Environmental Science 2019
The Energy Conundrum
Climate Change, Global Prosperity, and the Tough Decisions We Have to Make
by Neil A C Hirst (Imperial College London, UK) This book provides a comprehensive and balanced account of global energy policy; covering moral, political, social, technical and economic aspects of the subject. While The Energy Conundrum does not offer easy solutions, it provides the facts and evidence gathered from sources in government, industry, academia, and NGOs alike, for readers to understand the issues and make their own judgements. Readership: University students, analysts and policy makers in government, industry and NGOs, general public. 348pp 978-1-78634-460-1
Mar 2018 US$88 £77
Lectures in Climate Change - Vol 1
Our Warming Planet
Topics in Climate Dynamics
edited by Cynthia Rosenzweig (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA & Columbia University, USA), David Rind (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA & Columbia University, USA), Andrew Lacis (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) & Danielle Manley (Columbia University, USA) This first volume, entitled Our Warming Planet: Topics in Climate Dynamics, encompasses topics such as natural and anthropogenic climate forcing, climate modeling, radiation, clouds, atmospheric dynamics/storms, hydrology, clouds, the cryosphere, paleoclimate, sea level rise, agriculture, atmospheric chemistry, and climate change education. Included with this publication are downloadable PowerPoint slides of each lecture for students and teachers around the world to be better able to understand various aspects of climate change. Readership: Students, professionals, general public. 444pp Mar 2018 978-981-3148-77-2 US$178 £157 978-981-3148-78-9(pbk) US$98 £86
For more information, visit: www.worldscientific.com
Science of the Earth, Climate and Energy by Milton W Cole (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Angela D Lueking (Pennsylvania State University, USA) & David L Goodstein (Caltech)
“The book is targeted as a General Education textbook for college level teaching. As most good General Education textbooks, the book can also be used as a general education tool for the general public, before and after college education, that wish to familiarize themselves with energy related science. [...] The book is well written with minimal emphasis on quantitative analysis ... I highly recommend this fascinating new book.” Professor Micha Tomkiewicz Brooklyn College and School for Graduate Studies City University of New York Readership: Members of the general public, support staff to policy makers, and decision makers who wish to have a clear grasp on issues regarding the environment and energy, and who may not have any background in the sciences. 580pp 978-981-3233-61-4
Preferred Publisher of Leading Thinkers
Jul 2018 US$150 £130
Environmental Science 2019
Series on the Science of Climate Change - Vol 2
Waves and Rays in Seismology
Moist Processes in the Climate System
A Global Perspective from Earth Observations
edited by Graeme L Stephens (Colorado State University, USA) The volume deals with the understanding the moist processes that determine the supply of water to the atmosphere and back to the surface. The observations of the distribution and variability of clouds and precipitation has emerged as a priority in Earth observational programs. Our ability to observe the amount of water vapor, and the properties of clouds and precipitation by satellites that presently orbit the Earth is unprecedented in the history of space-borne Earth observations. These new capabilities are now delivering important new insights on how water cycles through the Earth’s atmosphere and a firmer basis to predict how this water cycle evolves and thus how it may change with climate change. Readership: Graduates and postgraduates in environmental science courses; researchers studying climatology and atmospheric changes. 220pp 978-1-84816-551-9
Aug 2019 US$118 £98
Materials and Energy
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Current Status and Future Prospects
Answers to Unasked Questions
2nd Edition
by Michael A Slawinski (Memorial University, Canada) In the second edition, new sections, figures, examples, exercises and remarks are added. Most importantly, however, four new appendices of about one-hundred pages are included, which can serve as a self-contained continuummechanics course on finite elasticity. Also, they broaden the scope of elasticity theory commonly considered in seismology. Readership: Students, professionals, researchers, and laypersons interested in seismology. 530pp 978-981-3239-87-6
Oct 2018 US$158 £140
by Shinichi Nakao & Ziqiu Xue (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan)
The Earth is Not for Sale
This book consists of two parts of capture and storage. The capture part introduces the main carbon dioxide capture technologies: Absorption, adsorption and membrane. The chapter of chemical absorption shows the research results of carbon dioxide capture using novel aqueous amine solutions. Aminemodified solid sorbents and hydrophobic adsorbents are introduced in the adsorption chapter. “Molecular gate membrane” developed by RITE (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth) is described with the latest research results. Such information is valuable and accelerates the technology progress.
by Peter Schwartzman (Knox College, USA) & David Schwartzman (Howard University, USA)
A Path Out of Fossil Capitalism to the Other World That is Still Possible
Key Features: ○ It is backed up by solid research, with an extensive bibliography ○ It is radical in its perspective and therefore inspirational ○ It provides concrete solutions regarding challenges humanity faces regarding climate change, food, biodiversity, energy, and quality of life
Contents: Post-Combustion Capture; Pre-Combustion Capture; Absorption; Adsorption; Membrane; Saline Aquifer Storage; CO2 Monitoring Tools; Trapping Mechanisms; Well Logging; Cross-Well Seismic Tomography; TOUGH2 Simulation; Environmental Impact; CO2 Leakage; Public Acceptance.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, policy makers, and members of the general public dealing with or who are concerned about environmental issues, and who wish to understand what anyone can do about it.
350pp 978-981-4612-64-7
376pp 978-981-3234-24-6
Feb 2019 US$138 £115
Aug 2018 US$88 £77
Simulations of Tropical Cyclone in Regional Climate Models
Advances in Physics and Applications of Optically and Thermally Stimulated Luminescence
Key Features: ○ The tropical cyclone topics in regional climate modeling has caused more and more attention ○ No monograph on the tropical cyclone in regional climate model has ever been published ○ The book focuses on the mechanism of regional climate model’s failure in simulating tropical cyclone, which has never been proposed
In this volume, international leading experts in the study of thermally and optically luminescence give an up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of the theoretical and experimental aspects of these subjects, as well as their applications.
by Zhong Zhong & Yuan Sun (National University of Defense Technology, China)
edited by Reuven Chen (Tel Aviv University, Israel) & Vasilis Pagonis (McDaniel College, USA)
Readership: Graduate student and professional for research. 420pp 978-1-78634-578-3
Oct 2018 US$148
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the field of climatogy/ meteorology and climate change. 264pp Apr 2018 978-981-3232-06-8 US$115 £101 978-981-3232-07-5(ebook) US$173 £152 2
Environmental Science 2019 Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics
Engineering Materials for Technological Needs
by Matthew Hu (Wayne State University, USA), Kai Yang (Wayne State University, USA), Michael Sheh (Engineous Software Inc., USA) & Malik Kayupov (Engineous Software Inc., USA)
Science and Applications
Design for Six Sigma for Engineers
Various practices from inventive design methodologies, deterministic and stochastic numerical methods, and the use of CAE simulation techniques, are mapped to the DFSS procedure. Many case studies are used to illustrate how tools are used in DFSS processes. Written by DFSS practitioners and technologists, this book is intended for any engineer to use as a reference in executing DFSS projects. Readership: Graduate students, engineers and industrialists interested in the Design for Six Sigma methodology. 500pp 978-981-256-063-6
Nov 2018 US$115 £95
Carbon Materials
by Deborah D L Chung (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA) This book provides tutorial-style and up-to-date coverage of the carbon forms, with emphasis on the relationships among processing, structure, properties and applications. It is suitable for use as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, and as a reference book for professionals. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals working on carbon materials. 450pp 978-981-3221-90-1
Aug 2018 US$118 £98
Reversing Climate Change Sustainability and Development in Asia and the Pacific
How Carbon Removals can Resolve Climate Change and Fix the Economy
Emerging Policy Issues
by Graciela Chichilnisky (Columbia University, USA) & Peter Bal (Millemont Institute, USA)
With 32 contributors, this volume provides a timely, research-based overview for the need for policy interventions to improve the sustainability and development models of the ten selected countries in Asia and the Pacific. The volume is firmly positioned at the cusp between research, policy and practice.
