Opera in Two Acts
Libretto by April de Angelis
Full Score
Opera in Two Acts
Libretto by April de Angelis
Full Score
Libretto by April de Angelis
Full Score
To Jim and Hilary Potter
Special thanks to:
Emily Shuckbergh
Dame Fiona Reynolds
Chris Huhne
Charles Ainger
River Codrington Fernandez
Commissioned by Glyndebourne and Saffron Hall Trust.
Project initiated by Jim Potter and generously supported by Jim and Hilary Potter
Lola Green, 15
Angela Green, Lola’s mother
High lyric soprano
Dramatic mezzo-soprano
Zoe Green, 18, Lola’s sister Soprano
Clive Green, Lola’s father
Doctor Tenor
A schoolkid
Townsperson 1
Townsperson 2
Townsperson 3
Birch tree
Bracket Fungus
Police (Act 1 Scene 9)
Workers (Act 2)*
Teenage Activists**
Schoolkids/Young people
Schoolkids in Act 1 Scene 9/
River/Young People (Act 2 Scene 5)
People of all ages
Teenage high or low voice
Adult high voice (or small group)
Adult (or small group)
Adult low voice (or small group)
Adult high voice
Teenage or adult high voice
Small child, high voice
Adult low voice
Mixed adult, unison (c 5) loud voices, possibly with megaphones
Mixed adult, unison (c 5)
10 solo teenage voices (soprano, mezzo, 1 boy treble***)
Teenage SATB chorus (c 20)
Large teenage SATB chorus (c 75–100)
Adult mixed SATB chorus
* Police in Act 2 are non-singing Police in Act 1 could become Workers in Act 2
** Activists are all real people� Physical resemblance to the real person is not expected: a suitable theatrical convention might involve holding a placard with the real person’s photo If needed, Activists might share a mic in Scene 4
*** Could be soprano or tenor� Francisco is 12 in 2019�
In general, the tenors and basses of the Youth Chorus should sound an octave lower than written but, given the shifting character of developing voices, chorus directors should feel free to choose the best part for particular voices; to transpose occasional low notes up an octave if necessary; or to distribute vocal lines as best suits their particular chorus� In passages marked *¬ tenors and basses may need to sing at the written pitch, not an octave lower
Where the chorus is split into two or more groups, a mixture of high and low, male and female voices in each group is expected
The orchestra may combine professionals and youth players in a ‘side-by-side’ arrangement, where the youth player is the second or inside player
2 Flutes (2nd doubling Piccolo)
2 Oboes (2nd doubling Cor Anglais)
2 Clarinets (2nd doubling Bass Clarinet)
2 Bassoons (2nd doubling Contrabassoon)
4 Horns
3 Trumpets
3 Trombones
Percussion (3 players)
1: Vibraphone, Bass Drum, Maracas, three Wood Blocks, Whip, Hi-Hat, Snare Drum, Crotales, Guiro, Glockenspiel
2: Glockenspiel, Snare Drum, Xylophone, Tambourine, Suspended Cymbal, Guiro, four Tom Toms, Anvil, Maracas, Whip, Cymbals
3: Marimba, Cymbals, Triangle, Cabasa, Temple Blocks, Hi Hat, Tam-tam, Congas, Brake Drum/Car Spring, Vibraslap, Xylophone, Crotales
Onstage percussion (7 players)
(Act 1 Scene 9, Act 2 Scene 3)
1: Claves, Guiro, Shaker
2: Bongos
3: Snare Drum, Timbales
4, 5, 7: Tom-tom
6: Tom-toms
Act 1: c 1 hour
Act 2: c 45 minutes
h= 60
2 Flutes (2nd doubling Piccolo) 2 Oboes (2nd doubling Cor Anglais) 2 Clarinets in Bb (2nd doubling Bass Clarinet)
h= 60
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cresc. poco a poco
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cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco
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cresc. poco a poco
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For perusal only
The YOUNG PEOPLE also join in and begin to transform the wasteland of the stage. Years pass.
Jonathan Dove (b. 1959) studied composition with Robin Holloway at the University of Cambridge and worked as a freelance repetiteur, animateur and arranger. His breakthrough came with the opera Flight, commissioned by Glyndebourne. Other dramatic works include The Adventures of Pinocchio, Swanhunter, the young people’s opera The Monster in the Maze, Mansfield Park – based on the novel by Jane Austen –and Man on the Moon. Works for orchestra include the trombone concerto Stargazer, Moonlight Revels for trumpet and saxophone, and Gaia Theory, performed at the 2014 BBC Proms. A Song of Joys and Our Revels Now Are Ended were featured at the Last Night of the Proms in 2010 and 2016, respectively. Dove was awarded the Ivor Novello Award for Classical Music in 2008 and created a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 2019.
Jonathan Dove (*1959) studierte bei Robin Holloway an der Universität Cambridge Komposition und war als Korrepetitor und Arrangeur tätig. Der Durchbruch gelang ihm mit der Oper Flight, einem Auftragswerk der Festspiele in Glyndebourne. Daneben umfasst sein dramatisches Schaffen u.a. die Opern Pinocchios Abenteuer und Swanhunter, die Jugendoper Das Labyrinth, Mansfield Park – nach dem Roman von Jane Austen –und Man on the Moon. Zu seinen Orchesterwerken zählen das Posaunenkonzert Stargazer, Moonlight Revels für Trompete und Saxophon sowie Gaia Theory, das 2014 bei den BBC Proms erklang. A Song of Joys und Our Revels Now Are Ended kamen bei der Last Night of the Proms 2010 bzw. 2016 zur Aufführung. Im Jahr 2008 erhielt Dove den Ivor Novello Award für klassische Musik, 2019 wurde er zum Commander of the British Empire (CBE) ernannt.