillem, University of New Mexico, USA

Edited by Leslie L. Marsh, Georgia State University, USA and Hongmei Li, Miami University, Ohio, USA

Engaging debates within cultural studies, media and communication studies, and critical theory, this book addresses whether Gramscian thought continues to be relevant for social and cultural analysis, in particular when examining times of crisis and social change. The book is motivated by two intertwined but distinct purposes: first, to show the link between a "Gramscian Theory of Communication" and a "Communicative Theory of Gramsci;" second, to explore the ways in which such a Gramscian perspective can help us interpret and explain different forms of political activism in the twenty-first century, such as "Occupy" in the US, "Indignados" in Spain, or "Movimento

This volume examines the discursive construction of the meanings and lifestyle practices of the middle class in the rapidly transforming economies of Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, focusing on the social, political and cultural implications at local and global levels. The book addresses three key dimensions: the discursive creation of the middle class, the construction of the cultural identity through consumption practices and lifestyle choices, and the social, political and cultural consequences related to globalization and neoliberalism.

Cinque Stelle" in Italy. Routledge Market: Cultural Stuies/Communication Theory April 2018: 229x152: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-85444-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59956-7: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72110-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Media and Cultural Studies/Economics/Social Class January 2018: 229x152: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-85882-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-38645-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71769-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Spanish-Language Television in the United States

The Other in Contemporary Migrant Cinema

Fifty Years of Development

Imagining a New Europe?

Kenton T. Wilkinson, Texas Tech University, USA

Guido Rings, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Since its introduction to the United States in the early 1960s, Spanish-language television has grown in step with the Hispanic population and its political and economic influence. This book traces U.S. Spanish-language television’s development from its origins through present day, focusing on how business, politics, regulation, demographic change and technological transformation have interwoven during four phases of industry development. Wilkinson shows that while starting as an isolated ethnic broadcasting enclave, Spanish-language television has gravitated towards the U.S. electronic media norm, and has fostered innovation as well as secured top audience ratings.

Contemporary political and media discourses observe and frequently also support the development of nationalist, eurosceptic and xenophobic reactions to European migrants. European cinema has developed and disseminated new transcultural and postcolonial alternatives that might help to improve integration and community cohesion in Europe, and this book investigates these alternatives in order to identify examples of good practices that can enhance European stability. The films examined share a fundamental interest in the Other, with particular consideration given to British, French, German, and Spanish productions, with a comparison of migration in Chicano cinema.

Routledge Market: Media Industries/Hispanic Media/Television January 2018: 229x152: 314pp Hb: 978-1-138-02430-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-38644-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77582-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Film Studies/European Studies April 2018: 229x152: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-95163-1: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59955-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66808-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Presidency and Social Media Discourse, Disruption, and Digital Democracy in the 2016 Presidential Election Edited by Dan Schill, James Madison University, USA and John Allen Hendricks, Stephen F. Austin State University, USA The media have long played an important role in the modern political process and the 2016 presidential campaign was no different. From Trump’s tweets and cable-show-call-ins to Sander’s social media machine to Clinton’s "Trump Yourself" app and podcast, journalism, social and digital media, and entertainment media were front-and-center in 2016. Clearly, political media played a dominant and disruptive role in our democratic process. The Presidency and Social Media includes top scholars from leading research institutions using various research methodologies to generate new understandings—both theoretical and practical—for students, researchers, journalists, and practitioners. Routledge Market: Current Affairs October 2017: 229 x 152: 356pp Hb: 978-1-138-08153-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08154-3: £40.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11282-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Vernacular Christian Rhetoric and Civil Discourse The Religious Creativity of Evangelical Student Writers Jeffrey M. Ringer, University of Tennessee, USA This book reveals that the evangelical Christian faith of contemporary college students—and the rhetorical practice motivated by it—is marked by an openness to social context and pluralism that offers possibilities for civil discourse. Based on case studies of evangelical Christian student writers, contextualized within trends as reported by the National Study of Youth and Religion, and grounded in scholarship from rhetorical theory, composition studies, folklore studies, and sociology of religion, this book offers rhetorical educators a new terministic screen that reveals the complex processes at work within our students’ vernacular constructions of religious faith. Routledge Market: Rhetoric/Composition Studies January 2018: 229x152: 202pp Hb: 978-1-138-95168-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-38656-8: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66710-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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A Phenomenology of Institutions

Among Wolves

Relationality and Governance in China and Beyond

Ethnography and the Immersive Study of Power

Raul Lejano, New York University, USA, Jia Guo, Beijing Normal University, China, Hongping Lian, Beijing Normal University, China and Bo Yin, Beijing Normal University, China A Phenomenology of Institutions begins with the problem of describing emergent institutional phenomena using conventional typologies. Constructing a new descriptive framework for rendering new, hybrid, and flexible institutional designs, Raul Lejano, Jia Guo, Hongping Lian, and Bo Yin propose new descriptors, involving concepts of autopoeisis, textuality, and relationality, that might better describe new and emergent models for governance. The authors illustrate the utility of this framework with a number of case studies, each dealing with a different aspect of Chinese legal and civic institutions and comparing these with 'Western' models. Routledge Market: Political Theory August 2018: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-66735-8: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66736-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61893-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Timothy Pachirat, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA Series: Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods Presented as a play that unfolds in seven acts, Among Wolves provides readers with both a practical guide for how to conduct immersive participant-observation research and a sophisticated theoretical engagement with the relationship between ethnography as a research method and the operation of power. By interpolating "how-to" aspects of ethnographic research with deeper questions about ethnography’s relationship to power, this book presents a compelling introduction for those new to ethnography and rich theoretical insights for more seasoned ethnographic practitioners from across the social sciences. Routledge Market: Qualitative Methods November 2017: 229 x 152: 174pp Hb: 978-0-415-52897-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52898-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-70110-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Accessible Public Transportation

Anticipatory Policymaking

Designing Service for Riders with Disabilities

When Government Acts to Prevent Problems and Why It Is So Difficult

Edited by Aaron Steinfeld, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jordana L. Maisel, University at Buffalo, New York, USA and Edward Steinfeld, University at Buffalo, New York, USA The United States is home to more than 54 million people with disabilities. This book looks at public transit and transportation systems with a focus on new and emerging needs for individuals with disabilities, including the elderly. The book covers federal law and public policy as well as the various technologies and programs that transportation agencies are exploring or putting into place to accommodate this population in their facilities, vehicles and communities. Routledge Market: Public Administration & Public Policy September 2017: 254 x 178: 142pp Hb: 978-1-482-23410-7: £74.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11832-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Rob A. DeLeo Series: Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy Whereas traditional policy concerns manifest themselves through ongoing harms and ills, "anticipatory problems" are projected to occur sometime in the future, and it is the prospect of their catastrophic impact that generates intense speculation and concern in the present. This book provides an in depth examination of the complex process through which United States government institutions anticipate emerging threats. Using contemporary debates over the risks associated with nanotechnology, pandemic influenza, and global warming as case study material, Rob A. DeLeo highlights the distinctive features of proactive governance. Routledge Market: Public Policy/Policy Analysis June 2017: 229x152: 246pp Hb: 978-1-138-81342-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30747-6: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74816-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Advancing Collaboration Theory

