The Heart of Night – Season 22/23 – Programme – SCO Chorus

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20 – 21 Dec 2022

Season 2022/23


20 & 21 December, 7.30pm Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh

Sheppard Verbum caro factum est

Reading 1: A Winter Night

Rutter Hymn to the Creator of Light Ord Adam lay ybounden Poston Jesus Christ the Apple Tree

Reading 2: The Kindness of Trees Pärt Da pacem Domine

Clyne The Heart of Night Pearsall In dulci jubilo

Reading 3: If I sleep while my baby sleeps Bax Mater ora filium

Reading 4: A Visit from St Nicholas Lauridsen O magnum mysterium

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Chorus Gregory Batsleer Conductor Jenny Hulse Reader

Please note there will be no interval.

4 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5AB +44 (0)131 557 6800 | |

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra is a charity registered in Scotland No. SC015039. Company registration No. SC075079.

The SCO is extremely grateful to the Scottish Government and to the City of Edinburgh Council for their continued support. We are also indebted to our Business Partners, all of the charitable trusts, foundations and lottery funders who support our projects, and to the very many individuals who are kind enough to give us financial support and who enable us to do so much. Each and every donation makes a difference and we truly appreciate it.

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Lucinda and Hew Bruce-Gardyne Malcolm and Avril Gourlay

James and Felicity Ivory

Christine Lessels

Clair and Vincent Ryan Alan and Sue Warner


Eric G Anderson

David Caldwell in memory of Ann Tom and Alison Cunningham

John and Jane Griffiths

Judith and David Halkerston

J Douglas Home Audrey Hopkins

David and Elizabeth Hudson Dr and Mrs Peter Jackson Dr Daniel Lamont Chris and Gill Masters Duncan and Una McGhie Anne-Marie McQueen James F Muirhead

Patrick and Susan Prenter

Mr and Mrs J Reid

Martin and Mairi Ritchie

Elaine Ross

Hilary E Ross

George Rubienski

Jill and Brian Sandford

Michael and Elizabeth Sudlow

Robert and Elizabeth Turcan

Tom and Natalie Usher

Anny and Bobby White Finlay and Lynn Williamson

Ruth Woodburn


Lord Matthew Clarke James and Caroline Denison-Pender Andrew and Kirsty Desson David and Sheila Ferrier Chris and Claire Fletcher James Friend

Iain Gow Ian Hutton

David Kerr

Gordon Kirk

Robert Mackay and Philip Whitley Mike and Karen Mair Anne McAlister and Philip Sawyer Gavin McEwan Roy and Svend McEwan-Brown Alan Moat

John and Liz Murphy Alison and Stephen Rawles Andrew Robinson Ian S Swanson

John-Paul and Joanna Temperley Anne Usher

Catherine Wilson Neil and Philippa Woodcock G M Wright

Bruce and Lynda Wyer


Roy Alexander

Joseph I Anderson

Pamela Andrews and Alan Norton

Dr Peter Armit

William Armstrong Fiona and Neil Ballantyne

Timothy Barnes and Janet Sidaway

The Batsleer Family

Jack Bogle

Jane Borland

Michael and Jane Boyle Mary Brady

Elizabeth Brittin

John Brownlie

Laura Buist

Robert Burns

Sheila Colvin

Lorn and Camilla Cowie

Lord and Lady Cullen of Whitekirk Adam and Lesley Cumming Jo and Christine Danbolt

Dr Wilma Dickson

James Dunbar-Nasmith Dr and Mrs Alan Falconer Sheila Ferguson

Dr James W E Forrester Dr William Fortescue

Jeanette Gilchrist

David Gilmour

Dr David Grant Margaret Green Andrew Hadden

J Martin Haldane Ronnie and Ann Hanna Ruth Hannah Robin Harding Roderick Hart Norman Hazelton Ron and Evelynne Hill Clephane Hume Tim and Anna Ingold David and Pamela Jenkins Catherine Johnstone Julie and Julian Keanie Marty Kehoe Professor Christopher and Mrs Alison Kelnar Dr and Mrs Ian Laing Janey and Barrie Lambie Graham and Elma Leisk Geoff Lewis Dorothy A Lunt Vincent Macaulay Joan MacDonald Isobel and Alan MacGillivary Jo-Anna Marshall

