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Walled Lake firefighter to complete 4th journey across city’s namesake - pg. 7


Spinal Column Newsweekly backs candidates in GOP, Dem primary races - pg. 40


Site at closed Wixom plant will stay in Ford’s hands with council’s vote - pg. 3

pg. 8 The 21st annual Milford Memories runs Friday, Aug. 10 to Sunday, Aug. 12. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

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Community Life • Government • Prep Sports • Schools • Environment • Local Shopping • Arts

Jack's Ship N Shop celebrates with ribboncutting — page 29

Ford Motor Co. retains ownership of plant landfill By Leslie Shepard

Developers showing interest in Commerce DDA land — page 11

Milford places skate park millage on November ballot — page 11

That’s what HE said: "I will feel more comfortable when they say they sold the property, but I remain optimistic a sale will occur — I have to be." — Wixom City Manager Mike Dornan on the future of the Ford Wixom assembly plant that was shuttered several years ago.

INSIDE Lakes Area News . . . . . .7-16 Special Report . . . . . . . .8-10 Politics . . . . . . . . . . . .17-21 Local Matters . . . . . . .29-31 Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . .33 Environment . . . . . . . 38-39 Editorials . . . . . . . . . .40-42 Mail Bag . . . . . . . . . . .43-44 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . .47-49


staff writer

With Ford Motor Co. gearing up to sell its former Wixom assembly plant property, it’s in the process of dealing with environmental issues such as the site’s closed landfill, and has determined it would be best to retain ownership of the landfill given the potential for any future liability. Officials from Mannik & Smith Group, representing Ford, approached the Wixom City Council on Tuesday, July 24 with a request for a land division that separates the 32.13-acre landfill from the rest of the property. The request met all the requirements of the city’s zoning ordinance and the council approved the land division. “This way Ford maintains any liability for the landfill and any environmental issues that may arise in the future,” said Wixom City Manager Mike Dornan. The other 285.18 acres of the site will remain available for purchase. City officials are still anxiously waiting the sale of the property, but are not holding their breath. They’ve experienced disappointments during the process of getting the city redeveloped over the last few years.

Public welcome to test of WB election integrity Thursday By Michael Shelton staff writer

In the wake of the theft of votetabulating computer cards from the West Bloomfield Township Clerk’s Office, the township’s Election Commission will meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 2 to conduct a public accuracy test of randomly selected voting machines. The test will be conducted in the Board of Trustees meeting room in the West Bloomfield Township Hall. “The public may randomly select several machines and the commission

The Wixom City Council last week approved for the Ford Motor Co.’s former Wixom assembly plant a land division separating a 32.13-acre landfill on the site from the remainder of the property. City officials continue to await the sale of the property, but a variety of snags have hindered that transaction since the plant was shuttered several years ago. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

A deal went south after three years invested with a pair of renewable energy manufacturers that failed to get their financing in order to purchase the shuttered facility. Ford then returned to the drawing board to take the steps necessary to attract renewed interest in the site. “The site has been a moving target for the last 2.5 years and it’s hard to say whether anything will materialize,”

Dornan said. “I will feel more comfortable when they say they sold the property, but I remain optimistic a sale will occur — I have to be.” The renewable energy companies, Xtreme Power and Clairvoyant Energy, backed out on their commitment to buy the site when they failed to obtain U.S. Department of Energy loans. Over the years there has been a

will publicly test them for accuracy,” Clerk Cathy Shaughnessy said. “The voters have a right to know that the ballot process is safe and secure. I want everyone to know the many safeguards in effect to protect elections and make sure that every vote counts.” The test is state-mandated and must be conducted before every election, according to Shaughnessy. Shaughnessy is the chairperson of the Election Commission, whose members also include Supervisor Michele Economou Ureste and Trustee Gene Farber. This comes as the West Bloomfield Police Department continues to investigate the theft of the cards, which were discovered missing on July 11 from a secured location in the Clerk’s Office.

Police Chief Michael Patton said there was no forced entry and that police are examining employee records. He said a comprehensive review is being done, with no deadline as to when the investigation will conclude. Shaughnessy said that backup cards will be used for the upcoming Aug. 7 primary election and that the election’s integrity has not been compromised. The Clerk’s Office is reporting an increase in the number of absentee ballots being issued for this year’s primary election, with 7,812 being distributed to date, which is the highest number since the 2000 primary election. An absentee ballot can be downloaded by logging onto and clicking on the “Clerk” tab on the left corner, or by calling 248451-4848. ❏

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Overseeing the elections


51st YEAR OF PUBLICATION Waterford • White Lake • Highland • Milford Commerce • Wolverine • Walled Lake • Wixom West Bloomfield • Orchard Lake • Union Lake PUBLISHER / PRESIDENT: Susan Fancy BUSINESS MANAGER: Dennis Boggs EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Carol Barr EDITOR: ASSISTANT EDITOR: Tim Dmoch Kirk Pinho Staff Writers: Angela Niemi, Leslie Shepard, Michael Shelton Contributing Writers: Mike Scott, Mark Stowers Staff Photographer: Amy K. Lockard Photography Intern: Damon Tang ADVERTISING SALES: Account Representatives: Cindie Audia, Denise Engelberts, Linda Stickney, Laurie Wasker Sales Assistant/Proofing: Justina Vargas PHONE SALES MANAGER: Lori Snyder Account Representatives: Rhonda Libkuman, Cindy Stawick, Leslie Timko GRAPHICS: Denise Jungjohan, Marcia Reimer, Rob Robar IT MANAGER: Joel Stickney CIRCULATION: Dan Griffin ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGER: Carolyn Petherbridge Assistant: Mable McCullough PRESS RELEASES: Deadline 10 a.m. Thursday. Mail to P.O. Box 14, Union Lake, MI 48387-0014. Fax 248.360.1220 or bring to office. After-hours drop box. NEWS TIPS: Post at our website MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: 52 issues - $45 per year. OFFICES AT: 7196 Cooley Lake Road, Waterford, MI 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday 248.360.SELL (7355) / 248.360.NEWS (6397) FAX 24/7: 248.360.1220 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 14, Union Lake, MI 48387 SPINAL COLUMN NEWSWEEKLY OAKLAND LAKEFRONT OAKLAND HOMES MONTHLYADVERTISER WEST OAKLAND DIRECTORY Member of National Newspaper Association Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce Waterford Chamber of Commerce

The Spinal Column Newsweekly, all rights are reserved. No portion, whole or part, may be reproduced without prior permission. The names Spinal Column, Newsweekly, SportsWeekly, and West Oakland are protected property. The Spinal Column Newsweekly is co-owned by Steven and Susan Fancy, brother and sister; son and daughter of James Fancy, publisher from 1969-2011.

Rozell expects a record turnout when voters go to the polls


oe Rozell was hired as Oakland County’s elections director in January 2007. Having enjoyed a stint as a financial analyst with the county’s Department of Management and Budget, he is a certified clerk and has had prior experience overseeing local elections. Rozell not only spends time preparing ballots and helping with oversight of Oakland County’s election processes, but is also involved in officiating high school sports. In addition, Rozell is a member of the Huntington Woods Zoning Board of Appeals, as well as a former chairman of the Huntington Woods Planning Commission. With the primary election upcoming on Tuesday, Aug. 7, what is it like in your office right now preparing for the election? Describe, from your past experiences, what an election night is like for you and your office? JR: Things are definitely busy. Not only are we preparing for the August primary, but we are also preparing for that special primary that will take place Sept. 5. So we are sort of pulling double duty right now. All of the ballots have been delivered to the local clerks, so they’re issuing absentee (ballots) and they have their ballots in hand for the precincts on election day. Now we are conducting all of the training of the election inspectors throughout the county. We are definitely keeping busy. Election night is busy. That is when we are compiling all of the results from our 550 various precincts around the county. That data comes into us electronically on election night after the polls close. So the results are compiled electronically and then posted to our website. We’re monitoring the various precincts that are coming in and then we are letting the communities know once we’ve received all of their precincts, etc. It’s a late night. We are there probably until sometime 2 a.m., 3 a.m. because even though the results come in electronically, there are certain documents, like the poll book, that have to be physically driven to the county. So we have to wait for all of those precincts to report and compile all of the hard copies of the information. Do you expect an increase in the turnout of voters in the primary and general elections this year? Why or why not? JR: Absolutely. We broke a record in 2008 with the presidential turnout. Seventy-two percent (voter turnout) was a record for our county. I certainly think we will exceed that in the general



election in November and, from what I’m seeing, I think we are going to see an increased turnout in August, as well. The number of requests for absentee ballots has increased in the county, and I think that with certain millages and proposals that are on the ballot, that is also causing some added interest to the primary election. I think some of (the increased turnout) is due to tax issues on the ballot. I think that all of the township offices are on the ballot this year, so folks that want to vote in the primary for their local township offices. This is their opportunity to do that. There are some races on the local level that are drawing interest. So I think that is also


INTERVIEW contributing to what we think will be a higher voter turnout for August. I think in general when the economy is down, folks have an added interest in the politics and their representatives. That is probably contributing as well. Gov. Rick Snyder recently vetoed additions to Michigan’s voter ID law, including ID’s for absentee voting and requiring voters to affirm their citizenship. There is a debate in states across the country regarding strengthening voter ID laws. Do you feel that the ID laws for elections currently in place are sufficient enough or would more regulation be helpful? JR: I think that the governor’s objection to both the citizens’ question and the ID requirement were that they both were passed in very close proximity to the August primary. The concern (was that), as far as implementation admin-


istratively and implementation with the voters, making them aware of these new requirements, was just too tight of a timeframe. It’s my understanding that these bills are going to be reintroduced and the governor likely — with modifications — will sign them. Michigan has a good voter ID law. There is sort of a loophole, if you will, that if you go to the polls to cast your ballot, you’re asked to show ID. If you go to the clerk’s office to request your absentee ballot and you can vote it right in the office and return it, you’re not asked for ID. So I think this probably just applies the same level of treatment to an absentee voter as it does to an individual who goes to the polling place or the precinct to vote. So I think it’s a good thing. I think we will begin treating everybody (alike) and holding everyone to the same standards. As far as the citizenship question, the fact is that there are some individuals who are non-citizens who were added to the voter rolls. So they may think that they are registered and so I think asking the question of the voter in the polling place sort of provides another level of integrity, another check in the process to make sure that noncitizens in fact are not voting. What changes do you expect to see in the near future regarding election laws and the way elections are run and tabulated? JR: We have seen a lot of legislation in recent years, both federally at the national level and at the state level. What we’ve seen is a move toward consolidation, where school districts were moved to the November ballot to try to increase turnout and save districts money. I think we may continue to see those types of things, possibly requiring the villages that don’t already hold their elections in November will be required to move to that date to further save money and further consolidate the process. I don’t think we are going to see Internet voting or touch-screen voting in the future. Michigan was one of the few states that did the right thing by going with paper ballots and optical scan equipment. It’s hard to tell exactly what will be on the horizon. County Clerk Bill Bullard, Jr. and myself will continue to work with the Legislature to make sure whatever changes are beneficial to Oakland County. ❏


By Michael Shelton

Read more of this interview at

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


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AUGUST 1-7, 2012


LAKES AREA NEWS makes the property suitable for manufacturing, research and development, office, and freeway service/commercial land uses. In the meantime, the city’s tax revenue from the plant has plummeted and with budgetary constraints, the city is anxious to recoup that monetary stream. In 2002, Ford paid the city $1.453 million in property taxes, compared to $153,000 in 2011. The Ford plant, closed since May 2007, first opened on April 1, 1957 and employed as many as 4,500 workers who pounded out a wide array of cars, from the luxurious to the fast and the practical. The plant had been reduced to only production of the Lincoln Town Car just before its closure. At the top of its game, the plant cranked out 280,659 vehicles in 1988, and over the total 50-year period of operation, it produced more 6.5 million vehicles, according to Ford officials. ❏

Firefighter to raise money for Caring Voice By Leslie Shepard staff writer


arol Leach, a Walled Lake firefighter, will be raising money for charity by swimming the length of the city’s namesake on Sunday, Aug. 12. Leach, a 10-year veteran of the Walled Lake Fire Department, volunteered to swim the 1.25-mile stretch that begins at Novi’s Lakeshore Beach and finishes at the Bayside Bar and Grille dock at E. V. Mercer Beach in Walled Lake to raise money for the Caring Voice Coalition. “One of our family friends has a life-threatening and chronic disease that requires medication that the organization pays for,” Leach said. “If they didn’t (pay for it), she said she would be out on the streets.” The Caring Voice Coalition’s mission to is empower patients who live with a life-threatening chronic disease through comprehensive outreach programs and services aimed at financial, emotional, and educational support. It’s also known for its holistic approach to improving the lives of patients. This is Leach’s fourth time swimming for a cause. Over the last four years, Leach has committed to swimming the length of Walled Lake to raise money for fire department needs or charity. Her efforts helped raise $1,200 in 2009 for the fire department’s Dive Team equipment; $2,600 in 2010 for the department’s auto pulse apparatus; and $540 last year for Hospitality House. “For the last two years I’ve been swimming for charity because they need the help more than the department does since the economy is so bad,” Leach said. Leach is no novice in the water. She has been swimming her whole

Ford land split ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 3

constant stream of potential buyers. “There were rumors other automotive companies were interested, talk of developing a water park, a university, and the alternative energy companies,” Dornan said. But more recently, Townsend Energy Solutions of Baltimore threw

Whitt will farm out tasks to staff as new DDA chief By Leslie Shepard staff writer

Walled Lake Firefighter Carol Leach is again swimming across Walled Lake in an effort to raise money for a cause, this time to benefit Caring Voice Coalition, an organization that benefits patients who live with a life-threatening chronic disease. The Aug. 12 event will be Leach’s fourth time swimming for a cause. Donations or pledges will be accepted. Checks, payable to Caring Voice Coalition, can be dropped off or mailed to the Walled Lake Fire Station at 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, 48390. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Damon Tang)

life and has worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor. The fund-raising swim is estimated to take 1 hour. Spectators are encouraged to attend the event. Donations or pledges

will be accepted. Checks, payable to Caring Voice Coalition, can be dropped off or mailed to the Walled Lake Fire Station at 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, 48390. ❏

its name in the ring last year as a possible purchaser of the property, located at Wixom Road and I-96. The company says it has a track record of successfully investing in real estate, energy, sporting and manufacturing companies. Their investment holdings topped $1.5 billion in 2008. “Townsend is still working with Ford and interested in moving their

business there,” Dornan said. Dornan also noted that another company — the name of which Dornan declined to identify — is in serious discussions with Ford Land. “I know they are talking to one company, but an offer to purchase hasn’t been executed,” Dornan said. The site is zoned as a mixed-use development, a designation that

The Walled Lake Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is now officially under the direction of City Manager L. Dennis Whitt. The Walled Lake City Council voted to amend the DDA bylaws to reflect those drafted in 1990, meaning the city manager will now take over the role as DDA executive and managing director. “They have reverted back to what was the case when the DDA started,” Whitt said. The amendment was voted upon during a special joint meeting held on Tuesday, July 24 between the City Council and the DDA Board of Directors. Whitt is no stranger to taking on multiple roles within the city. Apart from the city’s managerial duties, he currently acts as the Department of Public Works (DPW) director, city clerk, and treasurer. “The city manager’s plate is always full and, as a practical matter, I designate the right people to do the tasks,” Whitt said.




By Michael Shelton staff writer



ne of the biggest annual community events in the state will be celebrating a milestone when this year’s Milford Memories Summer Festival starts on Friday, Aug. 10. This year’s Milford Memories, which runs Friday through Sunday, Aug. 12, marks the 21st year of the festival, which brings a wide range of activities, artists, food and entertainment to downtown Milford. The festival is organized and run by the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce and its volunteer committee. For over two decades, the festival has grown into an event that has become one of the biggest attractions in the county and the state. The first festival was held in August 1992 and centered around a play called “Milford Memories,” which was based on a book entitled “Ten Minutes Ahead of the Rest of the World” that told the story of Milford’s founding fathers, who first settled the area back in 1832. Joell Beether of the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce, who has managed the event since 2003, said that the festival’s original organizers wanted to do a community event that was more community driven and celebrated Milford’s history. It started growing on its own once the community got a hold of it. The play continued to be performed over the years, but was last performed at the festival a few years ago, Beether said. Last year’s Milford Memories festival was a success, Beether said, despite a bad storm that rolled through and soaked some of the patrons. Nevertheless, she and other organizers are looking forward to another exciting edition of Milford Memories this year that will include a variety of food, live music, a beer tent and artists from across the state and even the country. In addition to the festival’s traditions, such as the Civil War Encampment and the Cold Butt Euchre Tournament, there will also be new attractions, including a 3-on-3 basketball tournament

Activities For One and All There will be a wide range of activities offered in the village’s downtown area during Milford Memories for both children and adults. One of the main attractions will be

Two decades of fun

Milford Memories bigger, better than ever This year’s Milford Memories, which runs Friday through Sunday, Aug. 12, marks the 21st year of the festival, which brings a wide range of activities, artists, food and entertainment to downtown Milford. Thousands of attendees are typically expected at the event, which was first put on as a community play in August 1992. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

the Civil War Encampment in Central Park, sponsored by the General Motors Proving Ground, that will take place all three days of the festival, from noon to 8 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, and at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday. The encampment is made up of participants who recreate a Civil War soldier’s camp. Visitors can learn about a soldier’s daily chores, military drills and other historical aspects of the Civil War era. On Saturday, there will be an infantry drill at 11 a.m. followed by a children’s drill at 11:20 a.m., with registration for the children’s drill on Friday from noon to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 to 11:20 a.m. The highlight of the encampment will be the reenactment of Civil War skirmishes beginning at 2 p.m. on Saturday and 1:15 p.m. on Sunday. There will also canon firings on Saturday 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 10 p.m., and on Sunday at noon and 3 p.m. Another highlight will be a special veterans memorial ceremony that will be held on Sunday at 11 a.m. in Central Park.

Other encampment activities scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday include a Civil War fashion show at 1 p.m. on Saturday and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, weather permitting, along with musical performances by Thru the Myst beginning at 10 a.m. on both days, and ongoing medical demonstrations by surgeon J.T. Hatfield at the surgeon’s tent. A new addition to Milford Memories is the 3-on-3 basketball tournament for children and teenagers that will take place from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday at the Central Park basketball courts. Teams will be composed of a minimum of four players with groups for boys and girls separated by different ages and grades from a fourth- and fifth-grade group to a 12th-grade and 2012 graduate group. Any mixed gender team will automatically play in the boys division for the appropriate age group. The event is sponsored by the Oak Pointe Church and the cost is $60 per team — $15 per person for a team of 4 or $12 each for a team of 5. The registration deadline for the

tournament is 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 7. Interested teams can sign up by going online to, by picking up registration forms at the Oak Pointe Church, or the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce office. A long-time Milford Memories tradition is the Cold Butt Euchre Tournament that will take place on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. during which participants play euchre while sitting on blocks of ice. Registration for the tournament is at 11:30 a.m. with limited space. The first-place team will win $100. Registration is $25 per team in advance and $30 per team the day of the event. The annual Blind Canoe Race is scheduled for Sunday at 12:30 p.m., where teams of three race with two paddlers blind-folded. Registration is at 11:30 a.m. Children under 14-years-old must have a parent’s consent and an adult in the canoe, while participants ages 14 to 17 must have a parent’s consent. Registration is $15 per canoe in advance and $20 per canoe the day of the event. Another attraction returning is a 25foot rock climbing wall that will be located in the Colonial Motors parking lot and

AUGUST 1-7, 2012

One main attraction of Milford Memories is the variety of food available, whether it’s from local restaurants or the vendors on hand. In addition, the official Milford Memories Beer Tent will also be open to families from noon to 5 p.m. all three days before changing its admittance to patrons 21years-old and over after 6 p.m. with a $4 admission. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

Lawrence Experience, a group specializing in children’s songs, music videos and television.

Plenty Of Food To Enjoy Another attraction of Milford Memories is the variety of food available, whether it’s from local restaurants or the vendors on hand. Gravity Bar and Grill will not only be providing a food tent, but also live music on Friday and Saturday. The Aaron Vaughn Band will perform both Friday and Saturday night at 8 p.m., while Beth Stalker will play Friday at 2 p.m. Meanwhile, Main Street Grill will have The Icemen playing both Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The official Milford Memories Beer Tent will also be open to families from noon to 5 p.m. all three days before changing its admittance to patrons 21-years-old and over after 6 p.m. with a $4 admission. Other restaurants that will have food tents at Milford Memories include Cinco Lagos, Lei Ting, Village Butcher, Coratti’s on Main, The Health Mart, The Burger Joint, Jet’s Pizza, and Tequilaritas. The Village Butcher will also be hosting a pancake breakfast from

7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday at Liberty and Union across from the Fifth-Third Bank, with a $5 cost for adults and a $4 cost for children ages 5 to 16 and seniors ages 65 and over. Numerous vendors will also be on hand for the festival, including Asian Grill & Rice, Baja Smoothies, Bavarian Roasted Almonds & Kettle Corn and CIA (Cheesesteak Institute of America). Also participating will be Fudge by Design, Giuseppe’s Italian Ice, Ice Cream Express, J & J Concessions, Jumpin’ Kernels and Metro Beverage Company. Also on hand will be the Milford United Methodist Church Men’s Club, Red Wood Grill Catering, Terry’s Tastee Treats and the Milford Farmers’ Market. Other vendors interested in participating can visit and click on the “Food” tab to download a concession application or call 248-6857129 and dial extension 104 to speak with Food Chairperson Laura Bolyard.

Art On Display Arts and crafts displays have been


a mainstay since Milford Memories’ inception, but the number has doubled in size since the first edition of the festival that has recently drawn close to 300 artists who attend and showcase their works. The art displays will be open at the festival from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Applications for artists interested in displaying their works are still being accepted and applications can be downloaded at by clicking on the “Artist” tab. From there, artists can download an application or apply online. “We’ve had an overwhelming response from artists this year,” Beether said. The artists are organized and chosen by Dianne Quinn and her daughter Raychel Rork, who run the Art in the Park festival in Plymouth every July and have been a part of Milford Memories since the beginning. Both Quinn and Rork have said that Milford Memories features a juried art fair where people apply, give a description of what they make, and then send them photographs of their artwork and displays. They added that they look for quality, uniqueness and, in other words, something that’s hand-made and is different. Rork also said that people will be attending an arts and crafts show that will not only include fine art, but also jewelry, clothing, products and food. For more information about artists who will be on hand or information on how to apply, call Art in the Park at 734-454-1314 or e-mail Quinn and Rork at

Memories Music There will also be over 20 musical acts performing throughout the weekend, playing diverse styles of music in the downtown Milford festival area. The Center Street Gazebo will host eight acts, beginning on Friday with Kelly and Kish at 11 a.m., the Bugar Brothers at 2 p.m., and Robin Horlock at 5 p.m. On Saturday, Blaise Gander will play at 11 a.m., followed by The Tracy Thomas Quartet at 2 p.m. and Jeff Yantz at 5 p.m. Sunday will feature Gary Weisenburg at 11 a.m. and Tim Twist at 2 p.m. The Central Park Veterans Memorial Stage will host nine acts, beginning on Friday with the Milford

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will be operated by Oakland County Parks and Recreation. The wall will be up and running on Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. George Tate — known as “The Living Statute” who is sure to draw a crowd — will also be on hand from noon to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Children and adults interested in participating together in athletic activities can participate in the annual 1-mile Fun Run, and the 5K run and 10K run on Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m., respectively. Registration for the 5K and 10K runs is $25 in advance and $30 the day of the event, while the 1-mile run fee is $10 in advance and $15 the day of the event. The races will begin and finish at Central Park, with the 1-mile run turning around at Peters Road, the 5K race turning around just past the YMCA on the Milford Recreational Trail, and the 10K race turning around on the Milford Recreational Trail near General Motors Road. Awards will be given for the top three overall males and overall females in the 5K and 10K events, as well as awards for the top three in each age group, ranging from 10-years-old and under to 70-years-old and over. Meanwhile, there will also be plenty of activities for children at Kid Central, including a Kids Central Activity Tent that will be available all three days of the festival at Central Park from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the tent, children can participate in arts and crafts activities, including beading, painting, tattoos, paper, fabric, glitter, glue, foam and sparkles. A fishing tournament will also be held on Saturday in Central Park on the banks of the Huron River at 9:30 a.m., with registration at 9 a.m. Equipment will be provided by the Proud Lake Recreation Area and the winner will be determined based on the number of fish caught, not the total weight. An ice cream eating contest will also be held on Friday at 2 p.m. in Central Park. Applications for children’s events can be downloaded online at the Milford Memories website at The Milford Fire Department will also be on hand with its Fire House for Children on Saturday and Sunday in Central Park along the riverfront. During the Civil War Encampment, children can participate in a muster drill on Saturday from 11:20 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children can be registered from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, or Saturday from 9 to 11:20 a.m. Also appearing on the Veterans Memorial Stage will be The Mister




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BURNS, JOANNA MARY; of Waterford, died July 20, 2012 at 84 years of age.