This book is about the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), or COP21, held from 30 November to 11 December 2015 in Paris, which brought together around 40, 000 participants in total — with delegates representing each country, observers, and civil society members. It is one of the largest climate conferences ever organized.
edited by Xiumei Guo & Dora Marinova (Curtin University, Australia)
Readership: The book aims at a wider audience of readers, including researchers, academics, students, policy makers, professionals, government and community members. 220pp 978-981-3235-99-1
Sep 2018 US$98 £86
Advances in Planetary Science
Planetary Habitability and Stellar Activity
by Arnold Hanslmeier (University of Graz, Austria) The concept of the book is to introduce the topics and then discuss actual scientific papers so that the interested reader has access to most recent research. Therefore the book is valuable to undergraduate students as well as to graduate students and researchers. Readership: Students and researchers interested in astrophysics or planetary science. 270pp 978-981-3237-42-1
Sep 2018 US$118 £104
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Readership: A must read for academics and professionals studying, implementing and analyzing global climate change policies; interested advance undergraduates and postgraduates interested in the follow up of the Kyoto Protocol and UNFCCC 1992 founding. 200pp Jul 2018 978-981-4719-34-6 US$98 £81 978-981-4719-35-3(pbk) US$48 £40
Nature, Place & People
Forging Connections through Neighbourhood Landscape Design
edited by Puay Yok Tan (NUS, Singapore), Kuei-Hsien Liao (National Taipei University, Taiwan), Yun Hye Hwang (NUS, Singapore) & Vincent Chua (NUS, Singapore) This book is written for a specific purpose, to illustrate how the design of neighbourhood landscapes helps to deliver more benefits for urban dwellers and, at the same time, protect ecosystems that facilitate human well-being. This is in turn important as the synergistic relationships between human well-being, quality of biophysical urban environment, and health of human – environment interactions fundamentally underpin urban sustainability. The authors emphasize the role neighbourhood landscapes play in forging connections between people and nature, people and people, and people and place. Readership: Architects and associated professionals, architectural students and researchers. 218pp 978-981-3236-02-8
Jun 2018 US$158 £139
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Environmental Science 2019
ENERGY STUDIES Cooling Energy Solutions for Buildings and Cities
edited by Mat Santamouris (University of New South Wales, Australia) In the first book of its kind, this volume addresses the problem of the future cooling energy demand, the global frame defining the actual and future cooling energy consumption in the building sector. Based on the explored inputs and forecasts, a model was developed to predict the future cooling energy consumption of both the residential and commercial sector. Low energy, high-performance technological solutions for cooling energy problem in the building and city level will be presented. Readership: Students to professionals in engineering and environmental studies, as well as the general public. 250pp 978-981-3236-96-7
Dec 2018 US$98 £86
Solar Energy for Life
by Dmitry Shevela (UmeåUniversity, Sweden), Lars Olof Björn (Lund University, Sweden) & Govindjee (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA) Our understanding of photosynthesis can now be said to have reached encyclopedic dimensions. There have been, in the past, many good books at various levels. Our book is expected to fulfill the needs of advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in branches of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and bioengineering because photosynthesis is the basis of future advances in producing more food, more biomass, more fuel, and new chemicals for our expanding global human population. Further, the basics of photosynthesis are and will be used not only for the above, but in artificial photosynthesis, an important emerging field where chemists, researchers and engineers of solar energy systems will play a major role. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and bioengineering. 300pp 978-981-3223-10-3
Feb 2019 US$128 £113
Carbohydrate Chemistry
Fundamentals and Applications
by Raimo Alén (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) This book presents a comprehensive approach to the versatile and fascinating field of carbohydrate chemistry. It covers, besides the colorful historical perspective within the utilization of carbohydrates and their derivatives, all modern aspects on their properties, nomenclature, uses, and natural occurrence as such or as residues in a variety of biologically active molecules. Special emphasis is paid to various conversion techniques for producing value-added chemicals, biofuels, and other products from carbohydrate-rich renewable resources. Readership: Chemists, biochemists, glycobiologists, materials scientists, students in biochemistry and biology. 596pp May 2018 978-981-3223-63-9 US$128 £113 978-981-3223-64-6(pbk) US$78 £69 4
Multiphase Flow Phenomena and Applications
Memorial Volume in Honor of Gad Hetsroni
edited by Gennady Ziskind (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) & George Yadigaroglu (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland) This volume is dedicated to a very special person, Professor Gad Hetsroni (1934 – 2015). His towering figure was familiar to researchers in heat transfer and multiphase flow all over the world. He was the founding Editor of the International Journal of Multiphase Flow and the person who defined and promoted the discipline around the journal. Readership: Graduate students and professionals interested in the field of heat transfer and multiphase flow. 212pp 978-981-3227-38-5
Apr 2018 US$98 £86
China’s State-Managed Marketization Approach to Energy Security An International Comparison
by Shaofeng Chen (Peking University, China) The author argues that the SMMA has primarily resulted from the interactions between the Chinese government and the national oil companies (NOCs). Challenging the conventional analysis which treats Chinese NOCs as an extension of state policies, this book tries to decipher their interactions and influence on China’s perceptions and measures on energy security, and further analyzes the implications for State-SOEs-Market relations under globalization. Readership: Graduates, academics and researchers who are interested in China’s policies and strategies in energy security issues. 260pp 978-981-4522-76-2
Feb 2019 US$106 £88
CO Removal Catalysts and CO Tolerant Materials in Fuel Cell Systems
edited by Ryuji Kikuchi (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Shohei Tada (Seikei University, Japan), Geletu Qing (Michigan State University, USA) & Mitsuaki Echigo (Osaka Gas Co., Ltd, Japan) This book analyses the vast existing research on CO and CO2; methanation to find key issues to perform CO methanation selectively and demonstrates the process experimentally in an actual reactor scale. It also offers a focus on a new deep CO removal process in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), including selective CO methanation catalysts and reactors, along with conventional CO abatement processes such as water gas shift and preferential oxidation of CO (PROX). In addition, related CO removal techniques and current fuel cell systems are presented. The book is ideal for graduate students, fuel cell researchers, chemical engineers and chemists with an interest in the field. Readership: Catalyst researchers, chemical engineer, and chemist; advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in hydrogen production and fuel cell. 200pp 978-1-78634-502-8
Environmental Science 2019
JOURNAL PROMOTION For a FREE institutional trial or subscribe to these journals, please contact us at sales@wspc.com
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami (JET) http://www.worldscientific.com/jet Managing Editors Fook Hou Lee (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Hori Muneo (University of Tokyo, Japan)
To be published as 6 issues from 2019
Aims and Scope Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami provides a common forum for scientists and engineers working in the areas of earthquakes and tsunamis to communicate and interact with one another and thereby enhance the opportunities for such crossfertilization of ideas. The Journal publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development in Geological and Seismological Setting; Ground Motion, Site and Building Response; Tsunami Generation, Propagation, Damage and Mitigation, as well as Education and Risk Management following an earthquake or a tsunami.
