Candidature package Arij Chatbri

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Candidature for


ARIJ CHATBRI Associa-Med Tunisia

Motivation Letter One of my favorite poets-Al Rumi said: “Respond to every call that excites your spirit.� and I believe that became my philosophy in life. Being in IFMSA was a milestone in my life, and working with SCOMEdians around the world have never ceased to amaze me, therefore I am responding to the call of going further in this journey. My name is Arij Chatbri, I am starting my 4th year at the medical school of Sousse in Tunisia in September and I am more than honored to present my candidacy for the position of Standing Committee Of Medical Education director for the term 2016-2017. My passion for voluntary work started in high-school and joining Associa-Med Tunisia as soon as I got into medical school gave it a boost. I remember the time where my only goals were to help people in the short-term, develop my leadership skills and enrich my life experience. Until I realized voluntary work was not just about me, but rather about making a change , impact , and sustainability. In every little action you take, or project you do, or campaign you lead, you are part of a bigger picture, you and every other medical student in the world, work on one mission, one vision and one aim: making the life of everyone in the world better including yourself. As future healthcare providers, there are multiple areas that we could work on in order to deliver a better healthcare services. I chose to start with education. I believe that assuring the quality medical schools is the threshold of a thriving health system. I was an active member in SCOME during my first year in Associa-Med and elected as a Local Officer on Medical Education during my second. I got the chance that year to set a foot in IFMSA. Landing in Turkey for the preGA was the turning point of my associative career. I took part in the Training Medical Education Trainers workshop and it opened my eyes to the incredible worldof medical education. During the past two years, my main focus was learning more and sharing the knowledge I had with medical students from my NMO. I facilitated and participated in many workshops, training sessions, general assemblies, and at every occasion, I was captivated by how much I could learn not only from the material presented in the sessions but also from the people around me. To shape the experience I gained in this period, I started in my term as a NOME, by assessing the situation in my country. In Tunisia, our schools are led with two approaches: a traditional and an innovative one.

The schools’ councils are having more young doctors and are taking the youth more into consideration. The dream of having finally a well-informed student representative in the school council pushed me, to focus on building knowledge about medical education, advocacy and students ‘representation amongst medical students in all the schools. As I worked on that, I found that medical students worldwide have proved they deserve their place as major stakeholders in decision making when it comes to their education. Through IFMSA, advocatesare playing an important role in the meaningful involvement of students in the cycle of their education whether it is through capacity building, empowerment or external representation. I have witnessed how impressive SCOME was during 3 IFMSA general assemblies, being a part of the SCOME sessions team in two of them have opened my eyes to the impact the leaders of this committee have on its members worldwide. “I think of myself not just as a dreamer, but as a dreal chaser ”, and today I feel it’s high time I started chasing my dream. The idea of having the chance to work with an international team, to have a clear strategy that will sustain SCOME and push it forward and to share this passion with students around the world motivated me to take a step forward and apply for the position of SCOME director. I am keen on planning and following clear procedures and guidelines, I use data analysis and logic to make almost all my decisions. I weigh all sides of an issue. But also, I believe in the effectiveness of teamwork and in its ability to achieve miracles. My main objective is to work by the side of a solid international team , that shares a vision and that serves the needs of the committee in the best possible way. I will be the link that unites them and the leader they can rely on, because, for me, the team is the ultimate champion in any journey. During this term, I am planning on building on the amazing work that has been instituted through the past few years. IFMSA in general and SCOME, in particular, have been going through a reform. We are moving from isolated projects to centralized activities and thanks to programs we are hoping to have more tangible outcomes on the NMO level and internationally. Along with the SCOME international team, I will implement an evaluation strategy and a cohesive working plan to enhance the communication between NMOs in order to unify the outcomes of the work. Someone once said: “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have ”. I think I have what it takes to be at this position, but also I value this experience as an opportunity to learn, participateand get more involved in IFMSA work. I pledge to be committed to my work during the whole term, to be an active and approachable team member and to show nothing but respect to IFMSA bylaws and values.

Arij Chatbri

Action Plan This action plan was built based on the job description of the SCOME director, the SCOME strategic plan 2015-2017 as well as my vision for the upcoming term. A successful term has to start with a proper handover and assessment of the previous activities. Therefore this AP will be open for change during the handover period and after consulting the current Program coordinators and the LME-elect. Please take into consideration that this is a preliminary plan and thus open for discussion.

Capacity building : As NMOs all around the world are working on different topics related to medical education whether through workshops, campaigns, student representation or publications, I believe it is our job to support them with the knowledge and the means to reach their goals. The SCOME director should prioritize capacity building as it is the threshold of an effective work and should mind the disparities between the regions by creating more opportunities in some NMOs/regions.

