Rebecca Saunders_Taste_EP14653_Score_ISSUU Version - For perusal only_Extracts

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for Violin and Piano

ISSUU Version

For perusal only

Version For perusal only


for Violin and Piano (2020–2022)


Taste (2020-2022)

Dedicated to Harry Vogt

With our special thanks to Hannah Weirich und Ulrich Löffler

ISSUU Version For perusal only



The original solos Shadow (2013) for piano (Rebecca Saunders) and Schmalz (2019) for violin (Enno Poppe) provided the basis of this piece. Each melodic phrase or gesture is numbered. Like a song – lyrical and expressive. Explore extreme contrast between the expressive melodic line – warm and lyrical – and the direct fortissimo attacks and clusters –weighted and aggressive.

Duration circa 20 minutes.

Piano Legende

The pianist needs soft fingerless gloves for the glissandi, and should wear long sleeves. Remove music stand and set slightly further back on the frame of the piano for the damped notes. Experiment with the angle of the hands for both the glissandi and the clusters. Tenuto markings and accents show the leading melodic line – Expressive!


White key or black key cluster.

Chromatic cluster.

White or black-note, or thick chromatic cluster with whole forearm as single attack.

White- or black-note, or chromatic cluster chord played with palm (circa major 7th).

Arm clusters assume a span of 2 1/2 octaves from elbow to finger tips, and 2 octaves from elbow to fist. Palm clusters are between major 7th and minor 9th. If you have a larger or smaller stretch, adjust the size of the clusters keeping the accented or tenuto marked note, and reducing or expanding the cluster above or below it. Alternatively both arm and palm-clusters can be played with two hands for greater precision, particularly in the slower passages.


Always non-diminuendo, and as clear and continuous as possible. The starting note shows the “melodic” attack. For purposes of clarity, natural, flat/sharp sign or chrom. are sometimes also notated.

a) Black key glissando

b) white key glissando

ISSUU Version For perusal only

c) Chromatic glissando. A minor-second glissando unless there is a thicker glissando line. . A larger interval can be between a minor third and a fifth depending on context, speed and angle of hand.


Right arm and left arm starting at the tip of the elbow. Like a glissando, holding down all the tones.

Silently depress keys.

Sustaining pedal.

Silently depress keys and hold with sostenuto 3rd pedal.

Damp strings with LH fingers (2. and 3.) pressing as heavily as possible right by the bridge. Right hand plays given on the keys as loud as possible – big round resonant sound.

Kompositionsauftrag der Stadt Witten für die Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik 2022. Uraufführung am 7. Mai 2022 mit Hannah Weirich und Ulrich Löffler. Commissioned by the town of Witten for the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik 2022. First performance on 7th May 2022 by Hannah Weirich und Ulrich Löffler.

ISSUU Version For perusal only

in memoriam Ulrich Löffler († 30.8.2022)


ISSUU Version For perusal only

moltoflaut. pocovibr. pppespr. , pocoflaut. moltovibr. pp , moltoflaut. pocovibr. , nonflaut. sulpont. ord. moltoflaut. pocovibr. , pocoflaut. moltovibr. , sultasto vibr.lento ,

pocoflaut. nonvibr.

moltoflaut. pocoflaut. nonvibr. vibr.dolce


Version For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

For perusal only

Version For perusal only

*Dampened.LHfinger(2.and/or3.)prepares,pressesasheavilyaspossiblerightbythebridge. Righthandplaysgiventone/sonthekey/s.Abigroundresonantsound.

ISSUU Version For perusal only

sultasto flaut.

sempregliss. sempremoltosultasto flaut.

For perusal only

moltoflaut.ganzerBogen,lilting vibr.dolcesempre



For perusal only

ISSUU Version

For perusal only

ISSUU Version

For perusal only

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Seit über 200 Jahren steht die Edition Peters für höchste Qualität im Bereich klassischer Notenausgaben. Gegründet im Jahr 1800, begann der Verlag seine Tätigkeit mit der Herausgabe von Bachs Musik für Tasteninstrumente. Schon 1802 kamen die Rechte an Beethovens erster Sinfonie hinzu. In der Folgezeit wuchs der Katalog um neue Werke von Komponisten wie Brahms, Grieg und Liszt sowie – im 20. Jahrhundert – Richard Strauss, Arnold Schönberg und John Cage.

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