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Muhly, Nico Drones and Violin

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Chester Music Limited Part of the Music Sales Group

COMPOSER’S NOTE Drones & Violin was written for Pekka Kuusisto, and was commissioned by the Muziekgebouw, Eindhoven. Each movement begins with either the piano or violin establishing a drone which lasts for the duration of the movement. The first bar of each movement can be quite long. The drone should remain loosely indifferent to the other part, avoiding any overly dramatic commentary. That having been said, the droning player should feel free to subtly and constantly change the nature of the sound. Rests are meant to be played freely, expanding and contracting as the spirit moves the soloists, but the notes should be played in relatively even time. The space between the movements can work either with very short pauses or with no pauses at all; this is left up to the discretion of the performers. The drones for Drones & Violin can be augmented by any combination of other instruments. One successful version of this involved the pianist and violinist centre stage, with a small ensemble of melodicas, violins, and synthesizers sitting on the floor, playing unamplified. It is crucial that the drones sit slightly below the piano and violin in volume. Additionally, while the drones should rise and fall in volume subtly and randomly, after the fashion of distant clouds, they should never follow the dynamics of the primary instruments. It is also entirely possible and somewhat desirable to have the drones for the first movement start, if it is convenient or sensible, long before the concert begins, as the audience enters, or during an interval. Nico Muhly 2011

Duration: c. 11 minutes


for Pekka Kuusisto

DRONES & VIOLIN Nico Muhly (2011)

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Copyright © 2011 by St. Rose Music Publishing Co. and Music Sales Corp., New York, NY. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Chester Music Limited. Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is prohibited by Federal law and subject to criminal prosecution.



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