FOREWORD I hope you have had an opportunity to
In many ways this will be a SCO Season
enjoy the Orchestra’s online performance
like no other. As usual, it will have musical
of Beethoven’s Second Piano Concerto with
brilliance, creativity and joy at its very
Paul Lewis as part of this year’s Edinburgh
heart. However, to ensure as many people
International Festival. We were thrilled to
as possible can share in our performances,
be invited to take part in My Light Shines
our autumn programme will be a mix of
On, the Festival’s imaginative response
both live and online events.
to the challenges of 2020. If you have not seen the film, do look it up on the Festival’s
To that end, I could not be happier that to
website. (
open our new Season, Nicola Benedetti and
sco-paullewis) As well as Beethoven, you will
Maxim Emelyanychev will join the SCO for
find several other specially recorded Festival
a specially filmed performance of Bruch’s
performances featuring SCO principal
much-loved Violin Concerto No 1, kindly
sponsored by Quilter Cheviot. Please do join us online on Thursday 24 September.
These very welcome projects have given us all a huge boost, as well as great hope
These are of course unsettling and difficult
and optimism that there will be many
times for everyone. For those of us involved
more opportunities to perform for you in
in the arts it is clear the route back to safe
the coming weeks and months. Indeed,
ground has some way to go, with many
hope and optimism have become bywords
challenges still ahead. So, I should like to
as we continue to plan and re-plan both
reiterate my enormous gratitude
our forthcoming Winter Season and our
and appreciation to all those
extensive Creative Learning programme.
people who have been so generous and supportive over
We have been working hard with our
the last few months. Your
players to create an autumn programme
donations have been most
that showcases their skills as chamber
welcome and very gratefully
and orchestral musicians. As restrictions
received. Thank you.
hopefully start to ease in the coming weeks and prospects for a return to live
I do hope you enjoy
performance become more of a reality, we
reading our news.
look forward to sharing both our plans and our music-making with you, just as soon as
Gavin Reid
we can.
Chief Executive