Cities and Disasters Edited by Davia Cox Downey

Models, Typologies, and Evidence Edited by John C. Morris, Old Dominion University, USA and Katrina Miller-Stevens, Colorado College, USA Series: Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy The term collaboration is widely used but not clearly understood or operationalized. However, collaboration is playing an increasingly important role between and across public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors. As collaboration scholarship rapidly emerges, it diverges into several directions, resulting in confusion about what collaboration is and what it can be used to accomplish. Advancing Collaboration Theory provides insight into existing ideas and theories of collaboration, advancing a revised theoretical model and accompanying typologies that further our understanding of collaborative processes within the public sector. Routledge Market: Public Administration/Public Policy October 2017: 229x152: 294pp Hb: 978-1-138-81149-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37036-9: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74924-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Cities and Disasters presents interdisciplinary and multinational perspectives on emergency management policy, economic development, and the various factors that affect the recovery process after natural disasters strike urban areas. The book has three central themes: policy, urbanity, and the interplay of events after disasters that affect the process of a community's return to normalcy. It covers differing approaches to emergency management policy at local, state, and federal levels, as well as economic development and redevelopment issues in urban areas. It also analyzes the issues of race and ethnicity involved in urban disaster response and recovery plans. Routledge Market: Homeland Security June 2017: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-42263-6: £145.00 Pb: 978-1-482-24740-4: £37.99 eBook: 978-1-482-24741-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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2nd Edition

Communicating Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Management

Practical Strategies for the Public and Private Sectors

The American Experience 1900-2010

Damon P. Coppola, Bullock & Haddow, LLC, USA and Erin K. Maloney, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA This fully revised edition of Communicating Emergency Preparedness: Practical Strategies for the Public and Private Sectors includes timely case studies, events, and references to articles and opinions about the direction of emergency preparedness communication. The authors draw upon their professional endeavors to inject a new sense of practicality to the text. New images displaying emergency preparedness campaigns are used to further illustrate the materials being presented. For instructors and practitioners alike, this book continues to provide the how-to instruction that is often required, and will only improve upon the success of the first edition in doing so. Routledge Market: Emergency Management June 2017: 235 x 156: 258pp Hb: 978-1-138-72106-7: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-498-76236-6: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-315-19471-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Edited by Claire B. Rubin Following in the footsteps of its popular predecessor, the second edition of Emergency Management: The American Experience 1900-2010 provides the background needed to understand the key political and policy underpinnings of emergency management, exploring how major "focusing events" have shaped the development of emergency management. It builds on the original theoretical framework and chronological approach, but improves on the first edition by adding fresh information on older events such as Hurricane Katrina as well as a new chapter covering the BP oil spill in 2010 and the unprecedented characteristics of the disaster response to it. The final chapter offers an insightful discussion of the public administration concepts that constitute the larger context for consideration of emergency management in the United States for more than a century. Routledge Market: Homeland Security June 2017: 229x152 Hb: 978-1-138-42265-0: £145.00 Hb: 978-1-466-51753-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-466-51754-7 eBook: 978-1-466-55907-3 eBook: 978-1-466-55908-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Crisis Communication

Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants

Kjell Brataas, Brataas Crisis Communication, Norway

Paul Elkmann, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Arlington, Texas, USA

Crisis Communication is an in-depth examination of recent tragedies and natural disasters that have occurred around the globe. With a focus on critical communication elements and lessons learned, Brataas offers valuable advice—based on personal experience with natural disasters, accidents, and terror attacks—on some of the most effective ways to prepare for and deal with a crisis. Topics range from interview situations and social media to victim support and active shooter events. This book will be invaluable to those working in public relations and communications, as well as to those working with human resources and general management.

Provides a history of emergency planning with respect to nuclear power plant accidents from the 1950’s to the 2000’s. Gives an overview of essential concepts that a working emergency planner should know. Includes a brief overview of the health physics and plant engineering applicable to emergency planning. Each chapter covers topics unique to radiological planning that make it distinct from natural disaster planning. The book is not intended as a guide to meeting regulatory requirements but provides some understanding of what the requirements are, along with the options that are available, common industry practices, and best practices.

Case Studies and Lessons Learned from International Disasters

Routledge Market: Homeland Security February 2018: 235 x 156: 196pp Hb: 978-1-498-75134-6: £52.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75135-3 eBook: 978-1-315-36824-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Homeland Security January 2017: 254 x 178: 362pp Hb: 978-1-498-75457-6: £66.99 eBook: 978-1-315-39914-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Critical Infrastructures Resilience

European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century

Policy and Engineering Principles

Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future

Auroop Ratan Ganguly, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Udit Bhatia, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and Stephen E. Flynn, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA This text offers comprehensive and principled, yet practical, guidelines to critical infrastructures resilience. Extreme events and stresses, including those that may be unprecedented but are no-longer surprising, have disproportionate effects on critical infrastructures, and hence on communities, cities, and megaregions. The book identifies solutions that are scientifically credible, data driven, and sound in engineering principles while concurrently informed by and supportive of social and policy imperatives. Critical Infrastructures Resilience will be of interest to students of engineering and policy. Routledge Market: Disasters & Disaster Relief March 2018: 235 x 156: 132pp Hb: 978-1-498-75863-5: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75864-2 eBook: 978-1-315-15304-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Seamus Simpson, University of Salford, UK, Manuel Puppis, University of Fribourg, Switzerland and Hilde van den Bulck, University of Antwerp, Belgium This collection discusses the main conceptual and practical issues which have framed the academic analysis of communication and media policies in Europe over the course of at least the last decade, exploring the key issues that can set the agenda for the short to medium term in communication and media policy in Europe. The chapters engage with questions such as: Have new/enriched theoretical and conceptual understandings emerged to explain recent and current phenomena in European media policy? What has their key contribution been and to what extent are they robust and flexible enough to help us understand other areas of communications policy now and into the future? Routledge Market: Media Policy/Communication Studies April 2018: 229 x 152: 278pp Hb: 978-1-138-85650-9: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-59806-5: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71959-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC POLICY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Interpreting Governance, High Politics, and Public Policy

The New and Changing Transatlanticism

Essays commemorating Interpreting British Governance Edited by Nick Turnbull, The University of Manchester, UK. Series: Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy Interpreting Governance, High Politics, and Public Policy offers the latest perspectives on the interpretivist approach to governance and public policy. Commemorating more than a decade of research on governance by Mark Bevir and R.A.W. Rhodes, this book is not a review of the past but a guide to how insights from the interpretive perspective can be used to advance the study of governance by researchers outside the interpretivist fold.

