Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles New & Important
HANDBOOK OF COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING (In 2 Volumes) (2nd Edition) edited by Young C Kim (California State University, Los Angeles, USA) Key Features: • Provides the most up-to-date technical advances and latest research findings on coastal and ocean engineering • Will be of immediate, practical use to coastal, ocean, civil, geotechnical, and structural engineers, and coastal planners and managers as well as marine biologists and oceanographers • Will also be an excellent resource for educational and teaching purposes, and a good set of reference book for researchers currently working in Coastal and Ocean Engineering Contents: Shallow-Water Waves; Water Level Fluctuations; Coastal and Offshore Structures; Wave-Structure-Soil Interaction; Ports and Harbors; Coastal Sediment Processes; Environmental Problems; Sustainable Coastal Development; Coastal Hazards; Ocean Energy; Physical Modeling and Numerical Model Validation; Coastal Engineering Practice and Education.
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 42
THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF OCEAN SURFACE WAVES (In 2 Volumes) (3rd Edition) by Chiang C Mei (MIT), Michael Stiassnie (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) & Dick K-P Yue (MIT) Review of the Previous Edition: “Much of the introductory material is well presented, and followed by many specific examples, often with full mathematical detail ... These books can certainly benefit graduate students and researchers, and Part 2 is a worthwhile improvement over the earlier editions.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves will be invaluable for graduate students and researchers in coastal and ocean engineering, geophysical fluid dynamicists interested in water waves, and theoretical scientists and applied mathematicians wishing to develop new techniques for challenging problems or to apply techniques existing elsewhere.
Readership: Graduate students, researchers and professionals in coastal and ocean engineering, oceanography and meteorology.
Readership: Graduate students and lecturers in coastal and ocean engineering, as well as theoretical engineers, applied mathematicians and geophysicists.
1900pp Oct 2017 978-981-3204-01-0(Set) US$495 £411 978-981-3204-02-7(Set)(ebook) US$743 £616
1500pp 978-981-3147-17-1(Set) 978-981-3147-18-8(Set)(pbk)
May 2017 US$198 £164 US$98 £81
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 44
SATELLITE SAR DETECTION OF SUB-MESOSCALE OCEAN DYNAMIC PROCESSES by Quanan Zheng (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) This special book aims to provide the updated theories and methods for the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard satellites to detect ocean processes, i.e., SAR ocean remote sensing. It is a hi-tech application field having been developed since late 1970s and become a powerful tool for obtaining dynamic signatures from the remote and broad ocean. Contents: Principles of Radar Imaging of Ocean Processes; Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Vortex Train; Spirals on the Sea; Ocean Near-Inertial Oscillations; Estuary Outflow Jet; Ocean Internal Waves: I. Dynamics and Parameter Extraction; Ocean Internal Waves: II. Statistical Analysis; Ocean Bottom Topography: I. Longitudinal Flow Passing Over Parallel Topographic Corrugations; Ocean Bottom Topography: II. Traverse Flow Passing Over Periodical Topography; Ocean Bottom Topography: III. Stratified Flow Passing Over Isolated Topography; Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes. Readership: Graduate, academics and professionals in the field of satellite oceanography, ocean engineering, geophysics, electrical and electronic engineering, and earth science. 348pp 978-981-4749-00-8 978-981-4749-01-5(ebook)
Mar 2017 US$138 £115 US$207 £173
New & Important Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 43
JAPAN’S BEACH EROSION REALITY AND FUTURE MEASURES (2nd Edition) by Takaaki Uda (Public Works Research Center, Japan) This second edition presents new findings from field studies carried out on Japanese beaches, along with the development and improvement of the numerical model presented previously. In addition to the first edition, six new examples of the beach erosion in Japan are included, as is new analysis of the BG model (a model for predicting based on Bagnold’s concept), which can be applicable to various field problems. Readership: Coastal engineers, development planners, students, researchers and practitioners of civil engineering. 548pp 978-981-3146-24-2 978-981-3146-25-9(ebook)
Mar 2017 US$158 US$237
£131 £197
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 40
