Diffusing Grains
for percussion ensemble
Score and Parts
ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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Diffusing Grains
for percussion ensemble
POD PETERS on demand
ISSUU Version For perusal only
Vibraphone 1 + low Tom-Tom
Marimba 1 + low Tom-Tom and medium Tam
Vibraphone 2 + Gran Cassa and large Tam
Marimba 2 + low Tom-Tom and small Tam
Bass Marimba + Gran Cassa
All Tams are prepared with 2-3 small wooden objects on wires hanging from the frames The wooden objects (preferable round) should rattle even when the Tam is played softly
All mallet instruments are played with ordinary mallets but are also prepared with drum sticks in different registers, for detailed info see the score The drum sticks should be attached to the frame of the instrument with a string to keep it from falling off
All drums (Tom-Tom and Gran Cassa) are prepared with drum sticks laying on the drum skin and attached to the frame to keep them from falling off
Commissioned by Percussion Claviers de Lyon
Premiered March 17:th 2012 in Lyon by Percussion Claviers de Lyon
Aufführungsdauer / Duration: 15 Min.
Aufführungsmaterial leihweise erhältlich / Orchestral material is available for hire
Vibraphone 1
Marimba 1
Put rattling drum sticks over the entire register that is used
ISSUU Version For perusal only
Diffusing Grains
senza misura
Vibraphone 2
Marimba 2 Bass Marimba
Put rattling drum sticks over the entire register that is used
(medium) Tam-tam (large)
Put rattling drum sticks over the entire register that is used
Put rattling drum sticks over the entire register that is used
Tam-tam (small)
Put rattling drum sticks over the entire register that is used
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
(if played on F-vibraphone, play the pitches out of range one octave
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
Nota bene! Keep the common tempo! with rattling drum stick attached to the
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start to focus more and more on the accents and gradually fade out the rest of the notes duration of diminuendo ≈ 10-15''
start to focus more and more on the accents and gradually fade out the rest of the notes duration of diminuendo ≈ 10-15''
start to focus more and more on the accents and gradually fade out the rest of the notes duration of diminuendo
start to focus more and more on the accents and gradually fade out the rest of the notes duration of diminuendo ≈ 10-15''
start to focus more and more on the accents and gradually fade out the rest of the notes duration of diminuendo ≈ 10-15''
For perusal only
add the tam-tam every third hit
add the tam-tam every fourth hit
add the tam-tam every second hit
use slow, long bow strokes (the rhythmic notation is only meant to indicate when to start a bow stroke) with
use slow, long bow strokes (the rhythmic notation is only meant to indicate when to start a bow stroke)
ISSUU Version For perusal only
use slow, long bow strokes (the rhythmic notation is only meant to indicate when
with bow use slow, long bow strokes (the rhythmic notation is only meant to indicate when to start a bow stroke)
use slow, long bow strokes (the rhythmic notation is only meant to indicate when to start a bow stroke)
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version For perusal only
ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version
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ISSUU Version For perusal only
Edition Peters
For more than 200 years, Edition Peters has been synonymous with excellence in classical music publishing. Established in 1800 with the keyboard works of J. S. Bach, by 1802 the company had acquired Beethoven’s First Symphony. In the years following, an active publishing policy enabled the company to expand its catalogue with new works by composers such as Brahms, Grieg and Liszt, followed in the twentieth century by Richard Strauss, Arnold Schoenberg and John Cage.
Today, with its offices in Leipzig, London and New York publishing the work of living composers from around the world, Edition Peters maintains its role as a champion of new music. At the same time, the company’s historic and educational catalogues continue to be developed with award-winning critical and pedagogical editions.
Seit über 200 Jahren steht die Edition Peters für höchste Qualität im Bereich klassischer Notenausgaben. Gegründet im Jahr 1800, begann der Verlag seine Tätigkeit mit der Herausgabe von Bachs Musik für Tasteninstrumente. Schon 1802 kamen die Rechte an Beethovens erster Sinfonie hinzu. In der Folgezeit wuchs der Katalog um neue Werke von Komponisten wie Brahms, Grieg und Liszt sowie – im 20. Jahrhundert – Richard Strauss, Arnold Schönberg und John Cage.
Als Verleger zahlreicher zeitgenössischer Komponisten aus aller Welt ist die Edition Peters mit ihren Standorten Leipzig, London und New York auch weiterhin Anwalt neuer Musik. Zugleich wird das Verlagsprogramm im klassischen wie im pädagogischen Bereich kontinuierlich durch vielfach preisgekrönte Ausgaben erweitert.
The Peters Contemporary Chamber Series offers the opportunity to discover new works to programme, study and play. Representing the full breadth of our library of modern chamber music, this curated series of performance materials ranges from established repertoire to pieces recently premiered.
Mit einer sorgfältigen Auswahl aus unserem breitgefächerten Katalog moderner Kammermusik lädt die Peters Contemporary Chamber Series dazu ein, neues Repertoire zu entdecken, zu erkunden und zu Gehör zu bringen. In Form von Aufführungsmaterialien umfasst sie etablierte Werke ebenso wie erst kürzlich uraufgeführte Kompositionen.