Routledge Market: Governance and Public policy March 2018: 229x152: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-77728-6: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-54349-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-77275-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Politics and Policy Perspectives Edited by Laurie Buonanno, State University of New York, Buffalo State, USA, Natalia Cuglesan, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania and Keith Henderson, Buffalo State College, SUNY, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy The European Union and the United States are currently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), with potentially enormous economic gains for both partners. Experts from the European Union and the United States explore not only the groundwork laid for TTIP under the "New Transatlanticism," but also the key variables– economic, cultural, institutional, and political –shaping transatlantic policy outcomes. This insightful account into policy cooperation between the EU and the US is a welcomed resource for policy specialists oriented toward comparative public policy wishing to enter the arena of Transatlantic Studies. Routledge Market: Public Administration and Public Policy/Transatlantic Studies March 2017: 229x152: 340pp Hb: 978-0-415-53909-8: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-06665-6: £39.99 eBook: 978-0-203-10857-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Interviewing in Social Science Research

The Professionalization of Public Participation

A Relational Approach Lee Ann Fujii, University of Toronto, Canada Series: Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods This short, highly readable book explores an interpretive approach to interviewing for purposes of social science research, examining interviewing as a relational enterprise. As a relational undertaking, interviewing is more akin to a dialogue than an interrogation. Fujii examines the methodological foundations for a relational approach to interviewing, while at the same time covering many of the practical nuts and bolts. This book will be of great value to graduate students and researchers from across the social sciences who are considering or planning to use interviews in their research, and can be easily used by academics for teaching courses or workshops in social science methods. Routledge Market: Politics / Research Methods July 2017: 229 x 152: 114pp Hb: 978-0-415-84372-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-84374-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-75606-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Laurence Bherer, University of Montreal, Canada., Mario Gauthier, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada. and Louis Simard, University of Ottawa, Canada. Public participation professionals are part of a new wave of political professions created in the last twenty years. They play an important role in the implementation of public participation and have as such become key actors in political mobilization and influence. We however know very little about how these actors operate on the ground. For the first time, leading and emerging scholars from North America and Europe have been assembled in one volume to present a clearer profile of these actors to better understand their role in the dissemination of public participation practices, and to identify the main issues involved in professionalization trends. Routledge Market: Public Policy/Political Participation March 2017: 229 x 152: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-63811-2: £130.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63812-9: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-63798-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Technical Controversies over Public Policy

Understanding Trust in Government

From Fluoridation to Fracking and Climate Change Allan Mazur Newspapers and TV often report controversial risk warnings over technological innovations, scientific developments, or environmental hazards that have at their core a dispute between experts who contradict one another not only on preferred policy but also on the scientific facts that underlie decisions about public policy. This book cuts through the politics and ideology of these debates and gets to the heart of the issue: evaluating the true degree of danger.

Routledge Market: Politics * Policy August 2017: 229 x 152: 190pp Hb: 978-1-138-06904-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10340-5: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10275-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Scott E. Robinson, University of Oklahoma, USA, James W. Stoutenborough, Idaho State University, USA and Arnold Vedlitz, Texas A&M University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Public Administration and Environmental Sustainability Growing disenfranchisement with political institutions and policy processes has generated interest in trust in government. In this book, Robinson, Stoutenborough and Vedlitz argue that individual agencies develop specific reputations that may contrast with the more general attitudes towards government as a whole. Grounded in a detailed treatment in the nature of trust as a relationship between two specific actors and taking the Environmental Protection Agency as their subject, the authors illustrate that the agency’s reputation is explained through general demographic and ideological factors – as well as policy domain specific factors like environmentalism. Market: Public Administration & Public Policy May 2017: 229 x 152: 182pp Hb: 978-1-138-69823-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-69824-6: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-51953-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Video Game Policy Production, Distribution, and Consumption Edited by Steven Conway, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia and Jennifer deWinter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Series: Routledge Advances in Game Studies This book analyzes the effect of policy on the digital game complex: governments, industries, corporations, distributors, players, and the like. Contributors argue that digital games are not created nor consumed outside of the complex power relationships that dictate the full production and distribution cycles, and that we need to consider those relationships in order to effectively "read" and analyze video games. They show how policy, that is to say the rules governing the production, distribution and consumption of digital games, has a tangible effect upon our understanding of the digital game medium. Routledge Market: Video Games/Media Policy December 2017: 229x152: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-81242-0: ÂŁ115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-39637-6: ÂŁ36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74882-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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RESEARCH METHODS Dummy text to keep placeholder

Interviewing in Social Science Research A Relational Approach Lee Ann Fujii, University of Toronto, Canada Series: Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods This short, highly readable book explores an interpretive approach to interviewing for purposes of social science research, examining interviewing as a relational enterprise. As a relational undertaking, interviewing is more akin to a dialogue than an interrogation. Fujii examines the methodological foundations for a relational approach to interviewing, while at the same time covering many of the practical nuts and bolts. This book will be of great value to graduate students and researchers from across the social sciences who are considering or planning to use interviews in their research, and can be easily used by academics for teaching courses or workshops in social science methods. Routledge Market: Politics / Research Methods July 2017: 229 x 152: 114pp Hb: 978-0-415-84372-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-84374-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-75606-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Among Wolves Ethnography and the Immersive Study of Power Timothy Pachirat, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA Series: Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods Presented as a play that unfolds in seven acts, Among Wolves provides readers with both a practical guide for how to conduct immersive participant-observation research and a sophisticated theoretical engagement with the relationship between ethnography as a research method and the operation of power. By interpolating "how-to" aspects of ethnographic research with deeper questions about ethnography’s relationship to power, this book presents a compelling introduction for those new to ethnography and rich theoretical insights for more seasoned ethnographic practitioners from across the social sciences. Routledge Market: Qualitative Methods November 2017: 229 x 152: 174pp Hb: 978-0-415-52897-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52898-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-70110-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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SECURITY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Apocalypse, Revolution and Terrorism

Gender and Civilian Victimization in War

From the Sicari to the American Revolt against the Modern World

Kill the Women First

Jeffrey Kaplan Series: Political Violence This book focuses on religiously driven oppositional violence through the ages. Beginning with the First Century Sicari, it examines the commonalities that link apocalypticism, revolution and terrorism occurring in Judaism, Christianity and Islam past and present.


Laura Sjoberg, University of Florida, USA and Jessica Peet, University of Southern California, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Gender and Security This book accounts for civilian victimization in armed conflict as a product of the gendered narratives that legitimate and sustain the practices of war-making and war-fighting. Routledge Market: Gender Studies / Security Studies / International Relations November 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-29083-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29084-6: £28.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Terrorism and Political Violence / Religion Studies / Politics October 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-48363-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-48365-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-05438-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Countering Online Propaganda and Extremism

Just American Wars

The Dark Side of Digital Diplomacy

Ethical Dilemmas in U.S. Military History

Edited by Corneliu Bjola, University of Oxford, UK and James Pamment, Lund University, Sweden Series: Routledge New Diplomacy Studies This volume brings together some of the world’s leading experts on Countering Violent Extremism and Counter Propaganda, and highlights some of the major problems facing democratic institutions, while providing concrete examples of best practice in reversing the tide of digital propaganda.