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BERM BREAKWATERS by Jentsje van der Meer (Van der Meer Consulting BV, The Netherlands & UNESCO IHE, The Netherlands) & Sigurdur Sigurdarson (IceBreak Consulting Engineers ehf, Iceland) Modern design of berm breakwaters began about thirty years ago. However, to date, there has been a lack of a well-established, formal design methodology on berm breakwaters. The authors Dr Jentsje van der Meer and Sigurdur Sigurdarson combine over 40 years of collective experience working with breakwaters to put forward a design framework in Design and Construction of Berm Breakwaters; covering the science and design practices of berm breakwater structures. The original design consisted of mass armoured berms that reshaped into statically stable S-shaped slopes. The design was adopted in Iceland and eventually led to a development with more stable structures by using available rock sizes, large rock, and more rock gradings than just “small rock (core)” and “large rock (berm)”. This more stable and only partly reshaping structure is called the Icelandic-type berm breakwater. Readership: Professionals: designers, owners and contractors; Graduate students and researchers in coastal engineering. 352pp 978-981-4749-60-2 978-981-4749-61-9(ebook)
Sep 2016 US$138 US$207
£115 £173
MODELLING COASTAL AND MARINE PROCESSES (2nd Edition) by Phil Dyke (University of Plymouth, UK) Key Features: • Chapters written in a way that is accessible to undergraduate students • Inclusion of ecosystems modelling as well as the background mathematics and statistics • Includes a chapter on the impact of climate change Contents: Modelling Preliminaries; Modelling Tools and Techniques; Mathematical Foundations; Numerical Methods; Applied Numerical Methods; Tides, Surges and Tsunamis; Modelling Diffusion; Shoreline Management; Ecosystems and Other Biological Modelling; Climate Change and Large Scale Ocean Models; Estuarial Flow; Trapped Waves and Currents; Conclusion; Answers to and Comments on the Exercises. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of civil, marine or coastal engineering. 616pp 978-1-78326-769-9 978-1-78326-770-5(pbk)
Feb 2016 US$118 US$78
£98 £65
Bestselling Handbook
INTERNATIONAL COMPENDIUM OF COASTAL ENGINEERING edited by Shinji Sato (The University of Tokyo, Japan) & Masahiko Isobe (Kochi University of Technology, Japan) Key Features: • This book focuses on important topics in coastal region • This book covers topics from theories of waves and sand transport to coastal engineering practice such as beach protection • This book provides advanced knowledge in coastal engineering Readership: Undergraduates and graduate students in coastal engineering or environmental science, researchers and professionals. 532pp 978-981-4449-42-7 978-981-4449-43-4(ebook)
May 2015 US$150 US$225
£125 £187
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 41
Methods to Reduce Hydrodynamic Drag
by Marc Perlin & Steven Ceccio (University of Michigan, USA)
by Job Dronkers (Netherlands Centre of Coastal Research, The Netherlands) Contents: Introduction; Morphodynamic Feedback; Boundary Layers and Sediment Transport; Current-Seabed Interaction; Current-Channel Interaction; Tide-Topography Interaction; Wave-Topography Interaction; Appendices: Basic Equations of Fluid Motion; Tidal Propagation in One Dimension; Ocean and Shelf Tides; Wind Waves; Bibliography. Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students in ocean/coastal engineering, oceanography and geology. 780pp 978-981-4725-13-2 978-981-3143-73-9(pbk) 978-981-4725-15-6(ebook) e 2
Aug 2016 US$186 US$88 US$279
£154 £73 £232
Contents: Introduction; Active Techniques: Modification of Drag by Polymer Injection; Friction Drag Reduction by Bubble/Gas Injection; Transition from BDR and Air Layer Drag Reduction; Friction Drag Reduction by Partial Air Cavities or PCDR Passive Techniques: Drag Reduction by Super and Partial Cavities; Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces and Coatings; Passive Resistance-Mitigation by Appendages: Bulbous Bows, Stern Flaps and Wedges, and Lifting Bodies. Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in ocean engineering, mechanical engineering, fluid mechanics and tribology. 164pp 978-981-4612-25-8 978-981-4612-26-5(ebook)
Nov 2014 US$78 US$117
£65 £97
New & Important Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles Series on Coastal and Ocean Engineering Practice - Vol 2
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 37
edited by Young C Kim (California State University, Los Angeles, USA) This book provides the most up-to-date technical advances on the design and construction of coastal structures and sea defenses. Written by renowned practicing coastal engineers, this edited volume focuses on the latest technology applied in planning, design and construction, effective engineering methodology, unique projects and problems, design and construction challenges, and other lesions learned. Readership: Professionals and researchers in the areas of coastal, ocean, civil, and geotechnical engineering. 288pp 978-981-4611-00-8 978-981-4611-01-5(ebook)
Sep 2014 US$110 US$165
£91 £137
COMPUTATIONAL WAVE DYNAMICS by Hitoshi Gotoh (Kyoto University, Japan), Akio Okayasu (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan) & Yasunori Watanabe (Hokkaido University, Japan) Key Features: • The specialized book provides a variety of the latest computing methods for free-surface flows, interfacial flows, and multi-phase flows • It provides comprehensive interpretations of mathematical, physical and engineering aspects of the wave computation • Illustrations of computational achievements in coastal and ocean research are also provided Readership: Students (advanced undergraduate and above) of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, and Professionals. 252pp 978-981-4449-70-0
Jun 2013 US$54
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 39