James McClure in memory of Robert Duncan Gavin McCrone Michael McGarvie Brian Miller James and Helen Moir Alistair Montgomerie Margaret Mortimer and Ken Jobling Andrew Murchison Hugh and Gillian Nimmo David and Tanya Parker Hilary and Bruce Patrick Maggie Peatfield John Peutherer in memory of Audrey Peutherer

James S Potter Alastair Reid Fiona Reith Olivia Robinson Catherine Steel Ian Szymanski Michael and Jane Boyle Douglas and Sandra Tweddle Margaretha Walker James Wastle C S Weir Bill Welsh Roderick Wylie

We believe the thrill of live orchestral music should be accessible to everyone, so we aim to keep the price of concert tickets as fair as possible. However, even if a performance were completely sold out, we would not cover the presentation costs.

We are indebted to everyone acknowledged here who gives philanthropic gifts to the SCO of £300 or greater each year, as well as those who prefer to remain anonymous. We are also incredibly thankful to the many individuals not listed who are kind enough to support the Orchestra financially, whether that is regularly or on an ad hoc basis. Every single donation makes a difference and we are truly grateful.

Become a regular donor, from as little as £5 a month, by contacting Mary Clayton on 0131 478 8369 or


Our Principal Conductor’s Circle is made up of individuals who share the SCO’s vision to bring the joy of music to as many people as possible. These individuals are a special part of our musical family, and their commitment and generosity benefit us all – musicians, audiences and creative learning participants alike. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to them for playing such a key part in the future of the SCO.

American Development Fund

Erik Lars Hansen and Vanessa C L Chang Kenneth and Martha Barker

Creative Learning Fund David and Maria Cumming

Annual Fund James and Patricia Cook Dr Caroline N Hahn Hedley G Wright


Conductor Emeritus Joseph Swensen

Donald and Louise MacDonald

Chorus Director Gregory Batsleer Anne McFarlane

Viola Steve King Sir Ewan and Lady Brown

Principal Cello Philip Higham The Thomas Family

Cello Donald Gillan

Professor Sue Lightman Cello Eric de Wit Jasmine Macquaker Charitable Fund

Visiting Artists Fund

Colin and Sue Buchan Anne and Matthew Richards Productions Fund The Usher Family

International Touring Fund Gavin and Kate Gemmell

Principal Second Violin Marcus Barcham Stevens Jo and Alison Elliot

Principal Flute André Cebrián Claire and Mark Urquhart

Principal Oboe Robin Williams Hedley G Wright

Principal Clarinet Maximiliano Martín Stuart and Alison Paul

Principal Bassoon Cerys Ambrose-Evans Claire and Anthony Tait

Principal Timpani Louise Lewis Goodwin Geoff and Mary Ball


The Heart Of Night



Kirstin Anderson

Naomi Black Emily Borrill

Nancy Burns Joanna Burns Morven Chisholm Mairi Day

Joanne Dunwell

Gregory Batsleer

Chorus Director

Stuart Hope Associate Chorusmaster

Alan Beck Voice Coach

Emma Morwood Voice Coach

Susan White Chorus Manager

* Young Singers' Programme

Lucy Forde Emily Gifford Nicola Henderson Lisa Johnston Katie McGlew Jenny Nex Alison Robson Alison Williams Emily Zehetmayr*

ALTO Shona Banks Dinah Bourne Sarah Campbell Judith Colman Liberty Emeny Anne Gallacher