Eric Patterson, Regent University, VA, USA Series: War, Conflict and Ethics This book examines the moral choices faced by US political and military leaders in deciding when and how to employ force, from the American Revolution to the present-day. Routledge Market: War and Ethics / Military Studies / American History October 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-31398-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-31401-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-429-45730-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Dummy text to keep placeholder Routledge Market: Diplomacy Studies / Security Studies / Media and Communication Studies October 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-57862-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57863-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-26408-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Just War Thinkers From Cicero to the 21st Century

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Ethics and Military Strategy in the 21st Century Beyond Clausewitz George R. Lucas, Jr., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA Series: War, Conflict and Ethics This book argues that ethics play a central role in strategy in modern armed conflict. Routledge Market: Strategic Studies / Ethics / War Studies January 2019: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-73107-3: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-73109-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18912-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Edited by Daniel R. Brunstetter, University of California, Irvine, USA and Cian O’Driscoll, University of Glasgow, UK Series: War, Conflict and Ethics This edited volume offers a set of concise and accessible introductions to the seminal figures in the historical development of the just war tradition. It aims to establish the significance of the historical just war tradition for international relations and each chapter is dedicated to a different thinker and is written by an established expert. This book will be of much interest to students of just war theory, ethics and war, philosophy, security studies and IR. Routledge Market: Ethics / War and Conflict Studies / International Relations August 2017: 234x156: 282pp Hb: 978-1-138-12247-5: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-12248-2: £28.99 eBook: 978-1-315-65047-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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SECURITY Dummy text to keep placeholder

Strategy Before Clausewitz Linking Warfare and Statecraft, 1400-1830 Beatrice Heuser, University of Reading, UK Series: Cass Military Studies This collection of essays by Prof. Heuser combines historical research with cutting-edge analysis and makes a significant contribution to the study of the history of strategic thinking.

Routledge Market: Strategic Studies / Military History August 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-29090-7: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29091-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26583-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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US Grand Strategy in the 21st Century The Case For Restraint Edited by A. Trevor Thrall, CATO Institute, Washington,DC, USA and Benjamin H. Friedman Series: Routledge Global Security Studies This book challenges the dominant strategic culture in America and makes the case for restraint in US grand strategy in the 21st century.

Routledge Market: Strategic Studies / US Foreign Policy / Security Studies February 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-08453-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08454-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11177-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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US National Security Reform Reassessing the National Security Act of 1947 Edited by Heidi B. Demarest, US Military Academy West Point, NY, USA and Erica D. Borghard, US Military Academy West Point, NY, USA Series: Routledge Global Security Studies This collection of essays considers the evolution of American institutions and processes for forming and implementing national security policy, and offers diverse policy prescriptions for reform to confront an evolving and uncertain security environment.

Routledge Market: US National Security / Foreign Policy / Cold War Studies July 2018: 234x156: 226pp Hb: 978-0-815-39846-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-39958-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-17156-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PEACE & CONFLICT Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Contemporary Peace Processes

Resolving International Conflict

A comparative study

Dynamics of Escalation and Continuation

Edited by Roger Mac Ginty, University of Manchester, UK and Alpaslan Ozerdem, Coventry University Series: Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution

Edited by Ole Waever, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Isabel Bramsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Poul Poder, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Series: Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution

This book is a state-of-the-art exmaination of contemporary peace processes and negotiated outcomes to civil wars, using a comparative analysis of international case studies.

This book rethinks violent conflict processes in depth through various crucial parameters, such as the role of emotions, external actors, new social media, thereby highlighting the multiplicity of triggers for escalation and drivers of protraction, while also offering innovative perspectives on conflict resolution.

Routledge Market: Peace Studies / Conflict Resolution / International Relations November 2018: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-1-138-21896-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21897-0: £30.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Peace Studies / Conflict Resolution / International Relations November 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-10485-3: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10486-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10200-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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People, Aid and Institutions in Socio-economic Recovery

Resolving Structural Conflicts

Facing Fragilities Edited by Dorothea Hilhorst, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, Bart Weijs, Wageningen University, The Netherlands and Gemma van der Haar, Wageningen University, The Netherlands Series: Routledge Humanitarian Studies This book enhances our understanding of socioeconomic recovery. It develops a social perspective on socio-economic recovery in crisis-affected or fragile settings. It views socio-economic processes as embedded in people's strategies to rebuild their lives and livelihoods, institutional change and aid interventions. Using field-based research to capture complex unfolding realities on the ground, it looks at how people and communities seek order and security in emerging or changing institutions, from the community level up to the engagement of actors in the formation and reshaping of state institutions. Routledge Market: Conflict / Development / Humanitarian Aid February 2017: 234x156: 242pp Hb: 978-1-138-91450-6: £98.99 Pb: 978-1-138-91451-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69075-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:


How Violent Systems Can Be Transformed Richard E. Rubenstein, George Mason University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution This book analyses structural or system-generated conflicts and poses the fundamental question: 'If there are systems generating this conflict, how can they be changed?' Showing how systems established to maintain a peaceful social order sometimes end by generating serious violence, the author discusses how to envision and implement new methods of transforming violence-prone systems.

Routledge Market: Peace Studies / Conflict Resolution / International Relations January 2017: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-95632-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-95633-9: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66576-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Protecting Human Rights in the 21st Century Edited by Aidan Hehir, University of Westminster, UK and Robert W. Murray, Dentons Canada LLP Series: Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding This book provides a comprehensive overview of the trajectory of international human-rights protection in the 21st century.

Social Movements and Civil War When Protests for Democratization Fail Donatella della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, Teije Hidde Donker, Bergen University, Norway, Bogumila Hall, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, Emin Poljarevic, University of Qatar and Daniel P. Ritter, Stockholm University, Sweden Series: Routledge Studies in Civil Wars and Intra-State Conflict This volume develops a theoretical explanation of the conditions under which and the mechanisms through which social movements’ struggles for democracy ends up in civil war.

Routledge Market: Humanitarian Intervention/ Responsibility to Protect/ Human Rights April 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-21892-5: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-21893-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-43669-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Civil Wars / Political Violence / International Relations July 2017: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-1-138-22417-9: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22418-6: £28.99 eBook: 978-1-315-40310-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PEACE & CONFLICT Dummy text to keep placeholder

States and Peoples in Conflict Transformations of Conflict Studies Edited by Michael Stohl, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA, Mark I. Lichbach and Peter Nils Grabosky This volume evaluates the state of the art in conflict studies. Original chapters by leading scholars survey theoretical and empirical research on the origins, processes, patterns, and consequences of political conflict, protest, repression, and rebellion. Contributors examine key pillars of conflict studies, including civil war, religious conflict, ethnic conflict, transnational conflict, terrorism, revolution, genocide, climate change, and the role of the state in the changing context of conflict from the local to the global. Routledge Market: Politics April 2017: 229 x 152: 302pp Hb: 978-1-138-65372-6: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65373-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62363-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Understanding Quality Peace Peacebuilding after Civil War Edited by Madhav Joshi, University of Notre Dame, USA and Peter Wallensteen, Uppsala University, Sweden Series: Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management This book aims to contribute to debates about the concept of ‘quality peace’, and provides an analytical framework to show how this concept can be used to evaluate post-conflict peacebuilding through a number of case studies.