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 35
by B Mutlu Sumer (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) “This is a well-written and comprehensive book describing the physics and processes of seabed liquefaction around marine structures. Overall, this book is highly recommended for all professionals and researchers interested in seabed soil liquefaction and the stability of marine structures, and is indeed suitable as a textbook for graduate/postgraduate students in this field.” J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy Readership: Professionals and researchers in the area of coastal, ocean and marine civil engineering; graduate and post graduate students. 472pp 978-981-4329-31-6 978-981-4335-10-2(ebook)
Mar 2014 US$138 US$207
£115 £172
DYNAMICS OF WATER WAVES Selected Papers of Michael Longuet-Higgins (Volumes 1 – 3) edited by S G Sajjadi (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA) The book will be of particular interest to advanced students in ocean engineering; also more generally to fluid dynamicists and physical oceanographers concerned with the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere and with sandy shorelines. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in ocean engineering, fluid dynamicists and physical oceanographers. 2372pp 978-981-4322-51-5(Set)
May 2013 US$440
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 38
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 36
by Ashish J Mehta (University of Florida, USA)
(2nd Edition)
Key Features: • First book on the subject written as a textbook • Includes extensive field and laboratory observations of the components of finegrained, especially cohesive, sediment transport • The development of the subject since the 1950s, its present state in science and engineering application are described from nearly four decades of published works of the author and his students, as many well known investigators • Includes solved examples and chapter-end exercises Readership: Civil Engineering upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, and engineering consultants. Coastal and marine geologists, biologists, and ecosystems analysts. 1060pp 978-981-4449-48-9
Oct 2013 US$148
Their Physics and Prediction by 6WDQLVáDZ 5 Massel (Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland) Key Features: • In comparison with the first book edition, this second edition contains a substantial amount of new material on the topics contemporary discussed within the marine community • All material is treated in an uniform way based on the modern stochastic approach • Many practical examples, interesting for oceanographers and marine engineers, illustrate the theoretical and numerical results Readership: Graduate students, professionals and researchers, including marine research specialist, in ocean and coastal engineering and oceanography. 692pp 978-981-4460-10-1 978-981-4460-11-8(pbk) 978-981-4460-12-5(ebook)
Feb 2013 US$168 US$88 US$252
£139 £73 £209
New & Important Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles Bestseller Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 34
by Willem T Bakker (Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands)
by Hubert Chanson (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Key Features: • Explores coastal prediction based on simple mathematical concepts, validated by coastal engineering practice • Considers the practical knowledge and experience of many influential people in the field over the past century
Key Features: • A well-illustrated book with over 160 photographs • A reliable reference on tidal bores • Provides solid technical data on the tidal bore hydrodynamics and processes
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in ocean and coastal engineering and management.
Contents: Introduction; Basic Theory; Observations; The Rumble Noise of Tidal Bores; Turbulence and Mixing in Tidal Bores; Interactions Between the Tidal Bore, Environment and Mankind.
540pp 978-981-270-373-6 978-981-281-423-4(ebook)
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and general public interested in tidal bores.
Nov 2012 US$160 US$240
£133 £200
220pp 978-981-4335-41-6 978-981-4335-42-3(ebook)
Series on Coastal and Ocean Engineering Practice - Vol 1
COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING PRACTICE Key Features: • Provides the most up-to-date technical advances on coastal and ocean engineering practice • Written by international luminaries who are highly respected practicing coastal and ocean engineers from all over the world • An essential source of reference for professionals and researchers in the areas of coastal, ocean, civil, and geotechnical engineering Readership: Graduates and researchers in coastal, ocean, civil and geotechnical engineering. Jun 2012 US$128 US$192
£106 £159
Bestselling Handbook Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering - Vol 12
A GUIDE TO MODELING COASTAL MORPHOLOGY by Dano Roelvink (UNESCO-IHE and Deltares, The Netherlands) & Ad Reniers (University of Miami, USA)
Contents: Wind Waves; Currents; Sediment Transport; Morphological Processes; Modeling Approaches; Coastal Profile Models; Coastline Models; Coastal Area Models; Case Studies; Modeling Procedure; Modeling Philosophy. Readership: Graduate students and professionals in ocean engineering, geology/earth science, and oceanography.