LARSEN, LARRY M.; of Milford was born May 21, 1942 and died July 18, 2012 at age 70. Beloved wife of 50 years of Bonnie.

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SCHELLENBERG, DONALD RAYMOND; a longtime resident of Highland, entered Eternal Life on July 17, 2012. He was eighty-four years old. WALTON, ANITA "TOOTSIE" E.; age 85 of Milford, passed away peacefully on July 22, 2012, at home surrounded by her family. She is survived by her loving husband, Don.

To place an obituary in the Spinal Column Newsweekly please call the Classified Department at 248-360-7355 or email: FAX: 248.360.5308/248.360.5309

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MILLER, JAMES MATTHEW; James Matthew Miller of Commerce Twp. was born May 30, 1932. He died July 17, 2012 at age 80. He is the beloved husband of 55 years to Sylvia.

PONIATOWSKI, GEORGIANA M.; a resident of Commerce Township, died on July 16, 2012. She was 65 years old.


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MAYBERRY, HOMER L.; of Hillman, MI formerly of Keego Harbor; died July 21, 2012 at 86 years of age.

MILLER, ROBERT GILBERT SR.; of Waterford July 23, 2012 at 85 years of age. Loving husband of Betty for 65 years.

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FOWLER, SHARON ELAINE; of Waterford July 18, 2012 at 63 years of age.

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Milford Memories ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 9

CRAWFORD, MARY ELIZABETH; of Waterford, died July 21, 2012 at 84 years of age. DOYLE, MICHAEL S.; of Commerce Township, passed away in the care of his family on July 22, 2012 after a long, brave battle with lymphoma. He was 45 years old. He is survived by his beloved wife of 21 years, Nanci Doyle; dear children, Megan, Kevin and Lauren Doyle; parents, Liz and Jim Doyle; sisters, Kathleen (Ren Herr) Doyle, Mary (Charlie) Sultan; brother, David (Mary Ann) Doyle; in-laws, Robert and Sue Ann Moehlman, as well as many extended family, friends and colleagues who join his family in mourning his passing and giving thanks for his life among them. A Memorial Service was held at Lynch & Sons Funeral Home, Milford, on Friday, July 27. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in his name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society or toward his children's education. For further information please phone 248.684.6645 or visit




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Music Kids Groups at 10 a.m., THUMMp at 3 p.m. and Pato Margetic at 5 p.m. On Saturday, Gemini will perform at 10 a.m., followed by Suzanne’s Main Street Dance at 1 p.m., Blue Effect at 2 p.m., and Nathan Schock at 5 p.m. On Sunday, the Susie Woodman Jazz Band will play at 12:30 p.m., followed by Monsieur Guillaume & His Zydeco Hepcats at 3 p.m. The Central Park Beer Tent will host five acts during the festival. On Friday, the Randy Brock Band will perform from 1 to 4 p.m., followed by Superball at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Mr. Moody will play beginning at noon, followed by Wheelhouse at 7 p.m. For a complete schedule, visit and click on the “Musical Entertainment” tab.

The Logistics For The Weekend Festival Bike medics and first aid will be on hand at the festival for those in need, courtesy of Huron Valley Ambulance, while first aid will be available during the entire festival on Main Street between Liberty and Commerce. The LaFontaine Automotive Group will be providing $5 parking and shuttle service to the festival based at Holden’s Party Store on South Milford Road and at Huron Valley Milford High School beginning at 9 a.m. all three days and ending at 9 p.m. on Friday, 8 p.m. on Saturday, and 6 p.m. on Sunday. Proceeds benefit the Huron Valley Lakeland High School senior class and the Huron Valley Milford football team. There is also free parking located behind the Wendy’s fast food restaurant off of Milford Road in the former Farmer Jack parking lot. This lot has free parking, but there is no shuttle service to and from this lot. Parking is first come, first serve and is within a half-mile of the festival grounds. Milford Memories will also be selling bottled water at $2 a bottle at its information booths, with all the proceeds going toward Team Huron Valley Special Olympics and the Huron Valley Council for the Arts. M.J. Whelan Construction will also provide free shuttle service for seniors from three locations: the M.J. Whelan construction office at the north end of the festival grounds near Summit; at Main and East Liberty near the LaFontaine booth; and near the street corner of Huron and Main. For more information about the festival, call 248-685-7129 or visit ❏

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



DDA vacancy ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 7

City staff and volunteers will be tapped to assist Whitt in meting out DDA tasks. “While I had a hands-on approach with the Beach Party, I will be tapping others to do the day-to-day operations, like Deputy Treasurer Jennifer Stuart and DPW Coordinator Lisa McGill, who are doing a great job,” Whitt said. Police Chief Paul Shakinas has also been roped in to facilitate traffic flow and signage with the road construction being conducted on Pontiac Trail and Maple Road. Stuart has also been tagged as the contractual designee for special DDA events. “This way it eliminates a middle man to get things done,” Whitt noted. Whitt takes over at the DDA helm following the departure of former Executive Director Charlene Long. She served the DDA on and off for over a decade. Her last day of employment was June 30 after the City Council made line item changes — including elimination of Long’s full-time position — before approving a 2012-13 DDA budget. The council then agreed to fund a part-time DDA administrative position, thus reducing the salary and expense line items from $63,600 to $50,000. The DDA is currently seeking a suitable part-time replacement. ❏

Skate park levy of 0.25 mills will be voted on in Nov. By Michael Shelton staff writer

After months of discussion, Milford Township residents will have their chance this November to vote on a millage for a proposed skate park. The Milford Township Board of Trustees last month unanimously approved ballot language to be placed before voters in the Nov. 6 general election asking for a maximum of 0.25 mills for four years, from 2012 through 2015, before being reduced to 0.025 mills for an additional 16 years, from 2016 through 2031. A 0.25-mill levy would cost the owner of a village property with a taxable value of $100,000 ($200,000 market value) $25 a year, while a 0.025 levy would cost

Commerce Township officials have been fielding and entertaining offers for portions of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) district land that includes property from the Links at Pinewood and El Dorado golf courses. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

Buyers looking at DDA district Commerce making progress on selling developable land

By Angela Niemi staff writer


he Commerce Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has a few interested buyers for property in the DDA district, according to township Planner Kathleen Jackson. Jackson, who is also the director of the Commerce DDA, said she is hoping to bring in a “mix of uses” to the DDA district. The DDA is entertaining a couple offers, although Jackson said the potential purchasers in question have asked for confidentiality. The DDA district includes property from two golf courses — the Links at Pinewood and El Dorado — the DDA purchased several years ago. Both former courses are located west of Haggerty Road between Pontiac Trail and Richardson Road. Of the 350 acres of DDA-owned land in the district, only about 220

the same property owner $2.50 in each of the last 16 years of the levy. The levy of 0.25 mills is expected to raise an estimated $190,521 in the first year of the millage collection, if approved.

acres are available for development due to the presence of wetlands and paths. The DDA previously issued bonds to enable it to acquire and improve a number of developable parcels of land in the DDA district, along with constructing the Martin Parkway project — a four-lane boulevard extending Martin Road south from PGA Drive to meet M-5 at Pontiac Trail; building five lanes from PGA Drive north to a roundabout at Oakley Park Road; and building a large roundabout where M-5 meets Pontiac Trail and Martin Parkway. The road project was initiated by the DDA to alleviate area road congestion and to help the DDA market and develop hundreds of acres of property between M-5 at Pontiac Trail and Martin Parkway and Oakley Park roads. At the same time, the sale and development of the DDA land is how the bond debt — approximately $80

million — on the road project is expected to be paid off. However, with the current economic climate and deterioration in the real estate market, the ability to sell the DDA property has been hindered and, as such, has left the DDA unable to begin paying off its bond debt as planned. Because the bonds were additionally backed by the limited tax general obligation and the full faith and credit of the township, the township has had to advance money from its general fund to cover the initial DDA bond payments. According to Supervisor Tom Zoner, so far the DDA has owed $4.5 million in bond repayments, but it only had $2.5 million. This left the DDA short $2 million. It then fell on the township to make up the difference, with the understanding that the DDA would pay back the township when it could. ❏

“We need things for kids to do in the township and it will be up to the public to decide this millage,” said township Supervisor Don Green. “There will also be questions about insurance, maintenance and who will

watch over it.” The Milford Township Parks and





Ire over fireworks usage prompts ordinance review

Skate park ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 11



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Recreation Department put together the millage proposal language and the Friends of Milford Skate Park group, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that raises money through fund-raisers and donations, has been pushing for the construction of a skate park in Milford since the group formed nearly eight years ago. This comes after the Milford Village Council approved the concept of a new proposed location for a combination of a skateboard park and community garden on a 12-acre site on the north side of General Motors Road at its intersection with Martindale Road. A millage to fund a skate park had been previously discussed as an option, but now residents will have their say — and that’s just how Friends of Milford Skate Park Chairman Ric Mueller likes it. “I wanted to raise money privately, but I think this fits in with transparency in letting the voters decide,” Mueller said. ❏

By Leslie Shepard staff writer

Although it enacted a fireworks ordinance in June to reflect the realities of a new state law, the Orchard Lake City Council resurrected the issue at its Monday, July 16 meeting because revisions may be warranted. Mayor Bruce McIntyre said he has received numerous complaints from residents saying that fireworks were being set off late at night. “After the experience of July 4 and all the complaints, I brought it up again,” he said. “We may have started too soon on the ordinance. (There’s) some sentiment among other communities to ban fireworks on days other than those outlined, but the question becomes (if) on other days we can limit the hours (when the fireworks can be used)




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AUGUST 1-7, 2012




New ordinances

❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 12

and things of that nature.” The city’s ordinance aligns with a new law, Public Act (PA) 256 of 2011, otherwise known as the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act. The ordinance states fireworks can be discharged on the day preceding, the day of, or the day after national holidays. “While we can’t prohibit fireworks on certain days, does that extend to other forms of regulation,” McIntyre said. “Other communities are using noise or disturbing the peace ordinances to regulate fireworks activities and that may have value, but they’re not specific. The law isn’t clear, but if someone is firing fireworks off at 4:30 a.m., that’s unacceptable.” After researching the issue, Mike Salhaney, the city’s legal counsel, will be drafting new language to ban fireworks on all other days except those enumerated in state law, and present it to the council at its next meeting on Aug. 20. “We will be regulating the other days, but the city also wanted to consider (whether) those 30 days allowed some time of reference and it appears the author of the law didn’t anticipate this and may be revising state statute,” Salhaney said. “In the meantime, if people are going to do it at 3 a.m., for example, on those protected days then violations for disturbing the peace or the noise ordinance will be issued and people will be held accountable.” Other provisions in the ordinance state that fireworks can’t be set off or used on public, school, church or the private property of another person without written consent from the property owner. Fireworks can’t be discharged by any person under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. Moreover, the ordinance prohibits any unmanned free-floating device, such as a sky lantern, which requires fire underneath to propel it; is not moored to the ground while aloft; and has an uncontrolled and unpredictable flight path and descent area, posing a fire risk. Violation of the ordinance would be considered a municipal civil infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $500 plus costs, damages and expenses. ❏

Pot, fireworks targets of Wixom changes By Leslie Shepard staff writer


he Wixom City Council has adopted a pair of ordinance amendments intended to address marijuana possession and fireworks. A new section has been added to the city code prohibiting the ignition and discharge of fireworks, except on certain national holidays, and providing penalties for violations. “Many communities have voiced concerns (about) fireworks because of safety and excessive noise created by the use,” said Wixom Public Safety Director Clarence Goodlein. “We crafted an ordinance based on a number of complaints and the concern of noise and danger to people and buildings. This ordinance is in the people’s best interest for safety.” Under a new state law, Public Act (PA) 256 of 2011, municipalities can’t prohibit consumer-grade fireworks on the day preceding, the day of, or the day after a national holiday. The Wixom ordinance states that fireworks can only be discharged on those specific days. Other provisions cite state that consumer-grade fireworks shall not be used on public property, including streets and rights-of-way, or on school property, church property, or other private property, without the written permission of the authorized person in control of that property. Consumer-grade and low-impact fireworks also can’t be used by a person under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. A violation is considered a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days in jail or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both. In addition to the new fireworks provisions, a new section to city rules was added to include posses-

sion of marijuana as a crime in order to prosecute these cases under local ordinance. The ordinance states that when a person who has not been previously convicted of an offense under city ordinance or any federal law pleads guilty to use or possession of marijuana, the court, without entering a guilty judgment with the accused’s consent, may defer further proceedings and place the individual on probation. “This says if you’re arrested and bring it before the court, it can be deferred under this act,” Goodlein said. Penalties could include payment of a probation supervision program, community service, fines and costs and any conditions determined by the court. Upon violation of a term or condition, the court may enter an adjudication of guilt and proceed as otherwise provided. Upon fulfillment of the terms and conditions, the court shall discharge the person and dismiss the proceedings. A person is not eligible for adjudication if the person previously received a dismissal for a controlled substance offense. “This applies to small amounts of marijuana, but that’s left to the discretion of the officers,” Goodlein said. “People who make poor decisions and are arrested for small amounts can change and shouldn’t necessarily pay a serious price for a poor decision.” The Michigan State Police would retain a record of an arrest and discharge of dismissal that would not be published to courts, police agencies or prosecuting attorneys. “There would be no public record — non-publishable and non accessible,” Goodlein said. “However, the person gets one chance, but in order to be given the opportunity the person must admit to possession of a substance.” ❏

$14,400 and the department will pony up the remaining $3,600. “These cameras allow firefighters, when they enter an atmosphere with heavy smoke and no visibility, to find a heat source,” said Waterford Fire Chief Ron Spears. The two thermal imaging cameras are small, a little larger than an average flashlight. There are currently cameras on three of the township’s fire engines. The new cameras will be for the engines at Fire Station No. 4, located at 6615 Williams Lake Road, and Fire Station No. 5, located at 25 N. Hospital Road. The cameras operate with infrared systems that pick up temperatures above ambient heat thresholds. “They have heat gauges on them that point out if the temperature is over ambient heat levels,” said Carl Holcomb, a member of the department’s ad hoc grant committee and a consultant to the department. “A different color appears that let’s us know something is there. They assist with search and rescue to find trapped victims.” The cameras also have the capability to detect sources of electricity. “If we’re on a run and there are electrical issues in the walls — hot spots — the cameras help us find (an electrical) source,” Spears said. The cameras can also take pictures and video in real time. The department has picked West Shore Fire as the vendor for the equipment at $14,678, compared to the second-lowest qualifier bidder, Apollo Fire Equipment, which quoted $16,647. “We will have extra funds left over and will probably be purchasing a third camera to replace one that’s 15years-old,” said firefighter John Lyman, who is also the department’s procurement officer. The cameras should be delivered and ready for use within 30 days. ❏

Village to weigh fireworks rules at Aug. 8 meeting By Leslie Shepard staff writer

Thermal cameras for firefighters arriving in 30 days The Waterford Fire Department will be using grant dollars to purchase

new high-tech thermal imaging cameras to assist in search and rescue operations. The department last month received an $18,000 grant from the Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant Program. The fire department’s match is 20 percent, meaning the grant pays

The Wolverine Lake Village Council agreed that amendments to both the village’s fireworks and noise ordinances are necessary given a new





Fireworks rules ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 15

state fireworks law enacted this year and the apparent problems that flared up as a result. The council took the measures up at its Wednesday, July 25 work session. According to Village Council President John Magee, there has been a lot of ire directed at fireworks since the new law — Public Act 256 of 2011, also known as the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act — took effect on Jan. 1. “We have had a lot of complaints and think there is some confusion on what is allowed under state law,” Magee said. “Individual council members have received complaints, as well as the village. It was unreasonable this year, loud and non-stop from June 1 up until now. It finally seems likes it’s tapering off.” The consensus among the council members was to revise the fireworks rules on the books to comply with the new state law, including adding language that permits fireworks to be discharged on the day preceding, the day of, or the day after national holidays. Other changes include allowing for novelty fireworks, such as some types of sparklers and toy smoke devices, as well as specifying where consumergrade fireworks can be discharged. Fireworks can’t be set off or used on public, school, church or private property of another person without written consent from the property owner. “We want the language to be clear that novelty fireworks should be used with adult supervision and consumer fireworks can’t be in public parks, road endings or on private property without proper permission,” Magee said. The council also agreed to update the village’s noise ordinance to include measures to address unreasonable disturbances as a result of fireworks. “We’re just adding fireworks to the noise ordinance and if it disturbs the peace, it would be a violation of the noise ordinance,” Magee said. “People who shoot off fireworks on New Year’s Eve at midnight, that’s not unreasonable. But on July 4 at 4 a.m., that’s (a disturbance).” Magee attributes much of the noise issue to the larger, consumer-grade fireworks that are now allowed under the new state law. “There’s a big difference with how much louder these fireworks are and the large aerial ones go up above the

Gray skies on Friday, July 27 didn’t put a damper on the opening day of the Orchard Lake Fine Art Show, held at Powers and Daly roads in West Bloomfield Township through Sunday, July 29. The show is juried by art professionals who have an educational background in the field. Booths were occupied by 50 accepted artists displaying their works in several media, including sculpture, painting, clay, glass, fiber, jewelry, photography, wood, and more. The show, which is held annually for artistry and community enrichment, has been voted among the top 100 art shows in the country each of the last five years by Sunshine Artist Magazine, and is the winner of four awards from the 2011 Michigan Festival and Events Fun Awards program. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Damon Tang)

trees and the sound isn’t contained,” Magee said. “They go a long distance.” The ordinance amendments will be under consideration at the council’s meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 8. ❏

Public sentiment seems in favor of township dispatch Over 100 residents came out to support the dispatch services provided by the White Lake Township Police Department at a Board of Trustees meeting late last month, after some on the board broached the possibility of contracting for those services through the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. “There were probably 150 people there,” said Trustee Carol Burkard. “They were just coming out of the

doors. It seemed like they were all there in support of the dispatch (services).” Police Chief Ed Harris gave a presentation at the meeting after some board members questioned whether the cost of the township having its own dispatchers for police and fire services was worth the cost, as opposed to contracting with the Sheriff’s Department. The dispatchers have over 60 years combined knowledge of the township and are “intimately familiar” with the township, according to a presentation by Harris. Last year, the dispatchers answered 7,688 calls to 911 and over 33,000 non-emergency calls while dispatching 18,600 police runs and 2,289 calls for service for the Fire Department. In addition to dispatch duties, the dispatchers perform a bevy of other tasks.

“Our dispatchers do so many other things,” Harris said. “All told, the cost savings (by switching to the county) are not much at all because we’d have to hire part-time people to do all the other things our dispatchers do.” Burkard agreed. “I felt that with all our dispatch does and after talking with (Harris), it really behooves the township to have (its) own dispatch for police and fire,” she said. “Comparing the local dispatch with county dispatch is like comparing apples to oranges. I feel the (township) dispatch really does an awful amount of work.” She added that if there did come a time to consider contracting for county dispatch services, it would come when during budget discussions and only as a way to save needed money. “We had over 100 people supporting our local services,” Harris said. “I think the board is going to let the issue drop.” ❏

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



Commerce Township Supervisor Commerce Township Trustee Debra Kirkwood is challenging incumbent Supervisor Tom Zoner in the Aug. 7 Republican primary election. There are no Democrats running, so the winner of the GOP primary election will be unopposed in the Nov. 6 general election for a four-year term that pays $79,039 annually. The following is a sampling of questions our staff recently posed to the candidates, and their responses to those questions. Go to and click on the AUGUST PRIMARY ELECTION banner at the right side of the home page to read more questions and answers in this race. TOP ISSUES: What are the three most important issues for the township, and how do you propose to address them? WHY YOU? Why specifically should voters choose you over your opponent? DEBRA KIRKWOOD TOP ISSUES: No. 1, public safety. No community can succeed or grow without the reciprocated support of their local law enforcement and fire departments. Our community is fortunate to have highly-skilled and dedicated men and women in both the Sheriff’s (Department substation) and Fire Department. The Sheriff’s Department does an excellent job and the contract should be maintained, adding additional deputies when funds become available. The Fire Department continues to have excellent response times. I will strive to see that better use of our resources takes place, by utilizing the new medic units purchased a few years ago to their full potential. Our Fire Department is fully capable and should provide advanced life support services and transport all medical calls, as opposed to contracting with an outside source. It is a service that pays for itself and generates extra revenue. No. 2, I will maintain a low tax rate and attract more business to the township through the completion of the Martin Parkway Project, reducing the DDA debt while increasing tax revenues without burdening residents. I will direct the DDA to bring this project to fruition as quickly as possible while trying to closely follow the original plan for the property. While selling off the property will free up resources in the community, allowing the project to wildly divert from the original plan would be a tragedy. Millions of dollars have been spent developing the prop-

Debra Kirkwood was first elected to the Commerce Township Board of Trustees in 2004 and currently serves as the board’s liaison to the Planning Commission. She is chair of the Lakes Area Youth Assistance board, served Taste of the Lakes from 2006 to 2008 and is a member of Orchard Grove Community Church. A former Commerce Township employee, she has been selfemployed since 2000.