Check out the FREE articles online!
Abstracting/Indexing: Academic OneFile | Baidu | CNKI | CnpLINKer | CrossRef | Ebsco Discovery Service | EBSCO Electronic Journal Service (EJS) | ExLibris Primo Central | Geobase | Google Scholar | Environmental Studies And Policy Collection | J-Gate | Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition | Naver | National Science and Technology Libraries (NSTL) | OCLC WorldCat® | Science Citation Index Expanded | Scopus | The Summon® Service
The Grant Writing and Crowdfunding Guide for Young Investigators in Science By Jean-Luc Lebrun (Scientific Reach, USA), Justin Lebrun (Scientific Reach, USA) 240pp 978-981-3223-23-3
Jun 2017 US$58 £48
Communicating Science
A Practical Guide for Engineers and Physical Scientists By Raymond Boxman (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Edith Boxman 288pp 978-981-3144-22-4 978-981-3144-23-1(pbk)
Dec 2016 US$68 £56 US$32 £27
Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
How to Read and Critique a Scientific Research Article
272pp 978-1-84816-309-6 978-1-84816-310-2(pbk)
By Foong May Yeong (NUS, Singapore)
by Hilary Glasman-Deal (Imperial College London, UK) Dec 2009 US$58 £48 US$25 £21
Research Methods
A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers By Willie Tan (NUS, Singapore) 228pp 978-981-3229-58-7 978-981-3229-61-7(pbk)
Notes to Guide Students Reading Primary Literature (with Teaching Tips for Faculty Members) 116pp 978-981-4579-16-2(pbk)
Jan 2014 US$28 £23
More scientific writing guides are available online!
Jul 2017 US$58 £51 US$38 £33
More information at: bit.ly/sciwritingguide
Environmental Science 2019
Architectural Education in 21st Century Asia
by D N Singh (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India) & Afshin Asadi (International College of Auckland, New Zealand)
by Kheng Soon Tay (NUS, Singapore)
Meeting Challenges Through Need-based Instrumentation
How to Learn Architecture
Environmental Geotechnology revisits existing concepts of geotechnical engineering in detail, and brings them up to date with new knowledge and current affairs so as to enable the field of Environmental Geotechnology to better address and serve today’s needs. It points out the role and importance of the parameters and mechanisms that govern the interaction of contaminants with geomaterials (soil and rock mass), and also discusses their degradation in the long-run, and the consequences that follow.
New Asian architects must be able of finding new design languages, expressions, new geometries within new working methods capable of engaging in trans-disciplinary discourses and be able to inspire the masses of people at all levels of society to the new future Asia will lead globally. To do this, this book advocates and calls attention to learning basic skills lost in the context of rapid urbanisation and distortions caused to deep Asian civilizational values. In this process, the fostering of relevant attitudes through empowering our Asian architecture students is of the utmost importance. There are many examples of such empowerment in this book.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, research scholars, and professionals working in the field of Environmental Geotechnical Engineering.
250pp 978-981-4417-76-1
325pp 978-981-4583-00-8
Percolation Theory in Reservoir Engineering
Feb 2019 US$142 £118
by Peter R King (Imperial College London, UK) & Mohsen Masihi (Sharif University of Technology, Iran)
Saving Lakes
The Urban Socio-Cultural and Technological Perspectives
by Wun Jern Ng (NTU, Singapore), Sreeja Nair (NTU, Singapore), Shameen Jinadasa (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) & Valencia Evelyn (NTU, Singapore) This book traces the socio-cultural and technological dimensions at play for the protection and remediation of a tropical urban lake, and how these dimensions guide the design of need-based solutions. It explores design requirements based on the need for sensitivity to religious and cultural norms, social values and aesthetic requirements. First-hand experiences of the writers in planning and executing an urban lake remediation project in a fast-growing city and a UNESCO heritage site, are drawn as practical examples. The lessons learnt can find application in other lakes of cultural significance in tropical regions. Readership: Governments, local authorities, policy-makers or trade professionals dealing or working with the development and/or preservation of urban waterbodies; Activists or members of the general public concerned about the restoration or preservation of urban water supplies. 160pp 978-981-3271-25-8
Oct 2018 US$48
The Primal Episteme
Knowledge and Practice for Managing a Sustainable World edited by Frank Birkin (Sheffield University, UK) & Thomas Polesie (Gothenburg University, Sweden)
World development is divided by two distinct realms of knowledge that may be identified as (i) Modern abstract, rational belief system and (ii) empirically-grounded science. This division is evident large-scale in climate change debates and small-scale in everyday strategies and decisions. A transition from type (i) to type (ii) knowledge is discernible in many fields from development studies, corporate strategy, institutional performance appraisal and population studies to a fundamental questioning of personal identities, roles and fulfilment. Readership: Graduate students in sustainable business, CSR and environmental sciences; social and natural scientists; business professionals and accountants. 250pp 978-981-3225-57-2
Mar 2019 US$98 £86
Feb 2019 US$110 £91
This book aims to develop the ideas from fundamentals of percolation theory to practical reservoir engineering applications. Through a focus on field scale applications of percolation concepts to reservoir engineering problems, it offers an approximation method to determine many important reservoir parameters, such as effective permeability and reservoir connectivity and the physical analysis of some reservoir engineering properties. Starring with the concept of percolation theory, it then develops into methods to simple geological systems like sand-bodies and fractures. The accuracy and efficiency of the percolation concept for these is explained and further extended to more complex realistic models. Readership: Graduates and researchers interested or working in reservoir engineering. 300pp 978-1-78634-523-3
Jul 2018 US$118 £104
The Imperial College Lectures in Petroleum Engineering
Volume 4: Drilling and Reservoir Appraisal by Olivier Allain (KAPPA, France), Michael Dyson (Striatum Ltd, UK), Xudong Jing (Shell, Netherlands), Christopher Pentland (Petroleum Development Oman, Oman), Marcel Polikar (Independent Consultant, Canada) & Sander Suicmez (Maersk Oil & Gas, Denmark)
This book covers the fundamentals of drilling and reservoir appraisal for petroleum. Split into three sections, the first looks at the basic principles of well engineering in terms of planning, design and construction. It then goes on to describe well safety, costs and operations management. The second section is focussed on drilling and core analysis, and the laboratory measurement of the physico-chemical properties of samples. It is clear that efficient development of hydrocarbon reservoirs is highly dependent on understanding these key properties, and the data can only be gathered through a carefully conducted core-analysis program, as described. Finally, in the third section we look at production logging, an essential part of reservoir appraisal, which describes the nature and the behaviour of fluids in or around the borehole. It describes how to know, at a given time, phase by phase, and zone by zone, how much fluid is coming out of or going into the formation. Readership: Students of the earth sciences, petroleum engineering, engineering and geoscience. 392pp 978-1-78634-395-6
Jul 2018 US$108 £95 WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Environmental Science 2019 Advances in Coastal Hydraulics
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering
edited by Vijay Panchang & James Kaihatu (Texas A& M University, USA)
Dynamics of Floating Offshore Structures
Advances in Coastal Hydraulics contains twelve papers report on recent developments in several areas of coastal hydraulics. The papers, written by well-regarded authors, cover interesting topics such as the interaction of groundwater and coastal water, the use of remote sensing for coastal applications, erosion in Arctic environments, the impact of marine vegetation on coastal hydrodynamics, new methods to examine the reliability of breakwater design, the development of marine kinetic energy, and methods for modeling coastal processes as well as their applications to small and large scales, such as a harbor in Hawaii (for design) and the active coast of India (for examining the effects of tsunamis and sea level rise).