e 4
Nov 2011 US$120 US$180
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 33
RANDOM SEAS AND DESIGN OF MARITIME STRUCTURES (3rd Edition) by Yoshimi Goda (Yokohama National University, Japan) Contents: Random Sea Waves and Engineering Applications: Introduction; Statistical Properties and Spectral of Sea Waves; Generation, Transformation and Deformation of Random Sea Waves; Design of Vertical Breakwaters; Design of Coastal Dikes and Seawalls; Probabilities Design of Breakwaters; Harbor Tranquility; Hydraulic Model Tests with Random Waves; Statistical Theories of Random Sea Waves: Description of Random Sea Waves; Statistical Theory of Irregular Waves; Techniques of Irregular Wave Analysis; 2-D Computation of Wave Transformation with Random Breaking and Nearshore Currents; Statistical Analysis of Extreme Waves: Statistical Analysis of Extreme Waves; Waves and Beach Morphology: Coastline Change and Coastal Reconnaissance; Prediction and Control of Shoreline Evolution. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners in coastal and harbor engineering. 732pp 978-981-4282-39-0 978-981-4282-40-6(pbk)
Jun 2010 US$160 US$78
£133 £65
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 30
Key Features: • There is currently no comprehensive textbook on coastal morphology Modeling • Process-based morphodynamic Modeling is rapidly becoming very useful and the authors have strongly contributed to this development • Coastal morphology Modeling is an essential tool in a world that is facing increasing threats from coastal erosion, climate change and increasing population in coastal areas
292pp 978-981-4304-25-2 978-981-4304-26-9(ebook)
£90 £134
edited by Young C Kim (California State University, Los Angeles, USA)
380pp 978-981-4360-56-2 978-981-4360-57-9(ebook)
Sep 2011 US$108 US$162
£100 £149
INTRODUCTION TO COASTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (2nd Edition) by J William Kamphuis (Queen’s University, Canada) Contents: Water Waves; Short-Term Wave Analysis; Long-Term Wave Analysis; Wave Generation; Wave Transformation and Breaking; Tides and Water Levels; Rare Extraneous Events; Design of Structures; Breakwaters; Introduction to Coastal Management; Coastal Sediment Transport; Basic Shore Processes; Coastal Design; One-Dimensional Modeling of Coastal Morphology; Shore Protection; Contemporary Concepts; Problems. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and academics in coastal engineering and management. 564pp 978-981-283-484-3 978-981-283-485-0(pbk)
Jun 2010 US$108 US$58
New & Important Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering - Vol 11
ADVANCES IN NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF NONLINEAR WATER WAVES edited by Qingwei Ma (City University, London, UK) Key Features: • Reviews the state-of-the-art numerical modeling of nonlinear water waves • Presents almost all advanced numerical methods for nonlinear water waves • Presents key achievements over the past decade in this area • Covers almost all related applications, such as overturning waves, breaking waves, freak waves, tsunamis, violent sloshing waves, green water, wave – structure interaction and so on Readership: Postgraduates, researchers and engineers in numerical modeling of nonlinear water waves. 700pp 978-981-283-649-6 978-981-283-650-2(ebook)
Apr 2010 US$165 US$248
£137 £205
Bestseller Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 28
COASTAL PROCESSES Concepts in Coastal Engineering and Their Applications to Multifarious Environments by Tomoya Shibayama (Yokohama National University, Japan) Key Features: • Clarifies the macroscopic relationship between the industrialization process of developing countries and the coastal erosion or deposition process, based on examples of Asian and African developing countries • Gives microscopic detailed understanding of the dynamic process of sediment production and transport from river basin to coast • Provides understanding and effective countermeasures to coastal disasters such as tsunami, storm surge and high wave attack Readership: Senior undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, academics and engineers in coastal and ocean engineering. 228pp 978-981-281-395-4
Dec 2008 US$87
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 29
COASTAL AND ESTUARINE PROCESSES by Peter Nielsen (The University of Queensland, Australia) Key Features: • It is fully indexed and comprehensively crossreferenced • Abundant references to more detailed texts are also given Contents: Water Waves; Surf Zone Hydro-dynamics; Wind-Driven Circulation and Storm Surges; Tides; Estuaries and Estuarine Hydraulics; Sediment Transport Mechanisms; Morphodynamics; Coastal Groundwater Dynamics. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and engineers in coastal, civil and environmental engineering. 360pp 978-981-283-711-0 978-981-283-712-7(pbk)
Apr 2009 US$93 US$61
£77 £51
Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering - Vol 10
ADVANCED NUMERICAL MODELS FOR SIMULATING TSUNAMI WAVES AND RUNUP edited by Philip L-F Liu (Cornell University, USA), Harry Yeh (Oregon State University, USA) & Costas Synolakis (University of Southern California, USA) Key Features: • Reviews the state-of-art depth-integrated wave models for long wave propagation and runup • Presents several advanced numerical methods for tsunami modeling, including the finite volume method, the SPH method, the LES method and the lattice Boltzmann method • Presents and documents four benchmark problems with complete sets of data • Presents several model-data comparisons using the benchmark problem data Readership: Graduate students and researchers in ocean and coastal engineering.