Tom Zoner was first elected as township supervisor in 1998. He previously served as township clerk from 1988 until his election as supervisor, and he has been a township trustee and a member of the township Civil Service Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. He owns Zoner’s Greenhouse.

erty, and maintaining its natural beauty. Attracting businesses to this project is the responsibility of not only the DDA director but the supervisor, as well. I will meet with prospective purchasers to showcase our community and the benefits of doing business in Commerce Township. No. 3, communication must improve. In order for our township to continue to grow and thrive, residents, prospective businesses and developers must be able to connect with their local government easily. I will lead the charge to make that happen, whether it’s via social media, the township’s website, or even the telephone. The other thing that must improve is communication from the Supervisor’s Office with department heads and trustees. I will communicate all important day-to-day matters by e-mail and phone calls when needed. I never want the trustees to be caught off guard or hear from someone on the street about something that I could have communicated to them. As your supervisor, you will never be met with disrespect or a lack of interest. I will lead by example and expect that all township employees treat every one of our residents and guests with the courtesy they deserve. WHY YOU? I am not a career politician, but experienced and knowledge-

able and ready to make a difference. I started off working as a clerk in the Treasurer’s Department in 1998, followed by Assessing and finally in the Water & Sewer Department. I ran for trustee in 2004 after I attended a board meeting with the intention to have my voice heard about an issue in the community at that time. When I was done expressing my concerns and thoughts I was met with neither the respect, nor the interest I had been anticipating by the incumbent township supervisor, as well as another board member. In fact, I was bluntly told that if I thought having a seat on the board was that easy, perhaps I “ought to run for office myself.” I was elected to the township Board of Trustees in 2004 and re-elected to that position again in 2008. I feel like I have brought a new perspective as a former employee and have helped accomplish many tasks — making sure budgets aren’t rubber stamped, being a part of negotiations with the township employees and their unions, helping complete the new zoning ordinance last year as the liaison to the Planning Commission, and most recently introducing the discussion to ban K2/Spice synthetic drugs. I realize it’s not everyday that the residents of a community interact with the elected officials or employees. But

when that time comes, whether to simply pull a permit, request information about tax assessments or to approach the board to address a concern, it should be an easy and efficient process. I also believe that local government officials should be in the know well before an issue breaks in the news. As Commerce Township supervisor, I will honor an open door policy to our residents, whereby I commit to listening to their concerns and questions and treat them with the utmost respect. I’ll take their issues and address them in a timely manner. Our residents deserve respectful, approachable elected officials with whom they feel comfortable expressing their viewpoints. I’m ready to take the helm, and lead Commerce into renewed growth and prosperity. TOM ZONER TOP ISSUES: Keep in mind we are in an essential mode and it takes money to make improvements. So if there is funding either by grants, ballot proposals, or increased property values, my three improvements for the quality of life in Commerce Township would be to add more non-motorized paths, make park enhancements, and provide for more ordinance enforcement. It has to be done through funding, and right now we (don’t have) any extra money. We eliminated our (code) enforcement officer. We hired a contractor who is doing that, but he is also doing some of the engineering (work). So there just isn’t enough money to go around to get these things. Non-motorized pathways and park enhancements are going to be a ballot proposal. Ordinance enforcement is going to be able to add that extra element as property values increase. WHY YOU? Briefly, my experience, my reliability, my leadership, and my dedication. Since I was voted into the position of township supervisor in 1998, I’ve built three new fire stations under budget; added a (police) substation to (Fire) Station No. 4; saved over $1 million using (the Oakland) County Equalization (Division) and eliminating the Assessing Department; kept the township within budget and even in hard times was able to put dollars aside for emergency situations; added more land for open space; added more play stations for our parks; created a township library; and built a new Township Hall. My opponent (has done) zero (of that). ❏




Campaign finance reports Hopefuls for office report fund-raising, spending data By Kirk Pinho assistant editor


andidates for a variety of state and national elected offices have filed their pre-primary election campaign finance statements, and the numbers are showing the extent of the money war in the days leading up to the Tuesday, Aug. 7 primary election. Former Republican state Sen. Nancy Cassis of Novi had the most cash on hand in the Republican primary race as of the filing deadline, reporting $147,423 remaining in her war chest as she wages a difficult battle as a write-in candidate for the new 11th Congressional District. Cassis, who Republican powerplayers in Oakland and Wayne counties tapped to run as a write-in following the political implosion of former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, reported $288,675 in receipts. She donated $200,000 of her own money to the campaign. Her primary election opponent, Milford Republican Kerry Bentivolio, reported $21,676 left in his war chest and total receipts of $172,641. On the Democratic side, Dr. Syed Taj of Canton Township reported $78,449 remaining in his campaign fund as of the filing deadline, and $338,421 in receipts. William Roberts, a LaRouche Democrat from Redford Township, doesn’t appear to be making much of a splash in the fund-raising arena. He had just shy of $4,000 in his campaign coffers as of last Friday, and had raised a scant $12,025 in the race to represent the new 11th District, which includes Waterford, West Bloomfield, White

Lake, Commerce, Wolverine Lake, Walled Lake, Wixom , Milford, and Highland in the lakes area. Not to be outdone, the race in the new 14th Congressional District — which includes the west Oakland County communities of Orchard Lake and West Bloomfield Township — features a quintet of Democrats vying for their party’s nomination. U.S. Rep. Gary Peters has a sizeable fund-raising advantage over his nearest challenger, U.S. Rep. Hansen Clarke. Peters, a two-term congressman, reported over $530,000 remaining in his war chest as of the report filing deadline, while Clarke, who was first elected to Congress in 2010, reported just shy of $56,000 left. Peters netted close to $1.9 million in campaign contributions, while Clarke received just under $700,000. The other three Democratic candidates — Southfield Mayor Brenda Lawrence ($110,027), Bob Costello ($5,844) and Mary Waters, who did not file a finance report with the Federal Elections Commission as of Sunday, July 29 — all faced significant fund-raising hurdles going into the Aug. 7 primary election. It’s not just candidates for Congress who are making significant fund-raising inroads. The Republican race for the state’s 40th House of Representatives District, which covers a portion of West Bloomfield although the majority of the district is in Birmingham, Bloomfield Township and Bloomfield Hills, is awash with cash. Among the four GOP hopefuls — Oakland County Commissioner David

Potts (R-Birmingham), Bloomfield Hills City Commission member Michael McCready, Birmingham Public Schools Board of Education member Robert Lawrence, and David Wolkinson, the former policy director for Gov. Rick Snyder’s successful gubernatorial bid — Wolkinson is top dog, bringing in a total of $269,778 this election cycle, with $56,969 coming during the reporting period. He spent nearly a quarter-million dollars during the reporting period, leaving him with just shy of $20,000 in his campaign war chest. For his part, Potts has chipped in over $110,000 of his own money toward his campaign, raising a total of $114,025 this reporting period, according to the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office. He spent nearly $100,000 during the reporting period, leaving him with just under $14,000 in his campaign account. McCready raised $62,600 during the reporting period and spent $47,704, leaving his campaign account balance at a little less than $15,000. Lawrence had not filed campaign finance statements as of press time on Monday, July 30, according to the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office website. Six Republicans — Nick Kennedy, Klint Kesto, Brad Hantler, Bubba Urdan, Christine Zrinyi and Albert Clawson — are seeking their party’s nomination for the 39th state House District seat, which represents Commerce Township, Wolverine Lake, Wixom and a portion of West Bloomfield Township. Campaign finance reports show that Kesto has brought in the most


out of all six of those candidates, raising $82,770 and spending the most at $54,450, leaving his campaign fund balance at $28,319, also the healthiest out of the GOP pack in the race. Urdan’s fund-raising during the reporting period was the second-highest as he brought in just over $50,000 and spent $43,439. He had slightly over $7,000 in his war chest at the start of the reporting period, so his political account balance was $12,621. Hantler raised close to $57,000 throughout the election cycle and brought in about $27,000 of that during the reporting period that just ended. He ponied up just over $39,000 during the reporting cycle, bringing his account ledgers down to $16,728. Kennedy took in $29,413 during the reporting period and spent $23,934 of that, leaving his campaign fund at $5,478. Zrinyi brought in a similar amount ($27,215) and spent roughly the same ($22,370) as Kennedy. She had $4,844 left as of the campaign finance report filing deadline. Clawson is making virtually no dent on the fund-raising scene, raising $225 and spending $102. On the Democratic side in the 39th state House District race, Pam Jackson pulled in $21,421 during the reporting period and spent $13,345. She had $7,440 left. Fellow Democrat Regina Strong raised $7,407 during the reporting period, according to her finance report, and spent $3,025. She heads into the election with $4,867. ❏

A special feature of the Spinal Column Newsweekly

WE’RE ASKING… What is your favorite Summer Olympic event to watch? "The synchronized swimming and beach volleyball."

— Michelle Vassallo, Camp Dearborn camper

"I like swimming. It is interesting because the swimmers nowadays are stronger and have more muscle mass than back in the 1970s." — Lisa Menna, Camp Dearborn camper

"Synchronized diving."

— Chris Menna, Camp Dearborn camper

"Gymnastics. I've always been fascinated."

— Denise Grant, Camp Dearborn camper

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



Highland Township Treasurer Judith Cooper and Tami Flowers are competing in the Tuesday, Aug. 7 Republican primary election for Highland Township treasurer. Since there are no Democrats running, the winner of the GOP primary election will be uncontested in the Nov. 6 general election for a four-year term that currently pays $62,902 annually. The following is a sampling of questions we recently posed to Cooper and Flowers, and their responses to those questions. Go to and click on the AUGUST PRIMARY ELECTION banner at the right side of the page to read more questions and answers in this race. INVESTMENTS: What investment instruments are at the disposal of municipal treasurers? Which available investment instruments would you prefer to utilize and which would you try to avoid? How would you describe your investment philosophy for public funds? DEVELOPMENT: Some in the community are striving to preserve the township’s rural character while others are yearning for more business development in Highland. Is there a way that Highland can maintain its rural ethos while attracting new business and development? If so, how? If not, why not? TOP ISSUES: What are the three most important issues for the township, and how do you propose to address them? WHY YOU? Why should voters choose you over your opponent? JUDITH COOPER INVESTMENTS: Some of them include T-bills, CD’s, regular savings accounts, and municipal pools. They’re regulated by statute and our investment policy. We have most of the township money invested in investment pools and (some) in CD’s, because the returns (in other investments) just aren’t there. It’s such a strange market with such low rates (that) we don’t want to put anything out for any length of time. Plus, there’s not that much money available ... so we’re keeping them in short time frame (investments) and in something that is safe and most of the time liquid. (My philosophy is) safety first ... and maximizing the return. DEVELOPMENT: There is a balance (to be had). Right now in our downtown area I heard there are 50 empty businesses. We really have to work hard to attract... small business, like

Tami Flowers is the former administrator of the Highland-White Lake Business Association, a position she assumed in 2003. A graduate of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C., she was an accounting analyst with Emro Propane Co., a division of Marathon Oil in Flint, for 3 years. She currently manages the customer billing system and social media marketing for Digital Document Store in Milford.

Judith Cooper has been the deputy treasurer in Highland Township since 2001. Prior to that, she served 8 years as deputy treasurer in White Lake Township and 8 years as an assistant manager at the Highland office of Bank One/Pontiac State Bank. A graduate of Hope College, she is a Michigan Certified Professional Treasurer and a Certified Public Treasurer, with both certifications coming in conjunction with Central Michigan University.

local ownership ... to that area. There are ways to encourage businesses to come in, (such as) partnering with the DDA and using free consulting services like BAT (Business Assist Team) through Oakland County. They can have subsidized advertising through the DDA and their grant programs are available tools. The DDA is trying... different things to bring businesses in, not only to the DDA district, but they’re trying to pull in from the other side of Highland, as well. TOP ISSUES: The first issue is continuity in the township offices, as well as on the board. By the end of the year, the Township Hall will lose approximately 30 percent of its employees with over 100 years of experience to retirement. I would provide part of that continuity. If I wasn’t elected, our entire office would be gone, as well as the supervisor. It’s huge to take that big of a chunk out of the office itself. And they are losing a minimum of three out of seven (members) of the township board. With my experience doing backup research for different board issues, as well as my volunteer experience on different boards in the community and at my church, I bring valuable continuity. The second issue is the passage of the police millage to provide basic public safety to our residents.

The last (issue) is to remain fiscally conservative so that we keep Highland afloat. Every day you hear about different communities going under, and we don’t want to see that in Highland. WHY YOU?: I have experience in government, as well as banking and investing. I will do the research on the issues and make common-sense decisions. If I don’t know what I should do, I will go out and ask people what’s right for (them). Sometimes that’s really important to make sure you have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the community. TAMI FLOWERS INVESTMENTS: They’re regulated by law, and that’s all I know. You’re going to go with the safest (investment) that gives you the best return over the long-term. My philosophy is you should use (financial) instruments that are as safe as possible with low risk and the best possible return. DEVELOPMENT: It’s possible to balance those two desires, primarily by not going after “big box” development. We have a lot of vacant commercial space that would be perfect for small business. I’d like to see those rebuilt and once that happens we can look at bigger developments. I really shy away from the big box (developments) because to me that just pulls the money out of the community. I

would work closely with the Highland Equestrian Conservancy and the Highland Conservancy to plan these new developments in ways that will maintain green space in the community. TOP ISSUES: I would say (the first is) declining revenues and how you continue to balance the budget in face of that. My goal would be to improve property values by reinvigorating our business district. That would increase our tax income and help with the property values in surrounding neighborhoods. The second issue is the loss of businesses. We need to improve how the township interacts with businesses. We need better communication. We need a change of attitude — a way of interacting, to appreciate what our businesses bring to us in terms of tax revenue and community life. We need to explore ways to improve our processes and simplify things and make them easier for people who are busy running their businesses. The third issue is the fact that our community is disconnected. People aren’t really plugged into local happenings or issues. I would really like to improve our communication with our residents and try to bring our community closer together, and get them supporting some of the great things that are happening and make improvements on what’s going on. WHY YOU?: I’d like to bring a fresh, balanced approach to things. Coming from a business and a non-profit background, I have a lot of experience in working with people, boards, and committees through... the (HighlandWhite Lake) Business Association, and working to bring a group of people to consensus and keep moving forward and not getting stalled by conflict. I want to work to foster a connected, cooperative community with residents and businesses working together to make life better in our township. Our township is ready for new approaches. Some things have been handled well regarding the budget, but we need a new direction in (interacting) with businesses, to take a step forward in that area. Regardless of which one of us is elected, there’s going to be a new person in the Treasurer’s Office, whether it’s in the treasurer position or in the deputy position. I’ve been around long enough to have a good connection with what’s going on and can continue the township’s good relationships with the businesses and the residents. ❏




39th State House District Six Republicans — Albert Clawson, Brad Hantler, Nicholas Kennedy, Klint Kesto, Bubba Urdan and Kristine Zrinyi — are competing in the Tuesday, Aug. 7 GOP primary election for the state House of Representatives 39th District seat. The winner will face the winner of the Democratic primary in the Nov. 6 general election. State representatives serve two-year terms and are currently paid $71,685 annually. The following are a sampling of questions our staff recently posed to the candidates, and their responses to those questions. Go to and click on the AUGUST PRIMARY ELECTION banner at the right side of the home page to read more questions and answers in this race. BUDGET: After years of 11th-hour approvals of state budgets and criticisms of kicking the can down the road on critical fiscal issues, lawmakers have in two consecutive years passed spending plans that have scaled back state spending through tough cuts in certain areas. If elected to the state House of Representatives, what would be your budgeting priorities and why? Do you believe further cuts are needed, and if so, where? Please state where, if anywhere, investments in key areas are necessary? TOP ISSUES: What are the three most important issues for the district at this time, and how do you propose to address them? WHY YOU? Why should voters choose you over your opponents? ALBERT CLAWSON BUDGET: While some cuts may be appropriate, the state is compelled to use the monies we have in the most effective manner possible. By modernizing the workflow and reducing paper forms, significant savings can be had — not only by the state but by easing the burden on individuals and businesses. Some investments in computerized systems will be needed, as well as in retraining state workers, but the benefits that will be realized are staggering. TOP ISSUES: The three most important issues are encouraging economic growth; providing more relevant and beneficial education to the children; and providing transparency of government. WHY YOU? Michigan needs people in Lansing who understand the potential and application of the new technology. We must have people who understand advancements in science and industry and ensure that our legislation does not

Albert Clawson has been a property manager for Mica Realty since 2002. A graduate of Regent’s College in New York, Clawson was previously an information technology contractor for Ford Motor Co., General Motors, GM/Mexico, EDS, Digital, IBM and Lucent Technologies. He and his wife have one child.

Brad Hantler is a graduate of Olberlin College, where he was chairman of the College Republicans and worked as a research assistant while getting his bachelor’s degree in political science. He has been involved with ALS of Michigan, Yad Ezra Food Bank, and J-Serve. He is a lifelong member of Adat Shalom.

Nick Kennedy of Wixom is the retired president and CEO of Michigan Office Maintenance, Inc. He is the chairman of the Wixom Community Foundation, a member of the Wixom Planning Commission and past president of the Passing Along the Heritage Foundation. A graduate of Livonia Stevenson High School, he was the 2008 recipient of the Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Citizen of the Year award.

stand in the way. The daily benefits that technology will bring to our state are limited only by imagination and unintended consequences of legislation that obstructs, rather than encourages. I will bring the vision and experience needed to ensure that Michigan needs to grow into our future as a technology leader. BRAD HANTLER BUDGET: My first budget move would be to move Michigan to a part-time Legislature. There is zero evidence that these supposedly full-time lawmakers serve our state any better than those in the clearly part-time states. To the contrary, Michigan has been losing jobs and younger workers like me to fast growing states where the political class is much less costly. Michigan (lawmakers are) currently paid over $70,000 a year. TOP ISSUES: Growing the economy, lowering taxes and regulations to compete with neighboring states No. 2, reforming public education (by) expanding school choice and reducing power from the unions No. 3, growth of government. Move Michigan to a part-time Legislature. WHY YOU? Since I am not beholden to special interests, I am prepared to “rock the boat” when necessary to move Michigan forward. My message is that legislatures need to understand government spends... the peoples’

money raised through taxes. I’m young, energetic, and I want to make a difference. I will not go to Lansing and sit on my hands. NICHOLAS KENNEDY BUDGET: Top budget priorities are education for our youth, health and human services for our senior citizens, and public safety for everyone. Investing in our youth will help them develop the skills necessary to meet the demands of our employers. We owe it to our seniors to provide them with top-notch health care. Strong public safety helps reduce crime and demands on our prison system. I support the governor’s “Good Government” initiative that focuses on efficient operating departments as a way to help achieve more budget cuts across the board. We need to continue to make reforms in government spending by eliminating duplicated services. I support additional investments in education. Job creation is my top priority, but we need youth with the skills to meet the demand of our employers. TOP ISSUES: The creation of jobs is my top priority. We need to continue to make Michigan employer-friendly. The job market in Michigan is progressing under Republican leadership. We need to continue on a path that allows Michigan employers to hire and feel secure in a business-friendly environment.

No. 2, no new taxes. There have been a number of tax reforms in Michigan to support job providers. Any increase in taxes would work to undo these reforms. No. 3, transparent and limited government. I support Gov. Snyder’s focus on transparent and limited government. He is the first governor to actually look at budgets from a “revenue-expense” perspective, and then openly propose to limit spending only based on what revenue is generated. WHY YOU? The serious nature of our weakened economy has inspired me to be your representative because we share the core conservative values that are needed in Lansing. I am a small business owner. I understand what it takes to create jobs, and have done so for more than 30 years. We need a representative who has the real life, and real world, business experience to help lead Michigan back to its glory. I am a long-time resident of our community. I am a homeowner and parent. I have volunteered to assist as the chair of the Wixom Community Foundation, as a Wixom planning commissioner and as a Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts. I also have been a strong supporter of our military, with the sending of tons of materials to deployed soldiers. KLINT KESTO BUDGET: I would like to focus on three

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


POLITICS main issues: Jobs, education, and public safety. Their success ensures that our neighborhoods in western Oakland County are able to thrive and prosper. Investments in education, public safety, and job growth are necessary. Furthermore, sustaining talent development and economic growth is vital as western Oakland County seeks to compete and thrive in a global economy. The budget must also reflect and further a strong commitment to education. Nothing is more important than ensuring children have the greatest opportunities to succeed in the future ... Lastly, enhancing community safety is necessary to ensure that our neighborhoods and children are free from crime. We can save money without necessarily making cuts. Both in education and in public safety, specifically the corrections departments, we can privatize areas such as transportation services, janitorial services, and food services. By reducing spending and allowing a private entity to provide these services, we can increase the standard through competition, as well as save millions of dollars without cutting services. TOP ISSUES: No. 1, home values. We need to seek serious lending reform and create regulations to reduce extreme risk-taking by lending institutions. We also need to reduce foreclosures by creating legislation to encourage refinancing and loan modifications. No. 2, create an incentive for small businesses to invest in the district. The Legislature’s key (goal) is facilitating the environment that allows a business to make a profit and continue to grow. By reducing the tax rate and reforming the business tax, we have seen a surplus in revenue and a movement toward economic growth. We must continue to reduce regulations and taxes. No. 3, public safety increases. High standards of public safety and a sense of security keep residents in a certain location. There has been a significant increase in “crimes of opportunity” — the break-ins into homes and cars, and the theft crimes. We can create legislation to significantly increase the police and fire staff and keep the “boots on the ground.” I would use the Michigan State Police in more of a high crime investigation capacity and (shift) their duties away from simple traffic duties. Also, we can create legislation for preliminary hearings and streamline technology to use video testimony — saving money which can be used in other areas. WHY YOU? As an assistant prosecuting attorney for over five years, I have a firm understanding of the law and its effects on our community in western Oakland County. My experience with the law leaves me better suited to draft

Klint Kesto, currently an assistant prosecuting attorney, has previously worked for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Justice. He is a board member of the Chaldean Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Chaldean American Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Michigan State Bar, and a member of the Greater West Bloomfield Republicans.

Bubba Urdan is the director of business development for Statewide Disaster Restoration. He is also the director of marketing for The Print House, Inc. He has volunteered for The Parade Company and has been on the boards for ORT Michigan, Jewish Federation Apartments, the Jewish Community Center, and others. He opened a retail clothing business at 18 that eventually turned into a wholesale distribution company, in which he remains involved.

Kristine Zrinyi is a speaker on behalf of consumer education programs representing Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and a former director of Volunteers for Hospice. She has been a board member for Country Oaks and Oak Valley schools PTAs, served on the Oakland County Women’s Advisory Commission, and done work for Relay for Life. Born and raised in Ohio, Zrinyi and her husband have three adopted children.

clear and unambiguous laws. As a lifelong resident of Oakland County and active member of the community, I understand what our district needs to grow and thrive during this critical (time). I have dedicated most of my life to public service. I understand that hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to ethical and moral values (is) the only way to sustain our healthy and successful community. BUBBA URDAN BUDGET: Corrections should privatize food service and save... $25 million per year off the $2 billion budget. Keep in mind there are many programs that may be funded to support agencies and organizations, but it may not always be the only way to get the same result. You might be able to save on purchasing if the whole state bought as a buying group. More often than not, business likes doing business with the government because the contracts are usually a good profit percentage and guaranteed payment. We should think of the state’s budget as our own and squeeze every nickel out of it so we are not spending the money recklessly. Cuts are great but let’s do it with thought and strategically so we can rebuild our state and bring jobs back to Michigan without burdening business and the people with high taxes. We need to address the issues and make the tough choices while honoring our obligations to our seniors and not getting into bad contracts. TOP ISSUES: No. 1, schools. We must address the funding question and look

at giving the best product to our students. Early childhood development programs need to start now. No. 2, create a tax environment where Michigan becomes attractive to business and job growth is rewarded. By prioritizing expenditures and establishing a pro-business tax plan, we will make Michigan attractive to new business and allow existing business to hire more employees. We are talking about “trickle up,” not trickle down (economics). Let the worker get a few dollars and get people off public assistance and back into the workforce, where they will become productive and develop selfesteem. This will reduce crime, increase spending and jumpstart our economy. WHY YOU? In my 42 years, I have done many things, but starting a retail clothing business the day after I graduated high school, transforming it into a sales organization along with my 12-plus years of experience on community boards from senior care, apartments, a fitness club, a theater, many event fund-raisers and charitable organizations, I have a broad background and will apply logic, creativity and thought to every issue. I will represent all people, equally and honestly. KRISTINE ZRINYI BUDGET: My main priority would be to balance the budget with no exceptions. The spending cuts over the past two years have lead to Michigan having its largest rainy day fund in about 10 years. Now we must ... cut any

wasteful spending. We must not spend more than we take in. TOP ISSUES: The economy is key. We need to continue to foster small business growth and make Michigan the best state to do business in. Housing values will begin to rebound as we put more of our young people and displaced workers back on the payroll. Supporting the education system is key. We must examine ways to reduce administrative costs as a way of putting money back into the classroom. Having been involved for over 15 years in my children’s education, I know the importance of needing to make sure our schools are adequately funded. WHY YOU? Michigan is in a very delicate position and we cannot revert back to the old ways of kicking the can down the road or pandering to special interest groups. I am the common-sense solutions candidate. If it’s not broke, we won’t fix it. If it needs (to be) fixed, I will find the best possible solution to fix the problem. I believe that I will most represent the interests of our community and will never succumb to special interests. We must create an environment where Michigan is the best place to do business and keep our young people in Michigan. That’s why I’m running. I have three adopted children, two of whom are in college, and I want them to have the opportunity to stay in Michigan. I promise to restore honor and integrity in Lansing, and hold every Legislature accountable for (its) actions. ❏




50 YEARS AGO Aug. 2, 1962 A recently formed committee composed of residents and business people in the greater Union Lake Area has taken the initial steps preliminary to petitioning for an election on ... whether the people in the area want to become a city. The committee chairmen, John Clark and Christian Powell, the attorney in the village who is assisting the committee ... explained that the present hub of or focal point of the greater Union Lake community on the northwest edge of Union Lake is the point where the corners of four townships meet ... Waterford, White Lake, West Bloomfield and Commerce, which means the one community referred to as Union Lake is actually ruled by four governments. The committee was informed that ... Waterford is considering an immediate move to incorporate the entire township. This means that the community of Union Lake that has grown, prospered and come to be the stated home of the people of the community will lose approximately one-quarter of the area always considered to be part of the community. Further inquiry and discussion of the future plans and prospects for the remaining townships revealed the real possibility that West Bloomfield has given consideration to incorporation, as has Commerce. If each of the townships involved were to make this move ... the community that the people of the Union Lake area now call home would be four communities. 40 YEARS AGO Aug. 2, 1972 Some 67 horses from all over the Midwest took part in competition last weekend in the dressage show at Centaur Farm Stables, at Drake Road and Walnut Lake Road in (West Bloomfield). Dressage is considered by many to be the highest art of horsemanship. The art of dressage, according to the Detroit Horse Show, is that of demonstrating the ability of a horse to perform with precision natural gaits and movement under control by the rider which is as near perfect as possible. The Centaur Farm Stables dressage show was sanctioned by the Midwest Dressage Association. 30 YEARS AGO

Aug. 4, 1982 Sunday rock ‘n’ roll concerts are to continue at the Sandy Beach on Dixie Highway near Watkins Lake Road in Waterford, the township board decided on Monday, Aug. 2. Board members voted 5-2 to allow owner Michelle Maursey to retain a local permit allowing live entertainment, if several provisions are followed. Maursey is to stop allowing customers into the park once the 100car parking lot and the neighboring Sleep Hollow Marina 40-car parking lot are full, a southeast fence is to be screened off with dark-colored plastic, and the music level is not to increase from last week’s levels. The permit approved earlier this summer was reviewed this week at the request of neighbors who brought a host of complaints to the board. Approximately a dozen residents reported fights at the concerts, loud music, intoxicated drivers of cars and boats ... obscene language and visual obscenities, and food and trash left in the area. 20 YEARS AGO July 29, 1992 Rangers at the Pontiac Lake Recreation Area and seven other Lower Peninsula parks are patrolling their facilities this summer on bicycles in an attempt to increase park efficiency and protect the environment. According to Mike Dashe, manager of the Pontiac Lake Recreation, two DNR officers are patrolling the recreation area this summer on bicycles. He said the use of bicycles allows staff to gain better access to trail systems where vehicles can’t travel, and to more effectively patrol dense use areas.

