1 minute read
The Great Grumpy Gaboon (World Premiere)*
CORRINA CAMPBELL Story and illustrations
Gordon Bragg Conductor
Fri 9 Feb, 1.15pm
Perth Concert Hall (Schools Concert)
Sat 10 Feb, 12pm and 2.30pm Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh
Sun 11 Feb, 2pm City Halls, Glasgow
£12 adults, £6 Under 18s, £30 Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children)
Listen very carefully, Can you hear a sad tune?
Those are the moans and the groans of The Great Grumpy Gaboon!
Have you ever felt grumpy? That is exactly how the poor Gaboon feels – really, REALLY grumpy! While the Gaboon’s friends try everything to figure out what’s wrong, none of them realise that a musical mischief-maker is lurking in the shadows of the orchestra who holds the key to the Gaboon’s mood.
Join the Grumpy Gaboon and friends on this brand-new musical adventure as together they discover the importance of friendship and forgiveness.
These relaxed concerts are ideal for children aged four to eight and their grown-ups and provide an opportunity to hear live music in an informal environment.