Bestseller Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 32
TSUNAMI To Survive from Tsunami by Susumu Murata (Coastal Development Institute of Technology, Japan), Fumihiko Imamura (Tohoku University, Japan), Kazumasa Katoh (Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan), Yoshiaki Kawata (Kyoto University, Japan), Shigeo Takahashi (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan) & Tomotsuka Takayama (Kyoto University, Japan) Key Features: • Introduction of survival examples from tsunami • Vivid description of life-versus-death scenarios • Description of tsunami behaviors as helpful knowledge for survival • How to prevent and mitigate tsunami disasters • Tsunami simulation and forecasting system (present and future) Readership: Undergraduates and graduates interested in tsunamis, tsunami mitigation planners, oceanographers and physicists, especially residents in tsunami prone areas. 316pp 978-981-4277-47-1 978-981-4277-48-8(pbk) 978-981-4277-49-5(ebook) WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Sep 2009 US$48 US$30 US$72
344pp 978-981-270-012-4 978-981-279-091-0(ebook)
Oct 2008 US$135 US$203
£112 £168
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 27
NONLINEAR WAVES AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES by Cheung Hun Kim (Texas A& M University, USA) Contents: Volterra Linear Model: Statistics of Waves; Fourier Transform and Wave Spectra; Volterra Linear Model and Extreme Response; Linear Wave-Body Interaction: Basics of Hydrodynamics and Linear Waves; Propagation of Wave Group and Pulsating Source Wave; Linear Wave-Body Interaction; Volterra Quadratic Model: Volterra Quadratic Model and Cross-Bi-Spectrum; Second-Order Response in Linear Wave; 2nd-Order Wave and 2nd-Order Force; Universal Nonlinear Input-Output Model: Volterra Cubic Model and 3rd-Order Wave and Force; Highly Nonlinear Waves and UNIOM; Numerical Wave Tank. Readership: Ocean engineers.
£40 £25 £59
540pp 978-981-02-4884-0 978-981-02-4885-7(pbk)
May 2008 US$134 US$81
£111 £67
New & Important Coastal and Ocean Engineering Titles SUBSCRIBE/RECOMMEND THESE JOURNALS TO YOUR LIBRARY! For a free institutional trial or subscribe to the journal, please contact us at
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS (IJSSD) Editors-in-Chief Y B Yang (Chongqing University, China) C M Wang (National University of Singapore) J N Reddy (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA) Congratulations to Prof. JN Reddy, one of the Editors-in-Chief of IJSSD, for being awarded the Prager Medal
About IJSSD: Aims and Scope The aim of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on stability and dynamics of structures. Papers that deal with conventional landbased structures, aerospace structures, marine structures, as well as biostructures and micro- and nano-structures are considered. Papers devoted to all aspects of structural stability and dynamics (both transient and vibration response), ranging from mathematical formulations, novel methods of solutions, to experimental investigations and practical applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, marine, bioand nano-engineering will be published.
s a year from 2016 Increased to 10 issue
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JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI (JET) Managing Editors Fook Hou Lee (National University of Singapore) Hori Muneo (University of Tokyo, Japan)
About JET: Aims and Scope Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami provides a common forum for scientists and engineers working in the areas of earthquakes and tsunamis to communicate and interact with one another and thereby enhance the opportunities for such cross-fertilization of ideas. The Journal publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development in Geological and Seismological Setting; Ground Motion, Site and Building Response; Tsunami Generation, Propagation, Damage and Mitigation, as well as Education and Risk Management following an earthquake or a tsunami. Abstracting/Indexing: CNKI | Ebsco Discovery Service | ExLibris Primo Central | Google Scholar | Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition | Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch(r)) | Scopus
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