Headlines of the Past

❐ Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant has announced that the following students have been named to the 2012 spring semester honors list: • Commerce: Garrett L. Beck, Stephen Grey Bollinger, Jordan Helene Carlesimo, Alexandra Brooke Cerilli, Joshua A. Chad, William Joseph Chorkey, Ashleigh Breeann Curp, Jessica Marie Darby, Luke Hillman Davis, Megan Elizabeth Dullack, Kylie K. Fagan, Alyssa Rochelle Hebert, Chelsea Brooke Herron, Nathan T. Ladd, Ashley Elizabeth Miller, Ursula Olszewska, Chris Thomas Ozminkowski, Kevin Petsch, David Edward Prueter, Andrew Daniel Roeser, Lena Rae Scarpace, Jordan Alexandra Strom, and Alexis Lee Voorheis. • Highland: Alexander Donald Chouinard, Ashley Elise Crittenden, Emily J. Crofts, Casey Earl Dangelo, Benjamin Charles Deboer, Breanna Leigh Golda, Corey R. Jahlas, Robert Kidder, Rachel Kathryn Schell, Kaitlyn Emily Schultz, and Lauren Leigh Smith. • Keego Harbor: Matthew A. Lenzi. • Milford: Erin Melanie Barrett, Sean Patrick Bergin, Carolyn Capozzo, Alyssa Louise Dean, Jordan D. Fox, Marayah Linette Garza, Nicholas christopher Goike, John Nicholas Haller, Joleve Jacobs, Jessie Patricia Lincoln, Amanda Marie Macielak, Emily Elizabeth Matteson, Robert D. McGraw, Amy Elizabeth Mitchell, Chelsea Kumari Monroe, Brandon D. Piligian, Jessica Lynn Powell, Lauren N. Presutti, Zachary Alexander Ritten, William G. Schneider, Taylor Ann Stringfellow, Stefanie Nicole Thorpe, Mary Anne Tomlinson, Alexandril Wessel and Steven Zaborowski. • Novi: Grant Barnett Alexander, Jaclyn Michelle Bart, Evan David Bentley, Michel Joseph Brant, Amanda Louise Brown, Kaylynn Cesarz, Jordan Elizabeth Crandell, Paul Joseph Cunningham, Alexandro James Pais Deoliveira, Greg Eichler, Shelby Elizabetth Foerg, Nicole Marie Gazdecki, Valerie Susan Gladd, Savannah Green, Nicole Marie Grrimes, Adrienne Noelle Hall, Gabrielle Marie Hamilton, Brandon Lee Hogle, Kimberly Sharleen Hornacek, Rebecca Helen Lis, Consuelo Frances McAboy, Joshua C. Moyer, Nicole Kathryn Mueting, Justin Tyler Mustonen, Jacob Christopher Porter, Amy Lynn Reinhold, Kimberly Michelle Sankovic, Allison Marie Snider, Kaitlyn Leigh Stanford, Annette Francesca Sturla, Thomas Szczygiel, Dennis Thompson, Lauren Lynne Van Hamme, Alexander William White, and Robert John Yusko. • Walled Lake: Richard Charles Arlen, Patricia Mary Ball, Taylor Anne Coe, Jessica Michelle Francis, Justin Donald

Gerard, Kaitlyn Nicole Koshen, Jenna J. MacLellan, Angeal Michelle Morrill, Jacob Scott Serra, and Kelsey Alexandra Whing. • Waterford: Alyssa Ashley Alfonso, Paige Lynn Bresler, Timothy Charles Campbell, Pamela Terese Clemo, Mariel Faith Cutler, Alexandrea Lee Decker, Dominic Michael Edwards, Ashley Marie Hahn, Allison P. Helwig, Kristin Caroline Isabel, Richard Allan Jarchow Jr. , Jennifer Dawn Losiowski, Megan Marie Mosakoski, Jamie Lee Rabaut, Melyssa Ann Rapley, Amy E. Rickman, Erin Lorraine Schreiner, Matthew Robert Schrupp, Sarah Ann Singleton, Laura Marie Stamp, Kristen Ann Tomolak, Jamie Lee Trevino, Maria Amber Urueta, and Allie Marie Willis. • West Bloomfield: Kathryn Maryse Brandell, James Chase Caldwell, Brian William Ciatti, Molly Nicole Coldren, Amanda Louise Fuerst, Christina Helen Ghannam, Kara Donna Hattemer-Plant, Maxwell Denenberg Lowe, Charles Albert Miller, Artur Pinkhasov, Cynthia M. Rescoe, Cimone Safilian, elyse Desirae Stepney, Justin N. Tout, and Allison Marie White. • White Lake: Stephen David Brickman, Lauren Ashley Dahl, Lauren Scannell Dawson, Bethany Nicle Dickerson, Chelsea Marie Hoffman, Mitchell Alexander Holland, Michelle Marie Hyde, Rachel Marie Levitt, Bailee P. Mamayek, Jonathan Murphy, Lindsay Rachelle Nosek, Kelly L. Schlaff, Lisa M. Strucel, Andrew Philip Summerhill, Lori M. Tennis, Michelle M. Vermilya, and Jessica Ann York. • Wixom: Megan Lynn Blaze, Paige Gail Burnia, Kyle C. Nyland, Marley Taylor Tisdall, and Rachel G. Wessel. • Wolverine Lake: Sean A. Armstrong. ❐ Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant has announced its list of May 2012 graduates: • Commerce: Janet Allen, Shawn Heilig, Christina Hix, Jessica Howald, Allyson Imhoff, Michael Kress, Heather Mengel, Stephen Miserez, Tami Morin, Ursula Olszewska, Brandon Pach, Kymberli Perkins, Kevin Petsch, Carl Skonieczny, Aaron Sharp, Joseph Underwood, and Sara Woelfel. • Highland: Andrew Govan, Matthew Hendricks, Chelsea Lepage, Stefan Lightfoot, Keifer Pantke, Ariel Peavy, Rachel Schell, Colleen Wackerman, and Rachel Wigley. • Milford: Christopher Armelagos, Kacie Cadotte, Alyssa Dean, Sarah Lodwick, Katherine Oldford, Michael Petrucci, Jessica Powell, Kyle Shorr, Bradley Terberg, and Samantha Thorpe. • Novi: Heather Balon, Jaclyn Bart, PAGE 25 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


White Lake Voters Our Police and Fire Personnel are there when we need them Now they need our help to continue serving us


✓ Vote YES for Police/Fire Millage Renewals ✓ Vote YES for Fire Millage

A YES vote sustains current services. A No vote means further reductions!


Paid for by “Citizens for a Safe White Lake”, R. Stephens, treasurer, 1336 Waverly, White Lake, MI

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AUGUST 1-7, 2012



Continued ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 22

David Benton, Travis Blackledge, Amanda Brown, Lauren Buckley, Lawrence Butler, Jeffrey Donohue, Alyssa Franchi, Ashley Gazdecki, Nicole Gazdecki, Tosia henerson, Traceena Henderson, Jesica Jodoin, Matthew Jylkka, Patrick Kochyan, Lauren Kotylo, Sarah Lambert, Robert Low, Paige Mazza, Claudia Miculici, Erin Moruzzi, Alexander Newell, Jonatha Pace, Sean Parker, Tiffini Parker, Orienda Piccinini, Christine Pytel, Amy Reinhold, Patrick Russell, Matthew Schaffer, Shannon Sparrow, Kaitlyn Stanforrd, Lauren Van Hamme, and Samantha Wuerfel. • Walled Lake: Justin Gerard and

Ericka Ward. • Waterford: Leanne Blatz, Grant Breitzman, Elizabeth Dunaj, Gregory Haverlock, Kimberly Ivey, Richard Jarchow Jr., Kimberly Larkin, Erin Mahaffy, Miranda McIntyre, Kyle Minch, Kaitlin Penfold, Melyssa Rapley, Lindsey Stanczak, and Jennifer Tabeek. • West Bloomfield: Kathryn Brandell, Zachary Birbidge, Lisa D’ Angelo, Amanda Fuerst, Jordan Greenman, Lisa Klager, Evan Lyons, Chimene Nugent, Oghenewarie Okagbare, Artur Pinhasov, David Quintal, Hayley Sitron, Jacquelyn Sloan, Brittany Thomas, Allison White, Devlin Williams, and Sabrina Ziembiec. • White Lake: Kevin Birkholz, David Bradley-Bell, Stephen Brickman, Brandon Burford, Crystal Clark, Shane

Curtis, Theodore Grossnickle, Gregory Levy, Kelly Schlaff, Christopher Wiesman, Jessica York and Jordan Zaleski. • Wixom: Kelley Schulte, Anthony Spagnuolo, Brian Stevenson, Lauren Troxtel, and Rachael Wessel. ❐ Olivet College in Olivet, Mich. has announced that the following students have been named to the Olivet College 2012 spring semester dean’s list: Melissa Bageris and Rachel Phillips of Highland, Jon Orr of West Bloomfield, and Alison Focht of Wixom ❐ Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw Charter Township, Mich., has announced that the following students

have been named to the president’s list for the winter 2012 semester: Bryan Bouck, Ashley Sansom, and Brittany Taylor of Commerce; Julia Thomas of Novi; and Maggie O’Brien of Walled Lake ❐ Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw Charter Township, Mich., has announced that the following students have been named to the dean’s list for the winter 2012 semester: • Commerce: Brianna Freel, Derek Kilmer and Laura Ward. • Milford: Steven Kreig and Brittany Rheaume. • Novi: Lauren Cheaney, Colleen McClure, David Mueller, Jacqueline Spearman, Scott Stanford, Andrea Stinar, and Jordyn Truax. • Walled Lake: Paige Krzyskowski. • Waterford: Mary Balogh, Rachel Bush, Michelle Chippi, James Clifford, Kailah Happ, Natalie Jensen, Ashley Johnson, Rachel Mutrynowski, Farrah Nordman, Melissa Persinger, Katelyn Savedge, Kayla Staskiewicz, Derek Sweet, and Scott Walter. • White Lake: Dana Houston, Timothy Knight, Henry Nicholls, and Andrea Studaker. • Wixom: Kelly Larges.



All Summer Long, a mixed-media exhibition of Milford artist Barbara Weisenburg’s work, makes its public debut at a gallery opening scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 3 at Huron Valley Council for the Arts, located at 205 W. Livingston Road in Highland Township. The works primarily are acrylic paintings done in an impressionistic style. “The body of work that I am currently working on is ‘All Summer Long,’ inspired by my love of the Great Lakes and the many sunrises and sunsets that I have viewed,” Weisenburg said. An art major at Michigan State University, she continued her education, earning not only a bachelor’s degree from MSU but a master’s degree from Oakland University. Weisenburg also studied multicultural diversity at the College of Santa Fe, multidiscipline art study at Cranbrook and continues learning each year through seminars with master artists or musicians. All Summer Long will be open to the public through Aug. 25. Gallery hours for this free exhibit are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.

• Fiscal conservative • Experience, knowledge and integrity • Environmental watchdog • Community and Veterans Advocate • Business and labor experience • Strong family values, lifetime resident “… a maverick on the board of trustees who never lost sight of being the people’s advocate…” – Spinal Column Newsweekly, 2004 Paid for by Friends for David Maloney 5846 Southward, Waterford, MI 48329


Vote on August 7th


Elect Mike Roman, CPA

White Lake Township Treasurer PASSION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL, CPA DEVOTED HUSBAND AND FATHER “I believe that White Lake residents deserve a treasurer who understands the need for a more open, transparent government where all residents’ voices are heard and valued.” REPUBLICAN • • • •

14 year resident of White Lake Township Strong passion for serving our community Licensed Michigan C.P.A. and financial manager More than 15 years of financial management experience in private industry, having practiced cash management, financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, corporate tax, and human resource management • Currently a Business Manager for a Rochester Hills manufacturing company. I take great pride in my work, and treat all of my co-workers in a honest, respectful manner. • Having developed operating budgets in private industries, I was glad to help the White Lake Citizens League with its 2010 budget.

• Dedicated volunteer for Huron Valley Schools • Traveled to Lansing to meet with our State Legislature to advocate for more equitable funding for Huron Valley Schools • Served as District Parent Council Representative, acting as liaison between parents and the administration • Participated in school district process improvement planning (Title One), and helped special needs students with reading and math at Brooks Elementary School. • With many Michigan families in financial distress, I created and operated an after-school team sports program for students at Brooks Elementary, which gave many children the opportunity to participate in team athletics at no cost to the families. • Coached youth baseball for Carls Family YMCA

With a degree in Business Administration from Michigan State University, I have two sons who attend Huron Valley Schools, and have been married to the same wonderful woman for 22 years. Memberships include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Huron Valley Optimist Club, and Oakland County Republican Party.

“Give me the opportunity to serve you as your White Lake Township Treasurer by voting for me, either by absentee ballot, or at the polls on August 7th and I pledge to you that I will always keep the best interests of White Lake families as my top priority. My door will always be open to you, and your concerns will always be heard.” Paid for by the Com mit

8 I 4 83 tee to Lake, M Elect Mike Roman, 7350 Cedar Creek Dr., White


AUGUST 1-7, 2012


Western teacher sues district for alleged trampling By Angela Niemi staff writer

A lawsuit has been filed against the Walled Lake Consolidated School District by a Walled Lake Western High School teacher who claims she was injured by at least one student during an October event. Eleni Anastos, a special education teacher, has filed a complaint against the district alleging that she was trampled during a Field Day event at the school. According to the lawsuit, she was “helpless and prostrate on the gym floor” and “was either savagely attacked by (a student) who stomped on her and kicked her violently or was kicked and stomped by (a student) due to his negligence and recklessness as he raced out of the stands and onto the gym floor.” The lawsuit claims that Anastos suffered from a herniated disc, cervical sprain, multiple bruises and abrasions, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The lawsuit also claims that the school has disparaged Anastos by implying she made up the event because she is “deranged or out for financial gain.” The lawsuit was filed in Oakland County Circuit Court last month, and has been assigned to Judge Wendy Potts. Anastos is seeking in excess of $25,000 in damages, according to the lawsuit. She remains employed by the school district. School district officials could not be reached for comment prior to press time. ❏

Kettering, Mott joining forces for gymnastics squad By Michael Shelton staff writer

While many area residents are now watching Team USA compete in gymnastics on television at the Olympic Games in London, England, students at Waterford Kettering and Mott high schools will soon have their chance to compete in gymnastics. The Waterford Schools Board of Education last month voted to approve a resolution authorizing Kettering and Mott to form a cooperative gymnastics team.

The head coach of the new Waterford team will be Tara Holmes, who is currently the director and head team coach at Flip Starz Gymnastics in Waterford Township. The new Waterford team will join other lakes area teams currently competing: Walled Lake Gold, which is made up of Walled Lake Central High School students; Walled Lake Maroon, which is made up of students from Walled Lake Northern and Western high schools; and Huron Valley Unified, which is made up of students from Huron Valley Lakeland and Huron Valley Milford high schools. The Walled Lake and Huron Valley teams compete in the Kensington Lakes Activities Association (KLAA) Lakes Division. This will mark the fifth team in the Waterford School District to combine students from both Kettering and Mott, joining the Waterford Unified boys and girls swimming teams and the Waterford Unified boys and girls lacrosse teams. Ross said she expects the new Waterford gymnastics team to begin competing this year and that practices and any potential home meets will be held a the Flip Starz facility, located at 5425 Perry Drive in the township. ❏




AUGUST 1-7, 2012


LOCAL MATTERS business notes movers/shakers retirements ❐ David C. Moilanen, director of the Huron-Clinton Metroparks and a 38-year Metropark employee, will retire on Friday, Aug. 3. Moilanen began his career part-time at Kensington Metropark in 1974, first as a golf course maintenance worker, then as an interpreter at the Nature Center. He was hired full-time in 1980 as the farm manager at Kensington Metropark’s Farm Center and in 1991 became the Metroparks’ public relations/information officer. He was appointed Metroparks’ chief of interpretive services and public relations in 1999, deputy director in 2006 and director in 2010. Moilanen holds bachelor’s degrees in economics and natural resources from the University of Michigan and completed additional coursework in public relations and journalism, zoology and biology. He is a member of the National Association for Interpretation, the National Recreation and Parks Association, Michigan Recreation and Parks Association, and the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association. He, his wife, Cindy, and their son, Dave, live in Genoa Township in Livingston County.



Support yourself and your community – shop locally! The choices that you make about where to shop are powerful statements to your community. By choosing locally owned & operated businesses, you support: Schools • Police and Fire • Libraries • Parks & Recreation • Roads Invest in our future – buy local, live local, and volunteer local too.

You have a choice! Spend it here. Keep it here. second annual Dog Days of Summer “Best of Bou” contest has ended with

winners announced on July 7. Baristas spent the month of June photographing customers’ furry, fourlegged friends. The photographs were then posted on the store bulletin board for customers to place votes for their favorites in the first week of July. This year’s contest boasted 58 entries, up four from last year, and 418 total votes placed, up from 255 in 2011. Prizes were awarded to firstthrough fifth-place. The winners included two golden labradors, a King Charles spaniel/beagle mix, a group of chows (who pooled their cuteness), and a black mixed breed with a distinguished white muzzle. In connection with this year’s contest. Caribou of Commerce has started posting pictures and biographies of the Michigan Humane Society’s Pet of the Week. These pictures of adoptable pets looking for forever homes will continue to be posted all year long. Caribou Coffee is located at 2220 Union Lake Road and can be reached by calling 248363-7589.

chamber notes ❐ The Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce (HVCC) is holding the following events in the coming days. For

a complete calender of chamber events, visit • Ambassador Meeting, 10 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 8, Milford Police Department’s conference room, 1100 Atlantic Street, Milford. • Milford Memories Summer Festival, Friday, Aug. 10 to Sunday, Aug. 12, downtown Milford. • The Coffee Club, 8 to 9 a.m., Aug. 17, MediLodge of Milford, 555 Highland Avenue, Milford. ❐ The Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce has announced that the following businesses have joined its membership ranks: • Kaye Financial, 8115 Locklin Lane, Commerce, Christopher Platt, 248-538-3248. Financial services. • Wal-Mart, Ingersol Drive, Novi, Tracy Irons, 248-476-4391. Retail Store. • Home Depot No. 2729, 9078 Highland Road, White Lake, Bill Moran, 248-698-4801. Retail/department store. • Insight Business Coaching, 28345 Beck Road, Suite 402, Wixom, James Conley, 248-4495100. Consulting. PAGE 31 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯

openings ❐ The Blue Grill Restaurant recently celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony in downtown Milford. Owned by Dimitri and Marianne Mansour, The Blue Grill specializes fresh, fast and delicious Mediterranean food — pita wraps, beef and chicken shawarma, kebobs, hummus and more. They are committed to providing customers with the best quality healthy foods, made from the freshest, all-natural ingredients, coupled with friendly, helpful service, served in a clean, comfortable environment, made any way you like. The Blue Grill Restaurant is located at 426 N. Main Street in Milford and can be reached by calling 248-684-4545.

benefits ❐ Caribou Coffee of Commerce’s

Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce members and township officials — including Treasurer Margaret Birth and Supervisor Carl Solden — attended a Wednesday, July 25 ribbon-cutting ceremony for Jack’s Ship N Shop, known as Waterford’s only authorized Federal Express shipping center. Located at 7400 Highland Road (M-59), Jack’s Ship N Shop is individually owned and operated. It offers a wide selection of shipping carriers that can handle any size job, and services from mailing a simple envelope to arranging freight services. The business has the expertise to package anything and ship it anywhere, worldwide. For more information, call 248-7071961 or visit the website at (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)



Over the last 16-years, the Charter Township of Commerce has grown from a rural farmland to a modern, prosperous community under the skillful direction of Township Supervisor, Tom Zoner. With more than 1,000 acres of protected nature and trails, numerous parks for families and active residents to enjoy and a high priority on public safety, Commerce Township is a safe and beautiful place to live. With one of the lowest tax-rates among Oakland County’s 61 governmental communities, Commerce Township’s economy and its people thrive under the dedicated, visionary leadership of Tom Zoner. He’s not just running a community; he’s building it through relationships. “In order to get things done and move the community forward, I’ve spent the past 16-years developing excellent working relationships with State Officials, the DNR, the County Executive and Commissioners, our Sheriff and the people I consider my team – the Board of Trustees.” It’s through these vital relationships that Zoner has been able to achieve the completion of projects such as new fire stations, the Township Library, and increased sewage capacity which is essential for the eventual transition for all residents from septic to sewer and effective water treatment systems. “I’ve dedicated my life to Commerce Township, first as a farmer working to provide for the township and since 1977 through service on the Board, as the Township Clerk, on the Planning Commission, Historical, Museum, and Civil Service Committees, a number of advisory boards and the Commerce Township Downtown Development Authority. “We’ve achieved a great deal in the past 16-years from the completion of M-5, the new roundabouts, increased open space and trails and we still have a lot to do. With your help, with your vote, I’ll make sure we get it done.”

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


Continued ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 29

• UBS Financial, 325 N. Old Woodward, Suite 200, Birmingham, Kelly Petrocella, 248-645-3933. Financial services. • The Bear Factory, LLC., 29233 Haas Road, Unit B, Wixom, Jerry McLean. Wholesale distributor. • Top Notch Entertainment & Events Inc., PO Box 1598, Warren, Matt Flynn, 248-202-4662. Promotional distributors/fund-raisers. • Huron Valley Health and Safety, 1836 N Milford Road, Highland, John Pratt, 248-410-0677. First aid training. • Synergetic Marketing, 4305 Pineview Drive, Commerce, Tom Bellar, 800-796-3743. Marketing. ❐ The Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce is holding the following events in the coming days. For a complete calender of chamber events, call 248-624-2826 or visit • First Friday, 8 a.m. Friday, Aug. 3, Modern Floors Carpet One, 1145 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, Complementary early morning networking opportunity. • Government Affairs Meeting, 9:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 3, Chamber Offices, 305 N. Pontiac Trail, Suite A, Walled Lake. ❐ The Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce is holding the following events in the coming days. For a complete calender of chamber events, call 248-666-8600 or visit • Perking Up Networking Event, Tuesday, Aug. 7, Signs by Tomorrow, 2701 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford. Cost: $15 advance registrations for non-members and $10 for pre-registered members. Register online at or call 248-666-8600. • Ribbon-cutting/Grand Opening, 4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, On the Hunt Antiques, 2592 Dixie Highway, Waterford. ❐ The Greater West Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce is holding the following events in the coming days. For a complete calender of chamber events, call 248-626-3636 or visit • Mix & Mingle, 8 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 15, Phil Klein Insurance Company, 4312 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 200, West Bloomfield. Morning networking activity. Free for members, nominal charge for non-members.




Paid for by the Committee to elect Rita Irwin, Waterford Township Clerk, 433 Beverly Island Dr., Waterford, MI 48328


SUPERVISOR WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP I BELIEVE… Greater effectiveness is needed at all levels of our local government. “I’ll look into it” is no longer acceptable to the resident of White Lake. We need a leader who is willing to do the right thing and take action… not wait it out and hope it goes away.