This book will provide a complete coverage on the dynamics of floating offshore structures. Topics like random waves, wind and current, etc. will be developed from the fundamental principles and their applications to offshore structures will be discussed. The design aspect of the offshore structure, both for short-term and long-term response and structural fatigue, are important elements of the dynamic response and will be further elaborated upon in the text.
Readership: Graduate students, academics and professionals in the field civil engineering, ocean engineering/coastal engineering and oceanography. 522pp 978-981-3231-27-6
Jul 2018 US$148 £130
World Scientific Series in Grand Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century - Vol 1
Global Challenges for Future Food and Agricultural Policies
edited by David Blandford (The Pennsylvania State University, USA) & Katharina Hassapoyannes (European Parliament, Belgium) Editor-in-chief: Tim Josling (Stanford) Global Challenges for Future Food and Agricultural Policies presents a comprehensive analysis of the inter-related policy challenges of food security, management of natural resources, climate change, and international governance. The book also offers valuable insights into options for effective policymaking with the goal of inducing positive policy changes to the food and agricultural sector. Readership: Students and researchers who are interested in economic development, agricultural markets and food systems; and policymakers and professionals involved in monitoring and regulating agricultural and food markets. 400pp 978-981-3235-39-7
Jan 2019 US$138 £121
Primers in Electronics and Computer Science
Image Processing and Analysis A Primer
edited by Georgy Gimel’farb & Patrice Delmas (The University of Auckland, New Zealand) This textbook guides readers through their first steps into the challenging world of mimicking human vision with computational tools and techniques pertaining to the field of image processing and analysis. While today’s theoretical and applied processing and analysis of images meet with challenging and complex problems, this primer is confined to a much simpler, albeit critical, collection of image-to-image transformations, including image normalization, enhancement, and filtering. Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in science, engineering, environmental science, life sciences/biology and medicine. Engineers and scientists in need of a refresher or an introduction to image processing/computer vision. 244pp 978-1-78634-581-3 WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Jul 2018 US$88
by Subrata K Chakrabarti (Offshore Structure Analysis, Inc., USA)
Readership: Senior undergraduate, graduates and researchers in offshore and ocean engineering. 600pp May 2019 978-981-4280-55-6 US$95 £79 978-981-4280-56-3(pbk) US$55 £46
A Guide to Planning Ecological Townships
Sustainability Performance Indicators and Planning Strategies edited by Lai Choo Malone-Lee, Chye Kiang Heng & Ivan Nasution (NUS, Singapore)
This book presents a systematic compilation of sustainability indicators adopted in selected township case studies, with a focus on relatively high density projects in Asia. Using a methodical mode of enquiry, it sets forth a systematic approach towards profiling sustainability performance. In the process, it derives a framework of sustainability domains, performance targets and planning standards which operationalises the concept of sustainability, and lends tangible dimensions to its evaluation. 250pp Feb 2019 978-981-4733-53-3 US$82 £68 978-981-4733-54-0(ebook) US$123 £103
Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation
The Linearised Dam-Break Problem
by D J Needham, S McGovern & J A Leach (University of Birmingham, UK) The monograph addresses a canonical problem in linear water wave theory, through the development-detailed, asymptotic analysis of contour integrals in the complex plane. It is anticipated that the methodology developed in the monograph will have applications to many associated linear wave evolution problems, to which the reader may adapt the approach developed in the monograph. The approach adopted in the monograph is novel, and there are no existing publications for comparison. Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 168pp 978-981-3223-87-5
Jul 2018 US$88 £77
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Environmental Science 2019 Sustainable Chemistry Series - Vol 3
Functional Materials from Lignin Methods and Advances
edited by Xian Jun Loh, Dan Kai & Zibiao Li (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore) This book brings together leading engineering approaches to address the challenges of lignin valorization. It presents the chemistry and properties of different types of lignin, and explores the cutting-edge approaches of lignin modifications. Unlike any existing texts, this book not only summarizes the traditional ways of using lignin, but also presents various potential applications of lignin materials together with advanced processing techniques. Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in material science and engineering; chemists and materials scientists. 234pp 978-1-78634-520-2
Jul 2018 US$108 £95
The Imperial College Lectures in Petroleum Engineering Volume 5: Fluid Flow in Porous Media by Robert W Zimmerman (Imperial College London, UK)
This book presents, in a self-contained form, the equations of fluid flow in porous media, with a focus on topics and issues that are relevant to petroleum reservoir engineering. No prior knowledge of the field is assumed on the part of the reader, and particular care is given to careful mathematical and conceptual development of the governing equations, and solutions for important reservoir flow problems. Fluid Flow in Porous Media starts with a discussion of permeability and Darcy’s law, then moves on to a careful derivation of the pressure diffusion equation. Solutions are developed and discussed for flow to a vertical well in an infinite reservoir, in reservoirs containing faults, in bounded reservoirs, and to hydraulically fractured wells. Special topics such as the dual-porosity model for fractured reservoirs, and fluid flow in gas reservoirs, are also covered. The book includes twenty problems, along with detailed solutions. Readership: Undergraduate and postgraduate students of petroleum engineering or hydrology. 220pp 978-1-78634-499-1
May 2018 US$78 £69
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 42
Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves (3rd Edition) (In 2 Volumes) by Chiang C Mei (MIT), Michael Aharon Stiassnie (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) & Dick K-P Yue (MIT) This book set is a revised version of the 2005 edition of Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves. It presents theoretical topics on ocean wave dynamics, including basic principles and applications in coastal and offshore engineering as well as coastal oceanography. Advanced analytical and numerical techniques are demonstrated. In this revised version, five chapters on recent developments in linear and nonlinear aspects have been added. Readership: Graduate students and lecturers in coastal and ocean engineering, as well as theoretical engineers, applied mathematicians and geophysicists. 1240pp 978-981-3147-17-1(Set) 978-981-3147-18-8(Set)(pbk) 978-981-3147-19-5(Set)(ebook)
May 2018 US$198 £164 US$98 £81 US$297 £245
Preparation and Application in Industry edited by Zhengyu Jin (Jiangnan University, China)
Cyclodextrins are an extremely versatile class of chemicals highly prized for their ability to incorporate a plethora of organic, inorganic and biologic guest molecules into their hydrophobic cavities and form host-guest inclusion complexes. As excellent molecular receptors, they have long been exploited in many important industries such as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, analytical chemistry and enzyme mimics. Readership: Researchers, technicians and application specialists in food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, analytical chemistry and environmental engineering industries. 292pp 978-981-3229-65-5
Mar 2018 US$98 £86
Coastal Management in the Face of Climate Change by Dominic Reeve (University of Plymouth, UK)
The book is aimed at practicing coastal managers and engineers; to provide some practical guide to using the results of research efforts over the last decade. The material is also suitable for final year undergraduates and MSc students. It brings together in one book material that is currently dispersed across many sources which are not easy for the non-expert to access.