Capacity Building strategy A capacity building strategy will be elaborated after needs’ assessment and the consultation of NMOs in every region. We will work on more targeted and themed workshops that go under the SCOME vision for this term. We will promote SRTs within the regions in order to enhance the capacities of medical students to address the main challenges of their regions. After consultation with the RAs and NOMEs, an early release calendar will be elaborated with the different workshops, sessions to make sure all the SCOME members are informed.

TMET For the past two years, we’ve have witnessed an impressive increase in the number of TMET workshops in some NMOs and in the number of participants in the pre-IFMSA meetings workshops. TMET have enhanced the quality of active SCOME members and have improved the activities in the committee as they are built on strong bases and knowledge. The main challenges for the upcoming term, in my opinion, are the evaluation of the outcomes of the workshop delivered so far and the preparation of a solid support for the trainers . . Follow-up with the past TMET workshops After every TMET workshop, we will monitor closely the evaluation process and keep track of the activity of the new TMET trainers in their NMOs and in IFMSA to measure the outcomes and guarantee the sustainability.

. Revise the TMET regulations and promote TMET in the regions and NMOs I am planning to launch a survey amongst NMOs to evaluate the existing TMET regulations and to gather input to upgrade it. With the international team, I will work on promoting TMET in the NMOs/regions that need more Medical Education trainers in order to ensure continuous capacity building. . Enrich the SCOME public folder and provide TMET resources for the new trainers. As a TMET trainer, I noticed whenever I am preparing a session that we don’t have a database with all the necessary materials. We usually contact our TMET trainers or do our own research. I will contact the old TMET trainers, to collect the maximum of documents and create a full folder for TMET workshops that doesn’t only contain Medical Education materials but also soft skills training sessions ‘documents. . TMET manual Establishing a detailed TMET manual is requisite to help TMET trainers worldwide prepare their TMET workshops. We will define the objectives, tools and outcomes of every session in order to ease the work for the trainers and to assure the quality of the workshop. PS: Considering the relevance of TMET to the Medical Education Systems program, I will work with the program coordinator on every step of the way.

SCOME Strategic plan : To guarantee the prosperity and the sustainability of the standing committee a long-term plan must be put in place. This strategic plan guides the international team and the committee as a whole to accomplish its goals and move towards achieving its mission and vision. I believe it is fundamental for the SCOME director to refer to the strategy when establishing the annual working plan, therefore my focus points will be to: . Prepare an annual working plan based on the SCOME strategic plan 2015-2017 By this, I will ensure that the development of SCOME is in line with the SCOME strategy. Building on relevant ideas and having continuity in our work over more than one term is the key to an impactful committee that works on clear mission and vision. . Finalize the execution of the SCOME strategic plan 2014-2017 Prepare an annual report with detailed achievements and milestones in the past 3 years The report will evaluate the SCOME’s impact on medical education and will be shared with externals and partners. . Interim Evaluation of the Strategy 2014-2017 By March 2017, we will present the evaluation of the strategy 2014-2017 and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Standing Committee to build on its vision and mission and pave the way for the preparation of the strategy 2017-2020. . Adoption of the Strategy 2017-2020 After the March meeting 2017, we will start preparing the strategy 2017-2020 by collecting input from SCOME members, a SWG on the SCOME strategic plan, the SCOME International Team, the IFMSA Executive Board, and IFMSA members.

IFMSA Programs : IFMSA has been going through a reform. We are moving from isolated projects to centralized activities and thanks to programs we are hoping to have more tangible outcomes on the NMO level and internationally. Working on the programs will be a priority for this term. The annual plan for programs’ development will be elaborated during the handover. I will discuss the achievements of the programs so far with the Program coordinators and set a strategy to support the upcoming ones in addressing the future challenges. My main three areas of work will be: . Work closely with program coordinators to evaluate and develop the programs . Encourage NMOs to enroll their activities under relevant programs . Work on developing new programs that cover new areas of work in Medical Education : I was in the teaching medical skills program team for interim Juin 2015- September 2015 and I noticed, while going through the NMO reports and Activities ‘fair applications in order to list the activities under the existing programs, that many activities don’t fall under certain programs despite the impact they have and their relevance to the vision of SCOME.

NMOs communication and Support : The SCOME international team is the network that connects the SCOME-active NMOs. It’s a priority for us to support and empower all the NMOs and to make sure we back them to be up to the challenges they face. Our mission as in international team will target many areas:

. Ensuring the growth of SCOME in all the regions/NMOs:

My main goal will be to bridge the gap between NMOs from different regions. Working closely with the regional assistants, I will focus on assisting the NMOs which are not active in SCOME. We will discuss the possibility of implementing a sub-regional buddy-system with the Regional Assistants as a tool to empower SCOME in some NMOs and to share experience. . Developing and update the SCOME public folder: In collaboration with the TMET trainers and the SCOME International Team, I will make sure the public folder is updated after every workshop, sub-regional training, and every regional meeting in order to benefit every SCOME active member around the world. . Conducting general SCOME hangouts Themed SCOME hangouts are planned with the IT and externals if possible in order to discuss NMOs experience and ideas. Some of the webinars will have an educational background to benefit all the SCOME members worldwide, not only those who attend the workshops/GAs.