“Old GM-style” management is not an efficient way to run a township. In following Township policy as it pertains to purchasing and fair contracting. People need to know how much money our Township really has and where it is spent.

I WILL… Build an “open door” administration – no problem is too big – and NO problem will be considered too small. Make sure our residents know when the board meetings are, what is on the agenda and most importantly what the results are.

Fight to protect our children’s future, citizens and community. Work with you for bright future for White Lake Township. Work hard to solve upcoming budget shortfalls in critical area such as sewers and retiree healthcare.

I HAVE… Staked my livelihood on this community as a local business man. It’s one thing to manage a budget, it’s another to generate revenue to fund and operate the budget. I feel that those who have done the latter know the true value of the taxpayer’s dollar and their trust.

I am NOT… A career politician - I AM however, a businessman who knows what it takes to balance a budget, motivate employees, and make fair decisions even in difficult economic times.

VOTE FOR CHANGE - VOTE FOR MATT SPRADER ON AUGUST 7th Paid for by: Matt Sprader for Supervisor, 64 Grandview Circle, White Lake, MI 48386 • (248) 640-2694

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


PUBLIC SAFETY Motorcyclist killed in crash; passenger hurt A 39-year-old Holly Township man was killed after he lost control of the 2005 Harley Davidson motorcycle he was operating on a curve on northbound Newton Road near Street in Commerce Township. The crash occurred at 6:25 p.m. on Sunday, July 29. Witnesses said the motorcycle slid into the path of a southbound 2005 Ford F-150. The man was pronounced dead at the scene, and his 47-year-old passenger, a Holly Township woman, remains hospitalized in critical condition. She was later transported to Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital for surgery. Both motorcycle riders were wearing helmets at the time of the accident. However, alcohol does appear to be a factor in the crash, according an Oakland County Sheriff’s Department press release. The driver of the Ford was not injured. ❏

Investigators find 950 pot plants in a house In the course of investigating a Commerce Township resident accused of stealing natural gas, a Consumers Energy employee reportedly came across a large marijuana growing operation on Tamarron Court on Friday, July 27. During his investigation of the residence, the utility employee reportedly observed numerous marijuana plants after looking through the home’s windows. He then contacted the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. The Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) then obtained a search warrant for the residence. During the subsequent search, NET personnel reportedly located the suspect, 39-year-old Lionell Deshawn Hicks, inside. Investigators allegedly found approximately 950 marijuana plants, a .45-caliber handgun, scales, packaging material, approximately 20 pounds of usable marijuana, proofs of residency, other documents, and $800 in U.S. currency. The suspect was arrested and lodged at the Oakland County Jail. Hicks was arraigned on Sunday, July 29 before a magistrate on one count of delivering or manufacturing over 45 kilograms of marijuana, a 15-year felony; and one count of delivering or manufacturing of 5 to 45 kilograms of marijuana, a 7-year felony.

Teen shot in chest Price of pot sparked July 22 shooting By Leslie Shepard staff writer


aterford police officers arrested a man allegedly responsible for shooting a Walled Lake man in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 22. Officers responded to the 400 block of Glenbrooke at around 1:55 a.m. and reportedly observed an 18-yearold male on the ground in the parking lot with a gunshot wound to the chest. Witnesses at the scene told officers the victim was shot in the chest at close range during a verbal argument over the price of marijuana, according to a Waterford Township Police Department press release. Witnesses told officers that the suspect, identified as 21-year-old Waterford resident Timothy Lee Hopson, had fled the scene on foot. Hopson Officers located Hopson within 40 minutes at a residence in the 1200 block of Airport Road, where he was arrested without incident. Officers also located the firearm believed to have been used in the shooting nearby the Airport Road residence. The victim was transported to an area hospital, where he was being treated for his injuries. Hopson was arraigned before 51st District Court Judge Richard Kuhn on one felony count of assault with intent to murder, one count of possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and one count of possession of marijuana. Hopson was given a $250,000 cash bond and is being lodged at the Oakland County Jail. ❏ Hicks has prior state and federal convictions for possession with intent to manufacture marijuana, according to an Oakland County Sheriff’s Department press release. Hicks’ bond was set at $100,000 cash. ❏

Walled Lake man Tased after threatening police Walled Lake police officers arrested a man for alleged domestic assault after he reportedly resisted police and was subdued by a Taser. Police were called to the 540 block of Pheasant Lane after a female victim told them that the suspect was pushing her, punching out walls, yelling and possibly hallucinating. Upon arrival, officers ordered the 25-year-old male to his knees, but he reportedly refused and pointed his finger in the shape of a gun at one of the officers. Officers threatened to use a Taser if the man did not comply. Officers managed to take the man to the ground, but he reportedly continued to resist their efforts.

Police deployed the Taser and handcuffed him. The couple at the home stated the man, the woman’s nephew, had resided with them for a year. She heard him yelling at her son and approached him. The subject reportedly had consumed hallucinogenic mushrooms. He allegedly began shoving the woman. Her partner told him to calm down, but the subject allegedly began damaging the home. According to a police report, the man proceeded to follow the woman, shoving her. Her partner grabbed him by the shirt and took him down to the ground, but he ran outside and started screaming. Police observed abrasions on the woman’s and her partner’s arms, as well as broken glass on the floor and damage to several light fixtures. The landlord also tried to calm the subject, but he allegedly began attacking him, as well. The subject was taken to DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital for an evaluation. The case has been turned over to the Detective Bureau for review. ❏

Nude teen on drugs damages police car Waterford Township police officers recently deployed a Taser to gain control of a nude teen allegedly under the influence of narcotics. Officers responded to the 1400 block of Eason at 3:15 a.m. on Friday, July 20 after receiving a 911 call. Nicholas Manoual Haviaras, a 17year-old from Pennsylvania, was reportedly lying on his back and completely naked in the middle of the street when police arrived at the scene. As officers attempted to speak with the teen, he allegedly became agitated and began pounding on the hood of a police patrol vehicle with his fists. Haviaras then allegedly jumped up on the hood of the vehicle and shattered the windshield with his fists, according to a Waterford Township Police Department press release. A Taser was used to gain control of Haviaras and he was Haviaras arrested. Officers were told by witnesses at the scene that Haviaras allegedly was under the influence of narcotics, according to police. Haviaras later allegedly told investigators he had taken acid. Haviaras was arraigned before 51st District Court Judge Richard Kuhn, Jr. on one felony count of resisting or obstructing police and one felony count of malicious destruction of police property. He was given a $25,000 cash bond and was lodged at the Oakland County Jail. ❏

Suzuki motorcycle theft investigated in Wixom Wixom police are investigating a report of a stolen motorcycle. On Saturday, July 28, a resident of the 31000 block of Lakeview reported his 2011 black Suzuki motorcycle was stolen. He told police he parked the motorcycle at 2:30 p.m. and reported that it was missing by 9 p.m. Police have no suspects or witnesses to the crime. This comes after someone unsuccessful tried to steal a 2007 Jeep Liberty and a different 2007 Jeep from the Meadowood Apartments on Tuesday, July 17. Both cases have been turned over to detectives for investigation. ❏





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White Lake Voters Our Police and Fire Personnel are there when we need them Now they need our help to continue serving us


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AUGUST 1-7, 2012



Federal grant will help replace, rehab SMART fleet

Headaches for motorists

PONTIAC TRAIL (Walled Lake) • Notes: The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) began reconstructing Pontiac Trail between West Maple Road and South Commerce Road. • Closures: During the project, Pontiac Trail will remain open, but will be reduced to one lane in each direction. However, West Maple will be closed at the west side of Pontiac Trail from the start of the project through the end of this month. The detour route for West Maple traffic will be Pontiac Trail to Ladd Road to West Maple, and vice versa. South Commerce at Pontiac Trail was closed on Tuesday, July 24 and will tentatively remain closed until Wednesday, Aug. 15. While the roadway is closed, the detour route for South Commerce traffic will be Pontiac Trail to Decker Road to South Commerce, and vice versa. West Maple will close at the east side of Pontiac Trail, but not until September. • Completion date: November. • Cost: $2.6 million. JOHN STREET (Highland Township) • Start date: This month. • Notes: The project calls for pulverizing the pavement and applying a hot mix asphalt overlay. There will also be drainage improvements. • Closure: The roadway will be closed for the duration of the project except for Tuesday, Aug. 7, the day of the primary election. The street will close again on Wednesday, Aug. 8. • Detour: Livingston Road to Milford Road to M-59, and vice versa. • Completion date: Sept. 19. • Costs: $228,000. ORCHARD LAKE ROAD (Farmington Hills/West Bloomfield Township border) • Start date: July 18. • Notes: The RCOC has begun work on this resurfacing project on Orchard Lake Road between 13 Mile Road and 14 Mile Road. • Closure: The five-lane road will be reduced to one lane open in each direction, which is expected to cause traffic delays. The road will remain reduced to one open lane in each direction for the duration of the project.

• Completion date: Oct. 3. •Costs: $1.4 million. COMMERCE ROAD (Commerce Township) • Notes: The project involves reconstruction of the roadway, as well as traffic signal upgrades and drainage improvements. Motorists should expect delays. Commerce Road between Carroll Lake and Union Lake roads is now open to traffic. • Detour: Union Lake Road to Wise Road to Carroll Lake Road ,and vice versa. • Completion date: Sept. 1. • Costs: $2.6 million. COOLEY LAKE ROAD (Milford, Highland, White Lake, and Commerce townships) • Closure: Cooley Lake Road, east of Duck Lake to Mystic Valley. • Notes: A gravel road paving project is underway on Cooley Lake Road, east of Duck Lake to Mystic Valley, in Milford, Highland, White Lake, and Commerce townships. • Detour: Duck Lake Road to Commerce Road to Carey Road, and vice versa. • Completion date: November. • Costs: $4.4 million. BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: I-96 EAST OF MILFORD ROAD, WEST OF KENT LAKE ROAD (Milford) • Notes: A series of bridge reconstruction projects are being facilitated in the area and carried out in phases. Crews are currently constructing the inside of the Milford Road bridge. Eastbound and westbound traffic has been shifted onto a new portion of the Milford bridge. One lane in each direction of Milford Road will be open during the project. Crews are also continuing efforts on the Kent Lake bridge (I-96 over Kent Lake Road). Motorists are now able to travel eastbound on the new bridge, but westbound is not. Work continues to be conducted on I96 over the Huron River Trail, where eastbound and westbound traffic is now driving on the newly paved bridge. Each bridge project is being reconstructed in phases so three lanes are maintained on I-96 at all times. • Completion date: October. • Costs: $15.5 million.

By Leslie Shepard staff writer

The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is expected to receive a share of $30 million to replace its bus fleet and install on-board security cameras, courtesy of a U.S. Department of Transportation grant. On Monday, July 23, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced the agency would be doling out a total of $787 million to repair and modernize the nation’s aging transit infrastructure to meet the demand from millions of riders across the country. This round of federal funding will support 255 projects in 48 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. “By investing in the transit infrastructure people depend on to get where we need to go each day, we will keep our economy moving forward well into the future,” LaHood stated in a press release. SMART, the Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT), and the Lake Erie Transit Commission will coordinate efforts to replace buses and install on-board security cameras. The trio of transit agencies applied for $80 million in aid, but received $30 million. Four projects were prioritized in the joint grant application — the mid-life rehabilitation of 40 buses transferred from DDOT to SMART, and rehabilitating another 60 buses for DDOT; installation of security cameras on all buses; brand new replacement buses, with 50 of those for SMART and four for the Lake Erie Transit Commission; a new automatic vehicle locator system for DDOT; and rehabilitation of one of DDOT’s terminals. According to SMART officials, the agencies are unsure how the $30 million will be divided nor the timeline of when the money will be received. SMART MILLAGE RENEWAL Voters in Oakland County, including those the lakes area communities of West Bloomfield Township and Walled Lake, will be asked to vote on another two-year, 0.59-mill levy for SMART bus services at the Tuesday, Aug. 7 primary election polls. The Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution in April granting communities the authority to put the tax on the primary election ballot.

PAGE 37 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯



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AUGUST 1-7, 2012





The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) netted part of a $30 million federal grant that totaled $787 million for the rehabilitation and replacement of a number of its buses. It’s unknown when the money will be received, nor how much of the $30 million will go to SMART. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)

SMART grant ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 35

The millage would be levied next year and in 2014 if approved by voters. A mill is equal to $1 for every $1,000 of a property’s taxable value, which is generally equal to half the property’s market value. The owner of a property with a taxable value of $100,000 ($200,000 market value) would pay $59 in the first year of the levy if it’s approved. Communities that vote to “opt in” to the SMART system by placing the millage question on the ballot will receive bus service if a majority of voters in all communities voting on the proposal — regardless of whether a majority of that community’s voters approve the millage — endorse the collection, which is expected to generate about $16 million annually. Both West Bloomfield and Walled Lake currently levy SMART millages that are set to expire at the end of this year. “In Oakland County for ‘opt-in’ communities, they get millage money returned to them to operate bus service,” said SMART Spokesperson Beth Gibbons. “In addition to fixed routes and bus service, another 98 vehicles are being operated by the communities on the road.” Gibbons said the 0.59-mill levy was initially levied in 1995, and would fund general operations for the transit sys-

tem that has operated in as many as 23 Oakland County communities over the last 17 years. “For every dollar contributed to the millage, SMART returns $2.63 to bus service, so they are getting double the return on their investment,” Gibbons said. Last approved by voters in the Aug. 3, 2010 primary election, the levy received overwhelming support from the electorate, with 78 percent (97,850) of voters in the communities that “opted in” supporting it, while just shy of 22 percent (27,443 voters) cast “no” votes. Since 2009 the agency has made $11 million in budget adjustments, including slashing expenditures, encouraging early retirements, and closing facilities. Fares increased in 2009, and in December, SMART was forced to cut service by 22 percent. “We had to cut service because there was a 24 percent decrease in property millage revenues,” Gibbons said. SMART services are supported by local property taxes, farebox proceeds and state and federal funding. SMART is southeast Michigan’s only regional transit system, serving Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. It provides 40,000 daily rides and serves 1 million seniors and people with disabilities annually. It provides access through its transportation services to more than 59,000 businesses and 850,000 jobs. ❏ 44 years of a rock solid reputation

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Moilanen retires after 38 years with Metropark system By Angela Niemi staff writer

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David Moilanen, director of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority (HCMA), announced he will be retiring effective Friday, Aug. 3. “It was a bit earlier than I had anticipated,” Moilanen said of his retirement. In addition to “a number of changes at work” that made it more stressful, Moilanen said he also wanted to spend more time helping his 23-year-old son recover from a serious injury he suffered three years ago. “He had a bit of a relapse this late winter/early spring which required some attention,” Moilenan said. “I wanted to be with him more and help him get healthier.” Moilanen’s wife is also retiring this year. “We decided, ‘What the heck, let’s (retire) together,’” Moilanen explained. He said his post-retirement plans include traveling the country and camping, along with trips to Hawaii and

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Alaska. Moilanen said he also is looking into working part-time as a certified personal trainer. He had worked for the HCMA for 38 years. After receiving his undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Michigan and completing a year of law school, Moilanen realized he wanted to work outdoors. He began working part-time as a golf course maintenance worker at Kensington Metropark in Milford in 1974 while he returned to the University of Michigan for his bachelor’s degree in natural resources. Since then, he has worked as a part-time interpreter at the Kensington Nature Center, was hired full-time in 1980 as the farm manager at Kensington’s Farm Center, became the HCMA’s public relations/information officer in 1991, was appointed the HCMA’s chief of interpretive services and public relations in 1999, and became deputy director in 2006. In October 2010, Moilanen took over as director for Jayne Miller, who resigned her post in September 2010, the day after the HCMA board dis-

PAGE 39 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯

lake levels LAKE LEVELS Following are the lake level readings for lakes and rivers across the western Oakland lakes area, as compiled by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner John P. McCulloch’s office. Legal levels are denoted by elevation in feet from sea level; current levels are denoted as plus or minus the legal in hundredths of feet. River depths are measures from the river bottom, at point of measurement. WATERWAYS Cass Cedar Island Commerce Dawson Mill Pond Duck Fox Huron River Long Loon* Maceday-Lotus Middle & Lower Straits Mohawk Oakland-Woodhull Orchard Oxbow Pontiac Shawood-Walled Lake Schoolhouse Scott Sylvan-Otter Union Upper Straits Watkins White Williams

LEGAL LEVEL 929.22 934.00 906.80 928.60 1016.63 930.00 1.08 933.00 949.30 966.70 930.70 949.30 957.50 930.50 942.75 962.83 932.80 949.30 951.00 928.60 927.07 930.80 950.00 1019.10 965.42

7/6/12 +.20 +.52 +.15 +.22 +.07 –.03 –.14 +.35 +.10 Legal –.22 –.05 +.20 –.25 –.13 +.05 –.26 –.08 –1.28 +.05 –.03 –.28 –.02 –.05 –.20

7/13/12 +.10 +.37 +.15 +.10 –.01 +.05 –.10 +.18 +.13 –.07 –.18 +.18 +.21 –.25 Legal +.06 –.37 +.18 –1.21 +.12 +.13 –.25 –.07 –.13 –.27

*Reading for Loon Lake, in Waterford Township, also applies to Mohawk–Wormer Schoolhouse, Silver and Upper Silver Lakes.

7/20/12 +.03 +.32 +.10 +.04 –.08 –.07 –.14 +.10 –.05 –.15 –.30 +.03 +.10 –.38 –.22 –.13 –.48 +.03 –1.70 +.05 +.03 –.30 –.05 –.13 –.38

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



McCulloch: Boaters beware WRC warns of low lake levels due to drought, temps

extend docks out into deeper water so boats aren’t resting on the bottom. Another concern is aquatic vegetation, which Costello said will grow more since it’s receiving more direct sunlight because of the lower water levels. According to Steve Korth of the Water Resources Commissioner’s Office, this often poses problems for boaters using canals. “The water in canals isn’t deep enough to begin with, and losing several inches causes a problem with increased weed growth, which cause problems with getting boats out of the canal,” he said. Without any kind of lake level management device, such as a dam or augmentation well, lake levels are left to rise and fall at the mercy of weather conditions. If the level of the lake is lower than

its legal level, the Water Resources Commissioner’s Office has a few remedies available, such as an augmentation well, which is sometimes used to raise lake levels if they’re too low and circumstances call for it. But other than an augmentation well or a dam, there isn’t much that can be done about low lake levels besides hoping for precipitation and moderate air temperatures. “These brief rain showers help, but we are getting to the hottest and driest part of summer,” Korth said. “We are just hoping for some relief.” Thunderstorms can help, Costello said, but even then there are issues because some areas will get “dumped upon while some others don’t.” “During this part of the summer, even when it does rain, a lot of it doesn’t make it to the lakes,” Costello said. “All the thirsty plants get to it first. So

the lakes are down, but they don’t seem to be terribly down. I’ve seen worse. We are holding our own, and right now we are at the peak climatologically of the warmest part of the year. Average temperatures will start to go down soon. In my opinion, from the hydrologic side of things, I don’t see things getting worse.” With a few exceptions, most of the lakes monitored by the Water Resources Commissioner’s Office showed decreases in their levels for the week of July 20. Nevertheless, most lakes were able to stay close to their legal levels overall. As of July 20, Cass Lake in West Bloomfield Township, Waterford Township, Orchard Lake Village, and Keego Harbor was 0.03 feet above its summer legal level, while Cedar Island Lake in White Lake Township was 0.32 feet above its summer legal level. North and South Commerce lakes in Commerce Township were listed at being 0.10 feet above their summer legal level on April 15. Loon Lake in Waterford was measured at 0.05 feet below its legal level on April 15. Orchard Lake was listed as 0.38 feet below its legal level on July 20, and Oxbow Lake in White Lake Township was 0.22 feet below its summer legal level. Schoolhouse Lake in Waterford was measured at 0.03 feet above its summer legal level. Union Lake in Commerce and West Bloomfield was listed at 0.03 feet above its summer legal level on July 20, while Walled Lake and Shawood Lake in the cities of Walled Lake and Novi were 0.48 feet below their summer legal level. White Lake was 0.13 below its summer legal mark. ❏

and Parks Association, Michigan Recreation and Parks Association, Michigan Environmental Action Council and the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association. According to HCMA Deputy Director Greg Almas, the HCMA does not yet have a replacement for Moilanen, and there is no set timeframe for replacing him. “First they have to discuss the

selection process, and they haven’t done that yet,” said Almas, who will be filling in as the interim director as the HCMA determines how to go about hiring a new director. The HCMA, created in 1940, oversees a regional park system with 13 metroparks covering almost 25,000 acres in five counties within the Huron and Clinton River watersheds, including Oakland County.

The Metroparks budget for 2011 is $73.5 million. The parks system, staffed by 224 full-time and up to 800 part-time personnel, is funded by a property tax levy, limited to 0.25 mill (the rate for 2011 is 0.2146 mills), and by revenues from vehicle entry fees and other user fees for various facilities such as golf courses. The system receives about 9 million visitors annually. ❏

By Angela Niemi staff writer


outheast Michigan has experienced a mild winter and a hot summer, with very little precipitation during both, a factor that is prompting Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner John P. McCulloch to warn boaters of low lake levels this year. “Mild winter conditions with lower than normal snowfall along with little rain have resulted in lower lake levels throughout the county, which poses a serious concern for boat owners,” McCulloch said. Lower water levels have been seen across the state, affecting water levels in Lake St. Clair and the Great Lakes and even across the country. “I know lakefront property owners and boat owners get angry and frustrated when low lake levels affect their use and enjoyment of the water,” McCulloch said. “But unfortunately we are at the mercy of the weather. If we don’t get significant rainfall and adequate runoff from snow melt, low lake levels will continue to be a problem we have to deal with.” Long-range forecasts by National Weather Service personnel at the White Lake Township station predict that county residents will not see a change anytime soon. “From August into September, we are looking to be above normal in temperatures and still below normal in rainfall,” said Danny Costello, a meteorologist and hydrologist at the National Weather Service station in White Lake. Most problems for boaters stem from boat motors hitting the bottoms of sand bars, and needing to

Moilanen retires ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 38

agreed with her proposed plan to reorganize and downsize the parks system due to what was an expected $10-million loss in tax revenue in the coming years. Moilanen is a member of the National Association for Interpretation, the National Recreation

Oakland County Water Resources Commission John P. McCulloch is warning boaters of low lake levels, including at Elizabeth Lake (above), this year to due unusually warm weather and drought conditions. Long-range forecasts by National Weather Service personnel at the White Lake Township station predict that county residents will not see a change anytime soon. (Spinal Column Newsweekly photo/Amy K. Lockard)




Our advice for primary voters Endorsements in contested races; the DIA and SMART issues


oters in west Oakland County will stream to the polls on Tuesday, Aug. 7 to cast their ballots in a bevy of contested Democratic and Republican primary election races, in addition to voicing their opinion on a slew of local and regional ballot questions. On this page last week, we offered our advice on the purely local tax questions impacting lakes area voters. Today, we present our recommendations in support of candidates who we believe would be their party’s best standardbearer heading into the Nov. 6 general election; or, in some cases, those we’re recommending for elected office outright if there is no opposition from the other side in the general election. In addition, we will offer our advice on the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) and Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) ballot questions appearing before voters next week. Remember, this is a primary election, so you can vote for candidates in only one party, unlike a general election where voters can cross over and cast a vote for candidates from any party. U.S. CONGRESS 11th District (Waterford, West Bloomfield, White Lake, Commerce, Wolverine Lake, Walled Lake, Wixom, Milford, White Lake, Highland) Republican Although Republican voters in the 11th Congressional District have only one name appearing before them on the ballot, they have the ability to tap a battle-tested leader who is mounting a write-in campaign to take their voice to the halls of the U.S. House of Representatives. Write-in candidate NANCY CASSIS, a former state senator and state representative, is GOP voters’ best bet as a sure-fire conservative who brings years of legislative experience to the fold. Cassis was an effective and powerful leader in Lansing during her time in the state Capitol. We trust she would bring sound Republican bona fides to Washington D.C. — something we can’t say about her opponent, who didn’t make himself available for a candidate interview. Democrat Democrats in the 11th Congressional District should have no qualms picking Dr. SYED TAJ, a member of the Canton

Township Board of Trustees, to represent them in the general election. While Taj’s political resume is short, he favors single-payer health care, increased infrastructure spending to get people back to work, and diplomacy instead of beating the war drum. 14th District (Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield) Democrat There are some known quantities and political newcomers duking it out

for the Democratic Party’s nomination in this oddly-redrawn district, namely two sitting Congressmen. While we believe one has done a good job in the nation’s capitol in his first term, Democratic voters should back U.S. Rep. GARY PETERS to carry the party’s torch in the general election. Peters, an Oakland County resident, is well versed in the needs of the county and has been an effective voice in Washington since his election in 2008. STATE HOUSE 39th District (Commerce, Wixom, Wolverine Lake) Republican A field of six candidates for the GOP nod makes for a pretty tough decision next week for Republicans, with Nicholas Kennedy and Bubba Urdan among the strong candidates. However, KLINT KESTO strikes us as being best suited to represent Republicans in November. We note Kesto’s admitted disdain for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act as evidence of his traditional conservative ideology and one of the chief things that distinguishes him from this competitive batch of candidates.