More titles and sample chapters www.worldscientific.com/page/environsci
Readership: Graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in coastal engineering, civil engineering, environmental management and planning and environmental engineering. 200pp 978-1-84816-583-0
Aug 2019 US$106 £88
Environmental Science 2019
WASTE MANAGEMENT / POLLUTION Sustainable Sludge Management Resource Recovery for Construction Applications
by Kuan-Yeow Show (Hohai University, China), Joo-Hwa Tay (University of Calgary, Canada) & Duu-Jong Lee (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) This compendium presents the state-of-the-art development in recycling sludge into construction materials. A research-based development of engineering products made from sludge for common construction applications such as bricks, aggregates and cementreplacement materials is outlined. In-depth discussions on the properties of the products and their processing technology, the technical suitability for construction applications, and experimental study and assessment of toxic or hazardous chemicals leached from the products are prominently highlighted. Challenges and prospect of sludge recycling are also included. Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, and graduate students in waste management, environmental engineering, civil engineering and materials engineering. 98pp 978-981-3238-25-1
Jan 2019 US$75 £66
Carcinogens, DNA Damage and Cancer Risk
Mechanisms of Chemical Carcinogenesis edited by Miriam Christine Poirier (National Cancer Institute, USA)
This new book is an essential reference, as well as introduction to the field of chemical carcinogenesis, with particular focus on DNA damage as a critical link between exposure and disease, and emphasis on biomarkers associated with cancer risk in humans. In addition to DNA damage, related topics covered include metabolism of selected chemical carcinogens, exposureinduced epigenetic changes, cancer-associated mutations and reduction of DNA damage and cancer risk by chemoprevention. The book is designed to be a comprehensive guide to basic principles, a teaching tool for academics, and a map for the development of protective mechanisms to reduce human cancer risk
Basic of Transport and Storage of Radioactive Materials
edited by Toshiari Saegusa (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Gilles Sert (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire (IRSN), France), Holger Völzke (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung undprüfung (BAM), Germany) & Frank Wille (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung undprüfung (BAM), Germany) Key Features: ○ This book was written by international experts to provide most advanced technologies with understandable contents for readers. It describes security and safety of transport and storage, which are rarely discussed and written in the same book. It covers existing literature in the beginning and provides new and advanced information so that readers are introduced to wide spectrum of the technologies Readership: Advanced graduate students and researchers in the field of nuclear engineering and nuclear waste management. 400pp 978-981-3234-03-1
Jun 2018 US$138 £121
Silver Recovery from Assorted Spent Sources Toxicology of Silver Ions
edited by Syed Sabir (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia) Comprising ten chapters, this book draws attention to the most advance technologies in silver recovery and recycling from various spent sources, which will appeal to research scientists and metallurgists. The state of the art in recovery of silver from different sources by hydrometallurgical and bio-metallurgical processing and varieties of leaching, cementing, reducing agents, adsorbents, and bio-sorbents are highlighted in this book. Readership: Students, researchers, chemists, metallurgists, environmental scientists and electronic waste recovery experts.
Readership: Undergraduate students, postgraduates and researchers in nuclear chemistry, pollution, biochemistry, biological chemistry and oncology.
364pp 978-1-78634-457-1
350pp 978-981-3237-19-3
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management
Dec 2018 US$138 £121
The Chernobyl Story
by Sergei Belyakov (Theracross Technologies, Singapore) Key Features: ○ Authentic recollections of the actual cleanup efforts during “presarcophagus” time at Chernobyl NPP ○ Personal accounts of a nuclear jumper: fear, bravery, creativity, camaraderie, resilience, determination, exhaustion, and many others ○ Unique atmosphere of liquidator’s daily life, on and away from the Plant Readership: People who are interested in the Chernobyl story. 200pp Nov 2018 978-981-3227-41-5 US$48 £42 978-981-3228-68-9(pbk) US$28 £25 WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Apr 2018 US$118 £104
edited by Jinsuo Zhang (Virginia Tech, USA) Key Features: ○ The book focuses on two significant areas: nuclear used fuel reprocessing technology and waste management ○ Pyroprocessing technology is well described in the book. This technology has not been covered or just simply introduced in other existing books on nuclear fuel cycle ○ The book covers dry storage of used nuclear fuel, waste disposal and novel waste form design which are not well addressed by other existing books Readership: Professionals and Graduate Researchers studying or working in the fields of nuclear energy production, nuclear waste management, and nuclear waste treatment. 200pp 978-981-3271-36-4
Nov 2018 US$98 £85 www.worldscientific.com
Environmental Science 2019 Split by Sun
The Tragic History of the Sustainocene
by Tom Faunce (Australian National University, Australia) Split by Sun is a witty and poetic novel that explores whether humanity is meant to globally deploy a solar energy technology to progress enforceable rights of ecosystems, electronic citizen voting on laws, the marriage of corporations to public goods, community-scale industry, the abolition of war and nuclear weapons, the facilitation of universal basic income, healthcare and education and the replacement of religion with widespread experience of unitive consciousness. Readership: General Public. 200pp 978-1-78634-505-9
Aug 2018 US$85 £75
Critical Materials
Underlying Causes and Sustainable Mitigation Strategies by Erik S Offerman (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Topics covered include: geopolitics of materials, the energy-materials nexus, definitions of the criticality of materials, circular product design, the development of alternative materials (substitution), sustainable mining and recycling. Readership: This book is intended for a broad audience, including students, policymakers and material scientists. 350pp 978-981-3271-04-3
Jan 2019 US$138
ICP Sustainability and Risk Series - Vol 1
Water, Climate Change and Sustainability
The Information Management and Business Change Challenge
Materials and Energy
by Richard Max-Lino (Quest4 Consulting Ltd, UK)
Water Is ...