Claire Goodenough Holly Gowen*

Anne Grindley

Melissa Humphreys

Rachel Kemp

Elaine McAdam Hilde McKenna

Jan Raitt Linda Ruxton Anna Yule


Richard Allison Matthew Andrews David Ferrier

Colin French Ian Gibson Peter Hanman

Fraser Macdonald* Keith Main Michael Scanlon

Paul Vaughan

BASS Mathew Brown Gavin Easton Richard Hyder Donald MacLeod Sandy Matheson Kenneth Murray Douglas Nicholson David Paterson

Peter Silver Stephen Todd Roderick Wylie

Information correct at the time of going to print

The Heart Of Night TEXTS

John Sheppard (c. 1515 – 1558)

Verbum caro factum est Text from The Gospel according to John, 1:14; 1:1

Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis Cuius gloriam vidimus quasi unigeniti a Patre, Plenum gratie et varitatis.

In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat verbum. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Reading 1: William Barnes (1801 – 1886) A

Winter Night

John Rutter (b.1945) Hymn to the Creator of Light

Texts: Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) transl. Alexander Whyte; J.Franck (1618 – 1677) transl. Catherine Winkworth (adapted)

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, glory be to Thee, Creator of the visible light, The sun’s ray, the flame of fire; Creator also of the light invisible and intellectual: That which is known of God, the light invisible. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, glory be to Thee, Creator of the Light, for writings of the law, glory be to Thee: for oracles of prophets, glory be to Thee: for melody of psalms, glory be to Thee: for wisdom of proverbs, glory be to Thee: experience of histories, glory be to Thee: a light which never sets. God is the Lord, who hath shewed us light.

Light, who dost my soul enlighten; Sun, who all my life dost brighten; Joy, the sweetest man e’er knoweth; Fount, whence all my being floweth. From Thy banquet let me measure, Lord, how vast and deep its treasure; Through the gifts Thou here dost give us, As Thy guest in heaven receive us.

Please turn the page quietly...

Boris Ord (1897 – 1961) Adam lay ybounden

Text: 15th century, of unknown origin Adam lay ybounden, Bounden in a bond, Four thousand winter Thought he not too long.

And all was for an apple, An apple that he took, As clerkés finden, Written in their book.

Ne had the apple taken been, The apple taken been, Ne had never our lady A-been hevene queen.

Blessed be the time That apple taken was Therefore we must singen Deo gracias, Deo gracias! (Thanks be to God!)

Elizabeth Poston (1905 - 1987)

Jesus Christ the Apple Tree

The tree of life my soul hath seen, Laden with fruit and always green: The trees of nature fruitless be Compared with Christ the apple tree.

His beauty doth all things excel: By faith I know, but ne'er can tell The glory which I now can see In Jesus Christ the apple tree.

For happiness I long have sought, And pleasure dearly I have bought: I missed of all; but now I see 'Tis found in Christ the apple tree.

I'm weary with my former toil, Here I will sit and rest awhile: Under the shadow I will be, Of Jesus Christ the apple tree.

This fruit doth make my soul to thrive, It keeps my dying faith alive; Which makes my soul in haste to be With Jesus Christ the apple tree.

Reading 2: Jackie Kay (b. 1961) The Kindness of Trees

Text from Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs compiled by Joshua Smith, New Hampshire, 1784
Please turn the page quietly...

Da pacem, Domine

In diebus nostris Quia non est alius Qui pugnet pro nobis Nisi tu Deus noster.

Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)

Da pacem Domine

Text: The Book of Common Prayer, 1549 Give peace, O Lord In our time

Because there is none other That fighteth for us But only Thou, O Lord.

Anna Clyne (b. 1980)

The Heart of Night (SCO Commission) Text: William Bliss Carman (1861 – 1929)

When all the stars are sown Across the night-blue space, With the immense unknown, In silence face to face. We stand in speechless awe While Beauty marches by, And wonder at the Law Which wears such majesty. How small a thing is man In all that world-sown vast, That he should hope or plan Or dream his dream could last!

O doubter of the light, Confused by fear and wrong, Lean on the heart of night And let love make thee strong!

The Good that is the True Is clothed with Beauty still. Lo, in their tent of blue, The stars above the hill!