Democrat PAM JACKSON and Regina Strong will face off next week for the right to advance to the November general election to take on the winner of the GOP primary. Jackson and Strong share many stances on the issues, but for Democratic voters seeking advice, we believe Jackson’s background in business, construction and education tip the balance in her favor. She’s also got a slight edge in that she’s been running for various west Oakland offices for some time now, a little longer than Strong, indicating she possesses the drive and desire to serve. 40th District (West Bloomfield) Republican The winner of this four-way GOP contest will square off against Democrat Dorian Coston in November. From what we can tell, DAVID WOLKINSON would be the best choice for conservative Republicans. He trumpets the need to bolster parental choice and teacher/school accountability when it comes to addressing education reforms, and beats the anti-tax and right-to-work drums louder than any other candidate. If you’re looking for a dyed-in-the-wool conservative voice, Wolkinson is the candidate for you. 43rd District (Waterford) Republican State Rep. GAIL HAINES is easily the best choice for Republicans in the 43rd state House District. A solid conservative who has wielded the gavel in the state House of Representatives Health Policy Committee that’s tackling issues related to Obamacare, Haines has been a champion of fiscal stewardship and limited government during her tenure in Lansing. Republican voters should have no reservations tapping her to take on the Democratic challenger in the fall. 44th District (White Lake, Waterford, Highland, Milford) Democrat MARK VENIE has been a familiar name on west Oakland County ballots for years. He has run for several different offices, most recently Oakland County commissioner, indicating to us that he has the drive and determination to do

the people’s bidding. Venie would be a sound choice for Democrats. OAKLAND COUNTY County Executive Republican For 20 years, L. BROOKS PATTERSON has steered Oakland County as its executive through both good times and bad, always espousing fiscal discipline and providing leadership and outsidethe-box thinking that other counties in Michigan could certainly use. In perhaps our easiest decision this election cycle, Patterson has more than earned the right to face his Democratic opponent in the fall. As the adage goes, if the county’s leadership isn’t broken, why fix it? Sheriff Republican Oakland County Sheriff MICHAEL BOUCHARD is facing a Republican challenge from a candidate whose entire platform is essentially based on the creation of a boot camp. Bouchard, a seasoned leader with years of law enforcement and legislative experience at the state level, is the easy choice for west Oakland County Republicans on Aug. 7. Bouchard knows the difficulties of the job and has done it well for years. There’s no reason for the GOP to think he wouldn’t represent the party well in the Nov. 6 general election. Water Resources Commissioner Democrat Of the two Democrats squaring off to oust the current Water Resources Commissioner, county Commissioner JIM NASH (D-Farmington Hills) brings the most to the table. Nash knows the ins and outs of county government, has experience serving on the Sierra Club Southeast Michigan Group Political Committee and Executive Committee, is a staunch environmental advocate, and offers Democrats their best candidate for a general election challenge to incumbent Republican John P. McCulloch. County Commissioner 6th District (White Lake, Waterford) Republican With no Democrat running to represent the Board of Commissioners 6th District, the winner of the primary election will earn a two-year term on the county board. The GOP challenger gun-

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


IN OUR OPINION ning for incumbent Commissioner JIM RUNESTAD has offered little in the way of reasoning for a change in representation. Runestad has been a consistent voice for conservative values in his four years on the county board, and we see no evidence that he needs to be ousted. COURTS Oakland County Circuit Court Non-incumbent Position With five attorneys running to replace retiring Oakland County Circuit Court Family Division Judge Edward Sosnick, the top two vote-getters will move on to the general election. However, we received questionnaire responses from only two of those candidates. Of those two, LAYNE ASHLEY SAKWA is best in tune with what a judge can and can’t do, and what a judge should and shouldn’t do. An assistant prosecutor in the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Section, we think Sakwa deserves the nod from primary voters. 48th District Court (Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield) Similarly, we received only two responses from the four seeking a seat on the 48th District Court bench: Judge DIANE D’AGOSTINI and attorney JOSH ARNKOFF. Unlike in some other races, Arnkoff cites a slew of concerns he has as reason to replace D’Agostini. But we’re not convinced that those concerns are entirely — or at all — the products of D’Agostini’s action and/or inaction. Since the two candidates receiving the most votes on Aug. 7 will move on to duke it out in the general election, we’re suggesting voting for either D’Agostini, who has served the court since 2000, or Arnkoff. Frankly, from what we can tell, that matchup would be the best for voters to decide in November. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMERCE TOWNSHIP Supervisor Republican With no Democrat on the ballot, the winner of the Aug. 7 GOP primary election will earn a four-year term as Commerce Township supervisor. Although we have known his challenger to have served well on the township board, TOM ZONER clearly deserves another four years in charge. He’s been an active, dedicated leader and has broad experience that dates back decades and includes stints as the township’s clerk and as a trustee. It would be a mistake for voters to replace him, particularly at this critical time for Commerce Township. Trustee Republican In this six-person Republican field

with no Democrats on the ballot, voters would be wise to send DAVID LAW, RICK SOVEL and ROBERT LONG back for four more years on the township Board of Trustees, and elect PETER PACE for the fourth trustee position. Sovel and Long haven’t been afraid during their lengthy stints on the township’s governing body to buck township leadership when they felt it was the right thing to do, and Law, who was appointed to the board in January 2011, brings a wealth of experience, including as a state representative and assistant attorney general. Pace has decades of experience owning his own business and involvement in the community, including as a member of the Planning Commission. We feel he would bring the same gusto to the township board. If Pace doesn’t appeal to you, Bob Berkheiser would likely do well as trustee, given his business and management background. HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP Supervisor Republican Five candidates are vying for the GOP nomination to face one of two Democrats in November. Donna GundleKrieg and Rick Hamill are decent candidates, but Republican voters should go with LYNN O’BRIEN, who’s got nearly 20 decades worth of municipal government experience — far more than any other person in this race. She offered up more specifics on how to bolster the township’s tax base, and argues that making changes to assist existing businesses and attracting the right new ones will boost property values and revenue, thereby addressing budget challenges. Democrat If you’re voting the Democratic ballot next week, we’re recommending DOUG BOURGEOIS to represent the party in November, given his background as a business owner and first responder, including as a township firefighter and its current fire marshal. Clerk Republican Faced with a pair of Republicans to choose from next week, Highland Township voters should reelect Clerk MARY McDONELL to another four-year term as the township’s chief elections official. Although challenger Linda Vance seemed well-versed in the issues, we see no reason for the township to steer its ship in a different direction in the Clerk’s Office. With two of three current fulltime elected officials gone after this election, voters would be wise to maintain some semblance of continuity in Highland’s leadership structure by giving

McDonell another term. Treasurer Republican With the pending retirement of Treasurer Judy Kiley, Highland voters have two Republicans to choose from on Aug. 7: JUDITH COOPER, Kiley’s deputy, and Tami Flowers, the former administrator of the Highland-White Lake Business Association. Cooper is the natural successor to Kiley and deserves your vote. Although we feel that Flowers is capable of doing the job, Cooper’s experience in the Treasurer’s Office — 11-plus years in Highland, and another 8 years in the White Lake Township Treasurer’s Office makes her the better candidate. Trustee Republican It’s a big field of Republicans in the running for four trustee positions, with no Democrats lined up for the general election ballot. Voters should stick with the three incumbents, MARY PAT

CHYNOWETH, RAYMOND P. POLIDORI, and RUSS TIERNEY, as no specific reason to oust them has come from the challengers. CHARLES DITTMAR, a former Huron Valley Schools board member, is the voters best option for the fourth trustee seat. MILFORD TOWNSHIP Supervisor Republican Supervisor DON GREEN faces a trio of Republican challengers in the primary election, although none have offered enough reasons for his ouster. Green, first elected to the supervisor’s post in 2000, brings local and regional leadership to the table. Since no Democrats have filed to run for township supervisor, Milford voters should easily feel

comfortable re-electing the township’s chief executive. Trustee Republican Likewise, the Republican challengers to the four incumbent trustees — RANDAL BUSICK, WILLIAM E. MAZZARA, DALE R. WILTSE and BRIEN R. WORRELL — have not given us any reason why either of those four should not be elected to another term. Backing the four incumbents this time around should give Milford voters no pause. They’ve earned another four-year term. WATERFORD TOWNSHIP Supervisor Republican There’s not much of a contest in the race, where GARY WALL is clearly the best candidate, given his detailed and thoughtful opinions on important issues for the township. Wall has cultivated many worthwhile experiences and relationships in the township through his more than two decades of business ownership and volunteer work in the community. He’s offers Republicans the best choice in challenging incumbent Carl Solden in November. Clerk Democrat Democratic voters would be represented well in the general election by either Teresa Fortino or RITA HOLLOWAY-IRWIN. Although Fortino seems a little more at ease discussing issues, Holloway-Irwin has much more municipal government experience as the former clerk for Wolverine Lake. Yes, there’s a big difference in the size of Waterford and Wolverine Lake, and township clerks have duties that village clerks don’t have, but the experience factor gives Holloway-Irwin the slight edge. Trustee Republican Incumbents ANTHONY BARTOLOTTA and DAVID J. “DOC” MALONEY deserve to be advanced to the general election contest, along with KAREN JOLIAT and KYLE McGRATH. Although Bartolotta is still new to the township board, he’s come a long way since initially being appointed to fill a vacancy a couple of years ago. Maloney has multiple terms under his belt and has always been an impressive board member. Newcomers Joliat, president of the Oakland County Children’s Village Foundation and a former advertising and pharmaceutical executive, and McGrath, a former policy advisor in the Michigan House of Representatives Majority Policy Office, are able to represent GOP voters well in the general election. PAGE 42 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯




Our endorsements ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 41

Democrat Again, we’re recommending incumbents DAVID KRAMER and BETTE O’SHEA to move into the November race, along with GARRY NIELSEN and RICHARD B. MOODY. Kramer has been a valuable addition to the board these last four years, while O’Shea has been a fixture at the board table since 1996. Nielsen has sought elected office in the past, has consistently espoused a traditional Democratic platform, and is determined to make a difference. Moody brings experience as an elected councilman and mayor in Oklahoma, in addition to a background as a firefighter and paramedic. WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Supervisor Democrat Four years ago, the current township supervisor pleaded her case that civility needed to be restored to the township Board of Trustees following an embarrassing and contentious reign by the previous chief executive and board. She argued that the buck stops with the supervisor, and she was right. Fast forward to 2012, and the same divisive politicking remains alive and well in West Bloomfield, marring virtually any semblance of hope that the community can move forward in a constructive and productive manner with her at the helm. The buck still stops with the supervisor, and we’re hoping Democratic challenger JONATHAN WARSHAY can help restore a modicum of civility and cooperation to the board following what sadly has been another four years of bickering and petty politics. Warshay — an attorney who previously served on the Ferndale City Council — comes with experience, knowledge of the issues at play and a stated desire to bring an end to the triteness plaguing the township government. The winner of this race will face competition from former supervisor David Flaisher, who is running as an independent in the general election. Clerk Democrat Incumbent CATHY SHAUGHNESSY is asking township voters for another four-year term, and she has earned it. Shaughnessy, long active in township issues, has done a good job during her first term. She comes to the table now with four years of experience — many of them under unwarranted fire from her political adversaries — and we see no reason why she doesn’t deserve another term. Apparently, neither does her challenger, who didn’t offer up a

single reason for a need for a change. Treasurer Democrat Trustee GENE FARBER is challenging incumbent Treasurer Teri Weingarden in the primary election, and he put forward a compelling enough case for township voters to back him next week. Farber, an attorney who was first elected to the township board in

Clerk Republican Facing a challenger who provided few substantive answers to our questions and another who didn’t answer our questions at all, Clerk TERRY LILLEY, a fixture in township government for years, deserves another four-year term. Lilley would bring back to the Clerk’s Office decades of experience

Readers can find our coverage of contested primary election races impacting the lakes area on our website at Click on the AUGUST PRIMARY ELECTION banner at the right side of the home page, and then click on a selected race to read candidates’ thoughts about issues related to the position they seek. In addition, go to our website during the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 7 to follow our primary election night coverage. We’ll bring you the latest local vote returns, comments from the candidates, and images from election night. Be sure to return to the site often, or refresh the page frequently to get the latest election night news.

2008, argues that West Bloomfield should be getting more bang for its buck — literally — when it comes to investments, a duty of the township treasurer. We can’t quibble with that notion, particularly when West Bloomfield, like all other communities in Michigan, has had to whittle its budget back to cope with decreased property tax revenues. Trustee Democrat With eight Democratic candidates for trustee to choose from, township voters would be best served by incumbents LARRY BROWN, STEVEN KAPLAN, HOWARD ROSENBERG and newcomer JEREMY KAPLAN, who is of no relation to Steven. Brown and Rosenberg have been good stewards of the community and, although we view Steven Kaplan as a catalyst for some of the tension on the township board, frankly, none of the other candidates put up a decent argument for a change. Jeremy Kaplan would provide a fresh and youthful voice to the board. WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP Supervisor Republican White Lake voters are faced with two choices in the Aug. 7 Republican primary election for township supervisor: GREG BARONI, who currently holds that job after being appointed in 2011, and a township business owner who made no specific case for replacing him. Baroni is the sure-fire best bet to represent the Republican Party during the general election against the Democratic candidate. Baroni has been effective in trimming township spending by advocating more shared services agreements like the one he helped broker with Waterford Township for information technology services. There’s no reason why White Lake Republicans should shift gears.

serving the township and a breadth of knowledge and insight into the issues the community has and will face in the years to come. Treasurer Republican Although we have often been on opposite sides of a variety of arguments with Treasurer FORREST JAY BRENDEL, we have no reason to argue for his ouster. Despite being a lightning rod for criticism in some corners of the township over the years, he’s been at the helm of the Treasurer’s Office for the nearly two years since former treasurer Beverly Spoor retired in the middle of her term, and we know of no reason why he shouldn’t continue in the position. Trustee Republican A field of 10 Republicans are vying for four spots on the township Board of Trustees, and the four incumbents — TODD T. BIRKLE, CAROL J. BURKARD, DAVID LEWSLEY and MICHAEL C. POWELL — have all made effective cases for their re-election. Among the notable challengers are Rik Kowall and Andrea Voorheis, a former township trustee. However, Birkle, Burkard, Lewsley and Powell have served the township well during their time on the board and they have earned re-election. DIA BALLOT PROPOSAL We have been skeptical of proposals to levy property taxes to support the arts before, but the Detroit Institute of Arts has made a compelling case for Oakland County voters to vote YES on a 10-year, 0.2-mill proposal to support the 127-year-old cultural gem. The DIA, which had received state funding in the tens of millions of dollars until the Legislature axed that to zero, is hoping for voter approval of the mill-

age in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties to generate roughly $23 million for the museum annually, with $10 million of that coming out of Oakland. That $23 million would be used to give the museum most of its operational funds for the life of the millage while it works to triple the size of its $100 million endowment. That’s a lofty and aggressive goal, but an admirable one. If the DIA is able to get its endowment to that level, it expects that it wouldn’t have to come back to the voters in 10 years for a renewal of the millage, meaning that DIA officials fully intend for the levy to be a temporary means of support for what is undoubtedly a cultural icon in the region. In addition to giving free general admission during the duration of the collection to residents of the counties that approve the millage, the DIA is also offering other carrots — including added educational and outreach programs. Those should be enough to sway skeptics. But even more than that, the DIA is absolutely a jewel for the entire region. It’s among the best art museums in the country, and as a metropolitan region, it would be a tragedy if residents had to travel to the likes of Cleveland or Chicago to experience and enjoy the some of the finest art the world has to offer. That’s a likely scenario without passage of the millage. In addition, the DIA is a major selling point for businesses looking to invest in the region — something not lost on Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, who deserves praise for coming out with full-throated support of the proposal. Oakland County residents would be sadly misguided in casting a “no” vote. SMART MILLAGE PROPOSAL West Bloomfield and Walled Lake voters are again being asked to approve a two-year, 0.59-mill levy for Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) services. If you’re in favor of keeping those services, a YES vote is the way to go. Communities that vote to “opt in” to the SMART system by placing the millage question on the ballot will receive bus service if a majority of voters in all communities voting on the proposal endorse the collection, which is expected to generate about $16 million annually. SMART provides a valuable service to people of all stripes. The millage request does not represent a tax increase for West Bloomfield or Walled Lake property owners, since the tax is already being levied. ❏

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



Law, Long on races From David Law and Robert Long, Commerce Township trustees: The next four years are critical for Commerce Township, so please carefully consider who you vote for in the Commerce trustee election. As current members (of the Board of Trustees), we do not believe in raising taxes without a vote of the people (since) residents already pay more than enough. The township must provide quality services, such as public safety and parks, even in the face of less revenue due to declining property taxes. The township is saddled with an $80 million debt for the (Downtown Development Authority) project and it must be paid off timely. That is why we ask for your trustee vote, as well as ask you to vote for two other independent-minded candidates — Rick Sovel and Bob Berkheiser. Please consider Sovel, Berkheiser, Law and Long for your Commerce Township trustees. Together, the Board of Trustees will protect taxpayers and control spending. ❏

Voting for Bubba From G. Cohn, Commerce Township: I’ve known Bubba Urdan for nearly 20 years and feel strongly that Bubba would make the best representative for the people of the 39th (state House) District. Job creation is a major topic of discussion in politics today, and I personally networked with Bubba, who has introduced me to several leaders in Michigan’s small business community and as a result became part of a growing business in manufacturing and design. As the 39th District representative, I can only imagine how Bubba would work endlessly to bring more jobs to the 39th District. A vote for Bubba is a vote for Michigan jobs. Vote Aug. 7. ❏

Urdan is ‘a leader’ From Lenny J. Hutton M.D., West Bloomfield Township: I am vigorously supporting Bubba Urdan for state representative. I have known Bubba for many years and he is a decent and caring person. One of his greatest characteristics is his good common sense. This is sorely lacking among our current legislators. Let’s put common sense back to work for the citizens of Michigan. Let’s elect a leader with intuition and business experience at a time when

P&R levy needed Aug. 7 proposal is ‘relatively modest’ From David Lewsley White Lake Township Trustee


he 0.3-mill parks and recreation millage proposal that appears on the Aug. 7 (primary election) ballot seeks to renew a millage originally approved Aug. 8, 2006. It does not request a property tax increase. The annual cost to the owner of a home with a $100,000 (state equalized value) SEV (or $200,000 market value) is $30. These millage collections are to be used for park and pathway construction, as well as park maintenance. Some residents have expressed disappointment that (parks and recreation) millage funds have not yet been used to build a pathway. Development of a network of pathways (like those found in Commerce and West Bloomfield townships) along major roads is a key township goal but the enormous cost of such an undertaking has necessitated that a gradual approach be taken to achieving the objective. The projected $280,000 annual collection from the (parks and recreation) millage is a relatively modest sum when compared with the cost of constructing a mile of pathway along a primary or secondary road — between $250,000 and $1 million, depending on rights-of-way that might have to be purchased and challenges posed by the terrain. Since the township lacks the resources to plunge straight into the building of a pathway network, it has adopted a strategy of pursuing grants to finance the majority of construction expense and using its limited millage funds to meet conditional match requirements. The existing pathway along Highland Road is in deplorable condition and its improvement might seem to warrant top priority. However, it does not make sense for the township to commit a significant sum to upgrading it now because a relocated pathway is supposed to be installed in conjunction with reconstruction of M-59 by (the Michigan Department of Transportation) in 5 to 10 years. The township is instead planning to begin pathway construction along one or two other roads — perhaps Teggerdine, Union Lake or Bogie Lake (roads). Also, a grant may soon be made available to establish a walking trail along the ITC corridor. Be assured only prudent expenditures have been made from (parks and recreation) millage collections and a sizable portion of millage funds have been frugally preserved for use as seed money on future pathway projects. And, tremendous value has been received for those payments taken from the (parks and recreation) fund. During the past year, Vetter Park behind the Dublin (Senior) Center underwent a major upgrade to its ball field and other facilities. The township’s three (full-time) elected officials managed and completed the project for $100,000 less than the lowest bid. An incredible ball field was erected in a new park adjacent to Hidden Pines on White Lake Road for a bargain basement price. The township obtained the property through tax forfeiture, used a recycled backstop and fencing and free millings from M-59 to surface the parking lot. And, work is now underway to revitalize a former Bloomer State Park on McKeachie Road into one of the most scenic parks in the county using a state grant that matches $2 for every $1 paid from the (parks and recreation) millage fund. I encourage White Lake voters to renew the parks and recreation millage proposal on Aug. 7 to enable the township to continue improving its parks and to move forward with plans to have pathways along each of its primary roads. ❏

our state needs earnest, hard workers to roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done to get us back on track. Let’s support a communityminded candidate who isn’t bogged

down by the same old politics as usual, and instead has committed his campaign to turning away political endorsements and lobbyist dollars. Please vote for Bubba. ❏

O’Brien for supervisor From Michael Zack, Highland Township: Lynn O’Brien is running for Highland Township supervisor. She is the only candidate with municipal experience. She has devoted years to community service, professionally and personally. She has been a visible leader in Huron Valley area. Lynn has the experience, education and vision to lead Highland Township into the future while respecting its past. Lynn O’Brien has earned my vote. ❏

Backing Jackson From Hannah Provence Donigan, Commerce Township: Pam Jackson is an intelligent, articulate math and construction professor at the Orchard Lake (campus) of Oakland Community College (OCC). She has the most endorsements and is the most qualified of the several other candidates seeking to represent the new 39th District in the (state) House of Representatives. These groups support her: (the Michigan Education Association), (the Michigan Nurses Association), OCC Faculty Association, (United Auto Workers) Region 1, International Operating Engineers, Michigan Sierra Club, Truck Drivers Local No. 299, Michigan Clean Water Action. (State Rep.) Lisa Brown (D-West Bloomfield, Commerce, Wolverine Lake) represented the 39th District in the (state) House of Representatives extremely well before the district lines were redrawn. She had the courage to confront the leaders of the (state) House who reprimanded for her prochoice vote. Now she is known nationally and perhaps internationally. Lisa is seeking the office of Oakland County (clerk/register of deeds). Vote in the Aug. 7 primary (election) for these outstanding candidates. ❏

Bubba created jobs From Mark Rutkowski, Livonia: I believe in Bubba Urdan. I know this state needs capable legislators who can create jobs, and I’m living proof that Bubba Urdan is the qualified candidate for (state) representative in the 39th District. When I was out of work, down on my luck, and needed an opportunity, I reached a hand out to a friend who I knew could help me, and that friend was Bubba Urdan. Bubba knew my qualifications, the kind of work I was

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Continued ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 43

interested in, and found the golden opportunity for me. Every campaign talks about jobs, and how they will create jobs to restore this state. But only Bubba Urdan can say in the private sector, when nobody was watching and there was no one to answer to but his community, that he actually put together qualified workers with employers in need. I know he will continue to do this in Lansing because I am not the only person I know who was actually employed thanks in large part to the help of a man I’m proud to call a friend — Bubba Urdan. That is why I implore the residents of the 39th District to hire Bubba, because he helped me get hired, and he’ll do the same for many more Michigan workers in need. ❏

Without vendettas From Shirley Robbins, White Lake Township: I’m voting for Greg Baroni and Terry Lilley because they will keep all of White Lake Township’s fire and police services in White Lake. They do not have any vendettas against the fire and police departments like some of the other candidates. We need to keep White Lake safe. Farming out services is not going to do that. We need a supervisor, clerk and trustees who will work with and cooperate with the fire and police departments. White Lake is a very rural and family-oriented community and we need elected officials that want to keep it that way and keep it safe. ❏

Pass library millage From Mary Ann Barkach, president,

NextCat First Mate Kit, prepare to set sail on the area lakes, yar.