The Importance of Water in Society, Life, Economics, Life, and Technology
by Seth B Darling (University of Chicago, USA) & Seth W Snyder (Northwestern University, USA) Key Features: ○ This is the first book to provide a holistic perspective on water, capturing the full breadth of the science, technology, policy, history, and future outlook for the most important substance on earth — all written at a level accessible to non-experts in each of these areas Contents: Policy of Water Management; Science of Water; Chemistry of Water; Biology of Water. Readership: People interested in capturing the full breadth of the science, technology, policy, history, and future outlook for the most important substance on earth; students in business, policy, history, science, and engineering looking for solutions to the the daunting challenges dictated by increasing water stress and a changing climate as well as the enticing opportunities to achieve a secure global water future. 312pp 978-981-3271-39-5
World Scientific Series in Current Energy Issues - Vol 5
Oct 2018 US$68
Contents: Introduction and Scope; Current Practices in Accounting for Water; Water Risk Assessment; Water, Climate Change and the World’s Top Economies — A Macroeconomic Analysis; Water and Climate Change Scenarios; The Role of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) principles; Future Needs for Better Accounting for Water Readership: Finance, banking, insurance and energy sectors, researchers, various industries. 300pp 978-1-84816-844-2
Aug 2019 US$114 £95
Water Economics and Policy (WEP) http://www.worldscientific.com/wep Editor-in-Chief: Ariel Dinar (University of California, Riverside, CA, USA)
Aims and Scope Water resources management and other water-related decisions and policies are frequently guided by economic dimensions. Economic considerations, including efficiency, equity, production, allocation, and pollution, have expanded as water resources have become scarcer both in terms of quantity and quality. While economic analyses applied to the water sector are useful and educational, their policy implications are less obvious for guiding policymakers. Water Economics and Policy (WEP) will address the economic-policy interaction by publishing highly technical water economics research with clear relevance for policy. WEP will aim to target a wide range of economic questions at local, regional, national and international levels. It will accommodate work that is focused on specific sectors (such as urban, hydropower, irrigation, and environment) as well as work that is inter-sectoral in nature.
Environmental Science 2019
CLIMATOLOGY / METEOROLOGY, OCEANOGRAPHY World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate - Vol 10
Bridging Science and Policy Implication for Managing Climate Extremes edited by Hong-Sang Jung (APEC Climate Center, South Korea) & Bin Wang (University of Hawaii, USA)
This book aims to compile some of the important results from the latest research in climate extreme prediction and services and its application studies with a focus on climate extremes such as typhoons, droughts, and floods based on the APCS presentations during 2013 – 2015. Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in meteorology/ climatology, and weather forecasting services. 232pp 978-981-3235-65-6
Feb 2018 US$118 £104
World Scientific Series on Singapore’s 50 Years of Nation-Building
50 Years of Engineering in Singapore
Air Pollution Reviews - Vol 6
Air Pollution Episodes
edited by Peter Brimblecombe (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Episodes of air pollution throughout the 20th and 21st centuries have had a huge influence socially, economically and politically. From the Great Smog of London to the Kuwait Oil Fires, and from the ashes of Mount St Helens to air pollution in Beijing, this book chronicles their enduring legacies in medicine, science and public policy. Using technical information and insight from witnesses directly involved in the incidents, ten key episodes are brought together to allow comparison and analysis. Readership: Students, academics and professionals of atmospheric physics and chemistry, environmental science, public policy and other clinical disciplines. 396pp 978-1-78634-340-6
Nov 2017 US$138 £115
edited by Tao Soon Cham (NTU, Singapore)
This compendium covers land transportation (ERP system, MRT and LRT, roads and buses system); water management and engineering; energy (supply and maintenance); manufacturing in the areas of electronics, precision engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical/biomedical engineering; housing/cities/infrastructure and land use (reclamation and underground); air and sea hub; and telecommunications, ICT and software. Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics, and laymen interested in all aspects of engineering. 204pp Dec 2017 978-981-4632-28-7 US$58 £51 978-981-4632-29-4(pbk) US$24 £21
Advances in Planetary Science - Vol 1
Nuclear Planetary Science
Planetary Science Based on Gamma-Ray, Neutron and X-Ray Spectroscopy
by Nobuyuki Hasebe (Waseda University, Japan), Kyeong Ja Kim (University of Science and Technology, Korea & Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea), Eido Shibamura (Waseda University, Japan) & Kunitomo Sakurai (Kanagawa University, Japan & Waseda University, Japan) Nuclear planetary science has come to play an important role in our understanding of the origin and evolution of the planetary bodies in our solar system. A newly established branch of planetary science, its study aids in humankind’s exploration of the present states of the structures of various planetary bodies (including the Earth), their atmospheres and their satellites, as well as small celestial bodies (e.g. asteroids), through direct observation. Knowing the elemental composition of the planetary bodies is essential in order to understand the formation and evolution of planetary bodies — just as important as it is to know the mass, radius, density and orbit of the celestial body. Readership: Students and specialists interested in Nuclear Planetary Science and the a much wider field of Earth and Planetary Science. 180pp 978-981-3209-70-1
Sustainability Matters
Environmental Management in the Anthropocene
edited by Lin-Heng Lye (NUS, Singapore), Harvey Neo (NUS, Singapore), Sekhar Kondepudi (NUS, Singapore), Wen-Shen Yew (NUS, Singapore) & Judy Gek-Khim Sng (NUS, Singapore) The first compilation, Sustainability Matters: Environmental Management in Asia was published in 2010 and comprised the best papers from 2001/2002 to 2006/2007. The fifth compilation, Sustainability Matters: Environmental and Climate Changes in the Asia-Pacific, was published in 2015 and comprised the best papers for the periods 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in environmental management/science. 516pp 978-981-3229-88-4
Oct 2017 US$198 £174
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Nov 2017 US$98 £81
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Environmental Science 2019 Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management
edited by Christian N Madu (University of Nigeria, Nigeria & Pace University, USA) & Chu-Hua Kuei (Pace University, USA) Key Features: ○ The book is comprehensive and covers all the new ideas on managing disasters. It also includes authors from several nations across the globe and covers all the continents. Multiple perspectives and the different viewpoints that influence the management of disasters are captured in this volume. It is one of the few comprehensive volumes in the field ○
It is evidence-based with practice and policy orientation. It is developed for general readership and it takes a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving
Readership: Graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster management, environmentalists, federal emergency management agencies, disaster risk managers. 956pp 978-981-3207-94-3
Sep 2017 US$288 £253
Global Crisis and Sustainability Technologies by Kenji Uchino (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Global Crisis and Sustainability Technologies is a nontechnical introduction and overview of the current “politicoengineering” — politically initiated engineering — intended for an international relationship. The book focuses specifically on technologies for crisis and societal sustainability in response to natural disasters, infectious diseases, enormous accidents, terrorist or criminal incidents, war or territorial invasions, elimination of toxic materials, and renewable energy, as well as risk management. Readership: Engineering & law school undergraduate, graduate students, and also active researchers who are interested in becoming Science & Technology program officers, intellectual properties, S&T policy making, global regimes etc. 316pp Dec 2017 978-981-3142-29-9 US$68 £56 978-981-3143-72-2(pbk) US$38 £32
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World Scientific Series in Current Energy Issues - Vol 4
Energy Storage
