~passing by everything.
~phases and phrases.
~it is to me.
~it. is that it? hearing it. seeing it. believing it. until it goes away.
~the look, the look back, the look away, the look in.
~part of it.
~same difference different sameness.
~I am possible. (im-possible)
~the room lit.
~to hear. to see. to wonder. quietly.
~it is not lazy it is everything else.
~Monday all year round and winter all the time.
~the unsaid said.
~I don’t even understand myself how am I going to understand you?
~I never thought this would happen to me.
~it takes a lot of 'bad' to get to something good.
~I wouldn't recommend anything in this life.
~life is between the lines and love is a crystal.
~why I have to be everywhere.
~just birds.
~all of us are somebody else.
~how can a book even be made? what a phase that would be? strange.
~it is too many things to name.
~not even knowing what I am is what I am.
~twist turn change.
~something that is me.
~a constant death.
~a room changing.
~in the street we live.
~look at the lights.
~she smiles I cry.
~to write what happened not what is happening.
~sometimes sometimes.
~he doesn't know anything nobody does.
~when you don't want to hear it.
~the already book.
~another phase another phrase.
~the chemistry between you and it.
~the nowhere-at-all girl.
~to see your writing somewhere else.
~everyday some of the past is with you that makes you you.
~there are so many things yet to say.
~I miss a long time ago.
~some moments are different than others.
~I didn't hear a word you said.
~we feel freedom even though we might not always have it.
~love: I give up.
~love: so we could have nothing to say together.
~it's all too psychological.
~reading faces.
~drinks the fire.
~write something instead.
~pleasure and forgetfulness.
~all the good people.
~a distant everything.
~it could have been called anything: this life.
~I wrote this now someone read it.
~I should say something: damn it.
~there is no one to meet.
~each love is the last.
~you can't be like anyone else.
~everything now and then.
~I find me lost too often.
~jump to the moment you are.
~I need time to be myself too.
~I've got a ricochet theory.
~death on one side life on the other.
~all day death.
~I would do the same thing if I were you: we are not each other.
~a book a word a frame a picture.
~there is only so much authenticity to go around.
~learning by writing.
~we are all on different pages in different books in different times and different places.
~quick to judge slow to respond.
~everything comes and goes like time.
~the suicide store.
~death is the last thing.
~off and on.
~fits and misfits.
~therapy through things, others and this quiet.
~out and out and in.
~anything can happen but usually doesn't.
~always reduced to one, but feel like at least two.
~it is not impossible is it?
~part of me knows.
~a lot of praying.
~will I ever look back? or can I even?
~time is an angel.
~the sky is magnificent.
~I like it even though everybody else did too.
~why does life go this way? is it just death?
~life is a strange pleasure and event.
~what a dress does.
~being what I am I am always something else.
~too simple is often not simple enough.
~always at me it seems: things.
~sometimes we just want to get through life.
~passing along messages to one another.
~some things we take our time for.
~this writing expired long ago.
~hints, aids, signs, thoughts and meanings.
~city sirens.
~I like the way this girl walks.
~it doesn't matter yet.
~a look into the eyes.
~love is an accident isn't it?
~no one to let you in.
~those minutes that come back as something else.
~fate life future.
~to stay the same for once.
~the unknown day.
~I like when someone gets me the way I want to be got.
~about there.
~seeing stars.
~faith is trying.
~constantly being jinxed by 'others.'
~the will to death is different than death.
~looking at the margin.
~tears that stick with you.
~when it depends who says it and when it doesn't.
~gone but yet to go.
~love and the skirt.
~as the 'mystery' soon ends another unfolds.
~every step free and unrecovered.
~he is translating him.
~too much everybody and not enough us.
~silence is just as important as the noise we make.
~art and persuasion depth and progress.
~where is the forgetting that 'he' talked so much about? it is there.
~long ago meanings just got.
~when it is too much to think about.
~words that allow you to be what you already are and not someone else.
~acknowledgements, reminders destinies.
~I don't want to know everything.
~the further away the closer we get too.
~where I walk.
~presence as the absence of ego.
~woman on the bus.
~the room there.
~too late too.
~back and forth straight circular back again forth.
~not a writing yet.
~love is being yourself too.
~he followed him around like a lost dog.
~can we do anything but project ourselves?
~we all know everybody.
~too many steps to it.
~I have to beat myself up a little more.
~one writing is not enough.
~he wrote enough to say anything.
~what I do.
~the impossible is yet to do.
~death is on the wane.
~I can always say something about death.
~don't generalize for everybody.
~being in a room.
~the appearance of death.
~the ugly toe.
~the origin of two.
~definitions of silence and awkwardness.
~it cant be like this all the time.
~I am exactly what I am not too.
~the only season.
~when we need each other.
~this quicksand takes me every time.
~to look again and maybe this is all we will see.
~art for one.
~birds tweet all the time.
~three days within.
~writing to the wind.
~the moon there.
~what words?
~death as my night ship.
~a side view.
~the not yet morning.
~the naked path.
~a certain sky and a sidewalk.
~a beginning with nothing else.
~tracking tracing finding.
~speaking to us in code.
~different kinds of dying.
~after the fear came the writing: later on.
~art is what you do when you are not there.
~me coffee.
~arguing silently.
~through this way.
~waiting watching writing.
~lost a day.
~day v. night.
~when nothing is the answer.
~lost and ready.
~when one phrase is not enough.
~the old street.
~bird city.
~what killed him saved him too.
~the possibility of ways.
~it is too different to be the same again.
~a school of words.
~late night nights.
~behind the computer we write what we see.
~the moment is many.
~old me.
~it is a miracle there is any sense at all.
~I'm looking for me.
~where am I and where do I go?
~a complete nothing he was.
~to write is to visit yourself again and agsin.
~woman knitting.
~we cannot fit who we are into anything.
~meaning comes and goes like that.
~we wait for no reason at all but just because.
~science is a gift.
~somewhere else then.
~I love a good coincidence.
~three cheers for your life.
~stealing bits and pieces everywhere we go.
~just give me something different and I will be happy.
~baby cigarettes.
~white lies.
~a two minute death.
~the bed I came in on.
~the joy of erasing.
~life is a million little moments.
~coffee days coffee nights.
~going toward.
~by myself.
~shivering in silence.
~holiday worker.
~make me into a word.
~turning the impossible upside down.
~I am you struck.
~when I see you I see music.
~there is art, but it is hidden everywhere.
~it is never the day it is.
~midnight in the sky.
~the patient wait.
~as alone as it gets I guess.
~say something that will keep me the way I am.
~he is not me he is a voice out there that is always someone else. I cannot become him for I am always me.
~a whole life without waking.
~I want to write something about you but I don't know you.
~only tomorrow knows.
~solo party. party for one. a single celebration.
~big death.
~a little is plenty.
~the mood and moment I am always in is never the same.
~a look ahead.