Mail Bag provides a forum to express your thoughts. Please limit to 275 words or less. Please type and double space. We reserve the right to edit or not publish any letter. Deadline - Friday at 12 noon. Include name, address and phone number for verification, only your name and community will be published. Letters without names will not be considered. Mail to Spinal Column Newsweekly, P.O. Box 14, Union Lake, MI 48387; fax 24/7 to Editor 248-360-1220 or email to League of Women Voters Oakland Area: The League of Women Voters Oakland Area has long recognized the importance of libraries in the life of our communities. The dissemination of information and leisure-reading materials is a benefit to residents and savings for those living on a tight budget. Libraries provide citizens with access to computers and Internet services, services that are valuable not just for students doing homework, but also for residents searching for jobs or information on benefits. Libraries nurture a love of reading in children. Seniors often enjoy libraries as a pleasant place to read in the company of others. Further, a library is a community center for lectures, cultural events, workshops and children’s programs. The Waterford Township Library has a 0.9118 operating millage which represents 91 percent of the library’s operating millage. This millage needs to be renewed (on Tuesday, Aug. 7), and its passage is vital to maintaining current library services. Revenues generated by the millage have been dropping since 2008, and the library already has cut costs dramatically. This is not a new cost, but will keep the millage at its current rate. The League of Women Voters of Oakland County strongly urges its passage. ❏

‘The leader we need’ From Howard Rosenberg, Bloomfield Hills: With an unprecedented number of seniors living in Michigan today, the next state representative in the 39th District needs to be committed to supporting our aging population. Bubba Urdan is knowledgeable on senior issues, understands senior needs, and has promised no new taxes on pensions, benefits, or retirement. As a past president of the Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Senior Apartments board, I had the pleasure of working with Bubba and seeing him contribute, always in a positive and meaningful way. Bubba was quick to study all issues presented and provide insightful leadership. Like most baby boomers, I recognize Michigan needs to embrace our young leaders and a fresh perspective on the status quo, but we also need our voices heard. Bubba Urdan will bridge the gap between young and old, and do so with an ear to the past and an eye on the future. This is the leader we need. ❏

Hamill is a leader From Paul Mecklenborg, Highland Township: Make the right decision in the

primary election on Aug. 7. Choose Rick Hamill as the Republican choice for Highland Township supervisor. Highland needs a person who knows Highland and has lived here for most of his life, bringing an understanding of what this community is all about. A graduate of (Huron Valley) Milford High School, Rick possesses a business degree in management and has had first-hand experience as a business owner, coordinating staff, implementing contracts and complicated projects, interfacing with the public and every aspect of the township government. In addition, he has volunteered his time to innumerable projects and events in our community. Rick’s design and photo-realistic renderings, submitted with a grant application in 2000, were the key to receiving funding for M-59 corridor improvements in Highland. He was the “go-to guy” when the historical plaque in Highland needed placement at the library and when Highland needed coordination of the movement and reburial of their time capsule. From driving veterans in the Memorial Day parade, giving needed advice to the Beautification Committee and the library, and serving as chairperson of the Design Committee of (the) Highland Downtown Development Authority, Rick has rolled up his sleeves and done it all. Make no mistake. Rick is a leader, a committed doer and a person who always goes the extra mile for everyone and every worthwhile project. Highland needs Rick Hamill. Please vote for Rick on Aug. 7. ❏

By Colin Bartlett But Captain Ship, the lake levels are down and our unnecessarily large pirate ship will hit the bottom.

Yar, ye be a pessimist. My ship floats so it don’t hit bottom.”

Whatever you say, Captain. Prepare to set sail!

We’ve hit rock! All hands on deck! Reapply the duct tape! Abandon ship!

Way ahead of ye, Captain!

AUGUST 1-7, 2012





White Lake Township Trustee



A collection of gossip, scuttlebutt, and odds and ends from our reporters’ notebooks. MR. GREEN GOES TO WASHINGTON: Betcha didn’t know that Milford Township Supervisor Don Green testified before the Congressional Ethics Committee earlier this month. Curious? Here goes. D-Green circulated two blank petitions to collect signatures for the re-election of Thaddeus McCotter (don’t say his name three times in a row in front of a mirror, y’all) and was successful in gathering 15 John Hancocks on each petition, making for a total of — ready, math whizzes? — 30 legitimate signatures. Done deal, right? Well ... no. As we know now, there was a bit of tomfoolery afoot and the 30 signatures Green diligently collected for the (former) five-term Congresspeep magically turned into 60 after they were received by the Thad Man’s Livonia congressional office, which apparently is a kind of like Narnia (or a brick-andmortar incarnation of the Octomom). You just magically get more than what you expect from all three! “I told (the committee) that this is how it occurred,” Green said. For the record, for the colossal signature blunder, the disapproving fingers have been wagging at “Guitar Hero” McCotter and his staff, who are now being investigated by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s Office. Green has not been implicated in any wrong-doing. The investigation, which started over two months ago — insert the sounds of crickets chirping here — remains ongoing, and state Dems are scratching their heads about what’s taking so long, salivating like Pavlov’s dogs for the results. So are we. SURPRISE, SURPRISE: With less than a week left until the Tuesday, Aug. 7 primary election, it’s business as usual in West Bloomfield Township — that is to say, there’s controversy. SURPRISE OF THE CENTURY! (Please,



again, note the sarcasm) First, election cards were yoinked from Clerk Cathy Shaughnessy’s office, prompting an ongoing West Bloomfield Police Department probe. Police Chief Michael Patton said there was no forced entry... which, to us, means “inside job.” But it doesn’t seem like it was the cast of “Oceans Whatever” that pulled off the heist. Police are examining employee records and a comprehensive review is being done, although apparently there ain’t no darn timeline when the investigation will conclude. We’re itchin’ for answers like someone with fleas. Either way, just to be safe the township will now conduct a public accuracy test of randomly selected voting machines tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 2 and Shaughnessy continues to maintain that the integrity of the election has not been compromised. As if that wasn’t enough, there were also a couple false alarms these past two weeks as Supervisor Michele Economou Ureste claimed that former township trustee Allen Aldelburg saw Trustee Larry Brown remove some of her signs from a property’s lawn. However, a police investigation showed that Brown was contacted by the township’s Code Enforcement Office after the property owner in the Middlebelt and Lone Pine area asked for signs to be removed from the property. Brown removed his signs and the property owner removed the signs of other candidates, according to the 5-0. On top of that, Shaughnessy and her “press secretary,” errr, deputy clerk, Joseph Munem sent out a press release on July 24 stating that her primary election challenger, Neha Patel, fibbed when she said that she is endorsed by the Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO. The release included a link to the AFLCIO’s website’s endorsement page ... which lists an endorsement of Patel. Oops. Can’t win ‘em all! ❏

Local Government Experience Twp. Board choice to fill Trustee vacancy in March 2011 14 years on Planning Commission… Chairman twice

Legal & Business Experience – Lawyer since 1981… now trial & managing attorney at Lewsley & Ferro, staff counsel for insurance company. – Previously at Chrysler… Corp. Mgr. of Worker’s Comp., Manager of Lemon Law, Warranty & Fire Litigation and Senior Attorney/Manager of Commercial Litigation

Strong Advocate for… – Fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraint – Continuous improvement of Twp. government services thru adoption of more efficient processes, utilization of new technology and cooperation with other units of government. – Transforming White Lake into a regional commercial center & increasing property tax revenue by promoting planned business development along M-59 corridor. – Preservation of lakes, public lands, natural features and rural character that make White Lake a special place. Paid for by Campaign to Elect David Lewsley, 9507 Steephollow, White Lake… a totally self-financed endeavor.








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2012 All-area Soccer Team

Spinal Column Newsweekly honors the season's best players By Michael Shelton staff writer

The Spinal Column Newsweekly is proud to present its 2012 All-area Girls Soccer Team, honoring the best of west Oakland’s female studentathletes on the pitch this spring. Team selections were not only based upon players’ individual statistics, but also on nominations from area coaches, and other honors a player has received, such as conference awards. Making the final player selections is a difficult process when composing an all-area team for any sport, but with so many talented soccer players in the lakes area, putting together the inaugural All-area Girls Soccer Team was an arduous task. Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes/Everest Collegiate proved to be the class of the lakes area this past season, as it returned to the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) Division 4 state final for the second time in three seasons. Even though they fell to Grandville Calvin Christian in the final, it was the Lakers’ only loss of the season, as it also won the Detroit Catholic League Division IV and C-D Division Tournament championships this season thanks to four Spinal Column Newsweekly First Team members. Meanwhile, one of the most competitive divisions in the county was the Kensington Lakes Activities PAGE 48 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯








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O A K L A N D ’ S

NOTICE OF PRACTICABILITY LAKE IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR RAINBOW LAKE Notice is hereby given that the Lake Improvement Board for Rainbow Lake will meet at the Water Resource Commission (WRC) Lunch Room, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48328-1907 at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 15, 2012, to determine the practicability of a special assessment roll for general lake maintenance, which includes weed and water level control and geese deterrents, as needed. The special assessment will be in an amount not to exceed $750.00, per parcel, with individual assessments to be presented at the hearing. The special assessment roll will be on file at the Water Resources Commissioner’s Office for public examination. This hearing is call pursuant to the provisions of Section 30910 of Part 309 of Public Act No. 50 of 1995.


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PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Accuracy Test of the M-100 Optical Scan Equipment used for the Special Primary Election to be held on Wednesday, September 5, 2012, will be conducted on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at the White Lake Township Hall, 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, MI 48383. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the election count the votes in the manner as prescribed by law. Terry Lilley, Clerk White Lake Township S.C. 8-1-12



All-area soccer ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 47

Association (KLAA) North, where Waterford Mott won its first North Division title this season with the help of two First Team members. However, it would be division rival Waterford Kettering that would upset Mott in the MHSAA district semifinals due in part to its All-area goalkeeper. Another North Division team, Walled Lake Western, rose up against Kettering in the district final and took home its first district title in over 25 years with the help of its All-area forward. Also included on the Spinal Column First Team are two of Walled Lake Northern’s standouts, as well as Huron Valley Lakeland’s star on defense. ALL-AREA FIRST TEAM Ava Doetsch Junior Forward Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes A selection to the Michigan High School Soccer Coaches Association’s (MIHSSCA) Division 4 All-State First Team, Doetsch scored 34 goals and had 23 assists in helping the Lakers reach the Division 4 state final and dominate the Detroit Catholic League’s C-D Division. With her senior season remaining, Doetsch already has plans to take her game to the heartland, as she has committed to the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Rachel Good Senior Forward Walled Lake Western With a knack for coming up clutch in key situations this season for the Warriors, Good’s biggest goal of the season came in an MHSAA district final against Kettering. Her goal with 40 seconds left in the first half was the only goal that Western needed to win a district championship. She was named a Division 1 All-State Honorable Mention by the MIHSSCA, is a member of the Novi Michigan Jaguars Football Club (FC), and has committed to Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne. Anna Robb Sophomore Forward Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes A Division 4 All-State First Team selection by the MIHSSCA, Robb’s

skills were evident throughout the season as she was one of the key components to the Lakers’ run to the MHSAA Division 4 state final. Perhaps her most memorable moment this year came when she notched a gametying goal against Saginaw Nouvel in a Division 4 regional final. Agatha Weddle Senior Forward Walled Lake Northern Committed to Alma College, Weddle was the offensive spark that helped the Knights contend for the KLAA North Division title this season, and she was named as a Division 1 All-State Honorable Mention by the MIHSSCA. Hannah Messar Junior Midfielder Waterford Mott Leading the Corsairs in scoring for the second straight season with 15 goals while also garnering 4 assists, Messar overcame a mid-season slump and finished strong with a goal in back-to-back games against Walled Lake Western and Walled Lake Northern that clinched the KLAA North title for Mott. Jessica Parry Junior Midfielder Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes A Division 4 Honorable Mention by the MIHSSCA, Parry was one of the Lakers’ clutch players this season. Her game-tying goal and improbable game-winning goal on a free kick helped the Lakers defeat Saginaw Nouvel and punch their ticket to the state’s final four. Hannah Rhodes Senior Midfielder Waterford Mott The Corsairs’ leader in assists for four consecutive seasons, Rhodes demonstrated why Olivet College showed a strong interest in her before she committed to the school. Finishing 2012 with 20 assists and five goals, Rhodes closed out a stellar career in which she helped Mott’s soccer program reach new heights. Lindsay Straw Sophomore Midfielder Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes A Division 4 All-State Third Team selection by the MIHSSCA, Straw had a key assist in the Lakers’ Division 4 state semi-final victory over Madison Heights Bishop Foley, as well as Our Lady’s first goal in its win over Allen Park Cabrini in the Detroit Catholic League’s C-D Tournament semi-finals. PAGE 49 ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


The LCB Legends 12U Black and Gold Teams of Commerce Township competed in the Cooperstown Tournament the week of July 9 in Cooperstown, NY. When the dust was settled, the Legends finished with a tournament ranking 18th-place overall. Members of the Black Team are: Jake Brooks, Carter Farr, Preston Gee, Cameron Gorny, Mitchell Jerore, James LeMarbe, Cameron Manosky, Scott Shingleton, Justin Swinehart, Donnie Whalen, Kane Williamson. The Black Team coaches are: Brian Swinehart, Ken Lemarbe, Duane Jerore and Jeff Williamson. Members of the Gold Team are: Harrison Boudouris, Michael Chiara, Brody Demunnik, Zach Dillon, Sean Finstrom, Jake Haver, Connor Kin, Steven Mandziuk, Zack Northcott, Kyle Sabin, Daniel Serra and AJ Wisniewski. The Gold Team coaches are: Matt Sabin, Ed Mandziuk and Jim Dillon. (Photo submitted by Brian Swineheart)

All-area soccer ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ PAGE 48

Mary Jacobs Senior Defender Huron Valley Lakeland Heading to Meredith College this fall and a member of the Novi Michigan Jaguars Football Club, Jacobs’ strong defensive play was key in the Eagles earning key victories this season over Waterford Mott and sister school Walled Lake Northern. Allison Smith Senior Defender Walled Lake Northern Committed to Alma College and a member of the Novi Michigan Jaguars Football Club (FC), Smith was one of the anchors of the Knights’ defense, and her strong cor-

ner kicks this season usually ended up with the ball being deflected into the back of the net. Tailer Roscoe Senior Goalkeeper Waterford Kettering Bound for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Roscoe’s strong play in net was the catalyst to the Captains’ pulling off a stunning victory over rival Waterford Mott in a Division 1 district semifinal, which Kettering won in penalty kicks. Roscoe was named as a Division 1 All-State Honorable Mention by the MIHSSCA. ALL-AREA SECOND TEAM • Shelby Watts, forward, Waterford Kettering; • Meggy McConkey, forward, Waterford Mott;

• Ashley Donohue, forward, Walled Lake Northern; • Megan Kalanik, forward, Huron Valley Lakeland; • Rachelle Topolewski, midfielder, Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes; • Hannah Huff, midfielder, Waterford Kettering; • Morgan Kroezen, midfielder, Huron Valley Lakeland; • Madison Schram, midfielder, Walled Lake Western; • Kelsey Beach, defender, Waterford Kettering; • Emily Donohue, defender, Walled Lake Northern; and • Megan Luttinen, goalkeeper, Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes Honorable Mention Lexe Walker, Huron Valley Lakeland; Megan Darby, Huron Valley Milford; Paige Smith, Huron Valley

Milford; Kara Birrell, Walled Lake Central; Rebekah Witkowski, Walled Lake Central; Jessica Bruhn, Walled Lake Central; Allison Rettig, Walled Lake Central; Kendall Juhnke, Walled Lake Northern; Brianna Tabaczka, Walled Lake Northern; Mackenzie Moran, Walled Lake Northern; Kristen Theos, Walled Lake Northern; Yolanda Anderson, Walled Lake Western; Jackie Klimek, Walled Lake Western; Megan Forgacs, Walled Lake Western; Allison Bicknell, Waterford Kettering; Alyssa Bolling, Waterford Mott; Lexanna Siemasz, Waterford Mott; Casey Thorn, Waterford Mott; Vanessa Bolling, Waterford Mott; Claire Lasceski, Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes; Knar Topouzian, West Bloomfield; Olivia Hartman, West Bloomfield; Emily Murzyn, West Bloomfield.





CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD The West Bloomfield Township Board will meet on Monday, August 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM. at the West Bloomfield Town Hall, 4550 Walnut Lake Road, to consider the following: Case #: PWD12-0274 DTE Energy Parcel: Lot 31, 34, & 33, West Bloomfield Estates Sidwell #18-33-301-003 & #18-33-301-004, #18-33-301-005 Location: 7160 Muerdale, 7180 Muerdale, 7200 Muerdale Appellant: Mr. John Parrott Request: A request to appeal the Woodland Review Board’s decision for PWT12-0274 granting approval to remove trees (3) within regulated woodland for the relocation of DTE electrical service (overhead power lines) on three properties within West Bloomfield Estates Subdivision. Any objection to or comment in favor of this request may be made by letter to Catherine Shaughnessy, Township Clerk, or by appearing in person at the scheduled meeting. If you have any questions, please call (248) 451-4848. Catherine Shaughnessy West Bloomfield Township Clerk S.C. 8-1-12 The Township of West Bloomfield will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services such as: • Hearing impaired sound system & receivers (notify Clerk/Development Services Dept. one day prior to meeting of interest) • Signers for the hearing impaired (two {2} weeks advance notice) • Audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting (to individuals with disabilities) two (2) weeks notice in writing or by calling the Township Clerk or the Development Services Director at 4550 Walnut Lake Road, Box 250130, West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130, (248) 451- 4800 or TDD (248) 451- 4899


Notice is hereby given that the Lake Improvement Board for Rainbow Lake will meet at the Water Resource Commission (WRC) Lunch Room, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48328-1907 at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 15, 2012, to review, to hear any objections to, and to confirm a special assessment roll for general lake maintenance, which includes weed and water level control and geese deterrents, as needed. The special assessment will be in an amount not to exceed $750.00, per parcel, with individual assessments to be presented at the hearing. The special assessment roll will be on file at the Water Resources Commissioner’s Office for public examination. Any person may appeal and be heard at the said Hearing, which is called pursuant to the provisions of Section 30913 of Part 309 of Public Act No. 59 of 1995. Act 186 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1973, as amended, provides that the special assessment must be protested at the hearing held for the purpose of confirming the Special Assessment Roll before the Michigan Tax Tribunal may acquire jurisdiction of any Special Assessment dispute. Appearance and protest to the Special Assessment at the time and place of review is required in order to appeal the amount of the Special Assessment, or may protest the Special Assessment by letter filed with the Lake Improvement Board for Rainbow Lake, c/o Water Resources Commissioner, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48328-1907, at or prior to the time of review, in which case the owner or any party having an interest in the real property may file a written appeal of the Special Assessment with the Michigan Tax Tribunal within 30 days after the confirmation of the Special Assessment Roll. LAKE IMPROVEMENT BOARD FOR RAINBOW LAKE

S.C. 7-25 & 8-1-12

NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, as amended, the City of Orchard Lake Village Zoning Board of Appeals will consider the following appeals at their Regular Meeting on Monday, August 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Orchard Lake City Hall, 3955 Orchard Lake Road, Orchard Lake, Michigan: Orchard Lake Country Club Appeal – 5000 West Shore Drive (Front Yard Setback for Construction of an Accessory Structure) Vagnozzi Appeal – 4200 Commerce Road (Lakeside Setback for Addition) Complete copies of the request are available for review at the Office of the City Clerk in City Hall. Written Comments will be received in the City Clerk’s Office, 3955 Orchard Lake Road, Orchard Lake, MI between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or may be submitted electronically to You are invited to attend the hearing. S.C. 8-1-12

COMMUNITY LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Charter Township of Commerce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Commerce Clerk’s Office, 2009 Township Dr. Commerce Twp, MI will be open on Saturday, August 4, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving Absentee Ballot Applications and issuing Absentee Ballots for the August 7, 2012 Primary Election. Electors who wish to receive an absent voter ballot for the August Primary Election by mail must submit absent voter application by Saturday, August 4, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. Monday, August 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. is the deadline for qualified Electors to obtain an absent voter ballot for the August Primary Election and it must be voted in person in the Clerkís office. For additional information, contact the Clerk’s Office at (248) 960-7020. Daniel P. Munro Clerk, Charter Township of Commerce SC: 8-1-12



Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) requirements a Public Hearing will be held by the City of Walled Lake on Monday, August 6, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall 1499 E. West Maple, Walled Lake, MI 48390 to receive written and verbal comment regarding the reprogramming of federal CDBG funds as follows: Existing - 2008 Program Year Activity Number 730571 Activity Description Emergency Services Amount $1,147.64

Proposed 2012 Program Year Activity Number 730898 Activity Description Home Improvement Amount $1,147.64

This re-programming is to place unused funds to the Oakland County Home Improvement program. SC: 8-1-12



Rhonda McClellan


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Orchard Lake Village Council will hold a Public Hearing of Necessity on a proposed special assessment district for the preservation of Orchard Lake including marine safety, goose removal and weed harvesting on Monday, August 20, 2012 at 7:00 pm. at the Orchard Lake City Hall, 3955 Orchard Lake Road, Orchard Lake, MI All are welcome to attend. Rhonda R. McClellan S.C. 8-1-12

CITY OF WALLED LAKE NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. C-302-12 ORDINANCE NO. C-303-12 Amendments to the following ordinances of City of Walled Lake were enacted pursuant to MCL 28.451, ET SEQ., as amended. Chapter 50-235 – “Fireworks” and Chapter 18-353 – “Prohibited Display Items.” A copy of these amendments in their entirety is available for public use and inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, MI between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. S.C. 8-1-12

AUGUST 1-7, 2012





AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 57 OUTSIDE STORED VEHICLE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Notice is hereby given that at a regular board meeting on July 17, 2012 the Charter Township of White Lake adopted amendments to Ordinance No. 57, the Outside Storage Vehicle Ordinance. THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE ORDAINS:

AUGUST 7, 2012 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF COMMERCE To the Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Primary Election will be held in:

ARTICLE I – AMENDMENT A. Amend Article III 1. Residentially Zoned Private Property

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF COMMERCE County of Oakland, State of Michigan TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2012


THE POLLS will be open 7 o’clock a.m. until 8 o’clock p.m.