Robert Pearsall (1795 – 1856) In dulci jubilo Text and melody: Mediaeval

In dulci jubilo

Let us our homage shew; Our heart’s joy reclineth In praesepio; And like a bright star shineth Matris in gremio, Alpha es et O!

O Jesu parvule, I yearn for thee alway! Hear me, I beseech Thee, O puer optime; My prayer let it reach Thee, O princeps gloriae! Trahe me post te.

O patris caritas, O Nati lenitas! Deeply were we stainéd Per nostra criminal; But Thou for us hast gained Coelorum gaudia, O that we were there!

Ubi sunt gaudia, If that they be not there? There are angels singing Nova cantica; There the bells are ringing In Regis curia: O that we were there!

There are angels singing There the bells are ringing In Regis curia: O that we were there! O that we were there!

In sweet rejoicing

Let us our homage shew; Our heart’s joy reclineth In the manger And like a bright star shineth In the mother’s lap You are the Alpha and Omega!

O baby Jesus

I yearn for thee alway! Hear me, I beseech Thee, O best boy My prayer let it reach Thee, O prince of glory Draw me to you

O the love of the Father O gentleness born Deeply were we stainéd by our sins But Thou for us hast gained the joys of Heaven O that we were there!

Where are the joys If that they be not there? There are angels singing A new song There the bells are ringing In the King’s court O that we were there!

There are angels singing There the bells are ringing In the King’s court O that we were there! O that we were there!

Please turn the page quietly...

Reading 3: Alice B. Fogel (b. 1952)

If I sleep while my baby sleeps

Arnold Bax (1883 – 1953)

Mater ora filium

Text: Mediaeval

Mater ora Filium Ut post hoc exilium Nobis donet gaudium Beatorum omnium Amen.

Mother, pray thy Son That, after this exile He may grant us the joy Of all the blessed ones. Amen.

Fair maiden, Who is this bairn That thou bearest in thine arm? Sir, it is a kingés son That in Heaven above doth wone.

Mater ora Filium . . .

Man to father He had none But himself God alone

Of a maiden He would be born To save mankind that was forlorn.

Mater ora Filium . . .

The kings brought Him presents Gold, myrrh and frankincense. Allelujah

To my son full of might, King of kings and Lord of Right. Allelujah.

Mater ora Filium . . .

Fair maiden, Pray for us Unto thy Son, sweet Jesus That he may send us of His grace In Heav’n on high to have a place

Mater ora Filium . . .

Reading 4: Clement Clark Moore (1779 – 1863)

A Visit from St. Nicholas

Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943)

O magnum mysterium

O magnum mysterium et admirabile sacramentum, ut animalia viderent Dominum natum, jacentem in praesepio!

Beata Virgo, cuijus viscera meruerunt, portare Dominum Christum. Alleluia!

O great mystery, and wondrous sacrament, that animals should see the new-born Lord, lying in their manger!

Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

Chorus Director


Gregory Batsleer is acknowledged as one of the leading choral conductors of his generation, winning widespread recognition for his creativity and vision. Since taking on the role of SCO Chorus Director in 2009 he has led the development of the Chorus, overseeing vocal coaching, the SCO Young Singers’ Programme and the emergence of regular a capella concerts. As well as preparing the Chorus for regular performances with the Orchestra, he has directed their recent successful appearances at the Edinburgh International Jazz, East Neuk, Glasgow Cathedral and St Andrews Voices Festivals, at Greyfriars Kirk, and on the SCO’s Summer Tour earlier this year.

In 2021 Gregory took up the position of Festival Director for the London Handel Festival. He leads the programming and development of the Festival, fulfilling its mission to bring Handel’s music to the widest possible audiences. Since 2017 he has been Artistic Director of Huddersfield Choral Society and was Chorus Director with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra from 2015 - 2021.