Routledge Market: Peace Studies / International Relations / Security Studies February 2018: 234x156: 292pp Hb: 978-1-138-30767-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30768-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14247-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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INDEX BY TITLE (S)electing the President .................................................... 3 (S)electing the President .................................................... 3

A Accessible Public Transportation ................................ 45 Activism on the Web ......................................................... 38 Advancing Collaboration Theory ............................... 45 Africa Under Neoliberalism ............................................ 10 American Representations of Post-Communism ............................................................. 38 Among Wolves .................................................................... 50 Among Wolves .................................................................... 50 Anarchism ............................................................................. 10 Anti-Americanism and the Limits of Public Diplomacy ............................................................................... 6 Anticipatory Policymaking ............................................ 45 Apocalypse, Revolution and Terrorism ..................... 51 Arendt, Agamben and the Issue of Hyper-Legality ..................................................................... 10 Asia Struggles with Democracy ................................... 10

B Bangladesh Cinema and National Identity ............ 10 Bengal Diaspora, The ....................................................... 31 Beyond the Internet ........................................................... 38 Biopolitical Media .............................................................. 38 Brazil and Climate Change ............................................ 35 Building a People-Oriented Security Community the ASEAN way ........................................................................... 10 Bush II, Obama, and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony in the Western Hemisphere ................................................... 6

C Campaigning for President 2016 ................................... 2 China Steps Out .................................................................. 11 China-Malaysia Relations and Foreign Policy ....................................................................................... 11 China–India Relations ..................................................... 11 China’s International Roles .............................................. 6 China’s Rise and Regional Integration in East Asia ........................................................................................... 11 Choosing China's Leaders .............................................. 11 Cities and Disasters ........................................................... 45 Citizen Participation and Political Communication in a Digital World ............................................................... 38 Civil Society and Democratization in India ............ 11 Civil Society in the Philippines ...................................... 12 Claus Offe and the Critical Theory of the Capitalist State ......................................................................................... 12 Climate Action in a Globalizing World ..................... 35 Climate Migration and Security .................................. 35 Communicating Climate Change and Energy Security ................................................................................... 38 Communicating Emergency Preparedness ............ 46 Communication, Public Opinion, and Globalization in Urban China .................................................................... 12 Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations ................................................................................ 12 Conflict and Peace in Eurasia ....................................... 12 Contemporary Just War .................................................... 6 Contemporary Peace Processes ................................... 53 Corporate Social Responsibility and Development in Pakistan .................................................................................. 12 Corruption and Law in Indonesia ............................... 13 Countering Online Propaganda and Extremism ............................................................................. 51 Crisis Communication ..................................................... 46 Critical Infrastructures Resilience ................................ 46 Culture, Religion and Conflict in Muslim Southeast Asia ........................................................................................... 13

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Cyberactivism on the Participatory Web ................. 39

D Decentralization, Local Governance, and Social Wellbeing in India .............................................................. 13 Decision-Making Reform in Japan ............................. 13 Demise and Rebirth of American Third Parties, The .............................................................................................. 4 Democracy and Justice ................................................... 13 Democracy and Transparency in the Indian State ......................................................................................... 13 Democracy, Corruption and the Politics of Spirits in Contemporary Indonesia ............................................... 14 Democratization in China, Korea and Southeast Asia? ......................................................................................... 14 Desire for Mutual Recognition, The ............................ 31 Development Trap, The ...................................................... 8 Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan .................................................................................. 14 Development–induced Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement in India .............................................. 14 Digital Platforms, Imperialism and Political Culture .................................................................................... 39 Digital Politics and Culture in Contemporary India ......................................................................................... 39 Disability Rights Advocacy Online .............................. 39 Disaster Relief in the Asia Pacific ................................. 14 Displacement and Resettlement in India ................ 14 Dynamics of Change in East Asia ............................... 15

E E-Governance in India ..................................................... Emergency Management .............................................. Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants ....................................................................................... Enterprise Culture in Neoliberal India ........................ Environmental Governance in Taiwan .................... Environmental Policy and the Pursuit of Sustainability ....................................................................... Environmental Politics and Governance in the Anthropocene ..................................................................... Equality Renewed .............................................................. Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies, The ............................................................................................ Ethics and Military Strategy in the 21st Century ................................................................................... Ethnic Subnationalist Insurgencies in South Asia ........................................................................................... European Media in Crisis ................................................ European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century ...................................................................................

15 46 46 15 15 35 35 15 31 51 15 39 46

F Fascism Old and New ...................................................... 16 Feeling, Thinking Citizen, The .......................................... 4 Feminism, Labour and Digital Media ....................... 34 Forecasting China's Future ............................................ 16 Freedom and Environment ........................................... 35 From Conflict to Autonomy in the Caucasus ............................................................................... 16 Fukushima Effect, The ...................................................... 37

G Gender and Civilian Victimization in War ............... 51 Global City 2.0, The .............................................................. 8 Global Ecopolitics Revisited ........................................... 36 Global Media, Biopolitics, and Affect ......................... 39 Globalisation and Governance in India ................... 16 Google and Democracy .................................................. 40


Governing in a Global World ........................................ 34 Governing the Military ........................................................ 2



Leader Symbols and Personality Cult in North Korea ....................................................................................... 21 Leadership and Authority in Central Asia ................ 21 Leadership in the U.S. Senate .......................................... 3 Left Radicalism in India ................................................... 22 Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays ...................... 22 Legal Pluralism in Indonesia ......................................... 22 Liberty, Toleration and Equality ................................... 22 Local Governance in Timor-Leste ............................... 22 Local Governance Innovation in China ................... 22 Local Politics in Indonesia .............................................. 23

Hong Kong’s Governance Under Chinese Sovereignty ........................................................................... Human and International Security in India ........... Human Trafficking in Asia ............................................. Human Trafficking in Cambodia ................................