ARTICLE IV – EFFECTIVE DATE ARTICLE V – ADOPTION The Ordinance will be in effect seven (7) days after publication. A full and complete text of the foregoing Ordinance is available for purchase or inspection at the office of the Township Clerk at 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, Michigan during regular hours from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Terry Lilley, CMC White Lake Township Clerk

S.C. 8-1-12



FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION ALL ELECTORS ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE that an Election will be held in White Lake Township on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. This Election is being held for the purpose of nominating candidates of all participating parties for the following offices: CONGRESSIONAL

Representative in Congress – 11th District (Partial Term)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in conformity with the Michigan Election Law (168.498), the final date for registration in order to vote in the September 5, 2012 Special Primary Election is Monday, August 6, 2012. White Lake Township Clerk’s Office will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving applications for the registration of the qualified electors in White Lake Township that are not already registered. Terry Lilley, CMC White Lake Township Clerk Charter Township of White Lake 7525 Highland Road White Lake, MI 48383 (248) 698-3300 Ext. 7

ALL POLLING PLACES ARE HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE BRAILLE AND AUDIO VERSIONS OF VOTING INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE POLLING PLACES LISTED BELOW: Precinct 1: Precinct 2: Precinct 3: Precinct 4: Precinct 5: Precinct 6: Precinct 7: Precinct 8: Precinct 9: Precinct 10: Precinct 11: Precinct 12: Precinct 13: Precinct 14: Precinct 15:

Commerce Elementary School Wolverine Lake Village Offices Crossroads Presbyterian Church Union Lake Baptist Church Oakley Park Elementary School Clifford Smart Middle School Country Oaks Elementary Oak Valley Middle School W.L. Northern High School Glengary Elementary Walled Lake Elementary Fire Station #4 Richardson Center Commerce Meadows United Methodist Church

520 Farr Street 425 Glengary 1445 Welch Road 8390 Commerce Road 2015 Oakley Park Road 8500 Commerce Road 5070 S. Duck Lake Road 4200 White Oak Trail 6000 Bogie Lake Road 3070 Woodbury 1055 West Maple Road 2401 Glengary Road 1485 Oakley Park Road 2400 Meadows Circle 1155 N. Commerce Road









SC: 8-1-12



To the qualified electors of the City of Wixom, County of Oakland, State of Michigan: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF WIXOM CLERK’S OFFICE WILL BE OPEN:



Daniel P. Munro, Clerk Charter Township of Commerce 2009 Township Drive, Commerce Twp., MI 48390 (248) 960-7020 S.C. 8-1-12




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PONTIAC ST. Frederick All Class Reunion, Sept. 9. Tour of school from 9am-10:45am. Mass at 11. Lunch at Santia Hall, Keego Harbor. Tickets at Kennedy's Irish Pub on W. Huron St. in Waterford. ST. MICHAEL School Pontiac 23rd "All School Reunion" Sunday, September 16th, 11am Mass at Shrine of St. Joseph 400 South Blvd., Pontiac. Noon reunion gathering at Scott Lake Banquet Center 2100 Scott Lake Rd. (Elks Lodge #810). 1:30pm dinner buffet. Reservation required: Lance Butler 248-335-5243

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England Real Estate (248)887-9736 White Lake

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Alex's Pizzeria 49000 Pontiac Trail Wixom, MI 48393 MORE ADS ON PAGE 58

AUGUST 1-7, 2012



$349,900 LAKEFRONT RANCH HOME ON ALL-SPORTS LONG LAKE •3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, open flr plan, Florida rm •GR, new snackbar kitch, deck, dock, 2 car #212075900 EXT. #241•KEY #248372 . WP ET RC E MM CO

2900 Union Lake, Suite 210, Commerce, MI 48382


Lakes Area’s #1 Team! Zillow - Preferred Agent

$259,900 127 FT. OF BULLARD WATERFRONT GORGEOUS TREED .43 ACRE LOT •2,116 sq. ft., walkout, 4 bed, 3.5 ba, wet bar •Part fin. w/o, circle drive, elevated deck #212051318 EXT. #234•KEY #248366





BIRKDALE BEAUTY STUNNING VIEWS LARGE, NICELY LANDSCAPED LOT! ALL-SPORTS UNION LAKEFRONT •3,627 sq ft, 4-5 bed, 2.5 ba, LR, DR, jet tub ba •75’ sandy shoreline, 200’ deep lot, seawall •2-story GR, ff laundry, w/o bsmt, 3 car •Possible walkout site, existing 2 br, 2 ba home #212073978 EXT. #237•KEY #248341 #212017000 EXT. #205 •KEY #248367

$249,900 BRENDEL LAKEFRONT RANCH WITH FINISHED WALKOUT •1.7 wooded acres, 2,000 sq ft & fin walkout •3 bed, 2 ba, 2 fps, patio, green house, 2 car #212072154 EXT. #236•KEY #248358 . WP ET RC E MM CO



$319,900 INCREDIBLE RETREAT ON PRIVATE, WOODED 5 ACRES! •3,049 sq ft + fin w/o, 3 bed, 3 ba, granite kitch •2-sty rms, post/beam construction, patio, 3 car #212064550 EXT. #211•KEY #268871

Janet Direct: Steve Direct: 248-755-7600 248-755-7500





ALL-SPORTS UNION LAKEFRONT SPECIAL •2-3 bedroom brick ranch, fin w/o, brick fp •2 car attached gar, elevated deck, patio #212034479 EXT. #215•KEY #276273

NEW CONSTRUCTION SEPTEMBER 1ST OCCUPANCY •1,650 sq ft, 3 bed, 2.5 ba, master jet tub bath •Kitch & dining w/hdwd, doorwall, bsmt, 2 car #212075065 EXT. # •KEY #268870


BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME ON LARGE LOT •2,186 sq ft + fin. basement, 4 bed, 2 ba., fp •Hardwood flrs, gazebo, waterfall, pond, patio #212077874 EXT. #288•KEY #248379

BIRKDALE POINTE - BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED PRIVATE LOT! •2,921 sq ft, 3 bed, 2.5 ba, great rm, fireplace •Dining rm, granite, daylight bsmt, deck, 3 car #212065846 EXT. #214 •KEY #266253

$79,900 NICELY UPDATED RANCH HOME LARGE, FENCED YARD •3 bed, kitchen w/appl., washer & dryer •W.B. schools, Middle Straits Lake privileges #212077136 EXT. #250•KEY #248360





SHARP RANCH - LARGE BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT •1,408 sq ft, 3 bed, 2 ba, oversized 2 car gar •1st flr laundry, lg shed, patio, Walled Lk schools #212011148 EXT. #285 •KEY #fm256j

$209,900 GORGEOUS GERUNDEGUT BAY ALL-SPORTS CASS LAKE •Remodeled ranch, stone fp, dining rm •Corian counter kitch, tile, crown molding #212060211 EXT. #280•KEY #248373 P. TW CE R E MM CO




$99,900 SPACIOUS RANCH HOME LARGE, FENCED YARD •1,524 sq. ft., 4 bed, 2 ba, Walled Lk schools •GR w/wood stove, ff laundry, appl., bsmt, deck #212073154 EXT. #231•KEY #256951





SPACIOUS TRI-LEVEL BEAUTIFUL 1.38 ACRE LOT •1,804 sq ft, 3 bed, 2 ba, Florida rm, living rm •Family rm - fp, kitchen appl., shed, 2 car #212056167 EXT. #262•KEY #267493



800-396-5204 + Ext. # for recorded message Text Key # to 90210 for text message Call today for a private consultation.

HURON HILL SUB - WAY BACK IN SUB TREED PRIVATE LOT •2 story w/2,594 sq. ft., 4 lg. bed, 2.5 baths •Fp, ff laundry, 3+ car, part fin daylight bsmt #212037708 EXT. #224•KEY #248384 . WP DT AN L H HIG


$385,000 10+ ACRE HORSE/HERB FARM WITH CIRCA 1880 FARMHOUSE •2,200 sq ft 2 sty, 4 bed, 2 ba, full basement •14 stall barn, 10 fenced pastures, coop, 8 car #212034718 EXT. #201•KEY #248379


BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME ON ALL-SPORTS DUCK LAKE! •2,962 sq ft, 4 bed, 2 ba, vaulted dining, library •Fp, vaulted family rm, 1st flr laundry, bsmt #212060746 EXT. #246•KEY #258416 P. TW CE ER M M CO




BEACON HILL GOLF COMMUNITY BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT END UNIT CONDO 327’ LAKE FRONTAGE •4 bed, 3.5 ba, DR, granite kitch, GR, FR •2,005 sq ft, 3 bed, 2.5 ba, 2 mstr. suites •Fireplace, 2nd kitch, 3 car, beach, dock •Fireplace, ff laundry, walkout bsmt, patio, 2 car #212070498 EXT. #287•KEY #258747 #212055971 EXT. #258•KEY #256951

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LAKE PRIVILEGES - CARROL LAKE Boat launch/beach for all day use. Updated 3 bed, 2 bath ranch. Walled Lk. schools. Robert Hittinger 810-602-4128

WOLVERINE LAKE VILLAGE Investors opportunity - 3 bdrms, 1 bath, 1 1/2 story fixer upper. $22,900 Not a bank owned. Rick Reid 248-981-8582

WOLVERINE LAKE VILLAGE Updated 2 bdrms, 1 bath ranch with full part finished basement. $114,900. Rick Reid 248-981-8582

VACANT LAKE FRONT LOT Lotus Lake, Waterford. 46’ x 277’ lot. Build your dream home. $167,900. L/C available. Rick Reid 248-981-8582

FENTON - 1.97 ACRES 2,700 sq ft, 4 bed, 2 1/2 baths, basement, garage. $225,000. Kathy Roehling 248-672-1657, 1-800-950-3464 code 113

WHITE LAKE VICTORIAN - 5 ACRES Custom 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths, walkout basement, 3 car. $420,000. Kathy Roehling 248-672-1657, 1-800-950-3464 code 153

WONDERFUL 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL 2.5 bath. Spectacular 1/2 acre corner lot. Lake privileges on Sylvan/Otter Lake. $119,900. Robert Schwartz 248-406-2927

ALL-SPORTS LAKE SHERWOOD Waterfront 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 5,500 sq. ft. Finished lower walkout. $729,900. Mickie 248-891-8667

ENTIRELY UPDATED 3,200 sq. ft. 4 bdrms home. Large fenced yard. Bloomfield schools! $339,000. Mickie 248-891-8667

WHITE LAKE - 2000 BUILT 4 BED 3,117 sq. ft., mstr. suite W/2 WIC & bath, hrdwd kitch, 42” cabinets. Walled Lk. schools. David Ridley 248-760-4222

WHITE LAKE 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths. $203,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION, half acre lot. Carol Klein 248-866-1904

WHITE LAKE 3 bdrms, 2 full baths. $245,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION, half acre w/o lot. Carol Klein 248-866-1904

COUNTRY SETTING COLONIAL 3 bed (poss, 4th), 3 bath. Minutes from I-75. Main flr. laundry. 24’x30’ outbuilding. Tim Miller 248-396-2875

EXQUISITE CUSTOM RANCH HOME that cannot be duplicated at this price! 3 bed, 3.5 ba., w/o, open flr plan. 2 acres! $348,870. Karen Sherman 248-881-7903

LAKE LIVING ON 3.25 ACRES!! Wonderful open floor plan, finished walkout lower level. Extra 3 car garage! $365,000 Karen Sherman 248-881-7903

BEAUTIFUL 5 BED, 3.5 BATH HOME On 10 acres of secluded land. 6,200 sq. ft. incl. fin. w/o basement w/2nd kitchen. Steven Moore 248-406-3016

LAKEFRONT LOT - MANDON LAKE Walled Lake school district. Deep walkout lot w/great view of lake, sandy beach. Robert Hittinger 810-602-4128

COMMERCE - LAKES AREA Laura Prendergast - Team Leader 2900 Union Lake Rd., #210 • Commerce Twp., MI 48382 248.360.2900

WEST BLOOMFIELD - FARMINGTON HILLS Dan Klaper - Team Leader 30500 Northwestern Hwy., #300 • Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248.626.2100

AUGUST 1-7, 2012


2900 Union Lake Rd., Suite 210 Commerce Township, MI 48382



2900 Union Lake Rd., Suite 210 Commerce Township, MI 48382 CELL PHONE


Jennifer Wrobleski

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

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Inventory is low. It’s a great time to sell. Call today for a free market analysis.

Twenty Seven years as your lakes area Realtor with Over Two Thousand Four Hundred Sales International Award Winning Agent

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This is the last website you’ll ever need to buy or sell your next house. With full access to the Realtor Data Base, it’s a gateway to help you find the information you need about today’s Real Estate market. This site is full of valuable information that will help aid you in making the right decision when buying or selling a home.

KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY 2900 Union Lake Rd. - Commerce, MI 48382 248-406-2903 Dir. 248-360-2900 Office 248-894-6828 Cell

COMMERCE - LAKES AREA Laura Prendergast - Team Leader 2900 Union Lake Rd., #210 • Commerce Twp., MI 4838 248.360.2900


Melissa Schmidt


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Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Ethical, hard working and helping you to find the home of your dreams! Inventory is VERY low, it’s a GREAT time to SELL! Complimentary Home Market Analysis

Christine Atkinson

Email: Visit my website

Office 248-406-2909 Cell 248-310-8572

2900 Union Lake Rd. Ste. 210, Commerce, MI 48382

Whether Buying or Selling a Home… I Specialize in Referrals and I Appreciate Your Help!


STISON LAKEUNION LAKE IT’S VACATION WHERE DREAMS EVERYDAY! COME TRUE! Every entertainer’s Move right into dream lake front this charming home. 4 beds, 2 all-sports Union baths. 2,564 sq. ft., Lake front home. 21’ x 13’ sound 4 bedrooms, proof theater rm, 2 baths. 2,410 40’ x 16’ rec room sq. ft. Wonderful family neighborhood. Family, dining and formal living overlooking beautiful Stison Lake. Complete w/wet bar patio w/hot tub & shower, great deck plumbed for your gas grill! room - all with spectacular views! CEDAR ISLAND CEDAR ISLAND LAKE - 135 FT. OF LAKE WATER CHARACTER FRONTAGE AND CHARM Spectacular 60 ft. of natural custom multi-level sandy beach front floor plan located compliment this on all-sports Cedar lovely cobblestone Island Lake. 3 home located on bedrooms. 3 baths, all-sports Cedar Island Lake. 4 bedroom, 1 bath. 1,564 sq. ft. complete 2,831 sq. ft. complete w/heated ceramic floors, granite countertops, outdoor hot tub & much more! A must see! with 3 plus car garage!

WEST BLOOMFIELD - FARMINGTON HILLS Dan Klaper - Team Leader 30500 Northwestern Hwy., #300 • Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248.626.2100







AUGUST 1-7, 2012


Last year we helped 18,010 Michiganders find their perfect home.

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $1,299,000 description,all caps OnUp/lowr all sportscase Upper Long Lake w/ 1.4 acre hard to read,symbolizes yelling 212063848 248-851-4100 MLS 248.851.4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WATERFORD $200,000 $999,000 Up/lowr case description,all caps Lake Oakland 182’ of frontage! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212064757 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $649,000 Up/lowrhome. case description,all caps & 5 bedroom Completely remodeled hard to read,symbolizes yelling gorgeous! MLS 248.851.4100 212029488 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $600,000 Up/lowr1.39 caseacres description,all Beautiful on Chalmerscaps Lake! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212056609 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $569,000 Up/lowr description,all caps Wing Lakecase privileges for your summer! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212061378 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $559,000 Up/lowr case description,all caps Magnificent colonial in Wyndam Pointe! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212069634 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $478,500 Up/lowr case description,all caps Spacious 4 bedroom colonial on hard to read,symbolizes dead end street yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212049809 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $399,900 Up/lowr casehome description,all Great historical on almost 2 caps acres! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212041014 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WATERFORD $200,000 $350,000 Up/lowr caseondescription,all caps Lakefront home all sports Watkins Lake! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212052020 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD NOVI $200,000 $329,000 Up/lowr Beautifulcase homedescription,all with open floor caps plan hard to read,symbolizes & large foyer! yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212017151 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $274,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Lots of room in this 3000 sq. ft. colonial! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212074583 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $242,900 Up/lowr case caps Spacious anddescription,all updated home with hard to read,symbolizes great floor plan yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212069998 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $239,900 Up/lowr description,all caps Gorgeouscase almost new 4 bed colonial! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212076027 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPSHILLS BOLD FARMINGTON $200,000 $205,000 Up/lowr Move right case in anddescription,all enjoy this great caps home! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212062154 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $199,900 Up/lowr case updated description,all caps Beautifully 3 bedroom hard to Maple read,symbolizes Farms home!yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212033325 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $199,900 Up/lowrcondo case with description,all caps Beautiful finished basement! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212065613 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WATERFORD $200,000 $190,000 Up/lowr case description,all caps Incredible 4 bedroom colonial with hard to read,symbolizes yelling large rooms MLS 248.851.4100 212074050 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD COMMERCE $200,000 $184,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Gorgeous colonial built in 2004! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212076081 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD NOVI $200,000 $164,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Pristine condition and freshly painted! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212070957 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $149,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Spacious condo with private deck hard to read,symbolizes & 2 car garage! yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212010886 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $145,000 Up/lowr caps Sprawlingcase ranchdescription,all with lots of windows! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212071688 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD FARMINGTON HILLS $200,000 $134,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Awesome opportunity to own this hard to 6read,symbolizes bedroom home! yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212054839 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WATERFORD $200,000 $125,000 Up/lowr updated case description,all Gorgeous, contemporary caps home! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212069250 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPSHILLS BOLD FARMINGTON $200,000 $89,900 Up/lowr description,all caps Lots of case updates in this 2 bedroom hard to read,symbolizes ranch home! yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212071867 248-851-4100

CITY IN ALL CAPS BOLD WEST BLOOMFIELD $200,000 $83,900 Up/lowr case description,all caps Beautiful & updated 3 bedroom ranch! hard to read,symbolizes yelling MLS 248.851.4100 212069986 248-851-4100


©Real Estate One, Inc., 2012


General/ Help Wanted




Experienced Plumber Needed for new construction. Must have truck and tools with a valid driver license.


General/ Help Wanted

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General/ Help Wanted


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Items must be FREE to respondents, ad free to you. Restricted to residential. The publishing group accepts no responsibility for actions between individuals.

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TWO THREE Month old kittens. Highland area. 248-8870114 LARGE WOODEN Play structure with slide, you disassemble and pick up. Call after 5 248-688-6293 CATS FIXED rescues. Need loving homes. 248-738-4901 or 248-214-9898 SLIPPER SOCKS, 50 pair. Call Jill at: 248-360-1145


Auction/Estate Sales101

Garage Sales

COMMERCE TWP. Estate/ Moving Sale, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Aug. 2-4, 9a.m.4p.m. 4488 Ravinewood Drive- Lake Sherwood. Furniture, home decor, collectibles, household, patio furniture, exercise/sports equipment, and much more. CASH ONLY.

THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Saturday, 9a.m.-4p.m. 9055 Redwood, Cooley Lake/ Round Lake. Lots of plus size clothing, books, primitive collectibles.

Garage Sales


COMMERCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Saturday, 9a.m.-4p.m. 1690 Commerce Pines Circle, South Commerce/ Glengary. Life downsizing sale! THURSDAY, 9AM; 3507 Oak Meadows, Benstein/ South of Bass Lake HUGE ESTATE Sale 4875 Carol Lake. Thursday thru Sunday, 10-6 HUGE SALE Household, tools, baby and kids items. B.O.B duallie, Maclaren twin stroller. 2991 Viking Drive Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8-5 HIGHLAND PRESTWICK VILLAGE, 544 Inverness. Thursday, Friday, 10am-4pm. Many great deals. WALLED LAKE AUGUST 2ND, 3rd, 4th, 1992 Nor th Pontiac Trail, Welch/ Decker, 9a.m.-5p.m. Downsizing household- patio, holiday, crafts, sports. WATERFORD HUGE CHURCH YARD SALE At Christ Lutheran Church in Waterford, Williams Lake & Airport, Aug. 2nd, 3rd, 4th,

Thurs. & Fri. 8a.m.-7p.m. Saturday, 8-11a.m. Don't miss! We have it all! WHITE LAKE 2 FAMILY Garage sale. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 94. Tools, toys, books, clothes, something for everyone! 9775 Cedar Island Road. GARAGE SALE, 8989 Vangordon St., August 2, 3, 4, 10am-6pm.



WIXOM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Saturday, 10-4. 1981 Roxbury Run. College dorm items, futon, wedding decorations, more. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 9a.m.4p.m. 1569 Waters Edge Court, Loon Lake/ Benstein. WOLVERINE LAKE

BOATS/ OUTDOOR Boats/Motors/Trailers 164

DAVE'S MOBILE MARINE •Pontoon Hauling •Inboard & Outboard Repair "We Come To You" •Buy & Sell Motors

(248)666-9248 PONTOON HAULING Local & Long Distance Summer Storage-$59.99 Snowmobiles, Trailers, RV's Fenced, Gated & Lighted Yard

MOVING/ GARAGE Sale. Furniture, misc., fur coat. 2181 Newport Court. 48390 August 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 9am-5pm

Let us sell your pontoon.

Building Materials 105

BLACK & DECKER panel saw, $150. 248 892 4073.

GLASSTREAM BOWRIDER 1985 16ft, 1inch, 140 Mercruiser I/O, Mechanically good condition, Shorelander trailer. depth finder, many extras, $1,850 OBO. 586-914-5165 SWEETWATER 2005 18FT Pontoon, 25hp Mercury, $7,000 OBO; Boat Hoistcrank lift, $1,400. 248-3667044.

PEG BOARD, 29ft x 2ft 5 inches. New. $15 248-3630693

Lawn Tractors/ Mowers


CRAFTSMAN SELF-PROPELLED mower. $100. Professional electric plumber's snake. $150. 248-681-4801



METAL LOFT bed, twin top, futon on bottom. folds into full bed. $175. 248-681-4801

Odds N Ends


HAND TRUCK- 2 wheel, heavy duty, steel, $24.99. 248-360-2911

LEISURE TIME Sports/Recreational146 FOUR DOZEN Experienced good golf balls, $5 per dozen. 248-553-4967


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RV CHAIR, wood, folds flat. 16" X 19.5" $20. 248-6984168



MOTORCYCLEGUARANTEE See First Want Ad Page FULL REPAIR SERVICES Motorcycle parts/ Access. Mention ad for up to 20% off! MX • ATV• P.W.C

Lakes MotorSports 4713 Dixie Highway, Waterford, MI 48329




2002 F-150, V-6, 2wd, 208K miles. $3500. OBO. 248-8673054



SALES GUARANTEE Autos, Vans, Trucks See First Want Ad Page HONDA CIVIC LX 1998, Clean inside, tires good, a/c good, 194k, rusty but trusty, extremely dependable. $2,000. 248-722-1989







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AUGUST 1-7, 2012


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D & S HOME REPAIRS REMODELING •Additions •Garages •Drywall •Painting •Plumbing •Electrical •Tile •Marble •Kitchens •Baths •Basements •Decks 33 Years ... Licensed

248-684-4175 810-714-3058


"The job your husband will do tomorrow." (248)887-2366 Heating/Duct Work 546

THOMASON HEATING & COOLING • Furnaces • Boilers • Air Cleaners •Air Conditioners •Humidifiers Service & Replacements


248-363-1615 Home Improvement 547 T SQUARED CONTRACTING • Custom Carpentry • Remodeling Kitchens, finished basements, baths, etc. 25 yrs exp. Lic. & Insurred


Lawn/Garden Services


A R T Outdoor Services, LLC Lawn Service •Spring clean up •Gutter cleaning •Landscape •Brick pavers •Mulch & weeding •Insured •Res. & Com. (248)625-5719

LADY LIBERTY ENTERPRISES Land Decorating & Maintenance, LLC. Flower bed weeding, Mulching, Brick Pavers/Repairs, Boulder Walls, Lawn Maintenance, Clean-ups, Tree & Shrub Pruning. Insured.


College Student Looking for Lawn care, mulch/ stone & odd jobs Shawn Larkins 248-931-0295 Painting/ Decorating


FARR'S PAINTING Exterior & Interior Wood Repairs • Caulking Staining • Wallpaper Removal Drywall repairs • Water repairs Free Power Washing w/paint.

Painting/ Decorating

Tile 562

VS PAINTING SUMMER SPECIAL Save 20% this season on exterior/ interior painting, drywall repair, & wallpaper removal on small or big jobs. 25 years experience. licensed and insured. Same day free estimates.

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Premier Plumbing Licensed & Insured Complete Plumbing Service

New Construction & Remodel Commercial & Residential

248-363-5864 Power Washing


FARR'S POWER WASHING •Deck Cleaning / Staining & Sealing •Brick Cleaning •Rust & Mold Removal •Housewashing. •Painting •Deck Repairs.

(248) 477-7764 (248) 345-3308 Roofing


D&D ROOFING •Siding •Gutters & Leaf Guards •Soffits & Trimwork •Decks •Windows

Doug Dible 248-431-6243 ROOF REPAIRS

(248) 477-7764 (248) 345-3308 SUMMER SPECIALS

Call Doug Miller 248-360-0344

All types of Painting Drywall Repairs • Wallpaper Removal & Installation . References • Lakes Area Owner Operated Since 1980



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John Miller (248)505-8865

Trash/Debris Removal



Home Service Siding, Trim & Soffitt Guaranteed Professional Installation. Lic./ Ins. References available.

Bob: 248-363-0589

Tree Service





Progressive Transportation Specializing in: •Appliances •Furniture •Debris Removal

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248-887-4892 587

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Licensed & Insured Free Estimates



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Call anytime for estimates & great service

Tree Service

Missing shingles replaced, Chimney flashing resealed, Leaks stopped, Vent stack flashing replaced, Complete roof inspection service, Guaranteed work. 30 yrs exp.

Lakes Painting




Emergency Service 7 days a week 248-

363-6464 All credit cards accepted

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Expires 8/14/12


Sale prices good through 8/14/12 M-59 Bogie Lk. Rd.

OPEN 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Weekdays 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday and Sunday

Sunshine Plants

Lakeland High School

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