As Guest Conductor Gregory has worked with many of the UK’s leading orchestras and ensembles. Recent highlights include performances with the Royal Northern Sinfonia, RSNO, National Youth Choir of Great Britain, Orchestra of Opera North, Manchester Camerata, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, English Chamber Orchestra and London Symphony Chorus, as well as SCO.

From 2012 to 2017, he was Artistic Director of the National Portrait Gallery’s Choir in Residence programme, the first ever in-house music programme of any gallery or museum in the world. He has curated and devised performances for the Southbank Centre, Wilderness Festival and Latitude and collaborated with leading cultural figures across a variety of different art forms. Gregory is the co-founder and conductor of Festival Voices, a versatile ensemble dedicated to cross-art collaboration.

As a non-executive director, Gregory sits on the boards of Manchester Camerata and Charades Theatre Company. His outstanding work as a choral director was recognised with the 2015 Arts Foundation’s first-ever Fellowship in Choral Conducting.

Gregory’s Chair is kindly supported by Anne McFarlane


The Scottish Chamber Orchestra Chorus, under the direction of Gregory Batsleer since 2009, has built a reputation as one of Scotland’s most vibrant and versatile choirs. Widely regarded as one of the finest orchestral choruses in the UK, it celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2021.

Members enjoy the unique opportunity to perform with one of the world’s leading chamber orchestras, working with international conductors including Maxim Emelyanychev, Harry Christophers, Richard Egarr, Andrew Manze, John Storgårds and Sir James MacMillan.

The Chorus appears regularly with the Orchestra in Scotland’s major cities. Recent concerts have covered a wide range of music including MacMillan Seven Last Words from the Cross, Stravinsky Mass, Handel Messiah and Theodora, Haydn Seasons, Beethoven ‘Choral’ Symphony and Missa Solemnis, Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem, a rare performance of Vaughan Williams Flos Campi and the premiere of The Years by Anna Clyne, SCO Associate Composer 2019-2022.

The SCO Chorus also appears on its own in a cappella repertoire, both digital and live, including an acclaimed performance of Tallis’ Spem in Alium at Greyfriars Kirk and concerts as part of the SCO’s 2022 Summer Tour including the premiere of Anna Clyne’s The Heart of Night. Its annual Christmas concerts have quickly established themselves as a Season highlight.

Other notable out-of-Season appearances have included a critically-acclaimed debut at the BBC Proms in Handel’s Jephtha in 2019 and a dramatised performance of Parry’s Songs of Farewell in 2017, devised by stage director Jack Furness and Chorus Director Gregory Batsleer.

Our Young Singers' Programme was established in 2015 to nurture and develop aspiring young singers. It is designed for young people with a high level of choral experience and ambitions to further their singing with a world-class ensemble.

Further information at

The SCO Chorus Young Singers' Programme is kindly supported by the Baird Educational Trust.



Jenny trained at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Since graduating in 2008 she has worked extensively in theatre, television and film.

Notable theatre companies include Edinburgh’s Royal Lyceum, Traverse Theatre, Citizens Theatre, Derby Theatre, Ustinov Theatre, The Print Room, Vanishing Point and Vox Motus.

She has played the notorious Amber Murdoch in BBC Scotland’s River City since 2015 and has also appeared in Outlaw King (Netflix) In Plain Sight and Taggart, (ITV) Walter’s War and Adventures of Daniel (BBC) and The Wee Man.

Jenny would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Come join the lavish celebrations as the SCO marks the arrival of 2023 in style, with conductor Joseph Swensen.

Sun 1 Jan, 3pm Usher Hall, Edinburgh


Joseph Swensen Conductor Kolja Blacher Violin


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A warm welcome to everyone who has recently joined our family of donors, and a big thank you to everyone who is helping to secure our future.

Monthly or annual contributions from our donors make a real difference to the SCO’s ability to budget and plan ahead with more confidence. In these extraordinarily challenging times, your support is more valuable than ever.

For more information on how you can become a regular donor, please get in touch with Mary Clayton on 0131 478 8369 or email

The SCO is a charity registered in Scotland No SC015039.


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