16 16 17 17

I Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Central Asia ........................................................................................... 17 Identity and Politics in Central Asia and the Caucasus ............................................................................... 17 Identity and Power in Narratives of Displacement ...................................................................... 40 Identity and the State in Malaysia .............................. 17 In Defense of the United States Constitution ............ 2 India's Human Security ................................................... 18 India-China Relations ...................................................... 17 Indian Capitalism in Development ............................ 18 Indian Foreign Policy in Transition ............................. 18 Indian Muslims and Citizenship .................................. 18 Informal Labour in Urban India .................................. 18 International Humanitarian NGOs and State Relations ................................................................................... 6 International Migration and Development in South Asia ........................................................................................... 18 International Migration and International Security ...................................................................................... 6 International Mobility, Global Capitalism, and Changing Structures of Accumulation ..................... 19 International Regimes in China ................................... 19 Interpreting Congressional Elections ........................... 2 Interpreting Governance, High Politics, and Public Policy ....................................................................................... 47 Interviewing in Social Science Research ................... 50 Interviewing in Social Science Research ................... 50 Irregular Migration and Human Security in East Asia ........................................................................................... 19 Islam and Nationalism in India ................................... 19 Islam, Politics and Youth in Malaysia ....................... 19 Islam, Sufism and Everyday Politics of Belonging in South Asia ............................................................................. 19

J Japan's Border Issues ........................................................ 20 Japan's Foreign Aid to Africa ........................................ 20 Japan's International Fisheries Policy ....................... 20 Japan's Relations with North Korea and the Recalibration of Risk ......................................................... 21 Japan's Security Identity .................................................. 21 Japan, Russia and their Territorial Dispute ............. 20 Japan–China Relations in the Modern Era ............. 20 Japan’s Environmental Politics and Governance .......................................................................... 20 Judicial Review and Contemporary Democratic Theory ........................................................................................ 2 Just American Wars .......................................................... 51 Just War Thinkers ............................................................... 51 Jürgen Habermas and the European Economic Crisis ......................................................................................... 21



M Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe ..................................................................................... 40 Middle Class in Emerging Societies, The ................... 43 Migration and Identity in Central Asia ..................... 23 Mobilizing Religion and Gender in India ................. 23 Multipolar Globalization ................................................... 7

N Nation, Constitutionalism and Buddhism in Sri Lanka ....................................................................................... 23 Nation, Territory, and Globalization in Pakistan .................................................................................. 23 Nation-state and Minority Rights in India ............... 24 National Climate Policy .................................................. 36 National Identities in Soviet Historiography ........... 23 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Nepal .............. 24 Negotiating for Water Resources ................................ 36 Negotiations in the Indigenous World ...................... 34 Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan ................................................................................. 24 New and Changing Transatlanticism, The ............. 47 New Dimensions of Politics in India ........................... 24 New Media and the Nation in Malaysia .................. 24 New Modern Chinese Women and Gender Politics ..................................................................................... 24 Non-discrimination and Equality in India .............. 25

O Other in Contemporary Migrant Cinema, The ............................................................................................ 43 Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese Politics .......................... 25

P Pakistan's Nuclear Policy ................................................ 25 Parties and Parliaments in Southeast Asia ............. 25 Party Hegemony and Entrepreneurial Power in China ....................................................................................... 25 Party System Formation in Kazakhstan ................... 25 Patriotism in East Asia ..................................................... 26 People Changing Places .................................................... 7 People, Aid and Institutions in Socio-economic Recovery ................................................................................. 53 Performing Citizenship .................................................... 26 Phenomenology of Institutions, A .............................. 45 Philippine Politics ............................................................... 26 Photography and Place .................................................. 40 Policy and Marketing Strategies for Digital Media ...................................................................................... 40

Kashmir’s Right to Secede ............................................... 21

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INDEX BY TITLE Political Change and Territoriality in Indonesia ............................................................................... 26 Political Communication and Leadership .............. 41 Political Economy of Development in India ........... 26 Political Economy of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka, The ............................................................................................ 31 Political Institutions in East Timor .............................. 26 Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar, The .................................................................... 32 Political Violence in South Asia .................................... 27 Politics and Governance in Indonesia ....................... 27 Politics of Aid to Burma, The .......................................... 32 Politics of Economic Restructuring in India, The ............................................................................................ 32 Politics of the 'Other' in India and China .................. 27 Politics, Identity and Education in Central Asia ........................................................................................... 27 Politics, Media and Democracy in Australia ........... 41 Post-Politics in Context .................................................... 27 Postcolonial Film ................................................................ 41 Poverty and Governance in South Asia .................... 27 Power, Networks and Violent Conflict in Central Asia ........................................................................................... 28 Presidency and Social Media, The ............................... 44 Presidential Communication and Character ............................................................................... 41 Presidential Communication and Character ............................................................................... 41 Presidential Framing in the 21st Century News Media ...................................................................................... 41 Presidential Leadership and National Security ...................................................................................... 3 Presidents and the Media ............................................... 41 Presidents and the Media ............................................... 41 Principles of Gender-Sensitive Parliaments, The ............................................................................................ 34 Professionalization of Public Participation, The ............................................................................................ 47 Promise of Democratic Equality in the United States, The .............................................................................................. 4 Protecting Human Rights in the 21st Century ................................................................................... 53

R Re-Imagining Community and Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean ............................................ 7 Reforming Law and Economy for a Sustainable Earth ........................................................................................ 36 Refugee News, Refugee Politics .................................... 43 Regime Transition in Central Asia ............................... 28 Regulating Judicial Elections ........................................... 3 Reporting Thailand's Southern Conflict ................... 28 Republicanism in Northeast Asia ................................ 28 Reshaping City Governance .......................................... 28 Resolving International Conflict .................................. 53 Resolving Structural Conflicts ....................................... 53 Rethinking Environmental Justice in Sustainable Cities ........................................................................................ 36 Rethinking Neoliberalism .................................................. 7 Reviving Gramsci ................................................................ 43 Rhetoric and the Decolonization and Recolonization of East Timor ........................................................................ 28 Risk and Securitization in Japan ................................. 29 Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics, The ............................................................................................ 40 Rural Roots of Reform Before China's Conservative Change ................................................................................... 29

San Francisco System and Its Legacies, The ........... 32 Secessionism and Separatism in Europe and Asia ........................................................................................... 29 Security Community in South Asia ............................. 29 Separatist Conflict in Indonesia ................................... 29 Separatist Violence in South Asia ................................ 29 Social Democracy in East Timor .................................. 30 Social Movements and Civil War ................................ 53 Social Movements and the Indian Diaspora .......... 30 Soviet Nation-Building in Central Asia ..................... 30 Spanish-Language Television in the United States ....................................................................................... 43 State and Nation-Building in Pakistan ..................... 30 State Repression in Post-Disaster Societies ................ 7 States and Peoples in Conflict ...................................... 54 Status and Security in Southeast Asian State Systems ................................................................................... 30 Strategy Before Clausewitz ............................................ 52 Subaltern Movements in India ..................................... 30 Suicide Protest in South Asia ......................................... 31

White Voters in 21st Century America ......................... 4 Winning the Presidency 2016 .......................................... 5 Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia ..................................................................... 33 Worldviews in Science, Technology, and Art in International Relations ...................................................... 7

T Taiwan and The ‘China Impact’ .................................. 31 Technical Controversies over Public Policy ............. 47 Technical Controversies over Public Policy ............. 47 Technological State in Indonesia, The ...................... 32 Television News and Human Rights in the US & UK .............................................................................................. 43 Temporality of Political Obligation, The .................. 32 Traditions and Trends in Global Environmental Politics ..................................................................................... 37 Transformation of the International Order of Asia, The ............................................................................................ 33 Trumping Ethical Norms ................................................... 4