edited by Gerard M Crawley (Marcus Enterprise LLC, USA & University of South Carolina, USA) “Anyone wanting to learn quickly about the latest developments in energy storage should read this book. It provides enough technical depth for the reader to understand the advantages and limitations of the various storage methods, and sufficient references to enable the reader to dig more deeply into the technical details.” IEEE Journals & Magazines The subject of energy storage is extremely important for the increased utilization of renewable energies such as solar and wind energy in times when their sources (e.g. the sun and wind) are unavailable. The ability to store energy can also level out the demand curve for electricity and thus lead to a decrease in the peak requirements of energy production. A storage system for ground transportation is also important as a potential replacement for fossil fuel powered transportation. Readership: Graduate students, researchers and professionals in fields related to, and or dealing with issues pertaining to energy studies/research, electrical and electronic engineering. 320pp 978-981-3208-95-7
Aug 2017 US$138 £115
The Imperial College Lectures in Petroleum Engineering
Volume 1: An Introduction to Petroleum Geoscience by Michael Ala (Imperial College London, UK)
“The book achieves its aim of communicating a common set of principles and a structured approach to petroleum geoscience; it also provides a helpful glossary and at the end of each chapter, a useful set of references for those readers wishing to delve into further detail. Good use is made of illustrations from around the world to demonstrate concepts and principles. The book is thus compact and well laid-out, meeting the challenge on containing the key information for ready reference without running to a considerably larger tome.” Dr John F Bell, Director Asia Operations, Ophir Energy Readership: Students of the earth sciences, petroleum engineering, engineering and geoscience. 324pp 978-1-78634-206-5
Jul 2017 US$88 £77
Series on Computers and Operations Research - Vol 8
Network Design and Optimization for Smart Cities edited by Konstantinos Gakis & Panos Pardalos (University of Florida, USA)
This comprehensive reference text is a collection of important research findings on the latest developments in network modeling for optimization of smart cities. Such models can be used from outlining the fundamental concepts of urban development to the description and optimization of physical networks, such as power, water or telecommunications. Networks help us understand city economics and various aspects of human interactions within cities with particular applications in quality of life and the flow of people and goods. Finally, the natural environment and even the climate of cities can be modeled and managed as networks. Readership: Urban planners, researchers, academics, professionals and graduate students in neural networks/networking, systems engineering, electrical & electronic engineering, and energy studies. 404pp 978-981-3200-00-5
12 www.worldscientific.com
Jul 2017 US$148 £123 WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Environmental Science 2019 Perspectives for Geothermal Energy in Europe edited by Ruggero Bertani (Enel Green Power, Italy)
The potential for energy transformation from geothermal heat is limitless. For millennia natural sources of this energy, in the form of thermal springs, have been used by populations for heating, cooking and bathing. Modernday usage has been extended to electricity generation from binary cycle power plants, heat extraction from geothermal heat pumps and use in greenhouses for industrial crop growing. Perspectives for Geothermal Energy in Europe highlights the status of geothermal energy in countries where natural sources of this energy are available. It concludes with a presentation of current geothermal policy and regulations within Europe, and discussion of how this fits in with the EU Energy and Climate Framework. Readership: Students, academics and practitioners in the fields of energy studies, geology and the earth sciences, electrical engineering and environmental economics. 304pp 978-1-78634-231-7
May 2017 US$118 £98
The Imperial College Lectures in Petroleum Engineering Volume 2: Reservoir Engineering
by Martin J Blunt (Imperial College London, UK) This book covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering in the recovery of hydrocarbons from underground reservoirs. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic, including discussion of recovery processes, material balance, fluid properties and fluid flow. It also contains details of multiphase flow, including pore-scale displacement processes and their impact on relative permeability, with a presentation of analytical solutions to multiphase flow equations. Created specifically to aid students through undergraduate and graduate courses, this book also includes exercises with worked solutions, and examples of previous exam papers for further guidance and practice. Readership: Students of the earth sciences, petroleum engineering, engineering and geoscience. 404pp 978-1-78634-209-6
May 2017 US$88 £73
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 43
Japan’s Beach Erosion
Reality and Future Measures
2nd Edition
by Takaaki Uda (Public Works Research Center, Japan) This second edition presents new findings from field studies carried out on Japanese beaches, along with the development and improvement of the numerical model presented previously. In addition to the first edition, six new examples of the beach erosion in Japan are included, as is new analysis of the BG model (a model for predicting based on Bagnold’s concept), which can be applicable to various field problems. Readership: Coastal engineers, development planners, students, researchers and practitioners of civil engineering. 548pp 978-981-3146-24-2
May 2017 US$158 £131
Climate Change and the Energy Problem (2nd Edition)
Physical Science and Economics Perspective by David Goodstein (Caltech) & Michael Intriligator
This important compendium deals with the primary world problems of global warming and the coming energy crisis. In alternating chapters, it lays out the nature of the two interrelated problems, and specifies the various economic considerations. Thus, it describes the coming shortfall of fossil fuel energy in detail and then presents the economic factors governing possible solutions. Readership: Undergraduates, graduates, professionals, academics and the general public interested in energy studies, environmental economics, geophysics and public policy. 96pp May 2017 978-981-3208-34-6 US$28 £25 978-981-3208-35-3(ebook) US$42 £40
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 44
Satellite SAR Detection of SubMesoscale Ocean Dynamic Processes by Quanan Zheng (University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
This special book aims to provide the updated theories and methods for the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard satellites to detect ocean processes, i.e., SAR ocean remote sensing. It is a hi-tech application field having been developed since late 1970s and become a powerful tool for obtaining dynamic signatures from the remote and broad ocean. Readership: Graduate, academics and professionals in the field of satellite oceanography, ocean engineering, geophysics, electrical and electronic engineering, and earth science. 348pp 978-981-4749-00-8
May 2017 US$138 £115
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Environmental Science 2019
CLIMATOLOGY / METEOROLOGY, OCEANOGRAPHY World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate - Vol 8
World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate - Vol 9
edited by Congbin Fu (Nanjing University, China) & Huiting Mao (SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, USA)
Research and Forecast
Aridity Trend in Northern China
The continued aridity trend occurring in many regions worldwide is a manifestation of the response of the earth system to global change. It hinders severely the sustainable development of these regions. Northern China is one of the largest and most affected regions in the world. This book documents the climate change in its arid and semi-arid areas on decadal to geological time scales based on analyses of various data sources. These analyses improved our understanding of the potential mechanisms driving the aridity trend, particularly in the second half of the 20th century.
The Global Monsoon System (3rd Edition) edited by Chih-Pei Chang (National Taiwan University & US Naval Postgraduate School), Hung-Chi Kuo (National Taiwan University), Ngar-Cheung Lau (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Richard H Johnson (Colorado State University), Bin Wang (University of Hawaii) & Matthew C Wheeler (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) This book is the third edition of a book series on the state of the science of monsoon research and forecasting. The series is updated approximately every five years based on the invited reviews of the World Meteorological Organization’s International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM).
Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate change.
Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in meteorology/climatology, and weather forecasting services.
