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it - Se i nostri pets dovessero eleggere il proprio Van Gogh sarebbe Catherine Rayner. La pluripremiata autrice, che ha illustrato oltre 20 libri per bambini, ha come fonte d’ispirazione gli animali. In particolare sul suo sito potete trovare una galleria di divertenti ritratti canini da ammirare ma anche da acquistare. In alternativa potete commissionarle un disegno del vostro fidato amico, che renderà la sua cuccia molto artistica.

en - If our pets were to elect their own Van Gogh, it would be Catherine Rayner. The award-winning author, who has illustrated over 20 children’s books, has animals as her source of inspiration. In particular, on her website you can find a gallery of amusing canine portraits to admire but also to buy. Alternatively, you can commission her to draw a picture of your trusty friend, which will make his kennel look very artistic. catherinerayner.co.uk

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