Beautify your eyes By wearing colored contact lenses

Key pointKey point •what are colored contact lenses? •glare can Be reduced with sport tints •colored contact lenses can help you see Better •colored contact lenses look fantastic •injury can Be covered with custom tints

what are colored contact lenses? coloredcontactlenses allow you to change the color of your eyes and create a suBtle, Bold look or somewhere in Between –whether you want to enhance andayoureverydaylookorflauntwackydesignforhalloweenotherspecialevents.

glare can Be reduced with sport tints

sport-tinted contact lenses are intended for functional rather than cosmetic oBjectives. professional athletes use sports tints to improve their vision while competing. sport tint glasses are used By golfers, BaseBall players, runners, and tennis players to improve their vision By Boosting contrast and lowering glare. sport tint lenses are typically availaBle in two varieties: those that cover the entire iris and the pupil.

colored contact lenses can help you see Better the majority of color-enhancing lenses come in Both plano and corrective forms. most common refractive proBlems, including myopia, hyperopia, and presByopia, can Be treated with corrective color-enhancing lenses. color-enhancing lenses for mild to moderate astigmatism have recently joined the market.

colored contact lenses look fantastic

if you make a minor change to your look, such as getting a haircut or wearing a new outfit, no one will notice. wearing a set of color-Boosting contact lenses, on the other hand, will ensure that you graB people's attention. your friends and coworkers may Be unsure of what has changed, But they will agree that you look fantastic.

injury can Be covered with custom tints
custom tinted lenses may Be aBle to aid those who have suffered ocular trauma or an infection that has left the cornea cloudy or scarred. specialist eye physicians can create tinted lenses that replicate the appearance of a healthy eye. these glasses can help someone with a damaged eye hide imperfections and improve their quality of life.