320pp 978-981-4723-53-4
396pp 978-981-3200-90-6
May 2017 US$138 £115
Mar 2017 US$158 £131
A Remote Sensing Perspective
Electricity Generation Using Wind Power (2nd Edition)
Key Features: ○ An update on the recent progress of electromagnetic scattering theory and approaches pertinent to remote sensing ○ A balanced coverage of surface scattering and volume scattering ○ A balanced treatment of analytical methods and numerical approaches
Electricity Generation Using Wind Power (2nd Edition) answers these pressing questions through its detailed coverage of the different types of electrical generator machines used, as well as the power electronic converter technologies and control principles employed. Also covered is the integration of wind farms into established electricity grid systems, plus environmental and economic aspects of wind generation.
Electromagnetic Scattering edited by Yang Du (Zhejiang University, China)
Readership: Theorists, system designers, engineers and other practitioners dealing with electromagnatic scattering, surface scattering, and volume scattering. 412pp 978-981-3209-86-2
May 2017 US$148 £123
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics for Engineers (2nd Edition)
by Signe Kjelstrup (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Dick Bedeaux (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Eivind Johannessen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) & Joachim Gross (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Key Features: ○ There is no yet another book in the field aiming to teach the essence of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and its applications to engineering students, practitioner engineers, and scientists working on industrial problems, but a simpler way to at non-equilibrium thermodynamics ○ The publication of the book will be a great improvement of the present situation Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and professionals dealing with thermodynamics in mechanical and chemical engineering, applied chemistry, electrochemistry, and energy research. 300pp 978-981-3200-30-2
Apr 2017 US$88 £73
14 www.worldscientific.com
by William Shepherd (University of Bradford, UK) & Li Zhang (University of Leeds, UK)
Readership: Electrical power engineers, undergraduate and postgraduate students of electrical engineering. 300pp 978-981-3148-65-9
Mar 2017 US$98 £81
World Scientific Series on the Economics of Climate Change - Vol 2
Climate Finance
Theory and Practice
edited by Anil Markandya (Basque Centre for Climate Change, Spain), Ibon Galarraga (Basque Centre for Climate Change, Spain) & Dirk Rübbelke (Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) Key Features: ○ Contributes to the design of instruments associated with financing the fight against climate change ○ Provides an up-to-date and detailed overview of the state-ofthe-art in climate finance ○ Bridges a gap in climate finance literature, which has predominantly focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation, but explored to a lesser extent how these measures would be funded Readership: Advanced climate change finance students; research personnel; and professionals in the field, such as policy makers and consultants. 376pp Mar 2017 978-981-4641-80-7 US$148 £123 978-981-4641-81-4(ebook) US$222 £185 WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Environmental Science 2019
Advisors Chiang C. Mei (MIT, USA) Philip L.-F. Liu (National University of Singapore and Cornell University, USA)
Editors-in-Chief Lev Shemer (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Xiping Yu (Tsinghua University, China)
International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering (IJOCE) is a peer-reviewed medium for the publication of research achievements and engineering practices on all aspects of ocean and coastal engineering, including but not limited to wave dynamics and wind waves, tides and ocean currents, sea level changes, tsunamis and storm surges, nearshore sediment transport, coastal morphology, beach erosion, shore protection, ocean acoustics, remote sensing of ocean, marine exploration techniques, AUV/ROV, offshore platforms, submarine pipelines, seawalls and breakwaters, construction and design methods for offshore and coastal infrastructures, maintenance of navigation channels, dredging technology, harbor engineering, materials for marine structures, marine
geotechnical engineering, estuarine processes, marine environmental problems, marine ecosystem dynamics, ocean energy development, coastal zone management, safety and amenity of coastal cities, etc. The scope of this journal encompasses experimental, computational, and theoretical aspects of ocean and coastal engineering, as well as closely-related subjects and meaningful applications, whose composition will evolve continuously to respond to emerging new areas and directions in modern science, engineering and technology. Research papers, review articles, technical notes and reports of important projects are welcome.
Aims & Scope Present and future global warming research must be increasingly based on big datasets at terabyte and exabyte scales from diverse sources (e.g. climate, ocean, economy, energy, ecosystem dynamics, industry, agriculture, environment, public’s attitude/knowledge surveys). The "International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming" is an inter-disciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research articles, review articles, letters, case studies and book reviews in all aspects of global warming through traditional mining methods (statistical, spectral, numerical, simulating, LCA, 3E, etc.) and non-traditional mining methods (neural networks, deep learning, cloud computing, etc.) of these big datasets. Topics to be covered by International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming will include, but will not be limited to: •
Monitoring, diagnosis, and predictions of global warming trends and their impacts;
Applications of artificial neural networks and deep learning in weather, climate and disaster predictions;
Data-driven ecological/environmental impact assessments within the context of global warming impacts;
Mining of big datasets of carbon footprinting of products and services as integrated within carbon taxation/ trading schemes;
Applications of cloud computing and distributed storage in climate and earth system modelling;
Data-driven uncertainty analyses for climate prediction and their impacts on policy design and governance within governmental, industrial and institutional contexts;
Data-driven resource management and utilization to combat global warming and meet ambitious climate goals;
Survey and data mining for international governance, political obstacles, education, societal perceptions of global warming mitigation and adaption in short and long term perspectives.
Integrated, interdisciplinary data mining to combat, reduce and prevent global warming and its impacts.
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Editors-in-Chief Donald Huisingh University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA dhuisingh@utk.edu
Zhihua Zhang Beijing Normal University, China zhangzh@bnu.edu.cn www.worldscientific.com 15
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International Journal of Energy and Statistics (IJES) http://www.worldscientific.com/ijes Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Hassani (Bournemouth University, UK) Aims and Scope The International Journal of Energy and Statistics (IJES) is the official publication of the Institute for International Energy Studies, aiming to promote and contribute to the research in all aspects of energy, from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. It is a multi-disciplinary journal covering research in energy (including, but not limited to, resources, applications and services, regulation, policy, sustainability, maintenance, renewable energy, and technology) from a statistical perspective, covering both applications and theoretical developments, for testing or proving hypothesis. Articles with novel contributions to statistics with applications related to energy are strongly encouraged.
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Abstracting/Indexing: Academic OneFile | Baidu | CrossRef | CNKI | CnpLINKer | CrossRef | Ebsco Discovery Service | EBSCO Electronic Journal Service (EJS) | Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) | ExLibris Primo Central | Google Scholar | J-Gate | Naver | NSTL - National Science and Technology Libraries | OCLC WorldCat® | The Summon® Service
Climate Change Economics (CCE) http://www.worldscientific.com/cce Editor-in-Chief: Robert Mendelsohn (Yale University, USA) Aims and Scope Climate Change Economics (CCE) publishes theoretical and empirical papers devoted to analyses of mitigation, adaptation, impacts, and other issues related to the policy and management of greenhouse gases. CCE is specifically devoted to papers in economics although it is understood that authors may need to rely on other fields for important insights. The journal is interested in papers examining the issue at every scale from local to global and papers from around the world are encouraged. CCE is also interested in both original research and review papers and welcomes comments discussing previous articles
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