U U.S. Security Cooperation with Africa .......................... 8 Understanding Global Poverty ....................................... 8 Understanding International Sport Organisations ........................................................................ 8 Understanding Quality Peace ...................................... 54 Understanding Trust in Government ........................ 47 United States and Turkey's Path to Europe, The .............................................................................................. 8 Urban Climate Challenge, The ..................................... 37 US Grand Strategy in the 21st Century ..................... 52 US National Security Reform ......................................... 52 US Versus the North Korean Nuclear Threat, The ............................................................................................ 33

V Varieties of Legal Order ...................................................... 4 Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe ..................................................................................... 34 Vernacular Christian Rhetoric and Civil Discourse ............................................................................... 44 Video Game Policy ............................................................. 49 Violence, Torture and Memory in Sri Lanka ............ 33 Vision and Strategy in Indian Politics ........................ 33

W Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy ....................... 9 Western Muslims and Conflicts Abroad ..................... 9


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A Abdelhalim, Julten ............................................................ 18 Abdullah, Razak ................................................................... 11 Akita, Shigeru ....................................................................... 33 Akçalı, Pınar ........................................................................... 27 Alexander, Claire ................................................................ 31 Ali, Syed Mohammad ...................................................... 14 Allison, Lincoln ....................................................................... 8 Amir, Sulfikar ......................................................................... 32 Anderson, Paul .................................................................... 36 Ansari, M.T. ............................................................................. 19 Apodaca, Clair ......................................................................... 7 Arnold, Kathleen R. ........................................................... 10 Ayoob, Mohammed ......................................................... 17

B Bajpai, Kanti ........................................................................... 11 Barassi, Veronica ................................................................. 38 Barlocco, Fausto ................................................................. 17 Barnes, Tom ........................................................................... 18 Bates, Crispin ........................................................................ 16 Bello, Valeria ............................................................................. 6 Beuman, Lydia ..................................................................... 26 Bhattacharyya, Harihar ................................................... 16 Bherer, Laurence ................................................................ 47 Biziouras, Nikolaos ............................................................. 31 Bjola, Corneliu ...................................................................... 51 Blanchard, Jean-Marc F. ................................................. 12 Block, Elena ............................................................................ 41 Boas, Ingrid ............................................................................ 35 Boggs, Carl ............................................................................. 16 Borchert, Jens ....................................................................... 12 Borcila, Andaluna ............................................................... 38 Brandle, Shawna M. .......................................................... 43 Brataas, Kjell ........................................................................... 46 Brett, Donna West ............................................................. 40 Briziarelli, Marco .................................................................. 43 Brooks, Stephen .................................................................... 6 Brown, James D. J. ............................................................. 20 Bruns, Axel .............................................................................. 40 Brunstetter, Daniel R. ....................................................... 51 Bubandt, Nils ........................................................................ 14 Buonanno, Laurie .............................................................. 47 Burke, Thomas F. ................................................................... 4 Butt, Simon ............................................................................ 13

C Cabestan, Jean-Pierre ...................................................... 29 Camilleri, Joseph ................................................................ 13 Campbell, Colton C. ............................................................ 3 Campbell, Heather E. ....................................................... 36 Cassegard, Carl .................................................................... 35 Chakrabarty, Bidyut .......................................................... 22 Chaudhuri, Bidisha ............................................................ 15 Chen, Ya-chen ..................................................................... 24 Chima, Jugdep S. ............................................................... 15 Choi, Nankyung .................................................................. 23 Clarke, Gerard ....................................................................... 12 Collins, Alan ........................................................................... 10 Conley, Richard S. ................................................................. 3 Conway, Steven .................................................................. 49 Coppola, Damon P. .......................................................... 46 Corry, Olaf ............................................................................... 37 Cosgrove, Serena .................................................................. 8 Cox Downey, Davia .......................................................... 45 Crotty, William J. .................................................................... 5 Cummins, Deborah .......................................................... 22 Cunningham, Andrew J. .................................................. 6 Czajka, Agnes ....................................................................... 13 Côté, Isabelle ........................................................................... 7

D D'Agostino, Maria J. .......................................................... D'Costa, Anthony P. .......................................................... Dadabaev, Timur ................................................................ Dagiev, Dagikhudo ........................................................... Dandekar, Deepra ............................................................. de Silva Wijeyeratne, Roshan ..................................... Decobert, Anne .................................................................. DeLeo, Rob A. ....................................................................... della Porta, Donatella ...................................................... Dell’Orto, Giovanna ..........................................................

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34 19 17 28 19 23 32 45 53 43

Demarest, Heidi B. ............................................................. Deo, Nandini ......................................................................... Desai, Manisha ..................................................................... Dore, Giovanna ...................................................................

52 23 30 10

E Eduardo, Viola ...................................................................... 35 Eisenman, Joshua .............................................................. 11 Elkmann, Paul ....................................................................... 46

F Farnsworth, Stephen ....................................................... Farnsworth, Stephen ....................................................... Fazal, Tanweer ..................................................................... Ferraro, Gianluca ................................................................ Figueiras, Rita ....................................................................... Fong, Brian C. H. ................................................................. Frame, Alex ............................................................................ Franks, Benjamin ................................................................ Frantzich, Stephen E. ....................................................... Frantzich, Stephen E. ....................................................... Fujii, Lee Ann ........................................................................ Fujii, Lee Ann ........................................................................

41 41 24 19 38 16 38 10 41 41 50 50

G Gabel, Peter ........................................................................... 31 Ganguly, Auroop Ratan ................................................. 46 Genna, Gaspare M. ............................................................ 21 Gooptu, Nandini ................................................................. 15 Grano, Simona A. ............................................................... 15 Griffiths, Robert J. .................................................................. 8

H Haefner, Andrea .................................................................. 36 Haines, Chad ......................................................................... 23 Hannis, Michael ................................................................... 35 Hara, Kimie ............................................................................. 32 Harnisch, Sebastian ............................................................. 6 Harriss-White, Barbara ..................................................... 18 Hawley, George ..................................................................... 4 Hehir, Aidan ........................................................................... 53 Heuser, Beatrice .................................................................. 52 Hicks, David ........................................................................... 28 Hilhorst, Dorothea ............................................................. 53 Hindmarsh, Richard .......................................................... 37 Hopper, Jennifer Rose .................................................... 41 Hughes, Dhana ................................................................... 33

I Irvine, Roger .......................................................................... 16 Isaacs, Rico ............................................................................. 25 Iwashita, Akihiro ................................................................. 20

J Jarrett, Kylie ........................................................................... 34 Jin, Dal Yong ......................................................................... 39 Johnson, Craig ..................................................................... 37 Johnson, Dennis W. ............................................................. 2 Joshi, Madhav ...................................................................... 54

