Rules of time Time is the most valuable thing as it cannot be saved, it can only be spent. Time is money as much as you use your time in productive work you will earn more money. Some people don’t value time and waste their time on unwanted things they don’t realize the value of it till it’s too late to re-correct things because when time pass it will never come back at it same. Time is like your age as we grow age by age, we can’t go back to the previous age same goes with time as it passed we can’t get that back at any cost. Example like some time student neglect their studies over playing or some other things then at the time of exam they want to grab everything from the books but in result they end with totally messed up things and in exam they didn't get marks that they expected but if they have used their time in proper manner from the starting of the session then they have all the things proper planned and memorize answers or topic at the time of exam this is the difference of how you used your time because time can’t be saved it can only spend and that totally depends on how you are spending your time.
Some rules To best utilize your time Rule 1 - Have Goals: Bening effective with your time
is of no use when you don’t know how to do or when to do and when it will be done. You should set your goals where you want to reach to avoid wasting time in calculating things in between the task like you are driving the car very fast and you don’t know the right direction where you want to go then driving fast will not help you because as you don’t know the right direction ultimately you will lose time finding the correct direction. But you can avoid this type of wasting of time setting up the goals in the beginning like if you have set up the direction before leaving then you can save time in search of direction or going in the wrong direction. Rule 2 - Analyze how you spend your time: It will be
helpful to know how you spent your time. There are many helpful online tools are there by which you can track your time in hourly basis, you can write the notes of work done in that hour, then at
the end of the day give check to those notes that you're spending time on correct thing or you can change that thing next day to any productive work. Rule 3 - Have a To Do List: The base of every time
management system is to do list one should always make a list of things needs to be done in a day to avoid wasting time in remembering things and if not recalled at the correct time it wastes the next day time do so to do list is important. Rule 4 - Prioritize your To Do List: Always give priority
to your most important item in your to-do list that will be more beneficial to you because that will help you to make a better output in that particular time. Rule 5 - Control Procrastination: Don’t postpone
things for the next day if you are not able to complete that in the present time, then make notes and highlight it so that next day first thing you can complete that, otherwise it will go a back step and you will forget that work and that can lead to waste of time.
Rule 6 – Organize: Organize your time in a proper
way so that you can complete your task in the given time frame. Because every work is important in their own terms, but it’s you who will organize your work in a better way so that you can complete in time. Rule 7 – Delegate: This will help to get new ideas
from others and their work power to do the work faster that can consume your time to complete the particular task. Some time will be training for the person who is helping you, don’t worry short term time spent will help you in the long run.
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