External representation : This point is to be developed with the LME-elect. I believe that the continuous collaboration between the LME and the SCOME-Director is crucial to building both of the annual plans of strong bases. My target areas will mainly be:

Capacity building

This consists in developing workshops on external representation in medical education. It will prepare the students for external meetings and enhance the quality of the work done by IFMSA delegates during these meetings.

Developing opportunities for students

Listing and sharing the opportunities for medical students in an early release calendar to make sure NOMEs around the world won’t miss them and share them with their members.

Policy statements

Policy statements are not only an important tool for advocacy but also they represent the position of the federation and what it stands for. They need to be discussed in our sessions and covered by our capacity building themes.

Regular functions : SCOME IT

The SCOME international team will be the leading structure of the committee during the whole term. Therefore, it needs to work on a strong foundation. After the selection of the assistants with the LME and the Regional Directors, I am planning individual meetings with them to listen to their vision and their objectives as RAs but also as members of the IT. The first meetings of the IT as a team will be important to set priorities, identify our opportunities and challenges and create a timeline for our working plans. Added to that, it is essential that we work on the team building and the values that should be respected during our term. We will define together our strategy from regular meetings to unceasing communication to collaboration.


Being in the SCOME sessions team twice allowed me to be familiar with the process of the preparation of the general assemblies’ sessions. My objectives will be: . Need-centered themes that offer the members a background to work beyond the session . A cohesive and early-formed sessions team. . Monitoring closely the preparation of the sessions ‘content. . Ensuring the presence of externals in the discussion of relevant topics. . Well-prepared and revised Survival and follow-up kits released before the deadlines.

. An internal and an external evaluation of the sessions and an evaluation report with

recommendations from the sessions team. Moreover, I plan on working side by side with the regional assistants when preparing the regional meetings. I will also watch over the follow-up and the evaluation process and assess the outcomes with the RA.


Transparency and visibility are my motto in every responsibility I take. Monthly reports of the IT will be available to public and will cover our work. I will discuss the possibility of regional reporting with the RAs and their NOMEs to get everyone to benefit from the experience of other NMOs. Finally, we will create a publicly-visible document in which every member of the IT shares the tasks he accomplished so far with a small description so that SCOME members can be always updated about the international work.

Team of Officials

If elected, I won’t be only working with SCOME members but also with the leading team of IFMSA. It will be my duty to: . Represent SCOME in the TO . Collaborate with others officials . Be present in the General assemblies, Team of Officials meeting and Regional meeting when possible. . Be active in decision making within the federation. I pledge to show nothing but respect, commitment, hard work and to be reliable and responsible.

Arij Chatbri

Curriculum Vitae Arij CHATBRI Tunisian Date and place of birth: 08/08/1994 Sousse Address: BP N°5 poste Bouhsina 4027 City- Country : Sousse- Tunisia Phone : +216 22204401 E-mail : Skype ID : arij.chatbri

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS : 2013-present DCEM2 : National diploma of doctor in medecine Sousse-Tunisia Faculty of medecine Ibn Al Jazzar de Sousse 2009-2013 Tunisian Baccalaureat Sousse-Tunisia Pioneer school of Sousse

PAST EXPERIENCE : 2011– 2012 Sousse, Tunisia 2011– 2012 Sousse, Tunisia 2013- Present Sousse, Tunisie

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Artistic committee of the pioneer school of Sousse occupied position: Treasurer. Junior Chamber International, Sousse Junior occupied position: Secretary General. Associa-Med Tunisia, Local Committee Sousse Local officer On Medical Education 2014-2015

Curriculum national coordinator of “Evaluation of the curriculum” project. Academic coordinator of the SRT: Training Medical Education Trainers, Mahdia 2015. Member of the OC of the Associa-Med’s NGA September 2014.

CURRENT EXPERIENCE: 2015 - 2016 Associa-Med Tunisia Sousse, Tunisie occupied position : National Officer on Medical Education


March meeting Turkey 2015: General Delegate. August meeting Macedonia 2015 : General delegate/SCOME sessions team March meeting Malta 2016: SCOME Support person


Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET) {PreMM Turkey 2015} Peer educator on human rights Global Surgery {PreAM Macedonia 2015}


IFMSA E-Newsletter April 2015 MSI 33 : Let’s evaluate our curriculum


Fundraising, project management, strategic planning, time and human resources management, public speaking.

Languages: Arabic: Native French: Bilingual English: Professional Spanish: Basic

ARIJ CHATBRI Associa-Med Tunisia +216 22 204 401

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