K Kaplan, Jeffrey ...................................................................... 51 Kennedy, Loraine ............................................................... 32 Keo, Chenda .......................................................................... 17 Khan, Zafar ............................................................................. 25 Kimura, Ehito ........................................................................ 26 Kiš, Adam D. ............................................................................. 8 Kjosavik, Darley .................................................................... 26 Knudsen, Britta Timm ...................................................... 39 Koenig, Lion .......................................................................... 27 Koh, Adeline .......................................................................... 33 Kokubun, Ryosei ................................................................. 20 Kou, Chien-wen .................................................................. 11 Kularb, Phansasiri ............................................................... 28 Kwak, Jun-Hyeok ................................................................ 26 Kwak, Jun-Hyeok ................................................................ 28

L Lahiri, Simanti ....................................................................... 31


Lavine, Howard ...................................................................... 4 Lawoti, Mahendra ............................................................. 24 Le Prestre, Philippe ........................................................... 36 Lee, Francis L.F. .................................................................... 12 Lee, Yong Wook ................................................................. 11 Lejano, Raul ........................................................................... 45 Lemieux, Scott E. ................................................................... 2 Leong, Susan ........................................................................ 24 Lerum Boasson, Elin ......................................................... 36 Lim, Jae-Cheon ................................................................... 21 Liu, Yu-li ................................................................................... 40 Ljungkvist, Kristin .................................................................. 8 Long, Roger D. ..................................................................... 30 Lucas, Jr., George ............................................................... 51 Lukito, Ratno ......................................................................... 22

M Mac Ginty, Roger ................................................................ 53 Mahapatra, Debidatta ..................................................... 12 Maisel, L. Sandy ...................................................................... 4 Malik, Nadeem ..................................................................... 12 Marsh, Leslie L. ..................................................................... 43 Mason, Ra ............................................................................... 21 Mastibekov, Otambek ..................................................... 21 Mathur, Hari .......................................................................... 14 Mazumdar, Arijit ................................................................. 18 Mazur, Allan ........................................................................... 47 Mazur, Allan ........................................................................... 47 McCaughey, Martha ......................................................... 39 McNair, Brian ......................................................................... 41 McThomas, Mary ................................................................ 26 Meek, Allen ............................................................................ 38 Meisels, Tamar ........................................................................ 6 Meyer-Clement, Elena .................................................... 25 Mezey, Michael L. ................................................................. 3 Mezey, Michael L. ................................................................. 3 Miklian, Jason ....................................................................... 18 Missbach, Antje ................................................................... 29 Morris, John C. ..................................................................... 45 Mueller, Dominik ................................................................ 19 Mueller, Justin C. ................................................................ 32 Mulgan, Aurelia George ................................................ 25 Mullen, Rani D. ..................................................................... 13 Muradi, .................................................................................... 27

N Nederveen Pieterse, Jan ................................................... 7

Robinson, Scott E. .............................................................. 47 Roscoe, Douglas D. .............................................................. 4 Rubenstein, Richard E. .................................................... 53 Rubin, Claire B. ..................................................................... 46

S Saez, Lawrence .................................................................... 24 Sahoo, Sarbeswar .............................................................. 11 Sakai, Minako ........................................................................ 14 Saparov, Arsène .................................................................. 16 Schelly, Chelsea .................................................................. 35 Schill, Dan ............................................................................... 44 Schoettli, Jivanta ................................................................ 33 Schram, Sanford F. ............................................................... 7 Schubert, Gunter ............................................................... 31 Sekyi-Otu, Ato ...................................................................... 22 Sen, Biswarup ....................................................................... 39 Sharma, Prashant ............................................................... 13 Simpson, Seamus .............................................................. 46 Singh, Bhubhindar ............................................................ 21 Singh, J.P. ................................................................................... 7 Singh, Robert S. ...................................................................... 2 Sjoberg, Laura ...................................................................... 51 Smith, Roger D. ................................................................... 20 Somayaji, Sakarama .......................................................... 14 Song, Jiyoung ...................................................................... 19 Steinfeld, Aaron .................................................................. 45 Stigler, Andrew L. .................................................................. 2 Stohl, Michael ....................................................................... 54 Stonecash, Jeffrey M. .......................................................... 2 Strating, Rebecca ............................................................... 30 Sypnowich, Christine ....................................................... 15

T Takao, Yasuo ......................................................................... 20 Tamas, Bernard ...................................................................... 4 Tan, Er-Win ............................................................................. 33 Tarling, Nicholas ................................................................. 30 Tate, John William ............................................................. 22 Teets, Jessica C. ................................................................... 22 Terzis, Georgios ................................................................... 40 Thrall, A. Trevor .................................................................... 52 Trappel, Josef ....................................................................... 39 Trevisan, Filippo .................................................................. 39 Tunçer-Kılavuz, Idil ............................................................ 28 Turaeva, Rano ....................................................................... 23 Turnbull, Nick ....................................................................... 47



O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran ................................................. 34 O'Keefe, Thomas Andrew ................................................ 6

Ubiria, Grigol ......................................................................... 30


V Veltmeyer, Henry ............................................................... 31 Verloo, Mieke ........................................................................ 34 Verma, Vidhu ........................................................................ 25

Pachirat, Timothy ............................................................... 50 Pachirat, Timothy ............................................................... 50 Panda, Jagannath P. ......................................................... 17 Parnini, Syeda ....................................................................... 27 Pattberg, Philipp ................................................................. 35 Patterson, Eric ...................................................................... 51 Pekkanen, Robert J. ........................................................... 24 Pervez, Muhammad ......................................................... 29 Peters, C. Scott ........................................................................ 3 Philo, Greg .............................................................................. 38 Poku, Nana ............................................................................. 10 Powell, Katrina M. .............................................................. 40 Preston, P.W. ......................................................................... 15 Pupcenoks, Juris .................................................................... 9

Waever, Ole ........................................................................... Weaver-Hightower, Rebecca ..................................... Webb, Matthew J. .............................................................. Webb, Matthew J. .............................................................. White III, Lynn ....................................................................... White III, Lynn ....................................................................... Wilkinson, Kenton T. ......................................................... Williamson, Piers R. ........................................................... Wängnerud, Lena ..............................................................



Rahman, Md .......................................................................... 18 Raju, Zakir Hossain ............................................................ 10 Rao, Nirmala .......................................................................... 28 Raposo, Pedro Amakasu ................................................ 20 Reddy, Movindri ................................................................. 30 Reed, David .............................................................................. 9 Riaz, Ali ..................................................................................... 27 Rice, Roberta ............................................................................ 7 Rich, Roland ........................................................................... 25 Richey, Sean .......................................................................... 40 Ringer, Jeffrey M. ................................................................ 44 Rings, Guido .......................................................................... 43 Riza Taskale, Ali .................................................................... 27

Yea, Sallie ................................................................................ 17 Yilmaz, Harun ....................................................................... 23

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W 53 41 21 29 26 29 43 29 34

Z Zakowski, Karol .................................................................... 13 Zene, Cosimo ....................................................................... 32 Zhou, Kate Xiao ................................................................... 14 Çakır, Armağan Emre ......................................................... 8

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