Fixing sightseeing issues and reFractive errors with contact lenses

Key pointKey point Myopia hyperopia presbyopia astigMatisM

Myopia also known as nearsightedness, it’s a condition where people are not able to see the Far objects clearly whereas the close objects appear clear and proper. this probleM is caused when light enters the eyes but doesn’t get Focused correctly due to one’s eye shape.

hyperopia also, known as Farsightedness, this condition is opposite to Myopia. in this, the near objects seeM blurry whereas the Far objects appear clear. this condition occurs when the light Focusesbeyond the retina.

this eye condition is alMost siMilar to hyperopia in which near objects seeM blurry, however the cause is diFFerent. it is an agerelated eye probleM that is caused when the lens gets hardened in the eyes. this is a coMMon probleM in the older people. For correctingthisprobleM,MultiFocalcontactlensesarerequired.

astigMatisM contacteyeonthiseyeconditionoccurswhenthelightdoesn’tgetFocusedevenlytheretina.ithappensduetotheirregularshapeoFretinaorlens.ForcorrectingthiseyeprobleM,aspecialtypeoFlensisused,knownastoriccontactlens.

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